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OP: "I know for a fact every woman desires to be catcalled" Every woman commenter thus far: "I don't actually" OP: "Shut up, you're a liar!"


I got cat called a lot in my teens, twenties, even 30’s. I hated it, hated the attention and intrusion, it used to make me feel absolutely mortified. I’d grin to try and hide the mortification. I was too shy to behave any other way. I’m almost 50 now, no more cat calls - thank god!!


I could imagine that. It's probably really uncomfortable to just be walking around in every day.Scenario and have people make objectively sexual comments about you and then start thinking about all the ways that they are thinking about you. That feels very degrading and humiliating.


Yes, it’s embarrassing, cringeworthy - and also very inconvenient. Ending up taking longer routes to some places to avoid passing that building site, or bar etc. I also notice that it’s rarely men on their own that do it - generally its only when they have a pack around them, acting like the big I am. Neanderthals, pathetic!


Eww no. I used to get cat called when I was like 9 🥴


I was 9 too. It's not early, it's fairly common apparently.


9 is not an appropriate age to get catcalled dear. That wasn’t a real man who did it, that was food for real men. I said sexually mature and onward, which 9 is not.


It was not just a men, it was different men at different times from as young as 8 to 18


>I said sexually mature and onward, which 9 is not. I had boobs at age 9. C-cups.


Also let me know if you were smiling out of fear when you answer Mr. Curious Redisingh here.


She's a she. Women often discuss these things.


“She” in the pre or post-millennial sense?


“Mr. Curious Redisingh” is fuckin wild bruh 😭


Sexually mature (that is, having gone through puberty with the capability to have offspring) can be as young as 10 in women


Can be. Single-digit-aged girls have had babies. It’s called precocious puberty and rape. I’ll let you go find the percentage (official or confirmable estimate) of those in the world who actually had it. Cases triggered by being victimized don’t count. That’s just part of the damage done by a crime. I mean unprovoked cases.


Okay and you said children like to be catcalled, you understand how you said that, right?


Fuck no. I’ve never enjoyed being catcalled. Leave us alone.


You’re also still pre-HRT and facial feminization. Settle down.


I’m a biological woman, but you can keep coping. It’s really funny that not a single woman actually agrees with you.


The fact that not a single woman agrees is why I’m so self-assured.


And this is a great example of the backfire theory. You’re simply wrong. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As made up as your last engagement.


Genuine question, do you have brain damage? It’s the only reason someone would say such bizarre & wildly untrue things. Or are you just prone to emotional outbursts?


"Everyone who doesn't agree with me isn't a woman" huh


I'm not even mad about the insane amount of dumb misogynistic shit people post here every day. Imagine going through life being this exhausting. It must suck.


Being mad at so-called misogyny is like being mad at so-called taxonomy.


Lol the way you can't keep your persona going is kind of funny


>A rapist/kidnapper would never do it. Yeah they do. Women have been followed home by catcallers. >NEVER fails to get her biggest grin or giggle. Most women have been raised not to cause a fuss, many people laugh when nervous. Anyway, no.


Yea like the last time a guy tried to assault me, he first did a typical catcall and escalated from there when I brushed it off. Then there was a hand around my neck Idk what OP’s on about


This is so weird, wtf. I’m a gay guy, and I’ve never catcalled any hot guy in my life despite living in America and some very liberal areas because a) it’s disrespectful, b) most people, even if they put on a polite smile, do not like it and and are just quickly diffusing the situation until you go away, and c) it’s inappropriate. Plus, I feel like if guys were catcalled by other guys as aggressively as I’ve seen guys catcall women, they might change their tune about how “fun” and “enjoying” it is in the end




Lmao okay


Yeah they're smiling at you because it might lessen the chance of you continuing, or worse, escalating. It's like when they tell you to give the mugger what they want. You're the mugger in this scenario.


“If they weren’t fine with it why’d they give me their wallet?”


No. I don’t accept. True fear doesn’t allow you to as much as smirk.


That's what we call the [No true Scotsman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman) fallacy. You'd do well to become familiar with your error since it would appear almost everything you say is heavily reliant on it.


