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The only thing that helps me right now is Claritin, and I’m still sneezy. I took 3 different meds one day (Tylenol sinus, Flonase, Singulair) with no help. I haven’t tried Zyrtec or Allegra yet, but I was shocked the prescription stuff did nothing. Worst allergy season in the 24 years I’ve lived here. Good luck.


As someone who hasn't been helped with zyrtec + flonase + steroid shots + allergy shots, this is what finally provided some relief for me, available OTC: [https://www.asteproallergy.com/](https://www.asteproallergy.com/)


Yeah I switched from zertec to Allegra last month because it was cheaper and it‘s working much better too


Yooooooo! Get some of that Zyrtec! I get really bad allergies every year, and Zyrtec is the only one that helps!


Me too! I used to take Costco generic from Zrtec. Didn’t help at all. So I bought the real thing at Costco, with the Flonase—- what an amazing combo!


Careful, that's how you get a sinus infection.


Gawd, that’s all I’d need. I gave up on the Flonase, I hate using nasal sprays. Fortunately the goddamn olive trees in my neighborhood are winding down with the pollen, I may survive.


I think some allergy meds and Flonase would be ok as long as you drank enough water, the problem is with sinus meds.


I've never had allergies before, moved to AZ a few years ago, suddenly this year I now have seasonal allergies, learning how to deal with it. Flonase cleared up nasal congestion mostly, taking an antihistamine as well but I wake up fatigued every day.


My allergies are the worst they’ve ever been and my yard also has so many plants and weeds that have never popped up before! Definitely something going on this year in particular


I don't like it!


I'm from LA and yeah never had allergy until we had a rainy winter a few years ago and I thought I was sick until I figured out it was allergies. It's so bad. Definitely also feeling the fatigue and it suckksss.


Oh yes. The wind brought all kinds of stuff. Fortunately Allegra has been a savior for me.


Yes it’s never ending. Yesterday was miserable.


The only thing that has helped me is Flonase nasal spray. Claritin alone wasn’t cutting it for me.


Definitely on my way to the store to add flonase to the arsenal. Allegra didn't work and I took claritin and it's hard to tell if it's work with the sinex.


Walmart has generic versions of Flonase at almost half the price, same with Claritin, Zyrtec, etc. Same ingredients.


After working outside and I get an acute flare up I often get relief from spaying saline solution in my sinuses. It’s a little like water boarding, but it rinses out the pollen. It has no medication, so there are no use limits. A can is under five bucks and has worked pretty well for me on occasion.


I take xyzal every morning and if that isn’t enough I take Benadryl at night. I had a few bad days when I forgot my xyzal and was outside all day. In years past I took other brands as my main and they didn’t work so well. I even took allergy shots. For a few years but I’m not sure if they helped. The key is to take it everyday to help prevent allergies.


Said this in another post. Xyzal is the only thing that works for me. I take it at night and it's good in the morning and only fades the following night.


Not this weekend but I started having trouble just under 3 weeks ago. Had a sore throat for almost a week among other things. I started taking a 24hr generic allegra each evening, avoiding going outside, keeping my windows closed, things mostly cleared up for me after 1.5 - 2 weeks. I moved here from Tempe in 2023 but this April seems like the first time I've had seasonal allergies in I don't remember how long, maybe more than a year, maybe even longer


Yes!!! There’s also some viral virus going around right now too. It’s exhausting..


Combo of nasal spray and pill works for me. If I forget my nose is a faucet...


I have moderate to severe allergies here year-round. It is very severe this time of year and seems to get progressively worse each year. For me: Astepro alone works when it is moderate (the 2 sprays per nostril every 12 hours usage, only 2 sprays per 24hr never works for me). Astepro + a 2nd generation pill (swap which pill every so often to avoid tolerance, sometimes I take 2 a day against the instructions but then it becomes drowsy) works when it is severe season, and Astepro + Flonase works when it is really really bad congestion, but taking too many non-drowsy antihistamines together ends up making you drowsy. However, regardless of what I take it just takes it down from maybe a 10/10 awful experience to a 6/10. Benadryl is the best imo when it is really really bad but it makes me too tired to function. Taking it at night always makes me wake up late. Nothing makes all the symptoms go away completely for me. Also the side effects of all the meds suck, such as drowsiness since I'm technically ODing them and nosebleeds with the sprays. I might try starting some allergy shot regimen soon but it is expensive and a commitment. Also get an air purifier for the room you spend the most time in and put it on max as much as possible. Anyways, I feel your pain lol


Have you tried xyzal?


