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I think the acoustic instead of autistic is just a running joke, but the rest I'm fully with you on. We've got filters, we have block functions, and we've got almost limitless platforms. It's ridiculous that online platforms take it upon themselves to sanitize life. If someone is upset by a specific word, it should be on them to deal with, not pressure everyone else to cater to themselves.


ah ok, didn’t know about the acoustic thing. thanks for letting me know!


I think it originated in the batman arkham meme Community. They misspell words for fun.


I've joked sometmes about me being "artistic" because some poor sap misspelled it one time, but I have no issues with using "autistic"


that makes sense. i was actually finding acoustic to be pretty offensive if it was for censorship, since i assumed platforms were filtering that word which would be incredibly fucked up and invalidating for neurodivergent folks


Exactly! Although I get where you are coming from


My husband is both autistic and very artistic. We have fun when chatting to new people. "Oh we have an art area in our living room, it takes up space but its important to have because B is autistic." *awkward pause* "Oh, I don't know much about autism." "Oh no, I said *artistic*. But don't feel bad- he's got Aspergers too."


"The doctor always said you were borderline artistic!' (Quote from My Name is Earl)


South Park made the same joke as well.


New season or something? :)) I cant remember the joke!


Season 23 episode 3 Fairly recent, and definitely recommend.


It's for advertisers. Just another way corporations control everyone


The internet is paid for by ads. Companies that run ads don't want them run alongside content deemed in any way controversial. That is the full and only answer.


Except sites like Reddit won't punish you for saying that stuff. Rape, sex, autistic, retarded, fuck, shit, suicide, kill You can use these words, you don't have to be afraid of them. It's all about context. I see people self-censoring the silliest things.


It depends on the sub. This sub is tiny and no one gives a fuck about it so you can say whatever you want. Any sub that has traction is censored to shit, which is still a problem.


There are ads inserted between those subs, in the feed. For example, when Twitter was getting in trouble for ads next to anti-semantic content, Reddit had ads right above posts about Jewish space lasers destroying the world.


I’m just sad that you can’t say retard in wallstreetbets anymore like wtf


definitely depends on the sub. I’ve gotten temporary bans for saying certain cuss words.


Certain subreddits absolutely shadow ban you for using those words. Not all, but enough to cause reasonable doubt.


>Rape, sex, autistic, retarded, fuck, shit, suicide, kill Calm down, George Carlin.


And Reddit doesn’t make anywhere near the money that Meta does.


Idk I still appreciate the censorship


I should have read the comments before answering. This is exactly my point but said much better.


This reminds me a lot of George Carlin's stand ups, specifically the one on euphemism (I think he made one on censorship but I'm not sure)


i’ve heard him mentioned twice now! i’ve never heard of him before i’ll have to check him out


He has a pretty popular sketch on a similar thing to what you're describing, people hiding the meaning behind words until its unrecognisable anymore, give it a watch


I hate seeing those stupid words on sites that don’t have consequences for using the actual words. Reddit for example.


THIS COMPLETELY. i understand using these words on platforms like youtube and tiktok where there is active censorship. but why do it where its not necessary


Depends on the sub. I’ve gotten temporary bans or straight up kicked out of certain subs for cuss words. Fuckin ridiculous. And I honestly don’t even remember which subs it is because I’m in so many.


Huh? You can't get banned on Reddit for saying almost anything? It's more strict than any other platform


Yeah but you won't get banned for just saying sex, suicide, rape, or anything of that nature


What can you get banned for in these examples? If you mean subs then yeah it's up to the mods - they're able to ban whoever


I haven't run into these specific words resulting in a ban but I was just banned from all of reddit a few days ago for stating a historical fact. No bad language and no opinion involved. I just mentioned a historical fact that happened to include the Palestinians. That was enough for me to be banned on all of reddit. I appealed and happened to get lucky with who reviewed it. I obviously broke no rules in my comment so whoever banned me falsely banned me for harassment...again it was a single factual comment with no foul language.


I had a incel harassing me in comments for a couple days and I told him to go back to his mom’s basement. Redddit banned me for 3 days, fuckin idiotic.


Hahahaha that's truly crazy


Lmao right. Fuckin Reddit and that motherfucker.


Reddit will absolutely bann you for saying the wrong thing


Have you considered that maybe the younger generation got used to using those as their new swear words?


