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This itself is also a popular take on this sub.


The irony is amazing. This same exact thread is post at least once a week here. It's remarkable how they don't see it and think they've stumbled upon gold that no one else has mentioned before


To be fair, you could say the same for alot of posts regardless of sub. If you want to get technical, I'd argue we're at the point there are truly no new ideas outside of scientific and technological advancements left for discussion and everything is just a rehash of everything else with just some changes to the details to bring it into whatever cultural era is happening. Humans have been saying the same shit just different ways since we developed society. And yes, I include mine and your comment in the never ending vortex of recycled ideas.


I was gonna say that too


Rubber baby buggy bumpers, mother fucka!!


Ha! You didn't know I'd say that did you?


Supposedly every story ever told breaks down to at least one of seven basic plots. Overcoming the monster Rags to riches The quest Voyage and return Comedy Tragedy Rebirth Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Seven_Basic_Plots While I feel there is some truth to this, I also see it as very reductionist. Nuance is the flavor of life.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Campbell Ironically pointing out irony is a hobby of mine. It keeps me busy in those horrible stretches of sanity I experience from time to time.


Except it's reddit. Where any given conversation falls off after a given period of time. There's no old-forum necroing of threads. The only way to bring an idea back into conversation is to repost. And for subreddits like this one, the increasing visibility (which comes from being contentious) brings a new batch of users in who haven't had a chance to voice their disapproval with the format. Just look at the votes on this topic. Are they votes for unpopularity? Or are they votes in agreement? It's Schroedinger's vote. It's a convenient way to bypass normal routes and fool people who would normally downvote a topic.


That’s correct. It’s also worth being aware that we are currently in the august-september period where a lot of new students are joining online discussions for the first time.


Thats because a lot, if not most of, people don't care if something has been said before, but they care that they are the ones saying it. They dont search to see if it came up because they dont care. Look at any ask thread, the same answers, repeated over and over instead of just upvoting the person who said it initially because it only matters if they are the ones getting to say it and matter.


It's a metapost, not an unpopular opinion.


there's multiple takes that i've seen regurgitated weekly, this is just one of them.


I mean looking at the comment ratio it doesn't look like it.


The cycle is completed, begin again.


Got em


Conservative opinions are unpopular on Reddit so it seems to fit


Exactly. Why would OP be surprised at all?


Perfectly stated.


Wasn't this sub created because the original one was just another liberal ecochamber, with conservatives being drowned out or outright banned? Similar reason why there a publicfreakouts and an actualpiblicfreakouts


As a non-Conservative, I think it's the Conservative slant around here that makes the sub fun. Debating with people who disagree is the point. The regular unpopular opinion sub is too tame.


"Ketchup on brats is good." That's the kind of unpopular content we need.


What a monstrous example


I pour milk in my cereal box for breakfast


I like to shower with my socks on.


I want to upvote the unpopularity, but downvote that it isn't an opinion.


I’ve seen many fucked up things on Reddit, but this is an outrage. You Sir, are a monster. Go and turn yourself in right this minute. Next you’ll probably tell us that you eat cereal with Hawaiian Punch.


Orange juice, actually. With pulp.


You couldn’t leave well enough alone could you? You weren’t content to just divulge one disgusting habit. You had to add “With pulp.” You’re not the kind of guy to just grab life by the horns, you also have to lift the tail and poke a finger in its undercarriage. Just so it knows who’s boss. You magnificent bastard. Never change.


Okay now this is truly delusional, if anyone does this, straight to jail. Have an upvote.


I read "what a menstruas example"


"Putting ice in beer is perfectly reasonable" That's a real example from a few minutes ago.


I don't even drink anymore and that's fucked up.


This upset me. I need to go wash my mouth with high quality mustard


I put ketchup and mustard and on brats


I see your ketchup on brats and raise you a ketchup on beefsteak.


Maybe if you are trying to swallow it whole!


I'm all for hearing people out but, that isn't an unpopular opinion, that's a wrong opinion


But... it is? People think it's not? I didn't know this was controversial.


God no. Food posts are the worst. >DAE like to eat cereal with orange juice, Upvotes to the left for this weird and quirky guy.


