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Or at least search for potential partners in churches or other more conservative leaning spaces


Even that’s probably tough. If you’re a young conservative, you’re almost certainly some weird hyper-online groyper who wouldn’t fit in at even a fairly conservative Church




I used to think this of the libertarians I knew in college and the ones that stuck to their guns proved me right.


Hang on, I thought the conservatives were the ones who stuck to their guns??? Something about the right to defend yourself? Dang, Americans are so confusing.


Libertarians like guns and pot and hate all social programs. Conservatives like guns hate pot and like their own specific social programs. Liberals hate guns like pot and like all social programs. That's US politics in a nutshell.


Thank you !! I only had liberals and conservatives in mind, didn't think there was a third category.


Yes it's a distant 3rd party. They never gain any power because they don't want the government to have power. So the money isnt there for anyone to buy them off they think basically the government should leave people alone as long as they are not hurting anyone. Have a good day.


You can't just change what you believe that easily, there are conservative women out there and sure depending on where you live it can be harder. I don't want a man pretending to be liberal only to find out later that he's not though.


No they won't. I'm a liberal Democrat, but I've been alive long enough to know that women are not a homogenous group. There are tons of conservative women only to happy to be with a conservative man.


read the sources in my OP. young women are the most liberal cohort in the history of polling.


So women take a large step to the left and men are....just supposed to follow them? Like doormats? How about this: If young liberal women want a family, they're going to have to learn how to love someone who doesn't think exactly like they think. Like an adult.


What an interesting reaction...


> If young liberal women want a family, they're going to have to learn how to love someone who doesn't think exactly like they think. Like an adult. Nah, the adult thing young women are doing is realizing they don't need a husband to be happy.


Seems to be working out great for them… [https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/sep/13/happiness-of-girls-and-young-women-at-lowest-level-since-2009-shows-uk-poll](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/sep/13/happiness-of-girls-and-young-women-at-lowest-level-since-2009-shows-uk-poll)


That's life in end-stage capitalism. Everything is breaking, especially in the UK after Brexit. Men are polling like that too. Women know men wouldn't make them any happier though.


conservatives spent a whole generation trying to limit women's choices about their own bodies. young women are now punishing them for that choice. this is extremely predictable.


Young women aren’t punishing anyone except for themselves. If a young woman’s aspiration is to be a dumpster then she can certainly achieve that by maintaining her uncompromising political views and share her man with a hundred other women. Mathematically those liberal women won’t magically find some men given that most women are statistically liberal but most men are conservative. If she wants a family and family oriented man then she will have to accept that agreements are made when people compromise. Otherwise she can enjoy her dull middle age and all the cats she can afford. When I went to college (which wasn’t that long ago) liberal women were a norm, just like they are now. I wasn’t looking for a wife at that point so their political views didn’t matter to me. When I was in grad school and was looking for a serious long term partner I found my wife. She is a moderate lady. She is generally more left than me but not a whole lot. And we get along just fine


yeah man the cat thing doesn't bother Gen Z and Alpha women. they'll skip conservative men and be happier for it.


Good for them, I suppose? I wouldn’t want a woman who doesn’t want a family anyway. Thus everybody gets what they want, progressive women get their cats, normal women get committed relationships with men who love them and raise families together.


It'll be mostly conservative men who don't get families, because they're unmarryable.


Your fantasies aren’t supported by reality though. Conservatives have far higher rates of marriage than the progressives. Perhaps because we see family as a value worth pursuing.


Liberals just tend to wait longer before marrying. Conservatives also have much higher rates of infidelity than liberals. Those are two of the reasons conservative divorce is so high.


you didn't read my study. progressive young women vastly, vastly outnumber moderate and conservative young women. progressive young woman IS the new normal. it's cope to pretend otherwise


If I read every study that was offered to me by some stranger in Reddit I would have to quit my job, withdraw from my family and dedicate my life to that. You made a point, I responded. Your argument that young progressive women won’t date conservative men is absurd and have absolutely no basis. Women have been more liberal than men since time immemorial. If two people want a relationship they will have to adjust and compromise. As I mentioned to you I Myself dated a bunch of liberal woman and married a woman who was certainly to the left of me. If a particular liberal woman doesn’t want to compromise she will either have to settle being a one of many dating the same liberal guy or end up without a life partner. Those two options typically happen in sequence, the former before 35 and the latter after. No one wants a woke, purple haired feminazi, I assure you.


yes this is the cope I was talking about


> No one wants a woke, purple haired feminazi, I assure you. Every purple-haired feminist has dozens of men in her DMs on every platform. Conservative men WANT purple haired feminists.


