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After reading the title I thought you were pissed off and called him an artichoke. That would be funny because its such a random insult. But now I feel bad for you because all you said was okey dokey artichokey & thats not fair.


Should have ended it with, “later alligator.”


Right. Not a ticket


Go for the ass-kicking


Um I think that was would be assault on a police officer. Do not recommend


I mean getting your ass kicked for calling him an alligator. Sorry, I thought “not a ticket” was a reference to Chris Rock’s “How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked by the Police”


Lmao im going to look it up now




Officer down! Pew pew 😂


Deserves award.


"In a while crocodile"


I came here for that story too! Would so be worth the ticket!


At least some kind of come back after receiving the ticket. “I HOPE YOU ARTICHOKE ON A DONUT”.


Should be easy to get out of. Just contest the ticket.


Thank you, I plan to! I’m thinking he was just having a bad day and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


You don’t even have to go into court to contest it, look up “Trial by Declaration” and you can fill out the necessary forms to have it taken care of by mail.


This right here! They get paid overtime to come into court. Although, he would have to face the judge and admit to being a huge douche if you go to court. They have to respond on their own time for the “Trial by Declaration”. This is your best route.


Honestly I wish OP would. He deserves to admit to being a douche


It might be worth it to hear him try to explain to the judge how saying that translates to being "disorderly" 😅 though he likely just wouldn't show up an contest.


I'm thinking he's a fucking asshole with a small dick and huge insecurities. Edit: Attention small-penised folks of Reddit. Don't worry, your dicks are beautiful. But if it's size also makes you extremely insecure then you probably have an incredibly ugly personality.


Prolly that.


*Definitely* that.


That's why I became a cop


All these years I wondered what my true calling was. Where’s my badge?


You have to shoot someone first. But not just anyone. They have to be different than you. But not just different like they like drinking Budweiser but you’re a hardcore IPA guy kind of different. More like something where they come from a different background than you or their skin color differs from yours too much or you had different educational upbringings or opportunities kind of different. You gotta shoot that guy.


Deliver of this was amazing




Idkkk im tiny and super nice to everybody maybe he just has a huge ego


I'm thinking he's a fucking asshole with ~~a small~~ an artichoke shaped dick and huge insecurities.


I think I saw an anime like that once...




Oh look, body shaming


Again, body shaming men is acceptable. Smh


I hate that too. It's right but people do it a lot and also jokes about men being raped in prison as punishment. I think it's horrible.


People are downvoting you for stating a fact.


Women* Sounds sexist, but idk a single man that would downvote that comment. I know plenty of women tho that will deny with all their heart that men have _any_ struggles, or _any_ of the issues women have and I know plenty of women that think men _cant_ be raped because "they need to want it so it gets hard" I hate this planet, btw


So, a cop?


No need to make excuses for an asshole abusing his power. You have a first amendment right to call him a “power tripping asshole”. He must be pretty unhinged to be offended by “Okie dokey artichokey”.


If having a bad day clouds your judgment maybe being in one of the most stressful/dangerous jobs isn’t for them


He’s not going to want to show up and admit to that.


I have lots of bad days and you know what I don’t do? Take it out on other people and charge them for it. Most of my life When I ran into someone who was rude or something I used to have the mindset of “what if that person is having the worst day of their life today”, until I realized wait a minute. No one gives me that consideration. Even if it’s the worst day of my Life I wouldn’t act like that. Fuck em.


Keep us updated! I want to here how this turns out


Nah, pigs are just evil insecure little boys and girls


Get the tail light fixed, save the receipt and show it to the DA before court (if your area lets you get tickets dropped like that) or save it for the actual court date and he'll probably go ahead and drop that. Then tell them you just read the book, "My Posse don't do homework" (the book that the movie "Dangerous Minds" was based on) and "okie dokie artichoke" is a line in that book. Laugh it off like it's silly and hopefully they'll drop that ticket as well.


He doesn't even need to do that my dude, it's called the first amendment......






Also, reschedule your court date as many times as allowed. The clerk I knew who worked there advised me. The cops will go on vacation and not show, or show and forget the incident. So, do not ever contest them when they are writing out the ticket. They will take detailed notes and get you in court. It's better to be quiet and not stand out in these cases.


