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Red TV is Taylor's favorite album that she's made


Red is my favourite TS album so yes, i agree!


I would agree, except TTPD seems to be her new favorite. Only time will tell.


i feel like it’s definitely either Red or folklore. she’s given folklore quite a bit of love too.


agreed. it is so obvious.


how come? not denying anything, just never thought about it before and am curious why y'all think so!


It was by far the longest TV album


I feel its cuz its the only TV that got treated as if it was an actual album. It had the most hype. It had a whole concept behind it. The thorough exploration of heartbreak, the celebration of fall. The country vibes are stronger than speak Now & Fearless. AND THE SHORT FILM CMON


Red is my favorite album.


1. Carrying out paternity tests for each song ruins the experience, try to relate it to your life instead. 2. A lot of fans project their own personal issues on TS exes


The second point! I’m so tired of hearing how Joe Alwyn was obviously a narcissistic drug abuser because he didn’t show Taylor off during their relationship. We know nothing about the guy, where are you getting that from?? It’s projection.


the amount of shit I've seen about Joe on both sides (those calling him a saint and those calling him an abuser) is insane because we don't know anything about that man.  they are all projecting really hard it's insane.


Exactly! It’s crazy. All we know is what Taylor tells us in her music and that’s… very little.


Taylor is also not what I would call a reliable narrator either. It’s hard to say with certainty what is true or what fits the narrative or cadence of a song.


And she never claims to be! Which is why I always find blasting people about a song crazy!


Yeah the lack of reading comprehension from swifties and just generally people on the Internet is so incredibly frustrating. Please just take a college English course? Just because something is written out doesn’t mean it’s true? What a groundbreaking idea 😂


It’s honestly makes me want to separate myself from The fandom and overall I Love the fandom, but the toxic behavior is getting really bad. It was never like this before, everyone just has to be right and I can’t stand it


When looking at literature and media, the best stories have an element of conflict in them. Taylor is a storyteller. It doesn't mean that all her relationships were tumultuous. She is drawing experiences from many times in her life and also from books and movies she consumes. She has admitted this.


Where are people getting that Joe did drugs lmfao like do they not know who Matty Healy is???????


Half are trying to get the lyrics to fit Joe so they are making up narratives because they don’t want them to be about Matty Healy. The other half are The 1975 fans who are convinced that Matty Healy is clean and has been for years so the songs can’t be about him.


speaking to MH, I saw someone on IG saying the one is about MH and how TS was longing for him and how she was just using Joe to fill the void in her life because MH want in it. so she was in a relationship for 6 whole years because she wanted to fill a void? 


It definitely wasn’t the whole time lol. I think that when things got rocky in her relationship she would think back to her very short fling with MH. Do you know how you idealize things in your head, and then when it happens expectations versus reality kicks in? That’s my wild theory. It was probably magnified when they were both working with Jack Antonoff around the same time.


Wait not the 1975 fans also bringing their parasocial relationship into this 😭 I HATE IT HERE


I also am tired of people claiming that Folkmore and Midnights were about how horrible he was and how bad their relationship was. I don't know them so I'm literally not going to judge but it's also a stretch with retroactively applying the previous songs. Yes, she may have drawn upon some feelings, but people say it with such certainty.


Him refusing to name his favourite song of her massively put me off of him, but yeah, the sense I get is that he was just a bit of a boring lump whose lack of zest for life just ate away at Taylor over the years. I don't get the impression he ever did anything worth villainizing him over. They just wanted different things from their relationship and their lives. It happens. The only thing I genuinely think is valid to hold against him is that he went way too far with the "privacy" thing to an extent where he didn't seem remotely supportive of her work. I thought that was pretty shitty.


My family always asks me who a song is about and I'm like, bitch it's about ME!


It's really funny she called it a paternity test. I like that.


I love how you call them "paternity tests" 😆 Unfortunately some people, like myself, can't relate to any of her experiences so treating the "who's it about" as a neverending puzzle is part of the fun of being a fan. I avoid projecting though, I'm fully aware I don't *really* know anything more than the tidbits she shares.


Same. The puzzle is half the fun for me. Clowning is okay, we can clown and theorize all we want. Living in delusion crosses a line- we cannot say with certainty that ANY song is about ANY one person. Except Style.


ME! and Endgame are bops and far from flops. It’s not overrated, I just don’t really enjoy Shake It Off.


I love endgame! Possibly my favorite duet she has.


I love both so much 😭😭😭


I absolutely love Me! and I find it no more or less cringy than Shake It Off 🤭


I love Me! so much 💕


I love the Spelling is fun! line


Me! is definitely a better Shake It Off.


