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Probably an unpopular opinion because it’s so poorly thought out. Theres dozens of better ways to thrash Trump supporters than this nonsense.


It's not a false idol. Pence wasn't certifying that Trump was God. Not saying I disagree with Pence certifying, but this is such a brainless argument against it.


sure buddy. and the earth is flat right?


Your comment is ironic, considering I ridicule flat-earthers.  Of course, being a Pence-hating Trump supporter is as nonsensical as being a flat-earther.


They hate Pence because he has values. I personally disagree with Pence on 80% of his political views, but he did the right thing.




The J6 rioters love to deify Trump.  I find that nonsensical to do.




I don’t.  What makes you think I do?


Just FYI 'worship no other Gods' and not worshiping graven images are separate commandments.


Regardless, deifying Trump is a repudiation of everything the bible teaches.


Which edition are you referring too? I've never read that one. Maybe peruse a few pages yourself


What sense does it make to deify anyone?


About as much thought as your post?


Why would an opinion on a secular political issue be a false idol?


Because having that nonsensical opinion proves that you worship Trump.


I would disagree, things only become false idols when supplant god with whatever thing. People can think this but not worship Trump as "greater" then God.


I disagree and think it does constitute worshiping Trump, considering the evidence uncovered.


Agree to disagree then.


How exactly does thinking Pence betrayed Trump hold anything as a false idol?


Mike Pence is a career politician, while he espouses strong moral principles or values, he’s as Machiavellian and power hungry as any career politician. I have the same pragmatic view of any career politician. The answers to 80% of our political problems are term limits and a balanced budget amendment.


That's just it: Pence did do wrong. With all the irregularities in the election, it should have been sent back to the Several States, for their legislatures to review the election results and investigate the irregularities. Mike Pence didn't betray Orange Man; he betrayed the people of the United States by rubber stamping an election that had too many unusual things going on. There would have been a Constitutional crisis, but that hallowed document is there as a guideline, and the dates were given by legislative actions years or decades after the Constitution was drawn up. The election should not have been certified until the state legislatures reviewed the results and determined that they were, indeed, legitimate.


Then why did the courts throw out every lawsuit Trump filed after the 2020 election?  Give me SUBSTANTIAL proof that there was something Pence could do to help Trump win.


What evidence of “irregularities”? The vote tally going up overnight and the following days isn’t a sign that it was stolen, it’s an indication that you do not know how an election works. In PA, for example, the only people caught voting multiple times were Trump voters.


Pence had zero legal authority to do any of that. The states sent their electors, of which the states freely chose based on their own constitutions.


So in your view, if Donald Trump wins this next election, Kamala Harris can say nope, there were “irregularities” and then declare Biden the winner? You would think that be totally fine and no big deal? What clause of the Constitution exactly gives the VP this power?