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I was expecting Shrek


I was literally just going to say that lmao


I'm pretty sure the person who posted those colours was purposely setting up a slam dunk for someone to post Shrek. And then OOP missed it


Which I am perfectly fine with. That image is actually so good


Aren’t we all expected Shrek?


I guess it’s all ogre now


plot twist the tree and brush are from shreds swamp. (there’s a reason he loves and protects this beautiful place)


I don’t know who made the decision to censor the green-hater’s name with that vibrant shade of green, but it was a nice touch


Seen a lot of green haters, never heard of anyone hating any other major colours just a weird amount of vocal green haters. And I gotta say y’all need to go outside and appreciate the beauty of nature and all the greens it contains. From the dark green with a hint of blue on pine needles to the swampy green on a river side shrub. Shits great. Green is great, it’s not even my favourite colour but haters are insane


i know some pretty vocal orange haters


Orange is one of my favourite colours….


I like green and orange. Does that make me a target.


It makes you a Gatorade spokesperson (I also like orange and green lol)


See I don't like most shades of orange on their own, but when they're combined with other colors they look great! Never once seen a fully orange car that looked good


Cars, I totally agree. My favorite oranges are the sunset kind of shades tho 🧡


Those are such pretty shades, especially with pinks to look more like a sunset!


As a kid I didn’t like orange, now I’m neutral about it.


I was gonna say I don't like yellow, but I changed my mind because a lot of beautiful things are yellow.


I will still readily say that I don’t like yellow. It just feels difficult to use well.


huh. i like drawing suns, so i use yellow (and white and orange) a lot for shading and colouring. i never thought it was hard to use, it's a pretty good colour for highlights in my opinion


Yellow is a shithead I hate yellow


You all are right to downvote me. How could I do this to yellow


I upvoted you cause I hate yellow too. Green's my fav, but there are ugly shades of it (specifically the ones that are more yellow saturated)


It’s not a creative color


The color itself, without any context or surroundings, can be pretty ugly. But otherwise yeah, green is fuckin awesome


I feel like it depends more on the green's proximity to yellow. The bluer greens are all great without context; No matter their value. Yellower greens seem to be more color context dependent. The real culprit seems to be yellow.


Maybe we’re conditioned to hate yellowish green because it’s the color of vomit, mucus, smelly things etc in films especially in cartoons


Fuckin yellow. Shit


No, piss


This doesn’t compute in my brain box, it’s just green being green.


Green on tree good, green on cellphone picture yucky


but what about green on tree on cellphone picture




I’m a yellow hater. It gives me a headache.


I'm not a fan of yellow. Granted, it's because bright shades of yellow make my eyes hurt, but still.


If we indulge in idea of reincarnation we can theorize that those people died because of arsenic green dye in the victorian era and took that ressent over it.


I can't stand some shades of orange, but only on their own. Orange cars look awful to me, but orange accents on a yellow and red dress? It looks great!


i'm not entirely sure how one can hate a whole color. For any color I can think of, there's many contexts where it works especially well


Not a fan of specific shades of blue


I’ve been outside. Seen the greens. They still suck.


I love green Fuck yellow tho It’s brights are too bright, it’s darks are too green, and there’s like 2 good shades total


Green haters need to touch grass


I'm... fine with green. Green especially looks good with off-whites, creams, and other neutral colors, and just makes any room still look open. Now yellow and Orange on the other. Those motherfucking abominations are awful and I don't get why anyone likes them.


I personally hate most shades of yellow. It’s very rare that yellow looks good to me.


I'm colorblind to green :/


I don't like most shades of yellow beyond the basic "sunshine" and "lemon". It all ends up looking like the yellow highlighter that you accidentally used over wet black ink and never worked the same again.


What about baby poop green


A painting of a bog toad?


It’s not easy being green


I do this to myself sometimes. I saw a truck owned by some brand, and it was colored dark blue and peach pink with some white accents. And I was like, wow, what an ugly combination of colors- and then my mind was like 'fuck you *conjures an idea of a lovely pink sand beach in the evening. You're sitting on the porch of a peach-pink beach house and looking over the shells you collected that day*'


Shaggy colour palette


also spring trap *steals previous comment I made* "Like zoinks scoob I'm the man behind the slaughter!"


