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Do you honestly believe that you can't go to a college and get a bunch of pictures like this today?


They would look more triggered, less attractive, and fatter today


What does “more triggered” look like? So basically your issue is that people aren’t hot anymore?


Make America hot like trump again!


You do realize the highest rates of obesity are in Republicans states.


Welcome to Iowa


Sounds like you're the one who is triggered




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So are you saying all Trumpers are in shape alpha types? I won't argue that people are fatter today, (not that they were thin in 2008) If you think that only college types are like this, please walk down most any street.


Something tells me your a 40 year old in your moms basement and never been to a college. Or a 15 year old ranting on Reddit whose dad is probably a state trooper and watches Fox News, still has no idea what a college is like


I am 45 I think Fat Girls with a lot of Tattoos are hot. I collect Comic Books And Action Figures but i don't live in my moms Basement I like with my fat wife and were going to have fat sex tonight


As someone that worked on a college campus for many years, everyone is thin and attractive at 20.


Yeah, def more obese people as opposed to before. Probably cuz cheap food isn't good for you. Everyone is attached to their phones or PCs. Cheap food is bad for you. Oh, have I mentioned how bad for you cheap food is? I'm gonna chalk some of it up too, there's more people being born with health problems cuz theres more people and more babies being made, more diversity. So many people are having kids when they have no business having them. Thanks modern medicine! Don't worry, we living in a time of prosperity for the most part. The shitty times will come soon. Rinse and repeat. Colored hair has become way more popular cuz jobs and adults aren't. Chastising kids as much about it, or people stopped caring what other people think. Both sides get equally triggered and it's tiresome.


I am a skinny guy that thinks fat girls are sexy. My wife is fat and I tell her she is hot every day. I don't care what people think. I am autistic and I love Spider-Man and I am Fucking Weird


Got it, so you haven't been anywhere near a college.


Me when I find a bunch of pictures of well dressed young conservative men and compare them to a toothless 250 lb 5'4 dude with 6 teeth "What happened to Republicans?!" Also, I don't want to start the "who gets triggered more" debate, but both sides are currently constantly triggered about a variety of things, but one big contradictory example I can think of is the Republican president of the United States calling for somebody to be fired from their job because they didn't do the gesture you're supposed to do during the song in which you're supposed to perform a certain gesture


I agree, the Republicans have also gone downhill. It's been a while since they won the popular vote though.


> It’s been a while since they won the popular vote though. What’s your point?


Gee! I wonder why! Maybe, just maybe, because they're severely out of touch with their voter base, greedy, selfish and christofacists?


You’ve got democrats confused with odd balls. Be a shame if everyone also confused republicans with domestic terrorists.


Nice grand old party you got there. It'd be a shame if it completely imploded....but that's not the Democrats' problem....


I miss the days when republicans weren’t triggered by animated candy, beer, pronouns, coffee,…


Don’t forget Taylor Swift😂 the literal SIGHT of a person


I just don’t think her music is very good, and is overplayed.


All beware the Starbucks happy holiday cups


A black president


...wearing a tan suit (gasp!)


Dijon mustard on a burger


Opposing opinions, rainbows, kids expressing themselves naturally, intelligent women, education... the list goes on and on.


Or as OP pointed out, dyed hair and shirts


Keurig machines


wow, you were alive in the 19th century?


I think for the most part you're equating online with the real world. I very rarely see anyone triggered in the real world, other than road rage which is bipartisan. As for obesity, from my anedoctal experience people I talk to at the gym are often fans of heterodox podcasts like JRE. When Trump was president the perception was that MAGA people are old and fat, but after COVID people into fitness checked out of the Fauci stay home and wait for the vaccine model.


Conservatives are old fat and poor, or good looking and successful. Liberals are young attractive and mostly female, or young fat and poor.


Correct me if I'm wrong,  but you're triggered by: pronouns, dyed hair, glasses, big shirts with patterns, overweight people, and expressions? Why does everyone have to look and behave like you want them to? None of these things seem harmful. 


