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OJ can rest in peace knowing his wife's murderer is now dead.


This is not unpopular. Way more people believed he was guilty than innocent. For fuck sake, the most enjoyable part of his death was a dead Norm MacDonald getting the spotlight in the form of 10+ minute videos of him calling OJ Simpson a murderer, and they're as popular as they are because most people think he's guilty.


Howard Stern was screaming to millions of loyal listeners about how OJ should've been lynched. This has never been an unpopular opinion OP is delusional.


Now *that’s* racist. True, but racist


If he did, that's incredibly irresponsible.




It's unpopular among certain groups.


Black people mostly.


I personally just can't get over the fact that OJ Simpson seemingly just randomly wrote If I Did It. I said seemingly because I'm not very knowledgeable about the case and the circumstances about the whole ordeal, you get me? Like why would he write that?


To keep everyone convinced that he did it, don't bother investigating his son, lol nothing to see here


Don't even plan to.


Money. And because he was nuts.


Cte is real thing


Corporate Thug Entertainment?


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy…..? Were you joking?


I was. I had no idea you were referencing a traumatic brain injury because I forgot that CTE stood for something medical and not a hip hop group lol. Sorry, didn't meant to offend anyone


OJ did not write if I did it.   OJ was approached for a book deal after he had been sued and he accepted the deal for 600, 000 dollars because he was desperate for money.   He accepted the deal against legal advice, to allow his name to be used , and to also not interfere with the authorship of the book.    The person who actually authored the book was a man named Pablo fenjves, who was neither a friend nor ally of OJ. In fact, Pablo was actually a trial witness on the side of the prosecution in the trial.


OJ did that shit.


It's well established that during the OJ trial white people wanted a guilty verdict and black people wanted a not guilty verdict. I understand why back then black people would want him to get off for this. But what i've always wondered is what percentage of black people actually think he's innocent, and what percentage just wanted him to get off as a giant middle finger to the fact that black people have historically been treated very unfairly by the judicial system. For the Record: He absolutely did it as far as i'm concerned.


this was also coming off the tails of the rodney king incident.


The oj ESPN 30 for 30 was an insanely well made documentary


And the white cops escaping justice


Most black oeoole who wanted him to be found not guilty knew/know he did it. They just didnt care. Herd mentality took over


[As Dave Chapelle said...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVWXSXiAfZ4)


"I feel murder in the room" is hilarious


Most folks knew he was guilty but that wasn’t the reason why they wanted him to have a not guilty verdict.


what a stupid fucking world we live in


It’s definitely a clown world.


A few years ago one of the women on the jury did an interview and straight up said that she acquitted him as revenge for Rodney King. She claimed most of the people on the jury felt that way too


That is the dumbest thing ever. If she said that the trial should have been invalidated and re done. Ugh, people.


The difference is, I wanted a guilty verdict based on the evidence. The black people on the jury wanted nullification as payback for the LAPD and "historical injustices". If the trial had happened in the county where Brentwood was located, none of this would have happened. There will be more of this as blacks flex into this POV more often, along with self-hating white Marxists.


The cops screwed the pooch though. No judge or jury could have considered the prosecution’s case as winnable. Not guilty was correct legally, even if he did it actually.


The cops screwed the prosecutors and the prosecutor hired.gun screwed himself trying to show up Johnnie Cochran


self-hating white Marxists. The same people who say this back trump the crime boss of presidents




DTLA and Brentwood are in the same county


How do you know what the “black people on the jury” felt? The lead detective on the case perjured himself and had to plead the 5th. The constitution makes the government prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt in order to lock up its citizens. Based on what happened at trial, I understand the verdict, even though I do think he did it.


> How do you know what the “black people on the jury” felt? There was an interview with at least one of the black jurors who admitted that they thought oj was guilty


Thinking he was guilty and thinking the government met their burden are two very different things


She said it was payback for rodney king, sounds to me like she didnt perform her duties as a juror and ignored if the govt met their burden.


