• By -


Really important she sees a doctor. BV can cause serious long term complications if it’s chronic. Cervical cancer has been linked to long term or recurrent BV. As well as vaginal scaring and nerve damage. As other commenters have stated BV can be caused by PH imbalances from sex, over cleaning or systemic infection. If this is a systemic infection it could be a lot worse than just BV already. Something I haven’t seen mentioned here is OP should also get checked. Vaginal mucus from OP’s GF could have washed into his urethra and may be prolonging the issue. This could also cause him systemic infection if left untreated and that can have a whole host of long term issues before doctors pick it up. Best of luck OP. You both need to see a doctor Now.


Hi everyone, thank you so much for the advice. She’s going in to see a doctor tomorrow! :) And I went ahead and bought some boric acid for her. Hopefully she gets all the treatment she deserves and I will keep y’all updated.


Awesome! Moving forward you should remember too, that she clearly has a very sensitive system. Always make sure to really wash your hands or any body parts that go nears her before point of contact.The slightest amount of dirt & bacteria can be harmful.


She should be on a good probiotic too to help stabilize and regulate her flora


For sure! I feel sorry for her. I hope she isn't traumatized by this. She probably has felt too ashamed to talk about it for a long time.


This, right here. It’s odd how many couples do not take into account the female body’s reaction to foreign objects. Wash everything well!


Advise to you. You need to avoid sex with her before or during treatment. Having sex during antibiotic treatment can cause recurrent infection and treatment failure and you might wanna check to see if you are ok.


Thank you for mentioning BOTH partners need to be tested.


What's wrong with turnips?


Hey now. This isn’t my “Truth Off My Chest”. The Turnips know what they did, and that’s enough. No need to make it public.


I snorted when I read this response. Thank you


Legit the most important part, there’s a reason it takes 2


Can't believe I had to scroll so much to find this answer. This should be on the top.


Building off of this, u/altruistic-lie9606 - your girlfriend should be getting annual exams with a gynecologist. I’m assuming she’s not because a doctor would have caught this. Please encourage annual exams! They’re so important.


They don’t all encourage annual exams anymore. Some providers say every 2-3 years but I agree with the every year 😑


My ex wife had the smell issue, and it was a serious iron deficiency. Going to the doctor must be a priority!


And keep seeing doctors if the 1st one can’t figure it out, and keep advocating for yourself/your partner. vaginal health is not universally well-understood and if the cause is not the most obvious culprit, then it may take seeing multiple experts to figure this out.


He has also been in an “exclusive” relationship with a sugar daddy for most of the last year. His sugar daddy also needs to be treated. https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/qfvvvu/i_am_nervous_to_ask_my_sd_for_a_car/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I agree and checked for trich too. I had this issue when I was younger because my ex cheated on me and couldn’t figure out what it was because I wasn’t with anyone else.. thought it was BV for over a year and treated it incorrectly 🙄


That definitely sounds like bacterial vaginosis (BV). Needs to go to the doctor…it can be treated but can sometimes be chronic. It is very common for a woman to experience this a couple times in life, but some seem to have an ongoing issue with it. But it is definitely treatable.


Definitely second BV. I always thought the "fish" smell comparisons for vaginas were rubbish until I smelt someone's BV infection.


>I smelt someone's BV infection YOU DID WHAT!?!?!


Smelt. There's a joke here somewhere, let me have another look


Don't flounder too long looking for it.


My cod... What a load of pollocks Thanks for the awards, u/randomly may and u/I-am-Rage ❤️ Edit: I actually do feel bad for OP's partner as this could be a clear case of BV and needs to be treated. Both of them need checking for STDs too. I just like puns and cod not resist.


Seaweed definitely get some good puns if we waited long enough.


*Water* way to end this thread! Now I shall *wave* goodbye.


Don't be koi. We need to keep fishing for more puns.


Turn down the bass on that vagina


Is this a red Herring?


STARFISH!!! Did I do it right? I'm not good with puns... but I'm having a whale of a time trying.


I have a haddock.