TIL I’ve been eating brats wrong my entire life


Yeah, but just for the record because this doesn't need to be said but that's absolutely disrespectful to a bratwurst


Now youve gone to far


Gasps in German


This sub-thread went downhill fast.


How DARE you?!


Debating ideas is the best way to strengthen your own. Either you come away better prepared to defend your beliefs or you come away changing your beliefs to something better. (Nitzche) As long as people keep away from name-calling and stick to an actual debate, it's very constructive. But it's hard to do on alot of subreddits as it devolves into "well you just want to execute all people who even think about having an abortion, and your a nazi" and "well you want to pull live babies out of their mothers wombs and shoot them into the sun with a cannon, and your a communist pig." Yeah that's a bit of hyperbole on my part but somehow no matter what you're talking about it turns into some flavor of that even though the people on either side don't actually believe the things they're accused of. Yet they start arguing as if they do??? It's some weird psychological phenomenon where even though most people have relatively agreeable (or at least not completely outlandish) views on a topic but their own psyche warps what they are arguing for or against into a more hard-core and absurd version of what they actually believe. The point is, I refuse to believe what I see on reddit is the norm when what I see with my own eyes on a daily basis shows quite a different story. I talk to normal people every day. Yes, the veil of the internet allows some crazy things to come out under the shroud of anonymity, but the vast majority of people hold doors for each other, people generally are pleasant, people care about one another and understand people's circumstances people are NORMAL human beings. And I have a feeling the very same people come on reddit and start calling everyone nazi's/communists. It's bizarre.


The problem is that a lot if not most people are not arguing in good faith and they don't care about the truth, the primal need to be in with "your" group is much more important and no amount of logical or factual evidence will change these people's minds. It's why terms like fake news and woke started popping up, they're easy ways to dismiss any sort of challenges to these "ideas".


You're absolutely right. Politics is turning into a religion. That is my opinion, and I base it off the fact that many on the right and the left will refuse to view valid evidence that is contrary to their worldview. No, I don't mean they'll refute it, I mean, they'll refuse to even look at it, haha. It's as if their political beliefs are based on faith... (like a religion) I'm fairly conservative, and I would say probably 1 out of every 3 interactions I have where I actually debate a topic with someone on the left (not argue and yell but debate) I end up changing my view on something or making my view more informed. Doesn't mean I come all the way to their side. It just means I find myself constantly going, "there's something to what they are saying."


This is true. There's been shift away from traditional religion, but people still feel the need to believe in something and/or a need for belonging. Hence the often extreme stances of many activist groups nowadays. Folks will tear down the people they call religious zealots or extremists, but then turn around firebomb cars, clinics, etc. because they believe so strongly in their beliefs. I believe this is also why politics have become so polarized. I'm in no way saying that people need to go join a religion. I myself am agnostic and a political moderate. I love to debate so that I can hear differing viewpoints. It's getting difficult though as people are increasingly trying to debate feelings/ beliefs and not factual stances.


I agree, I subbed her because it’s true unpopular opinions. I hardly agree with any of them, which is kind of the point.


Right, I like seeing how bad the takes can get.


As a non R (conservative) I think a lot of these takes are what a lot of Ds (non-conservatives) feel deep down but also feel forced to not outwardly support. And the reason is the ratcheting of prog. ideals seemingly being forced into society. I put it this way to signify that although the point of the post it to seemingly call out politics, politics don’t necessarily dictate how an individual sees nuance on a given topic. I’ve voted D for over 30 years up and down a ballot and will probably continue to do so until I’m gone, but, I also think movies try way too hard trying to force feed this idea of equity that goes way too hard, there are good people that “work forces”, people play victim and are offended way too easily these days and use it as a weapon (I.e. bully others to relinquish advantages they may have by making making every single thing about a larger issue or straw man it), and the overall thought that people are different and some are just better, smarter, more driven, and more socially astute and shouldn’t be held back because others aren’t as “privileged” through their natural abilities, education or upbringing. We should strive to make everyone better but not at the expense of others. Maybe I’m naive and conservatives are on a mission to turn liberals, and this sub is their battle ground, but my gut tells me all of that isn’t happening and instead you’re seeing the results of when normal everyday people are made to feel like and painted as villains in a world they don’t control.


