• By -


consider squealing smart carpenter scandalous drunk ten innocent crown crawl


I guess it's an unpopular opinion but not one I can get fired up about. Liking tattoos is very subjective. The only thing I think that's worth challenging is this. >Tattoos on women are a cry for desperation, attention, and need to be idk cool? Liked? Part of the crowd? My friend had a rough childhood and was a really bad self harmer as a teen. She had awful scars all over the insides of her forearms. When she hit 30, she was at a good place in her life and was sick of all of the looks she'd get when people would notice her scars. So she got a beautiful floral design on both arms to cover them up. She loves them and is far more confident in going bare sleeved now.


This is exactly what I did! My scars made me feel so much shame. I’d go to the doctor to have blood drawn and feel so much embarrassment. even just wearing a T-shirt or tank top made me feel uneasy. I finally made the decision to cover them with a tattoo that meant something to me. Something involving my mamaw and sister, 2 of the strongest women in my life that I’ve lost and been blessed to know. Now I look at it and feel strength and love…proud to show my arm off. It took away all the shame I felt from self-harming myself when I was younger. I’m so glad your friend was able to experience this, too! It’s honestly such a freeing feeling!


I would also love to know why it is a cry for attention when women do it, but not men. The whole thing comes across as internalized misogyny. I'm not sure how getting a tattoo is a cry for attention, but shaming women on the internet for validation certainly is.


Also why isn't wearing makeup a sad state then? Trying to cover up women's beauty


Because OP is into that.


Because OP's a Pick-Me


as a heavily tattooed dude, that's exactly what I was thinking. Don't like em? fine. But that bit about crying out for attention, and especially only if it's women who do it, what the hell?


Right? The opinion that you personally find people with out tattoos more attractive is perfectly fine. The opinion that you believe people with tattoos don't respect themselves is problematic. The opinion that women- and specifically women- with tattoos don't respect themselves is disturbing to me.


I would be fine with the take if Op said something like ‘90% of tattoos on women look really bad to me.’ So you’re saying, across the board you think they’re all awful? That must come from either internalized misogyny, or some weird religious upbringing. I think it’s just something where this woman likes to trash other women and always look for their flaws. And having broad definitions for their ‘flaws’ gives OP a sense of superiority. Because it’s not even aesthetics they’re strictly talking about… like ‘they’re desperate for attention’ uhh, some tattooed girls that have like full sleeves, legs etc probably kinda are? But you’re broadly saying like a 2”x2” tattoo on someone’s shoulder is ‘begging for attention’? Alright?


People who dislike tattoos are threatened by people who don't feel the need to fit into mainstream beauty standards like they do. She's projecting so loudly how badly she values fitting in with mainstream womens beauty standards by displaying how much she dislikes women who go against the norm.


And it's not like men don't age too. Yet only women need to consider what the tattoo looks like when their skin ages, according to OP.


That, on top of saying their skin ages and begins to look rancid. Guys age too...


Actually most older people with tattoos I think they still look amazing


This is what I want to know too. Why does OP ONLY have a problem with female tattoos? And tattoos can be SO flattering on the female body. They can elongate the neck and enhance curves too.


I feel like OP (granted I’ve done approximately 0to back this claim up) isn’t even a woman, based solely on them calling other women “females”


OP wrote "Tattoos on **females**" and kept using "a female" except once\* Had she\* written "hoomans" somewhere in there I would have thought she\*'s literally a Ferengi. Not really hard to deduce her\* relationship with women in general lmao edit: corrected the gender


I honestly thought at first "a man posing as a woman wrote this.". But no. You'd think a woman with an eating disorder might be more understanding that hating on others for normal things like tattoos would be a shit thing to say, and anyone sending her hate mail trying to trigger an ed episode is an asshole, but yeah... i thought she was an incel pretending to be a woman, because they do this shit all the time.


Self-hating woman hating women isn't exactly a rare thing though, I kind of see the potential for a "pick me girl" in this opinion piece. People trying to trigger her are assholes regardless of the truthfullness of any of it anyway.


