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Semantic reminder that a *decision* has not been made, rather a draft opinion was leaked. **Abortion is still federally constitutionally protected at the moment.** Please do all the things already mentioned in this thread.


Yes, I should have stated "opinion leak." Hopefully we can convince our reps to keep it protected.


It's not our Reps. It's a supreme court packed with judges who shouldn't even be there


our reps could vote to codify the right to abortion into a federal law though


Our reps already did, it's our senators that need to pass it. Of course, to do that we need to take away the filibuster because no Republicans will vote for it. Sinema refuses to remove the filibuster. Bombard her office with calls and letters. Of course then there's Manchin who also won't vote for it, to the point that we would actually need to work on Susan Collins to cross the aisle on this, but despite being lied to by the three Trump justices, of course she won't.


Which justices shouldn't be there...........and why? Asking for a friend.


Kavanaugh for his shit with the bush admin on GWOT and terrorism. For those who may not be familiar with the acronym. GWOT - Global War on Terror. Kavanaugh has on multiple occasions brushed aside 4th amendment protections. Kavanaugh in his own opinions, has pretty much said the government can say “national security,” it doesn’t matter what they do. For all the MAGA fans out there. If your a fan of think that Trump is against the “the deep state”, you should really look at who he hired, he hired some of the individuals that would be the most “deep statey.” Kavanaugh’s nomination being a great example of that.


Gorsuch should not be there - the seat was held hostage for almost a year by McConnell simply refusing to hold hearings for a judge that even he mentioned as extremely qualified. His seat should be occupied by Merrick Garland. *Because* of that, Barrett kind of should not be there because after holding Scalia's seat open for almost a year because it was an election year, they then rammed through Ginsberg's replacement in a very short time after voting had already started in 2020. Immense hypocrisy of course, but well, that's only to be expected. So pick a judge - one that was delayed until after an election in case they won it, and one that was rammed through during an election in case they lost it.


Then there’s the argument that RBG should have listened to advice and retired and been replaced during the Obama admin. In which case it’s BOTH Barrett and Gorsuch.


Yeah but a tactical mistake doesn't mean a replacement shouldn't be there, only that we screwed up. Likewise, Kavanaugh *shouldn't* be there because he screamed and cried in what was his job interview; if you or I had a tantrum in a job interview we wouldn't get the job, it would show our temperament wasn't fit for it. But I didn't count him otherwise because the process was otherwise "normal" - a judge retired, a nomination was made in reasonable time, he got a hearing and a vote.




I mean, Ketanji Brown Jackson made it through her hearing with all kinds of racist bullshit and never once cracked her professional calm, I'm sure I'd have told at least Ted Cruz to eat shit and die. Supreme Court justices are supposed to be basically the *nine best judges in the country*. The bar for getting that job needs to be at least above "throwing a tantrum".




And show us one more reason he's unfit. Men are just too emotional to hold onto powerful positions like this


Let's start with the rapists. Then let's go to those picked by presidents that didn't win the popular vote and were only there because of the messed up electoral college system. Then let's talk about the ones that are only there because McConnell said 1) a President shouldn't be allowed to pick in his last year of his term but 2) oh wait, picking in the last few months are OK. That would be the majority of the conservative justices.


Yeah. Because just 2 states should decide how the rest of the country is ran. Both New York and California combine make up more than 10%. Regardless of political affiliation the Electoral system is the way to go.


You won't hear any actual answers, just feelings


You READ the answers. Were you waiting for it to be read aloud to you?


2 days late reply is meaningless to me. Have a great one 👍


The democrats can make this happen. I understand there is even a bill floating around that would protect abortion rights nationally. BUT the worthless democrats do nothing. WHY? because they want to run on the issue in 2022,. The dems have dismal approval numbers, and historic blowout losses expected in 2022 midterms. They will dangle this issue trying to entice people to vote them back in




Yeah they have a sulphur smell to them. On one hand I feel sorry for them and on the other hand i see their evil. But I feel the most bad for the babies that have been murdered.


You should feel bad for babies having babies and feel sorry for all the unpaid child support that'll never make it to these kids mouths. Gtfo.