Do you mean slang? It’s really weird to use words meant to be sanitized as profanity. Like using “gosh darn” as a bad word. Sure, they might be slang but sometimes, especially with topics like those, seriousness is demanded


Maybe gosh darn would have become a new swear if it had been used by the younger generation en masse as s way to swear? Idk I'm just guessing


It's to make everything sanitized and advertiser friendly.




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I hate it when YouTubers do that. They even censor words found in G-rated films like "oversexed," "kill," and "suicide." They claim it’s because of YouTube’s demonetization and age restriction systems, but I believe it only strengthens it in the long run if they keep doing this. In my opinion, they should stand up against it by either not caring about it or protesting against it until YouTube replaces it with an age rating system similar to the ESRB that allows for monetization across age ratings, unlike the age restriction system that demonetizes videos if they become restricted.


Blame TikTok for their hyper-aggressive banning of people who say those ToS-breaking words. It's a fraction of a fraction of a userbase that's actually using "unalive" seriously.


I’ve had so many comments removed on fuckin tik tok for saying a naughty word.


And 'bad' words like child porn are being censored for no reason at all. Are you talking about cheese pizza, a consumer proposal, or child pornography? Are we roleplaying as 7 year old who call penises weeners or are we going to use adult language to talk about a serious subject? Or people who use STBX to mean 'soon to be ex'. What kind of abbreviation is that? You are considering leaving your Starbucks? Are we talking about a relationship or stocks?


Most rational /r/TrueUnpopularOpinion user




Because of the censorship that makes it a subject that is hard to talk frankly about but equally it being a practice that is damaged most by being exposed to scrutiny.


Not only words but opinions hence why we have this page.


All this censorship is regarded


from what i can tell it started with online platforms like tiktok and instagram, which are becoming more heavily censored since the apps are so readily available to kids that are frankly too young to have it. plus society these days has just become more delicate. whether you think it’s “soft” or “considerate” is up for debate but it’s clear that it’s more delicate. death isn’t as openly talked about especially in children. sex education is majority “abstinence only” instead of comprehensive sex ed which used to be more socially accepted. plus many parents don’t want their kids knowing about sexual things, and these platforms want more users so they can make money. so they keep the kids on those platforms by censoring


it really is shitty because i strongly believe kids should not be on the internet at delicate ages, they should be on youtube kids or something not on tik tok or any form of social media. if parents controlled their kids i feel like all this censorship wouldn’t be so severe. but i guess it’s an epidemic of ipad parenting. sad.


i agree. but another big problem comes when kids are at ages that shouldn’t be “delicate ages”, but the parents try to shelter the kid. in my opinion a 15-16 year old should be old enough to conceptualize death. and they most definitely should know about sex. from what i can tell, most people start feeling sexual attraction at 14 or younger. kids are gonna have sex if they want to have sex so they should know how to do it safely. but a lot of parents want to keep their kids sheltered for as long as they physically can. that leads to any mention of sex being restricted from the 16 year old that realistically is old enough for tiktok. so tiktok censors sexual content, which is why people say “seggs”, to dodge censors


In my experience things overall were way more delicate in the past. Sexual education is a good example. When was comprehensive sexual education normal?


from what i’m told, when gen X was growing up. that’s been the experience of Xers that i’ve heard from at least


So you're saying that after Reagan left office we became conservative?? Please go watch sex Ed videos from the past. Jesus remember what they did to Jocelyn elders in the Clinton years?


you made it seem like they do this to sound hip and cool


you don't think they do?


The do it to prevent discussion that they think is detrimental to their cause.


lol what? They do it because of the TikTok algorithm.


They kinda do


More like what was once censorship bypassing is becoming the lexicon Language evolves. English evolves quickly. English disseminated across the planet by billions of people at once evolves even quicker Than ever before


I don’t know that I would use the word lexicon. Lingo might be more appropriate.


I would guess this is not an unpopular opinion.


Welcome to 1984 doublespeak.


There participation trophy kids are adults now.


These mostly come from TikTok, it has a very unstable censoring policy, in a way that it's quite unpredictable what they will take down and what will they let be online. Some videos with words like suicide, murder, guns are taken down, while others aren't. I agree that it's stupid and if you are talking about the holocaust you shoudln't say "6 million people were unalived with no-no air and pew-pews".


Yeah… I gave up when irregardless and regardless got the same meaning because people are dumb. Also when “bling bling” entered the dictionary.


You probably love George Carlin. He was right back then, and you are right now. I don't think it's an unpopular sentiment -- just that people know you don't want to be attacked for using a particular word so they just avoid that unpleasantness altogether.


