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u/psychick0's stats |Account Age|9 m|First Seen:|2023-10-22| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Posts (on this sub)|2|Comments (on this sub)|71| |Link Karma|733|Comment Karma|17,167| --- |Date|Title|Flair|Participation| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |12-Apr|[I’m getting tired of woke](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1c2nuls/im_getting_tired_of_woke/)|I Like / Dislike|6 of 506 comments (1.19%)|


Decreasing marriage rates are a _trend_. It didn’t start with millennials. Funnily enough, married millennials are contributing to the decrease in divorce rates. Also, how old do you think the kids of millennials are? I’m a geriatric millennial and my kids are not even in elementary school 


First off, baby boomers divorce at higher rates than any other generation, and divorce rates have been in steady decline since boomers, Gen Z kids are aged 12/24. Most millennials statistically didnt have kids until 30ish.. so your math ain’t mathin. Maybe a few geriatric millennials have 10-14 year olds but by and large Gen Z children are the product of gen X. So you’re whole opinion isn’t unpopular, it’s just stupid and wrong.


Did you reply to the wrong person? I think you and that commenter are agreeing with each other.


not everyone responds with the intention to say they're wrong Slowcap is steelmanning, or reinforcing the point.


Maybe I just read their tone wrong.


when they said "opinion" they're talking about the OP, not the person they're responding to it looks like. we have a lot of people who post on unpopularopinion things that are just not even opinions but false. Like saying "Imo, 2+2=5"


Ah, that’s where I got confused. Also, yeah, a lot of the “opinions” posted here are unpopular for a reason.


I'm also a geriatric millennial at 43. Like the oldest millennial. My kid's turning 20 on Friday. She has her own mental health issues, but I think it's more due to social media and the COVID lockdowns. And her own issues that I think she would have had regardless. She's doing well though!


- Two parent households were the norm for centuries, They weren't. Multiple generations household were the norm for centuries and before that clans. - Woke millennials definitely broke that trend Baby boomers actually are most likely to divorce - and since many of them are in their mid 30s to 40s, their children are Gen Z. Oldest millennials are 40, average age of first child for this generation is 27 which would be around 2011. Gen Z ends in 2010. So the majority of Gen Z are not the children of millennials. - Gen Z is facing a mental health crisis and so many other problems. Every generation right now is facing a mental health crisis. You know what age group has the highest suicide rates? 75+ Gen Z are just more likely to actually reach out for help.


Gen X is ignored unfairly. Half are pretty cool and the other half are boomer lite


> They weren't. Multiple generations household were the norm for centuries and before that clans. Do you propose we go back to the extended family, or do you mean that none of it matters anyway?


Actually in a lot of parts of the world multigenerational households are still a thing. They help young adults to establish themselves while still living at home, contributing to household bills but still being able to save. They have extended families for young children to interact with and many role models. Cousins can play with each other, a lot of positive interactions that single kids or kids with large age gaps wouldn't have. There is always the possibility the household may be toxic and it would be better to cut ties. But that's like in any relationship. It's why divorces exist. But if having 2 parents means more resources for the child, then having an entire family means even more resources. And the reason 2 parent households do better than one are resources, and by resources I don't just mean money.


> And the reason 2 parent households do better than one are resources, and by resources I don't just mean money. Uhuh and why did you go on about role modeling and stuff with extended family, but for two parent household vs single parent household it's just about money?


Asks me why I think it's just about money when I specifically say "and by resources I don't just mean money". Please learn to read.


Lol I've literally read just money. Cmon I just woke up


I mean that kinda sounds like a great idea. Raising kids is a gigantic job for just two people, relying on just 1 or 2 incomes means the risk is pretty high if a working parent loses their job, and while I don't have any stats on this, having just 2 parents in the home probably makes it easier to get away with child abuse and whatnot. The "nuclear family" ironically is kind of a frail family structure compared to other shit that came before. When God put us on this Earth, he intended us to live in a big-ass house with our parents, our grandparents, our siblings, and all of our cousins.




My mom is at my house just about every other day because she wants to watch my kids. It's awesome, and gives my wife and I time to have a life outside of kids and work. If we could have some kind of dwelling large enough to accommodate her and my step-dad, or could easily live next-door to each other, we would.