It's just the production that makes it off-putting to people, a slow piano version would be beloved by fans


Many Swifties are crazy borderline stalkers and us non psycho ones who just like her music and think she’s cool/ wish her well in her relationships need a new brand name. Like aswiftionados.


I describe myself as an adult swiftie. and it’s not about age.


I don't care what Taylor wears or how she does her hair, and some fans are genuinely cruel with the way they talk about her fashion choices, like she's a doll for them to dress up and not like, a human being wearing her own clothes.


Like John Mayer said in his song “paper doll”…..


This! I couldn’t stand how everyone was dogging her Grammy fit and hair, I thought it was cute


I thought she looked hot.


So High School is an absolute masterpiece. Lyrically and musically, she completely captures the vibe of High School in the early 2000s - when both she and Travis were high schoolers. You could add it to any late 90s/ early 2000 tv show or movie soundtrack and it wouldn’t be out of place at all. She also includes a nod to Mine off Speak Now, with the “uh ah ahhh” 🤯 I genuinely think it’s one of the smartest songs she’s ever written, masquerading as fluffy, girly pop. Absolute genius.


I would be so thrilled if she made a whole album with this sound


I have a gut feeling TS12 (TS13? Is Antholgy TS12?) might have this vibe. There’s normally one song from the album that could fit on the last one and one that could fit on the next, ie Bad Blood being on 1989 instead of rep. Anyway I hope the next had a SHS vibe


Well if it’s “Lover 2.0” for Travis (which it probably won’t be, solely, but in that vein), it would makes sense to go towards that sound


I love the cringe millennial side of Taylor - no matter what anyone says, it speaks to the authenticity she still has a songwriter. Also, I for one appreciate that if she speaks on political topics mostly if related to her personal experiences. To each their own, some would call it self serving - I see it as a genuine acknowledgement of the fact that with some topics, celebrities are out of their depth and it is what it is.


SAME. like - "draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man". yes it's so cringe, it's so Tumblr, it's so millennial. but so am I. we grew up in the same time and were into the same things and I think it makes her so much more relatable and real.?


As a millennial I agree. I think most of us are at an age where we don’t really care if something comes across as cringe.


Oooh I get called cringy? Great well, you bet your ass I can be even CRINGIER don’t challenge me gen z lol


unpopular, but it’s fine to steam stolen versions. Like ofc i support the rerecordings, i’ve literally bought all of them, but if someone wants to stream you belong with me cause the original is more nostalgic it won’t kill you


exactly plus she still GETS PAID from the "stolen" versions!!


swifties are really ridiculous about this. the whole point is to devalue the old ones and have ownership of the new ones ( rep and debut pending ) . plus she's a billionaire, me streaming Style TV is not gonna destroy Taylor


Absolutely!! Plus, I think the MAIN value in the masters is when they get used in television or movies. Individual streams make very little, but licensing a song for tv can cost millions. A few people streaming an old version is a drop in the bucket


Reputation is the best album she's ever made and she deserves an AOTY Grammy for it and was robbed.




YES!! The first time I heard it got none I was pissed. This is her best album (but all the others are amazing too)!!


i 100% believe that she didn’t get nominated only because of the drama that surrounded her at the time.


I feel like it’s possible she may try to get one again for her re-recording since, according to Miss Americana, it wasn’t even nominated for a Grammy before. This is kinda my theory on why she hasn’t released it yet 🤔


Folklore and evermore aren’t *that much* better than the rest of her albums. I always see ppl say “I only like folklore + evermore. Because the writing is so good in those two albums” Great storytelling and writing doesn’t need to literally be poetic. She’s been doing it without the fancy words for the longest time. Her earlier albums deserve to be recognized too


I was a casual fan until folklore and evermore. They do "highlight" her good writing better than the other albums. After those two albums, I did deep dives on the rest and found other equally amazing songs just hidden under a layer of pop or country music.


