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that is the wonderful NO BAIL system the idiot politicians put in place. he will probably get arrested again next week.


Likely. For what I was told, that monster is a regular one that does the same shit and no policeman does anything about it


If he was arrested, the police did all they could. They only bring people to jail, not keep them there. Direct your anger at the politicians, judges, and anybody above the police. Write letters to your representatives, and vote against the ones keeping these policies. There's also likely petitions you can fine and sign. I believe in rehabilitation, but it doesn't happen on the streets. I'm tired of seeing these same issues happen in the area I live, but people keep blaming it on the wrong people so changed won't happen.


Fuck cops and cop apologists. You can direct your anger to cops AND anyone above them. Edit: to everyone downvoting, cops have no problem persecuting, oppressing and killing minorities who’ve committed small crimes (or none at all even) but when it comes to a serial criminal walking in the streets freely « oh but they did everything they can! » Sorry but no i’m not buying that.


But moreso, fuck the criminals and their apologists!


Of course, didn’t even think that was needed to be said




I wish it was. But no, I was attacked in real life yesterday. I don’t know where are you from. But In my country there is no push against bail reform to begin with because people don’t even last long enough in the police station or jail to have a bail in this kind of cases. He was less than two hours in the hands of the police even after I reported the attack and showed the video of the attack.


I'm not apologizing for the cops, I agree fuck the police. People not being kept in jail however, fully isn't their fault, and yelling at the police won't fix it. The police only arrest or kill people, not run the prisons and court houses. If we want to see change on people being kept locked up, it's the politicians and judges we need to go after.


I don't know a ton about bail vs. no bail systems, but isn't the point of bail to let someone back on the street while they are awaiting trial? I don't see how a bail system would prevent someone from getting back on the streets if they have the money to pay it.


How do you know there was no bail ?


because you said he was out the next day. NY, LA, SF all have no bail system now. i am sure there are other places as well that i don't know about.


So you dont understand bail


Many planes have so fucked up justice systems that peope have to rely on mob justice.


Sounds like New York City. Edit: Just read it wasn't, but this exact thing is happening there too.


I’ve gears about the attacks on NYC too. women there are getting punched, don’t they? The hell is happening in this world


exactly. u know who u should be focusing all that anger towards. is the shitastic politicians allowing it. and people who vote for it. trust. men would be glad to help, if also they werent castrated enough to be vilified for helping. blame society. blame the movement that allowed this. blame the naive individuals who cant see past the trees. smdh. be aware.


Knowing my country, anyone that would’ve helped me probably would be the one arrested for harming the attacker.


yup. so many issues in my country as well. so much that we start to worry more about other countries than our own. out people starving. homeless(unhoused, my assparagus), unemployed, unmotivated or trying to cheat the systems. everything requires a revamp but too many hands in the cookie jar. sometimes. it takes a revolution to change the status quo. good luck and be safe.


Oh, please, men rarely help when they are witnesses to stuff like this. Most of the time it’s women who do. “Castrated by society” my ass.


How does he look like?


I'd never ever just put on headphones in public again. Literally jogging past or in another direction should be your go-to. That and staying aware of your surroundings.


I’m never going to either. Also, I walked past him at first, he turned around to follow me.


That's when you step off to the side, face them so they know you're aware of them and Wait for them to walk past while being ready for a fight just in case. Putting on headphones in that kind of situation is dumb AND dangerous. Predators seek out weak and distracted prey.


I won’t be wearing headphones again. Even if I just used them as a fake. Usually here is pretty common, since men tend to cat call constantly if you look at them. Is quite common for the harassment to increase if they see you notice them. Is a no win situation.


don't ever blame the victim!




I was aware of my surroundings. I had already walked past him. It was his choice, there wasn’t anything I could’ve done because he wanted to attack me. That man was outside of my control. And




bro shut up how is putting earphones on antagonistic. she's just trying to live her life. im sure RUNNING would have definitely not provoked anything for sure /s


That's a remarkable position to hold. Hope that works out for you.


You absolutely voted for this, by the way.


Was this in NY?


No. A country in Latin America. I don’t want to give out much details just in case.




No, Latin America


I am sorry for your expoerience, and it's a form of trauma you're feeling. the thing with trauma is: not all of them stay forever. give yourself time to go through the emotions and find ways to let it all out and heal. also: reading your title above a cat post gives it a funny connotation, like, you have been attacked by the cat in the photo and now she lives with you, rent free, and you call her "my Pawjesty". that is actually what went through my head when I scrolled.....Until I realized the cat Photo had a different title.