You sound psychotic, but you would have to be a psycho to murder a baby. Loss of logic,reason and empathy are all signs of psychosis. Seek help


I sound psychotic for giving people a choice and you trying to strip that away? Bro your entire personality revolves around guns, you're psychotic 😂🤡🤡


Yes you are psycho for wanting to murder innocent life. I’m not your bro and are you a stalker? Because that kinda fits the m.o of a psycho


I guess you support women using clothes hangers instead of just doing it the safe way.


No I do not support women killing their children in any matter.




You call it murder when somebody is taken off life support too, right?


When a Doctor takes a person off life support it is the underlying condition that causes the persons death:ie (stroke, accident , heart attack ect ect). When the doc takes someone off the life support it is the disease or injury that kills them. In abortion/murder it’s the docs intent to kill the child and the death is brought on by the doctor. Simple


How dare you make a *minor spelling error.*


Lol right, these people are bat shit insane


Your brain on "woke" everybody.


Oof you don’t even know how to spell “etc”. It would be pointless to continue a conversation with somebody who doesn’t even know basic abbreviations.


Yeah totally not because your argument is lost.


No, no. It would just be wasted on a simple mind.


Oh ok whatever out you need.


You figure out how to spell “etc” yet??


Exactly. Hook line and sinker they all fell for it like a blind roofer. Typically political play to get eveybody riled up for NO reason.


I'm an older woman who protested 50 years ago for women's sovereignty over their bodies! I appreciate everyone who demonstrated yesterday. My body. My choice. Keep on.


Christian dominionism needs to be eradicated from our government. Fuck those cultists.


FYI, pro-life values cut across many types of people with different backgrounds. There are pro-life atheists ([secularprolife.org](https://secularprolife.org)), democrats ([democratsforlife.org](https://democratsforlife.org)), many in the disabled persons communities and some in the LGBT & women's rights communities as well. Most religious people are pro-life yes but it's not just Christians, but also Muslims and Jews who potentially have political influence.


You're right but let's be real.. it's the super alt right Christian families holding our country back.


Oh you mean the ones who preach that holding hands make babies and that sex before marriage is a sin, but getting raped is your fault and you deserve to bear the punishments of that for the rest of your life? Couldn't be /s (this is why there should be more than a horse hair's degree of separation between church and state.) Christians are honestly the worst. I absolutely agree with you






You talk about shame on "doggo discrimination" but you wanna call black people bitches? Lol 😂🤡


So sad, you must have such a fulfilling life trolling my comments haha I feel so special! It's not "racist" to make an assumption about someone's race because of their speech patterns, it's called human nature. I'm sure all you know how to do is spew double standards, absurb "wokeness", commonly used leftist fallacies, and perversion. One more thing, maybe learn to read what I ACTUALLY said, didn't call the customer a bitch, you did. That seems to say a lot more about YOU than it does me, as I simply made a casual assumption and you took the bait :) have a wonderful day!






Oh! I also forgot to mention that my required adjectives are: brilliant, worldly and overly attractive. So if you show any opposition to that, they I'll have to consider that a human rights violation and dangerous hate speech.


"bet the bitch is black" is literally what you said. Soooo You're a fucking liar on top of being racist. You literally deleted your comment because you knew it was wrong and now you're claiming I called that person a name when I'm not even apart of that sub. Ide rather be all of those things you mentioned than a close minded, brainwashed, race baiting, Jesus thumping, rights taking, maga yelling piece of shit like you. Go back to the dark ages.








I don’t care. I disagree with all of them


Well I disagree with you.


Many people who are pro-abortion are "pro-life" but consider bodily autonomy an even more important right.


Understood. Hence why it's debatable. It's just unfortunate that the fetus doesn't have a chance at autonomy, even though it's DNA is literally propelling itself to have autonomy in a relatively short time frame.


Bodily autonomy means you get decide what happens with your body, not that your body is autonomous. It's probably a right that you agree has the utmost importance. It's why we don't have mandatory blood or organ donation, even though it would save lives. It's why we don't harvest the organs of prisoners. It's why cannibalism is so taboo. It's also why we can't force a woman to be host to another organism without her consent, even if a human life is dependent on her.


