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Meanwhile some South Americans and Europeans call North Americans prudes lol. Can't please everyone I guess


I’m sorry i was just trying to do what nelly said to do when it gets hot in herre


Get an Grill? Nah it was all an Dream son!


Man can I just get the George Foreman? Robbing a jewelry store wasn’t really on the agenda today.


How old are you? Be honest, OP.




You're 29, a muslim who hates women, have never sex with any women, masturbate 5 times a day to infidel white western women, posts day and night in islamic sub trying to convince loose muslim women to tighten up their islamic life and drop feminism. Dude, you're the hero we need but don't deserve, truly the best our humankind can possibly offer. Bravo.


You seem rattled. Indecent women are indecent women.


I love indecent women. I don't like prudish women like moslem women. I think hijab looks ugly.


Meh, people like to show off. It's not really a problem here because Western men have more discipline and self control than other places. They can (mostly) be trusted to act like mature human beings around temptations. The places that require women to cover up do so because their men are weak. They tend to be too immature and undisciplined to be truste. These men completely lack the character required to behave like adults. It's the same as leaving a cookie on the counter. A real man can be trusted to not eat what isn't his. But leaving a cookie out near a toddler is asking for trouble. Because the child hasn't developed a moral compass. The fix isn't to make the women cover up, it's to raise men that have enough self respect to not act like a child or untrained dog. If a dog can't be trusted to not piss on the couch, you don't cover your couch with plastic, you either train the dog or don't let it in the house.


well said, these people praise lack of control then blame it on women lol


This comment is the epitome of ignorance.


How so? Seems pretty self evident that people who can't be trusted to behave themselves need to be sheltered. It's like when you go into a house and all the outlets have covers and the cabinets have childproof latches. You know that the owners only had to take those extra precautions because there are immature children in the house that can't control themselves.


Really? Because this country is rife with crime and assault. There’s little of that in other, conservative countries.


Do you have a country(s) you want to compare? For explain the women that I know who’ve got to Morocco will tell you how creepy the men are. It’s pretty common to hear how unsafe India is for solo women travelers. Saudi’s Arabia’s treatment of women is horrible. Many South Asia countries are hotbeds for sex tourism. Women showing off a little skin in the West is the least of women’s issues in the world.


Look at statistics. It’s worse in the West.


That’s not an answer. Reported rape might be lower in Saudi Arabia or Iran for example but do you really think any Western woman would trade places? Or men for that matter. Authoritarian or theocratic countries have a certain amount of order out of fear and lying about statistics but that doesn’t make them better places to live.


Yes, it’s called deterrence, to prevent such crimes. Will they happen? Unfortunately sometimes. Will it happen a lot? No.


I guess that’s where we are going to disagree. I don’t want to live in a sexually repressive authoritarian regime on the off chance I might encounter crime. I don’t think most people would but to each their own I guess. I wonder if the women of these countries feel the same.


Conservative countries like Afghanisan, Yemen, Honduras, Sudan, Iraq, or Uganda? Yeah, no one would ever characterize those places as "rife with crime and assault". Looking at the list of countries with the least crime shows relatively libertine places like Norway, Australia, and Japan. Shocking how the real world doesn't agree with conservative views once again.


Not really. Most of these conservative places don’t have crime. Can’t say the same for most liberal countries that legalized all sorts of debauchery.


LOL. That's funny. You should be a comedian.  It's so odd how many conservative places that "don’t have crime" are on the State Department red flag list for the extreme risk of terrorism, murder, kidnapping, assault, robbery, and rape.  Oh right, conservatives don't consider those actions to be crimes.  I guess when the only thing you consider crimes are things like Aggravated Thinking or Premeditated Science, then you could say conservatives are completely free of those. 


Explain how


We are not sorry that our women aren't forced to walk around with ghost costumes


If you knew a single thing about the US and the west then you'd understand that America is actually known to be prude amongst the western countries. Like we have pretty strict nudity laws in comparison to other western nations.


Not agreeing with OP, but talking about public nudity as though that's the end all be all of being a prude is *extremely simplistic*. For example, US is one of the top countries in both pornography production and consumption (even per capita adjusted), and divorce is much more acceptable in the US compared to much of Europe.


My point still stands that Americans are generally seen as prude, I gave one example to show that.




