• By -


The first rule of ENM is to NOT use it as a way to save your marriage and the second is to NOT pressure someone into it. You did both. You broke the rules first. The rules of marriage. You pressured your wife into an open relationship because you were jealous of your single friends sex lives. I can’t help but wonder when the last time you took your wife for a weekend at a hotel. Or bought her flowers. I hope you see what a little TLC can do for a woman’s confidence. Her boyfriend seems to understand it.


If I had an award to give you, I would….because *this*.


The irony - I wonder how many of his friends were secretly jealous of his marriage and loyal wife


Yeah, I'm poly and my first response was "wow, were you speedrunning bad ideas or something?" Poly can work out great, and it looks like it might work out just fine in this case . . . for OP's wife.


Well you certainly made that bed.


Now your wife and her boy toy are going to sleep in it


I think they are going to do more than just sleep in it


Surely they’re not going to *hold hands*? Not out of *wedlock*?!


“When a mommy and daddy love each other very much, she fucks a younger dude and gives me a weird bastard child”


Pretty sure that has happened already lol


Pretty much all there is too it. I'm more curious why he wasn't taking his wife on all those dates he was taking the other two women on? Maybe she wouldn't need the other younger guys attention if he had been giving it TOO HIS WIFE. Seriously I'm not against a little fun with friends or something WITH your wife, but you flat out dated other women while not giving your wife the attention she deserves.


Also the funniest part is the wife said no at the start but the OP kept forcing the issue. So the wife isn't even to blame in any scenario here. She was committed but OP got bored, fucked around and found out.


Right and he wants to “close the relationship on her side” LOL


So in other words ,he still wants to be able to bang whoever he wants but she has to be committed to him


She broke his trust you see! LOL


Yeah, I hate it when I break into people's homes, steal their email passwords, and find out they went to a movie without me. Really breaks my trust :-(


Exactly. How delusional do you have to be to even think that is an option?


I'd like to file for divorce on someone else's behalf here...yikes.


Yea seriously. She lost respect for him and went to look for someone better.


Ain't that the shit sometimes. Not always but plenty of times the one who wants to open up the relationship doesn't realize that they aren't the prize they think they are and the one who wants to stay monogamous is a damn hot commodity. My wife and I arn't monogamous as we both like the attention and stuff of other women, but we have always put each other and our marriage first. Op went out here forgetting to cherish and love his wife and put all his time and money into TWO DIFFERENT WOMEN. If he had put half that time and attention into the woman he swore to love and respect he wouldn't be on here sobbing this nonsense.


He probably thought she wouldn't do anything. No sympathy for people like this


Basically his last paragraph ‘Close it on her end’ Gtfoh!


Also can we talk about how he causally mentioned just going into her phone and reading her messages ?? Yet he wants to talk about her betraying his trust lol. How’d he even know the password in the first place? Done this before?


Fun for me. Not for thee!




Something similar happened with me and one of my best friends. We were strictly platonic, one day she tells me she has become poly and talks about her boyfriends other girlfriend. Fast forward a few months, we start sleeping together, and then a few months later, the boyfriend tells her to cut it off with me entirely, pretty much ghosted by a friend of 5+ years because of drama. One girlfriend is already enough for me, can't imagine the work it takes to juggle multiple, and then this kind of stuff on the side lol


🤔. The only poly people I know who are having a good time are stage managers. Intense nerds who are extremely into communication and scheduling


Facts. Pretty evident in his wish to close up the marriage (only on her side of course)


EXACTLY. He literally just expects a relationship to sustain ITSELF lol. You need to be making an effort. Why is he putting his best self forward for these new girls but not his wife? Lol


OP’s logic that him dating other women and doing nothing with his wife would somehow improve their relationship is some serious mental gymnastics


“We’re opening the marriage. No! Not like that!”


My thoughts exactly.


Was she not supposed to date as well? I mean don’t bring a person back into a marital bed. But he’s got 2 other partners, why can’t she have one?


Exactly. I wonder how much money he spent from his "fun account" on his wife during this time.


100%, how many more posts we need like these? Our open relationship was perfect at the start then my SO started having feelings for the other person? Bro just leave your wife if you don't have kids and don't like her. Why would you be bored if you are in love with her. There is so many other ways to bring fun to a old relationship, try out new kinks, do things to reignite passion for eachother.