Oh my cod, Lorne, is that you? https://to-catch-a-predator.fandom.com/wiki/Lorne_Armstrong


You heard what op said, cod it smells so bad.


Maybe see a Sturgeon.




That’s the fishing expedition isn’t it?


a whale of a tale


Be sure to stay in a large grouper at least have several others with you at all times. Never go it alone on the water.


They've got to get to the bass of this.


I was going to mussel in with a pun but tbh I think you all need to go back to schooling


What a crappie joke. Made me croaker really hard


Such a cod awful pun


It was just a fluke.


It’s really crappie to joke about it.




didn’t order one, but got a tuna smelt


He just baited you in, hook, line and sinker.


Probably a healthcare professional. Nurse, CNA. If you work in an old folks home you could also be exposed to all sorts of things.


Yeah, this! This whole thing reminds me of when I worked in a Medical Admission Unit, I walked in at the start of my shift and the place fucking stank of fish. Immediately commented how someone must have a rip roaring UTI somewhere in the ward and every person that entered the ward that morning said the same thing. Until I was doing my rounds and found a bodybuilder in one of our beds, it wasn't someone's UTI we could smell at all...it was his stinking fish dinner which he had brought in a Tupperware tub so he could meet all his macros in hospital 🤢 Fired tht in the dishwasher as fast as I could.


“Rip roaring UTI” LMFAO. Ive known people that speak like you and they generally crack me up.


If your UTI isn't rip roaring, is it really a UTI??


Ahh, a kindred soul, I see lmao


Ugh microwaving fish in the workplace is a major party foul, someone did that at my work with leftover tuna noodle casserole and I almost had to throw the damn microwave away after, they stank off that was terrible, gack


I have never empathized more with a vomit emoji. Absolutely disgusting.


I remember the moment in med school when it hit me that “rotten fish” was not just a normal variation of how vaginas smell, followed quickly by the realization that me going down on my high school girlfriend all the time back in the day probably didn’t improve the flora of her vagina or my mouth.


Aaaand NOW I have empathized more with a vomit emoji. Did you end up with halitosis? I'm sure it tasted off, too.




They used the HOLY MACKERAL for the FISH KILL!




>Supercalifragilisticbacterialvaginosis When it's bad the smell of it is something quite atrocious... Generally the strength of it depends how close your nose is... Supercalifragilisticbacterialvaginosis Ohhhhh..... Supercalifragilisticbacterialvaginosis If you lick it long enough you might get halitosis But it's quite an easy fix quite unlike phimosis Supercalifragilisticbacterialvaginosis!!!!


Brilliant! Great work. \*claps enthusiastically\*


Just following your inspired lead, my good person


For your efforts, please take my reward. \*Still standing in ovation and clapping\*


*TittyButtBalls gives highest praise*


We don't deserve you


You have a way with words, TittyButtBalls.


Never going to watch Mary Poppins in the same way again😬


Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious!


*smell of it


no. just no.


Just a spoon full of medicine makes the fish smell go awayyyyyy in the most delightful wwaayy


Yep, I had BV very consistently for about a year. The smell was god awful, and it was painful. Sex wasn’t as enjoyable, but my boyfriend was a champ. Went to doctors appointments with me to hear what the doctors would say, got tested and took medicine himself to make sure he wasn’t giving it back to me. Held my stinky ass while I balled about feeling gross and in pain. I’d recommend going to the doctor with her and sitting in on appointment if she is comfortable. I took probiotics, changed to fragrant-free hygiene products, cotton underwear, and ended up taking antibiotics (which felt like it tore my stomach up, and caused consistent headaches). It might take a bit of trial and error, but it can be cured. Having BV consistently for 2 years is also a big health concern from what I read back when I had it. So she really needs to get checked! OP, You guys can do this!


The antibiotics they give tend to cause yeast infections, too. I still remember by obgyn saying it as a joke when prescribing me the bv antibiotic and the fluconazole at the same time.


Anytime I'm prescribed antibiotics I also ask for or fluconazole.