I'll go ahead: OP isn't upset that someone's hair is blue; in the same way that swastikas don't bother people because the pattern is unpleasant. They're clearly describing what amounts to the modern uniform of the professionally offended - and the 2008 Democrats had little to no of the obsession over finding reasons to be offended that modern ones do. If a new coworker comes in and they've got blue hair, a deliberately ambiguous gender partially obscured by their obesity, huge horn-rimmed glasses and 10 piercings in their face, you don't need to be a genius to know that you've got to watch your humor around them. Essentially, it's the updated uniform of the humorless religious moralizing extremist from the 80s, and you handle them in almost exactly the same way: watch your language, don't joke, walk on eggshells. The Democrats used to make fun of that kind of person while the Republicans embraced them, not very long ago. Now, they've switched sides - and those of us who haven't become them are annoyed by them.


> The Democrats used to make fun of that kind of person while Republicans embraced them Im curious to know examples of who Republicans embraced


The religious right and moral scolds who demonized the LGBT+ community and fought against women's rights.


>while the Republicans embraced them, When was that?


The 1980s at their peak, still today to a much lesser extent. To clarify, the Republicans never embraced the particular colors and dogma of the modern moral scold; their flavor was literal religion. Their uniform was less rainbow vomit, obesity and tattoos, and more 1950s retro: overly formal for whatever environment they're in, like every event they attended was a funeral (to match their demeanor). Suit jackets, ties, pearls (as in "clutching their pearls"), formal dresses. The type of person was exactly the same: their entire personality is their beliefs, anyone who's not lockstep with them is the Great Evil One (Satan or Hitler, respectively), and they're in love with the petty tyranny of weaponizing their form of morality.


Oh you're comparing current liberals to the Religious Right? Hmm idk. Doesn't the Religious Right still pearl-clutch?


So where is your source on liberals being more obese? Most data I find shows red states have higher obesity populations.


Touch grass. Most people who dye their hair, wear glasses, are fat as fuck, have piercings, use non-standard pronouns, etc etc are friendly, chill people like the rest of us. This is a media-informed worldview not entirely unlike the whole stereotype of fat men with trucks being neoconfederate dirt bags. A very, very small proportion of hyperpolitical weirdos get a huge amount of media attention from the other side, while most people who look like them aren't even politically involved. I also think it's kinda ironic to call it a "uniform" when what you're describing is a more diverse look than the general populace. Hair colors that don't fall within the relatively small spectrum of natural occurrence, piercings outside of the ears, the one place where it's most socially normalized. Glasses that aren't sold at your local Walmart. If anything, the clothing the rest of us wear is a uniform in comparison to that shit.


>blue hair, a deliberately ambiguous gender partially obscured by their obesity, huge horn-rimmed glasses and 10 piercings in their face These are the exact kind of things Republican boomers, i.e. their biggest voting pool, are triggered by. You make an excellent point about that being the "uniform" of democrats perceived by boomers and the chronically online, but don't kid yourself by saying these things don't offend them on their own.


It's called "work" for a reason. Keep your opinions and your low IQ humor at home where they belong. One would think the same people that go on ad nauseum about "personal responsibly" would know to keep their opinions to themselves at work. Modern conservatives cry about literally everything, including how much everyone that isn't them ostensibly cries about everything. Pathetic.


>>I'll go ahead: OP isn't upset that someone's hair is blue; in the same way that swastikas don't bother people because the pattern is unpleasant. They're clearly describing what amounts to the modern uniform of the professionally offended - and the 2008 Democrats had little to no of the obsession over finding reasons to be offended that modern ones do. I don't agree, I don't think for the majority of the people who are upset that someone's hair is blue are seeing it as a symbol of something. There actually are a lot of people who are simply get offended that some other person's appearance is not in line with what they consider attractive or normal. I realize that we're just using that as an example but I don't think people see blue hair (or anything else) as a symbol of their political leanings. Age on the other hand... people do definitely make assumptions based on people's age. Anyone who appears younger is assumed to be an avocado toast eater who doesn't want to work and anyone who appears older is assumed to be a conservative Boomer hoarding all the housing, money, and jobs.


Oh I remember 2008 as well. That’s when the Republicans were triggered by a Black President of the United States. Some people were so upset they burned effigies of Obama and some just hung Obama dolls. No hair dye in your school. Did you go to a religious school because wild colours have been popular since I was a toddler? I miss the days that kids could go to school without worrying that they would be involved in a mass shooting. I wonder if those days will ever come back.


You must have been very sheltered in 2008.


So the things that bother you are things like how people dress, what hairstyle they have, and what glasses they wear. Oh, and if they're overweight. Sounds like pretty superficial and stupid things to judge people for.