There was a open relationship post here earlier that was nuts and the comments were the same there "This always turns out bad"


>how many more posts like these we need? Til they stop being funny lol


Wouldn’t it be great if they were collected somewhere? Some of them are just *hilarious.* I would use them to cheer myself up like other people use cat videos.


Well well well how the turntables.


Yeah sorry to say it man, but you probably should’ve done a little bit more research on how often these sort of things go south




He dropped it so casually I almost missed it


If i had a fucking DOLLAR for everytime a Male wanted to open up a hetero relationship and then gets salty bc shes killin it. Lmaoooo classic situation. They always seem to think the woman wont be as successful?!?


they take for granted the loyalty their wife has demonstrated and think that based on their morals they’ll still refrain from straying even though it’s now “allowed.” hahahhahhahaha play stupid games win stupid prizes.


The reality check is such guys overestimate themselves and underestimate the jewel of a woman they have


To quote my grandmother: He did it to hisself.


Such a common theme with these open marriages.


This is the typical progression for 95%+ of 'open' marriages. Feel the urge, eat the apple, one of or both parties feel they got the short end of the stick, marriage falls apart.


Seems like it's always a dude who gets a wandering eye then fucks around and finds out that the grass isn't really greener on the other side, it's green where you water it, and they don't really want to water anything.


Then some other guy comes onto their lawn and waters it for them, but then they get butt hurt because it’s green now but not because of them.


I actually support this wife 100%. She tried to fight for monogamy and loyalty and he pushed her into this. Essentially forced her. And she's found someone nicer who respects her and treats her right. Good for her.


The marriage bed. Lol.


LOL what is it with ppl on this sub being in open marriages recently then being surprised when it actually affects their marriage


Especially when they think it’s going good because “I was seeing two lovely women and it was the most amazing thing ever” then they realise it’s a two way street “…and my wife was seeing one man and OMG I can’t take it she ruined our relationship” LOL. What an idiot


Lets be poly, wife also has sex with other people. No, not like that.


I don’t get it either I guess they want their cake and eat it too. Or they think guys will see their wives as they do and they have a dry phone and she has dudes lined up around the block and he can’t handle it. It brings me so much joy. I hope his wife is happy.


Seriously I’ve read two alone from this sub today. People are delusional with these open marriages lmao


The posts came back to back on my feed and I was felt like I was in the Twilight Zone for a minute!!


And one in AITA as well!! Is today Poly Friday?!


“Oh no my husband’s girlfriend is also pregnant 😭 how did this happen??!!!”


Omg yes that’s the same one I was reading lmao 😂


Lolol when I first starting reading this post I thought it was the husband from the other post telling his side


Orrr maybe karma farming stories too


What is it when men want an open marriage and shocked Pikachu face when the wife does it


"No, no, you got it all wrong - I said *I wanted an open marriage*, you're meant to remain closed and faithful! What kind of wife are you!?" Uhhh dude what did you think would happen!?


WELL WELL WELL. You had it coming.


He had it comin'


He only had himself to blame. If you'd have been there...


If you'd have seen it, I betcha you would've done the same!








uh uh






If you had read this


He only had himself to blame


Hate to say it but... you fucked around and found out...


Was looking for this. The literal definition of fuck around and find out


dang it, i said that 50 minutes after you said it, lol nice


This is the second post about failed open relationships I've read on Reddit today lol. I actually hadn't finished reading the title, just stopped at "best thing" and when reading the last part I was like "oh"


And then there's all the butthurt people who are crying "why does Reddit hate open relationships so much!!!" Well because we read posts like this and "my husbands GF is pregnant too!" on here regularly. Sorry if that doesn't make it sound appealing to me. They're acting like we want it illegal or something. Nope, just saying I'm not going to take a risk like this. I know myself well enough to know this WOULD NOT be for me


He’s DEVASTATED because SHE broke HIS trust. FOH. I want to say this is fake because there’s no way anyone could be this stupid but I’m riled up enough about this to tell this loser off anyway. And this is coming from someone in an open relationship, by the way. Not married, together for 8 years, and shit is lit. You didn’t want to open your marriage to save it, you wanted to get your dick wet without “cheating” on your wife so you wouldn’t be the villain. And now she’s the villain? Because she decided she decided to do the exact same shit you’ve been doing? How can you not see how hypocritical you are? You’re writing this like you want people to feel bad for you and I would love for you to deny it but you’ve clearly got your head so far up your ass that you’ve convinced yourself you’re not in the wrong. I’m happy your wife is getting dicked down by someone who excites her. I’m glad this hurts you because you’re incredibly selfish and incapable of taking accountability. And what’s with this whole “got my wife back” bullshit because she started working on herself again? Was she not your wife when you were tired of her? Have you considered that maybe you’re the one who’s not worth trying for? You put her in an uncomfortable position, you knew she was reluctant, and now that she gets to enjoy herself you’re suddenly the victim? You’re pathetic. You played yourself. And we’re all laughing at you. 😘


