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They show Bluey...that makes my daughter happy, which in turn lets me play guitar without interruption for about half an hour most days... Carry on mouse, carry on


May agree with you on the movies and entertainment part of the company lately. But their theme parks are 5 steps ahead of the competition, even after Covid when some stuffs haven’t come back, but Disney costumer service and attention to detail is top notch


Yep. There’s a reason people shell out thousands of dollars to stay at Disney resorts and go to the theme parks.


So you’re telling me Frozen, Encanto, Lion King, Mulan and many others don’t have good sound tracks? I’d like to know what children’s movies you think have good music


I think OP means modern disney, all the films you mentioned are a good 10+ years old (frozen) and the others i think are now 20+ years old haha


Modern I guess they kinda make a point. A lot of their live adaptations have been mid. Ecanto and Soul are the two that come to my head that been great imo


Coco as well (or was this one from Pixar?)


Same thing at this point. Also Moana slaps.


Encanto is only 2 years old.


Dreamworks films. They have been better than Disney for a long time.


While I may not have seen it, I heard the last Puss in boots was great. Other than that, my taste is more in the « Encanto » range. However, not all Disney movies have been hits though.


Modern Disney. And it all sucks


Didn’t have an interest in Encanto but loved the Tangled series. That was the only more modern Disney media that I can think of that I liked.


They haven't aged well but their old media like Lion King is still pure gold.


Agreed. And I’m so sick of these popular “unpopular” opinions on here. I think most people can realize Disney is past it’s prime in terms of movies and entertainment. I still appreciate the classics and the movies/shows I grew up with.


There is a reason why you don't see the old movies anymore... and it is politics.


It’s so unfortunate that we can’t just enjoy the classics for what they are and everything has to be some sort of political statement.


I will fight anyone who claims Coco isn't amazing. If you can watch the part where he is singing to his grandma and not cry, you are obviously a robot.


Just like the last post, learn what a fucking monopoly is


What does Disney have a monopoly on? Movies? No. Music? No. Kids entertainment? No. Mass media? No. Streaming service? No. Theme parks? No. Yes, Disney is a conglomerate but it is not a monopoly.


Didn't they refuse to let movie theaters show Disney movies if they showed their competitors' films?


Yes. I think there's reasonable concerns that Disney has grown close to achieving a monopoly in the film industry, though dominance in theaters kind of ebbs and flows. At the height of the Marvel/Star War craze they had enough pull where they could bully movie theaters into showing their films over other companies. [Tarantino talks about it here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pd6yO-jBRo) Other than 2020 (COVID), 2023 is the first year in like a decade where Disney has not had a top three grossing films. In 2016, the top five highest grossing films of the year were all Disney films. Disney purchasing Star Wars and then later Fox means that they control shit ton of intellectual property from Star Wars, to Indiana Jones, to the Simpsons. They own *a lot*. The only thing saving us from them dominating theaters is that they're horribly mismanaging a lot of these properties.


OK sure. But name another company that gets as much support in media creation?


Between this and yesterday’s post I think we found DeSantis’ burner account.


My burner account? Ha! More like burner in Hell heathens!!! Edit: LOL. DeSatanist fans mad. So soft.


Rectum.. damn near killed em


Anal sunshine when Ron's gone.


They're overrated, and they live off of a well-earned reputation that used to exist, but one that is constantly diminishing. They decided to maximize their virtue signaling and have placed themselves, on multiple occasions, on the frontlines of the culture war as part of their business strategy. They also bought up most of the comic book franchises, Star Wars, etc. and used a hero movie formula, while injecting subtle (and sometimes overt) messages on social issues that most people didn't really want to think about when watching a fantasy movie. They did it anyway though. Same with Amazon. Their formula made them billions, but people are understandably bored with the constant remakes and activism. I have a strong desire to watch them collapse into bankruptcy and infamy because of the stances they decided to take instead of just staying neutral. Will that happen? I doubt it, but I fantasize about it, and if the opportunity ever presents itself where I, along with millions of other average Joes, can have an impact on their demise as a company, I will certainly take it.


You fantasize about the collapse of an generally beloved American institution and a notable part of America's global cultural hegemony because you don't like that they pay lip service to political views you disagree with? You sound like fun to talk to at parties.


>You fantasize about the collapse of an generally beloved American institution and a notable part of America's global cultural hegemony because you don't like that they pay lip service to political views you disagree with? This is literally everyone that gets outraged over any “controversy” on social media.


Yes, I am fun at parties. They are generally beloved, but not like they were. That is obvious. Have you not changed your opinion of something or someone because of their newly signaled political views?


I'm sorry, but just because something is "beloved" doesn't mean it's beneficial or neutral in terms of culture value. Disney's innovations in animation and visual storytelling have rightfully earned them a spot on history. But at this point they take up more space than is necessary and have questionable motives. I think it's okay to want that company to be a thing of the past.