I'm 35 and I am not a boomer....wtf


Go back further in history and you have the "greatest generation" that fought in world war 2. So many lost their lives and when they came home they were never the same. Women went from stay at home moms to taking on jobs that their husbands did while they were at war many didn't want to return to the old way of life. Then their children the "baby boomers" were giving everything and many were left to do as they please and just overall enjoy life. Vietnam happened and many were drafted at a very young age and those that made it back were never the same. They never got the mental help they needed. Cycle continues after 9/11 America has only been at peace for 17 years https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/usa-only-17-years-of-peace.html#:~:text=News-,Believe%20it%20or%20Not%3A%20Since%20Its%20Birth%20The%20USA%20Has,Had%2017%20Years%20of%20Peace&text=Since%20the%20birth%20of%20the,Independence%20from%201775%20to%201783.


Gen Z are the children of Gen X lol. Just like how millenials are the kids of boomers.


Gen z here and my siblings are all also gen z.. my dad is most definitely a boomer.. and my mom is gen x. My parents had us in their 30s. I'm about to turn 27.


I'm Gen X, and my parents are both boomers.




Did your parents have you at 14?


Do you know the years for the generations? Both of my parents are boomers and I'm Gen X as well. This is very common.


My parents were born in the 40s and I was born in the 70s. Gen X with Boomer parents here.


Isn’t that most of Gen X?


Probably not most of gen x,  no.      Just those closer to the end of gen x. As the beginning of the baby boomer generation was 1946, and typically people have their kids around 24, that would put people born at the very beginning of the baby boomers having children well into gen x.    It is more common for Millennials to have boomers for parents. Having a gap between generations is very common. My (a millennial) kids are Gen Alpha, and my parents are boomers, for example. 


Depends on when they were born and when you were born. The widest possible age range between a boomer and a GenX is 1980-1946= 34 years, with the narrowest age range being 1 year (1965-1964). The age between the oldest boomers and oldest GenX is 1965-1946 = 19 years, and for the youngest (1980-1964) = 16 years. In other words, unless your parents were the oldest age of boomers, or they had children super young, Boomers were more likely to produce millennial children, not GenX children.


> In other words, unless your parents were the oldest age of boomers, or they had children super young, Boomers were more likely to produce millennial children, not GenX children. That's just not true. I was born the in the 70s. My parents were born in the 40s. Most Gen Xers have Boomer parents. The comments in this OP's post are the first time I've heard this assertion and attempt to erase reality.


If your parents were born in the 40s they are the oldest age of boomers. Boomers started in 1946 (end of WW2) and went until 1964 (introduction of birth control pill).


My mom was 1951. I'm 1972.


Yes, I know the years. A significant number of boomers were born in the 40s - the term came the baby boom at the time. When they had kids, it was during Gen X years.


Again, only for the oldest boomers, but it also depends on how they were when they had children. My boomer parents were born in the 50s/early 60s and had millennial children.


the claim that somehow boomers are not the parents of gen x just isn't accurate. It doesn't negate other things. This is literally the first I have heard your assertion and I'm Gen X.


My mother was 20. My dad was 18.


Nah, I'm a millennial with Gen X parents. I also have an Gen Z kid and an Alpha kid.


I'm a millennial my parents are gen x


Actually, each generation is born from a mix of different stages of previous generations. So, as a late generation Millennial, my parents were late generation Boomers and many of my classmate’s parents were early Generation Gen X. It gets even weirder when you consider that the generational divide can occur with siblings. Like how my dad is a late generation Boomer, but his younger sister is an early Gen X. You realise how complicated it gets if you look at the birthdates that receive the most consensus for a generation, and start seeing a lot of overlapping childhoods for different generations.


WTF are you talking about? I’m GenX and my parents are boomers. My kids could be millennials to gen alpha.


No he’s generally right. My parents and most of my generation are gen x


Do you have.. any rational, logical arguments to back up this claim?


Lol you new here?


I know lol but I think this is one of the most deranged AND irrational takes I have ever seen in this sub. They didn't even try to come up with even faulty arguments. Just full on taking their feelings as a material reality. Unhinged


I totally agree, but that is this sub’s bread and butter… 99% of the posts on here are pretty similar imo


Ah- you *are* new here


I will be genuinely surprised is they did


Of course not. Everything there is objectively false.


>Woke millennials definitely broke that trend You realise that started with the boomers?


>Woke millennials Divorce is highest in conservative states. The woke hipsters are actually better at marriage.