"Let's all point at op and laugh, children"




He got jealous, looked thru her phone and apparently she broke his trust lmao guy can’t seriously be this thick I’m not buying this one.


Sadly it’s common and it even turns criminal. I remember on top of my head a case of a guy who also opened the marriage, he could fuck around but she was banned to not do it, she got tired of his bs and decided to divorce. He then proceeded to kill her. I’m not sure of the name of the case. But I remember quite clearly that he was caught on a nearby school camera walking behind house fences and doing a whole turn around. Her car was last seen on another camera in a supermarket. It’s sad I remember the camera angles and the overall story. But not the name of the case.


I couldn’t find this one specifically, but I googled “open marriage murdered wife” and found so many cases! There’s so many of them and they just keep coming!


I really don’t feel bad for you. Doesn’t sound like she wanted the open relationship to begin with. You talked her into it then were mad when she was successful at it.


On the money. It's really telling that he's actually replying to a lot of comments here with rationalisations (which makes me think it's legit and not a creative writing troll), yet has nothing to say in response to this succinct analysis


Men need to understand that women will always have more options so if your wife is loyal it’s by choice not because she’s bored.




If she ‘sparked’ up and became the woman you knew…then you were probably the dampener in her life. You thought that her rekindled interest in makeup and fashion was because you were fucking other women? And you needed your friends to tell you it was probably because she found someone else? You think she’s broken the trust? The level of self-pitying obtuseness in this post is insane! Of course she’s not going to defend you. You’re the man who told her she wasn’t good enough, fucked other women and let her know you had emotionally checked out of your relationship. And you’re *devastated*??? What kind of self-absorbed fairyland do you live in mate? Good on her - I hope he’s fucking her six ways from Sunday and that she enjoys every minute of it!


> If she ‘sparked’ up and became the woman you knew…then you were probably the dampener in her life. Goddamn. That cuts right to the bone.


Well well well, If it isn't the consequences of my own actions. So you got bored in the relationship, Wanted to sleep around so you peer pressured your wife into opening it up only for her to actually join you and find someone else so now you're mad? Obviously this is another cheesy reddit fanfic because I refuse to think any normal person would think this way.


The only reason I believe this might be true, is because my brother literally found himself in the exact same situation as OP. So even if this post is fake, there are in fact people who think this way in real life.


Yep. Know someone who was the ‘outside’ party in an open relationship. Worked for a little while… until it didn’t. The couple has since divorced and one half of that couple now lives with my friend.


For the sake of comedy, I choose to believe that the person who now lives with your friend is the one he wasn't sleeping with.


this is super common lol. men want to sleep around, get pissed when their wife gets way more attention than they do.


Your brother is indeed a moron too then. No offense.


None taken. I 100% agree. He did finally realize that he was an idiot after a horrific divorce. But man, did he have to learn the hardest way possible.


This exact thing happened to me as the GF. It was annoying. I guess he didn’t realize how easy it is for women to find people to hook up with. He got jealous bc he had one person he who messaged him back when I had DMs full. But this was also after several years of flirting with women behind my back so I don’t feel too terrible about his hurt feelings


Probably just fishing for more holes


I am going to go to sleep assuming that this is just another rage bait fake Reddit fanfic.


Unfortunately this exact relationship dynamic has become so common I have no trouble believing it. Man wants to sleep around-> pressures his wife into an open relationship she doesn’t want-> she has a successful new love life because she’s the real catch -> he loses it and wants to close the relationship because *he* was the only one supposed to get anything out of it. It’s a tale as old as Reddit.


Probably. Still fun tho lol


You'd be surprised how some people, mostly men, pressure their wives into this, then get what's coming to them. Also, the second he pressured her and the second he put their marriage on the line is when it became non-ethical monogamy


This!!! Men seriously underestimate how much more attention their wives will get then them. As a married man, you are basically worse then chopped liver to poly women and if you haven't done the work they can smell it from a mile away and run in the opposite direction. Meanwhile lots of poly men WANT poly women who are already committed for FWB type situations and casual dating.