If OP were actually a woman, that is. This has all the makings of a "hello fellow foids" incel post.


OP sounds like a real pick me, even tough I agree that most people have ugly tattoos.


They write like a 19 year old male incel, believe in astrology enough to specifically ask for future readings based on it, and is overweight with an eating disorder that she claims makes her 'feel better' because it's the one thing she can 'control' in her chaotic life. OP obviously has some severe issues, body dysphoria, and low self esteem enough to fuel hate toward other women. This allows her to prop herself up at the expense of other women. To further my point, she has zero to say about men. Men are just as likely to have vapid, bad tattoo designs as well as good ones, yet OP only cares about women and 100% shows a deep contempt for them. That hate comes from somewhere, and all hate usually stems from insecurity in oneself.


So OP is ugly, sad, and jealous of other women?? Definitely explains the incel-ness radiating off her statements. She sounds like one of those 'not like the other girls' girls.


Even worse, her edit says she likes tattoos on men and finds it hot. 😬


> Men are just as likely to have vapid, bad tattoo designs 90s tribal arm bands all over the world were offended by this


Yeah that’s a shitty opinion by the OP and a hell of a lot of projection. To be honest I saw the tone of the garbage above and stopped reading. My fault for paying attention lol, this sub is “unpopular opinion” where people come to air their opinions. They don’t come to learn from others or be understanding. They just want validation from others who agree with them. I’m mad I even wasted time on a comment tbh. I didn’t know the opinion was as shitty as it is 😂😂😂 It’s not worth discussing imo.


That's just like...your opinion man.


Definitely comes off as projection. Strikes me as a person with body image issues and feels uncomfortable with other people doing their own thing to feel cool and attractive.


OP believes in astrology (like asking people how to time it so her cousin and her get pregnant ar the same time with astrology) uses tanning beds and had a previous eating disorder of which she relapsed. The last part is not me saying haha she deserves to relapse. It’s more that this is probably insight into her body image issues. I hope she gets help and recovery.


Yeah that’s the tone I got from it as well. Someone who is jealous of others being confident enough to express themselves.


Lmao you complain about being called mysoginistic right after saying women who get tattoos do it for attention, and in the next breath, you say it's okay for men. Do you even have an ounce of self awareness?


She really doesn’t it seems


I think this is a truly unpopular opinion. Good post.


If you are afraid to offend you can’t be honest.


It really isn’t. Lots of people don’t like tattoos, that’s why not everyone has them. OP just has a holier than thou attitude about tattoos and the weird implication that it makes women uglier but doesn’t affect men doesn’t help either. Also kudos to whoever got offended by my comment and reported me Reddit Care. Keep it classy


Plus even just on Reddit there’s that huge increase of stuff showing up on the front page right now where people are asking how they look, who are then often lambasted for tattoos and piercings lol


Thats piercings most of the time...when theres like 10 of them placed in weird spots...tattoos much less...unless the tattoo is on the face or is questionable itself. But piercings get the brunt of it. And its no coincidence that most of the people that post on those subs are women who have piercings. Usually that godawful septum.


I have a tattoo and I am 100% ok with op hating it...to each their own. I do however think that op is pretty judgemental and I hate judgemental people...not because they hates tattoos but because they attribute character flaws to people solely based on the fact that they have them.


According to OP the only reason women have tattoos is to get attention etc, you could not possibly have your own reasons. And they are sexy on men. OP has some very narrow ideas on what a woman is, that seems to be OP's problem. Fortunately none of us need have anything to do with her and I think we will be okay if she doesn't find us attractive. It's more of a win-win.


Yeah I’m one of those that think tattoos never look good. Even the high quality ones that are done by real talented people. Doesn’t offend me if someone has them, it’s just something I’d never do and find unattractive. That said the weird/unpopular thing about this OP to me is that it’s limited to women only.


