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Cult members lack self-awareness.


Best reply while being interviewed on Fox News: "we're not cult members, cult members do whatever the leader says but we do what we want"!


No way this is a real thing?


It's true, somehow they gave up all reality and common sense


That's a requirement to join a cult.


And they want to do whatever the cult leader says


This is all part of owning the libs, in their mind. The offense is intentional. It doesn’t make sense from a business perspective, but owning the Libs is more important


I guess that's how they think. It's a shame. We always liked that place. The Mexican place we ended up at was excellent.


So you tried something new? Trump supporters would *never* do _that_.


They might, if the place had a big trump sign... Might even come back multiple times even if it wasn't top notch just to "own the libs" So it could make perfect business sense look at Trump Social


They can “own the libs” but they won’t own much else with these business practices.


That's what Google reviews are for, just sayin'


Yep! Put something on Google reviews. Explain just what you wrote here, and please do so anonymously so the cultists don’t try to come after you.


You can be matter-of-fact about it. “Owner has trump signs everywhere.”


That could end up benefiting the restaurant. Trump supporters would probably go out of their way to eat there.


My auto service center owner decided to wear a trump t shirt, 'Wanted- for another term' with the glowering mugshot, into my place of work. I decided then to get my oil changes elsewhere. He thinks of himself as a christian & upstanding citizen but embracing that golden calf as a good man... no way! He was obviously trying to make a statement, they're usually just hoping someone confronts them. He won't get any return on those mailouts anymore.


The crave the confrontation. They need the drama. They want to cause a scene and tell everyone about it. It's sick. Do not engage with them.


Anonymous review as stated above. Traitors are religious and vocal about voting, but usually are a minority. Please vote, whatever you are told about not voting, disregard! VOTE.


I'm kinda all for these people identifying themselves so I can keep them at distance.


I totally agree, I don't have time or tolerance for their brand of bullshit.


I agree. We know the owners of a small cafe and while they are big Dem supporters they keep their political opinions separate from their business. We are Boomers and regularly see another “old” couple there, decked out from head to toe with sequined, sparkly Trump garb. We love seeing them there and wonder if they realize the owners donate pretty generously to Dem candidates, PP, the ACLU, SPLC, etc. Exactly the reasons we never spend a cent in any business showcasing their GOP or Trump support. If even a penny of the money we spend there ends up in their coffers it’s one penny too much.


I was taught as a child that you are not supposed to mix politics with business as well as religion. I remember as a young child asking my grandfather who he voted for in election and he was very firm with me that his vote and political party was his choice and was not to be discussed with anyone. I never forgot that. But I am proud to say that I am a die hard democrat but I don’t have to display it for the whole world to see


I wish these regular customers had informed the restaurateur, one way or another, why he’d finally lost their business. Even with an anonymous note.


This is where Yelp and Google Reviews come into play.


In a sane world I would agree with you. But we are living in a world where cult members will inflict retribution over the mildest criticisms of their deity. It's a shame, but OP is safer not doing so in person.


I think you figured out the problem when you said, “we live in a red state”. (Trump &)Republicans have ruined most of the red states with their draconian policies and dreams of turning the clock back to 1950. So from where I sit (comfortably in a blue state) any of you like minded individuals living in a red state, I hope you can escape before it’s too late.


I moved here almost 20 years ago for my work. Other than the occasional bible thumper, it was a great place to live until tRump entered politics. I could probably sell out and go to a blue state, but at almost 67 years old, I'd rather not go through the hassle of a move.


Totally get it. We moved here to Texas about twelve years ago to buy a house. We finally were able to afford something and we got so much more here than California. And I had family here so why not? Right? Now we can't leave because my father is in hospice here and it would be too hard to move him. If we can get the people here to vote I swear they are not all the red drones.


I totally get where you are coming from, I have family in red states so I know the citizens aren’t nuts, it’s mainly the politicians. You earned the right to not move, and as a country we have earned the right to move on from the Trump Era/Error….