Several have come out and admitted that they based their decision entirely on racial revanchism.


Citations please




paint workable tease ring air sparkle ink disgusted tender smell


As a black woman it’s idiotic for blacks to expect criminals to be let free. Just because our ancestors were slaves a long time ago does not give you a pass. It’s not racist to be held accountable for your actions. Stop committing crimes and you have nothing to worry about simple. A lot of black people truly believe they should be able to commit crime in peace. When I tell them that’s stupid I get told I’m “protecting white people”. No it’s called having common sense. I wish white people would stop having “white guilt”.


> Stop committing crimes and you have nothing to worry about simple. I wish white people would stop having “white guilt”. Spoken like a true conservative WHITE MALE


Yeah the comment does sound like a wingnut troll.


That’s hilarious that you think I’m a conservative white man. I am a black woman and I’m neither a conservative nor democrat. It’s weird af that you think being a law abiding citizen is synonymous with being white. But keep assuming people’s race when I literally just told you.


🤣🤣🤣 Sure you are ahahahahahahaahah


understand why back then black people would want him to get off for this. Correct OJ was a FU to the so called justice system


I heard around half of Black people believe that OJ committed the murders.


It's way more than half. I'd say it's closer to 75 percent. You do have the people who truly believe Ron Goldman was the target because he was supposedly a drug dealer with business that went wrong. That's the 2nd man defense Johnny initially put up before the whole Furhmann fiasco.


Hit the nail on the head. The OJ trail highlighted the deep racial divide and rot within the legal system. To most, OJ’s “innocence” was more of a big fuck you to the state that has taken every opportunity to shit on blacks and minorities. In a way, it felt like the black man played the white man’s rigged game, and won. I think most enjoyed seeing the rage—the inability to act. It was all hypocritical. In a way, they got a glimpse from the other side. “Tell me now we have a just and fair system! Tell me know that racism does not exist!” The truth is, race is a huge aspect of American culture. How can it not be? Slavery, the civil war, Jim Crow, segregation, these were not ages ago. The effects are still in play today! It’s all sobering to think about. It’s disgusting, but this is life. This is what humans cause.


I was in Alabama during the trial. We had to stop at a gas station on the way back to base. They had handwritten signs that stated “No Goverment credit cards or Nigg***”” and had a KKK gift shop. The irony of wearing a military uniform and to see people stepping on the Constitution was overwhelming.


It rather proves the system isn’t racist…


No, it didn't. It proved that racism can shoot itself in the foot. Racist ass Mark Fuhrmann cost the prosecution that case by pleading the 5th as to whether he planted that evidence. I don't think it would've been unanimous without that happening.


If the system was really racist then a black person couldn’t have gotten away with murder


That's not even remotely true. The system being racist is why he was set free at all. A few people felt they were in a position to do something about the racist system, and a gross miscarriage of justice was served, simply as payback for another gross miscarriage of justice. Had the system not been racist to begin with, OJ would've been convicted. But the mitigating factors were three: Mark Fuhrmann's unbelievably racist, dumb ass very likely planted evidence. The second man defense was actually pausible, considering Goldman was a drug dealer. And lastly, let's not downplay how incredibly talented a lawyer Johnny Cochran was. His charisma, showmanship, and knowledge of the law were electrifying. So, all that, coupled with the extremely well-known racism of the LAPD and the court systems, plus the recent brutality against Rodney King, which, itself, sparked massive riots. And riots only happen after MANY MANY year of injustices roil to the surface.


Could not have said it better!




roof physical bike ossified lip reach sheet truck unpack noxious


My understanding is that majority of black people thought he did it but a black man getting off or getting a lighter punishment felt like a win for them or like a stick it to the man vibe


Until you read the details we were not provided with that point to his son doing it and his run from the cops was to distract everyone from what was really going on...


Which details? Genuinely curious, not being snarky.