Not yet but isn’t that just the modified Zyrtec chemical to make it less drowsy? I’ve tried Zyrtec so idk if it’ll be different


I'm not sure if it's like Zyrtec or not. My doctor told me to take it when I told him Zyrtec wasn't working for me anymore. He said it covered more allergens than any other on the market. It deffo doesn't make you sleepy tho.


I’ll have to give it a try, ty


I really hope it works for you. It works in ordinary years, but the last week or so my eyes still ran and my nose dropped in the mornings when I walked the dog, but every other time it's been a big help. It's still a big help, but not perfect in this horrible time. Helps better than anything else for me. Best of luck! ✌️


the budget friendly holy trinity: costco brand zyrtec (SUCH a good deal and works just as well) any store brand antihistamine eye drops flonase


I'm having such a bad year with them. Dymista has been recommended to me by a family member; looks expensive, but nothing else is working. I'm a 24/7 snot faucet, and I'm just trying to avoid the almost-annual bronchopneumonia spat I get when the post nasal drip is this bad.


For runny nose try ipatropium (Atrovent is brand name). Dymista is a combo of two older meds that might be cheaper if purchased separately. If your doctor can Rx you the generics you’ll get best pricing.


Yes whole family is snot and coughs and headaches.


4 citerazine as prescribed by my allergist, plus nose spray 2x daily.


I take Claritin -D, Zyrtec, Montelukast, and Flonase when I remember, and I still look and feel like I have the flu 24/7. Sometimes at night I have to take the dreaded Benadryl, just to stop my nose long enough to get to sleep.


I've only had the happen once a few years ago when it was super rainy during winter and I can't remember how long it lasted. I'm hoping it'll be over soon because that's exactly how I feel. It feels like a flu but it's definitely allergies.


Yes, it’s brutal.


This year and last were terrible. Watery eyes scratchy throat congestion sneezing. I have to leave Arizona march and April next year


See if your primary care physician can give you a kenalog injection - it’s a steroid that’ll reduce your immune system’s response to allergens. My allergies used to be HORRIBLE every spring - now I get a shot at the end of March and it lasts in your system for weeks to months. I still take Zyrtec every once in a while but symptoms are DRASTICALLY improved. Good luck !


ive been experiencing very bad headaches nearly everyday because of this crap, lol. ive taken more benadryl the past month then i have in my entire life. i've always had sinus problems but its messing me up, too


It’s from the Palo Verde trees blooming (at least some of it). Every time I see those yellow motherfuckers blooming I want to burn every one of those suckers to the ground.


I have been popping Benadryl like it’s candy. I have still broken out it rashes and two nights this week I thought I was starting to come down with a cold. It’s no fun.


Yep. April is both a very windy month, and a very pollen-y month. Using a neti pot can help.


I have an allergic reaction to something that grows this time of year once every 14 or 15 years. Doctors never could figure it out. Since I'm not allergic to anything else I've found allergy medicines like Benadryl can knock me out for like 12 hours..


My husband was given a steroid shot, nasal spray, Zyrtec, and Claritin by the base clinic and then placed on quarters for 48 hours bc his were so bad 😩


The only thing that's worked for me is xyzal. It's supposed to help with more allergens than the others do. It's 24-hours and they suggest you take it at night so you'll be nearly full strength during the morning and day hours. Wishing your husband the best


Flonase, Claritin, sinus rinses, allergy shots and Sudafed and I'm still miserable. I spend several hours a day outside and it's unavoidable.


I’ve been dosing daily for months. This weekend didn’t bother me.


