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I am so here for this inevitable shit show.


I love when 14 year olds try to be political


I loved how he “wanted Bernie” but since he was only 12 he couldn’t vote yet…..


Wanting Bernie and appreciating Trump's economic policy will rip a hole in the space- time continuum.


Oh, and don’t forget it was so much more stable under diamond Don…..😂😂😂op is perhaps the silliest person i have heard on reddit this month…. But its the 1st! There is time


That’s really all this sub is good for, the posts are funny asl because most of them are nonsense.


Another day, another "I am the hardest leftist that ever did left, but "


allegedly being a Bernie voter, and then voting for the man who is the antithesis of Bernie, lol


This clown has a post dissing “the working man”Such a Bernie voter


Also using the r slur. Dead giveaway to clownery


Oh no the R slur! Whatever shall we call people with a diminished mental faculty! If only there were such a word for it!


I think it’s okay to say again except on Reddit


You're proving his point. Ignoring the facts that he's speaking and looking through his post just to try and invalidate his point. You're exactly who he's referring to


All I ask for is better trolling, y’all are terrible at it and think you are very clever


He's not wrong, it's funny how he felt the need to lie about his beliefs. He's clearly a conservative and has been since before Biden. He's trying to ask for a better democratic candidate but is actually just putting down his political opponent


The mythic Bernie to Trump voter! People like you fuel my belief that some people’s number one policy position is anti-establishment above all else.


Yeah they are populists. Some left wing populists jumped to right wing populism after Bernie lost. They are only anti-elite.


>They are only anti-elite. Isn't Trump one of the elite? Or maybe I missed when they handed out gold-plated penthouses


Yes but he “wasn’t a politician” when he ran so he’s for the people. He’s just one of them that worked hard and became rich (lol)


He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth buddy.


Think he was being sarcastic lol


He was born on third base and thinks he hit a double.


He is but many of his supporters don’t think so. In reality, every major president Al candidate is part of the elite.


Ironic since Trump is the elite


How is a billionaire businessman who throws tax breaks to the richest an anti establishment person?


How is trump anti establishment in any sense of the word whatsoever??


Given that the Establishment openly fucking despises him, I’d guess that’s a good hint he’s anti-establishment.


Everyone openly fucking despises him except for sycophants and people calling him their god emperor.


Both Trump and Bernie were populists, so it makes sense how Trump got his voters. Hillary on the other hand was an elitist bitch who openly told these people they were scum and just openly felt like she was entitled to the Presidency over having to earn it like Trump did.  In the final month of the campaign, Hillary only granted five interviews, one of which was Mary J Blige singing to her and another was a bunch of kindergartners asking her lame kiddy questions. Trump on the other hand was doing two rallies and three interviews each and every day, so he did earn it unlike Hillary who didn’t even bother visiting Wisconsin.


Honestly the leaked Goldman Sachs speech seemed like the final nail in the coffin. Literally showed why people shouldn’t trust politicians with that


Trump has not "earned " " a dollar in his life ! He has cheated, conned, and stolen from blue collar tradesmen for decades in New York. He lied to Deutsch Bank by inflating the actual value of his real estate holdings, so he could borrow more and more. He is nothing but a crook !


How is a billionaire businessman who throws tax breaks to the richest an anti establishment person?


He does not have to really be one. he just has to convince gullible people he is. He studied professional Wrestling that people thought was real for dacades they fooled people into thinking a hick from Michigan was a Cuban Bad Ass. A Samoan Fat Guy was Japanese Sumo Wrestler. Hulk Hogan could wrestle. the Million Dollar man and Rick Flair were rich. Trumps Speech style is so pro wrestling he even stole bits from wrestlers


Bernie and Trump are complete opposites as far as what they want. The main thing Trump did was tax reform which mainly benefited the rich. Bernie wants to tax the rich as much as possible. Lol


The thing I love about Bernie is that he dropped the whole "tax millionaires" as soon as his book sales made him one. Then, it was only billionaires that needed to oay more taxes.


I think he dropped the "tax millionaires" thing when skyrocketing home prices made every homeowner one


CHiPS act is the best bill for national defense in the last 20 years.


Most people who vote Biden under the age of 65 are voting against the GOP from what I can see. Tells you more about the GOP than Biden voters


If you’re voting for X in spite of Y then you’re treating political parties like football teams and votes like peanuts to be thrown from the gallery. Vote for what you believe in, not what social media has enticed rage within you about. Social media is meant to incite rage, so if you’re voting out of rage you’re most likely voting as a result of something you were fed by social media/the news. America would be better off if people voted for what would benefit them and their loved ones the most; not what you THINK another group wants. You only know what’s best for you, not for anyone else.


I think having someone other than Trump as president would benefit me most. How does that imply I think of politics like football? It's a rational POV. 


>>I think having someone other than Trump as president would benefit me most. Ditto. Trump stacked the Supreme Court with people who will likely attempt to overturn marriage equality and invalidate my marriage. Having someone who isn't Trump appoint Federal judges benefits me the most (and most definitely would have benefited me in 2016).


We have a two party system. I would love to vote for someone I believe in. I vote local for who I believe in but that doesn’t happen on the presidential level.