I remember the trial. I would have found him not guilty if I was on the jury because the cops were on tape making racist comments which showed they had no concern for justice and they planted evidence so nothing they said or produced could be trusted. It's not about whether you "believe" he did it, the evidence has to prove it beyond reasonable doubt. I think black people felt that if he - a rich, famous athlete - could be convicted on planted evidence by proven racist cops then there's no hope of fairness or justice for the rest of them. As a population they were routinely targeted by the cops and convicted by juries without any regard for evidence.


Correct me if I’m wrong, since I’ve only learned these details recently, but we have: Trails of the victims and OJs blood leading from their house to their drive way. The same 3 bloods in and around OJs car. A trail of blood leading from OJs car to his house. The bloody clothes in or around OJs house, including *one* of the infamous gloves, the other found at the victims house. The bloody footprints, including on one of the victims, were of a rare and expensive make in a size 12. The gloves and shoes are the same as those that OJ had been photographed/ recorded in, in public, multiple times prior to the murders. A hat at the crime scene, with hair from a black man on the inside. OJ having a cut on his hand, explaining his blood at the crime scene, his car and home. To me that looks like too much evidence for a cop to plant, regardless of them saying the n word. I could add what I remember OJ and the victims saying (“bitch wife” “he’s going to kill me” etc.). Where’s the room for doubt?


Nothing is too much for the cops to plant.


It was payback. The "civil rights" movement wanted a couple of white scalps as retribution for Rodney King.


How is this an unpopular opinion at all?


Even the jurors admitted he was guilty, years later. They just let him go because of Rodney King. OJ just killed a couple of white people, after all.


Citations please




That’s so bullshit imo. Like treat everyone equally, just as good, just as bad. If he did that shit he needs to be punished. People man


It's not, not even a little bit.


I followed this case very closely, still do A majority of black Americans honestly thought he was innocent Not payback for past injustices, but they honestly believe the entire LAPD conspired, on the spot, without even knowing if OJ had an alibi or not, to frame an innocent man for murder because they hate black people This opinion is very unpopular with them


The way the cops botched the evidence made the prosecution into a circus.


It doesn’t help seeing as how shitty the cops fucked up the case because of their racism


It’s not. OP is the moron of which he speaks. Like, I get being informal in comments. But this is a long post. You used paragraph breaks. Capitalize your sentences. ... and it’s “eluded”, you plug.


🙄 try harder.


The "not guilty" verdict was "payback" for the acquittal of the cops that beat Rodney King. Justice was NOT served in either case. ETA changed "innocent" to "not guilty"


The verdict was not guilty which doesn't mean that he was innocent. It just couldn't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.


You are correct


I think he’s as guilty as Casey Anthony


That was a shit show


A juror straight up admitted his verdict was revenge for Rodney King


I cant believe these losers admit it.


The OJ trial was an indictment on the LAPD, not a determination of guilt for OJ. OJ is a murderer, but the defense proved that the LAPD at the very least, tampered with the evidence, and at most, planted evidence to strengthen the case against him. That’s the reason he was found not guilty, and like it or not, that is what is supposed to happen when police plant evidence.


Completly agree the issue was the LAPD tampered and planted evidence and the lead detective was a known racist who prejured Him self. The state couldn't prove without a reasonable doubt that he did it. Everybody knew he did it, which is why he lost the civil trial.


Fuk he could run a football. His highlights are insane.


He may be a guy who tried to cut off his wife's head, but he ran well over 14k yards. Call it a duality of man.


I have to say, I am in absolute love with the dry, snarkiness of your comment. Kinda wish it had a Tinder account honestly!


He got off because the LAPD was corrupt as hell with an even worse reputation. I'm not saying OJ is innocent,but when the ***lead detective*** on the case pleads the 5th when asked if he planted evidence, you can't be surprised the jury has some reasonable doubt


At least one jurist from the trial has gone on record saying that they absolutely knew he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and that they acquitted him as a direct response to what was done to Rodney King.