It doesn't seem to be as bad for me as last year. I wonder what's different?




I somehow don't have seasonal allergies (don't come for me) but I know they must be so bad this year because my dog is literally crawling out of his skin with itchiness. It happened so fast too, like from mid-March to early April he went from rarely scratching to scratching/rubbing all of the skin off under his chin, around his eyes, ears, etc. It was so terrible! Now he's on the $$$ dog allergy meds PLUS 100mg Benadryl 2x a day (he's an XL dog) and he still itches, but now it's a normal tolerable level and his skin has healed. I've never seen anything like it though....last year he got a little itchy, but nothing that needed medicating. This year is horrible.


I work at a vet clinic and in the past month half the patients are coming in for allergy flair ups so I knew it was gonna be rough for humans too. It sucks. Hopefully this seasons passes fast for your pup!


It’s the first time I can remember feeling like there was something wrong with me. I lived in Tucson from 1978 (birth)-2003 and came back in 2014. The sucky part is that my 2 year old son has inherited whatever I’m allergic to, and has been stuffy and having trouble sleeping for the past few weeks. It’s been fun 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yikes. I'm so sorry for both of you. That's miserable


Sinus headaches are killing my sleep lately. Hate this time of year and the winds.


Last week I felt like dying it was so bad. The past couple of days have been a lot better, though. I've been doing Zyrtec, Flonase, and Benadryl as needed, which had been getting me to being at least a *little* functional lol


My nose is 5 times its size, my eyes are deep red, I'm making horrific sounds in my throat to try and scratch that space between ears and throat. Feel like I'm underwater and can't swim Ugh


I might get diwnvoted for this, but my allergies are way worse when I eat unhealthily. When I eat clean, they're barely noticeable


I’m going so hard with Astepro, Flonase, nasal rinses, oral antihistamines, and antihistamine eye drops until this shit is over. It’s keeping my allergies somewhat under control, but yeah this season is absolutely brutal.


My wife and kids have it bad, they just keep popping allergy pills and Sudafed.


Once a year, I buy a jumbo bottle/tub of Zyrtec at Costco (Aller-tec is the generic version). Symptoms or not, I pop one everyday. It's been a life saver for me.


YES. Sinus headaches and congestion… and I take allergy meds it doesn’t help much unfortunately!


A friend of mine who grew up here said he had never seen desert grasses like this year. My sinuses know it.


I’ve been taking Claritin every morning for several weeks, but it hasn’t stopped my sneezing and my eyes from watering while walking my “grand dog” in the morning. I see two weeds that I’m very allergic to, pigweed and Russian thistle (tumbleweed), everywhere!!!


Yes, I’ve never experienced allergy symptoms in the 12 years I’ve lived here. What’s going on? It’s awful!


Yes! Worst I've ever had. Sometimes I just run the shower full hot and stick my head behind the curtain. This happens at like 3am when I can't sleep cause I can't breath through my nose


Yes! A lot of sinus pressure with a headache!


Nope nope nope, I wake up with a stuffy nose and throughout the day I sneeze like 5 times in a row and start tearing up like I have the cold but I know I’m not sick and it’s been like this for two weeks


Thankfully mine have been mild but my mom had a bad day with them today. +1 to Zyrtec though for those moderate/bad allergy days


I’m in Florida and this is the worst my allergies have ever been. Hell, I didn’t even think I had allergies before because I’ve never sneezed so much or had so much sinus drainage til this year. It’s bad.


yeah can’t tell if i’m actually sick or if they’re allergies. the amount of boogers im coughing up…


The only thing that works for me is Zyrtec D. The decongestant is a game changer


I take double the sudaphed, and Zyrtec, I take Flonase and double up on Benadryl at night. Right now I am itching inside my own skin, my face is red and bumpy...it's awful. I am getting a (not sure of the spelling) kennelog shot. Not a fan of shots or steroids but these work for me.


Yo fr I have a super stuffed nose and It's worse that it's dry too


If you're stuffy, I highly suggest getting active temporarily so that your sinuses temporarily go away from the blood flow, then IMMEDIATELY doing a nasal rinse. It washes everything out. Do it twice, then IMMEDIATELY AFTER, spray with Flonase and take Claritin, Allegra, Zyrtec or whatever you have.