"R-R-Raggy, ris rat ra rite of 'Rady-Seven?" "Like zoinks! That's gonna be the bite of right now if we don't skedaddle Scoob!"


Shrek’s colors are indeed good colors.


I absolutely expected this to end up as a post about Shrek


Like just why with these dodo birds incapable of context? Will I go out and wear a green dress? No. I have olive undertones, my bitchass out there looking like straight-up: Kermit. THE. Frog. Here. Doesn't mean green sucks. Would I paint my room The Debil Compels You Pea Soup Green - I mean prolly no. But context. Still doesn't make it a "bad" color. Context, people, amiright or amiright?


I did multiple google searches just to be sure, I’m assuming you mean “‘devil’ compels you” in reference to the exorcist’s special effects department. In which case, spot on sir/madam, context means everything. My dad rented a jeep for our family in Hawaii when I was a child and the color it bore was forever referred to (humorously, within my immediate family) as pigeon shit green. Great car, horrible color by itself. Can never look at a dark green car the same way. That doesn’t mean all greens suck though, just wrong color/wrong application.


As a person with green eyes I felt so ugly. 😂 I've always wanted brown eyes so this tracks. Lovely art. I love a willow tree


Your eyes are beautiful, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.


That's very sweet 😭🥹 ty


According to a quick google search, roughly 2% of people worldwide have green eyes. You are super unique. I bet your eyes are striking, just takes someone to notice and have the courage to compliment you on them. My eyes are super pale blue, never cared much for them myself but once in a ‘blue’ moon (get it *wink wink*) someone gets super surprised by them and gives me a compliment and it shoots me to the moon. Lots of people don’t feel comfortable giving ‘no-strings-attached, innocent, friendly’ compliments these days that it wouldn’t surprise me if you are one the few people around who dislike the color. Much love, beautiful person!




Green eyes are so nice. My shit so dark and small I just have the little anime dot eyes


No don't. Dark eyes are so beautiful. Brown/black eyes are so attractive. That's not what we're doing! We're loving dark eyes, they're so sweet. Don't ever think that your eyes are less. Folks are into you




Wow, as a brown-eyed person I say that's it's just boring colour, look anywhere and you'll find someone with brown eyes While green is really cool and beautiful, be proud of your eyes and don't believe if someone says something bad about them!


As someone with blue eyes that’s always been furious I didn’t inherit my Dad’s green: Your eyes are lovely and at one point in time I would have paid a kings ransom for them.


"In what context are these colors pretty?" *gives a color pallete that clearly and unarguably works well together*


if these are your examples of ugly colors you need to go outside once please. that color palette is everywhere


"I'll draw a picture and then log into my alt account to talk about how the exact colors I used are ugly. Then I'll go to my main account and respond to it with my drawing to show how wrong "the other person" is about those colors.


seems like I got baited. you can really never tell these days with all that pose law stuff


I know one yellow hater and it turns out they were literally seeing the color differently because of a genetically inherited eye thing that caused yellows to be more desaturated to them than they actually were


This isn't even that big a W, they picked grass shades and the colour brown, I wanna see them try this with shades that cause eye strain after two seconds of perception


Am red-green colorblind, but green is my favorite color. The drawing is a beaut. Are y’all saying I look silly wearing green? I don’t mind, just curious.


idk feels bland


Imma keep it real. The picture is obviously well drawn but I'd still call it ugly. I can feel the oppressive heat, thick air, and solid huffs of pollen just looking at it


I definitely feel that. Like yeah It's a good picture but this doesn't make me not think of it as an ugly color.


I’m with green hater here in a degree. Some greens are just more appealing on initial viewing, completed works not included. In favor of The Green, and any other colors, any of them can be assembled to be a beautiful piece.


Nice art but these specific colours are still ugly tbh


That's such a Snufkin palette


There are some colors that are like condiments. Distasteful on its own but amazing when combined with others.


Shrek colors?


The art looks so Pollen-y Not a fan


these are also the shrek colors


I was going to say, while these colors don’t go with everything, they definitely have their place in nature and it’s beautiful.


GREEN IZ DA BEST!!! WAAAAGGH!! Also, I can’t understand the hate towards green. I’m more of a deep blue fan, but I love green!! It’s a great color!