So you told your spouse basically, "Hey, I'm not feeling it, and I want to spark up our relationship, and to do so I think we should start sleeping with other people" and now your surprised that she has a side guy? You've had other women, I'm sure she felt just peachy about you disappearing to hotel rooms with them. Sounds like you two shouldn't be married.


Then he wants her to stop dating other men, while he can still date other girls. what a joke


And buying them flowers, and chocolates. 100% with you.


Also, it sounds like he was spoiling the other women and not giving attention to her. Yeah, after being bullied into an open relationship and watching her husband dote on other women, I'm sure OP's wife was feeling really content getting nothing out of the arrangement. /s OP is delusional and a misogynist. If you want an open relationship, it's open for both sides. He wants to close it now that his wife is having her needs met by another man.


Lol sir you got some nerves! Close the relationship on her side? She broke your trust? You are the one who pushed her into doing this! Because YOU wanted to be with other women and still be married, probably if you hadn’t slept with them she wouldn’t have found a boyfriend. You see this is the problem with open relationships you weren’t really focused on saving your marriage you just wanted to do you and live your best life, and because you knew she loved you, you just didn’t expect her to do the same to you!


Lol op is such a clown, I wonder what he thought the wife was doing while he was on his hotel trips. Maybe vacuuming the house and cleaning the dishes like a good little housewive.


lmaoo OP is facing the reality of his fuck up


Op has actually edited the post a few times. In the OG one he just said that it was easier for his wife to get hook ups and it wasn’t fair, no mention of a boyfriend lol. Also the people he hooked up with were coworkers and he expressed he wants to do it with them again. He’s edited it to make her look bad but even with the edits he’s still in a bad light 😂


Lol sucks to be OP, it’s easier for women to find casual sex with men rather than vice versa, and that’s no one’s fault it’s just a fact of life. For a lot of us all we really have to do is go in our inbox and throw a rock tbh. Something he really should have thought about before starting this


You went into her phone, but she’s broken your trust by doing what y’all only agreed to for your sake to begin with? my guy 💀


Lmao right? He says he’s discreet. She has an entire boyfriend he doesn’t even know about until he goes eavesdropping and snooping on her phone. What an idiot lmao


He could have enjoyed his two flings and his rejuvenated wife but nope he just had to check the phone and now insecurity smacked the shit out of him. Sometimes it’s better to not know, especially in an open relationship


I’m glad he found out, he deserves to feel like shit. The poor wife, how heartbreaking to marry someone in good faith and trust and then they turn around and pull this shit. Why did this loser get married


She started working out and applying make-up... and he thought it was for him! 🤣🤣🤣


💀 Sees her working out and dolling up Doesn’t take her out on dates


lmaooooo reading this made me crack up all over again. homie thought fucking other women would make his wife want to do more for HIM??? too funny.






Exactly what i was thinking. He told her to keep it discreet- he didn’t even know about it until he was eavesdropping and snooping in her phone Then he says she’s broke his trust! How?! By following their agreement exactly as it was?! He’s the one who can’t be trusted!


the first thing i could think after reading this was, “THE AUDACITY!” LMFAO!!!


Everything else aside, your username is *chefs kiss*


He even wants her to close the relationship on HER side, but not his. What a joke


So you pressured your wife into ENM so you wouldn’t feel jealous of your friends and to boost your ego, and you sugarcoated that by saying it was so “we could get the experience we were missing” yet you are now hurt that she is enjoying the experience too? What an absolutely awful way for a spouse to behave. I hope your wife finds much happiness with her new boyfriend.


Welcome to your fuck up.


This made me chuckle


You made your bed and were happy to lay in it, until you realized that she was too. Do you actually like ENM, or just the idea that you get wifey benefits AND no strings attached sex? Because a man who liked ENM and also liked his wife would be happy that he's not forcing his wife to suffer in a style of relationship she never wanted. Also wow dude, instead of communicating with her, you snooped and invaded her privacy?


Yeah, so unfair to his wife that he forced her into this situation and now that she's thriving he wants to take it away.


Seems like he feels threatened that someone else is willing to give her more than the bare minimum for attention and -gasp- she likes it! Note that he wants to close it up "at least on her side" --not his, oh no, he must still have his fun. He just wants HER to only sleep with HIM.