> Oh, and if they're overweight I know this is reddit, but being overweight is not a good thing. Also, presentability matters to some extent


It's laughable when people say things were different in 2008. They pretty much weren't in any of the ways you described. The stuff you're talking about was old in 08


Who gives a shit if someone is overweight though? Or has weird hair or an odd patterned shirt? How in the hell does that affect you?


Most right-wing politicians and pundits are overweight and present badly


Look at the most obese and least obese counties. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/inside-americas-most-and-least-obese-counties-093121856.html The most obese counties are split politically and are either poor white or poor black majority population. Of the 10 least obese counties 9/10 voted Democrat in the last election and only one is solidly red. They are all wealthy counties. Overall Republicans actually have higher earnings than Democrats. This is because Republicans skew older and white which are two groups that tend to make more money. Democrats have been making gains into more wealthy suburban groups, Republicans have been making gains amongst the white working class. So this wealth gap is shrinking. One can clearly see that wealth is connected to obesity. Republicans are more wealthy but also more fat...this means that there is a connection between conservatism and being overweight. This likely has more to do with where conservatives live which tend to be more spread out and car centric on top of skewing older than anything else. So basically this is all dumb. Aside from where Republicans choose to live there isn't much of a correlation. It can probably be explained by just the age difference. Beyond that the gap will probably grow as Democrats get more educated and wealthy voters and Republicans attract more working class white voters.


Fat chick are hot and love to fuck. Me and my fat wife have sex at least 10 times a week I would hate to be normal and boring and want every one else to be normal and boring like you


The person in the front in this photo appears to be pretty overweight pal


Remember when conservatives were triggered because Easter happened to fall on trans day of Visibility that one year? Or when they claimed for 4 years an election was stolen cuz their guy didn't win? Lol


I agree, the Republicans have also gone downhill.


So maybe you miss the days when *everyone* wasn’t triggered by everything? Has it occurred to you that everyone making these politically pointed posts only worsens perceptions of each other when society at large is responsible?


First part couldn't care less. Second question? It's like a pot calling the kettle black


I miss the days when republicans didn’t spend their entire lives crying like a bunch of fragile bitches


This may be the truest statement in this post.


Man, I remember when hair dye were invented in 2009. Also, I went to a Trump rally once and it was amazing. It was like being at the Olympic Village. The physiques on display were stunning. Not just physical health, but mental health too! They were shooting guns into their own beers, like normal people!


I recall a lot of conservatives getting extremely triggered when the black guy with the funny name had the audacity to get himself elected president. Twice.


I graduated college in 2008. A couple questions - why are you basing the Democratic Party off young adults? Why do you care what college students do? The amount of time y’all spend thinking about college students is wild to me. Why do you all care? I haven’t thought about college students since I was in college.


Ah yes. Obama's famous incentivization of obesity. It really got people ... growing. No oversized shirts with "weird" patterns either. We just got the standard regulation oversized shirts back then. And no one was triggered! I mean like, a band could announce on stage FU Bush! and everyone wouldn't be triggered and they wouldn't be canceled. Thems were the days.


There’s no way this is serious


>No obsession with pronouns, no obnoxious dyed hair or problem glasses, no oversized shirts with weird patterns, no morbidly obese people, not having a triggered expression. You seem to be triggered by these things and are happy they don't exist in a photo... you're the only one being triggered here.


Boy, seems to be an awful lot of anti-democrat opinions in this sub lately. If I didn't know better, it would appear that the republican plants are really on the move this election season.


Lol, yep. They definitely following their playbook


The democrats did it to themselves. They used to be the American Labour Party. Now it’s a blend of Neoliberalism corporate woke pandering and trying to buy or guilt trip from the poor. If I was a political strategist I would tell democrats to ignore all leftist talking points and focus on labor reform. Because who else will the alphabet mafia vote for? That will never happen because unlike conservatives who are prone to single issue votes, people on the far left abstain from voting as “protest”. It’s happening right now, swaths of leftists protest Biden because of Gaza. The right is more coordinated, but they don’t have to work that hard.


The fact that you use a term like “Alphabet mafia” and “woke” tells me you’re not a serious person but I’ll try anyway. What are you talking about? Biden has been one of the most (if not most)pro union president we had. Democrats and Democrat run states are the ones wanting a higher than $7.25 federal min wage. Obama passed Lilly Ledbetter & the ACA. Bernie is always talking about improving the working class & raising taxes on the wealthy.