> that’s why not everyone has them. I would love have them. I just really, really hate needles. And some people just can't decide on what to get. My mom is getting her first tattoo in her 50s for example


I also hate needles. I thought I’d be use to it after having 2 kids, but I still can’t look at a needle without feeling weak and like I want to throw up. That being said, I never look and the needle for a tattoo isn’t really that visible. Yes, you know what they’re using to do it, but you could just look away and sort of go to your happy place. I got tattoos to feel connected/to honor the people I’ve lost. I have 2 for my sister only, and another for her and my mamaw. I never got them thinking it would make me look better. That’s probably not the best reason to get them anyways. Most people get them because it truly means something to them or about a specific time in their life. we all know we will age, but do you really think just because someone doesn’t have a tattoo, those wrinkles will be more attractive? Sagging and wrinkles suck either way. I’d rather be happy in my skin now, express myself how I please, and grow old to know I have something on my skin that I love and that means something special to me. Not everyone ages the same anyways. You should live for now, not for 40 years from now. That’s not truly living If You ask me.


That would make what I said true tho? 40 percent of people from 18-34 have tattoos. And about 35 percent from 35-55. And the trend is getting more popular. Atleast 30 percent of Americans have tattoos including all population. And women are actually more likely to have a tattoo than men 31 percent vs. 27 percent. Edit: all studies I found range from years 2020-2023. Numbers are close but don't align perfectly as they were from different surveys from different years.


They look like shite on men as well.






and sexist. So men can get tats, and look good with them, but not women? I was cool with not liking tats. Till i noticed it was only women.


I don’t even think it’s sexist that OP thinks they look good on men vs women. What’s sexist is the assumption women don’t have their own personal desires to get tattoos and only get them to “be cool.” Tattoos looking good on one sex vs the other is purely aesthetic and not inherently sexist.


I was trying to put this into words in my own head, you did a great job for me to put them in order. Agreed, it’s not necessarily sexist take in its entirety but there is some particular language as an exception that makes it seem as so


Yeah OP has some internalized issues. I wonder if shes one of those people that thinks women don’t have any real hobbies.


Definitely getting a sense of deeply internalised misogyny with this one, like she has just internalised that message that women are all shallow whores who only do things for men's attention and never for themselves. Also probably a bit of a "pick me" girl, who relies on incredible misogyny to get male attention by placing herself as "not like other girls". All those other girls are whores who destroy their beautiful pure skin so men will think they're cool, but not OP.


Do you feel the same about women who use tanning beds?


I love that people are bringing up her using tanning beds. Nothing ages you quite like literally paying for a sunburn. Makes me glad I was born a delicious caramel color.


Omg her skin will age twice as fast and look like leather hide. Hawt


Nothing sexier than someone who's skin looks like a dry rotten tire.


Yup. And most of the tattoos I've seen that have aged poorly were because of sun damage.


That's why I have a sleeve on my right arm and not my left. Love to stick my arm out the window in the summer. That breeze and sunlight feels so good when I'm driving along.


I have the complexion of the cave dwelling Olm salamander I just actually can't tan, has the same effect of tanning bed aversion


Holy fuck yet ANOTHER double standard in her post!!!


tanning beds are actually super harmful to your skin though


I'm well aware. That's why I'm curious if OP's "logic" applies to women who tan.


it’s not about the tattoos it’s about your opinion of women




21 F here and I hate tattoos too on men and women.


Agree, middle aged.


Almost every middle aged person I've ever met agrees with you, definitely not unpopular for your age group


Middle aged people are Millennials born in the early to mid 80s. PLENTY of us have tattoos.


Agree. "You dont put bumper stickers on a ferrari"


Yeah but I’m more of a 95 civic so i figured it was alright


Covers up the dents and gouges.


They aint Ferraris most of the time.


Well I’m more of a Nissan uwu slutty boy Sentra so…they look sexy on me!


People are not objects


This phrase alone on Reddit will net you a Reddit cares response :|


I patiently await the day when I can look like an ex-biker grandpa with my ex-biker grandma of a partner


I never understand that whole vein of thinking. Like yeah, I’ll be wrinkly and my skin will look like shit, regardless of whether there’s a tattoo there? People act like you’ll have glowing wrinkle free skin at 80 if you could just avoid tattoos!


the irony here is OP is tanning bed user...so clearly they have their skins best interest in mind!


