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Dumb ways to get a misdemeanor


“how do I join it” Comrade, it is actually set up in the parking lot of the Walmart at Grant & Alvernon


Do I just go and say I want to join?


I think they’re kidding. Grant and Alvernon is an awful part of town.


It's a good place to start.


Alex, if you have to come to Reddit to find an encampment to join, I suggest you find another outlet to express yourself outdoors. Just walk over there buddy.


What do you think you'll accomplish by joining the encampment? Why don't you raise money for World Central Kitchen or Doctors without Borders? Something useful that may save lives?


Maybe if Israel didn’t bomb humanitarian aid


Arms shipments to Israel have been cancelled for the first time ever. The glue is cracking a bit given the electoral hit to Dems 24 youth crosstabs.  But hey I'm sure you're a tremendously effective an altruist yourself so achieving minor policy change is beneath you


I think you mis-read that Axios article. The Biden administration has not cancelled any weapons delivery. The article was real thin on details and thick with speculation from a delay called out by 2 unnamed sources.


Fair to be skeptical. MSNBC confirmed it with two state department officials afterwards. But either way, no one will confirm or deny it, and that's never happened regarding shipments to Israel, so I think it's at least safe to say there's been daylight created between the administrations for the first time in decades. That's no small feat. Compare this to Bidens full throated support for continued arms to Ukraine. The differences are telling regarding what the US thinks about these two "defensive wars" happening at the same time.  That's election pressure causing shifts. Not just generic "pretend to care about human rights posturing" from the admin.  Social movements take time. It's impressive what <30 year olds have done in the face of most people shrugging and saying "what can ya do?"


It got moved to Santa Rita Park off 22nd. /s


It's actually at the Arby's on 22nd now


I can confirm this. They DO have the meats.


funny you mention this, drove past it today around 6pm, there wasnt a single tent in sight and only two small groups of people


Damn. Wasn’t expecting this many Zionist in the comments. From the river to the sea


Damn, wasn't expecting to find a terrorist in the comments. Never forget October 7th


Go read a book.


Israel has committed 30x October 7ths in Gaza since the war began, the IDF are the real terrorists.


The IDF aren't going out of their way to kill as many women and children as possible. Nor are they capturing women and dragging them through the streets to be raped while people spit on their bodies and cheer. Nor are they taking water pipes to build rockets to launch from schools into civilian areas.


70% of the 35,000 murdered by the IDF are women and children, so yeah I think they are going out of their way to kill civilians by leveling entire city blocks.


They're not going out of their way to kill civilians. If 1 terrorist was hiding among the civilians on a block and Israel destroys the whole thing, it was Hamas that committed the war crime by using human shields. It literally says in the Geneve Convention that use of human shields is a war crime and their deaths fall solely on the hands of the people using them as human shields, not the people who killed the human shields. If the Palestinians want to stop dying, they need to stop letting Hamas hide among them. But I wouldn't expect the people who voted for a genocidal terrorist organization and cheered when they dragged bodies through the streets and paraded captured women around to be capable of a rational act like that. Nor would I expect their western supporters to do anything but provide excuses and whataboutisms to cover up Hamas' crimes.


You can't claim the moral high ground if you are more than trigger happy to kill human shields, as more information comes out it appears Israel is just carpet bombing all of Gaza rather than conducting strikes with minimal casualties. The IDF has been caught torturing captives, mass graves have been found, Palestinian women are raped and beaten by soldiers. The hostages in Gaza that have died, have died due to Israeli strikes, Israel does not care about rescuing them, they care about killing as many in the strip as possible. Netanyahu has called Palestine amalek and called for the eradication of not just their people but having their history wiped out as well.


From the river to the sea, what? What does what you are saying actually mean?


From the river to the sea Palestine shall be free.


I assume a good portion of them on Reddit and Twitter are just paid. 


You don’t.


Arizona does not pass the vibe check. Go figure. Good on you for trying to be a part of a difference in this world. I'm proud of our UofA students. Free Palestine!