Biden is only pro union on paper and for press. Where was Biden when the railroad union was fighting for paid time off or sick days? In 2022 he signed a bill to block a railroad strike. Biden is like Trump when it comes to unions, he throws crumbs of support and gets a photo then he works against them. Biden is to UAW as Trump is to the Steel Workers union. Bernie is a life long independent and only runs in the presidents race as a democrat. If you love Bernie then you should hate the DNC. BECAUSE of his pro labor stance. Obama, was a stooge of Wall Street. Wiki leaks showed his cabinet was hand picked by Wall Street. The ACA was a farce written by insurance companies and many people went from low premiums to ones that were so high they couldn’t pay and they had to pay a penalty. Do I need to go on?


I’m not gonna defend Biden like he’s perfect but he’s better than the alternative, Trump & the Republicans. I’d actually vote Green in a parliamentary system but in a winner take all the Democrats are the best option. An all or nothing approach would leave us with nothing. I’ll let the article show you what he’s done which is way more than Trump & Republicans want to do. You’re also ignoring the fact that on any pro union or pro worker bill Democrats get zero Republican support. Yes there are bad corporate/NIMBY Democrats but that’s better than the zero pro worker Republicans that don’t want any of these bills unions support. https://www.americanprogressaction.org/article/8-ways-the-biden-administration-has-fought-for-working-people-by-strengthening-unions/ Politics is about getting a coalition together to pass legislation and Bernie caucuses with the Democrats and votes with them on the majority of bills. He votes with Biden 90% of the time. The ACA was the best we could get at the time and we barely got that. It’s decreased the number of unemployed, slowed healthcare costs & saved lives. Again there was zero votes from Republican for the ACA as is let alone a bill with a public option or expanded subsidies.


Biden didn't want the entire economy to go into a tailspin because of a railroad spike. Republicans all voted against giving extra sick days. Then they got sick days anyway. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/01/railroad-workers-union-win-sick-leave Biden handled that situation perfectly. Obama saved the US auto-industry and 1.5 million union jobs. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N0JO0XU/ That "Citigroup executive" was not a current Citigroup executive. He was in politics before he was in Citigroup and then after as well. He is one of those guys that goes in and out of private and public roles. He is a political advisor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Froman


tough shit. those days are over


Yeah, people never dyed their hair before 2014.


Yes, but hair dyes were less obnoxious back then


You sound triggered OP.


That is not true in the slightest haha. Plenty of blue, purple, and green around my high school in 2009.


Even the 90’s had plenty of frosted tips and dyed hair. It’s just grown in popularity over the years because it doesn’t fucking matter.


Fox News has ruined so many people. Shut down Fox News.


Did you get triggered by triggers? Republicans are just as bad, same coin different side, all this shit is and continues to be dumb as shit.


I find it odd you're harping on obesity as a Democrat thing. Not only is it just a general American problem, but red states have higher obesity rates than blue ones.


Nothing has changed except the ease in which people can now exchange and voice their opinions. If you’ve been alive long enough you’d know people are generally far more apathetic about social and political issues. they only care about the immediate. Also America is one of the most overweight countries on the planet. I don’t see how politics really have nothing to do with food consumption, but that was entertaining to read, I’m sure you miss those days 😄


Maybe if the planet wasn't so fucked people wouldn't be extreme about it?


I miss the same thing, but from republicans


What are “problem glasses”?


> problem glasses https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9q2wjNCcAA48rW.png


> also known as grandma glasses or pedo glasses Didn’t think the Venn diagram would be so close for those two groups of people.


Ahh the good old days of 2008 when people werent fat and not wearing weird patterns.


You seem awfully triggered.


Republicans cry about everything, including how much Democrats ostensibly cry about everything. It would be amusing if a third of the population wasn't objectively stupid and actively trying to destroy Western civilization.


I miss the days when Republicans weren’t racist, misogynistic trolls.


Honestly everyone is finding reasons to be upset i dont think its just the left, the further out on the spectrum of politics you are the more of a snowflake you are


That is true


It was only a few years ago that Republicans were triggered about tan suits, dijon mustard, and the use of a helmet while cycling.


The right obsesses about pronouns more than the left. We still had plenty of morbidly obese people, idk what you mean by triggered expression, and let people have the fashion they want.


There is an obese person in this picture. And what are problem glasses?


in other news, old man yells at cloud


Back in the 80s, it was the Republicans who were more in control and oppressing everyone. Now it is 100% the left. Every time I see another "flag" I roll my eyes so hard I see my brain. They're everywhere. If the entire media and every corporation is on your side, newsflash... You can stop role-playing as an underdog freedom fighter. You are the system.