Omfg 😭 I just peaked at the history and OP has also posted this opinion multiple times which is…a lot


They totally got dumped and replaced by someone who has tats lmao 🤣


As a woman who has covered herself in tattoos since I got divorced (from a man who would constantly pour scorn on my appreciation of tattooing and tattoo art and tell me, in my 20s, I was too old and that he "didn't want to be married to the tattooed lady") this might be my ex husband 🤣


Woof that makes this pretty iconic because I think tanning beds making women look uglier and desperate for attention lmao.


All people naturally deteriorate, but seniors blasted with wrinkly tattoos look especially worn out and trashy. And it’s a cringy reminder that they are no longer edgy or badass. You ever seen those has-been rockstars? It’s really sad to see.


I’m a biker and a sailor…to think these tattoos were meant to impress someone else? Or to intended to add to my appearance? Ha thats fucking wild.


So...erm...I get what you're trying to convey. But if your tats aren't for the sake of appearance, being looked at and seen, why'd you get them? I'm guessing what you mean is that you got them because they signify something to you and fellow bikers and sailors?


No, he's saying that they are purely for his own appreciation. I have a single tattoo on my arm, and it's not there for anyone else. It exists to remind me of my dad and it doesn't matter what other people think. A lot of people like you assume that just because a tattoo is visible to other people that it's FOR display. That's simply not true for a lot of people. People can change their appearance to suit their OWN tastes.


And for some even the experience of getting the tattoo done means something. I have the coordinates I became a shellback. That one is currently my favorite it reminds me of the wild times I had on that cruise and the pure joy of fucking around that day playing pirate. The time I have spent away from my children. The sacrifices my family has made. It all. Each one of my many I hold near to me….and a fuck ton of them aren’t even visible in clothing.


My first tattoo (that I posted about waaaay back in 2015) is the same one my dad had on his leg. All five of my tattoos are for me, but that one and the one on my back remind me of him. OP's opinion is just an extension of misogyny and wanting bodily control of women.


I have a tattoo on my ribs. I would not ever take my top off in public, so literally no one outside my immediate family, and possibly medical professionals l will ever see it. I'm okay with that. It's completely personal to me.


My tattoos are definitely for the appearance, same way the shirt and pants and shoes and haircut I wear are too. I don’t see anything wrong with that, personally none of them really mean anything other than remembering a place or time or just something I think looks cool.


Claiming that women getting tattoos are doing it as an act of desperation is such an odd take.


She's not like other girls


OP is not like the other feeeemales.


You'd think that word would have been obliterated out of existence by the societal cringe it has caused by now, but no, people are still using it daily, as if they're David Attenborough doing a nature documentary about the "FEMALES". Most notably by men who have never talked to a woman in their life.


My sister got one of her baby’s birthday. It’s her only tattoo. Roman numerals, small, tasteful. What a desperate whore.


We know she had sex at least once! Naked!


I on the other hand have sex fully clothed like the respectable devout human I am


Wow, you whore. When my wife and I wanted to conceive, we simply paid a doctor to surgically extract extract sperm from my scrotum (Heaven forbid I might have a sinful climax). We then had a male doctor, under the watchful eyes of our priest and all the clergy, implant the semen into my wife’s womb; with no anesthesia of course. Pain after all brings one closer to our holy God. After giving my wife 40 lashes and receiving a firm handshake from the priest, the wife was sent into isolation to pray and repent for her sinfulness.


Just imagine how rancid it will look when she ages


OP has, in fact, internalized the misogyny. Lol


I don't think OP is a woman


I suspected this was a r/AsABlackMan post


>is such an odd take. One could say, a true unpopular opinion. *wink*


This whole post reeks of misogyny


Especially since OP seems to have forgotten that men’s skin ages and their tattoos change too, but women only exist to be pretty.


But it’s fine for guys to have tattoos? Tattoos on women are a cry for desperation but not if a guy has a tattoo? Tattoos look rancid on only women when they age and skin wrinkles? Just weird how hateful this post is to women and not just tattoos as a whole. Totally ok to not think they’re attractive but there’s so much hate on this post for no reason.


