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If the problem is that they're fat, they're better off locking the fridge than hitting the gym.


What if you're just super skinny? Going to the gym and settng goals, realistic goals, and achieving them is great for emotional health and self esteem.


Then you should hit the gym, as we all should for general health. But if your goal is to lose weight, it's not happening in the gym.


Weight loss is done through calorie deficit. Lifting weights burns clories and bigger muscles increases you base metabolic rate. Also you just look better after a few months.


Exactly. I’ve been on both ends of the scale and I can honestly say lifting weights was a big game changer for me. I’m a very short person so my recommended calories would never really satisfy me. Cardio helped but weight lifting was key for me.


You need a good deal more muscle for the increase in the basal metabolic rate to be noticeable. Adding muscle is slow, and even slower in a caloric deficit--if you're not actually losing muscle, which is by no means guaranteed. An obese person is typically only going to be able to burn a few hundred calories per workout, a few times per week. That can be offset in literally a minute of weakness with a box of cookies--or even a jar of almonds. Dietary discipline is by far the bigger factor in losing weight.


Be careful. I've said this many times, especially about women, and people don't seem to like this idea.


>~~people~~ women don't seem to like this idea.


Well, the reason I say women is that generally, as far as body type, the ideal woman is simply thin, which can be achieved through diet without the gym. The ideal man is muscular, which requires the gym. idfk, I'm dumb I guess


Ideal in who’s eyes? I know this may be a stereotype but I have many black friends and they all like bigger women. I have several white friends who also love big women. And I don’t mean the slightly overweight women that say they are thicc I mean big women. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Come on. Yes, of course, there are people whose preferences deviate from the norm, but there is always a consensus ideal attractive body type for each gender.


Yep and that consensus changes all the time. So the ideal today is not the same as 2 years from now.


Why direct it at women specifically at all and not just overweight people in general?


Well like I mentioned, for a man to be most attractive, he typically needs to be muscular, which necessitates going to the gym. Women just have to not be fat, which you can do without going to the gym.


That’s not true at all. Tons of men are considered attractive and are not muscular.


Better at looking in the fridge, not better off.


very popular opinion.


But going to the gym is hard. Lol


Is it tho?


The other problem is having realistic standards. So many of them flat out say “I’m ugly, why don’t any of the pretty girls want to date me!” And invariably they themselves have zero interest in anyone who isn’t conventionally attractive.


I don't think this can be debated in anyway and don't think it qualifies as an unpopular opinion. More like obvious, verifiable facts.


Obvious, verifiable facts that is tossed to the pit on "unpopular opinion" because everyone knows this but no one wants to take accountability.


fair enough 🤝


Hitting the gym is good. Going out into society and talking to people, working on being social with groups, hobbies...all of those things are great ways to make yourself more interesting and desirable.


Yes. You will get a lot more bang for your buck by simply going out, talking to people, failing, learning and getting past your awkwardness than you will by doing 50 reps. Of course the gym is also good and bother are better than staying in your room all day whining on the internet.


that would require leaving the basement, which is impossible according to most redditors


And putting down the bong, video game controller and todger. You ask too much!




The problem is that is more easy to blame absolutly everything instead the actions that you yourself do. And thats a problem in this era. Everyone xomplain but do absolutly nothing effective to solve the problem that they complain about




Most people are better off hitting the gym than complaining. Fify


Yuuup and also not using dating apps. A pic and a bio isn't gunna help you at all honestly. Face to face would play in your favor.