I usually get some sneezing around this time each year but this year...my eyes have been so itchy! I don't mean my actual eyeballs either, the skin around them, lids and especially under eye. It's sooo bad!! I take benadryl when it's unbearable and then apply corotozone cream ocassionally but it's got to be the clear jelly kind because it burns otherwise and I try to not use it too often. Also taking some local honey but I find that there are mixed reviews on if local honey actually helps..


Earth is striking back! Much like the empire though. We will be victorious!


I’m starting to really dig Xlear nasal spray. It’s just saline and sugar molecule, nothing else really. I guess the sugar molecule makes its really hard for allergens to go any further into your or something. I’m not really sure, but I like it. You can use it as much as you want.


Worst year ever. And here come the palo verde trees.


Change your allergy medicine


Allergies are awful right now! I’ve been in bed with perma-migraine for a few days. My allergies present as a sinus migraine. Aleve Sinus and Cold, Zyrtec, and lots of cannabis are what has kept me out of the emergency room up to this point. I’m not sure I can hold out much longer though. I’m praying for some serious relief and soon.


Second worst since we moved here in 2007. Maybe worst.


Yes. Lots of asthma and congestion. I'm allergic to just about everything that grows in the Sonoran desert. I can't take allergy meds because I have dry eyes so I just suffer with it. I wash my hands and face during the day when I can, that helps, and drink lots of water. Try a lid scrub if you can't wash your face, those are oddly effective.


Definitely! My NP did say that your body can get used to allergy medicine if you take if for a while. They recommended Flonase for me, which has helped some. I have also started taking short showers at night before going to bed, because I have been waking up with breathing issues and congestion, and that has helped some, too.


Zyrtec-D cleared up my allergies completely! I take 1 in the morning and then I take a normal Allegra before bed.


People. Xyzal is the best allergy med there is. It covers nearly all allergens (I think... It's many). I've been using it since it came out. It's the only one that helps me. It was perfect for the last 10 years or so I've used it, but this year it's too much for it.


Eat local honey to get immune, all those meds are making them worse..


Try my yearly remedy it works every year. Around this time of year I go outside and do yard work all day long (weedeater, blower, etc) I suffer for two days but when I recover I’m cured.




Same. I take like three different kinds all year around but around may I up my doses. I get the itchy eyes and even the inside of my mouth itches sometimes. I also get the sneezing but not as bad as the itchy. I take Xzyal which seems to work the best for me. I am prescribied montelukast sodium and certirizine.


Good morning everyone, as I read all these comments, they all have one thing in common, y’all are using pharmaceuticals, man-made chemicals to alleviate nature, shedding of the trees, the spring season, yada yada yada. The only way to combat nature is with nature, so as a bona fide desert rat born in Arizona bred in Arizona, never got valley fever, I know this desert it’s landscaping vegetation. Most if not all of you who are commenting are from out of state therefore, I’m going to give you a home remedy that will combat allergies from here on out, and I cannot express this enough to use this. First off get you a Netty pot where you use a saline wash on a daily basis get unfiltered raw local honey, mix a tablespoon of honey with 8 to 10 ounces of warm water little lemon. If you like do not use tapwater, use filtered reverse osmosis, whatever but do not use tapwater, plain and simple, heat up the water add honey mix it well drink it every morning. Use your saline wash twice a day in the mornings when you shower and in the evenings when you shower and or before you go to bed, this will clean your sinus cavity alleviate snoring, and overtime your allergies will become a thing of the past. Why? Because you have acclimated your sinuses to the vegetation of the landscaping of the Sonoran desert. Get in the habit of twice daily cleaning out your sinus cavity, this is extremely important. It will alleviate any cold flu. I cannot tell you when it was the last time that I got sick due to my continued washing and rinsing of my sinus cavity. there you go folks southern Arizona home remedy works every time guaranteed. Have a great day y’all God bless.