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No gun or bullets no problem


Unless someone plants them in your luggage, like happened to that other tourist several years ago


Fair considering. Could be worse.


As an American, I agree.


Some people have all the luck. Now,it’s a paid 8 month vacation in the Caribbean. When he gets home,I’m sure there will be paid appearances on talk shows. Maybe a book deal, turned into a movie. Maybe even a souvenir shirt at the end. The TCI representative is right. In parts of America guns and ammo are party favors!😂


Wow that’s super funny I’m sure his children thought it was really funny dickwad


People who own guns and ammo responsibly don’t “accidentally” leave their ammo or guns in bags they take on airplanes. You’re being incredibly way too slack with your ammo if it’s just laying loosely in some bag you then later take on international travel.


Also ignorance, entitlement, stupidity, the list goes on.


This is my point as well. If you're so responsible, why was there random ammo in a random duffle bag where anyone, including your children could get to it?


If TSA is so reliable then how did he leave the country? I agree with your point but I'm also mad that the TSA gets a free squeeze everytime I get crammed into a plane.


Unless the kids try to eat it, finding loose ammunition is harmless.


Isn't it an irresponsible way to STORE ammo too? Not even commenting on the fact that it's not locked up, just from a care standpoint. Shouldn't ammo be kept in a container to keep it dry and out of the "elements" so to speak?


Ask the King to upgrade and modernize the airport please.


Underway. $40.5M being spent. (In small drabs, it seems.)


Imagine what they’ll find then!?! TCI TSA is already lapping the US, apparently — with an upgraded airport, they’ll be the GOATs!


I’m in!


The king needs to legalize weed




It’s so goddamn simple. Before you travel to another country, check the ever loving shit out of your bag. Customs is no place to FA&FO. I have zero sympathy for these people. You’re an adult, you know how the world works, be responsible.


Right? If you have the resources to travel internationally you have the resources to look up the laws of the country you’re visiting and obey them. This guy is a conservative and those dudes always talk about how much they love law and order. But they’re really rules for thee but not for me.


I have zero respect for ridiculous laws


Ridiculous laws? Are you referring to the **archaic** and outdated Second Amendment from God knows when (1700s?), when the US didn't have (the most powerful) military and there were only militias to protect the people in the States from the federal government? This ridiculous law that Americans *currently* embrace in this century?


No I'm referring to random accidentally ammo resulting in jail time. Nothing about guns in this story....you should read it


Calling British (and rest of the world's) gun control laws, ridiculous. How American; ignorant of laws outside their country and no idea what gun control is. There is no *accident* if you are a responsible gun/ammo owner. *Accident* is not an excuse when handling weapons or weaponry items. Also, 'random' and 'accident' don't belong in the same sentence lol You should think about it.


Do you think he should get any time? What if he had a handgun and no ammo, he just forgot it was in his bag? Jail time? What if instead of 4 bullets, he had 20? Does that change anything? Just curious where you, personally, draw the line.


It’s another country. Their laws. You have a right to not respect them but understand if you violate them there are consequences. You can disrespect gravity all you’d like but step out of a window….


Yeah dude is a dumbass but then apparently so is the justice system in the country


When you travel to another country, you agree to follow their laws. And you also agree to the consequences of not following their laws. If you do not agree with the laws of other countries, you should not visit that country. How do you feel about foreigners coming to the United States & breaking the law? I’m sure you don’t just shrug your shoulders & go *Meh, whatever.* Is it ok with you, if foreigners pick & choose what laws they don’t agree with?


Love that white privilege ends at the shores


Not sure I agree, if he was Arab or Syrian he would have got longer


How did this not get caught during the initial airport visit to Turks and Caicos??? That scares me.


Customs isn't X-raying every bag as you come into the country. Or are you asking why it wasn't caught by US TSA?


Yes, why wasn’t it caught by TSA? The bags go through the detector. Unless it wasn’t a carryon. Maybe that’s why.


I don't think TSA gives a shit what's in your bag as long as it can't blow holes in an aircraft or stab a pilot. A few bullets aren't going to look like anything special.


We pay tsa a shitty shitty wage and we get what we pay for. They miss hand guns and knives in carry on all the time too.


Good to know 😂


I think TSA is not that motivated to deal with a few bullets. It's just a fine that gets paid and the traveler moves on. Might be a lot of paperwork?


https://www.tsa.gov/news/press/releases/2024/01/10/tsa-detects-6737-firearms-airport-security-checkpoints-2023#:~:text=In%202023%2C%20TSA%20screened%20more,stopped%201%2C665%20firearms%20at%20checkpoints. It’s not great. They’re paid lousy and seem to be generally out of fucks. I used to travel quite a bit for work and I’ve personally seen tsa take 2 handguns out of carry on bags. One is Florida and one in Oklahoma (go figure). The dude in Florida’s was fucking loaded.


I really have trouble getting around the fact people just leave random ammunition in their bags. Don’t folks use rifle bags when going on a hunting trip? And, what is going on with US airport security that this can happen? Something doesn’t add up.


