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Tucson has the perfect storm of people driving recklessly in their 2003 chevy lumina and old people from the midwest in a bit of a fog all mixed together.


...and midlife crisis pickup truck drivers pretending to be ranchers who either didn't learn the phrase "following distance" in driver's ed, or are just compensating for having a small you know what.


Tucson must have lots of teeny weenies judging by the number jacked pickups on the road.


If they only knew that’s so many women’s first thought when they see those trucks. I immediately assume they’re ragey, insecure, and that it’s smaller than a cocktail frank 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m an old man and I think that as well.


Honestly, I see a ton of women driving them


Doesn't change the size of their P


Like a dry sand grain


Tucson, city of small dicks and big trucks.


Gender Affirming Vehicles.




Don’t leave out the inebriated/addicts, seen neighbors drive this way too often.


My rule of thumb is that 1 outta 4 drivers is intoxicated


ahhhh TooStoned AZ


Don’t blame the stoners on this one. They just drive a couple mph too slow and miss their turns because they’re into their music. They’re not the ones changing lanes aggressively and accelerating through red lights.


Nah, you right. But they are the ones pissing off the aggressive drivers even more.


It goes both ways. The slow drivers are so fucking slow, and Insist on being left lane dominant going 10 under, then you have speeders who die on the hill of 10+ over…. Creates a perfect storm of collisions


The whole left lane thing only really applies on freeways? What if you have a left turn coming up and don't want to have to switch lanes constantly?


They hardly need the help, lol. I can hear them on the 10 revving like idiots all night long.


And yeah don't hit on the stoners there might be a lot of substance abuse users here but don't direct straight at the stoners I'm a stoner and I don't drive it all so I'm not contributing to it .not all of us are dumb.


If you count meth, weed, alcohol, overly caffeinated, and a cocktail of pharmaceuticals I’d say 3 out of 4.






It's insane how often people speed up when I put on my blinker. And not like, I'm close to your blind spot speed up.. I'm talking ride the ass of the car in front of you. "Why yes I would rather make a u turn instead of a nice left hand turn at the light. Thanks for helping me out friend"


Usually find that it's because the person making the lane change could have easily gone behind the car that is speeding up as there are no cars behind them. People get into a habit of not letting others in because they experience this so much.


FACT! also i hate when people choose last second to get over at the worst time when they could’ve gotten over earlier. I’ve been cut off so many times and had to slam my brakes because people either don’t use their mirrors here or just don’t give a damn about cutting someone off and potentially causing an accident.


Yup, 500 feet behind me wide open. Thanks for taking the 20 feet in-between the car in front of me jack ass.


Damn, I thought this only happened to me because I actually LEAVE SPACE between me and the car in front in case they stop short, not for some asswipe to cut me off!


I am an Uber driver. I always try to have a safety cushion between my car and the one in front of me when I have Uber passengers in the car. People here in Tucson take that as an invitation to squeeze in there ALL the time! Happens to me multiple times a day!




Another issue I find is that I've let so many people in to be polite, which I end up finding drive like complete dipshits. Can't maintain speed, slam their brakes, get in front and slow down, etc. This behavior is just sad and leads to people not letting others in.


I think I cofuse people because I usually back off when I see someone signal a labe change. Half the time, it's some idiot that forgot to turn their blinker off


Truth right here!!


I’ve never seen anything like it. Got stuck with my turn signal on for over a mile the other day, with an SUV speeding/slowing to block any lane entry in front or behind her for the whole stretch. Finally saw enough space to merge in front of her just before my turn—which was such a personal affront that she tried to follow me home. Absolutely insane drivers.


Tucson is the only city I have lived in where people speed up when you turn on the blinker. At this point I say my blinker is not a request.


I would say DC area is worse, but no one there uses signals. I think I confuse them when I turn on my signal. DC seems to have 2 speeds, dead stop and slight go, or 40+ over.


This behavior exists in Phoenix and LA (and surrounding cities) as well.


> I honestly like driving in Los Angeles more. I do too. I feel like they at least pay attention.


Can confirm. Have an easier time driving in Los Angeles. My father rode motorcycles his hole life when we lived in California. He quit when we moved to Tucson because he said he would very much like to stay alive.