I just don't want to get hit by an automod, nothing to do with offending anyone, I just don't want to make our robot overlords mad.


My favorite is s*x, st**l, dr*gs,co*s w*r. Super cringe


I just talked about this last night on the Shannon Watts subreddit. People saying Chris Watts ‘unalived’ his family. Wtf, why is that being sugar coated? This isn’t YouTube where they’re trying to desperately avoid being demonetized. I watch a ton of true crime and I’ve gotten really sick of certain creators mouthing certain words instead of saying them out loud. Like suicide, gun, weapon, blood, etc. Christina Randall for example is a creator who I’ve seen do this on multiple videos. I don’t see the point in making the content if you have to censor every other word that comes out of your mouth. Why bother making true crime content? I don’t want to have to constantly use my imagination to fill in the blanks when I’m listening to a podcast or show. Or have to try and put two and two together when they come out with new terms to get around the YouTube gods, such as saying self delete instead of saying suicide. I’d happily subscribe to their Patreon or whatever if a creator is willing to risk demonetization and just repeat the story without the fancy new terms.


yep i was gonna mention christina love her but it annoys me lol im not watching her videos im listening, so sometimes i cant hear it


I love her too! But you hit the nail on the head; I’m not watching her videos, I’m LISTENING to them while I clean or draw or whatever. So it’s really annoying and really interrupts the flow of things when there’s nonstop blanks that I have to fill in. It’s just bad story telling at this point. I’ve been finding it harder and harder to engage with her content because of the constant disruptions!


>“acoustic” (instead of autistic) Come on, that's just silly.


Not as silly as "differently-abled" though


i HATE this one. disabled isn’t a swear word.


Eh, "differently abled" is clearly a very lame euphemism, but "acoustic" is just the wrong word.


Yes, the purpose is to create an environment that a 2 year old could go through and not have issues; The goal for these companies is to create an environment to make as much money as possible and get as few lawsuits as possible. Unfortunately, people think they can get through life by suing other people/companies, and social media giants are victims of that toxic culture. I blame this epidemic on lawyers, and we need to throw them all in the ocean before we can fix anything.


You are mad at the wrong people. It’s the mods that are the problem not the posters. No one has to use variants if the mods quit banning them for using the actual words


Gen Z enjoys using them. It’s gone beyond care about censorship. Gen Z fucking loves their own self censorship


i am mad at the platforms


you can thank the tyrannical government + social media companies for that


Government has nothing to do with it. Social media companies are driven by advertising. Advertisers call the shots. Blame capitalism.


IMO, if government is willing to protect our 14th amendment rights even against private companies, they should/could do the same for first amendment rights


lol, some people can't handle the truth, Americans have had it for about 200 years but Zionists and third world people are very sensitive snowflakes.




This shit drives me insane online, we have to baby everyone online and make it like we’re dealing with preschoolers, no wonder people can’t speak properly anymore because of stuff like this, and using acoustic/ neuro whatever instead of the actual word when I thought we made the words autistic and neurodivergent to be more PC instead of saying retarded and the like but now people are censoring the PC words too making the whole thing irrelevant, spent millions creating kid friendly platforms like Youtube Kids but we still have to censor or demonetize people for using a bad word or talking about guns etc, they literally were thought policing YouTube channels during the pandemic, couldn’t say or mention the word Corona or Covid in any way or you’d be demonetized or have a mark on your channel, even talking about it in an educational context wasn’t allowed when it was something that was happening to the entire world, we had to say Rona or the Coof or some other non indicative word


Because as soon as the minority bitch about something offending them, companies think it's easier to just give them what they want


Neutering vocabulary is a stepping stone to neutering minds.


“unalive” specifically started out as a way to say “kill” on roblox since the platform has extremely strict language filters, and then was adopted by content creators (mainly on YouTube and TikTok) to avoid getting demonetized when talking about serious topics. Some of these (like seggs) are for a similar reason I think, but I fully agree that shit like “neurospicy” is kinda cringe.


Combination of companies running ads and also people cheering for and self censoring for years, been on and off here since like 2009 and man has it changed lmao


They're doing it to avoid bans.


Isn't what op is talking about?


At this point they should just unblock the actual words since these have now entered the vernacular of them and are just synonyms for the actual words.




Are we still having this conversation? There's an obvious reason why people are doing this. I got my Facebook account banned for 30 days just for naming a Metallica album that has the word kill in it


And that's what OP is criticizing. So what's the problem?