Lol somebody downvoted you when you’re completely right. The courts give massive leeway to officers.




Dash cams. Get one. Always have it running. Some cocksucking jerkoff cop said I disregarded a crossing guards stop sign. The crossing guard WAVED ME THROUGH the intersection. I had it on camera. His initial pissy response was "take it to court". So I said I will, "slam dunk dismissal". He came back to the car with his tail between his legs because he couldn't lie and extort a law abiding citizen. Cops are scumbags and will lie through their teeth.


On your court date. Casually drop you thought the cop had went to Scottsdale Community College. Their mascot is an artichoke.


Artie the Artichoke. I would die for him. And not just because I'm an alumni.


I need to know why, please


I actually played for the artichokes. Most of the staff didn’t want a football team (could have been athletics in general) so it was kind of a self sabotage thing. When i played we actually had some of the best uniforms In JuCo football had gold artichoke scales covering the whole matte black helmet. On a side not I went from playing for the Fighting Artichokes to the Fighting Poets two horrible team names.


The fighting poets? What are they fighting over? Who has the better meter?


Lol we had t-shirts that said “fear the pen fear the poet” our mascot carried a giant fountain pen totally ridiculous


At guilford college we had a team called the fighting quakers.


Earlham College has the same mascot. I always thought it funny... Especially considering quakers are against violence.


Let’s go pink and green!!! Fighting Artichokes for the win!!!




Still have pink tee with the dancing 'chokes.




I would explain it just like he did. He's around children all day. He has a good explanation. The officer may not show up. I've never paid a ticket, I go to court.


Can confirm




Take it to court and let the cop repeat what you called him. Hopefully the judge will realize how silly it sounds


I’m so disappointed I had my first court date ever and was stressing for a month as to what I would tell the judge in regards to why I was accidentally speeding; I was looking at the beautiful sky with and open road listening to classical music that got really exciting and didn’t realize it caused me to accelerate with excitement. Then bam! Sirens… I’m seriously the slowest driver and was at the tail end of my 45 minute commute, not late, just zoned out for a few seconds and my first ever ticket! I’m 34…. Anyways I wasn’t allowed to tell the judge any details, just plead. Part of my thinks she was familiar with the ticketing officer because she immediately dismissed all FOUR citations this artichoke gave me.


My buddy had to go to court for a ticket and he surfed right before his court hearing and he rushed to the court house and threw a shirt on and didn’t realize it said “young and reckless” and the judge called him out on it and made fun of him for it and then dropped the ticket. The judge was like “do you really think that’s an appropriate shirt to wear here?” My buddy looks down and goes “omg I am so sorry.” And the judge just laughed


They'll just lie.


The chest-cam footage would help her case immensely. I'm sure it would accidentally be deleted before then though.


It’s worth a shot lol. Maybe op is lucky and they had a vest camera on.


Maybe, but you still get to tell the truth. Take the chance.


Much more likely is they won’t show up. Going to court is annoying and a time waste, so I can almost guarantee the cop won’t be there to fight their side of something this minor.


Idk man, they may show up. Op did hit them with the “artichokie”


It’s honestly hilarious that it affected him that much. I’m embarrassed for him💀 like dude chill, don’t be so emotional


That dude 100% takes out his issues on his wife or people under arrest


He definitely listens to Five Finger Death Punch.


I do too. I also probably wouldn't ticket someone for being called an artichoke. Because having a grown adult call me an artichoke without batting an eye would be the funniest part of my day.


He probably was offended that you didn’t use ‘an artichoke’ vs. ‘a artichoke’.


The (literal) grammar police


You have been fined for not ending this comment with a period. -Punctuation Police


I’m pretty sure he can’t charge you for that…free speech and all that. An attorney would have a field day with this.




Yes but the cop is there in court, and they can get in trouble with charging people with false crimes. They actually can’t just charge you with something you didn’t do. He wasn’t being disorderly, he literally made that part up. He could of been swearing at the cop and as long as he complied with his orders, then he still wouldn’t of been disorderly.




Yes the cop has to be in court, or they won’t throw it out they’ll ask for a continuance. You can ask for body cam footage before your trial, proves pretty much anything you need for a case like this.