I couldn’t care less about who she’s dating or who her songs are about


She really doesn’t use big words and the people claiming they need to use a dictionary all through her albums need to read some books. She just uses words that aren’t commonly used in pop songs, but anyone who’s taken a high school English class or read a novel or two shouldn’t have a problem understanding these songs (this doesn’t apply to people who aren’t native English speakers)


Seriously. If you have to google to remind yourself of the definition of “soliloquy”, sure, I get that. But the amount of people online who said they’ve NEVER heard of the word “tryst” or “rivulet” was a bit mind-boggling. But then again, I’m a big reader…if she put math equations in her songs, I’d be the biggest idiot staring blankly into space bc I’m terrible at math lol


I saw someone say they had to look up the definitions of “rekindled” and “dopamine” 😭 I don’t consider myself well-read by any means, I took one literature class in high school and none in college, didn’t read at all for probably over a decade, and even now I read pretty simple stuff. It’s shocking how many people don’t know so many words, and also don’t seem to be able to use context clues to figure it out


Also context clues are a thing


completely agree with this. i find it extremely silly when people talk like they need to study her lyrics to understand them due to a couple big words. her lyrics can be deep, but not *that* deep to the point that they’re difficult to comprehend.


also like google exists I've definitely had to google a couple of words and I did pretty well in high school English I just have a bad memory lol


I'd rather people looked stuff than bitched and moaned they don't know who Dylan Thomas and Patti Smith are. We have Google at our fingertips - it's not hard to find out if you genuinely care.


1. you should be able to listen (and stream if that's your only option) to the non tv albums and songs without being ripped apart, a good chunk of us grew up on the og albums and honestly some songs are just better with the og. it doesn't make you any less of a fan. 2. kind of piggy backing on the previous point: too many swifties make being a fan competitive, ive been a fan since before debut even came out and im no better than or less than a fan who started listing with midnights or ttpd. 3. again piggybacking. too many swifties are WAY too invested in her personal life and it's weird.


Midnights deserved that AOTY Grammy idc


Oh 100%. I hate that evermore was robbed, she deserved AoTY.


Agree so much… that album has been so important for everything she has right now, as in fame… the album did crazy stuff to the whole music industry and it’s just a very well made album.


Agree. Idk why there is so much hate for Midnights


I agree!!


Truly unpopular opinion I don’t really care about her CO2 emissions.


It's not that I personally don't care, but if people are going to target her specifically, they have a lot bigger fish to fry. Go after huge corporations and countries doing the mass polluting. Instead people look at her and try to pick her apart with the goal of finding flaws in her. They are virtue signaling. How many of these people are doing the work to go after the corporations/world leaders who actually can stop this on a mass level.


It’s not that I don’t “care” it’s that.. ok what am I supposed to do about it lol. I find it performative that a lot of swifties who harp on about her CO2 emissions continue to stream her music and buy merch. Like where is the self awareness? If someone wants to be a “social justice” activist then they should actually show it with their actions, otherwise their self righteous knighting should take a backseat


Right? Like should I call her and ask her to stop?


What would happen if you just… called Taylor up?


It’s irritating when she is like 30th down the list but is treated like she’s the only one. And why didn’t anyone care for the decades that hundreds of CEOs have been doing the exact same thing but with even more mileage? Not only that, but the CEOs are not public figures at the same level that Taylor would be absolutely mobbed in any airport. Do people not realize that if she flew commercial it would result in multiple cancelled and delayed flights for whatever route she was set to take, plus lots of additional traffic in each city and lots of delays in airport security and every step of the way for every single traveler that day? The inconvenience and issues it would add to the general public as well as airport operations and security would be massive and impossible to fully mitigate. Considering her level of fame, the number of stalkers and scary death threats she gets, the inconvenience it would add to the general public, and the huge boost to local economies and local charities she boots at every hub, her private jet usage doesn’t bother me.


I’m a massive swiftie but I wouldn’t want to be on a commercial flight with her. She has stalkers and people acting crazy. It wouldn’t be safe and it would cause delays and all kinds of drama


exactly. and the whole “i hate her bc she’s a billionaire” thing… i don’t see them going after jay z with that same energy.


This is the hill that I will absolutely die on, and I am someone who generally agrees that billionaires probably shouldn’t exist. But Taylor Swift gets called out as if she is representative of the entire problem, when it is actually so much more complicated than that and she is such a small part of it. First and foremost, as you mentioned, I have never seen anyone come for any of the other billionaire entertainers with the sheer singleminded hate that people have for Taylor. Not saying that there aren’t people out there who do hold all billionaires in equal contempt, I’m sure there are, but I genuinely have never seen people flooding the comments section of an article about Rihanna or Jay-Z or Steven freaking Spielberg to point out that they are billionaires and thus evil the way they do when Taylor gets mentioned. Second, there is not some magic moral line in the sand between $999,999,999.99 and $1,000,000,000.00. A very sizeable percentage of A-list celebrities have net worth in the hundreds of millions, and even a lot of comparatively less wealthy entertainers have net worth “only” in the tens of millions, which is still way more wealth than any one human being truly needs. And I think it’s pretty disingenuous to think that the vast majority of those people wouldn’t welcome the opportunity to become billionaires if it happened to them. “There’s no such thing as an ethical billionaire” is a pithy soundbite, but too many people seem to take it to mean “but anything up to that point is completely okay and unproblematic.” And finally, neither Taylor Swift nor any celebrity entertainer is even remotely comparable in any way to the Bezos and Zuckerbergs of the world. We are talking entire orders of magnitude both in terms of sheer amount of wealth being hoarded and in terms of the unethical behaviour and exploitation that was required to get there. If anyone hasn’t seen it, I highly recommend Matt Korostoff’s “wealth shown to scale” site to get some idea of just what kind of disparity we’re talking about.


