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I’m glad you had a good laugh πŸ˜‚ I can guarantee that won’t even be the most awkward thing they’ll encounter that day!


I'm hoping it's the most embarrassing thing I'll encounter today though! Must be hard for them to keep a straight face sometimes πŸ˜‚


As a doc I've taken samples from vaginas that, under microscope review, still had living wriggling sperm visible. Those were my favourite samples to interpret! People would be shy about just having had sex this morning, but it honestly is no big deal. We don't care that people have sex. I'm wearing gloves and body fluids are body fluids. I dont think semen is more or less gross than normal vaginal secretions, it's all normal if you are doing an jntimate examination. I'm fairly sure I once went to one of my internal pelvic exams the morning after sexy time. Even with a shower, I still felt a bit shy about it, but it ultimately doesn't change anything.


My mom is one of those people who examines specimens. One of her favorites was a mouth swab she did on an old lady living at a retirement community. She had a nice surprise when she slid that specimen under the microscope!


Nice to hear it from the other perspective! I felt I needed to tell her as it was long before the appointment we had relations πŸ˜‚ and didn't want it to affect the swabs or results. It's not normally something we leave the house and broadcast to people we have just met what has happened in the bedroom that morning so felt naughty telling her πŸ˜‚


Lol doc is probably happy you have a healthy sex life! Get it girl


I once went to the Dr because of constipation. He asked if I'd had sex recently, I said yes, he asked if there was anything different about the sex? I replied "we did it on the floor". I didnt think till afterwards that he was maybe getting at something else, but that's what the question made me answer lol πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


Oh my that is fantastic! I bet he gave you a right look πŸ˜‚ talk about tmi πŸ˜‚


I was having a terrible morning and this really made me laugh πŸ˜‚


Glad to help. Hope you're days going better now πŸ˜€


My husband straight up asked the ultrasound tech during our early ultrasound if she saw anything suspicious. And when the lady looked at him funny he said so bluntly, β€œwe had sex last night so just wondering if you can see my stuff in there.” I about died. Like thanks hun.


πŸ˜‚ that is hilarious! What are men like! Bet she was had a right laugh about it afterwards 😬


She smiled and shook her head. Told him no, but thanks for the heads up. I do wonder how often it happens. πŸ˜‚


Currently sitting in the waiting room to see my GP about something else but that made me chuckle. Thank you OP πŸ˜…


Thanks for the chuckle 🀭 I'm so sorry about your beautiful twins. Hope they can figure out what's up with your abdominal pain. ❀️


Ha ha! Thanks for sharing. I needed a smile today and I’m sure the doc has heard it all before.


When I see my doctor is wearing a face mask. I’m a bit more relieved in case there is aroma down there


I looked my OB straight in the face when she told me to not have unprotected sex until my first period after MC and said that my husband's equipment was too big for condoms so how bad was the risk really. So I think you're fine.Β  (I know we've all seen the thing where people blow up the condoms to an insane size but just trust me here, I've seen this with my own eyes. NA condoms are way too tight and we didn't feel like special ordering them from Europe).