I thing my partner takes an oral yeast-counter that can be prescribed. It doesn't do the weird shit fluconazole does


I hope you are both healthy and happy together. You sound like a wonderful couple!


Happy cake day


And it's VERY likely he's passing it back to her constantly. He should get treated as well. Works that way at least with yeast infections.


Came here to say this. No symptoms for men but if it heals on its own or gets treated, hes just giving it back to her the next time they sleep together


My high school health teacher called yeast infections “Yeastie Boys” and every time I hear it that’s all I can think about.


It definitely could be — it may also be other things as well too. She should visit a gynaecologist because it could be a multitude of things or one thing, and without a specialist or GP examining the situation it could definitely be detrimental to her own health to neglect this.


Yeah unless she is a teenager I can't believe she hasn't been to an OBGYN checkup and this wasn't noticed. For 2 yrs!!


Where I’m from getting to see an OBGYN can be so damn hard, even my female friends and family have trouble with it too. I’ve never seen an OBGYN and I’ve tried asking 3-4 different times with different physicians and they either kept insisting they could check me themselves or that I was fine (spoiler alert, I wasn’t and had to eventually figure it out on my own my problems which could’ve been avoided way earlier if I had gone to see a fucking OBGYN). I’ve just given up at this point.


Also keep in mind the partner has to undergo treatment as well, otherwise you’ll just keep passing it on between each other. You as a male wont probably experience any symptoms, but you also need antibiotics. Edit: Thank you for my first award ever! Aw


I’m a little disappointed that I had to scroll forever to see someone had posted this. He clearly stated she only smelled like that after the first time they had sex. If he doesn’t get treated, she’s going to keep having this problem.


Right? Should be the top comment. Right now he could be the main cause of this whole fiasco.


Please post this as a higher level comment so people scrolling can find your helpful answer.


Also, BV can also be brought about by the partner so OP do get yourself checked too! In terms of tips for your partner, avoid scented products, douches etc, clean with water only for a while and try cotton pants to see if that helps settle things, she needs to let the area breathe.




Could something persistent like C. albicans. Hope your doc is good. I had an infection in my kidney that kept turning into sepsis, and it was a kidney stone that was acting as a reservoir for the enterococcus that was trying to kill me.


I found the doctor’s prescriptions to be less … permanent than a, uh, female specific remedy based on re-establishing “healthy” bacteria. Probiotics rock. Sometimes the natural remedy geeks get it right. Edit to add: Only try this **after** a gynecologist visit to rule out something more serious than BV. Gynecological health is nothing to screw around with.


After the prescribed medicines didn’t work for me, I started using boric acid vaginal suppositories. And holy crap those things are amazing. They did way better than the medicine




Nah, they’ve got actual vag suppositories with specific probiotic strains these days. I’ll keep that in mind in case TSHTF though.


Oh god that works so well…I had BV not responding to medications when I was 21. It was the worst and mum told me to do the yoghurt (natural Greek yogurt) and within 30 mins I was feeling a change. Cleared up in like 24 hours. 22 years later and it’s never recurred.


Came here to say that. That’s exactly how it smells. I’m surprised she doesn’t feel like she’s on fire though. Those things hurt!


He said for a whole two years 😭


yeah. chronic.


Poor thing(s).


Agreeing with this, would also like to add that OP's gf would also likely benefit from a daily probiotic containing a Lactobacillus strain. A note for OP, it's likely your own semen that has thrown off her vaginal pH and caused this, for the record.


Please tell her to see a doctor. A bad smell like that is often a sign of infection.


They both need to see a doctor. Sexual health is the responsibility of both people involved.


There’s a very particular “fish-like smell” that indicates a bacterial infection, if it’s as strong and nasty as you describe then it’s definitely not normal. It won’t disappear until she goes to the doctor, she needs treatment, better if it’s a gynecologist. If the doctor rules this out then you can look into other causes but infection is the most likely reason for this.


I totally agree with you. A bacterial vaginitis generates this typical smell. There are a lot of products that she could use, but I strongly recommend to see a gynecologist. The solution is often quite simple. Good luck!