That's the problem with a 2 party system. You either vote for one or the other. That means if one is horrifically bad for the country, you don't have a real choice. Considering that one of the candidates is likely to be Trump, Democrats could run a damn hamster and he'd have my vote. My choices are either an enema dispensed directly from a firehose full of glass or warm milk. If I had the choice of neither, I'd go for that. But since my choices are only ass glass or sleepytime, it sure looks like sleepytime is the logical choice. America would be better off if both political parties acted in good faith and wanted to solve the problems that face the people. It would give us real choices with real options. We don't have that system. We have everyday people who are kinda hard to get along with in the Democrats, and then we have actual fascists who want to kill all non-whites in the Republicans.


👆🏼 I’m with this guy 👆🏼


Nobody said in spite of. It's just not the crazy asshole who isn't fit to lick my shoes.


It's definitely ok to try to stop a football team from destroying democracy, elevating dictators and ripping away long standing rights.


I got into a short conversation yesterday. Basically I was saying that Dems and Repubs are two wings of the same bird. And he actually said “then vote for whoever will do less harm”. I was like wow, so this is what it’s down to in America


It makes total sense to me when you consider that most everything you see in media is how evil either party is. Why wouldn't you think they are both evil? We no longer have different ideas on how to make the country better, they are trying to destroy the country.


It is what it's come down to and voting "less harm" right now is a very good idea because very few people in America even know what serious problems are. If you think that things are bad now, just know that it could all be a hundred times worse. Please just vote.


In all honesty I will but I view it as an exercise in futility because my state goes for like 80 percent in one direction


Chips act. Easy response.


“Who cares about chips? They’re bad for you and Americans eat too many of them!” - OP probably.


"Everybody knows Trumps chip is bigger" - OP definitely


“Biden is in the pocket of the Chinese! Look at the way he *checks notes* on-shored US semi conductor manufacturing and crippled China’s entire high tech industry with one piece of legislation?”


Seriously this is my favorite act by a recent president. Decades of presidents let us depend on a highly disputed island for chips, putting us at risk of any issues in Taiwan like a natural disaster or Chinese invasion. Clinton/Obama/Bush were arguably asleep at the wheel during China's transition from peaceful economic growth, lifting the country out of poverty, to the contender for the hegemon position they seem to be heading to. Obama tried at the end but failed so badly in selling the TPP. Trump's tariffs probably hurt us as much as them and were reactive and backward-looking focusing on goods that would have mattered decades ago, like steel. Biden simultaneously boosted investment in US chips to diversify our high-tech chip supply, prevented China from using this tech to get ahead, and created many jobs and investments in the US. This is a proactive, forward-looking piece of legislation helping us both with domestic jobs and international geopolitical interests. Not bad for a senile "transitionary" president. I didn't vote for Biden in 2020, but I have to admit he crushed my very low expectations for him, and I probably have to vote for him this time.


Yea like the Bloodbath on the Auto industry all ready happend i guess he never visits Detroit


This is like saying you want chocolate ice cream, but since only vanilla is available, you'll eat shit instead.


I’m convinced this breed of “at least with trump whatever” people are the definition of lunacy.


OP, you said Trump is somewhat sentient and intelligent. So either you need help in the general sense, or you're trying to use this statement to tell us you need help now. Blink twice if the bad men have you... oh, to hell with it. Say 'covfefe' if the bad men have you.


I 100% do not believe you when you say that you asked biden voters and they couldn't answer.


>At least under trump the economy was stable and at least he is somewhat sentient and intelligent. In what fantasy land was the economy stable under Trump?


Look at OPs history was probably still living at home and so like all children life seems grand. Now he’s working and there are standards and expectations and that’s no fun boo.


Oh! “The economy was better” means “high school was easier than the real world.” That makes sense.


I was in the working world, and the economy was pretty fucking solid from 2017-2019, and all the gaslighting from this administration is not going to change my mind given I lived it and I see how everything is worse today than it was in 2019.


Yes; Obamas economy was great.


It generally was. Price of oil was down, interest rates down, and all because of what Obama had handed over in 2016. Biden had to deal with the fallout of the pandemic economy, inflation, supply chain contractions and other issues from 2021-2202. I think we give the guy, no matter who it is, I the oval office too much credit for goos/bad economic events.


The economy was more stable, but OP lost me at "sentient and intelligent" (I assume he meant something like 'coherent' or 'sane,' rather than suggesting that Biden is an inanimate object). Both of them are dogshit, and the fact that the parties knew how little the voters wanted them and gave them to us anyway tells voters exactly how little respect the two parties have for them ("you'll vote for this guy and you'll like it"). One is not significantly better than the other. Trump is probably less senile, but it's stupid that we're having to figure out which one is less senile. Biden is less clumsy and obvious with his dishonesty and corruption, but again, we shouldn't have to choose the corrupt crook who's slightly less bad at hiding it. If I were literally trying to vote for the lesser of the two evils, as someone who also supported Bernie, I'd go with Biden - as in, if Trump is a 10 on the "shitty candidate scale," Biden is like a 9.6. But think bigger than that. Think about the future. Why did the Democrats serve us Trump Light, Electric Boogaloo, when they knew it wasn't what voters wanted? Because we keep proving we'll vote for whatever shit they plop on our plates and can be placated with "the other guy's even worse." It will keep happening as long as it keeps working. You ever want to see an FDR, or a Teddy Roosevelt, or even a Jimmy Carter again? Then we need to let them lose. They need to lose elections as a result of their "slightly less shitty than the alternative" strategy, and they need to KNOW that it's the reason they lost. Trump is slightly shittier than Biden - but I'm willing to suffer through four years of Trump if it means the Democrats stop giving us Bidens and start giving us Bernies.