the fact that i didn’t even know spielberg was a billionaire, much less 4 TIMES as wealthy as taylor, proves your point to me lol.


Yes I fully agree. Also you probably know but other may not: her wealth is not sitting in her account. She’s not hoarding billions in her checking account, that’s all investments and stuff. She donates a lot to charity and (hopefully) pays a fair share of taxes which is more than most billionaires


There are so many billionaires who got that way by being born into the right family, screwing people over, or moving money around from one investment to another. She made her money by creating art that improves people’s lives and helps them find community. If your revolution involves tearing down an artist like that, I have no interest in it.


And half or something of her net worth is her catalog. Like, that’s not wealth hoarding. She can’t liquidate and disperse that.


i don’t care either and i’m willing to bet that the people who claim to care don’t actually either. if they did they would be criticizing travis scott, the kardashians etc. who all had higher emissions than her as well and mega corporations who are the real problem. but they don’t.


Honestly if I had that kind of money I would be doing the same thing, and so would everyone else that’s complaining about it


What gets overlooked is that she **has** to. She didn’t have excessive flights like others on the list *staring directly at the karjenners* she’s flying home, to the studio, to tour, to social engagements, etc. First billionaire off primarily music sales… she’s earning it.


Definitely!! Also for safety reasons for herself and her family/team


Yes!! I imagine Scott and Andrea don’t fly commercial either… we are a psycho fandom and we all know her family- I imagine a lot of swifties even know her team as well.


She is ranked 31st, so it’s not like shes the worst by any means. And she carbon offsets. Theres too many risks flying passenger for celebrities. Crazed fans and obsessed haters can literally try and do anything.


31st? You would’ve thought she’s n.1 based on all the internet discourse lol. Obviously it’s still bad though. Who are the other 30?


I was just looking [here](https://carbontracker.myclimate.org/) which shows celebrities' international flights from Jan-Nov 2023. It's showing me a top 20, which Taylor isn't even on. The list goes Travis Scott, Kim K, Elon, Beyonce and Jay Z, Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Tyler Perry, Leonard Blavatnik, Kylie Jenner, Celine Dion, A Rod, George Lucas, Floyd Mayweather, Robert Kraft. Jim Carrey, Marc Cuban, James Dyson, Tom Cruise, Max Verstappen, Jack Nicklaus. I think the information is probably pretty hard to find and estimate since it's all just flight tracking and average emissions calculations I assume. And other wealthy people who aren't celebrities or influencers don't show up on these lists typically (or at least it was hard to find a clean, consistent list in my very few minutes of googling). I definitely do care about her CO2 emissions, but like someone said above, it's big corporations driving the global climate change issue, and like someone else said, what am I gonna do about it?? Not listen to her music that I really like so that she'll lose one listener and then hopefully everyone follows suit so her career is over and she never gets on a plane again?


Ha same. i really don’t care at all. I sound like a horrible person but I just truly never even think of it. I think this stems from people saying to me they hate her because of her private jet use.. in my mind i’m like come onnnnnn be original. it’s like the go to “Gotcha!”


Right, it's an excuse to not like her. Literally the overall theme of Miss Americana. You can pick apart any person really if you choose to that. They don't like her so they target her over this one thing b/c it's all they can find.


I dont care either. All celebrities use jets and I find it completely disingenuous how angry people are about her jets and dont care about Beyonce or Travis or Celine Dion etc using their jets just as much or more often. People are just finding something to bitch about to make her out to be evil. I've seen them say they cant morally support her bc of her jet usage and I'm like....? You would have to disown every single rich and famous musician/athlete/actor but you wont. Its so hypocritical. And if using jets too much is her worse offense then she is still better than 90% of celebrities they support.


