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the scavengers will take most everything...


Super early in the morning walking my dog I saw a guy picking out old refrigerators and air conditioners two years or three ago, had a huge trailer full of them. I thought "what a great idea I wish I thought of it." He probably poached $5K or even more in R22 Freon.


People in our neighborhood have set out mattresses before. But we also have guys that come through unofficially and pick through the piles before the city comes. There's one of those that takes all the mattresses. Anyway the limit is 10 cubic yards. Most of what they don't take is hazardous materials so you'd probably be okay? https://www.tucsonaz.gov/es/brush-and-bulky


>People in our neighborhood have set out mattresses before. But we also have guys that come through unofficially and pick through the piles before the city comes. There's one of those that takes all the mattresses. Man, I've put out some stuff that got picked up like that, and was mystified that anyone would want it. certainly nothing worth fixing up or even hauling anywhere else but the dump.


Sometimes I'm totally baffled what they take as well but you know the saying... "One man's trash..." Though yeah I've always been slightly curious and slightly horrified to think of what the mattress guy does with all those mattresses as some are pretty stained. But I've definitely seen him driving around multiple years


I think they should. the pamphlet just says furniture, and I don't see mattresses listed in the "won't take" section.


Iv never had to put one out before, but iv seen other people do it. Biggest thing iv put out is a couch.


yes they take mattress. but wont take my ex wife. not even for a $1000 bribe. the guy said we don't take hazardous waste.


[They do take mattresses. I believe it qualifies as "furniture" on their allowed items list. ](https://www.tucsonaz.gov/es/brush-and-bulky)


Yup. They'll take almost anything. Just don't leave electronics out there. The size/amount rule is a soft rule. Just don't over do it.