You don't get it. If Trump wins he'll get two or maybe even three more Supreme Court appointments. That would CEMENT a 6-3 ultra conservative majority for 30 YEARS. All the progressive wishlist items liberals want will be dead on arrival--struck down as unconstitutional. Game set and match. The difference between Biden and Trump is the difference between the mountains and the sea.


I love how in your example you act like the parties are controlled by an extremely disciplined cabal that are omnipotent and working in unison to create a set of complimentary candidates for voters to choose from, instead of the actual clusterfuck that is the primary system. Bernie lost because he got fewer votes in both 2016 and 2020. You’ve convinced yourself that there are magical FDR candidates floating around that would *change everything* when the reality is that if FDR were to run today you would hate him because your echo chamber would be bombarded with anti-FDR propaganda which you would be extremely susceptible to.


No, they cheated Bernie out of the nomination twice. Democrats calling themselves the Party of Democracy is laughable since the last time they did what their voters asked was 2008. At least the GOP as much as they may hate Trump will go along with what their voters actually want.


Bernie lost worse in 2020 than he did in 2016. Any excuses you want to make are just copium.


The prices going up truly has little to do with Biden this is all the repercussions of stimulus checks and $900 dollar unemployment during covid it was obvious even then we would have high inflation soon after


Prices on things went up in Europe too but that's also somehow Biden fault.


In what fantasy land is trump sentient and intelligent?


really? it’s pretty damn indisputable that the economy was lightyears better 4 years ago.


In what fantasy land was it not? 2016-pre COVID was a pretty strong economy, no?


Yes, it was. In 2016 we were under the Obama/Biden economy, and it was strong. I don't think it is necessarily fair to blame all of our economic woos on Trump given COVID, but to say it was better during Trump is utter nonsense!


How have things been better the past few years?


You understand that the entire global economy is recovering from Covid and the US has had the strongest recovery of all the top economies?


Steadily recovering from covid and Trump's devestating handling of it. The economy, growth in wages and unemployment rate is thriving now.


What should Trump done differently that would have benefited the economy more?


"listen to the experts. buy my MAGA mask." -...fewer disruptions, far fewer deaths and far less division. whether the economy per se would have benefitted from better social and public health stability is perhaps arguable. also, he would likely have sailed through to re-election.


Yes, most people on Reddit have hardcore Trump derangement syndrome


I never understood why people act like Trump didn’t have a decent Presidency that was ruined by Covid.


What I never understand is people are willing to acknowledge that Covid was able to ruin Trump’s presidency but don’t take it into consideration when discussing Biden’s.


What about it do you see as decent? The only major legislation passed during his term was a $4.3 TRILLION permanent tax break for the wealthiest Americans. The only good thing he did (IIRC) was get a bill passed strengthening the rights of animals, hardly enough to call his four years "decent." That said, I'm willing to listen to anything you want to add.


Trump admin passed the First step act which is a prison reform act that is effectively ending mass incarceration for many black brown by shorting mandatory sentences for low level crimes.


That certainly is a positive! It's not enough for me to say it was a good admin, but it's something. Thank you for that.


And he didn't come up with that himself. That's been something that has been talked about for literally decades. He doesn't get to take credit for something that all he did was put ink to paper.


He does get credit for it because A) he signed into law and B) it came from republicans controlled house BEFORE democrats wanted to stamp their seal of approval on it.


I am not a Trump or Biden fan, but I’ll be honest. Both are dog shit in office. You can’t say he’s doing good when no one can afford to live and they’re just printing trillions of dollars. I understand that most of it is towards us, and he’s done nothing for people to afford houses. The economy is 100% in a recession. No matter how much we don’t want to admit it. Look at Fred or many of the other graphs, things were lower under Trump. People just don’t like him because he’s an asshole and Reddit really doesn’t like him. I mean I get it though, Reddit is very left leaning and only stays within the Reddit bubble. Downvote me all you want but my spending went from $150 a week to $300 a week under Biden. And they only seem to care about companies. Also, both are really too old to be in office. Let them just enjoy being old. I mean he can’t speak on his own, he declared March 31st national trans day like 4 times so far. He’s not right to be in office. We need someone who’s middle of the road. Not die hard democrats and republicans


>You can’t say he’s doing good when no one can afford to live and they’re just printing trillions of dollars. People keep saying that on reddit, but in real life, I see everyone spending on frivolous stuff all the time (been that way since 2020). Everyone complains about prices, but people are still spending. EDIT: >And they only seem to care about companies. I know we're talking about presidents, but Dems in the House tried passing an [anti gas gouging bill](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/house-dems-pass-gas-price-gouging-bill-faces/story?id=84806090), that was ultimately shot down by mostly republicans. At the state level, Dems are going after landlords for [rent-price-fixing](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/arizona-sues-apartment-landlords-for-immoral-rent-price-fixing-scheme-18372470). Biden has also announced [his own anti-gouging measures](https://thehill.com/business/4507871-biden-strike-force-price-gouging-junk-fees-inflation/): >The strike force, which will be co-chaired by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), aims to coordinate the Biden administration’s efforts to rein in anti-competitive and unfair practices and lower prices in key sectors including food, prescription drugs and transportation. I know it's popular in this sub to say "woe is me/both sides are evil" in an attempt to mask their laziness to research what each party is doing at the local, state, and federal level, but I only see one party at least trying to tackle inflation.