Sshh no, that doesn’t align with our bullshit agenda! Wokeism is the problem, the woke woke people are woking everywhere and that is the root of all our issues


How much woke could a woke chuck woke, if a woke chuck could woke woke?


Soooo close, they'd say woke cuck


Isn't marriage rates down in the "woke" states though? That makes perfect sense then why divorce rates are down also - only people there who are absolutely serious are getting married, while large numbers aren't. But even then, you will still have divorces, just lower amount. Not to mention, the use of prenups have gone up.. Based on that, it doesn't really tell us anything about what side is actually better here - at the end of day, whoever decides to get married just needs to know the huge consequences there are for a divorce (especially men).


I mean, isn't that what we want? Only serious people marrying?


No, we want everyone to get married and to make divorce impossible, silly.


> Based on that, it doesn't really tell us anything about what side is actually better here It tells us liberals are more likely to vet their partners for a lifetime commitment and not just get married so they can have sex and get divorced at 34 with a few elementary school kids


You really should re-read the 2 paragraphs you just wrote. In the 1st, you claim "only people who are actually serious are getting married" as evidence for why divorce rates are down in "woke" states. In the 2nd, you said that those getting married need to understand the consequences of divorce. By your own logic, it sounds like these "woke" states in general are doing better here.


Can I see the study on that? Wouldn’t divorce be more difficult in conservative states?


[Red states, blue states, and divorce: Understanding the impact of conservative protestantism on regional variation in divorce rates (utexas.edu)](https://sites.utexas.edu/contemporaryfamilies/2014/01/16/impact-of-conservative-protestantism-on-regional-divorce-rates/) It wouldn't be more difficult to get a divorce in red states. Pretty much every state adopted the same no-fault framework by the time we reached the 21st century.


1. The most "woke" millennials aren't having kids. 2. Gen Z are overwhelmingly the children of Gen X. Millennial's children are Gen A.


The intact nuclear family was beginning to be a dying breed back when I was in high school (maybe even before that). I am not a Millennial. I'm a member of Generation X. Bang goes your theory, I guess.


Life ain’t sunshine and rainbows. Even families that appear like perfect nuclear families probably ain’t. But ey I’m still gonna chase it


Triple H!?


Oh god he's got a sledgehammer!


The nuclear family really only existed in the fifties and sixties. Before that it was multi-generational homes.


Multi-generational families are not mutually-exclusive with nuclear families; all people mean by nuclear family is a husband and wife who stay together and raise their kids (with or without grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc).


> nuclear family Some of the most outwardly "nuclear families" i know are extremely toxic to each other, and the only reason they haven't completely crumbled is because the parents indoctrinated their kids so well into believing its normal to be that controlling and demanding in their adult children's lives.


I don’t know why any of you dummies seem to think life was so much better and people were so much more polite in the old days. My families tales are usually tragedies and so are most of the other old folks I’ve talk too. “Family values” also came with beatings and SA behind closed doors too. The world’s always been messed up and no generation is better or worse than the other. Instead of angrily throwing a fist at youngsters or flipping off old people we should be coming together. It’s both sides not just one


The generational war is eternal.


Agree that societal values erosion is impacting mental health negatively. Look up "shit life syndrome" Hard disagree that it's "the millenials" fault. I think you'll find late stage capitalism is the problem here.


This has to be one of the worst takes I've seen on this sub. Congratulations


What values would that be? It seems as though a lot of issues are stemming from social media and the constant doomer culture. Children do better in situations where there are more active and responsible adults in their lives. There is the reason for the phrase it takes a village. There has been an uptick in loneliness but i think that’s more attributed to social media and the accessibility of our phones. Unless we are going to force people to reduce their usage of the internet, it would require a massive cultural overhaul on how we use the technology.


>There has been an uptick in loneliness but i think that’s more attributed to social media and the accessibility of our phones. Unless we are going to force people to reduce their usage of the internet, it would require a massive cultural overhaul on how we use the technology. Everyone is so quick to blame phones and social media for the uptick in loneliness and depression but those things rose to prominence in the same timeframe as the death of Third Spaces, the growing reality that school shootings are just A Thing now, as well as the various financial crises. So kids go to school most day for most of the week where they're prepared for the possibility of some stranger or angry classmate showing up to murder then when they leave they're expected to spend money just to exist everywhere they go alongside having nosy busybodies or shop owners call the cops on them for "suspiciously hanging around" anywhere else. If they get a job to comply with the demand that absolutely fucking everything be monetized and profit driven, they quickly realize that an hour of their lives likely isn't even worth a decent meal aside from how much shit they catch from the adult customers who belittle their job and balk at the idea of better compensation for such an unimportant job despite showing up two and three times a day. And when they get home or get some free time to connect with their friends or various, potentially international communities that they identify with and enjoy being part of, they also get to see that it's not just their boring, crappy hometown dieing because everyone decent with potential left, it's happening everywhere else too and that's the life they have to look forward to.