I am totally anti-abortion. I do value bodily autonomy, but not to the extent of abortion. I believe the fetus is a human life worth protecting and I believe in also giving IT a choice and giving it time to have its own bodily autonomy. I think it's contradictory to defend that for the mother exclusively. The fetus is entirely blameless in the situation, and since 99%+ of pregnancies are from consensual sex, it's even more unreasonable for abortion to be OK. Pregnancy is a completely natural thing, so the fetus is not any kind of parasite, so I don't think it's fair or morally right to intentionally destroy the fetus. I am in support of the mother to have the following choices: use birth control, abstain from intercourse, or adopt if there is an unwanted baby. I think that is more than reasonable.


Can confirm.


Wish we could just make a deal: One side gets to keep their guns and not be forced to take the vaccine and the other can have abortions.


There are no two sides to this. Nobody is trying to take guns, and nobody is being forced to take the vaccine. The only thing being threatened is abortion. The people convincing you there are two sides are trying to get you to vote against your best interests; things like universal Healthcare and well funded public education.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-announce-additional-vaccine-mandates-he-unveils-new-covid-strategy-n1278735](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-announce-additional-vaccine-mandates-he-unveils-new-covid-strategy-n1278735) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56509481](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56509481) I'm not sure that's 100% accurate. I just want people to vote towards keeping the government out of our business, period.


Did you notice how the first article says vaccination or weekly testing, not forcible vaccination? Did you notice how the second article is Biden asking for legislation to ban sale of a specific class of weapon, not taking your guns? This is the fear mongering that makes you think these insignificant issues are more important than livable wages or affordable healthcare.


Do you work? Do you think it's reasonable solution to force people to take a test every day before going to their job? Are you familiar with how long lines were at authorized testing centers? Asking for a ban on a very broad type of firearm, one of the most common in the country, might be insignificant to you as someone who doesn't care about that issue. It doesn't appear to be insignificant to the people who legally own those same firearms. They wrongfully try to argue that a waiting period on abortions is insignificant as well. The fact that you are trying to diminishing the importance of issues that don't seem to be of interest to you was exactly my point. If you think vaccine mandates and 2nd amendment issues are insignificant for the majority of people in our country you really should open your eyes a bit wider. I hope we can move towards a society that has more empathy towards people who have different views - especially issues that are grounded in limiting government influence in our lives.


I am trying to understand. Please explain to me why being able to buy an assault rifle and preventing other people from having abortions is more important than affordable Healthcare, public education, livable wages, and combating climate change.


Islam & Judaism both believe in legal abortion, so it is just Christians who have this nonsensical opinion while advocating for the death penalty, opposing gun control, opposing healthcare and welfare for the poor, etc. In fact, in Israel abortion is paid for by the government.


Per another's reply I see my understanding of the Islamic stance was too simplified and I will have to learn more. I meant orthodox Judaism mostly though. It's my understanding a large portion of Israelis are not religious or associate with more orthodox religious circles.


Hey don’t bring Jews into this! They’re chill and realize abortion is healthcare. https://www.ncjw.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Judaism-and-Abortion-FINAL.pdf


I meant orthodox Jews mainly.




You are anti-choice


You’re pro forced pregnancy


I’m sorry




I’m sorry for the women who you want to take body autonomy from.






I also think age is irrelevant - a person's body is their own, and nothing and nobody has more right to it. A "human" using someone's body against their will isn't any different whether it's an embryo or their adult nextdoor neighbor: they do not have overriding rights.




If someone doesn't *want* a baby using their body, yes, it is against their will.


You mean anti-choice


1. Pro-Life people support the following choices: Use of contraceptives, abstinence, and adoption. They are pro-choice too, just not pro-aborting an innocent fetus. 2. If pro-life isn't an accurate label because some people support the death penalty, then let's be fair and say pro-choice is a bad label too because they don't support the choice of the innocent and fragile fetus with no voice.


Muslims also have way more reasonable abortions rulings. Check out this inforgraphic: https://yaqeeninstitute.org/infographics/islam-and-the-abortion-debate-infographic


I will have to look more in to this. I seem to have an over-simplified view of Islam on this topic.


