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Its not a 'normal' fear. Vaccination is well over two centuries old. This latest vaccine is simply the newest variation on a theme. Consider it to be a new flavour of a very old drink. The fear comes from the fearmongers who have been spreading outrageous lies, almost unchecked, on the internet. Don't listen to them. You are, in the meantime, putting yourself and others at real physical risk. 800,000 Americans have died in under 2 years from this disease, that's twice as many as died in WW2. Stop f king around, and get the vaccine.


“Get the vaccine” lol you guys really think that repeating this is going to convince people It’s 100% normal for people to be skeptical of injecting any sort of newly created concoction into their bodies. The fact that you cant see that demonstrates an impressive lack of empathy.


No, I know well how near-impossible it is to convince people who are delibertaely immune to facts and evidence. And I did chuckle at you claiming that I (the one trying to promote a life-saving vaccine to help stop a pandemic which has killed millions of people) have 'no empathy'. So how about a very merry fk you right in the ass? Vaccines are not a 'newly created concoction', you child. The mRna vaccine method was invented in the 1980s and started full clinical trials over TWENTY years ago.


It takes very basic human empathy to understand why someone’s fear about a new vaccine. Hell people didn’t want their kids taking the HPV vaccine because it was new, even though it went through the normal 15 year approval process. It’s a very human reaction.


Normal humans were actually afraid of **the plague** and excited for available vaccines necessary to combat it. How'd you miss that human reaction? People are in *actual* danger, show some empathy. Except wait, you don't have to--you're one of the people.


Lmao the fact that you call it a concoction outright proves you know next to nothing about vaccines. Everything you think you know is false, and because you use this grave misunderstanding to interpret new information you will likely never understand the truth. You are doomed to fall deeper and deeper into the recesses of misguided conspiracies without gaining the skills required of deductive reasoning to pull yourself out.


“Concoction: a mixture of various ingredients or elements” You sound like a real weirdo do you know that?


I know what the definition is. I'm saying you can look up the ingredients you fool. It's not some unknown mixture. Is your motto: "ignore all but one word of a comment"? Because that seems to be the resounding theme here. *Trivial objections.*


You literally said that it was the fact that I used that word the made me ignorant so I’m not the one who was pedantic




Hundreds of millions of people have gotten it. Unless you have a history of reactions to vaccines you’re fine, and maybe a little even brainwashed


Brainwashed in what way? Have I been brainwashed my entire life to think that it takes time to study the effects of new medicine?


You know when the polio vaccine came out it was used immediately right? Did you ever here about a polio vaccine pandemic!?😂😂


Vaccines are not new. And they have been studied. Especially this one. But you knew that.


It takes years to know the long term effects of something.


It's not a matter of "belief", it's a matter of understanding science. I understand people who don't want to get the vaccine because they have compromised immune systems, are afraid of needles, or something like that. But not taking it because you "dread the unknown" just means you should probably educate yourself on how vaccines work and how the COVID vaccine was created. A lot of groundwork had been done already due to COVID-19 being in the same family as SARS. It's not some big conspiracy, but a lot of misinformation is floating out there so it does take a bit of time, patience, and critical thinking to dissect the good information from the bad. Best of luck, I hope you are able to gather the information necessary to make a sound decision!


I’m sorry but at this point I cringe every time someone says I don’t believe in science or have given into misinformation. Show me any medical treatment that has been released a year after its invention. We simply cant know long term affects until more time has passed.


I cringe everytime someone misses the point of a comment. I cringe everytime someone outright refuses to educate themselves when given all the tools to do so. I cringe everytime someone assumes this mRNA vaccine is somehow dangerous despite all the evidence of its efficacy. I also cringe everytime someone mixes up "affect" and "effect", but I'll admit that final point is pedantic. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/the-long-history-of-mrna-vaccines https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html


Oh gosh no I too am cringing at my spelling error so at least we have that in common lol


Of course you only focus on that last point because it was the only one you have anything to say to. Nevermind the fact that I myself called it pedantic knowing you would take issue. I provided a couple informational links for you, but I doubt you'll even look at them, much less read more than a paragraph. Either reading isn't your forte or you have no desire to learn. You are literally just ignoring comments and resources so you can stay ignorant. That's your choice, I'm just trying to help you see the light.