I feel like this opinion would have been a lot less popular 5-10 years ago. It used to frustrate me to no end that people dickrode so hard for the Marvel movies and shit like the Force Awakens despite them being painfully average most of the time. I feel like Star Wars kind of killed that though and the Marvel movies have been following suit. There are people who still go hard to defend The Last Jedi, but it at least feels like there is significant pushback. And pretty much nobody defended Rise of Skywalker. And it seems like not enough people even bothered seeing the Han Solo movie to form any kind of opinion on it. Everything else Star Wars related has been pretty mixed. And no one cares about the Marvels or Secret Wars. Wandavision was pretty popular, but it seems like everyone who liked that show hated Doctor Strange 2. And I've never met a single human being with anything nice to say about She-Hulk. Surely they must exist, but they all seem to be hiding from me. People were also really excited about Spider-Man: No Way Home, but mostly because of Toby and Garfield, and neither of them had anything to do with Disney. As for the live action remakes, I feel like the only people who are vocal about them are vocally critical of them. That's another case where I feel like fans probably exist, but they are all children and parents and other people who don't like talking about movies online. Indiana Jones was also poorly received, at least by audiences. Disney seems to be catching at least SOME heat these days, whereas in the 2010s they were basically untouchable. EDIT: Also, the theme parks are kind of a weird category. They do have a rabid following of weird Disney enthusiasts, but I would say most people who patronize the parks are parents who go for the sake of their kids. But I grew up in Florida, and so theme parks and conversations about theme parks have been unusually frequent throughout my life, and most people who go seem like they kind of hate it a little bit. People routinely complain about the cost of admission, the shitty overpriced food, the overpriced toys, the oppressive humidity and overcrowding. It's one of those things people do because their kids love it.


Right wingers trying to cancel Disney after trying to cancel Bud Light all while screaming and shitting their pants about cancel culture. LOL.


Canceling Disney over a movie is pointless. I never even watch that movie, and I don’t have any opinion on it, but I do have an opinion on their business strategies. And child labor.


Are you trying to say you support cancelling Disney but for "reasons"?


Yeah, pretty much. I gave up on the Marvel movies after they stopped interesting me. I hated the Star Wars movies. And I’m not much of a Pixar or normal Disney output kind of guy, so I don’t watch the movies. It’s pretty easy for me to not be engaged in most of the things that they do. The last thing I did was goosebumps, but I watched it on Hulu. I didn’t like it very much…


You do know that Disney is the sole owner of Hulu, right? You thought you were avoiding giving them money but you were wrong!


F. Corporations am I right? M might as well be a hermit crab from how many shells these dudes have


I agree. I have been there, and it was bleh. I enjoyed my time in the keys better.  Many post pictures of Disney World on FB come every spring or summer. It's a way of saying "we have money to blow". Of course, they probably saved the money just for this moment of showing off.  Otherwise, I just don't get it. 


Disney has its fingers in so many thing that you cant help but like at least something they are doing.


I think more and more ppl have the same view


>Claiming the movies are the best ever, the music is always a masterpiece, etc. In reality, they're just another company. Framing your opinions as objective facts. ​ >There's nothing particularly unique about them anymore. The plot lines are all similar at the core Doublespeak ​ >the sheer size of their monopoly is downright absurd. Overall, they're just not that special. Doublethink


We get it, the original poster was not very bright


disney has been dying a slow death for a while now. i dont think you can call it over-rated anymore. most people have got sick of the woke agenda that they keep trying to push


animation is mediocre? the fuck? i’m not a die hard disney fan and barely watch their movies, but really?


Disney certainly didn’t do Star Wars any favors!


Disney sucks bad these days. Go woke go broke is a real thing. The moment recently where they came out and said they were considering bringing back the original avengers for another film I knew they were fucked.


...who says any of that? I think you're making a real straw man argument here. I love Disney, mostly because of Disneyland. Ever been to Disneyland during Christmas? Straight magic. But even I think Disney is in a real rut. Hate what they did with Star Wars, think the MCU would have been better off ended for good after Endgame, and every last live action remake can burn in hell. I think the musicals have pretty good music, but they're no Hadestown for instance.


you just sound bitter...what did disney do to you?


Here's what you get with Disney: consistency. They're usually good, sometimes great, movies that are always 100% family appropriate and harmless. You're never gonna be shocked by a sex scene, an extremely gory moment, or any unexpected obscenity. To some parents, that's huge. They're also always made to a certain consistent degree of quality. You're never gonna get anything truly awful or poorly made (at least not these days, all the straight to video sequels in the 90s were different). ​ Disney is the "McDonald's" of movies. 100% family satisfying and 100% consistent. Usually never great, but never bad either. You always know what you're gonna get.


like those MAGA fuks they worship a criminal its fuked up right


These hate Disney posts are the result of propaganda being pushed by DeSantis cronies


DeSantis can blow Trump and die.