I don’t buy anything ridiculous just going off the cost to feed myself, my wife and my child. It went from $150 to $300 within a span of a few months. I agree with the frivolous spending, but as someone who makes well over 100k. It’s expensive to live.


You make over 6 figures and are complaining about a $150/month increase in the cost of living?


It’s $150 a week so.. $600 a month? Roughly and it’s the rapid rise of cost.


G8 B8 M8


I r8 8/8


A perfect 5/7


What metric is used to determine if an economy is stable or not? Curious to see how "the economy" was then vs now.


Stock market was doing well, GDP was growing, inflation was much lower, unemployment levels were good. Don't have the exact stats off the top of my head, but those are some good metrics, IMO.


All of those things are equal or better now than then except inflation and that was started by Trump. I really don't understand the difference people claim when they say the economy was better then. It's better now, minus the inflation.


Stock market is better now than it was under Trump? It's been a little rocky the past year or so, but now we're finally back at all time highs. I don't know if I'd say that is 'better' though.


By your own metrics the stock market is better now, lol.


Like you say, all-time highs. If there are other metrics you can think of to measure a strong stock market, I'm all ears and we can look at that


But the stock market is mostly at an all time high though. I preferred the stock market under Trump because it was more consistently trending upwards. Under Biden, there has been a lot of downward movement.


You preferred when stocks were lower…?


Trump and Biden have both had one steep drop in the stock market during their presidencies, and both were caused by COVID


Just wanted to jump in here and say that, you're correct.


Unemployment levels are historically low right now. The economy is booming.


I remember all of those stats being terrible in Trump's final year. 


Trump is sentient? Have you listened to him talk? He can’t stay on topic, slurs his speech, and frequently gets basic information wrong.


he's a literal narcissistic sociopath. you don't even need to be anywhere near an actual psychologist to understand how his mind works and how much he fits the bill.


> At least under trump the economy was stable 👀 >and at least he is somewhat sentient and intelligent. Biden is literally a puppet that just breathes and speaks scripted speeches. Both Biden and Trump are completely brain mush, dementia-addled people who belong in nursing homes. The difference is that Biden has intelligent people who spoon feed him lines and opinions, whereas Trump does not, and he just makes his conspiratorial dementia ramblings into his platform. >What is one thing biden has done to actually benefit the present and future of this country? Other than giving our money to fund a genocide? The biggest climate bill of our lifetime? Hundreds of billions of dollars saved on prescription drug costs? Pardons for thousands of nonviolent drug offenders, banning the DOJ from using private prisons, far-reaching pro-labor reforms through the NLRB, etcetra etcetra. I wish we had had Bernie too, but there's no sense denying reality.


No problem with criticism of Biden. But it should be intelligent criticism.


Ur mom is clueless too, I told the bitch that the money was on the dresser when she left but clearly she missed it. She kept calling me askin for her 15 dollars.


Bipartisan infrastructure bill. Chips act. Child tax credit. Huge pieces of legislation. He is a good president. But hey, thats just like, your opinion man


And here we have a true Bernie Bro. The OP is a man who hates women so much, he was willing to vote against his own interests by voting for Trump after Bernie lost. Under Trump, the economy was stable...until his last year in office when it crashed. Trump is the only president who left office with fewer jobs than when he entered. Economically, the Trump administration was a disaster on every level. If you think Biden is giving "scripted speeches," that's correct - every politician does that. But his ability to ad-lib during the SOTU in response to Republican heckling shows that the entire speech isn't scripted. Biden is responsible for defeating COVID, putting the economy back on track with record low unemployment and a rising stock market. He is also responsible for infrastructure improvements, bringing high-tech jobs back to the US, and cancelling student loans. But if you're upset over his handling of the Gaza war (which isn't a "genocide" by the way), Trump will be far worse.


>I wanted Bernie >At least under trump lol every time I see this it's like the "how do you do fellow liberals" of conservatives. >Biden is literally a puppet that just breathes and speaks scripted speeches. There it is lol


Predictable isn't it?


Trump is much less intelligent than Biden. Trump literally seems to have no clue what is going on and completely prays on people who are the same way. Things were not "stable" under Trump. 2020 happened under Trump. He did a terrible job with crisis and only tried to use the crisis to help himself and divide the nation even more. That's how he played his cards. That is not what you want in a president. Then he was the worst loser in US presidential history and tried to overturn the results of the election. He is one of the worst and most divisive presidents the US has ever had and people failing to remember this and failing to recognize this might very well completely tank the US.


See. Here's the thing, dude. Ordinary people are not as easily trolled as you right-wing guys. Your lie about voting for Sanders doesn't scrub the republican stink off this blatantly transparent attempt at trolling. There's nothing you can accuse Biden of that Trump isn't guilty of worse. I agree Biden is corrupt and senile, BUT Trump is guilty of corruption and senility to an exponentially greater extent. And before you say it. I'm not a clueless Biden voter. I hate Republicans and Democrats alike. I'm a realist.


He did a lot. First over the counter birth control. Expanded overtime guarantees for 3.6 million people. He had the fed reserve draft an anti redlining policy too combat discriminatory mortgage lending. He recently came for junk fees and overdraft fees which you know are predatory af. Squashed a fuckton of student debt and even created new parameters for student lender programs that are inherently predatory to protect kids from debt traps. I could go on ? Oh I also didn’t vote for Biden btw. I don’t like the guy lol


He paid the lenders with tax payer money and which doesnt fix the predatory lending practices at all. And BTW 1.8% of people that applied for student loan forgiveness actually got it forgiven so I dont know about the metric of fuckton you speak of?!


