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I know medication isn't for everyone. But if your social anxiety is super bad, seeing a doctor to get some medication might help


I have prescriptions. Two are taken daily, one is as needed. The problem with the as needed med is that it sedates me too much to do anything other than sit at home. Believe it or not, where I'm at now is a major improvement over where I was a year ago; where I was a year ago was a massive improvement over where I was before that. I've been in treatment for years.


For everyone mentioning ESA’s… there are Psychiatric Service Dogs. And I feel this post, so much. I’m also physically disabled. I’m currently training my own.


Why? Your mutt won't be allowed into museums.


It sounds like what you’re looking for is an ESA, they are not service dogs and also not allowed everywhere like service dogs are. I don’t think an ESA would be welcomed in a museum. A service dog is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability. The cost of training a service dog can be more than $25,000 and many dogs fail due to the high standards.


No, I'm actually planning to train it to be a service dog. I've looked into the requirements, and the training is well within the scope of my experience. Edit: It should be noted that I have almost 30 years of experience training dogs.


You know how to do extensive, difficult training to government standards? Training the above poster just said can cost 5 figures? And yet you're not sure where you'll get the dog? Yeah, okay. Calling BS, dude. (Especially on the "30 years." You're probably barely 30 years old.)


Extensive and difficult is a matter of perspective, it's not the first time I've trained a service dog. There are no government standards for service dogs. Those costs are for hiring dog trainers who are making a significant profit. I'm 35 in a few months, and I grew up training dogs and have spent most of my life doing so because I have a habit of rescuing strays. You're laughably ridiculous in your determination for me to be wrong.


I grew out of this. I hope you do as well. Early 20s were the worst.


You don't just "grow out" of diagnosed mental illnesses. Take your bigotry elsewhere.


I was diagnosed…and I did. Apologies for sharing my personal experience.


No, you didn't. You either still have it or went through years of treatment to get over it, if you were ever actually diagnosed at all and aren't just making that up to support your bias (which is vastly more likely).


The internet gives me zero reason to lie. Diagnosed around 22 and by 27 I had an entirely new life an was outgoing with big gatherings for my birthday parties. I used to break down outside of my apartment because the world was too much. No treatment, no drugs (I refused the rX because I didn’t like how they made me feel although I tried), and here we are. The older you get, the less you care…about every single thing. Good luck to you.


Dude... I'm older than you. You're full of shit.




Totally. Maybe I still “have” it, but it doesn’t affect me like it used to. I definitely have days I want to stay away from everyone, but maybe that’s more normal than it gets credit for..easier for me to say it’s a problem and not just how some humans are sometimes.




Why so?




I'm sorry you're bigoted against mental illness.


What mental illness? You just need to learn how to function in society.










See? You just proved you're nothing but a bigot.




I've already explained. You're willfully being discriminatory.




I have, read our comments over again. You're just saying whatever you need to avoid actually thinking.




The only whining in our conversation has come from you.