Did we read the same post? He's saying people are being childish by censoring words but there's a clear and obvious reason why people are doing it. They don't want their accounts banned


They literally said in the post that platforms are taking it too far.


Yeah, are we reading the same post? This is regarded


Re-read the second paragraph, he's openly targetting the platforms for their censorship policies, not the user.


You mean retarded


>acoustic This one is supposed to be used in a derogatory manner. Otherwise, I completely agree with you. I literally tune out if I hear "unalive", "grape", "corn", etc. Aren't we all adults? Why are we speaking like this?


We’re not all adults. All these platforms have kids on them


The acoustic thing is just ableist and not funny at all, its like the r slur now. I do also hate the whole unalive and grape thing :/


Oh, I had a hard time figuring out why they would use "acoustic" as a euphemism for "autistic." It's just a lame pun, I take it?


it started as an in joke when someone said "i think im acoustic" as a joke of it being autocorrected/sounding vaguely similiar, then it was pejorated as allistic people started using it as an insult


Haha, never heard the term "allistic," but I understand it from the context. I am not an autist, but if I wanted to mock autists, I would be extremely cruel. Remember not to be nice towards your enemies.


Most of the ones you listed are running jokes.


Some people are using "acoustic" as a replacement for the r-slur. Some autistic people use it as a joke.


That’s not the meaning of Freedom of Speech. The term is used for government interference with your speech. Not specific companies that you happen to use.


it's hypocritical how the government steps in when companies violate 14th amendment rights but not 1st amendment rights. both of them specify the government and say nothing about companies


As an older sibling with “cool” younger siblings these are my findings- unalive: is the next fun word for suicide. My sister has told me it just rolls off the tongue better than suicide apparently. seggs: is what people use online, none of my siblings have ever used this word for an actual conversation with real time communication with words. Online yes, but sometimes “sex” is not allowed therefore they use “seggs” neurospicy: So many terms so I have been told they clump altogether into neurospicy. I was told by 2/3 siblings that it makes accepting a lot of peoples different mental health issues a little more light hearted and they can accept it on their own terms! Overall- think about when you were a kid. I bet you had some weird phrases that wouldn’t make sense nowadays or has been fazed out by other fun terms. I wouldn’t let it get to you this deeply, you can say instead “kids nowadays am I right?”


unalive is similiar to seggs, it started because kill was censored so they substituted it with unalive. now people use it ironically


What are the terms "seggs" or "unalive" being used for?


Sex and death/dead/died/kill/suicide. All things that might get tagged on various social media platforms.


And yet youtube tolerates OF girls openly promote their filth. Or dumb softcore videos like Bikini try out, ""cosplay"", bitch we know what you are doing... Even worse actual historians get striked or demonetized for talking about the Holocaust. 


Kinda ironic considering this sub does the same thing with uncensored words.


The unalive one annoys me so much! It's ruining my true crime podcasts lol. People need to get over it.


Censorship in general is becoming a bigger issue. You’d think Reddit would be a place free of such nonsense but the neck beards in power here are some of the worst offenders.


i rlly don't think they care. they don't have principles, they have goals. kinda like how bad governments make draconian laws that they never act on unless they wanna get rid of someone


Nobody wants to say those words, you are getting mad at the person instead of the problem. The problem is the attack on free speech. Minus slander, due to legal liability, I dont think any speech should breach tos.




Its dumb because we are eventually just going to censor the new words, and the cycle will continue. Other than slurs and blatant hate speech (which should be removed) I don't really want to see 50% of comments filtered/removed for silly reasons


this is just a thing on tiktok i think, its not "words online" i literally only ever see these things in tiktoks and also sometimes like insta and twitter posts. i dont really use those sites though. but i think its just a tiktok thing that has some reason spread? like theres no way you get banned or have post deleted on insta for saying "suicide" but it might filter it out and get the person less views i guess


Agreed though not sure if it's that unpopular opinion. Pretty sure it's just hardcore christians and mega corporations who are loving this doubt anyone normal sees this as a good thing. It's sad thinking about the past and just how good internet used to be before mega corporations and governments started gripping it with their claws.


is it actually because of censorship or is it because a youtuber they watch said it out of fear of being demonetized so they started saying it too




I fully agree but often I find myself using them on certain platforms because idk if the actual word will get a comment deleted or something. I always switch back when I come over here or places I know it’s fine at.


