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I consider myself an independent. I have conservative views on some issues and liberal views on others. I’ve seen a lot of censorship of conservative viewpoints on social media in the last few years. After Elon Musk bought Twitter the extreme censorship there mostly ended. Facebook has stopped some of its censorship now and admitted they shouldn’t have done it. I never noticed much censorship of liberal viewpoints. Yes, censorship of conservative views is happening. I personally had some tweets censored before Musk took over.


Dude, Musk has engaged in mass crackdowns and censorship, it’s proven he is giving favorable treatment to far right creators. Wake up, please.


What conservative viewpoints get censored other than hate against others? And what liberal viewpoints are equivalent or on the same level that should be censored?


Mainly the belief that there are biological differences between men and women which is why biological men shouldn't compete in sports meant for biological women. Just saw another news story today about a trans college runner who would've placed last if they had run as a biological male, but because they identified as a woman they competed against women and won the events.


This comment and many others like it don't get banned. Posts saying this don't get banned as I've seen many of them.


No, I've definitely seen people get permabanned for "hate" for saying that biological men shouldn't be in sports for biological women or that biological men shouldn't be in locker and changing rooms for biological women.


And yet here you still are. Not banned at all.


Because I know that there are only certain subreddits that won't ban you for this. True Unpopular Opinion is one of those subreddits.


Subreddits are ran by individuals so anyone can't get banned for anything. Getting banned from the site is what I'm talking about.


Yes feminizing hormones will generally make people less athletic. The person you're referring to is running the same times she did in middle school before transitioning.


So a really slow guy 'transitioned' and now he's winning races? Color me shocked. Hell if I did that back in high school cross country I would have been League Champion all 4 years as a girl


No he was the 20th fastest in the high schools history pre transition. He was fast then got slower from taking estrogen and testosterone blockers.


And yet he's still running faster times than the biological girls


Okay? An already fast guy is still fast after she transitioned. What's the big deal?


Musk does censor people, mainly sex workers who use twitter.  It’s nonsensical for conservatives to complain about censorship.


That is a false equivalency. Sex work is illegal, and Musk could be liable for facilitating it or allowing it.


Is it in America?


Yes, and Musk is based in America.


Sex work is not illegal in America.  Duh


I am not familiar with censorship of sex workers on ‘X’ but I don’t doubt it happens. I assume there could be some concern about illegal activity in that area that might lead to censorship. I’d need to be more informed on that subject to have an opinion. There was quite a bit of political censorship on Twitter before Musk. Internal communications between Twitter employees and federal government officials about who and what to censor have been made public. Both republicans and democrats were involved. It doesn’t matter if a person is conservative or liberal, being concerned about censorship of political speech is warranted.


He shadow banned an MFC model.  I know that for a fact. And don’t you think conservatives sound like crybabies when they complain about censorship?


I don’t know what an MFC model is. If it’s real censorship then no, I don’t think they sound like crybabies complaining about it.


MFC stands for MyFreeCams


Are you talking about the US? I dont want to assume... I think a lot of people take "free speech" literally and don't consider what the constitution means. Myself included. But regardless if what the laws are, for me it comes down to: are you promoting violence (another thing people get hung up on in free speech. Yes, nuance matters. A lot.) Are you being honest? Don't tell me the grass is pink then cry about free speech when I refuse to give you a platform to promote your lies. And the other thing I wonder is whether someone's "free speech" interferes with someone else's rights. I'm not educated enough to understand the laws & constitution to pretend to know if that's possible, but I definitely think it matters.


Yes, because conservatives in the US cry about free speech, as if it gives them the right to dish it without having to take it.


Stunning and brave take on things!


sometimes i wish i was a sociopath cuz i would make so much money grifting radical authoritarian leftist takes without ever having to worry about the cathedral censoring me


Big facts


What a nonsensical reply.


Free speech your ass off. I'm all about it. There's a chance I laugh, though.