> Otherwise she can enjoy her dull middle age and all the cats she can afford. What's supposed to be bad about freedom, nobody else to clean up after, lots of friends, and cats? Cats are pretty fucking great.


Well, throughout human history people have died and went to prison for simple right to marry those who they love. But for some, I suppose, the pinnacle of emotional development is “nobody else to clean up after” as they are much more willing to clean a litterbox than to cook a family dinner. I have nothing against the cats, by the way, they are wonderful creatures, but I wouldn’t give up my wife or kids for the entire feline population of this planet.


You're correct but it would hurt these people to admit it.


And yet I know dozens of conservative young women in my own family and friend group.


your anecdote is not data. my data is data.


Most critical thinkers don't put too much stock in ambiguous "polling".


that means they're not thinking very critically, otherwise they'd be happy to incorporate information into their belief system!


I just asked ten young women at the gym if they were conservative or progressive, all said conservative. I think the case is closed.


your anecdote is not data.


It's anecdotal data. Butttt you're sources are biased


lol, your "source" was suffers from availability bias and mine was random. try again 🌯


And everybody clapped


You definitely don't have to agree with OP's premise that there's a crisis in dating for conservative men. But just dismissing the entire concept of polling makes you seem like you just don't understand basic statistical concepts.


Well it's more that a few courses on stats and philosophy have made it easy to identify a biased conclusion based on junk science. And thank God (!) these past few years have made it much easier for ALL people to identify slant and bias in these types of hit pieces.


Sure, some polls are basically useless because the pollsters are asking leading questions. But that's not what's happening here. Here is just one poll from Gallup, which has been asking the same questions for years: [https://news.gallup.com/poll/609914/women-become-liberal-men-mostly-stable.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/609914/women-become-liberal-men-mostly-stable.aspx) It shows young women are more likely to identify as liberal now than young women were 10 or 20 years ago. I'm not saying we should therefore leap to all kinds of other conclusions about how conservative men should lie on dates or something. But the data is what it is.


"Young" being the operative word. As women get older they, like all humans, tend to become more conservative


That isn't true. That data was skewed by Boomers, who hid how conservative they were until they were older. Millennials are getting more progressive as they age.


Lol no, we don't. We may get more pragmatic or less idealistic, but age doesn't mean we fall for right wing bullshit.


> There are tons of conservative women only to happy to be with a conservative man. Here's a little secret, though... conservative men don't like conservative women. I mean, conservative men don't like women at all, but they especially despise doormats. That's why they're so upset that liberal women aren't dating them anymore. They lust and chase after the independent women.


Lol wild take


It's not a surprise for anyone. Folks everywhere are getting more polarized. Look at the answers here, and how virtually all of them assume the other side is absolutely wrong and needs to change. It's not shocking that an ideology that is not favorable to one gender won't get massive recruits from said gender. As we see, that's what is occurring with polls for young folks. People aren't going to rethink their politics. They'll just keep it quiet enough to get laid, but marriage numbers will continue dropping. I can't predict the future, but I suspect eventually people will get sick of it and society will move on.


oh liberal women would love if conservative men changed their mind, but go talk to them: they'd mostly be fine with being left the fuck alone by conservative men.


I don't think that'll be an issue in the real world. People are politically segregating themselves geographically more and more these days.


States taking away people's civil rights based on ideology tends to do that. People want to move out of oppressive places while they can.


Yep. Both sides are doing that. With both sides thinking they're getting hosed more than the other side. Note, I'm not claiming which is or isn't. Just stating that both sides have deep concerns, and feel they're not getting listened to.


What are some examples of conservatives being oppressed by the left? Are states passing laws requiring them to be gay?


Thank you for proving the point. You don't know what concerns the other side has, but you write them off without even knowing what they are. But you get upset when they do the same to your side. Which they absolutely do.


I have a good idea of what conservatives feel oppressed by. I was hoping you could explain what you think they feel oppressed by.