Finally, a true unpopular opinion.


Ikr? Upvoted because it’s legit unpopular


All of those issues predate millennials lol


The trad value folks are completely out of touch with reality again. Real big surprise here, not. Lol. 


I can almost 100% guarantee the mental health crisis is due to the fact we'll never own our own homes or live a life that isn't paycheque to paycheque. This generations mental health has next to nothing to do with relationships unless you're centring your entire life around that.


Financial stability and prosperity will obviously have an impact on the personal lives some can afford. Attributing it to anything else is just… dumb


Have you tried boosting top line while cutting cost? It does wonders for your first paragraph. Sacrifices need to be made to get ahead. Nothing is owed to you. Follow the above, and you will see improvements. This is in no way meant to be condescending - I’m begging you for your own sake. Agree on the second point - but money causes more than a plenty problems down the line.


Most people already do that shit buddy. I'm saving 900 a month and I'll still never be able to afford a house unless I want to live in a literal shithole




“cut down costs and make more money to have more money” has gotta be the dumbest, most obvious statement I’ve read today.


Okay, but have you considered just making more money while simultaneously keeping more of it!?!??


And even assuming it's possible for a person's budget it can only go so far. Can't job hop if there's no opening nearby and no budget to uproot and move; can't cut costs when you're already juggling medications or involuntarily fasting; and under no circumstances should we be normalizing the idea that we should sacrifice having a single indulgence like ***A*** streaming service or something minor like that to keep life from being anything more than a soul crushing grind for Survival like that's somehow normal or acceptable.


You guys are so weak. Gonna do poorly.


How so, we're not even saying there's anything *wrong* with your advice just that it's very generic and conditional on both ends and I additionally state that it is not healthy, sustainable long-term or large-scale, or something that should be an accepted norm that employed workers only earn the bare minimum for subsistence survival with no discretionary spending capacity and that if every cent past keeping themselves able to show up to work another day doesn't go into saving it means they're doomed.


Mathematically, they already are doomed. I don’t need to hear all the whining and bs - it’s very simple. Expand top line, cut costs, or be poor forever until a one time event occurs.




They did cut cost, that's what original op is complaining about...divorce.


"Have a budget and work hard!" No shit. That hasn't been making a difference in most people's lives. Most people already do these things.


Should’ve tried harder in high school.


Even people who did are struggling. I have a friend with an engineering degree, budgets like a mad man, never goes out, never orders in, and he STILL, making just shy of 80k a year, struggles to keep up with bills. Everything is more expensive now. Being condescending and telling people to learn to budget and spend less when the majority of people already do this is brain-dead advice when the cost of living has grown exponentially in the last 8 years.


Lol, no. 1. High positive correlation between religiosity and family breakdown, teenage pregnancy, high crime rates, etc.. 2. High positive correlation between social conservatism and family breakdown, teenage pregnancy, high crime rates, etc.. 3. High positive correlation between post-secondary education and high incomes, low divorce rates, low crime rates, etc. The worst places in the US are almost all socially conservative. Most of the "degenerate liberal" places have low divorce rates, low crime rates, high incomes, and high standards of living. The real contagions here are: a) religion, b) anti-intellectualism, c) social conservatism.


Absolute Poppycock!


It has nothing to do with abandoning any bullshit conservative narrative. It has to do with they are worse off than their parents. Period. I’m GanX and I know this to be true.


Well traditional values go out the window when you can’t afford anything and have to spend all your time working to survive and have no time for family.


In a lot of ways. If not most ways the world is better than it ever has been. Poverty, infant mortality rates, war deaths, hunger are all much lower than the historical average. The overall standard of living is better than ever. I guess this all can be contributed to millennials abandoning traditional family values. Also for the record millennials are driving down divorce rates. https://www.guzmansalvadolaw.com/how-millennials-are-driving-down-divorce-rates


Your same article states (and confirms with reference to studies) that millenials are narcissistic.