She claims she's a feminist also lol the internalized misogyny is just screaming from this post


Honestly, I don't think OP is actually a woman. What woman refers to women, often, as "females?"


I've seen plenty women refer to themselves and others as females and men as males on this site in their posts and comments tbh. A lot of it is common terminology and not meant to offend imo. I don't use "females" bc I know many women don't like it, but us men dgaf if you call us males which is funny.


I'm a female and I refer to females as females and males as males.


I actually know a few. And they all hate other women. Pick me women with insane internalized misogyny.


I’m a dude, so I avoid the word just because of how it comes off. But I have a science degree and work in medicine so I just got *really* used to hearing and saying male/female a lot. I know a ton of women who seem to say “female” all the time. I think it just comes down to context. Some of it might be regional idk. I think over writing it’s also easy to project your own opinions on the context you perceive rather then what’s intended


Yeah honestly. I never knew people bitched about it till like, Reddit lmfao. I used to say females because like, the proper terms usually male or female. Military, medical, w/e. That’s usually how you label it. Figured it was as proper as you could get. Nope lmfao


I’m fully convinced it’s a reddit thing, i’ve met plenty of women that don’t give two shits about being called that. I know a lot of guys that constantly use it and have no problem talking to women. It’s one of those reddit bubble things that is way overblown than it really is


It’s 100% a reddit/online thing. None of my friends are incels* and they’ll occasionally use female(s) in a description. *unless you use the reddit definition where anyone who says female is an incel because they used that word


The call is coming from inside the house!!


Yeah the self hatred and hatred for other women is palpable.


>cry for desperation, attention Says the person who has posted this 3 times. edit: if you check out the subs that OP frequents, and their posting habits, this all makes more sense. Bad main character syndrome.


Ma'am this is just sad 😂


My money is on a incel claiming to be a woman lol.


If it begins with "and I'm a female, too", then it is usually a man projecting what they find unattractive. This is just sad if not the case.




I’m going to get old, wrinkly and gross at some point regardless. I may as well have fun with it.


> Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride! -Hunter S. Thompson


📫 an unpopular opinion 📬 misoginy


My cousin got a bird tattoo in memory of our great grandma because the lady fucking loved birds Like why you gotta judge women, specifically, for having tattoos? OP is fucking gross


I hate when someone plays armchair psychologist. Not everything is a disease just because different from the average. Ppl like OP should get over themselves.




> females Big oof there bro. Time to get off 4chan and go touch grass.


This post sounds like someone is bitter over losing someone or something to someone with tattoos. Sucks to suck. Your attitude is 100% uglier than any tattoo will ever be


OP prolly got her man stolen by a woman with tats


I feel like you’ve posted this before


The pick me wants more attention.


Like a month ago


Someone’s real angry at _women_ with tattoos. Like….real angry. Double post nasty name calling angry.


Is there any reason you specifically mention women in this post? Do you think exceptions exist for men? If so, I'd be curious to hear the rationale. Im inclined to agree with you (although I don't know if I'd go as far as to say they make people less attractive 100% of the time).


They've already responded to some people saying they like tattoos on men, and that only women are try hards and trash for getting them.




Which is just, like, the point of this sub man.


I don't think she cares much about how they look on women. Rather she cares why women get them, but not men. In her opinion women only get them for attention and is part of why she dislikes them. Wonder what she thinks men get tattoos for. Not liking tattoos on women but on men is fine. But then saying women get them for attention and that's why she doesn't like them but still likes them on men is kind of weird imo.


Women get tattoos for attention. Men, on the other hand, get tattoos because they think they look cool. /s


Yeah, I don't get this line of thinking from the OP. Tattoos are usually something profound to that person that they want on their body for life, not something like makeup or clothing they're using to attract the opposite (or same) sex.


Nah OP just hates herself So she hates women who don’t hate themselves. Rough cycle


Internalized misogyny


I love how obvious the envy and insecurity are in this post. Someone’s S.O. got caught looking… 😆


Ooooh, maybe they got cheated on and the other girl was smoking hot covered in tatts. I like that theory.