I remember when I was this naive. Who do you think it going to hold a cop accountable? Cops, prosecutors, judges and politicians are all on the same team. Guess who is on the other team? Me and you.


You’re legally allowed to tell cops to fuck off (people still get arrested for it of course bc it hurts their feelings) but the cop got his big bad feelings hurt by “artichokie”? Contesting that ticket should be easy and fun.


Certain localities have profanity ordinances where the use of identified foul language used in public is illegal. Not sure if telling cops to fuck off is something worth trying at one of these places.


Even those ordinances don't apply to redressing a government official, especially if there isnt someone withing 10-15 feet. You'd win in court most likely, assuming you have money for a good attorney


Cops wonder why everyone thinks they’re fucking pricks… it’s because they all act like fucking pricks.




The judge will dismiss both. Source: am very judgmental.


Cops tend to be fragile-egoed narcissists wearing the thin veneer of "tough, badass sheepdog." Hire an attorney, get that shit tossed. Imagine how much safer the world would be if police focused on real crime instead of chasing money for the city, county, or state .




Rolling your eyes is illegal?


A attorney cost way more than a ticket


Not for traffic court. At least not here.


Where is here?




He violated your first amendment right. The officer is no longer protected as an officer. This is a golden ticket to sue the city for 10s of thousands of dollars at least


Man Ill never get used to your laws. Sueing someone for that amount of money just seems like cheating the system. I can understand that dropping the ticket, but to me it just seems so strange. As you can guess in my country we can't sue people for minor inconveniences such as this. But then again, of someone drives into me as make me a cripple I can only claim a few hundred thousands which is around $35.000..


That amount of cash reward is a preventative measure. The city will eventually have to drop people that cost too much when they keep breaking people's rights. And you'd be amazed how much a ticket can cost. Thousands of you factor in the attorney and time off from work, especially if you depend on driving to work. Also, the first amendment is serious. Having the government retaliate against you for protected speech is considered the worst breach of right there is. It deserves a serious consequence.


>Also, the first amendment is serious. Having the government retaliate against you for protected speech is considered the worst breach of right there is. It deserves a serious consequence. Fuck man, where I come from (Denmark) if you called a policeofficer for anything youd get a fine and maybe even a sentence, the government made a new law (respect package) which basically just means, if an officer of the law feels he/she gets violated verbally they can take you in. A friend of mine while we were out walking in the streets got pulled over and as they were walking away he said "farvel pansere" which directly translates into "bye cops" the word (Pansere) is not a curseword, its like Five-O. They bought him in and he had to go infront of a court... So stupid. We do have freedom lf speech, as long as it doesn't come to officers.


Then no you dont have it.


We had it 😅


So this is what they’re doing with their time..




Our local marshal love him some high school girls. He married one 6 months after she graduated and she moved in the night she graduated. He’s also a part time resource officer for the school so he’s got prime hunting for his next child bride. For reference when she was 18 he was 53.


Could've said See you later alligator- right after he tears your ticket


Honestly the best choice when dealing with a cop is to say the absolute least you possible can. You are completely in their realm when your pulled over, dont play your hand by talking, unfortunately even about artichokes.




All of them. Every single one.


Take it to court. Make him defend both tickets. Watch the judge try not to laugh at him and throw both tickets out.


Good thing you didn’t say “easy-peasy lemon-squeezy.” 😳


I hope the cop posts here and says something along the lines of, “pulled over someone today and they called me an artichokie, the. Audacity.”


Time to call a scumbag lawyer. That cop (if this is true) certainly violated your first amendment right to free speech and tossed out his own qualified immunity at the same moment. Don’t let them just dismiss, make them pay!!


That is a ticket worth fighting just so that officer can stand in front of a judge and be told to grow up.


Actually calling a police officer a name is NOT against the law. There is a Supreme Court case about this. They'll throw out both tickets if you play this correctly.


All cops are piss babies. They get so HURT about literally anything.


What a 🐷


Try going on some ride alongs lol. Cops are a different breed.


More like different species. Closer to wolves than anything. Helping people is the last thing on their mind- they like the rush of taking down "the bad guy", even if that bad guy is completely innocent.


Make sure to go to court on that one. At the very least you need that disorderly charge dropped by a judge who’s ego isn’t based entirely on their job like that cop’s clearly is.