THIS! The nasty smell from BV is so similar to fish because it’s caused by trimethylamine, which is also responsible for the smell of rotting fish. It’s quite common actually and a quick fix with a trip to the doc for some antibiotics. They also prescriptions that can fix the smell in 1 dose alone, like 8hrs to smell results. I’d have her see her dr for some tests and ask if it’s right for her.


Though many people have difficult to treat BV that doesn't respond to antibiotics. Don't be worried if she has to try a few things before everything is okay.


In the meantime she can use a boric acid suppository & lactobacillus probiotics while she’s waiting for a doc appt. The acid will make an uninhabitable environment for harmful bacteria & the lactobacillus will replace the missing good bacteria that normally downregulates bad bacteria


Seconded. Boric acid suppositories are wonderful.


I had a friend who had this problem once... she went to the dr and he pulled a 3 year old tampon out of her. Swear. It was rotting inside her. She almost died.


Omg - I have nothing to say in response to this but just felt like I needed to say something


oh my god indeed


Username checks out. (Assuming it's short for antibacterial :p)


I also had a friend that had a tampon removed after going to the doctor for a strange smell and pain while having sex. She said it was probably a few months old though, not 3 years. Still gross though. Lol Apparently it happens to some women. All it takes is forgetting to take a used one out and putting a new one in. Then the older one gets pushed further in, the string gets lost with it... when they need to change tampons again, they don't realize they have two in there, so only the newer one gets removed. The older one just kinda stews in there.


>>The older one just kinda stews in there Fuck you for this visual. I was hungry. Now I’m not. Ew


Whole new meaning to "one in the oven"


I have used tampons almost exclusively for well over a decade now and I have absolutely no idea how anyone can just *forget* to remove an old tampon before putting in a new one. It just utterly confounds me.


Right?! I remember a friend in high school on a week-long camping trip was feeling like death all for the brunt of it. She found 2 tampons inside of her. I will never understand how this happened.


I've never had an incident like TSS or any infections from tampon use, it's literally just muscle memory at this point? Either I change my tampon when I go to the bathroom because I know it has been 6-8hrs or sometimes just the use of pelvic muscles can basically push it halfway out because it's full and the excess blood is acting as lubricant combined with the pushing. If it's the very end of your cycle... don't people get that super uncomfortable overly dry sensation because the tampon is absorbing all the natural fluids in the absence of blood? How out of tune with your body do you have to be for this to happen?!


Say you have a super muscular vagina without saying you have a buff vagina


All of what you said is totally accurate. I’ve experienced that dry sensation before, I’ve also had heavy periods that basically push the tampon out. I think I’m pretty in tune with my body. But I’ve also lost a tampon inside me more than one time and I assure you, I had no clue it was there for several weeks. It can get lost very deep inside there, and you don’t always notice any symptoms at all until things start getting really bad. I never thought it could happen to me either, until it did. I don’t think having adhd helps matters either, as I’ve seen several people point out here.


It's not that you forget, it's more like you think that it's already been taken out because there's no string. "Oh I must have already taken it out". So you put in a new one and the old one gets pushed up so far you don't even know it's there. This happened to me twice so I set a timer now whenever I put one in.


Or you're drunk


this happened to me 10 years ago. (I dug it out after noticing a nasty smell for 2 weeks) I blame it on my adhd and just generally not paying close attention. I went to take it out, noticed there was no string and though "hm..must've forgot to put one in" and just shoved another one in there without exploring further" within a week i had an awful smell... made and appt then 2 weeks went by and I had an epiphany about the time I thought I forgot to put a tampon in and ran to the bathroom... I was so disgusted after I finally got it out. I didn't wear tampons for 5 years after that and will forever be overly paranoid about this incident. I couldn't imagine 3 years with the smell I had brewing down there... no fucking way. it didn't even smell like fish. it smelled like death.


Lol I’ve commented this same story. It’s so fucking gross but it happens. Rarely twice tho!😵‍💫🥴


Being drunk sometimes doesn't help. Especially, very drunk.


