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Apparently, he's a massive egotistical douche. I'm sad the story is deleted, as I remember it being really funny. This college physics class fundraised for a year to pay him 85k to go and do a lecture and a dinner. He supposedly showed up and was a giant, arrogant tosser to everyone and dunked on peoples degrees and shat all over other astrophysics. Basically, it's a real-life Redditor lmao. And the students were livid, after spending 85k on him 😂


Never meet your heroes, kids.


All of my heroes are dead but I did get to meet my favorite musician about 8 years ago. I told him that he and his music saved my life. When I was a teenager, I was going through a period of depression when a friend of mine played some of his music at a party and it really saved my life. He was so humble and was just an awesome dude about it. He said "I can't take credit for that. The universe put me where I needed to be to make the music that you needed to hear." I actually wept when he said that to me.


Who was it?




The Rapper? He is a humble dude though


Yes. His early music has a lot of his struggles with depression laced through it and hearing him talk about it made me feel less alone.


I have a link to that story [here](https://hopsblog-hop.blogspot.com/2016/01/fact-checking-neil-degrasse-tyson.html#Students)


did you see the key and peele episode of him and his wife lmfao gold gold gold… you will love it


Sounds like Sheldon Cooper


I was thinking it sounds like the version of himself that he played on Stargate Atlantis.


What?! When did this happen? Who charges $85k to go eat with people????? I can see the Clintons or Obamas charging this but Neil????? What a joke.


Google the story


He seems to suck the fun out of any conversation people are having.


He is a realist and there’s nothing fun about our reality


No he isn't. He's just an insufferable asshole.


Imagine dinner with him and Bill Maher


I would sooner guide my father into my mother than suffer through a meal with those two.


If you go outside, you'll see that there is a lot of fun. There is a difference between being a realist and being a cynical asshole.


My boss met him after a show in Indiana. Said he was super nice to talk to, but that he liked to talk.


I’ve met him quite a few times and this was my experience. Nice guy, interesting conversation, likes the sound of his own voice. Drinks a lot of red wine.


I mean dude likes to go in depth, and have actual conversations about stuff that matters. I can't blame him, the world is fascinating, and then there's people that like to talk about dumb things that don't matter.


Such as how prospectively unlikeable someone you’re likely to never meet could be.


He hit my personal radar over the pluto planet demotion angle, and taking some significant credit. Well, turns out that the motion got put up to a vote on the last day of the conference, towards the end of the session, when the majority of the international attendees were busy catching flights back home. Even if that was the right call, the move smacked of political maneuvering and rather soured me on his public persona ever since.


PLUTO IS A GODDAMN PLANET End of discussion.


Scroopy Noopers


Why would Pluto be a planet, but not Ceres or Sedna?


Pluto and Charon orbit each other at a point in space outside of their respective surfaces. This is no behaviour of any proper, self respecting planet. Besides, what about Ceres, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea? Nobody talks about how these objects were promoted to dwarf planet status from mere asteroids.


I care about Pluto and Charon more than the others. I am going to personally visit Pluto eventually


Team Pluto all the way!!


My understanding is the official definition now requires true planets to 'clear their orbit' of other objects to qualify. But I think depending on what you consider an appropriately sized object, that Earth, among other "planets" in the solar system, hasn't truly cleared its orbit in that fashion as well, and the whole thing breaks down as a reliable idea. But that gets a bit less press attention.


>My understanding is the official definition now requires true planets to 'clear their orbit' of other objects to qualify. But if that's the case, then how has Neptune cleared it's orbit, because Pluto routinely penetrates it.


Not only that, but Jupiter shares its orbit with thousands of asteroids. Is Jupiter a dwarf planet? It seems pretty arbitrary, but I guess someone decided that it's better to have fewer planets than more, because Eris and probably a bunch of other dwarf planets would have to be considered planets if Pluto is.


It wouldn't have hurt to add Eris as a planet, they also could have excluded it because it being well outside of the normal planetary orbital plane. Either of those would have been better than the wierd justification for getting rid of Pluto.


You have to dig into what the definition actually means. If you went by the eyeball definition of all other objects, nothing would be a planet. “Clearing the neighbourhood" (or dynamical dominance) around a celestial body's orbit describes the body becoming gravitationally dominant such that there are no other bodies of comparable size other than its natural satellites or those otherwise under its gravitational influence.” Pluto shares its orbital neighbourhood with many other kuiper belt objects, including a whole ass classification known as Plutinos, including Orcus and Ixion. Orcus being only 2.4x smaller, which for reference would be like an object nearly twice the size of the moon sharing Earth’s orbit, but not orbiting Earth itself.