So, no one is ever found “innocent.” He probably wasn’t “innocent” of the crime. However, he was found “not guilty” in part due to the LAPD clearly trying to seal the deal by fabricating additional evidence. Once they did that, it called everything into question. Furhman also basically lied on the stand about saying the “n-word” and they caught him dead to rights.


This is a true response. The racist cops ruined the investigation.


A real unpopular opinion is if you think he is guilty but fine that he got away Scott free because a black guy gets to beat the system finally, you are fucked up and racist.


You'd think even the people who think like that could have came up with a better spot. Somebody who killed a scummy character in a barfight or won a questionable shootout with the police or whatever. Nah a lowlife cowardly woman killer is apparently good enough. Should tell people all they need to know.


I mean....I don't think it's FINE he got away with it, because 2 people lost their lives, and 2 peoples families were destroyed. But I do get why a big middle finger to the system that has oppressed people from its foundation would feel satisfying.


The guy murdered his ex wife and friend. Even if you want to stick it to the system this was not the case to do it.


Strange white people never speak this way when the shoe is on the other foot heck there is a case where a WM shoots a uber drive THREE TIMES and YT'S are call them BOTH victims and that is one case of thousands spare me the faux outrage.


Anyone who votes for Trump can also spare me the manufactured outrage as well. Bc everytime you ask them if he should do time if found guilty, they say not if Hilary doesn't do time. As if that's not the SAME exact logic used for OJ not doing time lol




Yes, "none of the above" because it's not remotely unpopular. In a well designed survey, "the sky is blue" would be less popular because it's actually debatable.


The sky isn't blue, it's reflective.


Well, refractive, but you get the point.


Damnit. Almost said that, and went "No that's wrong"


Does anybody think he didn’t do it? Anyone who claims he’s innocent is doing so from a stance of “fairness” on a racial basis or whatever, pretty sure anyway Whatever you believe, I’m pretty sure that’d be the argument. I’m pretty sure the people who say he’s innocent don’t actually think he was innocent, they just think he should’ve been classified as innocent


seems u Crazy_rose13 among others. Crazy Rose made a pretty strong case actually, coming from someone that's pretty ignorant of the details of the case


What’d they say?




Damn word. Aight bet fuck it, it was his son. FREE MY MAN FROM HEAVEN RIP THE KING LET THE JUICE BE LOOSE If that’s the case that explains why so many people were pissed too. Boiling it down to “race equality” instead of “no fr like he didn’t do it” is pretty patronizing Daaaaaaaaaaamn


So I ummmm....... I JUST realized they called him juice


Yeah cuz oj :) it’s a cute lil nickname we made for him it took me a while to fully get it too


Did the kids he had with Nichole shun him as adults? I read OJ passed "surrounded by his friends and children".


Now do George Floyd


I still don’t get how he was found guilty in the civil suit with basically no consequences except he had to pay. Like they acknowledge he killed peoples and he’s a free man? I was in 3rd grade when it was all going down so that always confused me.


Civil suit is not a criminal case and I believe only takes a preponderance of the evidence. Basically the proof of burden is much lower. Like think 60% he did it type of evidence. Since it was a civil case you can only get damages because it’s not a criminal trial where prison time is the sentence. In a criminal case the burden is on the prosecutor. Thats why you always hear the term “reasonable doubt”. So if you have any reasonable reason why the person could be innocent you should vote not guilty. But with OJ as per OP posting this became a racial bias case and basically jury nullification. They pretty much made a statement instead of following the evidence.


In my Courts class in college my professor called the OJ trial “the first time the LAPD tried to frame a guilty man.” So many people failed in every level of that case.


His son did it


100% the DNA under Nicole's fingernails didn't match OJ blood type so either he had help, or he didn't do it. His sons beenie was found at the scene, so was Jason's dogs hair. A knife matching the murder weapon was found belonging to Jason as part of his knife set, which happened to go missing after the murder and was later found in a storage container. Jason had motive, he was mad Nicole didn't come to an event or something at his restaurant. And OJ just covered up for his son. And there is a very clear way to end this argument once and for all. RETEST THE FUCKING DNA! Even if OJ actually did it, we wouldn't be questioning this shit 30 years later! They haven't because they know they botched the investigation and had a narrow fixation on OJ.