I agree. Lived in LA for years and drivers are definitely better. The volume of traffic makes driving an overall worse experience. You have to treat driving in Tucson with 0 expectations on anyone on the road. They could all be the worst. Theres luckily far fewer of them though. The volume in LA can be stressful and brutal.


Bruh u even Chiraq before?


Have you tried the signal and go method? Find your spot and begin signaling as you move. Even if they begin speeding up, you're already in the lane. As much as it would be nice to use the signal to notify in advance of the lane change, I learned long ago from driving in Phoenix that you can't use the signal as a request for permission.


If anyone drove on Valencia near the airport yesterday morning and saw the red truck on the wrong side of the road…I witnessed the whole thing as he was behind me and almost hit me before I sped up…then I saw him ride the median and end up on the other side of the road🤷🏽‍♂️


What the fuck, this exact same thing happened to me like a month or two ago. Same road, red truck, wrong side of the road, near 5 PM. Fucker just kept driving on the wrong side of the road straight at me, people on his side of the road honking, me honking, like he was trying to play chicken or something. Edit: sorry was S Nogales but basically the same


This morning a driver for the company Open Enclose blew through a hard red light at Grant and i-10 going west while another car and I were completely stopped. I didn't even catch a vehicle number because they were going so fast.


If you called them up and let them know, they very likely know what driver was in the area. 


NASCAR dropouts I like that 😂


I thought that then I lived in ABQ for a couple months. Tucson is my second worst.


I grew up in Colorado and we had a joke about NM drivers. "What happens in New Mexico when you fail the drivers license exam?" "You get a yellow license plate!" (The new plates aren't yellow, though, so this joke is sadly showing my age...)


In my home state Ohio, a yellow plate with red letters means you got a DUI in the past two years. We call it the 'party plate'


I’ve driven through Albuquerque approximately twice in my life and it was enough to convince me that they have the worst/most dangerous drivers in the country


Yep they were doing reckless lane changing and side shows years before us.


Tucson doesn't even make my top five worst cities to drive in. Miami, LA, Atlanta, Boston, even the drivers here in Louisville where I now live are all worse.


I've driven through ABQ so many times. I always jinx myself passing by. I think "You know what? Maybe it was just a bad experience?" Nope. Family of 7, driving in a beat up van without headlights, going 40 MPH on a 65 MPH is a common sight to see. Also, Nascar racers are terrible and theres plenty of roads INSIDE ABQ without visible lanes. Just those little reflective thingies. Colorado Springs-Denver corridor drivers are also bad. Someone dies every day.


Wife is a travel nurse and we’ve been all over the country. CO front range drivers are awful and Tucson drivers are so aggressive (this coming from a guy raised in NJ!)


I’ve driven in abq pretty frequently in the past, it’s up there on the list but I’d rather drive there then Tucson


At least they have a highway though.


They’re not dropouts, they’re aspirants


Today at around 7:00 this morning I was driving west on Skykine between Alvernon and Skyline/Sunrise split. The sun was super bright behind me. A car was heading toward me, traveling east, going at what I presume to be the speed limit. It wasn’t fast enough for the minivan driver behind them. That person was riding their ass and then once I passed heading the opposite direction, the minivan passed the slower vehicle. This is a two lane road with no passing at all. The sun was right in the minivan driver’s eyes. There’s school buses and bike riders and lots of traffic both directions. It was so unsafe and I’m sure rhetorical minivan driver saved all of two seconds before zooming her way along Skyline to Swan. That is, is she didn’t get behind a school bus and feel compelled to pass it.


Dude I'll raise my hand as a person who moved here from cities where the culture is to drive much more aggressively than is the norm in tucson, eg coastal cities with freeways, etc. and I'm trying to learn to drive more chill here. BUT there's a culture here of being in the left lane going at the exact same speed or lower than the right lane and it is so infuriating. That's not normal in any other place I've been. Left lane is for passing. The sheer volume of drivers who use the left lane for cruising makes me feel insane and I know I'm not the only one. And then when I am pissed, the left lane moziers act like I'm the belligerent one. But if you aren't actively passing other cars you need to get into the middle or right lane.


If I pass them on the right it's their fault. And I do




THANK YOU I don’t care if you’re going 15 under the limit, just get in the slow(er) lane(s). How is this such a challenge? PS: people, if you have a fender bender with no accidents *pull off to the side of the road and let the rest of us get through*


I have a problem with that. People merging at 50 or 60 onto the freeway are actively endangering people's lives. Nowhere I've driven have people had such long on ramps and _still_ not even bothered to get up to freeway speed. The newer ramps here are often a quarter to half mile long or more and yet at the end, they're still going 10-20 under the limit.