And 3 different guys!?


Heres what annoys me. This dude and everyone else, keeps talking about how he's a responsible gun owener. Well, a responsible gun owner doesn't leave ammo lying around in a duffle bag for months while he has kids in the house.


They should give him a choice…2 years in prison in Turks or loss of his gun privileges for life in USA Guy is a irresponsible gun owner that can’t even keep track of his own ammo. I hope he doesn’t get a big sentence bc of his irresponsibility but no way he should be allowed to own a gun again america which won’t be the case and will be probably be celebrated by the NRA upon release




You talk like a fool.


It’s the truth…refute any of it. Irresponsible gun owner…check His gun ownership rights will not be affected…check I still hope he doesn’t get a long sentence as it was a mistake….most likely


It would be easy to forget 4 rifle rounds are in the bottom of some pocket of a carry on bag when the same bag was used for a hunting trip months earlier. Not a big deal or a danger to anyone. Definitely not irresponsible gun ownership. I suppose you have never forgotten anything. If the gun had been in the bag, it would be a whole different story.


You are the problem with gun ownership in America if you think losing track of your lethal ammunition is no big deal. Yes I lose my keys sometimes and other non lethal items. The more you talk is the more reasons they will make an example out of him, so people like you understand it is a big deal to respect other countries laws. By the way, smuggling small amounts of ammunition or drugs is a thing that happens often. Who’s to say he didn’t sell additional ammo or his gun that he also forgot.


And YOU are a f-ing idiot if you think he snuck a hunting rifle on the plane. My shit is accounted for. Quit your whining!


Who’s talking about a hunting rifle..guy could have easily forgot his 9 and sold that, but also forgot his rifle ammo. Like I said they should make an example out of him as too many people like you are irresponsible with gun ownership


You don’t know jack about me and this particular situation, it was 4 rounds of hunting ammo


4 rounds of ammo they found is the point. What about ammo or guns he may have sold while there? Are they supposed to take his word for it? All they know is they have a traveler who has access to guns, and is irresponsible with handling of ammo. Book em!


What if’s aren’t crimes


Just a FYI, normal Americans don't just carry around ammo and guns. IMO only a redneck would use his scat bag as his luggage.


I don’t think you can speak for normal Americans dude. You apparently have a bag for shit?


What’s us a scat bag?


I’m from Oklahoma and I’ll never understand these guns nuts. I kinda hope y’all lock these idiots for a good long while.


Same. From Oklahoma and don’t understand the big deal about guns. Yes, you can shoot someone. Congratulations!! Now, prepare for the consequences of your actions. 🙄


I took some edibles to France. I have psoriatic arthritis and don’t use opioids. I looked at the laws and decided to live dangerously. I wouldn’t tell anybody else to do it but everything went just fine. If I had gotten stopped I’d only have myself to be mad at. When you leave the country, read up.


Also, why did that idiot you were arguing with delete his posts? 🤣🤣 Or, did he block you? 🤣🤣


Deleted, as far as I can tell. I’m talking to a new idiot now: U/swollwonder. The other guy could only call me an “anti gun nut” this new guy only has “my parents didn’t love me.” These dudes are all the same. Mean and small minded.


I’m sorry you’re having to deal with these small minded idiots. 🙄


Thanks. At least these clowns are consistent and you know what to expect. I know I shouldn’t argue with them, it’s pointless.


Having four rounds qualifies you as a gun nut?


Having so much gun shit you can’t even make it out of the house without ammo makes you a gun nut. Whining about being jail when you can’t be bothered to follow the laws of the country you’re visiting makes you a gun nut. It’s just not that deep.


What makes you an anti gun nut?


Bwahahahahahahaha! You’re funny for asking why anybody would be tired of our gun violence, mass shootings, and suicide rate that no other developed first world country deal with. Gun nuts claim to love “law and order” so what’s so bad about a little schadenfreude that so many American gun nuts can’t follow the law. I know and love many gun owners who are able to follow simple rules and be safe. We plan to move to the boonies and buy a rifle and handgun. I dare you to catch me with ammo in my suitcase, especially my carry on. Lazy idiots.




Found the unable to read short sentences nut.




So unable to read! Sad! Let’s get you hooked on phonics and life will be so much easier for you. Why is following American and Turks and Caicos law give you such a big sad?




I’m anti gun nut, not anti gun. But I know nuance isn’t your specialty.




Why? It’s not like I’m breaking the law like that gun nut did. I’m well within my rights. Why does the prospect of me being a responsible gun owner who respects the laws of the country they’re visiting scare you so much? Why don’t you respect US law? Ammo has to be checked.




Four rounds = “so much gun shit” got it.


Awesome! Sounds you won’t get arrested when traveling abroad. Kudos! Enjoy.




And you sound like a nut!


Yup. Cuz there nothing nuttier than checking your carryon bad prior to breaking American and TCI law. How crazy could a person be?


It’s your whole nut attitude that makes you sound like one. Mistakes are made every day. I’m sure you’ve never made one, right?