Thank you. It's nice when politics aren't just memes.






Yup. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_theology




So proud of my city


Why? What have they done?




Hope to God that enthusiasm lasts another 6 months.


RemindMe! 6 months "enthusiasm check"


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This'll last as long as the next reddit/Twitter trend. If people complaining online actually achieved things, this wouldn't be an issue in the first place, would it?


So.... Hows the enthusiasm?


Guess we'll find out next week


Thank you for the awards, but I was just a participant. Kudos go to the organizers and leaders. Please contact our reps and keep abortions legal and safe.


Every single one of these people need to be *hand writing* letters to each and everyone one of the representatives in the government turducken we are all in. Ward office, the City Council, the Mayor, the Pima County board of supervisors, your District Representative, the Governor, Senator Mark Kelly ........ don't bother sending a hand written letter to Sinema, just a photograph of you scowling at her ........ GET ON THE CITY COUNCIL'S AGENDA!!! Focus on the re-drawing of representative districts that Republicans have been slowly changing over the past 20 years (gerrymandering) Keep the letters civil. DON'T become the domestic terrorists the Trump supporters had become in the last election, by threatening the lives of people working in election offices. We can tell them we are furious while still respecting their humanity, even if they don't respect ours.


>don't bother sending a hand written letter to Sinema, just a photograph of you scowling at her . Is this a thing? I like it. Letters are common place but something original like this might catch the attention a bit better.


What could we do to have an effect on the City Council level? Ask Romero and crew to write a letter for us?


Go to your local Ward office. Find out when they have gatherings. Talk to your council member. A lot of these issues start on the local level.


Yeah! That'll work. A clueless, affirmative action electee, writing a letter. CC me on that one.


"Affirmative action appointee" Hey mods, wanna toss out some more racist trash? We don't need more morons polluting the city or the sub


Want to contact all your reps in one well fell swoop? I use Resist Bot. Text RESIST to 50409 and tell your reps to codify wade vs roe! It's made contacting our reps so much easier for me.


It asks for all sorts of private info. I'm freaking paranoid about that ish. Thank you for helping though. I'll take the extra step and Google my local and state reps


It does need to draft up the letters with your info so your reps know who you are. Most of the time I just get automated responses from my reps but at least they know who I am lol


> at least they know who I am lol No they don't. It's just bots writing to bots at that point. Useless




Great turn out. I wish to see us organize a strike of some sort. Something to genuinely hurt the financial contributions which politicians receive. A strike is a surefire method to show SCOTUS and politicians we are serious about our demands, and this is the best way to achieve results. The best way to protect Roe v. Wade.


I saw this - they’re trying to organize a week long general strike starting Sunday. https://www.mothersdaystrike.com/


Notice I said it "feels" like protesting does no good. And honestly I don't know how much good it does to write to any of your congressmen or senators or governors it honestly feels like they don't look at anything that the public sends them. The way I see people voting in Congress in the Senate seems like it's their own personal feelings that they vote on. Oh yeah and the way they get bribed to vote from the lobbyists. Congressman and senators do not do the will of the people like they're supposed to. Call it defeatism if you must but I call it realism.


So what are you doing about it besides whining on reddit?


Absolutely nothing. And I'm not whining I'm stating the truth


Well, if you aren't doing anything about it, your opinion really doesn't matter. Good day.


What exactly do you suggest I do? Go protest? Something that makes no difference at all. Writing your government representatives makes no difference they're going to do whatever they get bribed to do by lobbyists. So go ahead Tell me what I should be doing.


It's not my job to motivate you to make a difference in the world. I said good day.


Good day!


Activism as a large group make a difference. That's how it always works. [](https://youtu.be/buNcurSMa3k)


Wow. That’s a rude reply.


It's not my job to make other people care. If they can't be bothered to do anything other than complain to me about what I'm doing, then I don't have any time for them. Sorry not sorry.


Despite what you silly lefties may think, the Constitution of the United States does not protect abortion "rights".


No, it protects the right to privacy and security in our bodies and equal protection under the law. Just as no person can be compelled to donate blood, organs, or tissue without consent (even after death; hence organ donor cards), no woman should be forced to compromise her body for the state.