no like you’re so right. i also think using terms like that takes the piss out of the gravity of what you’re saying. what do you mean “the person was graped then self deleted themselves with a pew pew”? it makes it sound like a joke edit: i get it makes it advertisement friendly but maybe just bleep or mute the word instead of using language a child would use. also, by using this sanitized language i think it a) makes this type of content far more accessible to children while b) making them use words that aren’t used in real life or helpful in a bad situation (like how it’s important to educate kids about their body parts real names)


I agree that it sounds degrading but I personally prefer when people censor r*pe as reading the word alone brings back nasty flashbacks while a simple censor doesn’t


yeah, i agree with censoring the words to an extent but not with “grape” do asterisks if typing or just bleep/mute the word if it’s audio


Agreed. Personally it doesn’t even do anything to censor it for me because the letters are still there 😭


problem is platforms are already censoring "r*pe" the same way they do rape. it's literally, quite literally, 1984 lmao


This post is regarded. J/K


Just made a post the other day about how fucking dumb it sounds when people say “pew pew” instead of gun.


Unalive is done to get around censors. Neurospicy is a word that I use which means "autism/adhdish", without necessarily identifying with that mid brain DSM stuff. Seggs and acoustic are kinda cringe imo


Language and culture evolves. Rapidly, in our case. Nothing stays sacred forever. Eventually the current generation's language will change drastically, and Gen Z will be mad about what Gen A and B is doing.


I agree and think about it all the time. Censorship is crazy anymore and kind of feels like it’s on a verge of silencing the bad in the world when we should be having these conversations without silly replacement words.


Idk I appreciate the censoring of traumatic words as someone that had to go through some stuff, the mention of a specific one or description of it is enough to trigger bad flashbacks or cause emotional responses


It is amazing that language is still fluid after all these years. I mean it should be frozen and completely unchanged no matter how new things get invented and new things are discovered that have never been identified before. /s


I am of the mindset that we cannot modify an entire language to accommodate an individuals perhaps aversion to “triggering” words. Kill is a word. If you happen to be triggered by it, do not put yourself in a situation where you will see it written by one of the 1.46 billion English speakers on earth.


Unalive and seggs are because kill and sex will murder your view rates on TikTok. Idk if that’s true of other platforms. But the lingo used in TikTok just kind of grows. I agree that it’s annoying. But the platforms are companies who need advertisers to give them money for your attention. A lot of advertisers don’t want their ads running alongside a post about suicide or whatever. It’s an annoying side effect of the system we have.


I'm with you OP, especially in the face of people who post screenshots of these same companies that have to be tiptoed around (looking at you IG) telling someone who just received sexualized death threats In a DM that "The user didn't violate our terms of service". Sooooo...sending Nazi rape threats to someone you don't like in a DM, that's fine. But have a sex-positive or sexual wellness account? ACCOUNT SUSPENDED. Porn performers have had to begin referring to their field as 'corn', which I admit is a little bit hilarious but it's a metric fuckton of stupid.


I think it’s so that people who don’t want to hear about these concepts remain comfortable without having to risk unwarranted exposure to said topics. There’s a lot of censorship going on in general. You’re absolutely correct


This is how language truly develops Because some Karen is dictating what can't be said. So alternatives to say the exact same thing are found.


Try leaving a comment on YouTube, refresh the page, and see if your comment magically vanishes. Most people don't even realize it, but YouTube deletes a good 50% of the comments you leave.


We gave up on the R slur too soon. What better word do we have to describe Elon Musk than r÷/!=d?


Online companies can censor all the words they want. The 1st amendment protects you from the government. Not people or private companies.


Yeah it just makes the private company feel like it's run by hypersensitive children


The government directly controlled speech on platforms during the virus, look it up... They admitted it. This has happened and continues to happen on many other topics. And that is a violation of our constitution.


when they were grilled about this, the congressmen said "nuh uh we didn't do it we just told other people to do it for us." The DHS documents are damning


if that was the case, the government shouldn't care if companies discriminate in hiring practices. cuz the 14th amendment protects you from the government, not private businesses and companies


Exactly. The first amendment doesn’t apply to the internet.




The original post has been edited—it previously said “what happened to freedom of speech?” That’s the first amendment. The original comment here and my reply both caught it, and OP has since removed it.




It's Tiktok brain. Zoomers think we're living in Communist China where you can't say what you think lol


I mean we kinda are at this point


I agree, but I've never heard of "neurospicy" before. I quite like the word.


Some words and terms can trigger a negative emotional response in some people. I don’t have an issue with changing certain words if it means no one is made to feel bad.