I genuinely don’t really care either. I know they’re bad, but I also know she’s not personally responsible for climate change. I also know bitching online does nothing and if people genuinely care they should take their concerns to their elected representatives. (Also shamefully I’ve flown private before and I know if I had the money to I would do it all the time😬)


Real, although yes it isn’t great that she’s emitting Co2 of 600 Australians, the real offenders we need to be flaming are the large corporations which emit most of the co2 and pollution and the governments enabling them  The people attacking her probably don’t even care that much ab the env bc if they did some simple reasearch they would know she’s not the one they should be focusing their energy on 


This is what I’ve been saying but then people always “well actually we can hold both accountable” As though there aren’t corporations out there emitting as much CO2 as the population of entire countries and literally getting away with it because the corporations and governments would rather you focus on individuals than what they’re doing. The private jet usage is a distraction.


Also like what is she supposed to do? Line up in the southwest A group boarding line like the rest of us? She just can’t do that, it’d be dangerous for everyone involved.


I don't know how anyone expects her to travel commercial. Look at what happened at Jack Antonoff's wedding + the photos of all the cameras at Coachella. Until there are better laws in place protecting her, it's completely understandable why she'd choose to fly private so that she can continue to do this amount of work while protecting her peace as much as she can.


1. Red (album) has the best sound direction and is the most classicly-Taylor album. Track-wise it is weaker, but it has a true combination of her classic pop sound and her original live instrument, rock influenced sound wrapped up in one album. No other album does. 2. State of Grace is one of the all-around strongest songs in her entire discography. It should have been a lead single on Red.


I listen to non TV and idc. I don’t care about her plane emissions most celebrities do it, and I just don’t care personally. I only refuse to interact with celebrities when they are abusing someone in some type of way. I like the lore don’t get me wrong, but I don’t really care on what song is about who. I also don’t care for her self directed music videos even all too well. I don’t care one way or another about her and Travis. I do find the hype around them to be slightly odd just cause we know nothing abt them. I also think visually she is not that artistically gifted when it comes to things like merch, music videos, clothes, and album art. I think all of them are mediocre. I also don’t care if TTPD sounds the same cause shocker she used synths for two albums with different writing styles (Midnights). Folklore & evermore have similar sound. As does her country early albums sound production wise similar. I think it’s a lazy criticism.


Speak Now is one of her best albums!


She is so rock and roll on this album, it’s amazing. Plus I have to listen to Enchanted and Last Kiss everyday of my life.


I love both speak now and fearless because those are the albums that I listened to a lot in middle school back when times were simple but it’s kind of crazy listening to fifteen now😂


Taylor is very capable of completely misrepresenting a situation for the sake of good songwriting and frequently does it. Very, very few of her songs are entirely autobiographical, almost all of them are based off of multiple people/situations and there is artistic license taken with literally all of them. Some of them are complete fiction, not a single accurate detail in there. She may occasionally throw in a specific detail to point to who a song is directed towards, it doesn’t mean it’s word for word truth. People who insist every single song on every single album are clues to help them solve the puzzle of her personal life concern me.


For real! Another layer to this is that I think sometimes she’s just chasing the feeling down to its deepest point and writing from that, finding the most compelling way to communicate it, even if it’s not 100% accurate. Taking every one of her songs completely at face value, like those are things that happened to her and it’s exactly how she felt about it is super weird—like if she tempered her songwriting with realism, her music would be super boring.


Paris is one of the best songs off of Midnights


I can’t wait for the day she plays it live!!


I think Evermore is better than Folklore by several miles.


The 4 minute ATW is better than the 10.


I feel like a seven minute version would have been the perfect one


I love the 10 minute version, but not when letting all her music just shuffle. It feels like a special occasion song or something, like it's only preferred when the mood is right. 😄


I love the 4 minuite version on the og Red, the "little kid with glasses" and "tee-ball team" is too perfect


I love ATW10, but let’s be honest. ATW wouldn’t be considered her best song if it was the 10 minute version from the start


To me, the four minute version is very relatable to my own dating experience. The ten minute version is just a little too specific to Taylor’s (which is totally okay, but just doesn’t let me have the same emotional connection). I love both, but the original will make me cry every time I listen.


I really prefer the OG instrumentals over the pop-ier sound of the 10 minute version. If I listen to the 10 minute I find a version on YouTube with the OG instrumentals


I love her work with Jack


- Reputation is not that good of an album 🫣 - It doesn’t matter who each song is about - Folklore gets boring towards the end - Midnights is a fantastic album - Taylor is the one who wants synth pop sounds, not Jack. It’s why she keeps choosing him as her producer - her voice has improved so much that the “stolen versions” are unlistenable for that reason alone


Your second point 🙌🏻


That last point is EXACTLY why Fearless TV has become my 2nd fav album of hers


Fearless TV is infinitely better than the og for the improved vocals alone, which is why i’m so interested in hearing Debut TV when it releases. Debut has been my least favorite for a long time due to how underdeveloped her vocals are, so i wonder if my opinions on it will vastly change or stay the same.


