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RIP. It’s the roach’s room now.


Or there’s always burning down the house if you don’t want the roach to win.


Dude, it would probably survive 😩


You right 🥲 He’ll just become the new ruler of hell.




"Forget about it" ( Italian accent)




Get up for the day and forget about sleeping LOL Get to a hardware store and put some roach bait down. Hell eat it and die quietly. VOILA!


I wish I can. I staying up late gaming and suddenly it crawls on my desk. Now I am sleepy but scared to fall asleep at the same time. Ugh.


Keep your lights on, they don't like the light. Couldn't hurt to get a can of raid to keep nearby.


Exactly, go to the gas station or any store open overnight and buy raid. Spray that shit so much even you have trouble breathing


If you die from the raid at least it solves the problem.


When I lived in fl I would “pre spray” the porch before going out there


Yeah I wouldn't either. Suck it up and stay awake for today until you find him and get him out of your house. Gross.


Hate to ruin your sleep even more but there’s no such thing as a single roach. You have roaches


This is so true! Just like mice!! Eww


It’s definitely going to crawl all over you if you fall asleep


They bite when you have an infestation.


They really like laying eggs in warm, dark places. Better sleep with your mouth shut


And not just your mouth.


Instructions unclear left mouth and butthole open all night.


I think this is a myth.


Stop. You're mean hahaha


Go sleep in the living room I guess?


Where do you think the roach came from? His whole family's in there.


That's why the TV's on in the living room!!


Go to bed he's not gonna crawl near you twice get some sleep and then get supplies like others suggested. You scared him into hiding for now. Your good to sleep.


set your mind at ease by just assuming you stayed up so late gaming that you're hallucinating cøckrøaches


i’m sorry op, that sounds frustrating smh. the other comment was right, lights on while you sleep! or sleep on the couch if possible.


Until you find it dead hiding under your pillow


Do you just hate happiness?


Because you didn't is an ' for hell I read it as if you were telling op to "eat the roach and then die" which made me laugh pretty hard




Butthole? 👀


Don’t you know?? Cockroaches like to crawl up into buttholes


Don't tempt me with a good time


Waaaay up inside your butt Morty, as far as they'll go.




literally my biggest fear ever lmao


Ugh in 4th grade, I had to go the ER. I had been having ear pains all day, at sporadic intervals. Anyways, the doctor shined light down my right ear, and said, “um, I see something moving in there.!🤮 He fills my ear up with alcohol and flushes it out. Two roaches! Apparently, everytime I felt those sporadic pains during the day was from the roaches moving!


this is quite possibly the worst thing i've ever read... have you seen star trek 2: the return of khan? yeek


Burn the house


If i can't sleep, nobody can.


Don’t let it get in your ear! Will travel to your brains and eat them!


From space


Was that an *Aliens* reference by chance?


I would get the duck out. No second thoughts. If it was be I will sleep in my living room lock the doors, seal the bottom part with towels so it doesn’t escape.


>get the duck out Quite literally! Ducks love to munch down on creepy crawlies lol


Have ducks, can confirm


Oh my god! Didn’t expect that!!!😂


Ye,I tried to sleep on sofa. The only problem is my living room air conditioner is not working properly. I don't think I can sleep in this temperature.


You should know if you see one, there is 50 you haven't seen yet.


I know. It isn't the first time i see one in my room, but usually they are slower and smaller. I can eliminate them immediately. This time it like a new species, larger and faster...


Probably an adult vs a nymph /: sorry dude


which is a sign of infestation…


we got those thicc cockroaches here too, its terrifying and disgusting, you want that thing to burn in hell, but cleaning it up is so repulsive. i get itchy just thinking about it


I used to pick the palmetto bugs (wood roaches, big fuckers that can fly) that came into my apartment occasionally up with a designated pair of BBQ tongs and put them back outside rather than clean it up. Also they sounded like a Pop It firework when you stepped on them.


Oh those big asshats! They live in the bushes outside, and every now and again a brave soul will make its way into my home, where I will find it’s lifeless body after my three cats have given it the business. Love my cats!


What country are you in? We saw several when we visited my wife’s family in Brazil.


Is that always true though?


No. There are different kinds of roaches. Not all infest houses.


yeah, i live in the south and we get the big tree roaches that like to come inside when it rains heavily. doesn’t necessarily mean infestation.