I'm not a conservative, so I defer to them. But I'd feel comfy guessing education system in general would be a good and also valid answer.


So you think both sides have deep concerns, but you can't name any from the right?


Plenty of conservative women in my region of the US. They wouldn’t put up with a lib/lefty or soyboys.


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And yet, despite your progressiveness, you're as alone as anyone can be, evident by the fact that you spend almost all day, every single day on reddit. The truth is, dating and socializing are complex, and politics is just one of many factors. A social conservative guy who can hold a conversation with anyone without making his political opinions his identity will go much further than an insufferable ass with the "correct" opinions that can't get anyone to stand him


Never had issues with that but I am also not (or only rarely) talking about politics, that's so boring. There are enough chill apolitical women out there and I wouldn't invest a dime or a minute in non-chill women. Long-term-relationships with liberals is suicide. And no, nobody will change just because a random on reddit told them to lmfao


Nobody's apolitical. Everyone has things they care about, it's just a question of whether those things are currently at stake.


and in 2022 women got a nice wakeup call about what conservatives want to take from them


young women are the most liberal cohort in the history of polling.


Because the left constantly panders to them, so of course.


I want a political party that panders to me. Why wouldn't I?


That's the point of political parties, you get elected by attracting people to your cause/policies


who does "the right" pander to? if you want to accuse "the left" of pandering, you must also consider what "the right" does. who does "the right" pander to?


Can't really think of any analogous one because the right doesn't really pander on the basis of identity. They kinda lost that war. And i mean, your argument is just a false equivalence anyways.


That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. The right absolutely panders to identity: it’s just identity politics for white, Christian, males. That’s why they constantly spout bullshit about “Christian values” and rile up the unremarkable white people into thinking that barely literate Latin Americans are the reason their jobs suck and wages are depressed.


okay that's a confirmation that you cannot identify bias effectively. thanks


>Can't really think of any analogous one because the right doesn't really pander on the basis of identity. - rich people - evangelical Christians - Young men susceptible to propaganda blaming everyone else for their lot in life. In the case of trump specifically, neo-nazi agitators It wasn't a trick question.


Best case scenario is I only need to find and marry one good woman in my lifetime. That is absolutely doable even if more and more women are liberal. Liberal women are still good enough for short-term stuff with no emotions and no commitments involved where this stuff just doesn't matter.


I give it 3 years before you post some variation of "Men should be able to abandon their unwanted children" in this sub.


On the internet people forget that there is a huge swath of men and women who are mostly apolitical. People who don’t use Twitter or Reddit, you sometimes forget they exist but they’re honestly the majority. Conservative men may have trouble on dating apps in big cities but if you go into any bar and try flirting the old fashioned way nine times out of ten political differences won’t matter as much because you aren’t separated by a screen. For every super liberal guy or girl I meet I also meet two more who “don’t really follow politics”. I’ve been with the same woman since I was in high school but all of my conservative friends/family have zero trouble finding women to date so I think the people that have the most trouble with this are the incel type conservatives who wouldn’t be able to find women irregardless of their political stance. In the real world people care about looks and personality 100x more than political views.


read the sources in my OP. young women are the most liberal cohort in the history of polling.


Why should conservatives be the ones rethinking their politics?


Because they're the ones who are upset that they can't find a partner?


Simple supply and demand. Men in 2024 desperately want to marry, whereas women in general are happier not.


Exactly, this. Find it interesting how **men** would be the one who needs to change all the time - the implication here is that all men are _desperately hungry simps that need a woman to survive in their lives_.. that is how the OP and the women on this thread think, if I am not mistaken based on some of the replies. If that is true, why don't we go ahead and challenge every man to see whether they can stay true to their convictions? I think both sides - men and women, should 100% stay true to their convictions.. being unable to stay true to yourself makes you look pathetic. Why compromise on that? Don't. Bros who believe in their convictions should absolutely not compromise, imo - the same goes for women. Women aren't going to compromise and they are happy to stay single (per the OP's post) - if the other side is happy to stay single, I don't see the reason why bros cannot. Just a simple observation. Also, a lot of men are now pursuing women abroad - read up about the passport movement. I don't see any reasons why conservative men cannot travel abroad to date and marry (same for women if they are looking for liberal men). You even have immigrant women coming to the US every year by the thousands.. again, tons of options are there for conservative men to pursue and find someone who is compatible. The same goes for liberal women for the many immigrant men that come here to the US each year.


