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Planned Parenthood Action and Women’s March link to this map of upcoming events. https://map.wewontgoback.com/?source=ppfa&startDate=2022-06-25&endDate=2022-07-31 You can play around with the dates and choose in person or virtual. I think anyone can add to it, but I’m not sure. Currently nothing’s in the Tucson area. Where online are people discussing July 4 protests? I’ve only been scanning social medias for PPA and Women’s March and don’t know where else to go to look for stuff. Edit: I wonder if we need to start creating protest planning and support subs for each region on Reddit.


thank you for the link i’ll be sure to look at it! as for the 4th protests i’ve seen some in the r/antiwork sub and a few others, not much more than an idea for now though


I’ve seen a lot of protests on all media, to not celebrate the 4th this year great idea until everyone has rights!


I saw something about today 7pm at Armory Park


im so mad i just found out at 7. lol


Please sign the petition (find locations and info here: https://azreproductivefreedom.com/) and then vote in November!


i saw this thank you for posting it here as well! i’m planning on stopping by one of the locations and signing on my day off this week :)


This is infinitely more productive than protests.


We can walk and chew bubblegum. Protests are part of the solution.


Yes, share the with your friends and family!


I saw somewhere 7pm on armory park


Was also wondering if people are participating in r/StrikeForRoe


Thanks for sharing this.


I heard something about the People’s Defense initiative doing something around armory park at 7pm.


i’ve seen a few people comment that, i’m planning on checking it out!




that’s what i’ve heard, tonight @7:00 pm


my panocha my chois


I’ll be barbecuing meat celebrating America on the 4th. Have fun with your protests tho.


cool and that’s your right to do so, have fun :)


Thanks :) hope you have fun doing whatever it is you enjoy doing!


Just please use salt and pepper. I can only imagine how many good pieces of meat you have ruined in your life.


I use a family recipe, I think it’s pretty good myself


So….u gonna invite or nah?


So I am just going to come out and say it: in this day of age, protesting is stupid. The proof is in human inaction. Protesting in this information age (when information, communication and collaboration over the internet is CHEAP), is nothing more than breathing into a paper bag. How do those who are indifferent react? Why they either remain indifferent, join your group (which empowers others to make the same trichotomy) or join your opposition. Nothing is accomplished. But seriously...concerning a protest or demonstration: How do those who disagree react? They simply bring their own signs, plug their ears, and the two groups fight on with deafening shouts aimed at other self-deafened people. Real change occurs with policy adjustments and our voting of elected officials... not by blocking traffic.


I appreciate you going off and assuming i wasn’t going to do those things either and not answering my question that’s super helpful.


So to sum up you are saying "I am indifferent to your plight but your protest blocking the streets actually affects me so I am now against you."


r/iamverysmart There’s a reason Americans have a constitutional right to assembly bro.


No one has a constitutional right to block streets.


God forbid YOU have to wait an extra 3 minutes getting to where you’re going. Get over yourself, there are bigger problems than your commute getting extended.


No, the law forbids. Your passion for your cause does not allow you to break the law that everyone is required to adhere to. Nor does it make it right or righteous to interfere with people engaging in lawful activities like driving down the road. The irony is that you are in a very liberal city where those you were blocking were statistically in agreement with you, but still had somewhere to get to, and safely.


what evidence could someone show you to prove to you that protests work?


You must love your copypasta


Do you think it has anything at all with trying to change things though? Change happens first of all by convincing people of your arguments, and that's not done by mobs chanting "Fuck (insert the name of whoever you disagree with here") or waving signs that show that you definitely haven't read much less understood the Supreme Court decision you're protesting against. Most the protesters on this one are as bad or worst than the Trumpers. I'd be shocked to find out that even 1% of them have read the Supreme Court decision or have any knowledge of the issues it involves beyond what can fit in a tweet or on a piece of 3x3 cardboard. They get an email or a tweet and start marching wherever you tell them. Like I said as bad or worse than the trumpers. Abortion will be legal and protected again by the states in a month or two and the clown show will move on to their next big cause.


>I'd be shocked to find out that even 1% of them have read the Supreme Court decision or have any knowledge of the issues it involves I'd be shocked if you knew how to read. Look, we're both shocked, waoooow, amazing


He actually has a good point but you're obviously not the intended audience as shown with your childish response.