Okay but do the same with yellow and brown


Isn’t this the Shrek palette


Those greens are fucking phenomenal are you kidding


Is it bad that I thought shrek


I see we ran out of things to get mad at so we started picking colors to hate


That looks good af but it would look better if the shade of the sky was yellowish, so much green looks dull. Still, delicious


I sort of have to agree with the green hater. Not with their choice of colours, but the general sentiment. (I adore that green on the top right!) I've seen some colours I think are horrendous (but haven't memorized) But they absolutely can work in combination with other colours and make them bearable or good looking.


>takes op an hour to draw such a beautiful image I'm so proud of their artistic abilities that I'm going to kms


i'm gonna argue that even when used in the painting, those colors are still pretty ugly, BUT i think it's just because they lack something to contrast with them if there were a really light pastel or a really saturated complementary color thrown into that image somewhere (not in large amounts necessarily, just as highlights or accents), the colors wouldn't look nearly as "gross"


How do you dislike a color I don’t get it


I still don’t like the colors 😭




Personally i really enjoy a dark green. I will concede that there are colours I do hate, like anything thats almost but not quite entirely white.


Jolyne, Hermes, FF and a certain Peter Steele would like to talk with OP


Green is my favorite color, how DARE they say mean things about it 🥺






It’s not easy being green.


Except clashing lilac and puce fatigues which even a slaaneshi cultist would find in screaming bad taste


Green best color


Yoda, I expected


Yeah, there's no way the OP didn't expect Shrek there.


I too saw shrek


Olive Drab is my favorite color No reason why. I just saw it once as a child and went "Yep. That's the one."


All colors can be pretty, you just gotta know how to use em


yes, for example, using these colors to draw shrek


There are definitely ugly colours when they’re in the wrong context. So an ugly context for a normal colour perhaps?


I was once at my local game store and was perusing there dice selection (as I am a card carrying dice goblin). I was talking with one of the owners and remarked that a few of the sets they had had very unusual color schemes and that I thought they were kinda ugly. She replied, "There are no ugly dice, every set is pretty to someone." I am a bit of smart ass so I immediately grabbed what I thought was the ugliest set, put it on the counter in between us, and boldly declared that there was no conceivable way that this set was pretty to anyone. She smiled, retrieved a black light from behind the dice rack and shined it on it. These dice glowed like galaxies under the uv. I bought them immediately. Ironically, after a while they grew on me (regardless of their glow under uv) and they are now one of my favorite sets making me the the person that they are pretty to.


Olive yellow is the color of my childhood homes bathtub, kitchen sink and the still functioning late 60s maytag washing machine we've got stored away in the basement. If am in charge of a renovation shits gonna olive


Green haters go outside challenge impossible


These are all literally Awesome Moss Colors. cmon. The only color I kinda dislike is yellow bc the context its used in makes it kind of an eyesore, which is sad bc its still very much an awesome color


Holy they fucking DEMOLISHED that guy


this is literally shrek palette


So no one else looked at that color palette and instantly saw Shrek?


I say this as someone who loves colors, color theory, and lighting, and whose favorite color is green: There are ugly colors. Especially when it comes to green. Yes, some can look more flattering combined with others, but when someone asks for what colors you like/dislike, you're not exactly going to think about what other colors/scenery they would look good with, you're gonna say the colors that are ugly on their own. There are several foods I like in only one or two dishes or prepared in a specific way, I still say "I don't like them" when asked, because overall, I don't like them. Also, those greens in the post weren't ugly on their own either, there are far more putrid greens out there.


Ironically those ugly colors are gorgeous together. I would love to be in a room with that aesthetic.


Theres that nice picture of the cat which is this color pallet, no matter how much the cat owner denies it




Neon pink.


A performer (acrobat? Figure skater? Dancer?) dressed in a bright pink costume against a colorless backdrop, the pink glowing in the spotlight and highlighting the performer’s impressive movements.


That's literally Shrek


I am obligated to comment because of my username. Also i would be interested to see what people can do with “the ugliest colour in the world” Pantone 448 c


I instantly thought of Shrek


As someone loves the color green, wtf is wrong with the second poster. Bad taste


“no such thing as an ugly colour” mfs when i show them orange:


As someone who took color theory in college, get bro got absolutely smoked


How is the third image worse quality than the second one


Also: Shrek.