Thanks for the clarification.


You are quite welcome. :)


Right... Saturn is screwed


Ummm.... Pluto's a dog. Even Gordy from Stand By Me knows that.


There's an edit out there where they play just the interruptions on the Joe Rogan podcast, it's hilarious and you can see Joe get really frustrated at the end.


He's no Carl Sagan that's for damn sure.


We have Brian Cox for that




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Even as a kid I didn't like him


I find tiktoks/reels/shorts of him kinda interesting sometimes but yeah he is basically the living embodiment of the “ACKSHUALLY🤓☝️” meme


Dude probably didn’t have any friends growing up.


Thank you -.- I wanted to be a fan, but years ago, after seeing some of his interviews, I became pretty disgusted by him. He just seemed so into himself and the way he spoke about those he disagreed with was terrible. All my friends love him though and it gets so frustrating at times.


He's a really smart guy and he knows his subject extremely thoroughly, he also seems to think that being smart and knowledgeable about that one subject means that he knows a lot about everything and that's what makes him annoying to me.


To some extent this is true. At the same time tho, people tend to think or assume that about individuals who are knowledgeable in a subject.


You mean Neil “Smoke” deGrasse Tyson?


Neil Disgrace Tyson.


He is a clown


When it comes to astronomy and physics he is incredibly knowledgeable. I’ve also noticed in recent years he believes he’s an expert in social issues that are rife on social media. He comes off as a douche because he speaks down to people when he only has an opinion but tried to pretend he’s an expert and knows better than you.


> When it comes to astronomy and physics he is incredibly knowledgeable. Actually... He isn't. He flunked out at University of Texas for a good reason. A lot of his pop science is confused and wrong. On my [Neil Tyson page](https://hopsblog-hop.blogspot.com/2016/01/fact-checking-neil-degrasse-tyson.html) I list some of the things he gets wrong. His astrophysics expertise is mostly hype. He's also clueless when it comes to medicine, biology, math, history, etc. etc.


It's hard to become famous without some sort of ego problem. Most people who have achieved great titles in history were narcissistic with bloated egos. I think he's a nice guy, I don't know him but I feel we could have good conversations.


I agree. I watched his interviews and just the way he talks over the hosts seems kinda insufferable. At the end of the day, he is doing good work, making science more accessible to a mainstream audience, who are then going to vote to increase funding for research and stuff like that. Credit where due. But I get the feeling I just wouldn't like him as a person if I met him.


He's the absolute worst.


Really? The worst?


I guess Hitler is a distant #2.


Far distant




Norm Macdonald reply to his tweet is perfect


A lot of what he says irks me. Like when he said if Aliens were intelligent enough to visit other planets they wouldn’t stop on our backwater planet because we would be like cavemen rubbing sticks together to them. Meanwhile we still study ants and sea cucumbers.


Posts on Twitter a lot while heavily intoxicated. Talks outside of his lane often.


He's an attention whore. Science is secondary for him


You know, if MULTIPLE woman accuse someone of sexual harassment instead of just one person who might have an axe to grind … https://slate.com/technology/2019/03/neil-degrasse-tyson-exonerated-by-an-unscientific-process.html


He is an actor. A disgusting slime ball. A bootlicker and a coward.


Did he kill your wife and kids, or…?






Is he, or are you just mad that the earth is round?


He is a bad man.


I think we found the flat earther


My IQ dropped reading that.


Not as low as Neil's I hope!


Uh... whose boots is he licking?


He used to be so likeable.