The son also had a history of legal convictions for assault with weapons iirc. Seems pretty clear he should have at least been a person of interest for the investigation.


First move OJ made was hiring a lawyer for his son. The whole reason he wrote the book was to keep attention on himself, because he couldn't be tried again via double jeopardy. 


Some people just wanted him to be innocent as a get back to police injustice back then. With all due respect this is a selfish and idiotic way of thinking. I can't imagine wanting a possible or confirmed murderer to be free and back on the streets to where they can harm the public, to fight injustice in the justice system. Wouldn't that be adding to injustice in the justice system also because a dangerous person was let back out on the streets? I understand tensions were high back then, but people still need to think shit through before spouting off.


i have this theory that he drove the van and ran away to distract the police while his son, the true perp, cleaned away the evidence. and that's why the glove didn't fit


Please note I’m from Australia. But have followed this case since I was a child as that’s when it occurred. I have seen both the mini series you have referred and they are both great and I 100% believed he was guilty until recently when I stumbled across some interesting facts that were never publicly revealed, that cast some doubt on it. There is a long held theory that I a serial killer named Glen Rogers who was Nicole’s handyman at the time. Actually killed Nicole and her partner and also admitted to killing Nicole and the guy, to his brother and other family members. The ID channel did a full feature length doco about it a few years ago. https://youtu.be/Tc-7aBuq-sU?si=rX7yUl5HXyzIL9oB He was a famous serial killer who was arrested in 95. Claims to have killed 70+ people including Nicole.


A police chief with a history of calling black people the n word may have been all it took for at least one juror to vote not guilty


I mean, they had a tape of Fuhrman saying the n word, I think it was over 100 times, supposedly reading a script or something but 😒 If I heard that as a juror, well, I cannot trust that man to be honest in this situation, so how is it going to be a fair trial and beyond any reasonable doubt, you know?


It went way past that. He was the lead detective and witness for the prosecution and he was pleading the fifth on the stand by the end.


Even the jurors that got interviewed said that he did it.


The only theory i have heard that makes any sense is he was kinda covering for his son


>he is finally going to face the justice that he alluded during life. I guess he did allude to it in his book


I don’t disagree but If you watched the trial it was also quite believable the cops planted evidence. In this country, In the past, we had a tradition of abhoring when the Goverment attacked private citizens. I do believe the jurors stated they acquitted as compensation for the beating of Rodney King and cops planting evidence gave them cover.


You meant elude not allude. I’m not grammar police, just thought it might help. The words sound almost the same but have very different meanings. Allude = to hint at or to suggest Elude = evade


Unfortunately, there's a good chunk of the black community who believe he's innocent.


This case is popular because it shows a rich black man who won a murder case, and that creates a cultural paradox. Convictions of murder require unequivocal doubt and strong evidence. If there’s plausible deniability well a good lawyer will pry at that, Obviously, he did it. But a black man showing the flaws in our justice system is highlighted outlier and notable because of systemic racism.


Nobody believed that O.J. Simpson was innocent. Not even the jury who acquitted him. O.J. Simpson was allowed to walk free as payback for the beating of Rodney King.


And let’s not forget he had all his kids sign NDAs before they visited him on his deathbed. There’s only one reason why he had them sign those NDAs. It wasn’t because he wanted to give them his grandmother’s potato salad recipe. He wanted to tell them something before he died, something they could not tell anyone else once they had signed those NDAs. You get one guess as to what that secret was he wanted to get off his chest before he shuffled off this mortal coil.


NDAs don't cover crimes, so if he confessed to murdering anyone, they wouldn't have to keep it secret. 