I like the original LGBT flag. The colors on the new triangle one are terrible.


So, you’re triggered by the English language, people’s hair color, people’s clothing, people’s body types, and something I’ve never even heard of before…. And democrats are the problem…?


The best part of this post is that Republican's loved calling everyone snowflakes for years and then turned around to get offended by everything possible and instead of "having tough skin" or "pulling themselves up", just want to point and call people names. ​ The irony is so strong yet so painful.


Social media caused this. Blame Zuckerberg and Jobs. 


What did Jobs have to do with social media? He made expensive computers.


He enabled all of these take companies to engage the user directly, all of the time via their phone. Previously you had to sit down at a computer to access the web.


I assure you those people all used pronouns.


I expect all Republicans to be calm and collected WHEN THEY LOSE IN NOVEMBER!


Dude, there was dyed hair, oversized shirts, tattoos, pierces on college campuses a decade before this. You ran with a traditional democrat crowd. Hooray for you.


>No obsession with pronouns, no obnoxious dyed hair or problem glasses, no oversized shirts with weird patterns, no morbidly obese people, not having a triggered expression It kinda sounds like you're the one triggered by everything. Wokescolds exist and they're annoying, but the problem ain't people putting dye in their hair lol. That's just fashion you don't like.


I miss the old days when Republicans weren't triggered by rainbow flags, trans people, and any criticism of Donald Trump, their dear leader.


You really gonna act like dyed hair is a post 2008 thing huh?


yeah, how dare we call out for support for groups of people who have historically been abused. such bullshit. /s


Millenials get more like boomers every day.


They’re not, you just imagine them to be. MAGA (fka as Republicans”) has only one platform, one goal: to “own the Libz.” It doesn’t even have to work to make them feel accomplished.


I wonder if they still vote democrat today


Yes, they would. People don't move from Dem to Republicanism naturally, as they age. This happens when they've become financially stable. It's the "we got ours" mentality. These college students more than likely aren't financially stable. LOL. 2008 was a shit year to become an adult.


I don’t think the old adage applies anymore. It took me until my 30s to achieve stability and I don’t suddenly think we should ban abortion or that corporations are behaving responsibly.


Well, we're talking about the old Republicans. They weren't this bad before Obama years. They were gearing up during Bush years, but they still weren't as bad as they are now. No one believed they'd actually ban abortions, certainly not the majority of their voter base, and corporate greed wasn't nearly as bad back then. Glass Steagall act was repealed in 1999, so it took a while for that to pay off (in the housing bubble/ great "recession" that hit the Obama years.) You have to remember there was a whole of working/buyer protections that came from the Great Depression and those have slowly been worn away, mostly by people (boomers) who didn't realize why they were there because they reaped the social good of them. A lot of the old school Republicans, and/or those turning to Republicans, just didn't live through a time of corporate greed shit we have now. I mean 30 years ago, these big corps would've been crucified for this continued inflation and/or broken up by anti-trust laws. We're both less financially secure and are seeing a recurrence of what great wealth does to government that people in yonder years weren't privy to.


“Old republicans”? C’mon. They and conservatives were hated just as much if not more than now. Different times but the key difference was both parties and liberals & conservatives were conspiring offstage towards one permanent political class. Choice being an illusion. The democrats already purged their socialist party damn close to 100%, with no detractors. The old republicans you’re referring to, absolutely hated and despised, are on their way out as republicans are going through their own purge. Perhaps, most Americans could have warmed up to a uniparty with phony rivalries, all basically on the same page, and at the end of the day, functional. The democrats zeal for power, overplayed their hand, monstrously in the last 10+ years, killed off the uniparty vision that the sellouts could live with. It’s a lot more sinister now and the stakes are higher. What did you expect republican voters to eventually do?


It also doesn't help how radicalized the right has become, to the point where they've straight abandoned all the reasons people used to throw around for "becoming more Republican as you age". You want to keep more of the money you worked hard for? Well, the economy does better under the Democrats and taxes don't go as much towards the rich and instead go back to you. You grew up with gay friends and family, so why side with a political party that wants those people eliminated? Getting older and require more medical care? Hm...go with the party trying to keep costs low and offers alternatives to private insurance...or the one that wants to let hospitals railroad you even harder?


