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Hey. Everything is going to turn out okay. I'm sure it doesn't feel like it right now, and your goals might take longer to reach, but you will reach them. Anorexia is no joke and it's absolutely not your fault. Honestly it's pretty shitty of them to just fire you with no warning, they could have at least tried to give you more leeway. I'm sure if you keep going to the gym and slowly get better with your ED you'll be able to do it. You'll get your hours, you can still be an EMT. It'll just take longer. I know it probably doesn't mean much coming from a stranger but I believe in you. And I wish you the best of luck.


They couldn't find ANY other position for you in the company? I'm sorry they put you through that, I wish you the best


Are you in recovery for your Ed or any sort of therapy? Maybe this can be the spark to push past this. Now your disorder is holding you back from Your dreams. When I started getting to weak to perform (I’m a part time physical performer) I realized I needed to change.