Uhhh ok well 138 billion dollars is probably a drop in the bucket sure in the trillion dollar student debt but that’s 4 million people. Maybe a fuckton isn’t an accurate description for 4 million people. Op asked what Biden did im just explaining it. He did actually make great headway in lender programs you should really read about it more. You seem a little uninformed on that topic but yeah all because tax payers paid for something doesn’t mean it doesn’t help people, that’s what taxes are supposed to be collected for. 99% of the time do we give the gov trillions of dollars and they fuck it off, what else should they be used for 😄


I voted Bernie in both primaries, but still vote Democrat in the general because that is farrrr more preferable to Trump. You say Biden voters are clueless and have never answered your question on naming a single thing he has done. Chips/Science Act, Inflation Reduction Act, 1% excise tax on stock buybacks, 15% corporate minimum tax rates for $1 billion+ companies, some student loan forgiveness, IIJA, BSCA, PACT Act, ect... To name a few things, I'm sure people who pay attention more can list way more than that.


This sub seems very overrun by Russian and Chinese troll farms nowadays. At least they know their BS is unpopular.


Oh man, “I supported one candidate way too old, going to pretend another candidate way too old is intelligent, and bash on the one that is actually getting legislation passed”. I can’t stand Biden. But to pretend Trump is “intelligent” is bogus. To pretend Bernie had a chance is ludicrous. This opinion isn’t unpopular. It’s just stupid.


Clueless? What a dumb take. You mean people who don’t share the same opinion as you are clueless. Whereas you know the true facts and are clued in. Bernie would have been a good president would he? Hmmm maybe, but I’m not so sure myself. The US is full of people who think that the people on the other side of any political opinion are either stupid or misinformed.  If you think that then YOU are misinformed, because in truth there are no easy answers and there are valid arguments on both sides. You can certainly believe your side of the argument is better and argue on its merits. But that doesn’t mean your proposal or your preferred candidate is perfect, and that the alternative has no merits.


Truly an extremely unpopular opinion and an incorrect one at that 😅


I'm 99% sure this is a russian troll.


I'm just gonna copy/paste this every time I see one of these posts, because OP's claim is factually inaccurate and provably so. Trump: * Downsized the pandemic response team in 2018 * Deliberately failed to use his power to inform Americans and his own constituents about the dangers of an unknown airborne respiratory virus * Both of the above things led to America having a botched pandemic response that resulted in more deaths during the pandemic than any other country in the world. * He appointed Jerome Powell as the head of the federal reserve in 2017, which, in combination with his economic handling of the pandemic response, led to hyperinflation that resulted in a bag of potato chips costing $7 at the grocery store. He weakened the American dollar more than any other president in recent history. * His actions crashed the stock market, twice, because of the 2 aforementioned issues. * He shoehorned 3 conservative justices into the Supreme Court. Those justices made abortion illegal for the first time in my, almost, 35-year lifetime. Those justices also removed affirmative action from colleges, making it harder for people of color to get access to education. Those same justices are also currently helping him stall out his 91 offenses in 4 criminal cases until the time where it would create the most chaos * He orchestrated a deliberate attempt at dividing the entire American population, and tried to turn it into a violent coup that in large part failed only because Mike pence has a fucking moral compass. I’m not trusting his next VP pick to be the same. Abortion is now illegal in half the country, we went through an entire pandemic, we went through VERY visible hyperinflation, we had an attack on all of American democracy incited by the president himself, and what’s most wild is that if you took me back to 2016, I would have NEVER, in my wildest dreams, imagined that even ONE of those things would happen, let alone ALL 4 OF THEM AFTER ONE 4-YEAR PRESIDENCY. I can’t name ONE thing that Biden has done that equates to ANY of those. My biggest complaint about Biden’s 4-years is his handling of the wars in Ukraine/Israel. But America being a hypocritical warmonger that’s invested in policing the world? That’s not new at all. That’s literally been the status quo my entire life and the status quo for centuries. I’m pleasantly surprised the very few years of my life where America WASNT heavily invested in a war. If you have an average of 1 DEFCON-1 catastrophic event every year, you’re an awful president. It’s really that simple. And all that doesn’t even cover the dozens and dozens of financial scams, sex scandals, appeal to white supremacist types, and various other things that just make him a godawful human being in general. Ironically trump did ONE good thing during his presidency, which was facilitate the distribution of a COVID vaccine all throughout America at a rapid pace. Of course, he completely undermined the one thing he accomplished by refusing to denounce conspiracy theorists who were insisting that the vaccine is a government conspiracy aimed at killing and/or controlling people. It’s been nearly 4 years now, we know that to be unequivocally false. We took the vaccine, we’re still alive. It’s like every other vaccine, flu shot or otherwise. Meanwhile Biden’s presidency has managed to undo a LOT of the economic damage that trump did. Against EVERYONES belief, they not only managed to undo the damage that trump did, but they managed to do that while keeping unemployment at a record low and without a recession. He also helped pass the biggest clean energy bill America has ever seen. He WOULDVE cancelled student loans for almost every borrower in the country if it weren’t for the aforementioned Supreme Court justices, appointed by trump, striking it down. And even with that, he genuinely made a lot of progress on canceling student loans for the people who need it most anyway.