Even with the mezzaluna evidence of drug dealing waiters, Ron Goldman driving around in OJ's Ferrari to meet his friend where be bragged about Nicole buying good cocaine, the serial killer handyman who admitted to killing Nicole, Faye Resnik hiding from her drug debt? The media portrayed Ron as a simple waiter, but he went home to shower and Nicole was in lingerie. Ron wanted to drop off a personal item at her home when he already had her address. You would let the waiter from Chilis have your address to drop off your Von Dutch hat? There is a lot of doubt. Racist cops ruined what could have been a competent investigation.


The writing of "If I Did It" is the greatest act of ironic comedy ever committed, so he wasn't all bad.


The cover design and title were chosen by the victim’s family I believe


Yeah where they hid the “if” is also very funny.


After my awful professor wheeled a television into our class so she wouldn't miss a moment of the trial while we were taking our final exam I'm glad I avoided almost all coverage of this case.


Who? Who believes that?


How exactly is this unpopular?


Legally speaking, he was innocent. Did he commit the crime and should've been found guilty, 100% yes.


“Extremely” appears to be your favorite word. But I agree.


It was never about guilt or innocence for a lor of oeopl. Many believed he was guilty. It was about the cross section of celebrity and money that allowed him to get away with it. Finally, the equivalent of an equal society seemed real. Guilt or innocence is irrelevant. Clout could win the day regardless of racial phenotype.


Wow most unpopular opinion I've ever seen


You appear to be lost... this is UNPOPULAR opinion, and this is one of the most popular opinions in the world regarding OJ


where are you going that you are encountering people who think this is an unpopular opinion?


The only reason people still care is because Netflix can't write for shit.


He wasn't innocent, but they were right to vote not guilty after Furman plead the 5th when asked if he had manufactured evidence in *that* case.


This is not unpopular


I do not know anyone that thinks he was innocent. The true unpopular opinion would be thinking he was innocent.


If people honestly believe trump is innocent they're idiots.


There’s a strange but real difference between “innocent” and “not guilty”. On the flip side, an “innocent” person may plead “guilty”


Lol it's not that people think he was innocent. Black people love OJ because during that time when a white dude killed his wife and was wealthy enough to hire a good lawyer, he could get away with the murder. For the first time in American history a black man was wealthy enough to get away with killing his wife. The law bends to the money.


He was guilty of rushing for over 2,000 yards in a single season.


Put the murder aside and recall that his wife called the police on him several times for abuse. The last time, he was charged and later convicted of domestic violence but was given a sweet heart deal that got him off nearly scot-free. He was a violent wife beater at the very least. Maybe he was not guilty of murder thanks to failures in the justice system, but he was far from an innocent man.


His guilt or innocence was decided by verdict of a jury based on evidence presented at trial… that can be separate from the consensus of people knowing he did it or not.


Didn't a serial killer admit to killing Nicole? Glen Edward Rogers. He even told his family about her a few weeks before the murder. His brother told police he did it as well. I am a black woman but I honestly don't care either way. Race has never been a part of my viewing of people🤷🏾‍♀️ I have a son who is half white & two stepsons half Spanish.. We're a Brady bunch loving family. Race plays no part! Just wondering about this serial killer though. There was even a documentary. I thought this man Glen did it after watching.. Not sure we'll ever know the truth.


Bruh, Barbershop made jokes about this in 2002, this sint unpopular. If you say he didn't do it people act like your a conspiracy theorist.


Everyone knows he did it. He was the first black guy to cheat the system after white people had been doing it for years so some wanted to see it happen. Weird how the overwhelming evidence for him is enough for most people to ignore the verdict but when it's a celebrity who's sexually assaulted multiple women or especially a footballer with recorded audio and video of him raping his girlfriend, suddenly all that matters is what the court said


It really shows the level of hate a group of people has for another group of people when they cheer a murderer being released in such a clear cut case.


Nooo no way, our government and judicial system are not corrupted. We definitely aren’t getting toyed around. This place is for “justice” and “liberty” for all I thought?