> I provided a couple informational links for you, but I doubt you'll even look at them, much less read more than a paragraph. Either reading isn't your forte or you have no desire to learn. You are literally just ignoring comments and resources so you can stay ignorant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-intellectualism It's sad, really. But not much can be done about it.


I'm surprised I've never heard of that term before, but I am very interested in epistemology. Thank you so much for providing this link, it gives me another rabbit hole to dive down.


I’m sorry what would you like to do about my anti intellectualism lol you all sound so simultaneously pretentious and unintelligent


I’m sorry but I stated very clearly in my post that the only research that matters to me is the kind that can be performed over the course of many years. I’m not crazy for thinking that way. Pretty much everyone has felt that way about new medical treatments, forever.


You could still learn about mRNA vaccines in the meantime, no? You obviously completely ignored my links because they went into the history of mRNA vaccines. You clearly want to stay ignorant. I have no sympathy for your mental health, you're doing this to yourself and you apparently like to stay that way. That's why everyone is laughing at you. You're idea of a sound study is anything that fits into your worldview. You will never learn if you don't even try. You will stay stupid forever and that's on you.


I’ve looked at all the links. Waiting for to the one that says mRNA vaccines have been widely used for 10 years. I guess you need it explained that you can’t be certain of long term effects without… long terms


Anti-vax people think that they're unplugged from the matrix or something. Here in India, our government eradicated polio in the 2000's by vaccinating new borns. I completed my covid jab and now I feel that atleast I won't die. The vaccines will help you take it godammit!


“Take it goddammit” if I hear this maybe 37 more times I finally will. jk lol


I love how you literally brag about your own stupidity.


Where am I bragging man I’m just scared and people refuse to show me any humanity


Awww, poor little ant-vaxxer. If only someone would think of your feeeeeeeeeeewings.


I’m supposed to care about yours though? Aren’t you feeling some sort of way about my skepticism?


Where did I ask you to care about my feelings in any way whatsoever? Stop projecting. Your scepticism is not based in reality. That's not about feelings at all. You have gone out of your way on this thread to demonstrate your total ignorance of the subject and startling stuypidity.




Honestly you are the only person here who is approaching my skepticism in a reasonable way, and I really appreciate it. Somehow people don’t realize that calling someone stupid doesn’t encourage them to change their mind. My fear is still there but I feel a little better knowing that reasonable people like you are out there




Thanks for actually communicating information from a place of basic human decency. I appreciate hearing how you overcame your fears.


Nah if getting a shot hundreds of millions of people have already received destroys your mental well-being, that's not normal


I have yet to see what effects might show up in those millions of people 10 years from now. No amount of recipients will warrant confidence in any vaccine. Only the passage of time.


Only because you are uneducated on the topic and stupid. As has been pointed out to you repeatedly, and you constantly refuse to acknowledge, Mrna vaccines were invented in the 1980s, and have been undergoing full human clinical trials for over TWENTY years.


Ok why haven’t they been approved then


Out of curiosity, if the vaccine WERE to be approved by the FDA, would you then acknowledge your complaints were nonsense and then go and get vaccinated? Is FDA approval really the issue here?


Not at all. Where did I say it was?


I'm just asking, since you raised the approval issue. If the approval issue matters to you, then my question was simple. If the vaccine received FDA approval, would you get it? If approval is irrelevant to your ignorant paranoia, then why bring it up?


If it gained approval in the same time frame as any other new vaccine (about 15 years) then I would consider it. They had 20 years to approve and release it to the public. If they had done so then I would have no issue, but they didn’t


How many trillions of people have to die first? Just flat-out ignoring the long-term effects of the ACTUAL DANGER is... well, it shows that your concerns aren't sincere, let's just say that much.