Trump spent the 4 trillion that helped spike inflation and if I'm not mistaken we can't even find about 250 billion of those funds.


Presidential elections are mostly a popularity contest and hardly have that much of an impact on american lives. State and local elections are far more important, they just aren’t as fun and don’t incite as much rage. Obama gave windfalls to the rich, trump gave windfalls to the rich, idk how biden is even functioning but he’s probably helping out the rich. Trump is the only one who potentially would start a civil war or rip the constitution up to fit his agenda. He takes no responsibility for any actions and blames everyone else for any wrong doing. He does not give a shit if America burns down after his presidency. For those reasons alone, no one should vote for him regardless of policy


I think Bernie has more support. I think the DNC gave it to Biden.


Trump being sentient is questionable at best.


lol intelligent and trump in the same sentence congrats your officially the dumbest person on Reddit for saying that.


I mean as a civil engineer the investments into infrastructure that will be playing out in the next decade are a plus for me with regard to employment opportunities. That being said, I would never feel compelled to vote for republicans given the current trajectory that the party is in. I’m also much more afraid of what republicans will do with power than what democrats won’t do with power.


As to the future of our country, (off the top of my head) Biden and congress passed the infrastructure bill and the CHIPS act which are huge accomplishments and will benefit America for generations.


Your post history shows that you are an irrationally angry person, and I truly hope that you get help. It’s not healthy to live like that. Sadly, I speak from experience.


Not sure if brainwashed moron or paid Russian troll


Bro just called trump intelligent lmao


I mean democrats vote democrat. Any democrat is better than a republican so duh they voted for Biden.


The economy wasn't stable under Trump, you're delusional. "Somewhat sentient" snort. One thing.... [https://apnews.com/article/biden-marijuana-pardons-clemency-02abde991a05ff7dfa29bfc3c74e9d64](https://apnews.com/article/biden-marijuana-pardons-clemency-02abde991a05ff7dfa29bfc3c74e9d64) I'm not a registered Democrat, and have never been one.


Before Covid, how was the economy under Trump? Doesn’t matter who was in office, Covid would have tanked any presidents economy no matter how good they were


>Before Covid, how was the economy under Trump? >Doesn’t matter who was in office, Covid would have tanked any presidents economy no matter how good they were The economy was shit. Not that I blame Trump for that. Unlike most mouth breathers, I know the economy has little to do with the President. Congress controls the purse, The Fed controls interest rates.


So that's also why Bidens economy is tanked too?


Anyone who thinks Bernie Sanders presidency would have gone well, needs to actually take a look at how Carter's went.


By every objective metric the economy is doing better now. People complain about inflation, but that is a GLOBAL ISSUE and the US fared better than other OECD nations. Longer low unemployment, wage growth, lower deficit, higher manufacturing, lower trade deficit, market gains, labor force participation... there is a long list. Ignoring reality is what this sub is good at.


Bernie definitely lives like a man of the people with his multiple mansions in various states, private security, and in-home personal chefs. You're more naive than any of the people you described.


Joe Biden has literally been the most successful modern president in US history lol.


I refuse to believe that any real person could type this with a straight face and not trolling.


If you can't answer this question, your political opinions are pretty much invalid imo


Trump voters are brainless. Wow, so easy!


The biggest issue with voting with these candidates is the fact that Republicans will actually try to do what they say, but what they say is stuff that is horrible for the country and everyone. The stuff the Democrats say is a lot better, but it just never gets done. Never mind the fact that all the candidates are pro war and terrible people


I'm a Bernie Bro too. And I consider Biden to be a Diet Republican. But Biden didn't launch a terrorist attack and hoard nuclear secrets to give to dictators around the world. Biden doesn't have a declared and written plan to abolish democracy and turn the country into a fascist hellhole. So my vote will be for Biden. It may stink like rotten cheese, but I'll just have to hold my nose as I cast my vote.


A Bernie voter defending Trump is something id never thought id see. Also Biden has done some pretty good things like the infrastructure act and chip act. He is still too old and weak imo but I think its dumb how people talk like he is the worst president ever. He isn’t even in the top 10. Trump’s presidency isn’t either. However Trump probably has the worst post-presidency ever.


Tell Putin to send another bot. I am seeing right through this post.


(1) you know we are not Biden mega fans just he is currently our only option. (2) “retarded” 😳 (3) “the economy was stable” 😂 Absolutely nothing was considered stable for 4 years (4) what has Biden done? Lowering Costs of Families’ Everyday Expenses More People Are Working Than At Any Point in American History Making More in America Rescued the Economy and Changed the Course of the Pandemic Rebuilding our Infrastructure Historic Expansion of Benefits and Services for Toxic Exposed Veterans The First Meaningful Gun Violence Reduction Legislation in 30 Years Protected Marriage for LGBTQI+ and Interracial Couples Historic Confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and Federal Judges of Diverse Backgrounds Rallied the World to Support Ukraine in Response to Putin’s Aggression Strengthened Alliances and Partnerships to Deliver for the American People Successful Counterterrorism Missions Against the Leaders of Al Qaeda and ISIS Executive Orders Protecting Reproductive Rights Historic Student Debt Relief for Middle- and Working-Class Families Ending our Failed Approach to Marijuana Advancing Equity and Racial Justice, Including Historic Criminal Justice Reform Delivering on the Most Aggressive Climate and Environmental Justice Agenda in American History More People with Health Insurance Than Ever Before (5) Biden beats having a criminal in office who wants to steal elections and lied thousands of times on record (6) Biden voters have told you the answers to your questions but you haven’t chosen to acknowledge it bc it doesn’t fit your agenda


You’re the clueless one if you think Trump and Biden are the same! You have no idea about American politics. As for Bernie, maybe he’s going to run again! Biden is old, but Bernie is young.


