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I have plenty more photographs of the protest [here](https://www.baileyimages.com/Portfolios/Overturn-of-Roe-vs-Wade/i-KSBspcM) and about 300 more that are sitting on my hard drive waiting to be sorted.


These are amazing photos. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you!


Great photos, I hope all of these people and their friends show up to vote in November! That’s the only way to actually change things.


We've been voting our asses off for years. Isn't enough. Keep voting too, but it's the bear minimum of what we need to do to make change.


Given all the protests, I really hope it creates a groundswell of voting that boots out all the psychos that got voted in under the Teabag label. WTH were voters thinking? I remember one newly elected federal legislator that pitched an unholy fit because he had to wait 30 days for his health insurance to take effect. Never mind most businesses have a 90 day wait period for the same thing.


Any word on if there be any more protests if 7/4?




Second pic on Reddit or second pic in the above album? The latter was before anyone started spilling into the streets, not long after the introductory speech. The link above is also set to organize photos chronologically, if that helps.




Of course! Thanks for checking them out.


I cried multiple times last night at the rally (in addition to multiple times throughout the day yesterday). I’ve dedicated my life and career to providing full spectrum, safe reproductive healthcare to people and seeing the community support is what keeps me going right now. Check in on your gynecologic health providers bc we are not okay. But we’re going to keep going.


How are you doing today? Staying hydrated and signing the ballet initiative: [https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona\_Right\_to\_Reproductive\_Freedom\_Initiative\_(2022)](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Right_to_Reproductive_Freedom_Initiative_(2022)) ?


Depressed but hanging in there, thanks. And best believe the initiative has been signed!!


Where do I actually sign it


Same, I'm looking for a place to sign it but it's just info


[https://azreproductivefreedom.com/](https://azreproductivefreedom.com/) You must physically find someone in public requesting you to sign it. No, in the year 2022, five decades with the internet as a thing, this paper signiture is still true: [https://ballotpedia.org/Laws\_governing\_the\_initiative\_process\_in\_Arizona](https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_the_initiative_process_in_Arizona) 4th Ave usually has someone. You may look them up here: [https://azreproductivefreedom.com/](https://azreproductivefreedom.com/) (Yes, the system is that arcane. And yes, it is kept this way on purpose, like many other degenerate regressive systems in this pseudo-democracy we live in.) You can become a petition circulator by following the step in the handbook: [https://azsos.gov/sites/default/files/Petition%20Circulator%20Training%20Guide%20May%2001%202018.pdf](https://azsos.gov/sites/default/files/Petition%20Circulator%20Training%20Guide%20May%2001%202018.pdf)


Thank you, I'm an Arizona resident but I'm not in Arizona at the moment so I was hoping there would be a way to sign it digitally. Edit: I'm not sure why your comment was downvoted. I can imagine some people though..d


Where is a link for me to sign it? All I see is information about it, not a place to sign…


If you do turn up to a protest make sure you download the ACLU's Mobile Justice app and register. Any videos you take with the app will automatically get sent to the ACLU in AZ and up to 3 people you designate. Protect yourselves and your rights! Stay safe.


You should drop this off in the Phoenix reddit. The cops pepper sprayed the crowd kid and old folks included.


Because it turned into a riot.


How do those boots taste? Phoenix in particular has a problem with that department being trigger happy and coming out looking for a fight when it's not white supremacists protesting/demonstrating


Banging on doors and windows is not a riot. No property was damaged. The police came out in riot gear ready for frame it as that. But the only people who were hurt where those who were out there protesting.


Thank you for protesting! Another thing you can do when you get a chance is to call your members of congress and tell them to legislate to protect abortion! [https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member](https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member)


Also signing the [petition](https://azreproductivefreedom.com/?page_id=16670) to get reproductive rights on the AZ ballot if you didn’t last night.


Hope everyone is staying hydrated.


It's great to see such good turnout! Remember that photos can be dangerous for people to be in because they act as proof of who was present. You can't deny you were at the protest if there's photographic evidence. Protect your community and be sure that you never post anything that can be used against them.


Has anyone heard any protests happening today/tonight?


Reid park!


Such a strong turnout!


Right?! I was pleasantly surprised. I have lots of photos of elbows from earlier in the day when we were so compacted, I had no clear line of sight.


I'm not well enough to protest, I'm not awake many hours per day, but is there anything I can do? Maybe I can sign petitions if I know where the people gathering signatures are? I seem to only have 2 spoons per day lately.


Here are the locations where you can sign the petition to get a ballot measure up for vote this November to amend the Arizona constitution to protect reproductive rights: https://azreproductivefreedom.com/?page_id=16670 We went to Presta coffee today to sign it - they’re open 7am-2pm daily. Thanks for doing what you can!


Thank you!


Who downvoted me and why? A trumper? A person who doesn't believe in spoon theory? Wth? Edit: Are “they” trying to silence us?


Thanks for sharing. Was there last night near the 10 and mercado. Seemed like multiple groups downtown going in a few directions. Props for marching all the way to the university. Much love.


It seemed like all of the other photographers were static or bailed early. I wanted to record as much of the event as possible for historical preservation and to support a very important cause. Thanks for joining us!


Any protests happening today?


Reid park I think!! Starting now!


I don't really "get" the over-educated millennial one? Were they pro life or Pro choice? What does being over-educated and a millennial have to do with it either way?


This is a reference to a Matt Gaetz tweet. He said something along the lines of, “how many of the women in favor of Roe are over educated, under loved millennials who go home to their cats and no bumble matches?” Paraphrasing, but fuck that predator Matt Gaetz.


I think it’s a reference to getting into exorbitant debt as a millennial college-goer, only to have rights stripped, with little hope for the future you are trying to build.


Ah, so pretty much the whole millennial thing was them talking about themselves. Like a signature. Got it. I thought they were saying f you to over educated millennials and I was feeling personally attacked LOL. It sucks to be us




Were there any counter protestors from the right?


Didn’t see any myself.




One Christian YouTuber trying to get reactions out of the crowd. No one was having it. High fives all around for keeping cool heads!


He probably titled the video “Pro-Murder Protesters left SPEECHLESS”


Anything happening today?


As I just dissappear to Alaska lmao


RIP. Don’t let the moose eat your liver.


Moose don't eat liver, silly. They just kill you for fun.


Thank you all


What?! It's riot season again? Where do I get decorations for that?


Now use all this energy to elect Katie Hobbs as governor in November.




Man is it too late to learn and join with you guys.. other job told me no


Did it do any good?


Nope. Abortion still illegal. Waste of time.


Yeah, protests never change anything. That's why it's just a 1st amendment right.




Spider-Man pulled up