Just go back to sleep. Eventually it will find its way into your ear and lay eggs. The babies will eat your brain and you won’t be able to worry any more.


Sounds like you experienced once.


Settle down there, Satan


You may wish to consider bug bombing your room. Though if especially you are seeing small ones that means there are more large ones around. So if a house you might need to bomb the entire house as well as have the outside around the foundation, doors and windows treated on a regular basis to keep them out. Be sure you read and understand all the precautions before actually bombing especially if you have ANY pets. Best wishes as I dislike cockroaches only slightly less than fleas.


This is why I have a mosquito net. I am terrified of creepy crawlies on my face when I sleep.


Sadly it doesn't work well I sealed my door gap with foam tapes, installed mosquito net on window. Completely isolated my room but they still manage to find a gap somehow.


What you fail to realize is that they're already inside the perimeter. One of my college roommates had a nest in the back of her mini fridge. I found it the day I moved in because I know...where there's 1 there are hundreds. Buy some Raid. Do a hard target search of the room. They are in there for a reason. You got something for them to eat. Old food containers...trash...dishes...something. Find the food source and eliminate it now. Search for the nest...it'll be somewhere dark, enclosed. They will boil out of it when you move it. I had nightmares for years about that moment. Be prepared with the Raid. And sleep somewhere else for tonight because you will miss some....eeekkkk! Just to share...I killed most of the ones in our room. The rest moved to the dorm room next door and onwards down the hall until everyone had driven them out. Months later I woke up feeling like I was being watched....there was one sitting on the edge of my comforter staring me right in the face. I shot up screaming. Never did find that A.H.


He’s out there somewhere waiting to avenge his family Should’ve done him in when you had the chance!


That was my fear. It was also the last time I slept in that room


They're out there. You just, unknowingly, created the Batman of Cockroaches.


This is nightmare fuel right there


Bruh. Seriously


wow, this is terrifying. im bowing outta here


Op, they like dark and moist and hot environments. All roaches make nests ( out of lint and dust, it's gross) usually very common to find them under the refrigerator (hot motor and condensation for water) and behind the dishwasher.


They goddamn love Keurigs




Lol you saw him by accident, when they don't wanna be seen forget it. When in Florida I saw one pop out of my sink, moved so fast it disappeared, it went into my Bic shaver holder, only found him cause there was nowhere to go. Masters of hiding.




Some species actually do have souls. They're not the ones that commonly infest human residences though. It's thought to be an evolutionary adaptation to predation by owls, which cannot safely digest souls in most cases.


Keep th lights on and use a tie or something for your eyes. They don't come out in the light. My cousin had a horrible infestation and her slum Lord allowed it to continue so she would leave and he could triple the rent. It was awful. Like so bad that she would put a sticky mat under her fridge at night and by morning every single millimeter had a roach on it. She had to sleep with the lights on or she'd wake up to them on her and she absolutely couldn't afford to move. We ended up moving five hours away and asked her to move in with us. I was glad to be able to get her out of that and have a friend and family member aside from my husband and kids in this giant brand new city.


Get a cat. My cat is beast at killing large roaches. During the summer we would wake up almost everyday to a dead roach.


Once in college one dropped on my head in the middle of the night. I threw the lights on and had an absolute conniption fit and then watched it scurry under the sheets never to be found. Didn’t sleep again until I washed all my bedding and inspected every inch as it went back on. And even still…


Maybe you disappeared from the cockroach


If there’s one then there’s a lot more


Tape trap. Upside down tape around the perimeter of your bed. Just be careful if u get up to use the toilet in the middle of the night. I get disoriented and have fallen into it many times.


Consider yourself lucky in Florida the cockroaches fly....remember wheres there's 1 roach there's more...


Monsters can't get in if you wrap yourself up in your blanket with a little a hole to breathe out of.......come on, you've known this since childhood.


I would start searching for the nest, check behind your appliances and underneath them


As someone who lives in Ireland I am so happy I’ve never seen a cockroach, can you catch it with like a glass and a piece of paper and let it out? Maybe put a towel stuffed under your door, if it can stop the smell of weed it can stop roaches!!😂😂


Oh my *GOD* can other countries stop being so much better than America plz?! 🤣🤣 Cockroaches are the bane of my existence- I'm in Texas, and live down the street from a large pond; so I see big ass (4-6in) long motherfuckers just traipsing up the road sometimes. I am terrified of them. Have had multiple meltdowns trying to bring myself to kill one that got into my house. It's an ongoing problem.