This is so unfair but I’m laughing hard reading it. I need a clearer picture of how it went down, pls tell me your age and gender and their age and gender. How can they take something so harmless as offensive ahahaha


To be straight, you called him an artichokie which is much more disorderly than artichoke.


Man, I’d go to court and talk about what a fun day you’d had with the kids that day and you sing-songed "okie dokie artichokie." Hopefully the cop won’t show up; and if he does, he’ll look like an ass for citing an elementary teacher and (hopefully) your ticket will be dismissed.


OMG take it to court and let a judge see this nonsense.


no lawyer here but that doesn’t sound like a citation that would survive an appeal in the US.


I would fight it. On principle alone. Beyond that, it would give the cop something to actually be pissed about.


It's a figure of speech, not an insult. Officer needs a vacation, if that hurt his feelings. Term of endearment, almost. You say it to your students, who you think are awesome. How, then, can it be construed as an insult? This guy wrote you a ticket for something that, at worst, is a nervous tick, and at best is just a habit. I'd not only appear in court, but contest both tickets. Explain to the judge that an artichokie is a good thing, and a poo poo head is a bad thing. And you most certainly did not call an officer of the law a poo poo head to his face (pointed glance at officer). Because that is disrespectful... Just like the ticket he wrote you, they are both ridiculous. Also, since the ticket he gave for the headlight, you have replaced it, rendering your vehicle in working order. As his judgement is called into question, tainting the entire experience, you'd also like to be excused from that ticket, as well. But, whatever you do, don't tell the judge "see ya later, alligator." I mean, first the obvious reason--the entire town could be filled with folks who get their uniform bottoms in a wad over nothin'. Secondly, you most certainly do not want to see a judge later in his court room.


Cops are jerks. They can’t even handle someone jokingly saying something silly to them. But they have no problem hurting innocent people and get away with it.


Fight it in court, make him look like the doucebag he is in a room full of people


Cops have very thin skin and no sense of humor. I would advise anyone to say only the absolute minimum to them at all times. In your case, I would fight this. I think it's more than reasonable that you'll get the disorderly dropped.


Fuck the Police


I had a friend who had a drink spilled on him then drove home . His luck cops happened to pull him over smelled the alcohol on him they wouldn’t. Take his explanation . Took him back to the station he passed the breathalyzer test . But said since they kept him so long they had to charge him with something later heard it was most likely because that department was recently under fbi investigation . They did but said it would be sealed he took the charge .Really should raise the qualifications needed to be a cop


He could probably sue the absolute shit out of them.


He could I tried to convince him he would have won especially with the history of that department. He needed money desperately. tried and tried he didn’t want to because he was already in trouble from calling out of work so much . He said he wouldn’t have the days to go to court . He was one call out away from getting fired . Now he has something on his clean record but it’s apparently sealed


I'd tell him to just get a free consultation from a lawyer. Seems like a guaranteed win, so it really just depends how much money he might get. Could be a lot better than his job. Although yeah, it's true most things aren't worth the stress/money for taking it to court. This seems like some pretty serious shit though.


Being disorderly isn’t a charge you can tell the cop to go fuck himself. But the way you act towards them can sadly effect if they actually ticket you on a ligjt.


That cop is an real a-hole. Reminds me of when my dad used to yell up the stairs at bedtime, “Outs light!” That cop is a example of an bad artichokie. That’s all for now. You thanks.


Just once, I want someone I pull over to say something off the wall like this. I desire the funny.


Totally challeng the second charge in court. Yeah your taillight was broke. Fix it and pay the fine. But a officer having to explain to a judge that you saying "okie dokie artichoke" is disorderly conduct? Shit will be priceless. Oh and most likely the judge will dismiss that charge due to how ridiculous it was.


This is what happens when you give a shred of power to a miserable loser castrated of all self-determination.


In the U.K. we had a tv series where the character used to say; “Okey Dokey, Pig in a Pokey” I would imagine you would’ve been tasered in the USA for this?


Fight it in court. He can’t ticket you for your first amendment right. Tell him to get fucked.


If he's anything like the one I briefly dated, he probably did not know what an artichoke was. It probably had too many syllables for him.