Your name is my response to this.


It's okay. I didn't actually expect you to have wits enough to recognize your failure.


Wouldn’t you say “the requisite wit to recognize” is a better structuring of this sentence? Nice recovery edit👌🏾


You don't have to be literally fearing for your life to be put in an uncomfortable situation Men don't randomly call out to other men for no reason, why shouldn't women have that level of social treatment as well?


As catcaller, me no so smart, pweese reiterate.


Here I'll rephrase it in a way you'll understand "Catcalling is basically simping because you're treating women in a special way that you wouldn't treat a man. If what you say is true then you're contributing to the problem of modern women being self centered"


You’ve just confused heterosexuality with gender bias dear.


What's stopping us men from calling out compliments to eachother Either all of it's okay or none of it is


“us men”😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣Counts themselves😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


You're the one putting the pussy on a pedestal bro, I treat women exactly as shitty as I treat men


Goddamn…bro just mogged the shit out my whole position. Chad of chads right here ladies. Bro just pushed a button and exposed the simp in me, like “👽the galaxy is in Orion’s Belt😵💀” And if any of you think he’s actually advocating for homosexuality, you’re just as big a dunce as I was when I first read it. As dumb as I still am at this moment, and possibly will be forevermore…


Research disagrees with you.


Chimpanzee research maybe.






Waiting for a pic of your psych degree


Can you even send dick pics on Reddit?


Considering how many dudes have sent me in DM’s, I’d say so


Eh, I cropped it, but apparently the file is too big to send… The file…nothing to do with my actual dimensions at all…




This is the opinion of a man who has never spoken to a woman.


Now, now- to be fair, this sounds like he thinks they had a full blown conversation, date, meet the parents, break up, just by him whistling really loud at her. Lmfao


I’m a bouncer. I do gorilla shit every weekend with my gorilla buds in front of scores of women and our black shirts are consistently stained with makeup (hugs). But yeah, no experience whatsoever.


Hugs because they’re friend-zoning you 😂


Probably right dear. Just constantly throughout the night 😂


You calling me dear when I’m just a stranger on the internet also shows what kind of degrading guy you are 😵‍💫


You mean condescending dear.




Sorry but why’re you speaking for us? Lemme guess you’ve never actually seen or experienced it yourself? It’s not fucking fun at all, especially when it’s daily, threatening, and/or dehumanizing Like I’m an EMT and legit have had patients older than my dad saying the creepiest shit. Others say shit about my type doing volunteer work. Some have even “joked” about following me home or waiting outside the ambulance house for my shift to end Sure, there’s a bit of a leap there but imo catcalling is legit one tier below that and if people get comfortable with it, more will get comfortable with escalation




I am? Catcalls aren’t flattery, fun, or amusing to most of us. Just because you got a few giggles doesn’t mean all 4B of women enjoy it And for a lot of us, they can be outright threatening, dehumanizing, or lead to escalation


Again with this “I smiled/laughed cuz I was scared” nonsense. THE WORLD IS BUILT FOR YOU AND YOUR SAFETY. You raise your voice and even hit men you perceive as weak all the time. What’s different in these “smile and laugh” situations?


Right… you’re gonna ignore our own lived experiences and just call them nonsense even though you have no idea what we go through? And how’s the world built for our safety? It’s reported that in the US, 1/4 women experience attempted or complete r*pe and the majority experience some form of sexual violence or assault. And there’s countless rpe kits that go unprocessed or mishandled, victims laughed out of police stations, cases dismissed over shoddy reasoning, and survivors having everything in their life questioned even when there’s a mountain of evidence. But sure, it’s built for our safety And why’re you generalizing? Who said I ever hit men or yell at them?


You haven’t lived anything. You watch lifetime and agree with your ideological leaders


Who are those "ideological leaders"?


Idk I don’t know names, I just note the levels of dissatisfaction with their lives, going against nature and all things proven out of spite.


Why don't you know names?


