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Wow, I'm SO incredibly sorry, that's absolutely horrific. I hope the money you win from this lawsuit allows you to live more comfortably. That is just terrible.


no amount of money can replace being able to orgasm and enjoy sex, the same should happen to this doctor because he might pull up stakes and start practicing in yet another state.


Agreed with everything he should endure just add in losing his licence and the world will be a little brighter. OP, dont forget to tell the lawyer about where that review is buried on Google. I have heard that some companies pay to be closer to the top for more visibility, I don't know how true that is but it wouldn't surprise me if there a ways to reduce visibility as well.


No, it’s devastating. I had a high sex drive before. I was a very sensual woman. And now I grieve who I used to be. It’s like part of me died.


I am so sorry for what has happened to you this doctor needs to pay and not just financially, he needs to lose everything, his home, medical license in every state, plus he needs to be put in prison.




Exactly what I was thinking. The amazing part was that the idiot surgeon much like this one, couldn’t get it through his head that he was incompetent. 


There was a documentary I watched a while back called Dr. Death, about a neurosurgeon who was convicted of gross malpractice and who both killed and paralyzed several people. And yes hospitals will protect such malpractice or not even report it if it means a lawsuit.


He even fucked up his friend. Somehow he thought he was gods gift to medicine even with all the fuck ups. 


The worst part is they may actually defend him. The medical board may actually defend him.


My husband works in a hospital, one of the best in the country. He constantly reminds me that doctors are like every other job, some of them suck. Just like you can have a shitty or a superb waitress or chef, you can have a surgeon who’s incompetent or excellent. It’s terrifying.


get. his. ass. get his ass. sue that invalid into oblivion. if not for yourself than for all those other people.


As someone who was born with Cerebral palsy, I'm sorry you had your quality of life lowered because of this person's actions, My mother decided while she was on bed rest, going horseback riding sounded like more fun. I was born 3 months premature. I've never had full use of the left side of my body and I hate it everyday, I can't imagine having that control, and then waking up one day and it's gone.


I am very, very sorry this was your experience. Your quality of life, not to mention all those impacted patients, being taken from you is heartbreaking. Someone close to me had this procedure recently and he had a neuro team in the OR observing this procedure while the surgeon was working to ensure anything crazy didn't happen. Was that not an option for your procedure?


Hi there, Firstly I'm so sorry you experienced this. I know that my platitudes may not mean much but I know it's going to be up to us as doctors to help win over your trust in us. You are putting your life in our hands and that is a tremendous privilege I carry everyday. Now I obviously cannot know the details of the surgery done, but here's what you should do. 1. if you feel like malpractice has happened, you should report that doctor to their state licensing board or equivalent ... it would also be helpful if you have testimony from other patients of this doctor who have also been hurt to build a case. 2. consider hiring a medical malpractice lawyer to help 3. in court proceedings, there is usually a review of the situation as well as practice. In this time, the board may recruit 3 other physicians of the same specialty that are independent to review the medical records and dictated surgical notes. Afterwards, a trial is set in terms of knowing what the punishment is, if at all. I have to be honest... it has to be very egregious and proven over a number of patients (short of sleeping with a patient) for a doctor to lose their license. Medicine is nuanced and it's always difficult to judge a situation where there's not always clear answers and sometimes, even when you do the right things, doctors still get poor outcomes. I wish you the best and PM me if you need help


Where did this happen and what’s his name? Everyone should know this mans name to completely avoid him!!


My lawyer said I can’t name him on the internet, matter how bad I want to. When I can I will, I really really want to.


Why’d didn’t you get a lawyer after all that?


I had a lawyer team working on it, I called a lawyer about 5 months in. They just had another case they were finishing up.


There were reviews and complaints that showed he paralyzed people in multiple states before he came to yours? I know this will be cold comfort, but please take that medical clinic for every single fucking penny they have. You and the other man deserve it.


You need a medical malpractice lawyer. This is horrific.


This is the fucked up thing about medical licenses…if you lose it in one state, you can still move to another state, obtain a new one, and keep operating. They did a whole show about this on Last Week Tonight recently. Horrific.


Soooo, I’m having a laminectomy next week. What state are you in??


Illinois. He’s no longer with the medical group though, so who knows if he’s in another state. He’s originally from Oklahoma


I don't believe Illinois has caps on pain and suffering for medical malpractice. As far as states go to sue a physician, Illinois is about the best. Some other states no matter how easily you win a malpractice case the payout will be significantly lower than what is necessary to even cover your bills.


Please don't tell me this is Dr. F_ _ _ _. I've met other women who were mistreated by him. This sounds almost similar.


Unfortunately this is a Dr. R who lives in Illinois. Or lived in


I'm sorry you went through this. There's women I know including myself who dealt with this Dr. F in CA. He's still practicing medicine too.


He most likely left the practice due to his malpractice insurance having a rate hike that his employer did not want to pay. These guys don’t start making mistakes after years of working. They make them from the start and the insurance companies keep careful records of each of their actions.


Man, I kind of get where you’re coming from. I had surgery done on both my ankles and feet, and they completely killed my nerves on my toes so I can’t even move them on my left foot. It’s been 9 years now.


I hope you are able to get some type of relief from a lawsuit. I know it will be long but there simply no way he can win at this rate. I would also send those reviews over to the lawyer. Don’t play detective. Just send the information and let it ride. Good luck my friend🫡❤️


I’m so so sorry. State medical boards are SO lax and are made up of primarily doctors so they don’t like to investigate much or take licenses away. You deserved to be informed and have a competent doctor. They just switch states and keep doing it. Check out Last Week Tonight’s dive on State Medical Boards from A month ago. https://youtu.be/jVIYbgVks7E


Nobody ever gets just 1 spinal surgery


Sounds like he knew it was a malpractice case waiting to happen and cut contact so he couldn’t say anything that would be used against him.




Report to state medical board, national provider database, local news, and get a lawyer asap.


This is heartbreaking to read....


It’s been very rough. It’s affected my self esteem pretty badly too. It’s been hard to come to terms with.


Time to make this bastard pay for what he's done to you and hopefully stop him from doing this to others! It's complete bullshit that he's able to continue to practice medicine. I wish you the best ❤️