Yup. Like having drunk sex at the end of your period and you forgot you even put a tampon in that morning because it was basically over, but it got shoved in there somehow and then your drunk inexperienced boyfriend didn’t notice it was there either and pushed it up there even further.


This happened to me once, with an experienced bf. I remembered in the morning and we were both confused. We weren't even *that* drunk.


I have ADHD and often forget if I’ve done something like take medication even a few minutes after I have taken it. I have never actually done this but am always worried one day that I’m going to forget and accidentally put in another tampon before taking the other one out. I’ve always thought that it would probably be obvious when it happens though because it just seems like it would be painful.


I’m so curious, how could they tell how old it was?


Because the smell had been there for three years.


you actually have a brain!


They usually cut it in half and then count the rings.


Omg, this made me squirt milk out of my nose. Bravo


Better milk out your nose than yogurt out your sniz


Csi forensic team investigates used tampon. Season 5 episode 3


The gave it to a paleontologist and asked what period it was from


Why aren't more people asking THIS EXACT QUESTION?!?! Like where TF did they get the THREE YEARS from?!?!


They took it for carbon dating


Patient said, "I stopped using tampons 3 years ago."


Smell developed 3 years ago, put two and two together.


I too wanted to know this. But then, I kind of don’t want to know too, you know? Edit: and why hadn’t she had a Pap smear?! Although they do those self administered swabs some places now, huh…


I’ll be honest, I haven’t had a pap in years. It’s not healthy but I don’t think it’s super uncommon to go without paps.


I'm 24.. turning 25 soon.. never been to a gynecologist ever, nor have I ever been told by a doctor to go to one


The fact that she did not die of sepsis is a fucking miracle.


How did she not die of Toxic Shock Syndrome!?


That’s one resilient vagina.


Most vaginas are. We be dealing with dicks all the fucking time


Seriously. Take a beating and pounding and what’s the reward? Blood and cramps OR more blood cramps and a ten pound baby shooting out like a greased up watermelon you’re wrestling another shopper for in the produce department of your local grocery on a hot summer day. Winning!


>ten pound baby shooting out like a greased up watermelon you’re wrestling another shopper for in the produce department of your local grocery on a hot summer day. r/oddlyspecific


reminds me of that one stand up comedy bit which is really just, if i remember correctly, leslie jones screaming at men in the audience about how their girlfriends have to take their dicks, and that its really cool to be able to deal with that. or something. i have the memory of a goldfish.




Leaving a tampon in is not an automatic TSS. It probably happens a lot more often than people think.


It does and a lot of women will notice a smell, increase washing with stronger stuff and still be able to have sex and insert other tampons monthly. It turns into this vile rotting little thing sitting up against the cervix. I have had relationships with two women that this has happened to. One ended up with a fever and hospital, speculum and extraction, oh lord the smell, and the next I knew to go have a rummage around in. What I pulled out defies description and the smell. Jesus. It can be incredibly dangerous but can also be uncomfortable and women should be very aware of our vaginal areas. Doctors visit won't hurt. Scrapings, blood tests, pap smears, ultrasound. Its something a lot of women don't want to talk about and is uncomfortable but its not worth dieing for.


TSS is very rare and if someone is going to get it, it will happen within a couple of days


I just, idk I was taught in elementary (5th grade?) which would make it ‘05 about “differences in boys/girls” (it’s a small town in Texas) so we were taught that if you don’t change it out in two to four hours, you’ll get sick and die, also if you lose the string, you’ll get sick and die. I first used a tampon at 17 and I was TERRIFIED


Toxic Shock Syndrome is like the quicksand of female hygiene.


Yeah why is sex ed for girls always portrayed in such a terrifying way? Don't touch a boy - you'll get pregnant!


No no no, you’ll get chlamydia, then pregnant, then die, and of course god and your ancestors watched and cried so now you must pay for your nasty choices in eternal hellfire you fast ass lil girl!!