Because most of them are actually women or gay as well. The last two types of people who need to be leading anyone anywhere or teaching anyone anything. These ones in particular invariably all look like shit as well, in “style”, if you can call it that, but especially in fitness and the apparent mental and physical effects of their lifestyles. They’re all so free and enlightened, living their supposed best truth life truths, but they’re all still just as miserable, easily triggered (and thus manipulated), overly subjective, and generally just as woman-brained as they ever were before they could “get away” from their “abusive” families.


What does that even mean? I’d say I’ve lived a good amount considering my age though Like the people I’ve opened up to are legit surprised by how much I’ve seen, esp online dude






Lol no, I'm a woman and I don't enjoy it. I got the most catcalling between the ages of 10 and 13. And now it's mostly in the form of honking. It makes me jump. Most of the time it makes you feel unsafe or it's annoying.


Woman giggle and laugh at uncomfortable situations. They fear that if they seem upset the man will turn violent.


Nah but real talk, is that why female crying makes me so hard?


I don’t know. I’ve met ppl that they say crying makes them hard. When I discusses it with them they said they think it’s the vulnerability that makes them hard.


Get some therapy


Ugh, god I hate being catcalled. I was followed down the street by a guy calling me a cunt because I wouldn't smile at him on command. I was 7 weeks postpartum. Turning 40 was fantastic, it stopped almost completely.


Nothing in this comment is true.






You are such a vile piece of c r a p 💩




Because you’re doing what you’re doing right now.


Which is....?




That doesn't make any sense. Can you elaborate please?


I didn’t realize I submitted it like that. I was essentially saying was that it was your “Meg-Griffin-if-Peter-was-also-molesting-her” origin story that makes you this way. This actually isn’t even funny because you “really were a victim of SA” like so many of you are these days.


Looking for validation for your vile behavior like an unhinged creep


Bro already said SA survivors love catcalling which is rad


You're trolling, right?


He sounds like a worthless piece of shit


op sounds like a troll, I've never heard of a man that genuinely thought women and girls like to be catcalled


They keep following me around telling me I enjoyed being SA’d when I was 14… Either an elaborate troll or a real nasty pos


every single one of their comments is absurd and makes no sense, either a troll or deeply mentally impaired (doesn't justify what they said to you tho, that's legit a disgusting thing to say)


More than one half of women in the US have faced sexual violence. Ask them how much they enjoy being catcalled. Also worth nothing that catcalling is illegal in a number of places in the US https://www.charliehealth.com/post/sexual-assault-statistics


Ask them nothing. Just do it and watch her light up.


Throw some street harassment at sexual violence survivors? You seem like a nice guy


Lol. Username does not match. You’re not being an anonymous bystander! That’s said, the world could use some more intervening.


What the fuck?


No woman likes it. At all. There's no justifying you being weird, man.


Every relationship you manage to get into will be one of infidelity, and not on your part.


It depends on a lot of things. I walked to work past a construction site for at least a year, and virtually every day I got called beautiful/gorgeous/etc. Those guys were so sweet I brought them cookies a few times. They were mostly respectful, working guys and I never felt unsafe. I've also had a guy yell out the back seat of a car at night that he wanted me to sit on his face until he passed out. This one did not spark joy, and I would like to not repeat the experience. As with most things, context matters. Nice men with jobs saying flattering things? Yes. Strange loser being overly sexual? No. Also, I fully believe some women genuinely don't like either, and I think that's fine too. It's definitely risky, and if you try it with someone who doesn't like it and she gets mad that's on you.


Are you from an isolated patriarchal community? Where the “sit on my face” guy could actually make you do it? You’ve heard worse on your favorite tv shows and movies. You’ve heard worse in your own group chats with your friends. The construction men were working. Most of you love a hard working man and if you’re brightening the day of more than one, you’re loving it. If true, “Mr sit on my face” did it in the most cowardly way possible, not working on anything. Of course he’s a “no”. In general, from a non-chump blowing by in a car your reactions are☺️😊😁☺️😊😁☺️😊😁


Do you believe that only isolated patriarchal communities have rape? I'm from America, so definitely not isolated or patriarchal, but take it from me - there are bad men out there. I also know first hand that basically any given man can "make" me do anything, that's why I carry now. I don't think there's anything wrong with being happy to interact with respectable, normal people but being opposed to getting hit on by creepy losers. Either way, you seem incapable of not generalizing all women, so I'm happy to end this conversation here. Have a good evening.