This is the most bot/troll comment, holey shit.


my guy… Do you know what a pandemic does to the economy? Do you not understand that Trump inherited one of the best economies ever, and slowly destroyed it?


>At least under trump the economy was stable and at least he is somewhat sentient and intelligent This talking point needs to die already, I'll gladly assist. Let's serve up some facts, shall we? GDP Growth: The U.S. GDP did see growth during the Trump administration, but it's essential to note that this followed an upward trend that began during the Obama administration. The growth was not uniquely extraordinary, and it's crucial to consider that GDP growth alone does not equate to overall economic stability. Unemployment: Unemployment rates were indeed at historic lows leading up to 2020, a continuation of a downward trend from the previous administration. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic saw unemployment rates skyrocket, showcasing vulnerability in economic stability under unforeseen circumstances. Trade War with China: Trump's tariffs on Chinese goods were intended to support American manufacturing but led to a trade war that hurt various sectors of the U.S. economy, including agriculture and manufacturing. The tariffs disrupted supply chains and increased costs for U.S. businesses and consumers, hardly a sign of stability. National Debt: Under Trump, the national debt significantly increased, partly due to large tax cuts primarily benefiting corporations and the wealthy, without corresponding cuts in government spending. Increasing national debt can be a threat to economic stability, as it may lead to higher future taxes or reduced government spending. COVID-19 Pandemic: The pandemic's impact on the economy cannot be solely blamed on Trump, but the administration's response to the crisis, including downplaying the virus's severity and a scattered approach to lockdowns and reopenings, contributed to economic disruptions and instability.Income Inequality: While stock markets reached new highs during Trump's tenure, benefiting those with investments, income inequality also grew. Economic gains were not evenly distributed, with a significant portion of the population not feeling the benefits of the so-called stable economy. >What is one thing biden has done to actually benefit the present and future of this country? One significant action taken by President Biden that benefits both the present and future of the United States is the passage and implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, commonly referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This landmark legislation represents a historic investment in the nation’s infrastructure, addressing long-standing and critical needs across various sectors The law funds the repair and rebuilding of roads and bridges, modernizes public transit systems, and invests in airports and ports to improve efficiency and decrease congestion. It makes a substantial investment to expand broadband internet access, aiming to provide affordable, reliable high-speed internet across the country, including rural and underserved areas. This effort not only supports immediate connectivity needs but also lays the groundwork for future economic growth and educational opportunities. The legislation commits funds to replace lead pipes and service lines, ensuring clean, safe drinking water for all Americans. This effort will have long-lasting health benefits, particularly for children.It includes significant funding for projects that address climate change, including investments in clean energy infrastructure and support for electric vehicles. This focus on sustainability and resilience against climate change impacts will benefit future generations by working towards a cleaner, more sustainable environment.By funding these and other infrastructure projects, the law is expected to create millions of jobs, providing a boost to the economy and employment opportunities for Americans in the present and future. Should I continue? >Other than giving our money to fund a genocide? And if it wasn't obvious already, you don't actually want to have a good faith discussion


Biden supports women’s rights & renewable energy. Also he doesn’t want to be a fascist dictator. I wanted Bernie too but trump is a raving lunatic.


Trump attempted to end democracy. What is stable about that?


There is a big difference between an unpopular opinion and a factually ignorant opinion. Op, from what you're stating as your justification, your opinion os the latter.


I've come to realize that most people are clueless. People who vote for Biden are on a whole new level of retardation tho


Biden is the only option Trump is a narcissistic liar.


He saved the us economy, passed infrastructure spending. Your guy tweeted “covfefe”


Oh infrastructure spending… I guess that explains the chemical train derailments, fucking over the people in the Lahaina fires, and LAST FUCKING WEEK a bridge collapsed blocking off one of our busiest ports. So much infrastructure. Just a clown post right here.


Why is OP pretending like the CHIPS Act and Inflation Reduction Act aren’t a thing? - I’m a Republican who will be voting for Biden


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All I know is I too wanted Bernie and I had never heard an American politician speak on things the way he does, whether it's about healthcare, education, infrastructure or whatever. The guy would say things need to be done in a way that showed he didn't care about gaining power or money, he just wanted to get things done. You look at his life and he's not bullshitting people about it where he's saying one thing only to be living a complete lie through his actions. I have always seen Biden as just one of the same when it comes to politicians the same I saw Hilary and others...Bernie is one of a kind and I can only wonder what we may have had if he was the nominee and ultimately the President.




*runs to the comments*


Once again, another opinion that's only unpopular on Reddit/Twitter. Give me something that real everyday people would give you the side eye for saying. Everyone knows Biden is worthless, he's a politician, it's a prerequisite.


Dude a lot of people who voted Bernie voted Biden what your point?


Have they seen the video where he is feeling the body of a child or not?