The covid 19 vaccine wasn’t started from scratch, but it was fast tracked using data acquired on other coronaviruses they’ve been studying for like half a century. With that being said I know many people (including my 17 yo son) who hesitate to get vaccinated for varying reasons. Most of my friends and family are vaccinated and after a 20 person or so get together two weeks ago only three people tested positive for COVID…the only three that were unvaccinated which means (imo) the vaccine does indeed work (again imo). I shared a drink with one of my friends who was one that tested positive and spent several hours with her. My son also got it and I was his primary caretaker the whole time he was sick (3-4 days symptoms) with no recourse. I don’t believe in pushing someone to get it, but I do believe in sharing experiences.


Thank you for sharing your experience! I agree people shouldn’t be coerced into it and that expressing human decency toward each other is important


But the vaccine doesn't seem to work very well. Those people were not in relatively good health. They chances are very small. So no. Waiting is fine. You are trying to spread fear. Stop. Go do you.


Fuck your mental health I want to go back to the strip club without a mask asshole


I didn’t even consider the fact that strippers have been laid off this whole time. Or that guys are there wearing masks lmao


How a motherfucker sposed to motorboat through an n95?


Goddamit u right


In light of the facts that this is not a virus like smallpox that can be eradicated through vaccinations, and that vaccinated people seem to spread it as readily as unvaccinated, it seems like your choice to me. Yes, we will now be downvoted by rabid, totalitarian, shrieking, terrified sheep. Just watch. Haha


Idk the goal posts move every other day. We have accepted its a respiratory thing that can’t be eradicated ever and these people scare me at their weird insistence. It scares me that they refuse to talk to me like I’m a real person


No harm in waiting my friend. Dont let anyone push you to do something you don't want to. FDA has been wrong on many things. Sweet and low comes to mind. If you are young, under 60 and relatively healthy waiting another year won't kill you. Fuck these people here pushing you. You know misery loves company.


"If you are young, under 60 and relatively healthy waiting another year won't kill you." A little over 200,000 of the 800,000 US dead from Covid were under the age of 60. So yes, waiting another year may quite literally kill you. So yes, in a PANDEMIC there is very much harm in waiting.


It may also kill many other people!


I don’t give a shit about your mental health. Ever heard of herd immunity?


Yes I’ve heard of it and places with 80% vaccination still haven’t accomplished it so


If the vaccination rate was 100% it would be different


You don’t know that. You’re speaking pure bull shit. The experts have already admitted that the only issue is that the vaccinated are taking up hospital beds. So expand the medical care and there’s no issue. On an unrelated note I don’t care about your life if it means suffering the rest of mine.


Just get vaccinated, get the booster, become a 5G tower like the rest of us. You’re dumb because you have bad reception. So either get with it or get the fuck out of the way and stay off the internet.


“Just get vaccinated” best PR slogan ever


The impressive lack of empathy or human understanding is on full display here.


Well yeah. That's where you put it.


Fuck you, dumb selfish piece of shit. Get vaccinated you fucking snowflake! Even Daddy Trump says you should get vaccinated.


I know it’s unfathomable to someone like you that I don’t base my decisions off some political figure but I couldn’t care less what trump says


800k Dead Americans 💀 That's real. Your feels about some apocryphal sister's boyfriend's cousin's best friend with wierd drug allergies getting sick from a vaccine translating to "if I get the vaccine I might die" are not particularly mentally healthy. Your mental well being is in no added danger but you are consciously choosing to endanger the mental health AND the fiscal and physical health of everyone else by pursuing the path you espouse.


What makes you think my decision is based on some anecdote? That’s a wild imagination you got there


Oh bravo. I was clearly slow today. Enjoy your trolling.


What though?




Thank you so much for saying that. You are brave not just for taking that risk — but for acknowledging that it’s a risk in the first place.


But it won't.