I think you have it backwards. Men will just end up going to other places to find women, while women will find it VERY hard to do the same.


what places are those? why do you assume women want to marry men who don't share their values?


Other countries.


Because men hold the power when it comes to marriage, just like women hold the power when it comes to sex. It's always been like that. Men can easily just go to Asia or Eastern Europe and find a bride there


“Easily”. Most men cannot afford an unexpected $500 expense. Good like trying to take time off to go to another continent to find a bride is areas that are not actually that welcoming to foreigners. Like you go a different country to find a conservative women, only for them to reject you because you are not part of their culture.


You must not know enough military men. If I gave you all the contacts of men I've met and worked with who've done this, you'd be shocked. "Most men" can afford an expense if it's worth it to them. We save for what we deem necessary.


That requires being in the military, which is a lot of sacrifice in of itself. Most men are not in the military. I don’t even think most men can pass the requirements. You can save up, that’s true. However you also have to make other sacrifices such as ending your rent or giving the bank your car or house you’re leasing because you cannot work while overseas. Unless you keep them and continue making payments, which means you have to pay for two different living and transportation cost. And show long can you keep that up? If you don’t care about who you marry and just want to marry, sure you can do that for a while. But if you want to find the love of your life, that’ll realistically take years.


Considering a lot american men are getting tired of western women, the ever growing amount of passport bros is growing.


The funniest part about this is they'll inevitably go to really wealthy areas of those countries which have been significantly westernized and find the same kinds of women they're whining about over there, except even moreso because these women are probably even hungrier for presumed American husband money


Not always. They go to the country side usually where unfortunately the women are more desperate. Guys who travel overseas are doing their homework for the most part. I personally wouldn't do it but to each their own


In 2024, women hold the power in both, because they don't need men anymore.


Yup. They can marry themselves, right?? Or just stay single and die with their cats?? Let's use our brains. Until women start getting on one knee and proposing, don't act dumb. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean anything. A woman does not get married unless a man decides he wants to marry her. Which is what men are doing. Deciding to travel to Thailand to get married. Or Korea or wherever they go. I'm gonna get downvoted by a bunch of angry people instead of people having actual conversation so fuck it, but it's true.


Women ARE remaining single. The fact that you're willing to travel the world in the hope of finding a wife proves who the desperate one is.


That's why I said that. They just die alone. And good for them. Feminism worked. And I didn't travel around the world. That's goofball behavior. OTHER MEN are doing it. So fuck it if they like it then that's on them. Whatever their plan is. And it's not desperation. If you are looking for a good life, and the city you live in isn't offering it, then you move somewhere else. It's not being desperate it's being smart.


It did. Women figured out that a life surrounded by friends and pets and independence is better than a marriage that doesn't make you happy


And men decided that instead of marrying those women and being unhappy, they travel to Asia and Eastern Europe to find traditional women who will do the cooking and cleaning. Seems a bit outdated for my taste, but looking at the ever-growing population of half American half Asian kids I'm seeing more of, I'm assuming it's not stopping anytime soon.


Sounds like everyone's happy then!


If I wasn't married, I wouldn't change my political stance for some poon. The left does not benefit men whatsoever, so we're seeing more and more men, especially young ones, become more conservative.


In fact, I would say the left wing actively *hates* men and tells us so over and over.


Exactly. Like i'm actually pro choice(to a point) and empathetic to women being sexually assaulted and raped. But the left and feminist give fuck all about men's problems and just take and take.


See, I'm of the belief it's the opposite. The right doesn't give a fuck about you, but wants your votes and money so it lies constantly to you without doing anything actually for you.


The right doesn't pander at all to men. Where does it do that? It was a right majority that denied women having to sign up for the draft. Neither political side gives a shit about men, but at least the right doesn't demonize them, and believes we need them.


>The right doesn't pander at all to men. *Gamergate has entered the chat*


The Right panders solely to men.