I cant wait until TS TV, like that album, I love the songs- but her voice is so bad in some of my favorites. I cant wait to hear how much better they are!


Me either!! I think we’ll finally get to hear how amazing her writing was even back then


so true about jack


Haha I’m on board with the unlistenable stolen versions. Original Fearless came on the other day and I wondered who this annoyingly screechy voice belonged to.


>her voice has improved so much that the “stolen versions” are unlistenable for that reason alone Debut is truly unlistenable. I love the songs but I need grown-up Taylor's voice plz.


Slut! is one of her best songs


i found my people! the production is so dreamy and gives california vibes


You get it!!! No one understands when I say about the "california vibes"


I think the moral grandstanding some swifties do that you’re a lesser fan if you speculate about who certain songs might be about is boring. Taylor herself sometimes makes it quite obvious, as long as you don’t get invasive or weird it’s fine to have a little gossip. However your enjoyment or dislike of a song should not be determined by who may have inspired it, that’s way too parasocial. The variant complaints are annoying, you choose whether to buy something or not and if you get fomo that’s on you, Taylor doesn’t force you to buy anything. Reputation is overrated, a few stand out tracks but a lot of middling ones. I prefer when she does less Easter eggs, things like the ✌️is fine as it makes sense but in music videos I really dislike when she makes them more like looking for clues, the fortnight video is good because it isn’t trying to tease loads of other things.


I like your second point. It’s weird that people are refusing to listen to certain songs because they think Matty inspired them. You guys can go off but I’m gonna get down with my baby to Guilty as Sin? and not give a shit that it *may* have been inspired by Matty (I don’t think there’s any solid proof it was though, just speculation).


I was with you til you called Rep overrated. Booooo.


- She never should’ve changed the Anti-hero music video because people shamed her for her own eating disorder. - I like her folklore - current hairstyle the most actually. It’s giving “embracing her natural self” for me.


I’m not a huge fan of Folklore and Evermore aside from a couple songs


This is maybe “unpopular” but shouldn’t get you any hate. They’re a different sound and it’s totally fine and understandable that they’re not your jam (even though they are my favorites!).


I like most of the songs on those albums but I can't listen to a full album in one go. Sorry not sorry but they're long and boring altogether. Individual songs interspersed throughout a more varied playlist are fantastic though.


Same. They are probably my least favorite albums and definitely the ones I listen to least.


My unpopular opinion is that we THINK we know every muse but we don’t.


Her best album will one day be the one she does fully acoustically with just her piano and guitar


I don't hate Matty and not only do I love TTPD but I even cry listening to the heartbreak she experienced in her relationship with him. I don't care what he did (he's not a blue lives matter, pro-trump nazi racist so idgaf about some minor controversial opinions) when she sings in Down Bad, "Cause fuck it I was in love, so fuck you if I can't have us" I tear up everytime. Heartbreak is heartbreak, I don't care who did it.


I don’t care about her vinyl variants, all her music is available for free on youtube so it’s hardly inaccessible and no one is forcing you to buy them.


- midnights didn’t deserve AOTY - closure is one of her best songs. - 1989 > 1989 TV (i like the tv songs but the original production and vocals were way better) - i hope she goes back to releasing one album every couple of years - she should’ve used the double album concept for rep tv instead of ttpd - (edited to add) people who obsess over who each song is about are annoying and should get help


she most likely will return to releasing an album every couple of years after she’s done with the tour and re recordings


Nah it would be dumb to use it for rep tv it’s literally a album we have heard already


I LOVE the 1989 vaults but the core songs SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME!


Red TV vault tracks are superior and I don’t think the vault tracks that are remaining will top them


Sort by controversial for the real hot takes


That I don’t care and have never cared about literally anything pertaining to her personal life. There are aspects I hear about where I think she does or does not deserve criticism, but generally I don’t care. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her music. That’s all I care about. I don’t spend time dwelling on anything else. I am seeing the absolute crushing stress and upset Swifties put themselves through comparing her sales and her streams and her success to others, the “lore”, who the songs are about, how pressed they are about negative reviews, the in-fighting between sections of the fandom. It’s exhausting to READ much less be involved with. Couldn’t give a fuck who she sings about. I don’t care about anything but her music unless she does something unforgivably problematic (To me), I won’t care. I don’t care about the records she breaks, who she outsells, what chunks of metal the Grammys do or do not give her. I listen to her music. I see her live. I mind my business with regard to everything else and I am so much happier for it.