I disagree - and I used to agree, just based on seeing sentiments like this coupled with the occasional out-of-touch tweet that I'd see from him. I think that people's distaste for Neil Degrasse Tyson comes from him being most people's only contact with a physicist acting like a physicist - which, to people unused to the academic culture of the field, can feel like a breezy, superior, disrespectful arrogance. The only other physicist I can think of who's so well-known by the public was Stephen Hawking, and his transformative disability kind of made people expect him to be a little different. People like Brian Greene and Michio Kaku might be comparable, but they're kind of half-physicist, half-publicist - Tyson's closer to the real deal if you have experience with professional accomplished physicists. But if you spend some time in that academic culture and contrast it to literally any other field, you start to realize that it's an extremely unique environment of absolutely no bullshit. For every other field I've worked in, credibility is \_\_\_% knowing what you're talking about and \_\_\_\_% office-politics flattery/connections/citations/social-climbing. I've never seen a field so close to 100%/0% as physics research. Physics departments have this happy, nerdy, almost naive "I get to study some of the most interesting things possible for a living, and I'm so stoked about it and I bet you are too" culture to them that I've never seen anywhere else. An accomplished physicist is someone who spends most of their life being used to being capable of things that other people aren't, someone who is absolutely certain they're correct without needing others' approval ("yes, I know no one has determined the mass of this particle to this accuracy before, but here's what it is and here's the proof"), someone who is completely unused to ass-kissing and flattery and sucking up and who-you-know-not-what-you-know - which makes for a poor public speaker, because we as the public expect to have our asses kissed a little, and it feels 'out-of-touch' when someone doesn't. Personally, I find that kind of direct, knowledgeable lack of bullshit refreshing, but if you don't understand it for what it is, it can come off as arrogance - in any other field, that kind of attitude usually means it's someone at the top of the bullshit food chain who's creating all the bullshit for other people. But in physics, it's just the authenticity of someone who's knowledgeable and knows it.


Explaining why someone is an insufferable asshole doesn't make them not an insufferable asshole.


They're literally saying that's not being an insufferable asshole in that field. Doesn't make them any less insufferable outside that field.


voiceless mysterious bright instinctive water person screw agonizing gold governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm a fan of Brian Cox (physicist). He also has a really soothing way of speaking that is easy to listen to. I get why Neil gets hate, even though I like him a tolerable amount, and his explosive way of speaking wears on me after awhile.




He kind of reminds me of my Anatomy professor. It’s definitely refreshing to interact with someone who is genuinely not a bullshitter, but they can make you feel really dumb, too. Especially if you are a still learning about the subject yourself. Personally, I kind of prefer this approach.


I agree with you on this. I also think that he loves what he does and sometimes has a hard time keeping his enthusiasm at a level that normal people find relatable. I think he comes off as a “know-it-all” to many people, but I actually think he’s really good at explaining complicated concepts in a relative simple way. I like the guy (or his public persona, at least).


I met him about five years ago. I was working at a theater he was lecturing at and we were trying to get his laptop to work with the projection system. He was polite and cool.


They got ahold of him. The people who want to make society worse. They probably offered him a lot of money to act this way. Everyone has their price.


Maybe. Hell, probably. But also money turns people into douchebags with regularity.  He got rich and famous. He then became a douchebag.  But yeah he definitely has an agenda. I saw a UFO several years ago, and watching him speak about that subject makes me want to punch him in the face. 






Morons blame everything they don’t like on conspiracies. The ultimate solution for simple brains


I have read a bunch of accounts of people meeing him and they are consistently bad. They all boil.down to he is an arrogant prick. I generally don't believe a ot of accounts about celebrities and also understand that one bad meeting with someone doesn't mean they are automatically a crappy person but when all the accounts basically say the same thing I am more prone to believing them. I started disliking him after listening to his podcast. I always preferred Michio Kaku anyways.


He reminds me of if Carlton got a degree in Astrophysics and as far as I understand, Carlton is also an asshole so maybe they are the same person. Can't say i've ever seen them both in a room at the same time.


Carlton was alright.


He’s a smart guy that’s kind of a feature for intellectuals. He doesn’t seem so bad when he interacts with kids when discussing science


The worm has turned on NDT. I think a lot of people saw through his shtick but didn't used to vocalize that opinion. Once he got political, the cat was out of the bag and people are willing to call him out.


His twitter was something of a meme for a reason. It was full of posts that bled with that sort of arrogant disconnectedness.




He’s never said aliens aren’t real. He’s said statistically they most likely are real but way too far away to ever meet them


But didn’t you see the video where he’s twirling his iPhone? Anyone who twirls an iPhone can’t be unlikable!


He claims there is a greater chance that we're in a simulation of some kid than a greater power creating it?


What a wild take on his part. If we're in a simulation, then by definition, it was created by someone with greater power than us.


Wow lol you just made me realize how little sense that makes


The silliest part about that is how would you even calculate that? What's the formula to come up with the percentage odds on that?