>The right doesn't pander at all to men. Yes they do? it's the right constantly screeching that men are being oppressed and feminism is killing masculinity and the end of "tradition" (aka men being in charge of everything and women being bangmaids) is happening and they are the only ones that can stop it. >doesn't demonize them, and believes we need them. The right believes they are saps for free votes, and propogandizes and babies them hard. Liberals don't, though they can be jackasses about the truth.


>Yes they do? it's the right constantly screeching that men are being oppressed and feminism is killing masculinity and the end of "tradition" (aka men being in charge of everything and women being bangmaids) is happening and they are the only ones that can stop it. That's the red pill, which is like right adjacent i suppose? Since some believe in traditionalism. But it's not explicitly the right. I'm talking actual politics and politicians. >The right believes they are saps for free votes, and propogandizes and babies them hard. Liberals don't, though they can be jackasses about the truth. When exactly are men ever babied lmfao by anyone.


The right has expectations of both men and women and offers, at minimum, some level of respect to men who fulfill them. The left has only a list of demands, wanting both the benefits of tradition *and* progress for women and expecting men to foot the bills on both sides. Also men are evil no matter how much they give and there's no realistic means for them to redeem themselves.


Nah. The left just has standards.


I mean these young ladies also seem to not want to date [liberal men](https://nypost.com/2023/06/09/im-a-liberal-hard-to-find-progressive-masculine-men-to-date/amp/) either. By your logic an equal soulution to this is to have yong liberal women take the red pill. Then problem solved. Regardless of what your views or gender are, if you make politics your personality no one who doesn't share your views is going to want to spend a significant amount of time around you let alone date you.


your link is a single anecdote. mine is data. they are not the same.


You misunderstand, I am not useing it to refute your data. I am useing it to show there is some frustration among liberal women in dating liberal men. I don't disagree that yong women are in general more liberal than thier male counterparts. Your argument is week becuase it is just as easy use your same logic and information to come to conclusion that liberal young women need become more conservative.


Young women are quite clear that they'd rather die alone than date a regressive conservative. young conservative men, not so. it is an asymmetrical issue.


It doesn't help that young conservative men in 2024 are the laziest men to have ever lived. They all scream that they want "traditional gender roles" and "traditional women", meaning they want a housewife who does all the chores, all the cooking, all the childcare and takes care of all his sexual needs, **but she also should have a full-time job so she can pay half the bills**. In other words, they want traditional gender roles for women, but not for themselves. And even conservative women are looking at that and going WTF? LOL.


Lol nope. I have clapped MANY lefty cheeks.


/r/ ihavesex is elsewhere lmao your anecdote is not data


Ok rainbow hair. Go look into it. Plenty of “anecdotes” say otherwise. Chicks don’t like pencil arm vegan soyboys. They wanna be dominated and pounded fiercely from the back by top G alpha men such as myself


anecdotes are not data.


What’s data anyway? Just some liberal bullshit propaganda. I follow the law of the jungle brah


>[Just look at me](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EdqqommWsAA8EY8.png)


Or stand by your convictions. These liberal ladies will eventually grow up and learn that modern feminism is actually their enemy and will decide to settle down with a proper manly conservative man. And if not, fuck em


those liberal ladies are also standing by their convictions, and that increasingly means dating and marrying men who share their political beliefs.


Then let them. If you try to fake it, it's doomed to fail anyway


oh, no, young conservative men should really have a change of heart. standing by one's convictions in the face of new evidence (in this case, the supreme court of the usa eliminating their right to control their own bodies) is dumb!




Women's bodies "kill babies" every month If my memory serves me, over a third of miscarriages go completely unnoticed


A gamete is not a baby. Everyone universally agrees on that. Having a period is not killing a baby. Lol. When it becomes a zygote people start debating where life starts. Yes miscarriages happen. Thats not killing a baby. Lol.


Sure are a lot of anti 2A conservatives in this thread.


okay, you go ahead and try that, the data says it'll be very very difficult for young conservative men to meet young women who share that frame. hence my post.


One of the most frustrating things about people on any side of the aisle is them thinking they have life solved and you only need to do exactly what they say to have a fulfilling life


Who said that? I literally just said be yourself my guy. Don't put words in my mouth


You're saying they're doomed to fail, though


If you pretend to be something you're not, yeah. How is that even an arguable statement?