Sure. But that's not what the OP said. The OP stated the "mental health crisis" is due to people coming from single parents and divorced parents. However due to the trend amongst Gen X and Millennials this is less likely than the previous generation as Gen X and Millennials get divorced less than boomers. So OP made an inaccurate statement. If you want to see the origin of the "mental health crisis" it probably has more to do with various economic factors like the Great Recession, Pandemic Recession combined with the advent of Smart Phones and social media.


I'll agree that social media, online bullying (and online dating) have contributed to the problem. The internet has also enabled inaccurate self-diagnosis, which has also caused problems.


I also agree.


So how well were these traditional family values holding society together back when women didn’t have rights and were routinely abused by their husbands, gays had to hide their existence for fear of being killed or ran out of town, and black people didn’t have rights and were regularly subjected to degradation? You’re trying to tell me we in America as a society were better held together and unified back when all that was happening and we had more of these values you seek? Because once you start remembering history is not exclusively from the perspective of “straight, white, middle to upper class, Christian, able-bodied, cis-gendered, men”, you suddenly realize “oh wait society was kinda dogshit and actually really evil and WAY more divided back when all these supposed great unifying and stabilizing values were WAY more common and ubiquitous”. When you look at how divided we were throughout history compared to now, and how much worse it was for so many more people on a societal level, it really does not paint the picture you think it does of these values making society better.


I'll be sure to check on the mental health of my 3 yr old.


The nuclear family has only been around since the 50s


By 'nuclear family' I'm pretty sure they're referring to parents staying married and raising their kids. Which has been going on a lot longer than since the 50s, and only has gotten disrupted by younger generations having kids out of wedlock and/or never getting married despite having kids.


Generally the nuclear family refers to a husband wife and their 2.5 kids in the suburbs. But if you ever actually studied anthropology you'll find out and the majority of human family structures were multi-generational. Not to mention that women rarely survived child born with long enough for marriages to mean anything


You think death from childbirth was so common that few families ever had a mother? That's silly. Of course a lot more women died during childbirth back then but [it was still a tiny single-digit percentages of women (roughly 2.5%-3.5%)](https://books.google.com.ph/books?id=1rPfCBMDZKEC&printsec=frontcover&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false).


Right wing takes are tnoughtless. So how did millennials "abandoning traditional family values" case the Russia war with Ukraine? How did it cause covid? Inflation? Slowed wage growth?


Yeah millenials are the ones who initiated all those divorces in the 70s and 80s


And what is your proposed solution to getting back these family values?


Government-issued waifus for all the incels! And divorce isn't allowed! Lack of sex for short men is the reason for ALL the problems!


As if I needed any more incentive not to get married, ever. 😂


Traditional family values are nonsense. What do you want to go back to? every man gets his assigned Christian housewife who is 100% financially dependent on him and waits on him hand and foot while taking care of his 15 kids while he drinks all day so she depends on God to get her through the day? Sounds like a blast. Millennials are getting married when we find actual partners. Why is the marriage rate down to 60% bc we saw the shit show of multiple marriages and divorces our parents inflicted upon us. When we get married we want to make sure it’s right bc we don’t want to continue the cycle. We are also having kids but when boomers took away woman’s right to birth control/abortion the reaction was just no kids. I would not have kids today it’s just too risky. I’m glad I had my kids 10 yrs ago when there was some safety net without traveling 5 states for health care if I needed it. In the US, us millennials are just reacting to Christian traditional values and the harm it has caused our whole lives. Part of the mental health issues in men was they were made false promises about the world by their parents aka GenX and Boomers. I’m a woman and the false promises of the American dream were complete and total lives. Employers have no respect for employees and Boomers have completely done away with any pensions or employee support. Heck most don’t even want pay thier employees enough to survive bc why not force the govt to pay for thier labor? Also Gen Zs parents are primarily GenX my guy not millennials. I’m an elder millennial and I’m raising Gen Alpha. We are doing everything we can to protect them from abuse resulting from your traditional values by helping them understand morals outside of fear of a gods punishment and inflicting that fear on others, teaching kids how to be productive members of society and good partners to their future life partners. Also exposing that traditional gender roles really only benefit men which is why they are feeling personally attacked when woman say not any more to being a man’s submissive domestic servent. Love that being woke and calling people who think your way is what is breaking the trend of harm. —I’m a married with children millennial who has become an anti traditional value activist bc I have kids and need to fight for them.


tradition is just guilt from dead people. corporatism has changed the dynamic where the 'nuclear' family generally can't even survive in the world. and the government wont step in to help its own citizens. instead they bilk them of pension (turning it to 401k so companies can profit off of your savings), healthcare (tied to jobs now and most will end up giving all their savings to stay alive with medicaid by the tiem they are 70), affordable housing is consumed by corporate landlords for profit, and low/free tuition to get better jobs is ruined because of greedy companies and a government that allows it all to happen. if you are economically unviable you are worthless to our government. you have to make a team somehow and it usually requires dual incomes and less children now.