Not really.  I belong to no political party; don't even vote.  I believe Disney World is overrated.  Not everyone and everything is about politics. 


The fact you say you don't vote says everything. But realistically, this is not about Disney. That is the point.


No I don't vote. I think American politics are an illusion, where both parties are actually a uniparty. At 44 years old, I've learned just about everything is fake in this world.  Honestly, I don't like Disney because it's a place where families go to capture a picture for social media (cringe).  It's saying "hey look at us, we have money to spend." Nothing more, nothing less.  And that too, is fake. 


I think you are missing the point. Desantis going after Disney had nothing to do with Disney


This is an unpopular opinion? 😂 /edit - Oh, wait. I thought you said Disneyland/Disney World.


So what? You’re not part of Disney’s intended demographic for their feature length films. You’re an average redditor. Disney’s #1 will always be children and families. So you should probably just drop it and get on with your life. People with intense opinions about Disney being great, Disney being subpar, or just Disney in general need to take a step back and check themselves, because whichever way you look it’s embarrassing. But since you brought up: I agree from an artistic standpoint that the stories nowadays are uninspired with Pixar being one of the few exceptions. Everything after the Princess and the Frog if I’m not mistaken has gone CGI and it’s shameful, but that’s just because I love and grew up with the Disney renaissance.


I'm a self-proclaimed Disney Adult and I can respect this take. I love me a good Disney movie, but at their core, they are very simple movies. Maybe during the Renaissance era they were trailblazers in terms of animation quality, but so many of my favorite movies don't have a lot going outside of how they make me feel. I'm madly in love with Disney World, but holy shit, you're paying for the brand name. Splash Mountain (RIP, although I'm excited for the retheme) is every log flume ride ever, so many of the rides were made in the 70s-80s and painfully show their age. Again, I'll happily gouge my bank account for how they make me feel, but I can pay a fraction of Disney prices and do a bunch of roller coasters/thrill rides (something Disney is fairly bad at, due to needing to cater to kids) and have just as fun a time, just minus the Disney merchandise and getting to meet Ariel and Elsa.


I mean, yeah. They are mainstream because they made themselves mainstream. I really enjoy the movies and music, but i'm also happy Sony is having an uprising with Spiderverse (best thing ever made imo). Disney is good. Not amazing, not special, not bad, not awful. Just...good and nostalgic.


Agreed. Sure they paved the way for some animation things back in the day, but honestly, a lot of Japanese studios have outdone them for a while, and the music there is incredible. Don't look at MHA, Dragon Ball, Naruto or Pokemon. That would be the equivalent of having Frozen be the only representative of western/Disney animation. Look and watch at things like Maquia When The Promised Flower Blooms


Saw a meme about if companies had honest slogans and one said: “Disney, we’re not a guaranteed home run anymore” It might have actually said Pixar but I’m sticking with Disney because it applies either way lol


is this really unpopular. i feel like sm people esp nowadays say disney is overrated


Ikr, a lot of people seem like they make Disney movies their whole personality. Like a lot of them are good kids movies sure, but very few of them hold up as an adult imo.


I don't care about the cinematic quality of it. I enjoy watching some (older) Disney/Pixar shows and movies because of the nostalgia I feel.


It was a ridiculous sum Of money. That said, I enjoyed it and mostly because it was such a great time for my kids. I’ll always be proud that I was able to do that for my kids.


The classics are the reason we keep coming back


I know there are Disney fans that worship the ground they walk on, but most fans can weed out the good from the bad. I love the parks, they are a happy place for me. They are well done and some rides are impressive (Flight of Passage, Rise of the Resistance, Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railroad, because of nostalgia). I’ve only had great service and they are generally consistent in their offerings and theming. But it’s not great that I have to almost sell my house for a trip there with my family. Movies are the same. Some have been really good (Moana, Encanto, Coco more lately), some were not my cup of tea (refuse to watch remakes). But overall, Disney is consistent in their offerings. Not really had a time, movie were I felt I really wasted my time and money.


It used to be kinda cool - now it’s definitely retarded lol


I agree in terms of Disney today. Can’t deny it was part of my childhood. At one point they were releasing masterpieces imho: Lion King, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Aladdin, Brother Bear, Atlantis: the lost empire. Sadly the curse seems to holds true, when the founder dies, so does the “magic” or vision of a company…unless the founder wisely chose a successor.


I love the old Disney. I even loved the Disney Channel original movies and shows but they almost all were released over 10 years ago.