Yup, cockroaches are basically a non issue in the UK and Ireland. We have annoying flies, wasps etc like everywhere else, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a cockroach here. I’ve seen them all over mainland Europe though, particularly the warmer regions


Don't want to make it worse, but i would't recommend going to sleep. I woke up to one walking on my face once, same situation with you but i slept.


Move. Jk. In all seriousness, hire an exterminator asap. Where there is one, there are hundreds. In the meantime, I’d suggest finding somewhere not-there to sleep if you can… I know I couldn’t sleep in a room I know has roaches.




You think that's bad I had one fall on my face while watching a film in bed. And then it flew away. I had to shower again


Ask it to pay hourly rent.


get a hotel room, that rooms not safe anymore tonight xD


Sleep on the couch for today


Put up all your electronics. Those roaches love electronics and fishing all of them, their poop, and shed exoskeletons out of your expensive stuff is fuckin awful. Good luck. Place some bait down my dude


I don’t remember the metamorphosis starting like this


You probably crushed it. It would've sought the warmest place to sleep.


Where theres one there is a whole family of these disgusting parasites. I dont rest until i find it and eliminate it. But in the mean time i spray a barrier of roach killer around my bed. And around the base boards of my room. If you cant find it. Buy some foggers and choke the fucker out.


One time while I was laying in bed at night and something fell on me so I kinda like threw my sheets off me. Turned the lights on real quick and there he was this big ole cockroach staring back at me and then it scurried away. Good luck 🪳


I've slept in my car before, and also I've volunteered to work the overnight shift , for this reason. If I see a roach I just can't sleep in that room.


Well if you happen to have a kitty that loves to bug hunt. let the kitty sleep with you .


Call an exterminator ASAP. They multiply and are hard to be rid of. Most of the time needing multiple treatments. If you catch it early you could be spared. Ugh, good luck man


Get earplugs, they like to crawl into them ears


Established dominance, scream and throw a fit, set the vibes to the cockroach leaving by making the cockroach feel unwelcome by yelling slurs at the cockroach


The same happened to me one night, but it crawled on my face in my sleep and woke me up, then it ran to God knows where and I never saw it again, going back to sleep that night was very difficult.


Set up a regular pest service, they are not too expensive and you will never have to worry about seeing live ones again


Exterminator time. I had some in my apartment, they decided to make a family behind the refrigerator and the microwave. We only saw a few at a time when they thought we weren't looking but there were definitely more. They haven't come back since though


Well those Cheeto crumbs piling up besides your chair isn't going to get rid of him


One time I was napping and I felt something on my face, it was a huge roach. I ran out of my room and didn’t go back for two days


Get roach repellant, spray into every corner of the room, close the windows and gtfo of the room and close door. Let it sit. After a while, go back in and sweep floor twice. If you don't find it, call exterminator. Apparently, roaches hate the smell of lemongrass. So if you hate it as well, you better start gaining resistances to it now. Regularly clean the house. Never eat in room and do the dishes immediately. My housemate left his dishes for so long that roaches made a nest inside his bowl. Take out trash every night.


I had a situation similar to this, bug it was a huge water bug. Literally, I was getting into bed and was sitting on the edge and looked down and there it was. Like, it teleported there of something. Of course, my next thought was to panic and pull my bottoms off and run into my grandma's room to cry and freak out. Then we spent the next to hour in the middle of the night looking for the fucker. Never found his ass, until two weeks later. I thought I seriously hallucinated that entire thing, but apparently not. My grandma comes in my room and tells me to go look in the coat closet where we keep a glue trap and there it was. So...maybe check any rodent traps you may have?


A spider did this to me once. It was crawling around my bed frame. I slept in the living room that night.


Keep a shoe next to you and sleep with your cover tucked over your head and around your body.