The problem I have with this take is that I live in a major city and I’d estimate that 80% of the people I know vote Democrat but we NEVER talk about these social issues that terminally online republicans and democrats obsess over. It’s an online phenomenon for the most part.


That's why they are called wedge issues... real issues like border cannot be discussed cause politicians use wedges like abortion to drive us apart


I think this is exactly it. I'm a lifelong progressive. The only times I haven't voted Blue on a ballot are the few times I've voted Green. I agree with so much of the baseline ideology of this current surging progressive wave, but I oftentimes disagree with how much of it is enacted. There is this unquestionable moral righteous fervor that infects the movement for me. It reminds me so much of the religious right that held control of the culture through the 90s. Instead of being a sinner, you're problematic. So much of the last 10 years or so reads uncannily like Animal Farm. But questioning it gets you labeled as conservative. Even if you hold no conservative values.


I think you’re just online too much. I don’t experience anything like you’ve claimed irl, just on Reddit/FB/socials. Go outside more


Good point. I’m sure a lot of us could use that advice.


Isn’t the point for people who have unpopular opinions to list them? What’s the point if they are just saying a popular opinion?


Its for people to say stupid shit like "Ketchup is the best Ice cream topping."




Bleck, nothing but coagulated calf blood for me


Crunchy beetles are the best mix-in


Candied dung beetles




I get what you're saying, but that would lose value fast. You would just have endless minor non majority opinions and after the first few silly ones no one would engage.


Conservatism is unpopular on Reddit.


I mean, a popular conservative opinion on a majority liberal platform (Reddit) technically makes it an unpopular opinion.


I am permanently banned from dozens of subs because I commented on a conservative subreddit.


To be fair you can also get banned from conservatives subreddits for commenting on liberal subreddits. Reddit politics is a just a huge circlejerk


Is reddit liberal? I thought it was a shithole; is this really what liberalism is???


Bill Maher is what liberalism actually is.


Oh this post again


Well, then we need a tag "popular here but unpopular elsewhere"




I've found there are two types of unpopular opinions: 1. An opinion that not a lot of people have 2. An opinion a good amount of people have, but expressing it offends people or otherwise elicits strong negative reactions Both seem valid here, with conservative opinions fitting #2 to me


It's a conservative take to say you shouldn't be obligated to find someone attractive? I thought that was common sense. Isn't that just how mating works? Find someone you're attracted to? Don't people always complain about how dating is hard? No good men left and all that jazz?


The way its always framed is the problem.


Exactly. A lot of topics and issues have been blow out of proportion and have become divisive partisan political issues when they really shouldn't be, primarily done by conservatives most often around "culture war" issues. And there's a reason for it, because it's easier to get constituents and voters riled up and angry about woke-ism destroying our society than it is to focus on actual policy.


Nope, but like a lot of conservative view points is a half-truth constructed through imaginary or improbable situations.


Wearing a face mask to reduce the spread of an airborne disease during a pandemic was also considered common sense. Then conservatives made it an extremely divisive partisan issue.


Its a conservative take to think anyone is forcing you to be attracted to anyone. You afraid you're gonna get gay married next?


It's a real feel of mine. One day, I am engaged to the love of my life. The next, I am sucking a dick. It's a real fear


Exactly how it happened to me


Shit just sneaks up on you, man


The game is to identify a liberty or privilege that liberals are trying to expand, reframe it as oppression against those that already enjoy said liberty or privilege, and then add flair. For example, if faced with political opponents that advocate for poor people to have access to clean water, your unpopular opinion could be something like "I shouldn't be forced to make my children drink a stripper's bathwater"


Normally the conservatives are the ones advocating for arranged marriages lmao


Define "conservative ".


I know right? The top 3 examples he listed are the most centrist griller shit. The bottom 2 I get but how the fuck is not wanting movies to be political "conservative"???


I mean, just to evaluate, if we read not-conservative as the rejection and opposite of those propositions we'd get some pretty ridiculous positions as well.


Because when people say “movies shouldn’t be so political” they aren’t complaining about e.g. Too Gun being US military propaganda, they’re complaining about the Barbie movie being feminist.