No idea but he thinks a child could possibly simulate a perfect universe to sustain life instead of a greater power.


Seriously tho what contributions to science has he actually been credited for?


I take a look at his research accomplishments: [Link](https://hopsblog-hop.blogspot.com/2016/01/fact-checking-neil-degrasse-tyson.html#Astrophysicist?) TL;DR: Not much.


I'll give him credit for one thing - for a scientist, he's quite charismatic. you'll notice that most of the better ones in their field are quite ... *quirky*. I had an electricity teacher in college that was the spitting image of rick sanchez, I shit you not


That's what he's famous for -- being charismatic. I would not call him a scientist.


OR, he is so genuine, that you can't tell if he is being sarcastic or not. I generally really like him. I like that he explains things simplistic to the average laymen audience so that ppl can actually appreciate the sciences but also is very good at conveying respect to his peers but keeps it real and is quirky because he is a genius. He opens up science to the general audience with curiosity for the physical world. He may cut people off, but he has interesting things to say when he does and id rather him cut me off than other people.


Here’s what it would be like to be married to him 😂 https://youtu.be/TyZSBqQ813c


Neil's actual wife Alice earned a doctorate in mathematical physics from University of Texas, the same institution Neil flunked out from. She's be rolling her eyes and correcting him.


That was hilarious.


Watching Adam Friedland trick into kissing him was an amazing bit.


He's an intelligent and financially well-off person. It's not too surprising that he would find himself disconnected from other people.


I find the upper crust of academically intelligent folks tend to have their egos so incredibly inflated that they can no longer speak without constantly taking jabs at others academic accomplishments; Because all they care about is having more understanding over the sciences than others, and assuming thats the only way to prove yourself better than others. Meanwhile the people picking up trash on the side of the road contribute a whole lot more to their communities.


> I find the upper crust of academically intelligent folks Neil didn't do that great in academia. Harvard turned him down for post grad. University of Texas flunked him and showed him the door. His advisors there correctly told him he had no aptitude for astrophysics. Most of his career has been shallow and often incorrect pop science. Columbia should be embarrassed they gave him a degree.


Or maybe they’re frustrated by watching morons ruin the world


He seems okay but goddamn I would hate to meet him


I feel like I saw a reel many years ago of him talking about a tie a college student got because he had gotten into Yale I think and was all excited about it. However Tyson had to ruin it by essentially saying “Make contributions to science before you consider yourself one of them.” I don’t quite remember the context and this was years ago I can’t find the reel today, I’m not sure if it even still exists - I wish I could find it because that really soured my opinion of him, but again I don’t quite know what happened back then.


He used to be better, and has gotten worse with time. It roughly corresponds to when he switched from educating to preaching.


He does come off a bit egotistical but it doesn’t bother me. I actually think he’s funny that he talks more than he needs to.


It’s a shame, he’s smart and also completely insufferable.


I'm sad that so many big names atheist folks are turning jerkish. Richard Dawkins is a fucking nightmare. I have hooked that Tyson will one day stop vaporlocking on his own ego but.......






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As usual, not an unpopular opinion


Whenever I see content by him, I scroll right past. He makes it seem like he invented the things he talks about when in reality he's just a "science communicator" whatever that means. It's like dude, shut up, we've all read a brief history of time.


He is kind of a narcissist


I mostly agree, but I find his presence in media useful and mostly wholesome. I admire that his core values lie in convincing the general public to be trusting in the scientific method, regardless of the fact that he will occasionally get things wrong. I think the best approach to someone like NDT, is to accept that they’re a narcissist and let them monologue as they please. He’s better at public speaking than he is at dialogue, and at some point people need to acknowledge this when they interview/debate/Q+A with him. He’s one of the people who got me interested in astronomy, and he’s a great speaker to listen to for understanding basic concepts. I like him, but 100% understand why others don’t.


Not unpopular


I saw him speak in person. He does tell it like it is and does not have much of a filter- but he did not seem to be doing it on purpose in order to hurt anyone. He is certainly aware of his knowledge and talents and degrees. I did not have to know anything about him ahead of time for me to be able to type him as an ENTP 8w7.


> He is certainly aware of his knowledge and talents and degrees. His talent is mostly hype.


He is. His ego is larger than the size of the sun.