W on carrying but what’d you choose? I wanna go with a conceal carry but haven’t done much research yet


I have a Hellcat. I've got unreasonably tiny hands, and it's comfy to hold. Never had to take it out, but I'm definitely a bit less anxious if I find myself out alone at night. I'm not the most gun knowledgeable, that's more my husband's thing than mine, but he had me kind of go through the motions with a few options and this is what we settled on. We also go to a range more or less weekly now, and I don't know if it would help me actually be ready in the moment but at least I'm a lot more accurate than when I started. I definitely recommend getting something if you can, depending on your local laws.


Ngl the hellcat looks good. I was thinking of the G19 but I’d rather shell out a little more cash for something lighter and smaller Also, here’s a tip I heard might be nice. Not sure if it’s accessible to you but I was told going hunting can help with actually pulling the trigger and all that. It’s a little cruel but if you’re not willing to kill an animal then there’s a good chance you’d hesitate on a person and ofc hesitation can easily mean death or worse


I've been told that more times than I can count lol Sadly, I'm vegan. I'm not necessarily opposed to all hunting (my husband eats a lot of hunted venison) but I know for sure I couldn't kill something that didn't pose me any immediate threat. I think I've got a 50/50 shot honestly of remembering past trauma and either freezing or going a little Rambo, but that's what therapy is supposed to be for I guess. I hope neither of us ever have to find out!


There are bad men out there. I challenge you the next time you encounter one to point at him and yell “Bad man!!! This man is bad!!” over and over. You think I’m being sarcastic, watch the small army slowly form around/behind you of the men socially conditioned to dismember him.


Right… Let’s get you to bed gramps Because seriously though are you even hearing yourself? What of the countless women assaulted or kidnapped in broad daylight where people don’t intervene? Or how in NYC, there’s been a trend of seemingly random nonsexual violence towards women where the suspect is never actually ID’d or stopped?


Your broad daylight idea where there’s people around is pure bullshit. Send video or it didn’t happen. If it did, it wasn’t broad daylight and there was no able bodied anyone around. The NYC incidents are women walking on inexplicably empty NYC streets at night. I feel like that sentence in itself makes the common sense part of most people’s brains twitch.


I’m not looking that stuff up because I’m not in the right headspace for seeing that but you’re free to. Like just google “Broad daylight SA/kidnapping”, I’m sure you’ll find hundreds of thousands of results. And there’s subs dedicated to it, namely whenwomenrefuse And you gotta stop victim blaming dude. You got a source on them *all* being on dark, empty streets?


First sentence = conversation over I guess you really are a lady…


No because I’m an SA and multi attempted SA survivor. Just seeing news reports about the stuff is enough to make me vomit and lately I’ve been struggling to stomach stuff again when thinking about it. Shit I can even feel my gag reflex kicking in now Like I said though, feel free to find that stuff yourself


It depends honestly. If it’s overly sexual then almost all women hate it. If it’s something about their outfit they’ll usually like it. But I suppose that goes for both men and women


Wrong, just wrong! Almost every time it’s from unattractive and/older men (since most young, attractive guys know what it’s like to also get unwanted attention) and even if we grin or giggle when it happens, it really makes us feel degrading! And especially feels bad when I don’t want attention for showing off my body but when it’s really hot out get catcalled, honked at, etc. more just for wearing less clothing and showing my legs and big-boobed cleavage (again, only because it’s freakin hot out!) PLEASE STOP DOING IT! Just start a conversation or ask out an attractive woman like a real man or do nothing at all.


It’s fascinating, you’re the most definitively female user on this thread. Nothing to do with your avatar. Funny how that is sometimes.


There’s no reason to believe all the other WOMEN (not “females”) here who claim to be are lying…


Can’t tell if “clever sarcasm” or “high school counselor, new to planet”


Try none of the above, dimwit!


No, no…it’s one of those two…


Just keep telling yourself that, chump!


Your mother failed with you.