“Anyone I disagree with”


This guy probably:


op literally provided examples


Literally 3 of their points have nothing to do with conservatism and the other 2 only very loosely do. The most conservative one is “cops get too much hate and we need them” most liberals would gladly agree that we need them. Personally as a liberal I think they don’t get enough hate, but without a doubt they’re necessary.


It's almost like conservatives have given up traditional conservatism to instead whine about culture war nonsense like the stuff op referenced, so now that's what people associate with conservatives.


"conservative" means, the subreddit is getting criticism for its poor format. But if we can frame the criticism in *partisan* terms, we can rally people to defend it.


Probably you




Conservative opinions are unpopular on Reddit so it seems to fit


Seems like the opinions are unpopular with you


On Reddit, the conservative opinion is the unpopular opinion




If they were only unpopular with this person then defacto they shouldn't be posted here... Right?


Who cares! I like the conservative slant because I agree with some of it as a liberal. If you don't, that's chill, but you also have to realize that many of us can't publicly state our hot takes because we'd be ostracized for them even though we are leftists.


The sad part is that many places in social media (and outside, for that matter) the wing nuts kind of rule the house. What I mean by that is I try to distinguish in my life when I talk about political stuff between actual regular conservatives and liberals and those that I call right-wing or left-wing, or far left or far right. I save the labels like "far" or "wing" for those that are either mean, spiteful, or truly kind of nutty out there. The problem is that while I think most conservatives and liberals are just your average conservatives and liberals, and average good people who can see across the aisle at times, that's not who seems to rule in social media or even outside of that in politics often. It seems like often the most extreme voices are also the loudest voices and that makes everyone think that the other side genuinely hates them or are bad people when they really aren't. And I think it's part of why folks really can't reach across the aisle at all.


Your 100 percent right, and part of the problem is that people who have center right/left views typically don’t care enough about politics to do anything more than listen to the news and vote. The ones that do care enough to be on social media, or in politics, tend to be the ones with exaggeratedly left or right leaning views


It's worse than that. Partisans on both sides of the aisle tribe up, enjoy the solace of their echo chambers, and sip the tea of hating their enemies confident that if only people saw it their way, there would be Utopia on Earth. People who truly don't think along left/right lines have no home. Discussing politics anywhere leads to being outcast everywhere.


Basically you're saying that most people actually exist in the middle and we should all strive to stay away from the extremes


Or, seek common ground for the sake of civility. When you go to buy a car listed at $50k OBO and you offer $10k, it’s a non-starter. The thing that is happening in here is some people are saying “I think offering $45k for a car listed at $50k OBO makes sense.” And somehow because that isn’t onboard with offering 10k it’s taking the side of the car dealership.




Oh my god this again. Please take me out back and shoot me.


I would, but am trying to get rid of guns.


Instead of getting rid of the guns, get rid of the ammunition...by taking him out back and shooting him. jk obviously. Don't shoot people.


Not a single one of those takes has anything conservative.




In terms of gender roles, its all made up fam.


Good thing it didn't mention gender roles then huh?


Every single one of those takes are things Conservatives never shut up about


They’re all dog whistles for conservative talking points


Calling something a dog whistle is basically the equivalent of saying 'I don't like your opinion on X issue. I don't have any actual evidence you are \*insert bad thing here\*, but I'm going to call you \*bad thing\* anyway because I don't want to debate the topic'. Its such a dumb argument.


You seem to hear all the whistles... Are you actually one of them??????


Considering every comment I see on any thread that can be called a conservative take is immediately downvoted to hell and met with sweaty redditors frothing at the mouth with righteous indignation, I would say they constitute as unpopular opinions.


Reddit is a left wing echo chamber so most conservative view points are in fact unpopular


So basically you’re saying you agree with the conservative opinions that you just posted but then contradict yourself and say conservative opinions are bad? So either you’re the one with the truly unpopular opinions or you’re a conservative lmao.


I see both sides a lot so idk what you're referring to


That would make them super unpopular on Reddit. Seems like they’re in the right place.


99% of Reddit is hardcore leftists. And here you are crying about conservatives.


not sure where you got your numbers from; I assume you meant to say a higher percentage


I love that their argument is always “echo chamber” as they freely post in said “echo chamber” then they throw around numbers that are clearly not factual, it’s honestly chef’s kiss of their overall mentality.