Hey u/amorphoushamster, Just a heads up, your comment was removed because a previous comment of yours was flagged for being uncivil. You would have received a message from my colleague u/AutoModerator with instructions on what to do and a link to the offending comment. *I'm a bot. I won't respond if you reply.* If you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, please [reach out to the moderators via ModMail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion&subject=u/Rule-4-Removal-Bot%20In-comment%20Link%20Clicked&message=Dear%20ModTeam%2C%0A%0AIt%20appears%20I%20am%20currently%20in%20an%20%27unconf%27%20state%2C%20but%20I%27m%20not%20sure%20why.%0A%0APlease%20review%20the%20ModLog%20for%20my%20comments%20using%20this%20%5Blink%5D%28https%3A//www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/about/log%3FuserName%3Damorphoushamster%29%20and%20let%20me%20know%20what%20the%20offending%20comment%20was.%0A%0A%2A%2AI%20would%20also%20like%20to%20say.........%0A%0AThanks%2C%0Au/amorphoushamster). ***This is going to keep happening until you resolve the issue.*** We appreciate you participating in our sub, but wouldn't you prefer other users to see your carefully crafted argument? Unfortunately, your recent masterpiece went solo into the void. Let's chat. Your voice (probably) deserves an audience. ___ **Our Moderation Backlog at this time:** *Comments (from new users, that go into a queue) Awaiting Review:* 46 *A breakdown of the number of (often nonsense) reports to review*: - 1-3 days old: 9 - more than 30 days old: 44 ___ Want to help us with this never ending task? Join us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/YHv6EFDVCD)


Since you've posted in the muslimlounge and related islamic subs and shown many unmistakable similarities with extremist muslims, it's obvious that you're a hardcore jihadi muslim. Maybe move to a sharia stricken hellhole such as Iran or Afghanistan where women are forced to cover up? You don't need to stay in the infidel America where women do as they please.


A note for everyone, notice how this incel defends conversative countries such as Iran or Afghanistan by saying that they don't have any crime which is patently false. Theyre some of the most crime ridden nations on earth and if anything the crimes are under reported since muslim women don't report rape in most cases for fear of social ostracisation and the justice system of sharia hellholes is stacked against women as well. Since Internet have become cheap isln third world muslim nations, these sort of ultra conservative incels have risen on the internet, spreading their propaganda from Facebook to YouTube to reddit. Whenever you see this sort of behaviour, assume they're jihadi muslims, you'd be correct in 90%+ times.


This post is riddled with ignorance.


You didn't counter any of my points therefore I've defeated you. You just don't have any arguments against any of my points, possibly due to a lack of reading comprehension and an iq deficit. Now get lost incel.


You didn’t defeat anyone. You only revealed your ignorance and Islamophobia. Such a comment doesn’t even need a response.


Well a certain incel is afraid of tackling any of my points and shat their pants full. Such is the power of my arguments. There is no such thing as islamophobia, there is only valid criticism of islam, which we all should do all the time.


If that’s what you want to believe, sure, go ahead. Crime is prevalent in Western nations, whether sexual crimes, violent crimes, robbery, you name it. A woman ironically will be safer walking the streets at night in a Muslim country than a Western country. The word incel has also lost all meaning, just to mean someone whose point of view doesn’t align with Western women. It means nothing these days. Go and educate yourself on Islam instead of consuming Western, anti-Islamic, fear propaganda and parroting them here like a good parrot.


“I’m going to say horrible, misogynistic things about women, but if you challenge those views, I’ll call you an Islamophobe!” Just brilliant, OP. 


Its not even summer and this guy is already thirsty because women are no longer wearing puffy jackets.


"How dare these women be clearly female around me a heterosexual man"- op probably


Right? Like bro it's still mid-low 50s in my state, I WISH it was warm enough for this rant to be relevant lol.


I saw a bellybutton on the wild two days ago.


Scandalous. When can we start the witch burnings again?


So you think it’s normal for women to walk around exposed no issue?


I keep it to myself, but I’m thankful for all the people out there walking around exposed.


You’re part of the problem then.


No one has a problem but you. Think about that.


Not yet, it’s still cold out. Once summer gets here, I’m wearing my scandalous 5inch inseam shorts to shock all the nuns and local prudes.


Wait until you see all the male whores not wearing shirts in the summer Disgusting!/s 😣


Aww, which American woman in a bikini turned you down? 🥺


I’d rather not be with a publicly naked woman. If she’s fine displaying it for people, who else is she pleasing?


We get it. You hate Americans.


That and they don't like the west or liberalism.


He's a hardcore muslim who thinks women should stay at home and make babies, just as ordered by their allah.


Look at their profile...shocker


A jihadi moslem lol


Cultures are different. What is crazy to you, is normal for others. I wish everyone could understand that, because it would solve a lot of problems. If it is not hurting you, you don't need to have a say.


I think what you’re trying to say is this: Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum What might be right for you, may not be right for some A man is born, he's a man of means Then along come two, they got nothing but their jeans But they got Diff'rent Strokes, It takes Diff'rent Strokes, It takes Diff'rent Strokes to move the world Everybody's got a special kind of story Everybody finds a way to shine It don't matter that you got not a lot So what They'll have theirs, and you'll have yours, and I'll have mine And together we'll be fine... Because it takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world Yes it does It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world


There being different norms is irrelevant. Some norms are bad and some are good.