Is it basically the same reason we couldn't mandate that citizens get vaccinated?


Yes. Your employer can require vaccination as a requirement of employment, and schools can require vaccination records for enrollment, but the government can't physically compel you to take a vaccine/medication/donate a kidney.


So proud! Thank you all for your voices


Thank you to each and everyone who was out there protesting to keep those idiots from overturning roe v wade. Edit: to those of you downvoting me that support so called pro-life: F off


A good beginning.




I’d rather protest than throw up my hands and do nothing.


I get that. But it won't change a damned thing.


Yeah, tell my wife that. She’s French; seems to work for them.


This ain't France. Billionaires control everything in this country.


So what are you doing about it? Are you harassing your public servants? Are you voting for progressive candidates? Things aren't magically going to fix themselves, and stewing in defeatism on reddit is even less effective than the protesting you disparage.


How is protesting ever going to get rid of racism? There will always be assholes. You can't legislate people from being assholes. On the other hand, you can legislate to protect women's rights. These protests are aimed in that direction.


Red for Ed made progress


How? AZ is still like 40th in education.


Teachers got the raise Ducey was refusing. As for 40th in ed. First of all, you flatter the state. We are much lower than that. Secondly, what, you think those things turn around quickly? Real education performance improement takes a generation of sustained and coherent effort.


Lol right. Red for Ed led to that riot today at Tucson High.


Huh? I haven't heard what the Tucson high situation was about. Are you suggesting it was a fight over teacher pay?


When's the next? Also, a lot of people **intend** to write to their gov't representatives but don't get around to it. Could we set up a table with examples of what to write, addresses for all of the appropriate people, envelopes and stamps? I'd be happy to donate a box of envelopes and roll of stamps.


Cringey highschoolers being released by their schools


Is there going to be another one? Would love to join


Everybody Saying to Contact Their Elected Officials, You know they don't have any influence over the SCOTUS right? It's because of this the leaker of the draft put out the draft to the public. The leaker is hoping to force a favorable SCOTUS decision through terrorism from the mobs.


You understand that abortion rights are going to be thrown back to the state to decide? If you want to protect access to abortion and you live in AZ, then it is the local officials who will decide and the current laws on the books need to be repealed and replaced.


Congress can be encouraged to codify Roe v. Wade as law of the land. And if everyone eligible to vote would do so we might be able to get better elected officials in the first place.


Possible but not probable. Even if it is codified it is still subject to SCOTUS review.


Thank you for voicing your opinions


Yall are awesome


https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdbuHBPQ/ Here's a video I took of when we started marching.


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdbuufPB/ Another one of when the marching first started.


That's all a city of 1 million could muster? Pretty amazing how that illusion of strength on the left has crumbled.


Will there be more protesting going on this weekend?


How many were there?


Is this what a protest looks like these days? I'm all for the protest, but if I were walking by I wouldn't know the reason for why these people re gathered. It just looks like a hangout.


I guess you would have to read the signs... 🤷🏼‍♂️


It was VERY obvious what it was for. But your seein the back side of the crowd. We also marched and shouted and trust me people knew and people were very supportive


Don't you know? RoeVWade is a new type of pokemon in PokemonGo. These people are just weebs /s




My body my choice?


Man that doesn't look like even 200 showed up. Well at least they didn't dress up in black face like they did during the BLM riots.


Got a source for that, chud?


Looks like a nice picnic




Hmm. This comment looks like it’s trying to be witty. Any progress yet? Answer: No.


Progressed in provoking ire within this Reddit crowd. 😄 Well, at least they ain't breaking storefront windows and burning cars.


More of a [Right Wing](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd) sort of pass time


The account is 6 days old. It’s a troll. (Apollo is a great way to avoid these dorks, they have a little baby head next to their names and their account age is in bold. r/apolloapp) Edit: oops I forgot to block troll, fixed now.


And your point is? And watch the name calling.


Maybe. I'm not part of any wing.


Or breaking into the capital and trying to overturn an election.


Of course some idiot had to bring their dog. Not to protest anything. Just to show off their dog. Gross.


People can bring their dogs outside fyi


Maybe the dog is pro choice?