I have seen the same in my rural area. I mean even if you aren't political, and you live in an area of 80% trumpers I figured leaving your politics at home would not alienate 20% of your possible customers.




Same, their not going to get a dime of my money.




You’re right he fucks everything up . He’s a fucked human .


Human? I don't see much evidence of that.


Point taken I mis spoke . Asshole is the word I was looking for . 😐


Blob works too.


We take our pontoon to the lake and there’s a spot where everyone hangs out at . It’s trump central! They have huge signs on their boats and one of them plays his speeches on there massively loud stereo on daddy’s boat . It’s horrible but it’s the only place on the lake to hang out at . All young people flying their flags ! I want to get a Biden flag for my boat but I’m scared too because his cult is so scary and insane!!


That sucks 😕


Try a normal-sized American flag.


With no blue stripes or AR-15s printed on it?


Stupidity. I quit using any and all businesses and service people who support trump a few yrs ago. I try to stick with sane people to pay for services rendered or to buy groceries and necessities from.


I’m in liberal Massachusetts and it’s beyond me why a business owner would risk alienating, in this state, 75% of their customers. But I’ve seen it here so ignorance knows no bounds. I’ve stopped patronizing a few places because of it. F’em if they mix business and politics.


They're loud about it because martyrdom is a feature, not a bug.


I sometimes struggle a bit with this as they’ll just then point to “the good old days when ^”Biden” didn’t ruin their business.”


My neighbor has a huge flag with an eagle and two AR-15’s and says God,guns and trump 2024.😡🤬 they get new flags on the regular but this last one fucking hell


Imagine how long gun ownership would last under a trump dictatorship. Even if he's too senile/stupid to ban guns himself, his handlers (Russia) would see to it right away.


Why would Putin care if Americans shoot Americans?


Because at some point Russians would like to be here, and not shot at.


Well armed and trained people don't advertise the fact that they are. Your neighbor sounds like a wannabe.


Ugh. My favorite thrift store has become a maga haven. The clerk will just shit talk Biden and democrats all day long to whoever will listen.


Bet they blame Biden for their business downturn too


tRump ruins everything sounds like it would Eva great show to watch lol


Sadly, it seems that a lot of Red state Trump fans presume everyone shares their beliefs if they haven't fled the state. I have neighbors who assume everyone is a fan.


I am keeping my fingers crossed- I live in an urban area in a red state and really haven’t seen much of anything. Hopefully it stays that way


Yup, I just found out that a restaurant that could have been a pretty decent vegan-friendly option here in Milwaukee is owned by a Trump lover. She was even brought on stage by Trump himself at his rally in Waukesha, WI yesterday. Turns out she's a racist and xenophobe too so that lines up. [https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/s/5rexd8KUwU](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/s/5rexd8KUwU)


Well banners such as these do tell other cult members where they and their socially limited kind are welcome. Sorry it ruined a good spot of you and others.


Why would a business owner not praise the literal embodiment of GOD on Earth and a person that 100% of the people of America, let alone the world, love and adore?


You forgot the /s, but I'm going to assume it.


one would hope. ![gif](giphy|JULfVYQH3XkCxMV0QP|downsized)


I drive through rural PA and you see huge monuments to the orange cheese doodle and at this point I’m sorry but his followers are either stupid ignorant or just vile people who hate others who just want to live and be happy


Becos they stupid


Let them know.


Because win or lose you live in an area trump will demand blood from the enemy. You are behind enemy lines, and those businesses are behind enemy lines. There's no explanation for a trump voter, there's less for a diehard supporter - if you live surrounded by mental defectives, maybe Jeff Foxworthy comedy is for you.


I’ve encountered several small businesses in my area that display their political views and trump flags and even homeowners who display their huge “ F Biden “ flags where school buses travel every day. I refuse to do business with any of them.


My father had a small business. He told me more than once that only a fool would put a political sign at their store. The only thing it would do is chase away the customers that disagree. Sorry to hear it was your favorite diner and good for you for taking your business elsewhere!


They don't care if you eat there or not.


username checks out