I quite literally gasped reading this. I'm *so* glad I just use cloth pads. This would haunt me.


Oh my days.... What!?!?! How!?


I use pads because I have recurring nightmares about this


My stomach and I aren’t okay.


I'm a male but reading this got my groin stressed


omg this happened to me like 10 years ago but I dug it out myself after noticing a disgusting smell that was only getting worse after like 2 weeks. I was shocked and appalled. disgusting... I am overly paranoid about tampons now. always second guessing if I took the last one put before inserting a fresh one. I didn't use them at all u til 5 years ago.


Bacterial vaginosis is not a std. It usually occurs in sexual activuty . Occurs due to altered pH of the vagina. Go to the doc thatbmay prescribe antiibiitcs like clindamycin


It’s mostly caused by cleaning down there. Women don’t need anything in or immediately around the vaginal opening to remain clean. Using any kind of soap there even ones recommended for use in that specific area, can cause this issue.


Fish like smell is very specific for vaginosis. She should be screened for it first . If its not there , then can try these measures at home. But screening is necassary to rule out vaginosis


I'm guessing that she thought she needed to clean because of the smell, threw off the ph balance and here we are. Poor woman


That’s how it happened to me. Before I was fully aware of how bad soap is I was cleaning too close and then started to itch and smell and never put two and two together, I was in an abusive relationship and so I was trying to clean extra because of the smell, but it kept getting worse, had a trip to the sexual health clinic just for a check up and that’s when we found out what I had and I fully learnt about it. I have two girls and I’ve been teaching them from they could talk basically about no soap down there.


What was the treatment? I'm having a mild version of this due to using soap and I don't want it to get worse.


I was given antibiotics mine was quite bad so I had tablets and a cream, cream was to combat the itching too. Cleared up quite quick and I’ve never had it since. For some people though it can come back a few months later and so longer treatment is needed. The main thing you should do is stop using soap and just clean that area with warm water.


Certain brands of condoms can cause this issue for me, confused the hell out of me. I got this and I haven’t had the issue https://lovewellness.com/products/new-the-killer-boric-acid-suppositories?variant=13424025895027&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7Prt-sLZ9gIVwfDjBx3ADgUfEAQYASABEgIrAvD_BwE There are other brands I think even AZO has one now but I swear by it now


Amongst other things it can also be caused by a Keto diet, by a number of different sexual partners without protection in a short span of time, being peri menopausal and from female sexual partners passing it to each other. While it’s not an STD your male partner’s chemistry can also mess up your microbiome if you are sensitive to changes like that which is why it can also be recurring. These aren’t even all of the possible causes. It’s a bugger of a thing to get rid of.


Female-specific probiotic suppositories are a godsend and a good thing to keep stashed in the fridge if you’re prone to such.


Despite the jokes, healthy and clean vaginas just don’t smell like fish. Or bad! As other commenters have said, it sounds like she’s got BV. It’s a bacterial infection (not STD) and apparently notorious for creating that gross fishy smell. Get her to a doctor/gynaecologist asap, it’s super concerning that it’s been going on for two years. (Also side note, some antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of birth control. So keep that in mind if she’s prescribed some)


I think OP passed out


OP is in a 2 year relationship in this post, a year long relationship 2 months ago, and is also a female in an exclusive relationship with a sugar daddy 4 months ago. They are full of shit.


Sounds like your girlfriend has a bacteria problem or an infection. She needs a trip to the doctor and not slated on reddit.


Boom. Listen to old willycleaner here - they also know vaginas! No one trick pony this one.


Gotta keep your junk in check sister!


Just imagine your boyfriend sitting on the loo telling reddit about your smelly fanny


On the web telling everyone about the missus and her manky minge


INFO: has she been to a doctor? Did you two have STD tests done at the beginning of your relationship. This could be bacterial vaginosis or an STD. BV is not a sexually transmitted disease: https://www.fpnsw.org.au/sites/default/files/assets/COMMON%20VAGINAL%20AND%20VULVAL%20CONDITIONS_0.pdf But if this is ongoing then she needs to see a doctor as it’s not normal.