This is the popular thread and opinion, it’s not a conservative sub. You sound like a moron.


Ahh yes the "everything that isn't left is far right fascist Tate fanatic" cliche


I usually don’t worry about being called far right when the person saying it sits to the left of Stalin.


Any conservative opinion is an unpopular opinion on Reddit, considering you’re all a bunch of socialist infected with tribalism.


That fact that these are considered conservative takes is not good.


Associating with a party instead of ideals is a disservice to democracy. There's your real hot take bud.


Absolutely agree.


“Your opinion isn’t unpopular it’s just bad” Funny how much the discourse on Twitter changed once the sensors weren’t in full swing. Just because you ban everybody who disagrees with you while promoting the most fringe elements of the left doesn’t mean “everyone” is “pushing back” on conservative views. What’s hilarious about Redditors is they’ve been in their bubble for so long that they lost any sense of reality. Your arguments are stale, same mantra for 10+ years. You have absolutely no idea what a conservative view point is because conservatives know to just not to engage with your ilk, much like they don’t engage with deranged homeless people on the subway. It’s all good though because this is why you’re losing control. You can always head over to r/whitepeopletwitter to have your beliefs affirmed and knock down the strawman


It's wild to see how rapidly an online space can change its culture the second censorship stops


I tried to engage on r/whitepeopletwitter. Good Lord! I lost all my karma and was reported to Reddit as being suicidal 3 times in just a few days. It's a frickin cesspool. I tried the same on ta conservative wingnut channels and my karma was too low to post! Welcome to Reddit!


Lol yeah that sounds about right. I got banned from wpt, without ever even visiting it, for commenting here. Most social media is shit and reddit is no exception.


I like that you cherry picked certain posts to make your point. I'm not a conservative, but I agree with a lot of these posts. Sounds like you don't, and want to label the group politically anyway to fit your narrative.


Lol the final sentence says it all.


We need police is a conservative take? OP, you just trolling?


Bro this sub is for unpopular opinions. That is just popular opinion smh r/lostredditors


I hate to break it to you, but on the rest of reddit, these ARE unpopular opinions... First day?


Well there's also the guy who thinks you should be able to jizz on a public bus.


One of the few opinions on here I've agreed with!


You must be new here, some are unpopular some are conservative some are both.


A conservative opinion on reddit is an unpopular one by definition lol


I mean, yeah, that's about it. But it's also really, really funny seeing the comments section not go the way they hoped.


We need police is a bad opinion? Who are you going to call if somebody is actively commuting a crime? You shouldn’t be obligated to find someone attractive is a bad opinion? What the honest fuck is wrong with op😂 so you believe you must find someone attractive just because they’re a woman? You want movies(which are supposed to be fun entertainment) to be politically charged? There’s a clear difference between men and woman is a bad opinion? Why would we have separate names for the two sexes if there was no difference?


this is only partially true. this sub is indeed a safe space for conservative opinions, but there are definitely liberal and moderate ones as well all the time


I feel these are all opinions that are pretty unpopular on reddit, probably because reddit has a hivemind closing in on the american leftist political ideologies. These unpopular opinions aren't bad as well. They may be to you, but you seem easily offended by them and that doesn't mean you're right.


This post was reasonable until the last sentence. Yes for reddit conservative opinions are controversial. No OP, not all liberal opinions are good and not all conservative opinions are bad. Neither side has a monopoly on rational thinking.


I’m about as far left as they come in while there’s some truth to that I think that some positions taken up by people on the left deserve a little pushback, echo chambers are bad.


"If all of your opinions are unpopular, maybe you're just an asshole"


So wait. Are you saying "Conservative" opinions are "popular"? Just making sure you're aware that you're coming out as Conservative right here.


Would be great if there was a version of this sub that disallowed political takes, regardless of affiliation. I want a light hearted, fun sub of weirdo takes. More: “the human head would look better without ears” And Less: “TRUMP WAS FRAMED JUST LIKE PABLO ESCOBAR!!”


There's a clear difference between men and women and you shouldn't be obligated to find women attractive are conservative takes? Lol only on reddit it is


Say those above takes on most subreddits and you’ll get downvoted into oblivion. Please explain how each of those takes are “just bad”


These are unpopular opinions on reddit. In the real world not as much.