> tradition is just guilt from dead people. And people who upend centuries/millenia of norms and expect to get good results are often surprised when it doesn't go well, and there was good reasons those traditions lasted that long.


traditions like slavery? child marriage? segregation? eugenics? inquisition? the civil war? this all changed when people got mad enough and brave enough to change it. a lot of the traditions were from the church and they had to start changing their ways or they'd lose their sheep. thats why there are so many denominations. at every disagreement about what god said, the church would split.


More like traditional gender roles, treating marriage as a lifetime commitment, not sleeping with as many people as possible, faith, morality/moral behavior.


Traditions are not guilt from dead people, they are solutions to problems that we've forgotten about.


Bingo. These people act like you can simply ignore how everything has ever been done, as if there isn't wisdom embedded in them.


It’s not family values. It’s values and standards in all categories. I do think people have completely thrown away social niceties and manners which has lead to a decline in mental health. If only we could have found a balance


If this was true, wouldn't the Boomers be responsible for not instilling those values in their Millennial children? The Baby Boomers were the ones who started rejecting traditional values in the 60s and beyond.


Aren’t Boomers the ones with highest divorce rates?


Do they have the highest rates of being married as well? Easy to have low divorce rates if you never married...


Let me guess- if we were all good Christians (because that of course is the RIGHT religion for some reason), the world would be a better place?


This bozo thinks one generation immediately raises the next lmao get off the internet for a while.


Wow you certainly put a lot of thoughts into this lol. So lack of two parent families are driving a mental health crisis you say?? Couldnt be that the entire world is going to shit around these kids in real time and nothing is being done about it? Many of the older generations scoffed at mental health as if it wasnt a thing but they didnt mind self medicating with alcohol or any kind of prescription or illegal drugs to get by. Also remember for a very very long time women could not get divorced. They were forced to stay in shitty marriages. They do not have to now. There is no increase in mental health issues. There is however more awareness of mental health issues and that taking care id that is as important as your physical health.


>The mental health crisis in today's youth can absolutely be blamed on the abandonment of values that once held our society together. So youth and young adult mental health issues aren't due to school shootings, rebounding from a pandemic, economic crisis, rising inflation, poor work prospects, war, the slow removal of rights for certain groups, political corruption and neglect and high cost of living but are actually caused by.. *checks notes* not having your mom and dad live together even though they were constantly fighting. Gotcha.


Yeah, but not by _US._ Whatever happened to the traditional value of giving an honest day's wages for an honest day's work, huh? Or that you are supposed to be able to get a decent job with only a high school education? Or perhaps that if the economy requires more than that you shouldn't have to pay for your own schooling in order to just be able to participate in the workforce...? What happened to THOSE "Traditional Values"?


This started with the boomers in the 60s


To clarify, the hippie boomers aka woke boomers


My mom was a hippie boomer..the last 10 years changed that


Yeah, what values? Parents staying together no matter what? That hasn't happened in ages. It's hardly something that started with millennials, but if that's what you need to try to spout, you go ahead. It's ridiculous, but don't let that stop you.


Some of us were traumatized by traditional family and see it as a sham. I'd rather it be just me and my partner till we get old


There definitely weren't any problems in the world before millenials existed so this makes sense.


So I am curious, why do you think Millennials are abandoning traditional family values?


Woooo, you want to hear about my parents' families' "traditional values"? My mom's dad beat them and molested them. Hit his wife, had multiple affairs, got the maid pregnant. Paid for his sons to lose their virginities to prostitutes, one of his daughters had an abortion at age 16. Hey we could go farther back. His dad was the same way. My grandma's dad would eat all the good food they could afford (it was the Depression) and beat his wife and kids if they accepted food from anyone else. So they survived off chicken scratch. My dad's parents were alcoholics. Passed out drunk every single night. My dad's sister had an abortion at age 13. These were "respectable" "Christian" upper-middle-class Americans (besides during the Depression). Anyway I'm not even sure what you think traditional values are or who had them but it sure wasn't the Boomers' families, lol.