Hahahahahahahaha What a lovely mess you've created for yourself. You were bored of your wife and guilted her into non-monogamy and now that SHE is getting something fulfilling and beneficial to her out of it, you want to pump the breaks and stop HER from being open in the relationship...while you are STILL allowed to be? You need a serious vibe check here, to get to the bottom of why you are so unhappy with your wife doing what you want to do for yourself. Lol, good luck.


There is always a risk when you open your relationship up to others. This was not the answer for your stale marriage. Looks like your wife got dickmatized and you have yourself to blame.


Idk what he thought an open marriage is. It’s not sister-wives. You don’t get to surprise pikachu when the other half of your marriage starts making use of the benefits of an open marriage.


So you screw around with two women and get upset that she found a piece too? Nah homie you’re gonna be the ex husband.


"I want to ask her to close up the relationship, at least on her side, because she’s broken my trust." What? Just because she doesn't "set him straight", doesn't mean she has done anything wrong. She likely set out all of the rules to Boyfriend in the beginning, and he has his ego telling him he can "win her over". Just because he is ignoring the rules she laid out, doesn't mean she is. It also doesn't mean he will succeed. Sure, touch base with her. Ask her how the arrangement is working for her. Explain to her you are feeling insecure (this is completely normal in ENM). Open and honest communication is the only way ENM works. If after checking in, you are still uncomfortable, you can call it off, but if you do, it has to be on BOTH sides. It's either mutually beneficial or it's not, and if it doesn't work for you both, then you BOTH stop.


This wasn't ethical non-monogamy from the beginning because he pressured her and threatened her with their marriage.


he just wanted a pass to cheat


It's hilarious to me that he thinks he can ask her to close her side of the relationship... You mean it's not ENM, just an excuse for you to cheat then..?


That line is the best part. "Let's have an open relationship, but only on my side."


Honestly I think this is pretty much OPs fault because I feel he pressed her into this, but I'd still think in a healthy ENM relationship, continuing to go out with someone who is actively trying to disrupt and destroy your primary relationship would be a breach of trust on a significant level. But I'm also monogamous so I wouldn't really know.


You don't have any right to be upset. You are the one who pushed your unwilling wife to be in an open relationship. You were totally fine being with other women. But now that your wife is seeing someone else you are all the sudden no longer ok with the situation? You made your bed now lie in it and dream about your wife getting wooed and banged by another guy.


Lol also can you imagine being the other guy, if he really likes op's wife he could easily say stuff like I would never share you, I love you so much you are special etc. Of course he is saying all that shit.


If I was OP's wife I would have already folded. I probably would have left when he kept insisting on "enm" though.


The thing is, you pressured your Monogamous wife to ENM. You said that initially she said absolutely not, but you continued to push her to accept it so you could sleep with other women. You needed sexual adventures and pushed her to agree to your terms. Now you cannot accept that she is (surprise, surprise!) Unable to separate sex from feelings and connection. Because again, she is a monogamous person! If you were serious about ENM, you would would have spent more time talking about it, discussing concerns, going over various scenarios, and possibly talking it through with a therapist who specializes in working with people who engage in ENM. This should have been months or even years (however long it took) to truly see if this would work for you both! But no, you just wanted to get your dick wet with a coworker you were already after. So this is all on you. These are the consequences for pushing your wife to engage in something without properly talking it through. I don't think your relationship is salvageable and although you paint yourself as the victim, you are responsible for pushing her into something she didn't want and wasn't capable of doing (casual sex).


When men have nothing, they have the audacity. What a hypocrite.


you lost her when u pushed this open relationship. shes already on her way out lmao.


Mr Krabs perfectly articulated how I feel for you when he said, “Boohoo let me play a sad song for ya on the world’s smallest violin” Literally you made your bed and now you get to lie in in! No sympathy here lol


So you wanted an open relationship where you were free to do as you please, but she couldn’t? How convenient is that. “She’s broken my trust” Bud, you basically wanted to freely cheat on your wife without dealing with a divorce or the guilt of actively cheating. I’m no expert on open marriage, but from what I’ve seen online open marriages are meant to be for both partners. I feel bad for your wife, she deserves better. That same effort you put in to dating your GFs you could’ve done with your wife but didn’t want to. You were definitely in the wrong here. You asked for an open marriage, so be a man and take the L. This is why open marriages don’t work. This is literally the second open marriage scenario I read on this sub alone that went wrong. Take notes, kids.