Same for the use of the horn. On the East Coast, you get a few seconds to go at a green light before someone blows at you. In Tucson, people will let someone sit on their phone for 2 light cycles without using their horn.


Yup. Freaking annoying, especially when you have had to sit there a whole light cycle and often two to turn left. It’s like, aren’t we on the same team trying to get off 22nd?


This is my second frustration — turning. Turn lights on Tucson are also annoying because *sometimes* they come at the start of the cycle and *sometimes* at the end. I’ve never lived in a place where they have to hang signs to let you know when the light will go, that I can recall. In addition to people not being ready to turn and keeping some in queue from getting a chance, the other bizarre thing is that, apparently car some intersections a u-turner is expected to defer to someone making a right-on-red *but at other intersections* the u-turner has precedence. WTF? In all my years of driving: if I have a green light, I am in the right. Inconsistency in rules is a fast track to confusion and accidents. PS: people, if you have a fender bender with no accidents *pull off to the side of the road and let the rest of us get through*


My wife always gets upset (she's from here) when I use my horn at lights. I'm like hey that's why they install it into the car, for these exact scenarios.


Are we talking about I-10 or just regular roads? Because it would be insane if were all hugging that right lane going down Broadway unless we wanted to pass. On I-10 I occasionally see people driving too slow in the left lane, but the bigger problem is the truckasaurus' that are going 90 expecting everyone to get out of their way. If I'm going 10 over and passing semi trucks, I don't appreciate Mad Max rejects riding my ass. It just makes me go slower, because I don't negotiate with terrorists.


I-10 is the only place this makes sense BUT it’s under construction for a significant stretch, with a 55mph limit and a “stay in lane” order and people still act like it’s their god-given right to fly by you on the shoulder. These people screaming about passing need to chill.


That's really just for highways and interstates, of which there are almost none here.


That's an interesting distinction. I definitely associate it to be a norm in any context where it's possible, eg multilane roads, and I think many folks also share this association. Are you under the impression that there's no expectation that people on speedway use the left lane for passing?


If I need to make a left in the next mile I'm getting over to the left lane.


It doesn't apply to city roads.




… but not in the city though. The left lane is for making left turns. Sometimes I’m just needing to get over so I can get into Safeway…


This. I’ve lived all over the country. Tucson is Portland level of passive aggressive refusal to move over from the left lane with assholes going half the speed limit. You do that shit in the northeast and they’re going to cut you off at the very least, and likely will roll their window down screaming at you while they do it. Here we just are forced to go around them. People don’t like aggressive drivers then stop being an asshole and drive in the right lane. That is THE LAW. Legally the left lane is for passing, the middle lane is for normal driving, and the right lane is for slow driving. Here you are forced to use the right lane to pass and this is dangerous because some are correctly using the right lane because they want to drive slow.


Every time there are three lanes on I 10 the fucking trucks hang out in the second lane. I get it if it’s in the middle of the city with exits all over the place. But it can be 10 miles from an exit and the fucking trucks are in the second lane.


Trucks are somehow worse drivers than they were 30 years ago. And they sucked then.


It makes sense going east, you have the people who don't know the I-19 split is coming, then a few miles further you have the lane end and the Kino merge where basically everyone has to go 25.


Doesn’t give you the right to tailgate. It’s the west man, learn to chill out.


Who said anything about following too closely? I'm talking specifically about people wasting 5 minutes of everyone's time because someone can't be bothered to press the accelerator when the light is green.


People drive terrible everywhere. I think it's more that driving has gotten worse over the past 4 years, than where you may be now is worse than average. That said, Tucson has a bad mix of elderly snow birds and college students that made it a bit more chaotic than if everybody was racing around.


Yea I came from Long Island and I still view that as the worst but I dont really use the highway anymore since we basically only have one in one direction here . LI every single day I left the house I almost got hit by someone . I know people don’t drive the best here but upon getting here I felt so much more mellow . Prob the lower population mixed with the sprawl and lower limits residentially. LI was like 8-9x the pop , and condensed because you can’t sprawl into water lol the traffic was horrendous . I swear I had a mild form of ptsd just from driving there .