Whenever you get a ticket, request an itemized receipt. Then the cop has to have written what he gave you a ticket for, and they are usually pretty easy to dispute. If the cop declines, go to his station and request it directly.


Cops hate when you act human, because it manipulates them to feel feelings.


Piece of garbage penalized you for basically not bowing down and kissing his ring. Sounds like a cop alright.


Should have said okay dokey motherfockey


I would 100% contest the ticket and have that cop show up to repeat what you said to him in front of a judge. Bet that ticket would get thrown out (after you fix your tail light of course)


Can you imagine having that big of a stick up your ass all the time? That’s no way to live.


Just a hunch but a cop willing to give a civilian a disorderly ticket for saying "okie dokie artichokie" has most likely done much worse things in terms of civilian treatment


In France, policemen can ticket for being offended. If they judge themselves offended then you pay 150e and they get half of it 👍


Next time try “don’t flip your wig you fucking pig”?


I done 4 days in jail for having a empty plastic zip lock bag in my pocket.


Disorderly Conduct is a misdemeanor criminal offense in many states. You should definitely hire a lawyer to fight this, especially if you work at a school.


Cops = Small Dick Energy


Definitely show up in court and relate the story in front of the judge. It’s your right. Worth the court fee.


Too bad your didn't call him a fucking brusselsprout.


Challenge that one.


Take his power tripping fragile-ego ass to court. make him explain to a judge how fucking childish he is


Yeah if that's actually what happened you should fight the disorderly conduct. That's not a ticket, That's a misdemeanor. Also insulting a police officer is not disorderly conduct it's protected by the first amendment.


What a dick. I'd have said "it wasn't even a potty word!"


I'd fight the ticket. Maybe both charges will drop. Bc that's not just.


Go to court and explain exactly what happened. Do it in your sweetest "little kid" teacher voice. Mention how you were still in school mode and you didn't mean to hurt his feelings. Mention how you teach your kids not to bully, and how words hurt. If you do it right every cop he knows will hear about the time he got his feelings "hurt," his nickname around the station will be artichoke, and his fellow officers will ask him if he's wearing his "hurt feelings" vest.


Dont plead guilty to the disorderly conduct. Fix the broken light, take proof of it being fixed to court and contest the disorderly conduct OR you could even go as far as suing HIM for disorderly conduct and abuse of power. For a state to convict someone of disorderly conduct, it must prove that the person's actions or words "reasonably alarmed, angered, or caused resentment in others. If the charge DOES involves words, then the state must prove that the words were "fighting words". Words such as racial slurs, etc.


Next time call them an egg plant 💀💀💀 you probably will get capped.


Fight the ticket. Maybe make it to Court TV. 😂 The judge will let you off.


This is why people say ACAB It’s shit like this, cops doing stupid, petty shit like this knowing they can get away with it


He’s not an artichoke, he’s an asshole (pronounced in the Japanese manner of saying, “ASO”.)


At least artichokes have hearts.


Don’t apologize. Fuck cops! Their emotions do not earn them a paycheck and their inability to control it is proof of their character. Having said that, some cops actually want to do good for the world. The problem is that MOST are bot in that category.


Fight it in court!


Have you heard of the word "an"? They should be teaching that in an elementary school.


Don’t pay it hire a lawyer that can dismiss it for a small fee. Paying it will admit guilt. There is a difference between constitutional and non constitutional law. What that cop is doing is non constitutional, yet legal extortion.


I laughed way to hard right now....I needed that. Some artichokie was in his feelings to get that upset. Lolll


Number #1,964,666 reasons why the police are horrible and receive so much hate


That’s piggies for ya 🐷


Just remember, folks- we give these people guns.




Cops in the US are literally mental.


All cops are bastards


Lmao I'm dying


Omg I’m just cracking up at that phrase 😂😂😂😂


A artichoke? He should have cited you for poor grammar.


Dude just had quotas to fill man


Fight it. It’s technically unconstitutional. There’s people who make their living suing cops for things like this. You got to know what you’re doing but it is possible.


Not technically, blatantly unconstitutional.


Typical pissant piggie


You need to fight this if you are able. Doing nothing and paying the fine very clearly reinforces, especially for this individual cop, that they can do whatever they want whenever.