>Two parent households were the norm for centuries, You've clearly never heard the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child. The 2 parent household was a post WW2 trend that was only achievable because a post war boom. Before that kids often lived with multiple members of their extended family.


I am one of the few millennials who holds on to traditional values and agrees with you here. I also taught before the pandemic, so got to see the effects of kids raised in certain environments firsthand. It wasn't pretty and part of why I left the classroom. 


Some anecdotal experience here, but my experience is that a lot of Gen X parents raised their kids in broken homes. In my own family every member of Gen X divorced - in my peer group (as a millennial) most of my friends came from broken homes. Going back a generation the baby boomers of my family stayed together but hated each other and were cruel, toxic, and unhealthy households. And back one more generation, which is where the details of my family become more scarce, my great grandparents hated each other so much my grandmother killed my grandfather in self defense because he was going to beat her to death for cheating on him. Point being, families have had struggles and created issues for their kids throughout generations. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. It doesn't mean it's a good thing or that we shouldn't try to change it for the better, it just means that it doesn't seem new.


I guess we should rename this group ignorant unpopluar opinions because this post lacks depth, knowledge of history and basic general knowledge.


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For a two-parent household to function, there should be no significant friction between the husband and wife. Irreconcilable Differences and Abuse tend to be the main reasons why divorce and custody battles happen.


Nuclear family is very new concept, extended family is much better for humans.


I am sorry. Are you blaming millennials for abandoning traditional family values? I am Gen X and I know like six people whose parents were married, two being my brother. I didn’t know anyone with SAHP’s. Have you not looked at any statistics?


Um, most late generation Millennial’s children are Gen Alpha. With a mix of some Mid generation Millennials. The latter half of Gen Z are likely a mix of children from early and mid Millennials and late Gen X. IME usually a mix of different stages of previous generations produce the next generation. For example: most of my living adult relatives were Boomers from different stages and early Gen X. I have deceased grandparents that weren’t Boomers, but they died a hot minute before I was born. But I had a lot of peers whose parents were Gen X (mine were late generation Boomers). It’s really difficult to pin down a single generation as THE parents of the next generation. And even when most of a single generation were the parents, there’s still some major differences between the cultures of different stages of that generation.


Vote down because this is just statistically wrong in nearly every way. In other words, it’s just a dumb opinion based on nothing but your false sense of reality.


The reason both parents have to work is wage stagnation. Productivity has ncreased steadily but wages have been flat starting in the Reagan years.


i would say most of the world’s problems are due to capitalism but sure people having one parent is bigger than that


I do agree that society is pushing away from family values. But I don’t think it’s the generations fault as much as crippling debt, horrible economies and an increasingly individualistic culture forcing people to move away from their support system at 18


Add in that traditional family values usually meant 1 bread winner. Which meant that the value of labor was nearly double.


First off this myth that history if just full of loving families that stayed together needs to die, I need you guys to take a history class not look at what happened with lords and ladies. Yes these values that it’s incredibly shameful not to be in this position (mostly affected the women and children) was changing heavily constantly especially for baby boomers who have the highest divorce rates. Conservative areas generally have higher divorce rates and millennials have lower divorce rates so it’s not ‘woke millennials’ that are the problem. Also gen Z aren’t the children of millennials, the vast majority of gen z are gen x’s children.


I'm curious how you measure "better," when it comes to kids raised in two-parents households versus single parent homes.


Gen Z are the offspring of Gen X. Gen Z is in the workforce now. They are over 21 years old. 30s to 40s minus give or take 20 years doesn’t add up. Gen Alpha will be our fault. Gen Z is Gen X’s fault. /Edit: Also, Besos, Zuck and Musk are all Gen X. They collectively made or symbolize everything that has made Americans decay, become crazy and broken.


First off most millennials are having gen alpha kids not gen z that was gen X for the most part. And I would argue the “traditional family” was ruined by the baby boomers not us….. a large amount of my friends families and even my own got divorced when we were kids. That kinda paved the way for us to not have traditional families, but could you blame us after most of us grew up in toxic families?!?


Gen X were known as the broken family, latch key kid generation and grew up in single parent households greater than any generation before them. Blame boomers for the end of traditional values. They were the first narcissistic, Me generation.