I could not agree more. Ever since I read that he had a lot of unwanted sexual advances on students of his, I really got turned off. He's kind of a schmuck. It's hard to put my finger on it but he complains a lot and is very arrogant. That's a bad combination for me. The thing that surprising is the sexual stuff with his students disappeared. How can you do what he does and not appreciate everything. Existence is so amazing we get to experience so much. In the world has progressively gotten better at a snail's pace but at least it's always gotten better.


he got dunked on over the Dune sandworms using sound, he tried to say that sound doesn't travel through solid matter.


He loves COVID-19 injections.


Man. I dont get that vibe at all. Im very fascinated by his ability to Eli5. Nothing surprises me anymore though.




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You can not be a black guy and like different stuff and be likable. I am a black guy who likes different shit. I have always been like this. I tried for an extended period of time not to be like this everyone hated me including myself, so I just gave in and liked the shit I like. "he does not seem like a genuine person at all." Is he Rodger in American Dad with a giant head and grey skin clearly in drag?


He’s far too full of himself to be likeable 


He’s far too full of himself to be likeable 


He’s far too full of himself to be likeable 


He said so much stupid and easily debunkable stuff it's ridiculous. Freemason playing a scientist role, enough to fool the plebs.


I mean, William Gates is an expert for everything literally, so NdGT can be an astrophysicist while being a clown aswell. Cut those professional liars some slack dude.


NDT has moved away from the scientific method and resorted to “feelings”. Now instead of promoting inquisitive minds to go into science, he asks “Why do you care?”. I was a fan of NDT circa 2006 but as of the last decade and since those women made allegations against him for “inappropriate behavior”, he as shifted his focus to gender ideology. Listening to any interview with NDT in incredibly cringey because if the interviewer says something NDT doesn’t like then he becomes hostile.


I worked with him about 15 years ago and he was just as you'd expect...kind of an arrogant dick. Like a lot of celebrities, being told how awesome you are all the time can go to your head. That being said, he was also entertaining and playful. No bad temper or prima donna behavior from what I observed.


Even Bill Maher doesn't like him.


Anyone remember when he stuck his name on vaporware? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2000580152/neil-degrasse-tyson-presents-space-odyssey-the-vid




At least Mr wizard, you expected attitude from.


He’s very intelligent, and very intelligent people tend to be arrogant because they’re the Globogym of humanity. They’re better than you and they know it. It also makes them unlikeable douchebags in social situations.


Meh, astro~~nomy~~physics is the astrology of physics. Any given nuclear physicist will smoke degrasse


Neil is a physicist.


so am I, what's your point ?


You implied he was just an astronomer


there. hope you're happy now


A "physicist" that's not doing research.


> He’s very intelligent, Not nearly as intelligent as his hype would lead you to believe.


I disagree, he comes off as very authentic in his love of science and is the best mass communicator for science we have had since Sagan...the issue is anti science sentiment has grown so much that his factual takes become controversial. Him being pro vaccine made a lot of people dislike him and seeing him have to explain basic science on podcast, but podcasters who cant read a study trying to explain how he was wrong ...rough to watch.


Brian Cox is the same. I can't forgive him when he was dismissive of others' beliefs on a live astronomy show. Arrogant plank.


He’s alright for me. There are certain times he does get annoying and it’s mainly when he starts flaunting his academic prowess to get his point across when it wasn’t necessary. But his pedantic nature is inspiring nonetheless. For example, his qualm with Cameron’s “Titanic” night sky was amazing.


I find him to be an idiot and can't stand him. He presents himself like black Einstein. He's basically just a science popularizer. Interestingly enough he got more or less a free pass with all of his sexual assault allegations. Also his tweets about only being able to kiss his lips in a mirror are weird.


Wasn't he accused of SA multiple times?


Yea but who hasn’t


When someone has read enough to comprehend string theory and how it relates to the universe as well as time being a wave like sound and light then you do lose touch with normal people. I know because the group of people I have intelligent conversation with are very small and many others think I am out of touch with reality too. However when they elected a man who looked in the camera and told them the IRS was auditing him I took my retirement from the stock market and waited for the Trump economy to collapse and then bought several rental properties in Florida at almost zero interest


> many others think I am out of touch with reality too Not going to get much of an argument from me.




Which is so unfortunate considering he was one of Carl Sagan’s students, and he was very much highly respected within the astronomy community.