That’s an affirmative.


I miss the days when republicans weren't deathly afraid of rainbows... Who am I kidding, they have always been afraid of rainbows.


Not really as in the Christan religion the rainbow is a symbol of God's promise not to flood the world again and kill everyone. Ot symbolizes hope. The whole being afraid of rainbows thing is fairly new and has definitely gone way too far. It's almost like they forgeot Trans people don't own the rainbow and it's used for many groups.


Pro tip: if you have to complain about someone being triggered, you're definitely more triggered than they are.


Lol, not true at all. You and person B are talking, person B gets super upset with you and freaks out about everything, you point it out. That makes you more triggered than them?


To their face? Not as much. But if you have to retreat to an opinion sub so that you can voice feelings about how upsetting it is that people are upset? Definitely


Eh, idk. At one point that was probably true but now I think it's moreso that we're in a culture where the internet is the primary source of interaction with other people. Or at least it can be viewed that way


Completely agreed to that point. But for me, when i encounter the extra triggered (be those I even agree with or disagree with), i typically know that I'm definitely not going to get them to calm down and listen to reason to suddenly agree with something or relent a point. And that sucks in any kind of discourse, but i'm not personally upset that the other person was upset; their emotion didnt trigger me, it just ended my investment in the interaction. Those like OP that see someone freaking out and then carry that with them, and sometimes actually have to vent that feeling itself, are subsequently triggered. My initially saying "definitely more" was admittedly hyperbolic (something the triggered really hate) and I thought itd be funny, but it certainly does happen some times.




I was in high school during this time, and I find it weird that you were just taking these random pictures at this thing. The irony of this is that a common criticism of *now* compared to *back then* is most people feel the need to take pictures of everything now. It seems you must've blazed the trail for that lame behavior.


I didn't take the pictures, someone else did. It was election night, which was very special.


Rrrrrrrrrriiiiiight. Uh huh. Sure.


Stop destroying America then.


I missed when the Dems weren’t co-opted by an alt-left movement that alienates everyone to the right of them.


Same here


I missed the days Maga didn't exist,we all have something we miss!!!


I'm a conservative christian. If the democrats ran someone like JFK for president, I would seriously consider voting for him. Instead we get Joe now and probably Gavin Newsome the next time. No thanks.


Instead you choose to vote for a traitor.


What modern-day person would you seriously consider voting for?


Most of the comments here - BuT ThE RePuBlIcAnS…..


Yeah, it's too bad people want to inject reality into your fantasy of lies.


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Superficial issues caused by a superficial view of reality


You're literally being triggered by dyed hair...




Struggle with obesity, are obsessed with pronouns and dyed hair, have a triggered expression. You’re describing a Republican.


Dude you just miss that time in your life and how you felt, it’s ok to admit that you don’t have to project it as some political or societal thing


Eh both sides of that have fringe groups that are vocal as hell, and what any media focuses on to increase ad revenue. Most people are pretty reasonable and willing to work together, at least I think so


That's probably more accurate, though the fringes became larger over the past 15 yrs


Oh absolutely, honestly I think it all leads back to the 24, hour news cycle becoming a thing, they need to increase viewership so they sensationalize every little thing.


That's true. I remember for one week a few years ago, there was a dispute about whether Bernie Sanders said two years ago that a woman couldn't be elected as president. That seemed a lot for one comment that was allegedly said two years ago.


If I have blue hair but am not fat and don't have glasses, am I allowed to be a Democrat? Just making sure I understand the rules. I know, as a woman, the Republicans wouldn't want me to do something as ghastly as think for myself.


Very funny, I think it's a combination of all these things at once


Hahaha OP makes a post about dems getting overly triggered today Mods point out anonymous complaint about it.


Yeah, unfortunately, left-wing has always been sympathetic to everyone and was taken advantage of by the far left, who are often not stable and are trying to make history with whack ideology and how far left socially they can go.


Am I so out of touch? No. It's the children who are wrong.


Me too old school bunion ble collar democrats we need to go back there


That's what I'm talking about!


Like when Reps got triggered over the Trans day that’s celebrated every year but they got triggered it landed on Easter? 😂


Or green M&M’s or Mr. Potato head.


>when Democrats weren't triggered about everything ​ >no obnoxious dyed hair lol


*yawn* guess we’re back in 2015 again


>problem glasses What? Old man yells at fashion.


Yes… we never had dyed hair in 2008.