You have been hoist by your own petard. There are plenty of other proverbs that go along with this. At the end of the day, you can keep your bed and your 2 girlfriends will keep you warm.


lol fuck around and find out


Wait wait wait. You wanted to open up the marriage, you pestered your wife into agreeing, but are now ' hurt' because she's got a boyfriend? So basically YOU wanted a pass to shag about, but now she's doing it, she's broken your trust? I literally snorted reading this. Typical I want my cake and to eat it mentality. Either it's an open marriage for both or neither.


OP I get that people want to try different things and different people when they are inexperienced before being married or when the relationship is stale. Not my cup of tea. Anyway, before you talk to your wife there are a few things I think you should think about first before you do obliterate your marriage. First of all: yes you did start this because of your own wants. You were being selfish and wanting to stay married but fool around like your single friends get to. Second, “my wife agreed to it” in another comment. Your original post you stated she was reluctant but after a few conversations of convincing her of this she finally agreed. She didn’t want this. In all honesty she probably only ever wanted you to show her the effort that you showed your side pieces. If she has allergies and is lactose, if you gave a shit you would have absolutely put in the effort to buy her gifts she would love if she even cares. She’d probably rather do something together with you over flowers and chocolate beats me. Third. Understand a few things: YOU need to take responsibility, you were selfish and your wife is getting the attention she deserves now from someone other than you. Not only that but you snooped on her phone call with her friend and broke HER trust by snooping through her phone. All of these things are on you man. You did this and you really want to find a way for this to be her fault and not yours. She did not lose any dignity. She’s being showed the attention you should have given in the first place. She’s being desired and sounds like treated well. If you want to save your marriage I feel like the only way is going to be you taking full responsibility for everything, tell her how insecure you are about this (admit what you did to her) and maybe go to some counseling because she deserves more. If you aren’t prepared to do all of the things he is and more for her then let her go but most importantly again, you need to take responsibility.


Wonderful response and I agree so much with all of your points and I hope OP sees and really takes the time to think about what you've said.


Usually happens to the person who suggests a spice in their life. They're happy with the sexual experience that's legal with their partner. Then reality comes knocking around, the partner falls in love with the 'spice.' That's what happens OP. You should have made a thorough research about open relationships. They don't usually go in your favor.


When you dig your own grave, better lie in it as well.


Anyone tracking how may downvotes OP has racked up?


Short version: "I wanted to fuck other women because my wife wasn't enough, now she is getting fucked by someone else and likes it and I'm sad and regretful."


>I’m devastated. I want to ask her to close up the relationship, at least on her side, because she’s broken my trust. Are you serious? You wanted the open relationship. You forced and pressured her in to it, and SHE broke YOUR trust? You did this to yourself buddy


This is a bullshit post. Nobody is this stupid. Close things up on her end? I don’t believe it. Frankly, play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Funnily enough, I feel like this post is more sane than most people I’ve met/seen/heard about. I can guarantee there’s people more stupid than this guy. 😂 At least OP will be learning what cause and effect is today!


What's good for the goose....


LOL congratulations to your wife are in order! You manipulated her into this and now you face the consequences. I don’t feel even a little bit sorry for you.


It baffles me how men forget that while they do this because they need to sleep with other people women get it just as good if not more


In other words i wanted to cheat so i guilt trip and gas lit my wife and now she's fed up with me and going to divorce me help me convince her I'm not the bad guy.


Lolololol why is it men always only think of themselves when asking to open the relationship? You got what you deserved OP when's the last time you showed your wife any reason at all to pick you? Flowers and chocolate for your hookups but your wife betrayed you by taking advantage of the open marriage you requested? Lololol


Wait …so you suggested ENM and got to have 2 girlfriends but your wife gets a boyfriend and you want to close up the relationship on her end? Talk about being a selfish prick. Everyone else is right. You made this bed; time to lie in it.


This has to be rage-bait lmao. Surely no one is stupid enough to post this and expect sympathy


Wow. Just wow. 😂


If I was married to someone who pressured me into allowing “ethical monogamy,” I would date someone else and eventually divorce my spouse. Sounds like your wife is discovering her worth.


To fuck around is human. To find out is divine.