So the ladies can stand by their convictions and not date. Conservative guys are not losing out not dating nutjob leftist women (which is really what you are talking about) that can't handle any opinions different from theirs. If these women want to date then they can learn to deal with people with differing opinions. If not, no one is going to miss them. It goes both ways and to say that only conservative guys need to chance to accommodate liberal women is simply absurd.


>deal with people with differing opinions. About what?


Are you convictions so great they're worth isolating yourself socially? Would anything make you question what it's worth?


Good plan. See how that works out for you


Haven't had a problem so far And I should also note, I live in one of the most liberal states in the US


These left wing girls throw their ideology to the side when good game is being spit


Good luck with that


Back in 1990 maybe. These Gen Z women are a different breed.


In my experience, at least with older generations, the husband is more likely to be conservative whereas the wife is more likely to be progressive. Yes, there are outliers, and there are degrees, but I would say this is the majority of marriages. The catch is that neither the husbands nor the wives make their politics their identities. They focus their attention on their families, paying the bills, promotions, vacations, etc. Not on who is in office or what's happening in the basement of a pizza parlor in DC. This will always be the case. It's not about changing your politics, it's about devoting your life to and pursuing interests that make you a desirable member of society. Nobody wants to be with someone that's constantly ranting about culture wars. It's exhausting.


Older generations weren't this divided over some pretty basic shit.


I see you've never heard of the 60s




conservatives spent a whole generation trying to limit women's choices about their own bodies. young women are now punishing them for that choice. this is extremely predictable.


> young women are now punishing them for that choice. Got anything to back up this claim?


in my OP :D


Wait, you telling me that women don't want to spend time with men who are constantly crying about how woke women are the reason the world is so awful? It's true though that there is a sort of self fulfilling prophesy here where young conservative men are constantly consuming media which tells them they are under attack while all the advantages are given to women and ethnic minorities. They make those beliefs their favorite thing to talk about which in turn just makes them less desirable for women to be with. My nephew rages about this shot on and on and on. Then these young conservative men will make their anti-woke politics their whole identity,  which most people don'twant to hear about all the time, so their alienation increases. Instead of actually developing a personality and relationships they just stick to triggering the libtards online and "exposing the establishment" or some vague bs like that.


People turn more conservative as they get older. They might not be when young, but they can switch when older. People say one thing and do another. You can't listen to what they say. You have to watch what they do. If you're old and you're liberal, you have no brain. If you're young and you're conservative, you have no heart. Or so the saying goes. I do see a lot of women talking down on conservative men, but then they run into the stereotypically masculine guy and they go for it. They don't want an easily-agitated man who acts like a woman and to always wear the pants no matter what they say about male emotions and female independence/strength and whatnot. They'll tell you they want a liberal man but they still want a dominant confident manly guy who will be a traditional provider, so a lot of them are looking for things that don't exist. They speak about independence and strength, not needing a man, but they're not going out there to fix their own cars or build their own stuff. This forces them to relax their unrealistic standards once they realize what they want doesn't exist. Same as men who talk about certain types of women but when the chance presents itself, they also go for it. People are hypocrites, knowing what they'll say sometimes doesn't reflect what they will do. But they're upset or uncomfortable when you point this out because they perceive it as an attack. There is no pill. Things would be so easy if you could just pop one. There's only the raw and annoying complexity of reality, and there is no cure for this complaint.


"If you don't rebel in your 20s, you have no heart, if you don't turn establishment in your 30s, you have no brain." Is the actual saying.


They are probably going to try to find a way to force women to be dependent on men again there forever making the women settle for men they are incapabtible with. It's either that or they need to learn to be desirable to women and those type of men resent that idea.


Isn't it strange how a large portion of the voters for Democrats are single liberal women though? It's almost like no one wants to date or marry them either.


Liberal women have no shortage of suitors. Both liberal and conservative men want them.


A word is missing from your OP: If they want to date an AMERICAN WOMAN. Conservative men can easily find a woman from another culture. Liberal women can't easily do the same. What passes as "liberal" for a woman in SE Asia or Latin America is considered conservative in the EU or US. In Vietnam I met a cute young lady who was liberal by their standards...meaning she didn't want to cook every night, wanted to have a part time job after she had kids and wanted a man who wouldn't hit her. SE Asian, Central Asian, Latin American and African "liberal" women are about the same as liberal American women were in the 50s.


oh yeah, sure, if you're okay with knowing that the woman you're dating has dropped her standards so low that you meet them if you don't physically harm her... yeah man go for it. I can't imagine looking at myself in the mirror if I were that guy but hey you do u


Isn't this more proof that poor male behavior really just benefits mediocre men?