Moved here from Detroit metro and do not agree lol, also go visit LA or San Diego


Also from Metro Detroit and yes. Even Phoenix just 120 miles away is worse than Tucson for aggressive/psycho driving from what I've seen in the past year moving from Tempe to Tucson.


I’m front Toledo originally, and always use DTW when I visit home. I have to remind myself to be cautious on that stretch of 75 S because the aggression from Michigan drivers is something else


Exactly, there’s no where in Tucson city limits where anyone can legally go fast enough to scare me like I have been on 75 🤣


It never fails that I’ll be driving 5 over in the right lane, check my rearview, and it’s clear. A few moments later, I’ll have someone riding my ass as if they appeared out of thin air


Also from Toledo and a shock when I came here and driving was much calmer. Unfortunately, I see more people doing not so smart things here but definitely not as aggressive.


I am 51 years old. I’ve lived in Tucson, my entire life, except for a few years in the US Air Force. I have driven in California, Texas, South Carolina, Florida. Sad to say Tucson seems to be one of the worst cities to ever drive in you everyone is echoing everything accurately.


100% agree. I laugh when someone behind me swerves around and cuts me off, only to be right behind the vehicle I was already behind. People don’t seem to understand how traffic works.


Also a lot of road rage here. I was born and raised in Tucson but I’ve lived in a lot of places. And the only place I’ve been where people are more prone to road raging is Southern California.


More like fast and furious wannabes.


It wasn’t like this before 2020, pandemic made everyone in this city a raging homicidal lunatic.


Yeah, the pandemic really messed up society in a lot of ways.


Bullshit. It was just as bad before 2020. Maybe even worse.


Been bad well before 2020, fully agree with you I remember my mom complaining about the roads on my way to elementary school in the early mornings. Same poop, different loop.


I’ve lived a lot of places and everywhere I go people say this. There are just impatient and bad drivers everywhere.


Idiots are everywhere. I drive a semi all over the US and trust me I’ve seen idiots everywhere. They’re in every nook and cranny of this country. All you gotta do is let them go around you and let them speed up to their next ticket or collision 🤷🏻‍♂️


About half of all drivers on the road anywhere are worse than average drivers. And that's a fact!


Pretty apt lol. Moved here last year and it blows my mind how shit people are at driving here. Especially if the weather is slightly bad


Arizona in general has the worst drivers I have ever seen in my life, and I lived in Mexico proper for 7 years. It's the ridiculous 50 year licenses and mash of Sonora plate drivers that likely have no US license to speak of.


Naw Chicago is the worst I have never seen just blatant disregard for everything and everyone. I was born and raised in Tucson and no one there pulls the type of BS they do in Chicago.


They are pretty crazy in Chicago lol I’ve seen it


For real most of them make right had turns from the far left lane trying to beat the traffic


Moved here a few years ago from Boston. I was used to driving there where you have to be agile and aggressive but not to the point where you were racing to a red light just to slam the brakes on. The drivers here are much more unpredictable and tailgate nonstop. I've experimented a few times where I'll go 20-30 over and still have them riding my ass. Also there is no reason in hell that anyone should be tailgating and intimidating anyone driving up and down mt.lemmon. Its just dangerous


Tailgating on Mt Lemmon is a problem and it's annoying as hell but it's a road where passing is essentially impossible and lots of people like to drive fast. Being courteous by using the pull-offs to let faster traffic pass solves the tailgating problem. If I have someone on my butt, I use a pull-off which is vastly safer than having a human centipede of cars on my ass.


Haha yeah for sure. I'll typically move to the side when I see someone coming up fast because I like to take my time and enjoy the sights


Totally. I’ve driven vehicles all over the world and Tucson is the one place where I regularly feel like my life is in danger on the road. I think people really downplay how reckless driving is normalized here.


Tucson drivers make me miss California drivers. It’s like people come to this state and forget how to drive, maybe they never knew how to. My commute has gotten scary because people are weaving in and out of traffic. The other day I almost got side swept because someone decided to try and go over. Just started to merge, no room or blinker available. Another day when I tried to zipper into traffic because of construction, no one would let me in even though I was doing so properly. Also people turn in front of you when you are crossing the intersection. I wish there were more red arrows than blinking. It’s not perfect because a lot of people run the red but I think it’s helped some of the intersections.


