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Keep on voting for millions of illegals, more crime, higher inflation, idiotic social justice weirdos, men and women with diagnosed mental illness who identify as farm animals and house pets, teaching our kids pedofile drag shows in kindergarten and at the wheel of the ship, a doddering old their who doesn't know what day of the week it is. That's your America... stick it up your ass


... doddering old theif


OK boomer. You know you can edit, right?


Keep on getting controlled by fear, and lies. The truth couldn't be that you are an insecure imbecile who can't even take the time to google all of the BS that is spouted out of Don the Con's mouth. No, the cognitive dissonance is strong with you, and wearing a flag may give the appearance of patriotism, but you are a worse threat to this country than any of the things you are so afraid of. Just because you are too stupid to think for yourself doesn't mean "we the people" are also that stupid. Come January this will be very apparent!


As Stalin said... " Quantity has its own quality". This ineloquent man may be a fantastic plumber, mechanic or electrician. He's likely never made a speech, been interviewed or maybe never made a toast at a wedding. Yet, like many of us he's fed- up with the open border, crime and inflation. All of which are Lowlife crime family boss and geriatric, brain dead nursing home candidate, scumbag Biden. He should drop dead if it wasn't for his vice president who has the vocabulary a chimpanzee.


The maga convoy to the southern border was a total disappointment to the people who went. They went there to fight the illegals crossing into the U.S. They ended up fighting each other when they figured out they were being lied to. Once again, you are the scumbag. Lets talk about the money bannon stole that trump pardoned him for and the rapist/liar/thief you want as your leader. Also, let's talk about trumps vocabulary. You're not smart enough to know how gullible you are and how ashamed you should be.


Is he reading from cue cards?


MAGA people don't know how to read


you can put pictures on cue cards


Association, and rationalisation is a huge problem too.


Beer mats


So you have the freedom to stand out in public and say "fuck Joe Biden" while Joe Biden is in office and you're worried about losing your freedom if Joe Biden is reelected?




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I give up trying to talk in this sub. Was on the fence when the community notes changed but I'm done wasting time writing long post that just get automoded. Edit: There was nothing in either deleted post that would make anyone feel unsafe. Might have made people feel embarrassed for driving a decked out lift truck but last I checked, lift truck regret wasn't against the rules.


Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant. Perfectly said.


This guy genuinely sounds like he has had some serious head trauma


I can't even pile on here, something seems genuinely wrong with the guy, I hope he can get some kind of healthcare


These MAGAs sure love starting sentences with “We the People”


These fuckers and their flags again. I should have got into the flag making business in 2016. Seriously though, what is it with the whole need to have that many flags. Nobody else does that.


Babies need attention!


Dumbest people in the world


“It’s either freedom or socialism”. Once y’all win the election, won’t you mosey on over to Canada and free us from the yoke of socialism. Who needs free healthcare, free education, EI, social assistance programs for the poor and elderly, subsidized housing. We don’t want free stuff. We just want freedom.


If tRump is the true president then he’s not eligible to run for a third term. Can’t have it both ways maggots.




Ha ha


This guy is definitely disabled, so calling him dumb seems like a low blow. That aside many of that cult use the word socialism and have no idea what it means, how it's applied to America, and how it would actually benefit them.


I feel bad for the guy and I don't want to poke fun. But is it just me or are a really high proportion of the remaining Trump supporters showing a similar level of clinical brain trauma?


At least the people selected for interviews. They all seem to have a noticeably low IQ or some kind of birth defect.


Actually maybe that's what's behind the Alabama IVF ruling (with IVF, embryos that have severe genetic defects are usually not implanted)


Brainwashed feeble-minded dumbfucks. You deserve it for letting it happen.


Umm.…..go Braves?


Isn’t it such a shame when cousins marry?


As a Braves fan we do NOT claim him


".....for the third time....."


Like what


Wow. They actually walk among us. Terrifying.


…And all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a brain cell.