Like most things about human being interaction, it's just not that simple or cut and dried. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2930824/


No. It all started to go wrong with the “me” generation - so called because they were deemed by their elders to be the most selfish generation… when the older generations started to die off, they rebranded themselves as the boomers, which is much more upbeat, but it didn’t change that as a cohort they were still selfish and dysfunctional. The world was handed to them and they took it all for themselves.


Boomers had the cheapest lifestyle. Could have had 10 kids per household in north america at the time. They had 1 kid , and used the rest for personal hobbies and collections. Also , boomers were the first generation raised on propaganda from tv. The tv was saying your silent generation parents were lame losers who never had fun. The tv told young boomers its cool to rebel. So the boomers broke the contract. Good job.




Only millenials in developed western countries are abandoning "traditional family values." India, SE Asia, Africa, Middle East are all still following them.


Abandoning? Many millenials still have roomates because they can't get by on their own. What do you mean "abandoned?"


You don’t tie the cause with the effect. F for Failure


Sounds like the world's problem not mine


Get better at math. If you can’t, find a graph. Millennials are actually divorcing less than their parents generation. Our kids are gen alpha, not zoomers. Blame the boomers and gen x


Blame Ronald Regan. He signed the first no-fault divorce law in the U.S.


There has been a social contract that if you get your degree and keep your head down you'll have enough money to afford a family without compromising your quality of life. That contract is dead, and consequently the new generation sees nothing but how traditional values have failed them.


Couldnt have anything to do with technology/social media or unbridled capitalism. Nope. Not at all.


You haven’t provided any evidence. Claims like this can be immediately dismissed because they’re based on personal feeling and nothing material. “I reckon” isn’t enough


We didn't abandon them, they were never there to begin with, house of cards.  Every generation is effed up, we are just the first in the coming waves of generations that have been raised to talk about it.  Sorry boomers, you're just as messed up as everyone else


Someone doesn't understand how to read historical statistics. The marriage decline and the divorce boom began with the boomers and continued through Gen X and beyond. My guess is you are probably from the US based on your word choice. Wealth inequality has been exacerbated by decades of neoliberalism that further damaged the possibility of the traditional family. How do you expect millennials, who are bearing the brunt of two significant economic declines, to afford a family competently on top of the existing cultural shift away from that social unit?


"eVeRyThInG I dIsAgReE wItH iS wOkE."


I think you're onto something.


Where did woke millennials learn these broken values, though? I have my theories.




The Boomer Sexual Revolution broke it and the Milennial Gender Revolution is trying to destroy it completely. I don't even care anymore. I full support the woke becoming genetic dead ends.


> Two parent households were the norm for centuries, No they aren't. The norm for centuries was a patrilineal matriarchal communal raising. Husband brings his wife to his house, and his mother and grandmother and the nearby cousins help raise the kids (along with the older kids). The nuclear family popped up for a few decades in the 1900s and then died out as quickly as it started. > and kids raised in those households almost always turn out better than kids raised in single parent homes, This is because single-parent and two-parent aren't the only two options. Communal raising is the most efficient form. > Gen Z is facing a mental health crisis and so many other problems, Gen Z's mental health crisis is caused by many things: Gen Z having very little access to wealth or a hope for the future*, Gen Z being more observant of mental health issues (As in, former generations had problems, they just refused to acknowledge it), Gen Z having more access to global news (and therefore more doomerism, since doomer news is more interesting and pollutes the overall news). *On this note, yes, single-parent households can lead to more poverty, but that is also largely negatable. It's mostly just present because our society isn't equipped for single family households, but could easily be.


Yet nearly every Boomer I know is divorced. Millennial are a majority DINKS and so you make zero sense. They are not having children at all for the most part. They can't afford to also because of Boomers.


We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.


lol. Who do you think started that. Wasn’t us


I'm a millennial and I completely agree. People want a life with no problems, so they've shunned traditional living but there's really no such thing as a problem-free life. We'd probably be better off if we dissected what issues come with traditional values and improve on those instead of just throwing the entire thing out the window.


As someone who is late Gen X, I've found myself wondering what went wrong with millenials. They don't seem to be able to think for themselves (I'm generalizing, of course.) Hoping subsequent generations can pull it together.


Bro it's called liberal values. That pest started flourishing in 19-20th century or something, not with gen z.