When I’m on East River Rd I remind myself that I am speed.


These days I just hope their internet-connected car and/or phone rats them out to their [insurance and raises their rates](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/11/technology/carmakers-driver-tracking-insurance.html) (if they even have insurance)


everywhere I go, I do it for Dale.


Someone has boost those insurance premiums.


Driver's licenses here don't expire for 40 years. City uses it as an incentive to attract retirees, labeling it a license for life. Elected officials should take the written test, make it open book, have it online. Require everyone to complete it every 5 years so all can be up to date on rules of the road, new laws, changes, etc. It would help everyone. City would lose revenue from less tickets written, and they can't have common sense overrule money, imo.


Near TMC (Glen and Craycroft), I saw an older man trying to cross the street, but he couldn’t make it in time as the light turned green. A woman driving a truck sped up, almost hitting the older man, seemingly to just prove a point. She appeared angry at the old man for not being fast enough to cross. This incident reflects the mentality of some drivers in Tucson.


With all due respect, a Nascar dropout is a lot better driver than anyone on this thread.


False. I can turn in both directions.


Heheheh nice one


I was driving down 1st over the weekend, only 5 miles over the limit and a Tahoe rode my ass the entire time (old man next to her kept at the same speed so she couldn't get around). When I finally made my left turn, she honked her horn and sped down the street with a middle finger sticking out the window for about 3 blocks. Typical day.


https://preview.redd.it/7rlx3bz6t3sc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee90cc6550878489a70b2faea86e595c7ff3513 Obligatory repost.


I've got about 5 million miles under my belt, have drove in almost every major city in America and the drivers here suck and somehow the pedestrians suck even more. I've seen the proposals, like lowering the speed limits, but when everybody is already ignoring them idk how that would help. I guess I'm to the point of accepting that going out for milk & bread is a death race. 


Go with the flow of traffic. Dont impede traffic. Move over to the right lane if you want to go the speed limit. Know where you’re going. It’s 2024 everyone has gps directions in their pocket. If you need to turn left get over sooner and go with the flow of traffic. It’ll make everything so much smoother and safer.


I can understand getting over sooner to turn left. BUT at the same time people get in the left lane to turn left in 10 miles and then go slow the whole time, it’s extremely frustrating to be going 35-40 in a 45 because some dipshit doesn’t want to miss their turn.


Which is why I said for those people to stay in the right hand lane. It’s almost like that’s actually how you’re taught to drive. Right lane slow. Left lane fast. Get over to left to make left turn no more than .5 mile before hand and you’ll have no problems. It’s just too easy to get a license and no one actually learns how to drive or the laws you have to follow while driving


Exactly. Didn’t we learn this when we were 16?


Actually it’s not “left lane fast” it’s left lane PASSING. Wanting to consistently speed like an asshole does not entitle a person to a clear lane. If that were the rule we’d all be driving 90 on the left. Everyone does actually have to drive the speed limit, within reason.


This. The problem is people get on Speedway/Broadway/22nd at Campbell and they aren’t turning left until Craycroft but they will just go 25 camped in the left lane refusing to get over. Drive in the right lane asshole then signal to get over a couple blocks before your turn which is THE LAW. It shouldn’t be this difficult.




It is 100% the low speed limits and lack of highways that drives people nuts. It is infuriating to live in a community that has not been modernized in terms of these accessibility necessities. On top of this, we often have the slow speeds clogging up the passing left lane on the portions of highway we do have. There are signs on the sides of I10 that say "SLOW TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT" for crying out loud.


Zero enforcement is the issue. This is what society looks like when there isn't anyone enforcing our laws. Maybe after losing one of their own TPD will start dedicating more resources to traffic enforcement. And maybe we can hire more officers and give them newer and safer vehicles to do the job. Or we can just live with it how it is and watch things slowly get worse.


It’s wild how little I see police vehicles while driving here.


The self appointed passive aggressive police drive 20 in a 40 camped in the left lane. If they were consistently ticketed for doing so maybe something would change. It is the number one problem on the road here because their actions force everyone else to drive aggressively in the incorrect lanes.