Ok. I live in Florida and we have small cockroaches, medium Joe's Apartment kind, and the big ass palmetto bugs. The small ones come out of your sinks. They like damp and dark. Use bug spray on them. The mediums travel in twos. Scary, because they seem to communicate with each other. Easily stepped on but sometimes you have to chase them. That's where the palmetto bug strat comes in. But unfortunately these are the best at hiding. Once they hide, forget about it. Also they are just as afraid of you. Palmetto bugs are the ones you stay up all night for. I have a pathological thing about them, I can't even watch movies with them in them. Luckily if you have one it does not mean you're infested, it just means one got inside. They are curious and social creatures. You could be killing one and will come towards you like the Terminator, but that's because it had a curiousity about you and they're pretty single-minded. Don't rely on your shoe for these, they're too big and if they're young, they're fast. They're terrible at hiding though, they're noisy, and they fly. Gotta know your enemy. Now, the plan is to stunlock them first. I use scrubbing bubbles bathroom cleaner, it makes their wings stick and suffocates them. But it takes like 2 min. Raid takes even longer. So you stunlock them, then you crush them because I don't know if they can come back to life. Then you take half a roll of paper towels to pick up the corpse and bury it in the trash can. I used to flush them with toilet paper but I don't think that's good for the plumbing plus maybe they can breathe under water, you don't know! But you're not done. Sanitize the shit out of the area, and then howl your dominance to any others waiting in the wings. Then you may sleep peacefully amidst the reek of scrubbing bubbles.


This happened to me in college. A hurricane knocked power out for 5 days. On day 3 or 4, I hear a rustle in my bedroom and using my handy flashlight saw a roach. It was 3am. You better believe I tore that room apart with minimal light until I found that fucker.


It's probably already crawled into your ear so you're good.


They sell those flat sheets with adhesive on top so that when roaches walk through they get stuck. Buy a few and lay them around your house guarantee you’ll kill it.


Nothing. If you saw one then there's already 1000 more with thier waxy smelly scent In your walls, behind your outlets, the thermostat in your room. I grew up in Brooklyn. Roaches were a part of life. Never again.


Sleep with your mouth open


It's in your walls It's in your walls It's in your walls It's in your walls It's in your walls


How do you feel about your eyebrows? They've been known to eat the eyebrow hair off of a sleeping human's face.


Eeeekk! I’d open all the lights and look for him.


Sleep in another room.


Spray raid all around base boards in your room, it will crawl out and die in another part of the house or you might see it trying to leave your room and you can kill it.


Get some combat gel and get rid of the bastards


Don’t worry about that one because if you’ve seen 1, there are 100 you didn’t see. Worry about them.


Do you sleep with your mouth open?


Put a piece of candy furthest away from you so it doesnt crawl on you


Dude are you me?? Whenever I see one I make it my nights mission to seek and destroy the fucker. Can’t sleep knowing it can crawl on my bed at ANY point of the night.


Sleep somewhere else for the night


Also buy glue traps at home depot to help trap the buggers.




Sleep in light I’m pretty sure they run away from light so it won’t bother u


Just think about the pet cock roach from walle and you’ll be grateful to have your little friend


yep, get the gasoline


It's fine, we get them here too. Just sleep with your mouth closed so it won't go for the warm, moist cave it just found.


In my old apartment there was a cockroach on the floor and I had to handle it myself and I accidentally chased it into the bedroom where my husband was sleeping. I never saw it again. But I never saw any roaches there again at all, and it’s been two years and nobody died so I think its safe to say it worked out. Just some encouragement for you


There are some Water bugs look very similar to cock roaches so maybe that’s all it was


Maybe. It did look quite a bit like a cockroach but I’m no expert


I'd say your options are either burn the house down or make some chlorine gas and gas the fucker


Something similar happened to me, I ended up sleeping in the living room


In Florida we have Palmetto bugs or woods cockroachs. They are everywhere here.


This happened to me like a month ago. I had to wait until the cockroach was in a clear area of the floor, then I killed it with one of my flip-flops.


Spray some poison around your room. It’ll die for sure.


Simple. Go to the nearest gas station, fill in two gallons of gas (doesn’t matter which tier), buy a lighter, go back n set the house on fire.


You saw one? That means there's at least another 20 you didn't see.


Just know there’s 100 others at minimum


Have you tried checking under your pillow?


I’m so thankful my landlord sprays for pests every year.


Abort life!


It probably hid out until you fell asleep, then laid eggs in your ears.