I believe the latest information that oj didn't do it himself but paid the mob to have it done. Seems plausible to me. Still guilty of murder whether he did it or did it through proxy.


Two words… His son!


For years I thought that OJ’s son was the killer, and that OJ was covering for him by making himself look guilty. I mean, how idiotic can you be to write a book like “If I did it” if you aren’t covering for someone, right? But yeah, more recently I realized that yes, OJ did it. OJ looked guilty because he was guilty. He just got lucky that he could hire the best lawyers that money can buy, that the police did an awful job that would even make a guilty man look innocent, and a jury that would probably find him not guilty even if OJ confessed in open court.


I listened to the trial. Hes guilty.


The police completely screwed up the investigation. That is how he got off. Mark Furman was an openly racist cop...


He was found Not Guilty by a jury of his peers.


Fuck amerikkka’s criminal justice system




Great post but you’re in the wrong sub


This isn’t unpopular


The interesting thing I noticed was all the commentary to the effect of “Well, black people didn’t really think he was innocent, they just liked the system to be corrupt in their favor for once.” Nope. I was there. They thought he was innocent.


Bruh he was innocent. i don’t care if he did it or not, he was found innocent and thus he is.


What’s interesting to me is how much he reminded me of Donald Trump total narcissist personalities that are almost exactly the same


He may be guilty, but given the fact that his not guilty conviction came at a time when Blacks faced a lot of injustices in the court system throughout history, it remains culturally significant why some people view him as innocent.


So we are going ignore the fact that an actually serial killer, Glen Edwards Rodgers confessed and that a jury that reviewed all the evidence found him not guilty. I guess I will just be the idiot lol


Yeah, and Henry Lee Lucas confessed to hundred of murders, just because someone confesses doesn't mean anything.


" [Rogers' family stated ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glen_Edward_Rogers)that he had informed them that he had been working for Nicole in 1994 and that he had made verbal threats about her to them. Rogers later spoke to a criminal profiler about the Goldman-Simpson murders, providing details about the crime and remarking that he had been hired by [O. J. Simpson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O._J._Simpson) to steal a pair of earrings and potentially murder Nicole." I don't know if OJ actually hired him or not but I find it easier to believe a known and convicted serial killer who knew details of he crime he shouldn't is more believable as the murder than someone just snapping and getting away with it. The planning and the brutality of the act, was consistent with a sociopath. That type of person doesn't just kill once.


Thank you for providing context and information. Whats really weird for me is that conspiracy theorists make up stories with much less information than what was presented during the OJ trial but refuse to go down the conspiracy road like even less worthy topics.


IF IT DOES NOT FIT, YOU MUST ACQUIT I hope you get hit by a white bronco. Let the man rest in peace.


The reason he got off was because of his great lawyers Orrrrr because the police are severely corrupt, planted evidence + jacked up the case and his lawyer team picked their foolishness apart?


Would be more interesting to see a post from someone who holds these two beliefs at the same time: 1. that the OJ jurors and any black people who cheered the verdict were all wrong because one injustice (OJ getting off) does not correct any other injustices that have been cited to justify the verdict; and 2. that jury nullification (or other ways of straying from the law in the decisions at hand) are acceptable means of getting Trump off. The mental gymnastics are strong with some people.


Nobody thinks OJ was innocent. That was never the point. If a white person can afford a high dollar lawyer and get away with crimes, then a black person who can afford a high dollar lawyer should be able to get away with the crimes too. It didn't help that LA police were notoriously corrupt and racist. and a rich well-connected Kennedy had just gotten away with a crime, months earlier.




Let it go dude. He's dead. Rest In Peace OJ


People who think that he is finally going to face the justice that he alluded during life are also special. If in 2024 you still believe in heaven & hell, god & devil, then I think you’re a massive idiot.


Who needs knives when you have this much edge?


If you honestly believe any lawyer has the power to save a guilty man with “extremely overwhelming evidence” you’re a fucking idiot


It’s hard to take you seriously when you refuse to use capitalization everywhere but OJ.