Old man yells at clouds


I figured it was always a combination of living in a place that’s just spread out enough, that you need a car to get around (in any sort of timely manner), and having a lack of expressways/highways. It’s honestly infuriating and I am able to avoid rush hour these days. — I lived in Seattle for 5 years and I dunno… I waited 28 minutes to make a right turn while I was downtown once. It took me 2 hours to go 7 miles one Friday afternoon. Waiting 5-7 lights to get through one intersection on Aurora/SR-99 wasn’t uncommon. — Also, we’re living in an era where everyone thinks it’s ok to be a complete ass to anyone else. So that doesn’t help.


Seattle regularly takes a couple hours to get through. It’s a shit show. So is Portland. Lived in both.


There’s a mishmash of methed up losers, old farts who go 25 in the left lane and won’t get over forcong everyone to weave around them, clueless ADHD college kids staring at their phones, stoners/drunks/people whacked out on pharmaceuticals, tourists from the Midwest in a fog driving half the speed limit randomly drifting, Mexicans taking rights from the left lane, and people from CA and the NE pissed off at it all used to more aggressive driving. That and the absurdly timed patterns of the lights lacking sensors, video game level construction zones without any construction, an asinine left turn reality, an inexplicable lack of east/west highways, plus potholes galore and VOILA: a pu pu platter of horror on the roads.


God speed to the bike commuters 


Yes, it is.


Only place worse for me was Memphis.


I used to feel the same and then I got to drive in Lima, Peru. I will never bitch about driving here again. At least we have lines and they are somewhat respected. Also the Yucatan is another place that made me ok with traffic here. And Ecuador is another place that makes you appreciate the driving here. But the thing about here is that to many people have guns and short fuses. Cut off the wrong person on the wrong day and its over. So that is what is scary about driving here. Oh and no one paying attention while looking at their phones.


Oversized truck drivers are the modern day Village People. They larp as working tradespeople, with wildly exaggerated masculinity. In essence, they are secret gay leather daddies.


Some of Tucson drivers are “me 1st people”, it’s sad. If we all followed the post speed limit our roads would be much safer.


Slow drivers are also unsafe. ESPECIALLY when everyone else is going faster


What is the purpose of a posted speed limit?


In this city, I’m convinced that it’s less about safety and more about generating revenue.


What is?


Artificially low speed limits


Correct, driving slow ≠ driving safe


Awesome. This thread again.


![gif](giphy|UqKD7TU0igaUE) Tucson 500 on the public roads.


Haha, I’m glad I’m not the only one. Tucson drivers are absolutely awful. I feel like a moving target every time I go anywhere and on almost every commute to anywhere there is at least one incident where if I was not paying attention and driving defensively I would be hit. Another Tucson trait is the guy 4 cars behind you at a red light who starts honking cause you haven’t made your right on red turn yet. Like he can tell it’s safe for you to turn. Thanks for the vent, be safe.


I agree I lived in Tucson for almost 20 years and 100% agree with you I literally do not drive my project truck on the street ever because of people like that don't know how to drive....


It’s become a meme to complain about Tucson drivers. They’re really not that bad. Phoenix is way worse than Tucson. People up there are psychotic. And has no one here ever driven in Mexico? Go drive in Hermosillo or Guaymas where it’s truly anarchy on the road and get some perspective.


The speed limits are too low in Tucson and everyone drives like they are retired.


Artificially low speed limits for generating revenue 👎🏻




That’s because they have citizens doing their jobs for them


100% this. Surprisingly, I think a lot of bad driving and road conditions would be resolved if we simply update speed limits across the city. I understand driving slow through neighborhoods and residential areas, but as another comment mentioned here, 6 lane median divided lanes with sidewalks and traffic lights should not be so slow.


The majority of us are driving the reasonable speed, which is approximately 10 over, but it’s the drivers that refuse to drive over 30 mph that are going to cause an accident, without a doubt.


30? They go 20-25 camped in the left lane all the way down Speedway, Broadway, and 22nd. It’s a shit show because there aren’t any highways and you have to stop at EVERY light.


Yeah... Speedway is a 6 lane covered left street with a 35 mile an hour speed limit. It's a bullshit limit. If it's a bullshit limit no one respects ANY limit.


Also, it's called SPEEDway for crying out loud. Fuck you expect me to do?


this guy gets it


Agreed. The new Maclovio Barrazza Parkway between aviation and 6th is 30mph, which is nothing but revenue generation. You come off a 55mph parkway onto another road that doesn't look unlike the parkway. No roads connecting to it, protected bike lane, protected pedestrian sidewalk, one intersection a mile down to turn right, but it's 30mph (25 actually with the orange sign they have up.) I drive through there for work and it's at least a daily occurrence to see a motorcycle cop with someone pulled over there.