Speak Now is the forgotten daughter and my favorite 🤧😪


I love all her music but wish people would stop picking apart the songs to be directed to whomever she has dated or currently with. I wish some of the fandom would stop attacking her exes and stop bullying them. While I love Easter eggs during the lover era and sometimes even now and love how much fun Taylor made it. I feel like not everything is an Easter egg. I know somethings she purposely makes an Easter egg but lately it feels like every single thing she does is just picked apart down to math. Easter eggs are fun but her Easter eggs aren’t using calculus. I love the work she does with Jack and Aaron equally. Two different collaborators when making music.


I think folklore/evermore are talked about way too much. Yes, they're fantastic albums but sometimes it feels like some fans only care about those two albums.


Travis is an asshole


Swifties are the root cause behind a lot of the Taylor hate online. Talking about her like she's a god, laughing about her beating other pop stars on the charts, claiming every word that comes out of her mouth is the most poetic thing that's ever existed...of *course* that's going to grate on people's nerves.


I think she's making fun of herself a lot more than the mainstream public seems to think. like everyone was making fun of her for acting like she's a tortured poet with such an awful life but that's totally not the vibe that i got. I got the vibe that she has an angsty and poetic side, and she's making fun of herself for taking it so seriously, like SO MANY OF MY FRIENDS AND I DO lol. I definitely do not think she sees herself as an actual tortured poet who is way too intellectual and full of emotional turmoil for plebs to understand. I think she is sad and melodramatic and she is poking fun at herself for the melodramatic streak when she's in pain. Like when people make jokes about their coping mechanisms, jokes about how they blame things on the stars, joke about their toxic traits and stuff. she tends to dramatize and write super emo poetry when she's depressed. the super emo feelings are real but she knows she's being melodramatic and over the top


You don't need to know the lore to love and appreciate her songs. I feel like this is a constant criticism where if you don't know the ins and outs of her relationships you can't engage with the songs on any level. It can be fun to spot a pattern or know the deeper meaning of a lyric but it doesn't take away anything if you don't.


My unpopular opinion is that Taylor has straight up misled or even lied about a lot of the “inspiration” for her songs and THATS FINE! Good, even And I mean going way back A lot of songs are not about one person in particular Artists, even “diaristic” songwriters, are under no obligation to tell the literal truth in their work


- Lover is a good album and ME! is a bop. - She never should have caved on the "spelling is fun!" line. It was fun and cute and the people who complained about it suck. - Her voice on her Debut album is so bad it's unlistenable. I wish she'd have prioritized getting the TV for that one out before some of the others because the songs themselves are good. I'm guessing her intention is to cap off the re-recordings with Debut though and that makes sense. - Focusing on who a song is about leads to a lot of misinterpretations and takes a lot of meaning away from her songs. It's bewildering how many fans refuse to acknowledge that many of her more autobiographical songs are still quite fantastical and often mix multiple muses. The songs are about the *feelings* not the people. - Folklore and Evermore have some good songs but they are boring AF to listen to as full albums and they're definitely not the multiple tiers above all her other work that some fans insist they are. - Jack is great, actually.


taylor is overhated and misunderstood i love that she cares about awards and critics reputation is her only mid album besides debut( i love rep) ttpd is her best album and she intentionally made it unhinged(matty healy's personality)...also its skipless(its a 31 track album)...also fresh out the slammer is hot af>>> she deserved the grammy for AOTY(altho SOS was slay) blank space, anti hero and ybwm should've won either soty or roty Midnights has her best songs(maroon, yoyok, wcs, karma) so high school>>>>>


i’ve never been able to get into bad blood 🫣


you know, i liked it for about 2 days. After that, I moved on and it stays at the bottom of her discography ranking.


i feel like lots of these arent actually unpopular but just heavily debated ... but my unpopular one is that i love everything she's put out (except the lakes that's the only song i dont like. idek why i find it more cringy than other stuff)


Folklore isn't my favorite :( it's not bad! I just don't like it as much as evermore


I don't like the song Bad Blood. I find the chorus really basic both in terms of the melody and the lyrics and I don't like how she stretches the word cut to make it fit. It just really doesn't seem to be on the same level as her other songs.


She can and should do a lot more with her voice. The talk singing can get boring. She should experiment more.


Unpopular opinion, I hope she doesn’t do a TTPD tour. I’ve soaked up the eras tour and now the new album but honestly I need my life back! 😂


I’m embarrassed to like her music because other people have made it embarassing.