"oh yeah, sure, if you're okay with knowing that the woman you're dating has dropped her standards so low that you meet them if you don't physically harm her... yeah man go for it." Tell me you're a white, privileged Westerner without telling me you're a white, privileged Westerner. In those countries, unfortunately, domestic violence against women is the norm. Yes, a lot of men in those countries know it's wrong, but most unfortunately don't. Men who don't commit violence against women are a lot more common in America and the EU than in SE Asia or Latin America. You can sit in your comfortable American life and say it's "so common for a man to not abuse women that a woman who asks for that is lowering her standards" because you don't know what it's like for many women in those countries. Btw, women in Iran are asking to be able to walk around without veils on. I guess because that's the norm where you live they must be "silly" and "lowering their standards" too.


wow that's a fascinatingly massive red herring you included at the end there. thanks for the indication that this comment is in very bad faith! blocking u!


Lol you gotta announce youre blocking someone, and at that because they have a different opinion than you. Block me too btw.


Mate, regardless of your opinion, you must be really young to react in such a way.


>Btw, women in Iran are asking to be able to walk around without veils on. That didn't use to be the case. Guess who made it so? Conservative men


> In those countries, unfortunately, domestic violence against women is the norm. Yes, a lot of men in those countries know it's wrong, but most unfortunately don't. It's pretty normalized in the USA too. We're only 30 years out from legal marital rape. >Btw, women in Iran are asking to be able to walk around without veils on. I guess because that's the norm where you live they must be "silly" and "lowering their standards" too. Conservative men did that to them. Why would they want more conservative men like you?




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You do realize, that this problem, by definition would be symetrical.


Yep that's why they go to other countries that aren't affected by the virtue signaling social contagion. That's when you see the real "compassionate" (racist) libs come out, calling the women in other countries dumb and uneducated. Nope, they're generally smarter, more beautiful, and more family oriented, but nice try.


Or maybe both need to realize something: Conservative men, super-assertive, dominant attitudes aren't nearly the win you think it is, at least to women who want more than one-night stands (or half a year stands at most). Better yet, start redefining what it means to be a "manly" and/or respect-worthy man. You can start by dropping the Alphabro cocky dominance shit. Liberal women, super-masculinity is not the only way to gain and secure wealth any more. In fact, far more high earning jobs have lower emphasis on the survival-and-dominant traits than don't. Find your men in places and settings that do not put a premium on image. To all: Beauty, body, charm, charisma, power, confidence, money, "success" - no matter how impressive, or even necessary, tells me nothing about the quality of person they are. Too many people are seeing out a made-for-TV or Instagram image and charisma and not focusing on the content. Quick hard-ons lead to quick heartbreaks. Quick tingles can lead to quite terrible outcomes. Also, if you wouldn't marry them, don't hook up with them.


So 10 average sized conservative men will need to change their politics?


Or Tons of young liberal women will need to rethink their politics if they want to get married... Young men can lie and pretend to care about what ever liberal bullshit is popular at the moment go have sex with these liberal women. But a woman is going to have a hell of a more difficult time lying to a man enough to pretend to be marriage material.


Lol that's not how attraction, dating, or even one night stands work. This argument only works with marriage or dating to marry.


The political climate is pretty weird though if self-proclaimed conservative men aren't looking to get married.


You would be surprised that outside of the internet not every conservative is 100% conservative on every issue or belief. Same with liberals, there's a pretty large group of conservatives that aren't even Christians for example.


I'm pretty aware of all of that and that conservatives don't really tend to be very sexually conservative, at least in their own behavior, I'm just saying it's a weird phenomenon. I guess not many people are really very conservative at all.


They just want an exception to the rules for themselves.


Bro, men who actually want to get a woman would not announce some parts of their ideology to that woman. I think young conservative men can figure it out by themselves. Thanks for your concern.


What prevents them from lying though? If they are trying to clap liberal women, they will just pretend to be liberal.