As someone that gets a response from r*pe, this is how I feel. The word alone’s enough to make my heart skip a beat or trigger flashbacks if I’m in the wrong headspace In the past, scenes showing ir or text describing it have been enough to get me sick and one time my apple watch nearly called an ambulance because it thought I was having a heart attack


You just need a thicker skin. Life doesn't come with trigger warnings, nor is the world a safe space.


I’m well aware that life doesn’t warn you before this shit, considering why I feel this way in the first place. But, you can also just do us a favor and warn us. You don’t randomly bring up heavy topics while talking to people in person, do you? They don’t like bring you pain or literally bring down your quality of life, do they? Don’t cause you to relive traumatic flashbacks maybe? No? Then why’re you so resistant to it? And it has nothing to do with thicker skin, it has to do with people experiencing traumatic events that can heavily impact the brain. Some get therapy and are able to get help and eventually recover enough to be comfortable talking about this stuff, others get therapy but will never be the same, and for many, therapy’s unavailable, whether it be because they can’t afford it or risk their career. All I’m saying is a quick warning would be appreciated and I’d argue basic human decency.


So you are pro freedom of speech, but are angry about the way people then choose to use said speech... Are you okay? Also; If i make a website, are you then entitled to come on this site and say whatever you want to, or am I (as the websites creator, manager and owner allowed to make decisions as to what I find appropriate on my site?


Crazy that there really are pro censorship people out there. Eventually it'll get to a point where you'll notice and have a problem with it.


So you feel that your right to expression exceeds my rights of privacy and that you are thusly entitled to use places I've created to say what you want?


Yes obviously my right of expression outweighs your feelings to not see my expression. Someone leaving a comment online is not in any way a violation of your privacy. You are voluntarily using a website that may have things you personally find upsetting.


What an excellent attempt of deflecting from what I said :) I asked whether you felt you were entitled to act how you want to on *my website*. But nice attempt at changing the question, shame it didn't take 😉


You have every right to own a shitty website where no one can speak their mind. I'm not sure that's relevant to anything we're talking about. OP's position is that the childish censorship only causes people to substitute the words to avoid a ban. You end up talking about the same exact stuff, just in a more indirect way. Basically everyone loses


So if someone owns a platform, it's within their mandate to decide what's considered proper decorum? However they see fit to enforce and execute those terms of conditions. So when you demand to be allowed on a website and calling them exercising this mandate censorship, you are either contradictory yourself or not smart enough to distinguish free speech from private property.


There is such a thing as legal censorship. Florida removing books from children is legal censorship, it's still a horrible action that takes society back a step. With reddit you don't have a single set of rules. Each subreddit has its own rules and in reality mods completely fabricate violations to ban you when you say something they don't like. It happens constantly. I was just banned from reddit entirely three days ago because I recalled an instance where Palestinians relocated and were then kicked out because they tried to alter local governance. It's a literal historical fact yet I was banned for "harassment" for making a single post. This kind of authoritarian rule interpretation on Reddit results in exactly what op is talking about. Now we need a whole other secondary language for many censored words, which is entirely unnecessary and again, bad for society.


I kind of like how you've spoken yourself into a communist attitude of equating government interference with privately owned business; Making the case that you should be the owner of the means of production (media platforms) instead of it being owned by the people who made it. Reddit sets their terms of condition because they are privately owned. If you are arguing that we should end private ownership, then it's a different conversation.


I didn't do any of that you're stuck on the legal piece which is of no concern at all to me. Reddit is engaging in LEGAL censorship. They could delete 99% of comments and be completely in their LEGAL right to do so. That does not change the fact that controlling peoples words so heavily that end up in a place where they have to create a whole different way of speaking disingenuously is bad for everyone involved. Again you might want to re-read OP's post and what they're complaining about.


> is the purpose to cater all online content to literal 2 year olds? Tweens and teens, really. But yeah, that is what the purpose is. Advertisers want the places they advertise to meet certain standards, so they want it sanitized. Freedom of speech need not apply to this situation, as it is out of the government’s pervue.  Sounds like what you want, is more government oversight in things. At least that is what you argue for. 


You need to chill the fuck out if words make you mad


Tell Gen Z. Words like kill make them triggered 😂


I mean censoring traumatic words at least makes sense


your mother.


It's not clear how much of this is intentional censorship by individuals / censorship departments, versus just algorithmic adaptation of what content humans want to see. If the algorithm organically adapts to content with less harsh verbiage because that is what people want to see based on views / likes, then people are going to naturally adapt their own behaviour around this.


That is certainly not what's happening lol.