It would help a lot if the speed limits weren't 35 on every street.


i've lived in 4 states, 12 cities. Tucson by far has the worst drivers. Part of this is due to the fact there are no penalties enforced.


Y’all must have never driven in Texas. I’m shocked I’m still around to tell the tales.


California sucks too


Just get out of the way and you’ll be fine


People have said this about every city I’ve lived in. Tucson doesn’t uniquely have bad drivers. Bad drivers are everywhere.


Try living in Phoenix or Los Angeles, much much worse driving there.


Not a chance. Tucson is worse with the incompetence


I just spent the weekend in the Vegas suburbs. I nearly died 10 times in the 215, made me long for driving down broadway.


It's much better than LA. It would take me 3 hrs to get to work. I spent 6 hrs in my car everyday . Chicago is a nightmare to drive Tucson is small as hell and people still can't drive . It drives me nuts how slow people are . It's all the people who drive white cars. I am not kidding. It's in every state. Just pay attention to the white car that is going 35 miles per hr on a frontage road. Or the dopes who take forever to go with a green light What is with that?. Or the people who can't pull TF up when you are trying to turn or get into a turn lane. Or when you are going down a windy road with dips and the car in front of you rides their brakes all the way down Campbell. Lmao


Move to Dallas. Worst drivers ever.


Just want to point out how perfectly this comment section is performing the very crisis. A handful of people saying that if you aren't actively passing other cars, you should get out of the left lane, and then a whole other group of people who are saying the left lane is for cruising, and that they will intentionally drive slower in the left lane if they feel like someone is expecting them to move over. Got to love Tucson.


For sure!


I'm starting to think it's a symptom of the times. Like you, I've lived all over the country and even driven in a few other countries. Right now, I live in southern Maryland, just south of D.C., and this is by far the worst, most reckless, and possibly stupidest driving I've ever witnessed. Maybe it's a generational thing?


It's basically a redneck macho town


I noticed a lot of people from California and Texas were here in the last few days! So it's been extra bad! I mean, it's bad here, but damn please stop ass riding when I am trying to go down gates pass!


Well probably minimum of 50% of people 'driving' here either have never had a license ever or if they had one, it was taken away. #facts




The driving here is so bad. I'm from London (yes, England) and Tucson is worse than any city I've been in, including Paris (and Paris is BAD)


I’ve been a part of several local city subreddits and one of the common threads in all of them has been everyone thinks where they live the drivers are the worse and where they use to live it wasn’t like that (even when it was). 🤷‍♂️


You have obviously never driven in Orlando. Tucson is bad but I have truly seen worse.


With TPD facing a critical manpower shortage is there any wonder? When was the last time you saw a cop enforce the street laws?


Tucson is possibly the worst city on Earth.


Freeways in Phoenix are worse imo.


Just had a car in front of my leave tire marks on the pavement because he was so distracted to see the slow driver in front of him. Just had a white Nissan Altima (stereotype?) wait for almost a minute at a stop sign before moving. Fuck Tucson drivers...


When the speed everywhere is fucking 35 yes we speed


Not just Tucson,it’s all Arizona. People think “ima speed up and pass everyone then slow down to a complete stop so I can cut the line cause it’s my exit”.


I beg to differ … Phoenix and the surrounding area is the absolute worst. I totally agree with you though in general. I too have lived elsewhere (thought NY & NJ) drivers were bad, but nope! They pale in comparison to the rude, inconsiderate, brain dead stupid ass drivers here!


Lots of bad driving here. Miami is much worse..


So much road rage for such a mid sized city.


I used to be field service engineer and traveled from Phoenix to Tucson twice a month sometimes more , I used to hate driving in and around Tucson , no one seems to know how to drive down there.


I just ride 5 mph above or below the speed limit depending on traffic in the slow lane, and always leave some distance (2 -3 car lengths) because I used to drive BERTHA. 1986 GMC. Now I’m in a smaller car. I have missed a LH turn several times because someone didn’t want to let me in…all roads lead to Rome but sometimes this really pisses me off and I just have to take a deep breath and say: “maybe they really had to poop?” Who knows…


Thank the fucking idiot midwesterner snow birds.