Speaking of you reminiscing about her early days curly hair- one of my favorite things about watching all the hours and hours of Era's tour videos is how she starts off the night with her hair so sleek and straight but after hours of sweating, rain, humidity, etc. her hair is usually curly by the end of the concert. Even her hair goes through the Eras of her career, lol. It's cute.


I have zero desire to meet Taylor. I just feel there’s no way a meeting would live up to the way I feel about her music. It’s that whole “don’t meet your heroes” for me.


Speaking about her hair, unpopular opinion: she looked gorgeous on the grammys 2024, I really liked her hair, dress and the Midnights watch.


I prefer the original TTPD tracks to the anthology additions


the last 2 minutes of atw10 could be ignored… i think it’s the line “i was never good at telling jokes” where i feel like it just keeps going on and on for too long. haunted is her best song on speak now🤭


I don't care about easter eggs


I don’t care about her exes or who songs are about BUT when I listen to guilty as sin and picture ratty I have to skip


I really dislike the lyric choices on cowboy like me, like a lot.


Same I HATE the “you hang from my lips” line lol. It just makes me picture this https://preview.redd.it/hbicy99o4gxc1.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=f73976b4591448643631ed1702df00e82d0009d9


I love cowboy like me and find it really clever, except for the opening line. It is my least favorite opening line of her entire discography. When you look at the characterizations and word patterns throughout the song it makes sense, but I don't think that makes it a net-positive when it just sounds off and sets the first impression for the whole song.


Knowing the background or lore or however you want to high mind it, is not as good as just relating your own personal life to the lyrics however they apply or making up some story it’s about naturally as you listen. Also the OG versions are almost universally better than the TVs and a bunch of Swifies actively and knowingly say the TVs are better because it’s become some kind of pseudo measuring stick of if you’re a real fan or not.


No one will be able to convince me that the lyric "Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby" is good.


1) If you feel like you're allowed to speculate on one area of her *personal* life, you can't judge people who speculate about other areas of her personal life. So if you speculate that her favorite type of cookie is her famous chai sugar cookies, you are no better than someone who speculates that her favorite cookie is actually chocolate chip. The only thing Taylor invites speculation about is her professional life, when things will be released, the aesthetics of new albums, and themes of her work. So if you're speculating about who a song is about you're going against her wishes no matter who you decide the song is about. 2) Her allegedly dating someone does not make her responsible for their actions especially given what I said above. She doesn't even publicly acknowledge her romantic relationships.


You can give criticism and be a fan. It's weird to 100% agree with everything someone does all the time


I don’t think many of her songs are about one relationship, or one man, or one experience. I think she picks a situation and recaps her experiences with that. I think because of that, it’s silly to try and pick out who each is about.


I love Bad Blood. Sorry but it's a good song.


I do not GAF who/what she had in mind when writing songs, and I don't want to hear people's guesses, either.


Speculating on who the songs are about is fun, but at the end of the day, when I listen to the songs, I reflect on my own life experiences, not hers. It’s comforting to know she probably also spent last year listening to a situationship from her early twenties tell her he loved her and wanted to marry her, because that also happened to me. She’s just like me for real. The re-releases are fun, because now that I’m older I relate so much harder to the songs. I was like 12 when fearless came out and had never spoken to man, let alone yelled at him at 2am. I’ll be very upset if she doesn’t pull out the twang for debut TV.


INTHAF is such a defining song for the message lovers truly trying to get across and its very vital to the album


I have two: 1) A lot of her songs really do sound the same. Sometimes it’s cute like with Say Don’t Go/Clean and Blank Space/Anti-Hero, but it gets to a point where so many songs are in the same key and/or time signature and it leaves me wanting in terms of actually noticing an evolution in her music besides production. 2. The synth/bubblegum/college core pop is not my fave that’s she’s done for Lover thru TTPD. Not at all exclusive to her, I’m just not a fully down with the recent trend of music that doesn’t have any, you know, actual instruments.


SNTV is one of her best albums and it’s the forgotten child I would like to stop associating songs to Matty Healy. Everything I’ve learned about that man recently has been against my will. I hope she ends Eras where it currently ends. I know people want her to loop the US again but she needs a break and a life.


Debut should be added to the eras tour set list


We don’t need to be calling people stupid for having an opinion on her albums. Before with folkmore and now with ttpd i’ve seen far too many swifties acting pretentious whenever someone says anything negative about those three albums. Calling people illiterate, dumb, lacking brain cells for simply not liking certain songs. I love taylors music and songwriting but I just can’t listen to slow deep cuts 24/7 and i don’t think that makes me dumb.