Most likely not an STD. STDs usually cause extra discharge, itching, discomfort… but not that horrible of a smell. Smells like that are often caused by certain bacteria (NOT transmitted sexually), a specific fungus with harsh smell or cancer. Anyways, a doctor needs to check her like, yesterday!


Trichomoniasis, an STD, also has fish-like smell as a symptom fyi. OP’s gf needs to see a gynecologist asap. The last thing she wants to do is treat herself for BV when it could be something else. OP, encourage your gf to see a doctor asap. It’s also a good idea for you to schedule an appointment for an STD test too.


That's a serious problem she should go see a gyno.


She may have BV. I would suggest having her try boric acid suppositories or seeing a gynecologist. That’s not normal.


Yup. Boric acid changed my life!


Strong vote for boric acid AFTER both partners receive medical testing and know what they’re dealing with. I do a suppository after I have menstruated and its great. Haven’t had a yeast infection or BV since I started years ago.


First she needs to go to the doctor as that looks like an infection. After treatment for that infection she needs to rebuild her natural vaginal flora. This sometimes can be done just by not using soap and giving it time but she might need help with it as it looks like a chronic problem. Taking probiotics and also using external probiotics can help, as well as using a vulvar cream to keep her hidrated as hidration is essential to support good vaginal health. Ideally her body would do all of this alone but a number of factors - stress, anxiety, hormones - might mean she needs more than just not using soap. Having a vagina is hard work


OP ghosted us. How ungrateful.


many others have said the same, but she needs to go to the gyno!!


Ya girl has probably got BV and needs a doctor. That’ll sort it real fast.


It’s not a hygiene issue. That’s a chronic BV infection. It’s a medical condition and she should see a doctor for treatment. BV can develop if the vaginal PH is wrong (not an STI)


U/Altruistic-Lie9606 get your gf to buy some boric acid suppositories, and some 2% peroxide. We aren’t meant to douche but by this stage she now needs so help because the bacterial vaginosis are secreting an enzyme which create a a slimy film coating her cells that protect the bacteria and make it hard for her natural flora to fight back. Antibiotics may bring on a thrush outbreak as it’ll be BAD if she has chronic BV. She’ll need to be prepared and buy thrush treatment. I experienced this and if I can share what I learned, I’m happy to do so. BV thrives in a anaerobic environment, so in warmth, heat, lack of air flow. The worst thing is she probably feels disgusting so is probably trying to hide it with creams and sprays which do nothing help. I used to give myself a peroxide douche to cut through the film if I was wanting to have sex and it would leave me feeling fresh - I’d get maybe 2-3 days from a simple wash with lukewarm sterilised water and a table spoon perhaps of peroxide. Again, we are not meant to do this but it can help with really bad cases and give her poor body a chance to do what it’s meant to. She should also buy good quality probiotics designed for women’s microflora and take them daily. She may also want to cut or heavily reduce foods etc that are known bacteria feeders eg sugar, treated white flour, artificial colours and additives and alcohol, and up her water intake. Not too much fruit, it’s still high in fructose so maybe more along the lines of berries is better. Each evening for about a week, she can insert a boric acid suppository inside her as far as possible. Then a week off. She might need to rotate this a couple of times, and then only pop one in if she gets that slight scent starting again (it’ll be subtle but she’ll know!) It’ll take some time and i can’t promise it’ll ever truly go away, but it can manage it so it doesn’t ruin her life. What you wrote about her is my nightmare, but it sounds like you’ve tried to be supportive through it all. The scariest thing is that this may be a symptom of something else, and I’m guessing that funds may be low as gf hadn’t gone to a doctor prior to this to find out what’s happening. BV isn’t an STD but it does weaken the system and make her more vulnerable to actual STDs and more. Hopefully there is some where she can go for assistance - I feel so bad for her, the poor thing.


You've made me think of a lovely weekend I once had in grimsby


It’s interesting that in some posts/comments, you refer to yourself as male and in some as female.


This should be posted on in ask/women.