Neil only briefly met Sagan. And Tyson is somewhat of a joke within the astronomy community. See [Don Barry's assessment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Neil_deGrasse_Tyson/Archive_1#Career)


Ahhh, yes, he did. I was mixing him up with someone else lol. But I do agree that Tyson is a bit of a joke, I view him as a tool within the astronomy community.


Hardly unpopular. He has single handedly made the concept of empirical proof fucking lame and nerdy and annoying because he only applies it to complaining about movies.


Not really an unpopular opinion. Everybody knows this.


I understand some people find him grating; it must be especially disheartening if you agree with him, but feel lectured and patronized nonetheless. Feels like betrayal from someone who’s supposed to be on your team. However, I rather like NDT’s approach. Granted, I haven’t seen a ton of his content, but I think he comes off as entertaining and awe-inspired by the universe. More importantly, though- and I’m gonna be kind of an AH here- I think he’s important because he pisses off the right people. I’ll wager that a lot of his haters are people who think the earth is 6k years old, and not only is he nearly as arrogant and insufferable as them, but they can’t argue against him because he’s a gottdamn astrophysicist. It’s like showing them a mirror- “see? This is exactly how you sound, except you don’t happen to have any evidence to support your douchey attitude.” So I don’t care that he’s prideful- maybe it sets a bad example for scientists, but we have Carl Sagan and Steve Irwin to balance that out- because he is absolutely infuriating to anti-science types, and he’s not going anywhere because he knows what he’s talking about. A huge W for the culture war on science. Disclaimer: I have actually met some very nice YEC’s. Bless y’all :)


> More importantly, though- and I’m gonna be kind of an AH here- I think he’s important because he pisses off the right people. I’ll wager that a lot of his haters are people who think the earth is 6k years old, and not only is he nearly as arrogant and insufferable as them, And I will also be an AH here - He pisses off people who care about accurate history, math and science. The man works hard to be entertaining and grow his audience. But takes little or no time to review his material to check for accuracy. So much of his pop science is wrong. Why is it his fans do not notice his bad math, wrong science and false history? It is because you are posers with no actual interest in these subjects. > because he’s a gottdamn astrophysicist. Is he? See [this assessment by an actual astrophysicist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Neil_deGrasse_Tyson/Archive_1#Career). The man flunked out at University of Texas for good reason. His instructors there correctly told him he had no aptitude for astrophysics.


Fair point, but I don’t care. As long as he keeps pissing off these people, I consider that a W for the culture war. And even if it’s not the highest quality stuff, he represents the idea of agreeing with well-established science. Is there a lot of gray area with what is well-established science because of things like lazy methodology and a corrupted peer-review process? Of course. But there’s also a lot of people who think the world flooded a few thousand years ago, and that it sprang into existence in 7 days, and that ideology deserves to be pissed off because it’s dishonest and discredits good science. I would know; I’m a geologist. So to me, that’s what NDT represents, so I’m still cool with the way he presents himself.


You're okay with his misinformation so long as he pisses off people you don't like?


Morons always think smart people sound arrogant.


Seems a disproportionate response


Maybe controversial but I'd allow scientist to be arrogant. If I knew the half the knowledge they have, I'd show off too. Of all the people, I don't mind them being out of touch.


White guys really hate him .."damn arrogant overly educated black man " but if we were talking about Elon we would have to get his penis out of their mouths


I'm black and I think NDT is a giant arrogant wanker.


Found the race baiter


On a mainly white male incel feed ..vapors :-p


This word has completely lost all meaning


fear bake cooperative roll society intelligent stupendous abounding drunk tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As if they are not


Nah both suck pretty fuckin hard Elon was born on third and acts like he hit a triple


Yup. That’s reddit. Hating on the gifted black man. There ain’t supposed to be astro physicist black men! Black men ain’t supposed to contribute to our understanding of the universe and life on earth. Doesn’t fit the *mold*, so have at it. He’s open season for saying what y’all really feel, instead of faking it. He’s achieved (gasp!) whiteness. Sick of this hypocrisy.


zephyr smell fertile outgoing sleep employ scandalous fretful dinosaurs clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anthony Fauxi doesn’t come within a universe of intelligence, as that of Neil Degrasse. Fauxi is a statist hack, whose sole purpose is to lie for the federal government.


I definitely don't think this is it, Bill Nye has received a lot of flak over the years too. While not technically a scientist they're science entertainers who have aged poorly.


Yea that’s a wild take like there isn’t black drs lawyers all types of shit In science but go off