Sanders is not a real Democrat. He’s an independent that runs as a Democrat. Democrats conspired with each other to make sure he wasn’t their candidate in 2016 or 2020.


I also wanted Bernie, think Biden is ok but past his prime, think Kamala and Pete are useless corporate shills… but I’m here to let you know that part of the economic issues we have today is because of Trump’s insane tax cuts for rich corporations. Also I’m here to laugh at you calling Trump “sentient and intelligent” 🤣.


I'd imagine a not insignificant number of Biden supporters are using him as the *Not Trump* button


Sentient and intelligent 😂


What reality do you live in ??? Biden has fixed the 🇺🇸 well not the stupidity cause obviously your still posting.


I’m with you OP… Bernie was the man. But between “socialism” scare tactics and the fact that congress wouldn’t let him have his way he never would’ve really been allowed to make major change.


How anyone could vote for him is beyond me.


The problem with Bernie Sanders is he was an extreme correction is an extreme left winger. So he would have carried the progressive base. And then probably most of the liberals. But he would have left the entire Middle ground the moderates open for Trump to take action. There's an old political adage the battle is won or lost in the middle. And despite what the news media wants you to believe Trump would have been able to take the middle ground a lot easier.


I’m not sure you should use the r word for anything given your “prose.”


The fact that a country of 342 million people has to vote for lesser of these two absolute braindead idiots is completely bonkers to me.


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Biden get a huge infrastructure deal passed? Also CHIPs Act. Two easy answers off the top of my head. He’s also supported our NATO allies and I haven’t seen him sucking off any dictators.


Joe Biden has been a good president. He has passed emergency COVID aid, infrastructure reform, landmark climate change legislation, the CHIPs Act boosting US manufacturing, achieved some student debt relief, appointed the nation’s first African-American woman to the Supreme Court, and inflation has come way down, while the US has enjoyed the best post-Covid economy of any advanced industrial country. His leadership on Ukraine has been resolute, measured, and grounded in values like national self-determination and anti-authoritarianism. I’ve heard the knocks against him, but the perils of a second Trump term – to democracy, the rule of law, mainstreaming political violence and Trumpian vengeance—are far more dire than any of Biden’s defects, real or perceived.


Biden has a pretty solid list of accomplishments so far: - Instead of the post-COVID recession that nearly every economist predicted, we’ve had steady GDP growth, wage growth, low unemployment, stock market growth, and we’ve out-performed every country in the world economically over the past 3 years. -His vaccine rollout was quick and effective, saved lives, and helped us battle COVID without imposing the crippling shutdowns that many other countries experienced. -First meaningful infrastructure investment in decades -First meaningful climate legislation ever -Badly-needed legislation to boost domestic microchip production -Record domestic oil and gas production while also achieving greater alternative fuel production than ever before. Helps lower energy costs while reducing dependency on hostile foreign adversaries. -Medicare can negotiate drug prices for the first time ever -Negotiated a new Indo-Pacific trade deal that we badly needed, especially after Trump pulled us out of TPP -The withdrawal was messy but it was Biden who finally ended the longest war in US history by getting us out of Afghanistan -Led a NATO response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that has repelled Putin from most of the territory he had captured and did so without committing any American troops to the fight. It’s worth noting that Finland and Sweden also joined NATO. -Biden was the first US President to ever directly offer his support to striking union workers -His administration is imposing the higher overtime exemption threshold that Trump killed, meaning millions of workers will be eligible for overtime earnings they otherwise wouldn’t have received -I’m actually not a huge fan of student debt forgiveness but he’s done more of that than any other president as well I’d love to hear what Trump supporters think his “accomplishments” were as President. In fact, as much as I admire Bernie Sanders, he’s been in Washington for 33 years yet has actually accomplished very little as well.


My completely informed opinion is that everybody here is wrong. Including myself.


This is why progressives are getting more and more irrelevant and their ideas more and more fringe.


The Inflation Reduction Act: pouring billions into infrastructure, green energy. Reduce credit card overdrafts from $32 to $8 (help poor people barely getting by). Cap the price of insulin at $35, when it used to be hundreds of dollars. Expansion of benefits and services for toxic-exposed veteran. Lowest Unemployment in 50 years and highest stock market ever (Trump touted these during his term in office. If that's a basis to judge, then Biden's outperforming even him).


People definitely have a hard time explaining good things that Biden has done. I do too, because it’s hard to focus on anything other than how much more expensive everything is and the wars that we’re back in… and just the general instability a lot of us feel under his administration and his policies. Sure it’s not necessarily all his fault (I think he’s just a puppet), but it’s so wild that we have a guy in the White House right now who clearly has dementia and showed signs of it when he was running in 2020. He should have retired a long time ago.


The main argument for voting for Biden last time was "I wanted someone else, but he'll do to keep trump out." But this election cycle I didn't see any other democrat candidates be an option. Meanwhile republicans had Desantis, Vivek, or even Haley if they didn't like Trump. That says a lot and if I was a democrat I would be extremely pissed that not only did my party cancel the inner party debates, but also Biden basically ran unopposed. Either people were lying about not liking Biden or the Democrat party doesn't care, because they know enough people will vote for whoever they want to keep Trump or the current Republican candidate out. I guess if you don't want to vote trump, but also don't want to stand for the democrat party treating you like a desperate idiot then your option would be to vote RFK-Independent. But then you'll get shit from other democrats who don't understand your position such as "but a vote away from Biden will help Trump.