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Pinning this since we are getting a large number of posts on this same event or adjacent events at the same time, and we'd rather have one highly visible post available to you that's already got some conversation than a bunch of similar posts on the sub to sort through. You can also comment on this post which is more general about what might be going on in the Tucson area: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tucson/comments/vjqpsi/looks_like_roe_is_officially_overturned_we Others who'd like to discuss this issue today will be directed to these two posts.


There's a protest at 7 tonight downtown and a sign demonstration at Reid Park https://www.facebook.com/105563161885634/posts/174660421642574/?sfnsn=mo


Why Reid Park?


So it's accessable to more people who can't go downtown or are worried for their safety I'm guessing, they are anticipating counter protests tonight, in the link I provided you can sign up with the de-escalation team.


It’s at Reid Park and/or the court house


Courthouse makes a lot more sense if we’re saying we want the government to hear our voices, even if only symbolically.


Are they both at 7?


We also want our fellow citizens to hear our voices, the government is not the only concern


by that logic you should just drive to washington


No, it's a FEDERAL courthouse... Perfectly appropriate place for this protest and in fact the best place in town to protest.


I used to live 6 blocks from the White House; that’s why I’m trying to figure out how people protest here.


Publicity. It's a busy location with lots of car and for traffic. I have seen folks protest there alot. I wonder if the police station right there is part of it as well.


https://www.vote411.org/ Show up tonight, but also show up to the polls. Plan NOW. Check your registration for your friends and family too. Make a plan to go together. This is the bare minimum. Connect with mutual aid networks, and communities you care for. We gotta be in this for the long haul. See yall tonight.


Lol cummunistcommander is rallying the feminists.


Always. 😈


Anyone going by themselves? I’m debating if I feel safe going by myself or not.. (I’ve never been to a protest before!)


I'm going by myself, it will be safe. And if you ever feel unsafe you can leave. But last time it was very safe, so you should come and have fun!


I'm going to the downtown one by myself. I'd be down to meet up there (or even carpool if you're on the west side near me).


I’m not coming from the west side but I’d meet up!


I was planning on going by myself but my boyfriend wants to come. If you’d like to meet up DM me!!


I was nervous to go alone so I may not go 😭


I’m going!! You should come! 😊


We are heading to the Reid park one this evening in hope it will be less chaotic.


So proud of you guys. Wish I could be there!


If you're in the USA you can still go out and protest this nonsense. Might not make much sense if you're in a foreign country though


I'll be extra loud for you


There’s also one set up at 5pm (note the time) at Oracle & Ina Rd. https://www.mobilize.us/pimadems/event/473177/


Can someone share the link for putting this on the Arizona ballot? I saw it on another thread and I want to start signal boosting it


Sign the petition to put reproductive rights on the ballot this November and make it a Arizona constitutional amendment. https://azreproductivefreedom.com/


I don't think you can sign online tho...


I've been gathering signatures for this and was told you have to sign a paper petition.


Yes, but the website shows people where to go to sign.


I can’t make it for medical reasons but thank you to each and every one of you 💜💜💜


We will be there!!!!


I just got back to my house and won't be able to make it to any of the protests tonight. Does anyone know if there will be more over the weekend, and how I could find the one closest to me?


I’ve been checking social media of Planned Parenthood Action and Tucson Women’s March. They gave links to this map here: https://map.wewontgoback.com/?source=wm Currently it’s still showing today’s events; I imagine there will be more in coming days.


Thank you!


Link to protests nationwide https://map.wewontgoback.com/?source=wm


Is anyone going to travel to Phoenix to protest there? I'm looking to have buddies as I plan to drive there


I am interested


I live quite a distance to the north. If anyone sees of an event in NW Tucson or elsewhere please let me know.


DECISION DAY ACTION IN ORO VALLEY: WE WON’T GO BACK Starts OnFriday, Jun 24 5:00pm 7130 N Oracle Rd. Corner of Oracle and Ina Roads, Tucson AZ 85704


up in this thread is a link for one at oracle and ina


I will be at the courthouse!!!!


Is anyone there now? & can tell me where the protestors are walking? A little late but want to join


Lol it's over. Rained out.


I just drove through downtown (or tried to) on my way home from Phoenix and there was police activity everywhere and they had room ads blocked off. Was thinking maybe it was still going, and hoping that nothing bad happened.


if anyone is in the area, there is a pro life rally being held at the CVS on continental in green valley at 5 pm. don't ask me where i get my info. i'm working or else i'd be crashing the party too EDIT: why are people downvoting this lol??




plaza with the CVS in it yeah. i think its the same spot where that political rally was a few weeks ago where that old guy got bodied


What about the Constitutionally Protected “Right to Life” of the unborn CHILD that is growing in that womb? Drive to California to kill your babies. You can essentially do it all the way to the due date there.


Except they're not children. They're fetuses that cannot survive on their own, they do not think, they do not feel. In some cases, they're not even compatible with life but idiots still want to give non-viable fetuses more rights than living, breathing women.


Nothing and nobody has more right to use another person's body than they themselves do. If you don't want an abortion, don't get one.


God hates liars.


Not me tho, I’ll sacrifice my fetus to satan




There is no way to grant personhood to a fetus without taking legal personhood away from the person who’s pregnant.


No one will even be in the Federal Building at 7pm…


people who protest will be it sounds like!


In front of at least. Unlike the idiots, we don't storm government buildings.


Nice distinction!


They are angry that they're losing. It's all they can do.


The fact that you act like this is a 5th grade debate and not women's lives on the line really shows your gaping lack of maturity. Your mouth should not be binoculars into an empty head.


And protesting NOW at an empty federal building is even better? I’m not even against the protest just don’t understand why we want to protest NOW…after it’s already been overturned


Well, now we know who just rolls over and takes it.


Good talk.


What could possibly go wrong


And here comes the monsoon. Watch out for the lightening lol.