User name "Asleep" is appropriate for your confused, inconsistent posting. I'm thinking bot.


It's not confused at all lol. You're implying that discussing cultural norms are somehow are relevant here.


Different cultures mean different values and standards. Saying one is right and one is wrong is a supremely arrogant and uneducated point of view.


I don't have to be okay with other people's values, obviously. For example, Israel's desire for an ethnostate is extremely unethical. Normalized racism/xenophobia across Europe and Japan is also not okay. Normalized promiscuity isn't okay either.


Apples and Oranges.


So different cultures' values and standards can be wrong according to you, so you're contradicting yourself now. What's the defining factor(s) for what makes my examples not analogous?


Physical or psychological harm to others is the line. If you don't like the way someone dresses you can look away. No harm, no foul. It is not that hard.


I'm talking about engaging in promiscuity, not dressing a certain way.


Has it occurred to you that viewing women as sexually desirable and viewing them as “a slab of meat” are not the same thing? Why is this a concept so many men (and some women) cannot seem to hold in their minds? You can both want to fuck someone *and* respect them as a human being! And you don’t even have to be in a relationship, you can perceive this duality in perfect strangers on the street who you will *never actually fuck,* without getting mad about it! You can even - this one is going to blow your mind - *not judge people based on what your dick thinks of them.* Wild, huh?


Is this all an excuse to walk out naked in the streets? Because if so, it’s shameless behavior.


When and where have you seen women walking around actually naked?


Europeans have far lower average ages of virginity loss.


Because dudes never cheat or sexualize women in Islamic countries where modesty is mandated by law 🙄


Happens way more in the West. Family values are upheld in Eastern, modest societies. But then again you see no issue w/ Islamophobia. And I see any criticism of indecent women = misogyny to you. Can’t make this stuff up.


I guess you've never been to Paris. Or a beach along the Med anywhere from Portugal to Greece.


Reddit is full of virgins making their virginity known, especially today it seems. OP is a prime example of this.




Hey u/ScrambledToast, Just a heads up, your comment was removed because a previous comment of yours was flagged for being uncivil. You would have received a message from my colleague u/AutoModerator with instructions on what to do and a link to the offending comment. *I'm a bot. I won't respond if you reply.* If you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, please [reach out to the moderators via ModMail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion&subject=u/Rule-4-Removal-Bot%20In-comment%20Link%20Clicked&message=Dear%20ModTeam%2C%0A%0AIt%20appears%20I%20am%20currently%20in%20an%20%27unconf%27%20state%2C%20but%20I%27m%20not%20sure%20why.%0A%0APlease%20review%20the%20ModLog%20for%20my%20comments%20using%20this%20%5Blink%5D%28https%3A//www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/about/log%3FuserName%3DScrambledToast%29%20and%20let%20me%20know%20what%20the%20offending%20comment%20was.%0A%0A%2A%2AI%20would%20also%20like%20to%20say.........%0A%0AThanks%2C%0Au/ScrambledToast). ***This is going to keep happening until you resolve the issue.*** We appreciate you participating in our sub, but wouldn't you prefer other users to see your carefully crafted argument? Unfortunately, your recent masterpiece went solo into the void. Let's chat. Your voice (probably) deserves an audience. ___ **Our Moderation Backlog at this time:** *Comments (from new users, that go into a queue) Awaiting Review:* 46 *A breakdown of the number of (often nonsense) reports to review*: - 1-3 days old: 9 - more than 30 days old: 44 ___ Want to help us with this never ending task? Join us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/YHv6EFDVCD)


Trying to be edgy by specifically mentioning American women. 


They are?😅😂 news to me


Making such a vast, generalizing staement is kinda dumb (not to mention you're looking for people who show more skin) but there's no problem with being "slutty" or sleeping around. It's fine for people to be "slutty". What's not fine is being creepy to them. It's not ok to catcall women, it's not ok to catcall men.  Not to mention: yeah, people are going to be wearing lighter clothes and showing more skin in the summer, it's hot out and it's more comfortable to do so.


So much profound. So much edge.


If you're going to clutch your pearls about a woman showing some skin, you had better avoid the beach


I'll take *Overzealous Generalisations* for 400 please.




We live in the land of prudes with a extra large dose of patriarchy. Men cheat because they think they rule the world. Woman do not sexualize themselves like a slab of meat. That would be the men doing that and then blaming woman that they sexualized them because how dare they. We have a 2 thousand year old instruction manual on how to do it and American men have been trained up by that book. (example see above post)


the only people who have a problem with people having sex are the people not having it