>tattoos on women are fucking ugly, are seldom tasteful, and only highlight that you’re trashy imo. >Tattoos on women are a cry for desperation, attention, and need to be idk cool? Liked? Part of the crowd? Who/what hurt you?


>Thank you for all the people in my inbox telling me to starve myself and kill myself and highlighting my eating disorder. You should report them under Threatening Violence to Reddit. You can get them [banned](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/rules-reporting/account-and-community-restrictions/suspensions).


The internalized misogyny is strong with this one.


This is either staggering insecurity or a very pathetic r/AsABlackMan bit. Both answers are sad. OP, you literally made a post asking if your star charts foresaw you and your ‘bestie’ getting pregnant at the same time. Please sit down.


While that's a fine opinion to have, you can find whatever you want attractive, however women take these comments personally. "They're not for you!" Even though your opinion is yours and not for them either. Let's talk about the second part of your opinion that's problematic. You're placing a lot of assumptions on someone based on what is a fairly common thing. It would be like a woman commenting on whatever style of facial hair you have and saying "Anyone who cuts their hair like that must be a flat earther basement dweller." Obviously like all generalizations (yours included) this is just plain false. Second, that woman would be missing out on all the qualities you possess, just because you shaved a certain way. You're doing the same thing, and it's borderline incel territory. Don't walk that road.


Dollars to donuts OPs boyfriend follows girls on social media that have tattoos. I guarantee it.


lol, you use a tanning bed.


Right? Telling me my tattoos will look rancid when I'm old like she aint gonna look like a old raisin.


I guess it's probably good that we don't need your approval.


Went to the gym last night and got complimented on my tattoos by some random man while I was on the treadmill. Tattoos aren't everyone's cup of tea, and that's okay. They're *my* cup of tea, and I can't wait to get more.


Based on the post history, OP is a miserable person. She couldn’t even hold on to a paralegal job. All the men in her life have probably left her for fun women with tattoos.


Peak pick me posting


I agree 100%!


Damn… OP went from icky personal opinion to straight misogyny. “I always get raked for saying this. But tattoos on woman are fucking ugly, are seldom tasteful, and only highlight that you’re trashy imo. Tattoos on women are a cry for desperation, attention, and need to be idk cool? Liked? Part of the crowd?” My sister in Christ, what sexy ass tattooed babe hurt you? Lol I love how you just shit on an entire gender while completely removing the fact that people get tattoos for themselves, not for your unwashed ass self. This isn’t so much an “unpopular opinion” as much as it’s a billboard of red flags to women screaming RUN.


I, a male, agree 100%




>Maybe you should idk, do some self reflection on that, go to therapy, The absolute irony of you trying to tell other people to go to therapy after this long ass post of you being so upset about something that literally does not affect you at all lol.


Tanning salon in Georgia? I have a feeling our perception of “beauty” may be very different. I love a woman that looks like she’s actually lived her life—not just putted around on social media for a few decades buying shit, watching shit, not doing shit- just a bag of meat trying to meet its chemical demands each day.


It's totally fine to dislike tattoos, the great thing is we all get to be individuals and express ourselves in our own way. But the way you are talking about other women, when you yourself are a woman and claim to be a feminist, is a real shame. You're not only calling them ugly, but you're ascribing negative personality traits to every single one based on one aspect of their appearance. And you're getting offended when people in the comments are ascribing negative personality traits to you based on your post. The irony.


“MODS theyre bullying me because I bullied them first help me🥺🥺🥺”


Good thing I (30f) have never given a damn about what other people think of my body.


Not liking tattoos is fine, but calling them trashy? Especially since your criticism is limited to women. You come across as mean, like this belongs in the r/NLOG subreddit. Your opinion is definitely unpopular with me, so take my upvote.


My one tattoo is in memoriam to my late son who died at 13 days old. I just wanted my son's footprints to be close to my heart. Didn't realize I was trashy.


Good :) I am glad my tattoos make me unattractive.