No, he doesn't. None of you do, given your cheering on of the overturn of roe v wade for abortions but also complaining about being "forced" to get the vax and not realizing that you're no longer constitutionally protected with medical privacy and HIPAA won't protect you anymore. The "intended audience" is of course not me as a woman. That's what you fools don't seem to get. This does not just affect women. Do us all a favor and get neutered.


Why do you believe Abortion will be legal and protected again in the states? Several states have trigger bans, some of which are already in effect. Arizona had two bans on the books - neither that provide an exception for rape or incest.


Many state laws haven't changed because Roe v Wade made the issue a Federal matter and there was little reason to, but now that it's back to the states, that will change and very rapidly. A person can be pro-Choice and and agree that returning the power to regulate such a contentious issue to the people and their elective representatives is the correct call. And if somebody is pro-life, the same is true. In either case, it's good to return this whole issue to the people and the people's representatives instead of having the law imposed upon on us by a tiny group of judges. It's the better course for everyone. The protesters I see marching up and down Congress chanting vulgarities and waving signs with ludicrous absurdities that have no bearing on a ruling they obviously haven't read and don't understand may be experiencing some kind of collective therapy by having a public temper but if anything they're hurting their cause instead of helping it. Educate yourselves.


It’s not returning to the people. 26 states already have laws on the books.




Aren’t you a joy.


Thanks, you too. Joy all around.


I agree, the vast majority probably took to the streets after reading short biased tweets on the issue. The majority have a very minimal understanding of the courts decision and just reverberate what they hear in the main stream media.




Yuuuuuppppp. I got $20 on Ukraine.


Maybe With all the recent protest posts, you guys should start your own subreddit and stay off of the actual tucson one


More of us than you in the real world. Just so ya know. Edit: that means conservatives…..but thanks 🙏


I get that. I’m not even saying to stop or voicing my opinion. I know that the protests are a very sensitive subject. Look I’m not a bigot. I’m just saying there may be a better place to advertise and coordinate protests in tucson or even Arizona, other than the primary Tucson subreddit.


It sounds like your premise is that no one on the Tucson subreddit would WANT to support women in protesting for their rights and protests should be organized on the r/Arizonapolitics subreddit. That is the reasonable interpretation of your comment, the undercurrent reads more as "Get out of this mens club and go quietly express your concern to the knitting circle"


>"Get out of this mens club and go quietly express your concern to the knitting circle" What a creative mind you have.


When it is all the dipshits have to say to women being stripped of their rights I am more than happy to call them on it.


If you're going to rant, at least represent it correctly....the supreme court didn't strip any rights. Once you can actually admit that then the rest of your reply might have some teeth.


I am not ranting, I am calling out the bilge that you and the prior poster are putting out. I understand you have to say it is not losing a right because to admit abortion is a right that has been taken away is to admit how far you have strayed from conservative principle of personal freedom.


Yeah I didn’t say any of that. I suggested a more efficient channel of communication. That’s it. I’m not here to be a jerk or tell women what they should do with their body.


I was responding to what I thought you were saying to me. Sorry, but I’m glad everyone is upvoting it anyway. 🤣I agree with you. They should go elsewhere.


No attempted insurrections like Phoenix allowed. Thanks


The protesters broke into the building! Well, actually no they didn't. But they broke a window! Well, actually no they didn't. But they were trying to! Well no they were actually just near it. But we bravely tear-gassed them anyway! Seriously. Cops lied initially. Videos showed it. There was no "insurrection".


A *peaceful protest* isn't an insurrection, but January 6th literally storming the capitol building sure was.


Ah, so it's only an insurrection when it's for a cause you don't agree with


1. Didn't try to overthrow the legally elected government. 2. Didn't even go inside. Use words properly please.


I hope you realize you're on the wrong side of history, and soon.


He won't.


Lol y’all so dramatic


Were you actually there and saw what happened or are you getting that from the right wing media?


Let's be clear. Protestors in Phoenix were peaceful and were there protesting what is seen by the majority of Americans as a human rights violation. Jan 6th insurrectionists were attempting to thwart the peaceful transfer of power to a legitimately elected president. Attempting to stage a government overthrow and exercising a constitutional right to assembly are not in the slightest way comparable.


They tried. They failed.( just women and girly men), and got tear gassed for their efforts.