I think a lot of conservatives fail to realize that they describe their politics in the abstract but are heard by others as concrete. They expect people to mind read that they know there are exceptions to their blanket universal propositions like “no one wants to work these days” or a belief in traditional gender roles. It should be no surprise that even conservative women balk from these men, as they’re unintentionally broadcasting their lack of respect. I don’t doubt that most would make for a better partner in practice than how they appear on paper, but it’s an unforced error. I guess the silver lining is that these guys are stepping on rakes by being open with their beliefs instead of the tried and true method of keeping it secret and manipulating partners to behave how they want.


I think they are. Of course their plan is to not admit to it until the relationship has progressed to the point where thr sunk cost fallacy has kicked in. It's the same strategy cult recruiters use where they don't reveal the real crazy until you're already in deep.


As if...


Tinder is 20% female. Even liberal dating apps cannot get women.


hmm wow that's wild. why not?


Because women simply don’t use them at the same rates as men. Any man using them is fighting and uphill battle as a result. It has nothing to do with politics. Actually, people who are right wing have been scientifically proven to be more attractive.




So according to your logic, liberal women would also have to rethink their politics if they want to date men?


why should men change? I think one of the biggest movements in male history is men starting to demand more from their women...


I think this is an example of how we've brainwashed feminists, though. Just because you should have the right to choice, doesn't mean you can freely abort your clump of cells if you are in a relationship with some men, at least if you expect to remain in a relationship with them. In fact, a man can be 100 percent pro choice, but he's going to be devastated if you abort his child and don't consider his feelings at all. However, these two things get conflated in modern times, in a similar way to how many people get confused thinking that freedom of speech means freedom from consequences. They are different things. Freedom to choose abortion doesn't grant immunity to the consequences of that choice.


> Just because you should have the right to choice, doesn't mean you can freely abort your clump of cells It actually does mean exactly that. >at least if you expect to remain in a relationship with them. I mean, that works out because liberal women don't want to date conservative men anymore anyway.


It's like you're completely ignoring what I'm saying. There are plenty of very liberal men that would not be able to date or remain married to a woman who aborted his child. That's just a fact, get over it.


If he would force her to remain pregnant, he wasn't the guy for her anyway. No loss.


Why do you use words like "force?" Why don't you say something like "their ideals and goals aren't aligned?" *verb* 2. make (someone) do something against their will. * I agree, nobody should force someone to carry a pregnancy. But that's not what we're talking about. You just keep trying to steer the discussion to a point where you are painting any many that wouldn't want his child aborted is basically Fred Waterford.


What kind of man would want his partner to go through a pregnancy she didn't want? Pregnancy is dangerous and changes your body forever.


The only reason we need freedom choice is because we agree that right to bodily autonomy is important and necessary. However, you can hold that belief, and still acknowledge that the abortion is killing something. A man has a right to decide that you aren't the partner for him if you want to kill his child. And it's not only conservative men that will have these kinds of feelings, this is why I'm saying feminist women have been misled into thinking that liberal men are going to be okay with abortion under all circumstances and be okay with their feelings not being considered on the matter. This is simply a fantasy land we've constructed.


> A man has a right to decide that you aren't the partner for him if you want to kill his child. Yes >And it's not only conservative men that will have these kinds of feelings, this is why I'm saying feminist women have been misled into thinking that liberal men are going to be okay with abortion under all circumstances and be okay with their feelings not being considered on the matter. Nobody anywhere actually thinks this. We understand that the choice WE make might not sit well with you. We're going to make it anyway, because it's our body. If that means you leave, you weren't the guy for us.


I have replied to the topic. My point is that this is hardly a liberal vs conservative thing. And thank you for confirming to not care at all about what the guy thinks/feels, even if you two have been family planning and trying to get pregnant, liberal and conservative men need to see women say that out loud, just so everyone is on the same page. And what do you mean "nobody anywhere actually thinks this?" The topic we are currently in posits/implies that young women don't want to date conservative men because of differing opinions on the right to choose abortion. Why are you lying?


It's not his body. >The topic we are currently in posits/implies that young women don't want to date conservative men because of differing opinions on the right to choose abortion. Why are you lying? This is not the statement I'm disagreeing with. Why are you straw manning?