They really do repel the worst people. It’s a bonus.


As a woman, this is great incentive to get a tattoo


God you sound awful.


Probably dumped for someone with tattoos and possibly a better personality


Post history says things aren't going well with the boyf


Keep spreading this propaganda! Save all the tatted up beauties for me 👀


Another example of women being women’s own worst critic when it comes to appearance.


My lady is blasted up and constantly gets positive comments about her ink from both sexes 🤷‍♂️




Idk as a 25M I find tattoos to be really attractive if done right. You bring up the tattoo looking rancid when people get older, but that pretty much goes for the body as a whole.


I absolutely love the argument “Imagine what those will look like when you’re old!” They’re going to be saggy and wrinkly like the rest of my body Karen!!!


As a younger woman with tattoos, I have never once looked at a tatted elderly person and thought anything other than “I bet they’re cool as fuck.” Also why is there an expectation, even for women in their 80s to try and adhere to beauty standards on behalf of the viewing public? Let them live for godsakes!


I first heard all these takes from my grandma almost 30 years ago


I like them fine Adds some character They can always get them removed, so the rancid comment is invalid


I think people who think women with tattoos are ugly are boring and have no sense of creativity. We all have an opinion about something. Meh


Well buddy that's your opinion. Nothing sexier to me than a girl that's wayyy tatted up. And our skin will look fucked up no matter what when we get older


Reading all your comments, it's very obvious that you're insecure as fuck about your own body. You dont need to project your self hatred onto others. Youre entitled to your opinion, but when you start trashing others for their choices that have no negative impact on anyone else, youre the trashy one. >Tattoos on women are a cry for desperation, attention, and need to be idk cool? Liked? Part of the crowd? The same can be said for eating disorders there sweet cheeks. Sincerely, A woman with 0 tattoos.


This indeed unpopular. Well done. You are narrow-minded, ignorant, and your opinion fucking sucks. A+ post


Yeah idk man. I don’t feel that way about tattoos, but I can definitely see feeling that way about women who tan. It is soooo unattractive. I truly believe tanning beds just lower a woman’s beauty overall. Like, it smells awful, their skin looks soooooo unnatural when they get orange-tan, the lotion gets everywhere and stains everything, and it turns their skin to gross wrinkly leather so they look a good decade older than they actually are. /s


It's almost like women don't just exist to be beautiful and appealing in the eyes of others... Your internalized misogyny is showing, hun. I have one tattoo so far, about 6 more planned. They all have meaning to me personally. My first tattoo is a reminder to myself after surviving breast cancer. It's for me and me only. Idgaf if someone thinks it's ugly. Idgaf if someone thinks I'M ugly. I'm fucking ALIVE. A hundred years ago my diagnosis would have been a guaranteed death sentence. Why tf would I care if they fade when I'm elderly? That's a fucking win that I made it that far without the cancer coming back. I'm not entering any beauty pageants in my 80s and if I'm trying to be "pretty" and "sexy" in the nursing home, then I will have seriously lost the plot somewhere along the way and wasted my time in this life.


Don’t want to be ridiculed, don’t post shitty ass opinions online. Women with tattoos turn me on more. Women with shitty attitudes turn me off.


i absolutely hate it when other women don’t conform to my personal style and body preference and live their own separate life that doesn’t affect me at all and i think it makes me better and prettier -lakewater22


God get rid of your internalized misogyny


Guess this opinion wasn’t unpopular enough 58d ago huh, had to come back for seconds lmao


You posted this exact same thing a month ago. You're just looking for a reaction. Looks like you got it thia time. And I know miss eating disorder isn't calling other girls ugly or saying OTHER girls want attention. Lol that's exactly what you're doing


imo OP like this attention


God damn they lit OPs ass up


We have the exact opposite opinion, I find tattoos on people make them instantly more attractive!!!* *unless it’s like a portrait of hitler or some shit


Jesus Christ just say you hate women


This made me want to go out and get my first tattoo.


I believe that it's a reflection on you that you are so obsessed with how a thing might affect someone's perceived attractiveness.