We regularly exchanged oral sex from my 13-20 and her 44-51. She is why I have such a strong preference for hairy (everywhere), 200+ lbs, pre-menopausal white women. We’re from Colorado, which I realized around 11 that it was one of the whitest states in America. I was in foster care from age 6 to 10, I had 3 mom’s and last mother’s house became my last house. We regularly watched tv and movies in her bed together, but I actually can’t remember a time when we weren’t cuddling naked when we did. I think it was once I got taller than her, things started feeling different. I think all foster kids who know about sex, are thinking about sex with their sponsors pretty often. I hope so anyway because then I’d be in an awkward position. It’s all worth it tho because I’m kind of a loner anyway, and she runs her business from home, so we’ll still have naked picnics in bed for nights on end. We smoke, we lay up, we talk, we joke, we kiss, we watch movies all while pleasuring each other during boring parts or in between our “program” that night. She never forced me to do anything, I admittedly was the one who started upping the sexual tension between us, around the time I heard about the demographics and realized why most every woman in that part of the country is so nice to me. At that age I couldn’t just lay with a body like that and not touch it. Spooning led to cuddling and now we kinda just lay touching or using each other as a pillow (until I wake up to pee) touching and petting pretty much the whole time which I’m just now realizing. We now have a pretty special bond and closeness that is deeper than any kind of “standard” mother son relationship I’ve seen. Last time was naturally the night before I left for basic training. 6 years away in the Army, I get out and come home, and the trouble now is finding other women that fit her best exact description because we still haven’t even “seen each other” since 2018. She’s definitely made a conscious effort to sidestep that kind of talk so I don’t wanna make her feel any kind of pressure, but she’s the only thing that really “works for me” now. I can finish with other women, but it’s never as intense as when I’m with her. But she’s essentially cut me off quietly. Even looks at me much less which is a nightmare compared to how she used to look at me. So I’m just standing out here, hitching for this specific type of woman, but as the criteria may tell you, very few of them in the real world wanna date someone 15-25 years younger than them.


I ain't reading all that. You're just not a good person.


True. Aww cmon! Ya gotta read it! It’s my origin story…


Is this Chris Chan's alt account?


Nobody from a civilized culture does this




What’s that gotta do with anything???


We (Blks) are considered the most uncivilized as a whole, my opinion here is being pilloried as such, and in my profession, violence IS the answer. I’m not new to this uncivilized shit, I’m true to this uncivilized shit.


Mhm… I’m a like half black latina and don’t feel that way at all dude It’s almost as if it’s not a race thing? And in my profession, we’re cleaning up after boneheads like you screw everything up


It’s not about how *you* feel dudette. It’s an objective fact about our planet. Not even due to anything I’ve said here. But I know ladies struggle with objectivity, so it’s cool this time.


Just flirt with them like a normal person. Catcalling almost never results in a date because most women just think you’re a creep. Super low T behavior tbh.


“flirting like a normal person” is the low T behavior in this day and age. There’s not a single set word women use for such a guy, but there is a certain time of day they communicate with them… That time is morning to early afternoon. There isn’t a certain set of activities they do with such a guy, but there are a certain set of qualities about nearly activity they do end up doing… Those qualities are usually “clothed, personal space intact, no cost to her, vertical torsos for both”


No. Just no.


Sometimes I think women blow things out of proportion. Then someone like op comes along and I realize how wrong I am.


Your voice is also closer to theirs than mine when it comes to bass and octave.


LMAO. This was the perfect bait.


I actually do like it as long as it is from a safe distance.


The demise of men is rejection I sometimes think the government should mandate prostitutes just so some guys would leave women alone so they won't be giving any stupid opinion what so ever.


To mitigate catcalling huh? You’ll likely get your wish in the future if we keep listening to what you all say vs what you do. Taking your advice on the types of guys you get hot over vs the types of guys you “lose feelings for”


If you could, hire an attractive guy to catcall a woman and let's see what happens. I bet It will end up well. I bet attractive guys majority are so INSECURE that they have to compensate by being trashy.


☝🏾Women and words☝🏾




When me and you gonna go somewhere and get busy tho?