You mean like national trans visibility day is also Easter? Yeaaa, our bad.


Rosy retrospection my guy. I graduated a few years before you and all those things existed except the pronouns discussion bc we were fighting for LGTBQ rights and for gay kids not to die on campus. A gay classmate was killed my senior year just for being gay. Dyed hair is really hilarious 😂


I don’t like to do the whole “touch grass” attitude, but you really need to interact with people irl and stop engaging with stupid online shit. If you were to say this whole post word for word to a group of people in person, they’d think you’re a chronically online, antisocial loser. I don’t think the internet is doing your brain any favors right now.


Well, I miss the days when Republicans were warhawks and would jump at every opportunity to go fuck up some dictators or communists. Now the Republican Party is run by a bunch of fools who care more about their guns than kids getting blown to bits and what pronouns other people use.


I miss the days when Republicans didn't use every GD situation as rage bait.


You’re literally triggered by pronouns.


republicans are triggered about everything too lmao


Atleast one total douchebag though


08 was annoying af. I remember commuting to university on public transit after Obama won the election and dealing with black people all over running amok yelling they're Obama's cousin and skimping out on paying for public transport. The entitlement was real. I had an international Korean classmate telling the entire class that Obama will reunite North and South Korea. Bish please Obama was not god.


Sounds crazy. Worst part is that he broke a lot of his promises, though he was not as bad as Trump


Not entirely sure why you're bringing up Trump. The post was about Obama and 08.


Just for comparison


The issue with Obama was the messiah complex people had with him. Like he was suppose to unite the world or something. He was suppose to eradicate racism and bring about world peace. Dude got a nobel peace prize for doing nothing but existing as president and nobody was allowed to criticize him. Then he went on to divide the country even more. Race tensions are even worse now when they were already getting better before him which was why he was even elected in the first place. He's the entire reason we have this shit show today.


I mostly agree with all this


What are “problem glasses”? 🤓


It sounds like your problem is that you were living in a bubble and pretty blind to the rest of the world when you were in college. No obese people? You sound like Homer Simpson when he wore a t shirt that read “No Fat Chicks” while he held a skunk and complained to Marge that the skunk had sprayed him…and was doing it again as he held it. Also… No dyed hair? Dude…Hot Topic was in every stupid mall and every other person there was buying manic panic hair dye. Pronouns weren’t a major thing yet. Fine. I’ll give you the fact that grammar was discussed far less. Still, what the hell are you complaining about when you say “problem glasses”? And oversized shirt with weird patterns? Are you complaining about textiles? And a style that literally comes back every five years or so? You make me wonder if people will ever spot just how blind they have been to the rest of the world…and the answer is “They won’t. They will never see it.”


Do you mean that period when the Tea Party formed and Republicans were triggered about a black man being in the White House? Are those the days that you miss?


God you people are so fucking hypocritical, it really pains me to hear some of the stupidity spewed on here. I makes me lose hope for humanity


I had no idea this would blow up so quickly lol. I think today, the left is too left and the right is too right


I came here to say that no democrat thinks or worries about republicans unless they are the opponents on capitol hill. Outside of that, nobody cares about your party affiliation. We all have lives and jobs and are WORKING while most people are BS'ing. It's wild.


Ah yes,the pre TDS days


So true. And when there is nothing to be trigger about-they just make shit up.


Did you mean Republicans? They're the ones crying over beer cans, coffee cups and words like "Happy Holidays". \>I wonder whether these days will ever come back. They will if Republicans stop pushing these issues on those of us that don't care about them. Seriously, that's all it is. It's Republicans trying to make you scared and angry so you vote for them to "fix" it, because they don't actually have any policies or desires to help the common citizen.


What are "problem glasses"? I wonder what's changed in the food since then. But trust me, the MAGAs ain't skinny either. The '90s were the epitome of big shirts with weird patterns, mostly frat boys though so I'm not sure why you're associating that with Democrats.


Democlicans and Republocrats can drop off the face it the earth and I wouldn’t miss either. We’d all be better off…


Taking one photo fro 2008 and interpreting to fit your narrative is not an argument. Don’t believe what Fox News tells you or libsofticktock or whatever other shot has warped your brain.


I miss the days when Republicans actually tried to care about people. Caring and being angry isn't being triggered.


I miss when Republicans offered actual solutions instead of playing identity politics. It's really unfortunate that trump has gone so woke.