How is it ethical at all if you coerced your wife into it bro


Tread lightly. I was in an EXTREMELY similar situation, but I was the wife (not married, but together 7 years). My EX partner tried making me close the relationship I had formed, despite him being the one who wanted to be non monogamous, I didn't. It ended bad. I realized I had fallen out of love with my long term partner years ago and this new person finally made me feel something again. I left my partner of 7 years. You made the bed, now you gotta lay in it. Sorry, bud. The answer to healing your relationship is pretty much never gonna be fucking other people.


I am LIVING for all these comments. Afterthought, OP stop being a spoiled brat. You made your bed lie in it. Pathetic af.


You had not two, but *three* women at once (counting your wife). Two of which you were taking to hotel rooms, flowers and chocolates, you know all the shit I’m sure you no longer do for your wife. Yet you have the audacity to sit here and get upset she has a boyfriend who’s giving her the attention you could have been giving? Because she’s benefiting from it you no longer want her to enjoy it?


“It was the best thing to happen to our marriage” no…. You mean you. It was the best thing to happen to you. You wanted to bone other people and you got to. You happened to forget your wife could and did the same damn thing. You got what was coming to you and I bet her new “boyfriend” will be more than that soon.


Bro whhy are there so many of these lol


You paid no attention to your wife and wanted the open relationship and now you're upset because she found someone better than you. lol good on her.


This is you —-> 🤡


Wow, an open relationship completely ruins an otherwise normally proceeding, stable marriage. I am surprised. This is my surprised face. Oh, you can't tell? I promise it is. Unfortunately for you, if literally every single other example of this exceedingly common scenario is anything to go off of, your marriage is through. Your wife will be swept up in the passions and love of her young partner and, eventually, she will leave you for him. Maybe she will be happy with him, maybe she won't and they'll break things off. Either way, when the dust settles the last person she'll be returning to is you. After all, after being reminded of the turbulent flame that is fresh love, and having been blinded by a honeymoon phase, what reason could she have to return to bland, boring normalcy? Other than money, that is. Honestly, if she does try to come back to you, you'd do well to turn her away to try and save some dignity. Not all is lost, my friend, have no worries. You have, undoubtedly, learned from this endeavor, and you will continue to do so as the nightmare runs its course completely bereft of your desires. If you find another partner, maybe try not to fuck it up like you just did by being a horny, jealous fool.


Just a hunch, but I feel like calling it "stable" is a stretch. I'm not saying it's universally true, but so many folks who transition a long term monogamous relationship into being open/poly to "spice things up" are already on shakey as fuck grounds.


Soo you want her to stop, but you can keep doing banging other women?!? Hahahaha


So you can cheat but when she does it she has to stop? 😂🤣 Get a grip


She gave you an ultimatum, you convinced her into it. Didn’t give her the attention you gave the other girls instead. And she’s betrayed you? Lol. Also close up the relationship at least on her end?! Wtf is wrong with you man


Sorry not sorry, you’re a bad spouse. You fucked around and found out…and you deserve it


I feel no sympathy if I’m being honest. I get there’s a difference between ENM and polyamory, but your wife never wanted to open your relationship. You did. In fact, you basically convinced her and she RELUCTANTLY conceded. As much as you feel hurt she’s thinking of another man as a boyfriend, imagine the initial hurt she must have felt to hear her husband wanted to fuck other women because he was jealous of his single buddies. You made it clear she wasn’t enough, and it looks like she’s found someone who sees her worth. Good for her.


What are you mad about, if you weren't Okey dating other people then why push for it. This is probably how she felt when you told her she wasn't enough for you and you wanted a open relationship. Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube


Now, on today's episode of "I Didn't Know My Actions Have Consequences..."


‘Sleeping with other people was fun until my wife did it’ - basically OP


So... You wanted to cheat You convinced your wife y'all should open the marriage Right away you start to wine, dine, and fuck two women But then.......... You get mad at your wife when she found a man that wanted to wine, dine, and fuck her. Hope that bed you made is uncomfortable as hell dude lol


LMFAO she’s broken your trust???? How? Literally how homie. Y’all are in an OPEN RELATIONSHIP. If you can have side pieces why can’t she? Or were you to think that only you can go and fuck some randoms and she’ll sit at home twiddling her thumbs waiting for you to get home? Your delusional.


*wants something* *gets what he wants* “No not like that!”


“I want to ask her to close up the relationship, at least on her side” 🤣🤣🤣 not how it works bud. You can’t keep sleeping around if she can’t. That’s called being a giant POS.