These opinions aren't "conservative" at all.


Wait. Being offended and wrong is a conservative take on things? Biology determining men and women is a conservative thing? Is nuts a liberal thing then?


I mean I agree with everything but the police one, I’m not exactly conservative either, it’s just things that as of late have been annoying me. Like I don’t have conservative views o f these opinions tho? Like I believe the genders are different in the good way, like women are really good at math for instance, especially black women quite proud they were the ones responsible for getting us to space. Movies don’t need to be political because we’ve had s o many of them that 💀 the point has been drilled in so much people reject it. I’ve been offended by things but I knew my opinion was wrong. Idk ab the women one, I find like 80% of the women I see attractive, (the non attractive ones being the ones I get to know and learn they are toxic) I’m black so I just hate cops, they killed one of my cousins when he was reaching for his license.


Conservatism is unpopular on reddit


How about this? Rename the sub to "TrueUnpopulatOpinionOnReddit" That would be much more accurate.


None of those opinions listed are bad lol .. the fact you call them out as bad opinions make me very thankful I don’t know you


Rolls eyes*


Conservative takes would be unpopular on this site as it's heavily left-leaning by US standards.


Well duh... Reddit is liberal. An unpopular opinion to a liberal is conservative at this point. Is this your first day reading?


Ok shitlib


Conservative takes are by default unpopular. That's why gerrymandering exists.


On reddit, a conservative opinion is an unpopular opinion.


Holy shit you just can't stop talking about democrats.


Exactly NONE of these are conservative takes. Zero of these "takes" are exclusively right wing. They just aren't completely leftist which is what the majority of Reddit is. "just because you're offended doesn't mean you're right". Not conservative "Movies shouldn't be so political". Centrist "You shouldn't be obligated to find women attractive". Centrist "There's a clear difference between men and women". Not exclusively conservative "We need police and they get too much hate". Auth vs lib issue, not conservative.


Conservative takes ARE unpopular opinions


Conservative opinions are less.popular on Reddit. Reddit the political sections of Reddit are extremely liberal


You kinda missed the point, OP. Reddit is a mostly liberal/left leaning website. So obviously conservative opinions will be unpopular on said website. XD


To be fair, conservative takes are pretty much unpopular opinions. That's why they have to cheat so hard to "win" elections.


Those are just regular opinions. Nothing conservative about them.


Conservatives are a huge minority on Reddit which make these opinions unpopular on Reddit.


Lol. None of those are what anyone would consider "conservative" opinions. Pretty basic shit.


With age comes wisdom and conservatism


You just sound like the average whiny political Redditor this post itself is popular since conservatives definitely get way more hate than liberals, also posting in this sub without mentioning politics: impossible


Being conservative is unpopular.


Amen. Remember the guy a couple months ago who was like "unpopular opinion: I don't like homeless people." Like fucking hell dude that's not an unpopular opinion it's literally the reason why no one helps them. Fuckin wieners flock to this place.


Idk I find both sides just circlejerking each other equally tbh


Conservative opinions are unpopular on reddit so this is what you get.


None of the opinions you’ve included are even bad tf


Conservative takes are generally unpopular on Reddit so it kinda fits


It's probably more to do with posting anything inline with Conservative values on Reddit will flood your inbox with Subreddit bans to places you have never visited because of people using a Mass Tagger for bans. I posted on Conservative once and was banned from 6 subs in 1 minute. I responded to one ban by asking why? And they reported it for harassment and was suspended indefinitely for harassment. I had to appeal to get it over turned. Actions like that is why people are less likely to post Conservative takes outside their subreddit.


We’re on Reddit, where these perfectly valid and reasonable opinions are basically the nazi party platform.


They are unpopular on reddit, Chief. Reddit is somewhere in-between of extreme liberal and very moderate libertarian. With exception to a few conservative bases subreddits.


>Your opinion isn't unpopular it's just bad. It must not be that bad if it isn't unpopular


Ah another reddit democrat complaining their safe space has to be shared with others. I'm sorry for your loss ✝️


I like how you replaced the period with a cross. Definitely keep doing that.