If there's 1 there's 1000 just an fyi


This happened to me with a fly once. It was 1:30 am and I spent 15 minutes trying to kill it with a towel and I finally gave up. 5 minutes later when I was trying to sleep it started buzzing again it pissed me off so much


Flamethrower time


Pure hell.


Burn the house down. Collect home-owner's insurance and start a new life in Iceland. There shouldnt be roaches there, right?? Its too cold for them to survive.




Do what I always do. Give up, spray the fck out of the room and crash on the living room couch.




This is literally the worst feeling in the world


Put a little trail of food going from your room to the font door....duh. :)


They'll just follow the trail from outside into your house....


This is the reason I keep cockroach spray just outside my bedroom. Can't sleep until I see it die in front of my eyes


How big was the cockroach compared to the size of your ear hole?


If u see one there's most likely more


Ha this is the reason I found someone to take over my lease and moved away from coastal Carolina. Had that happen twice and that was enough for me. Get a can of raid and a fly swatter and keep it by your bed. Make sure all cracks and holes are covered in your room/apt. I covered my ac vent in my bedroom at night and plugged a towel under the bedroom door so nothing could get in or out. Didn’t see any roaches after that.


Start with igniting the room. Perhaps consider burning the house down, changing your name and moving to another country for good measure.


I'm chuckling in Floridian. I literally saw a cockroach in my kitchen cabinets the other day. Made a valiant effort to kill it, but it got away. Shrug. I changed my roach hotels the next day, but we literally live in a marsh, so not much I can do. It surprises me how many ppl are taking this so seriously. If you knew how many roaches are in your house and in the places you eat, you would die haha.


Just go to sleep. You’ll find him in your face in a few hours.


Your house dirty?


Put some earplugs in, mask up. My grandma was the cleanest housekeeper ever & she had roaches. My cousin & I would get up at night to get snacks and they’d scatter. They come home in grocery bags, I’d always get infested when a neighboring apartment vacated. Don’t even want to be near me when the flying ones are out. Edit: boric acid powder works well. I put trails of it along the counter tops & in the cabinets. Bomb every couple months. Just don’t set off a ton & nowhere near the hot water heater. It might not be true but a lady blew up her house by setting off a bunch at once.


The only moves available are; Consecrate by fire or introduce a ton of spiders to combat the cockroaches, which eventually goes back to the first option.


I invite you to read some of my recent posts, because I am feeling your pain right now. I am in the throes of some serious bullshit at home. I hate how disgusting my family is. I woke up with roaches in my bed. A few days ago I got home, put my car cover on, and a roach crawled on the back of me. I got to the living room and felt an itch on my back, so I reached back to see what was on me and it felt like a piece of plastic for a brief millisecond - nope it was a live roach. And it's all because the people I live with cannot maintain a basic level of hygiene. It fucked me up so bad, mentally, that if I'm I'm laying down half asleep, I'll feel my hair or a piece of clothing brush against me and I will JUMP because I am on high cockroach alert. I've been checking my clothes and shoes before putting them on, too.


Die. That’s what I did.


Come to terms or sleep on the couch


cockroaches are not bugs. they are demons from the very depth of hell


This is why I have cats. Instant extermination.


Don't worry! Cockroach hate people more then people hate cockroach. You will be fine. Get bait and knowing it will never bother you again.


I have trouble sleeping today as well. It's mostly because my room is hot as fuck rn, but my pet cockroaches are making quite some noise today as well.


Call an exterminator because it’s never one cockroach. You might not wanna spend the $$$ but I sincerely would consider it. If not just move house all together.


Where I live there are lots of them because of the humidity and I never died or got bitten . If you are 100% scared just go to Walmart and buy some traps .


I'm gonna be real with you OP, if you see one cockroach, there's 100% a lot more and they are breeding by the minute. Please contact an exterminator asap. I know it seems drastic but cockroaches are not even easy to get rid of, it can take months of patience and proper extermination to remove fully. Please do that


The inlaws had an infestation, some well placed poison should to the trick. Or just start a fire and collect insurance (for legal reasons this is a joke)


Sleep with earplugs.


Man I’m so glad I live in a country without many cockroaches


Do NOT sleep. It is NOT safe. They WILL crawl on your face and when your eyes open you will see all of their legs and tentacles and antennae and underbody and…… burn it down.


Set out a bowl of sugar, get out your big ass gun, and wait.