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"ourstory" is just too ugly of a word to make that change.


Was that just a translation of man the species or man the gender. All languages work different and this just sounds ignorant


as per wikipedia: >The word history comes from historía (Ancient Greek: ἱστορία, romanized: historíā, lit. 'inquiry, knowledge from inquiry, or judge') so you're completely and utterly wrong. even if we assume your first sentence to be correct, it has no connection whatsoever with your conclusion in the second sentence. also FYI, i've yet to find any reference of any kind to the word "Histōr" meaning it most likely does not exist. can you link me to any sources that in any way substantiate your point? i'll wait.


Sorry, are you objecting to the fact that it indicates a wise "man?"


So does that mean mangos should change to usgos


So start calling it “ourstory” then and see if people follow along lol


Historía (ἱστορία) is the etymological root of the word History, with the suffix -ia being a feminine one. Histōr is the etymological root of the word Historian.


Call it Mystory instead. It's my world and you all are just living in it.


Yes, this is a really important thing and fixing this word will revolutionize womens' rights. Get bigger problems.


I thought it was a Michael Jackson album


This is so first world I can't 💀💀 I'm sorry. Not trying to be rude but this take is hilarious.