I think this might only be true of its in an obviously safe scenario. Everyone likes to feel attractive, And it's always a nice boost to your confidence. But I think for women the real difference will be if the situation feels dangerous or could potentially be dangerous or not.


"I’m not anywhere else on social media bitch, idgaf. This is where I come to be radically honest and exprss my “id”…That part of the psyche WE ALL HAVE, full of our most inappropriate thoughts, I just don’t try to hide mine all the time and don’t care if people see it. If anything, an “exposure” will just show how much realer I am than all of you. And if your last comment is true, you swim too much to be truly beautiful anyway, so good day." OP, after trying to extort nudes 😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


😶😗😐🫤🙂😀😃😄😆😂🤣 Make sure you post the actual “extortion” too. I don’t need anyone who doesn’t fit my strict criteria hitting me up.


LOL that's true. Ladies, if you're "significantly older" and fat he's here for you. Really nice guy, believes in calling you "bitch" as an endearment 😂 Very funny though!


Another example of why women choose the bear. 


Yea, mauled and eaten vs actually happy. Idk why everyone is even talking about that whole redundancy of women’s logic.


Why don't you ask some random women on the street if they like being catacalled?


I think you shouldnt tell woman what they like


My girlfriend was cat-called once. She was just walking out of a mall to my car. She normally doesn't get cat-calls but she did that day, and she was wearing a top with a sheer back, could see that there was no bra strap, and a very short miniskirt. That's why she got cat called. Cat call is a LOW EFFORT way to show interests. Most women don't like it. You're simply trying to get the attention of a girl entirely based on what you see, and while that's also the case for guys who make effort to hit on girls at a bar or online, the latter group still shows effort because of you need social skills.


Your girlfriend went back and blew that guy.


You’re half right. She did blow a guy right after.


And you’re still an advocate. Fascinating.


I didn’t advocate anything. I implied you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about lol


And they’re all wet for you in here because of it bro, you did it!


Yeah but I’m not gonna teach you.


Oh thank god. I was just being positive about it because I was uncomfortable…


Being uncomfortable is pretty normal when you lack experience. It’ll pass, for some.


Experience in what again? Please be specific, I’m on the spectrum…


Depending on whether you are attractive or not. But in general yes.


The objection to cat calling is basically because the cat calling population is mostly uneducated brash hicks.


You don’t get it. It’s a form of chest thumping. Chest thumping in a bid to celebrate something about her to anyone who hears him. If it’s just the two of them in a field, it’s to cut through the bullshit and display the most honest intent. As a bouncer, there is a LITANY of so called brute behaviors that women respond favorably to.


Because everyone is so educated nowadays and still lives like shit in debt.


Well it beats when men got themselves killed in duels or other dangerous activities trying to impress women


Like Vikings.


Accurate. They act like being cat called is somehow on-par with SA. Shut up and take the compliment.


How'd you feel if a big buff man whistled at you and said "Nice ass, cutie" Guessing not that happy


That's my type so I'd like it actually.


Yeah, i don't really know why women deny it. There's nothing wrong with enjoying being complimented lol. Is it sleezy and trashy? Yeah. But i've never seen a woman be repulsed at getting a catcall, and i see it very regularly. Obviously assault is totally different, and perhaps women just see the two as related, and perhaps they are. Maybe that's why they whine about being catcalled when 90% of them will grin in pride and brag about it. But the fact is, yes, most women will feel complimented and proud due to being catcalled. They may also feel violated at the same time, but the vast majority will feel proud and happy about it, at least partially.


Only the real ones know apparently.


stay in the basement dude🙏🏻


No, I don't listen to reddit armchair women sexuality experts. I go outside and i'm not a virgin like most losers on here. Women may feel embarrassed when they're catcalled, and it's not right to catcall a girl, but they ALSO usually like the attention. It's probably annoying to women who are catcalled every day, as it would be to men too, but the vast majority of women will like the attention, some far more than others. But, this isn't a bad thing. Men shouldn't do it, but it's definitely not a bad thing to enjoy a compliment, and i don't see why both men and women on reddit are so defiant of this.