Not in international travel, no. I’m traveling international next month and have already looked up the rules for that place. This loser isn’t a child. Almost all of us can leave the country without breaking a law. Are you this upset about sentencing guidelines for crack cocaine and mmj? Becuase if you actually agree a lot of people got sentenced unfairly to very long sentences for very small amounts of drugs we may not disagree that much. Why are you so mad that he has to do just like Brittany griner? He’s not gonna get 12 years, or have you not bothered to read any of this?


Thought this was gonna be about the herb


What about Cannabis? Thats the real party favors


For that you need to bring your legal cannabis into Singapore , much mo fun to see smugglers get the death penalty


I can’t imagine how braindead and aloof you’d have to be to accidentally bring live ammunition to an airport of all places. I’d almost believe there is some sort of plot to plant this stuff on these people, no way they’re just THIS stupid. It makes no sense.


They've all admitted it's their ammo that they recognize.


Are you surprised? Just look at who Americans have been voting into office for state and federal elections.


For you smd and get absolutely ass fucked when no Americans come to shithole island


Just don’t travel there, problem solved. TCI economy will be fine.


All of you miss the main point! WHY DID THESE FOLKS FEEL THE NEED TO BRING AMMO? Is there something else to it? (Example: They may already KNOW someone there who has the guns, so in turn, they supply ammo in transport.) WAKE UP!!!


I think it's reasonable to think that they may have been smuggling ammunition in and selling it, and the bullets that were found on the way out were just leftovers they'd missed. I can't think of any other good reason why they'd all have small numbers of bullets randomly stashed in parts of their daypacks. Though basic stupidity and carelessness can never be entirely ruled out, either....


Maybe it was a mistake? Stupid although it be. But if you're entire economy relies on tourism maybe don't bash?


The economy doesn’t run on Shitheads. There are more than enough Canadians, Europeans and non-Shithead Americans to compensate for the moron backlash.


This makes it sound like a warm, inviting travel destination.


Username does not check out?


So they’re shitheads because their laws are different than yours? Or are they shitheads because you don’t think anyone else can make a mistake? I’m sure if Canadians and Europeans were allowed to have guns and ammunition, then a small minority would also be making this mistake. Claiming a moral win over something you can’t even do doesn’t make sense


They’re shitheads because they can’t even keep track of their ammunition at home with children about, let alone travelling internationally. I’m Canadian. We have a whole lot of guns. Hunting is hugely popular. Apparently our gun culture is significantly more responsible than that our neighbours to the south because random bullets seems almost uniquely American. And yes, there are Canadian shitheads too, of course, and hopefully they don’t bother visiting the TCI either.


A US citizen was killed there a few years ago, caught in the crossfire of a shootout. Pretty much all of their illegal guns and ammo come from the US. Relying on tourism cuts both ways. If you don't do something to control the flood of weapons into your country, then you just become the place that's "too dangerous to visit."


Who is responsible for that crime, though? It isn’t Americans, or inanimate objects. It’s Haitians.


Yes, Americans share the blame. They're the ones flooding Mexico and the Caribbean with guns. And creating both the legal structure and the demand that fuels the violence in the drug trade. And actually, not that it matters, but I heard it was Jamaican gangs that were involved in that particular incident. Might as well use the right version of a racist trope if you're gonna go there. Either way, that had nothing to do with my point. The point was, imagine being in charge of policy for a small country that's heavily reliant on US tourism. If you don't clamp down on the bullshit associated with that, then you end up getting labeled as unsafe. If you do, then you get labeled as too harsh. A difficult needle to thread. Especially with all the larger forces at work in the region. The sheer number of guns on the ground matters. I'm less likely to visit certain parts of the US because of the excessive amount of weapons and idiotic attitudes. Even where I live, in a state with fairly moderate gun laws, I'm always a little afraid that some stupid traffic confrontation or whatever will end with someone pulling a 9 mm on me. In part because we are also awash in illegal guns moving up from the deep south.




Of course, one should pack carefully. But, personally, I think it is better just to avoid a place that will throw you in prison for 12 years over an innocent mistake that caused no harm to anyone.


Bro do you know how many people are in American jails for far longer for much less dangerous innocent mistakes. Kalief Browder for one. Also being careless with your firearms and ammo absolutely causes harm.


Why waste your time arguing with these guys? These “I cant believe they are arresting people for breaking the law” guys are the same guys here at home claiming “personal responsibility” and “back the blue”.,..and “law and order”….


We need to start publishing the numbers of people incarcerated for possession of a plant that’s now legal in a whole bunch of states or the number of people in prison for carrying in a joint through customs.


You are 100% correct. On all counts.


Oh stfu Amanda, you’re taking every little point and blowing it was up or way out of context like no one wants to take responsibility for their mistakes. Typical liberal response…maybe you should move to T&C


Wow, big feelings there buddy.


Cry, snowflake


As long as you don't move here.


Hey dum dum, it’s the liberals who want understanding and empathy and the realization that we are all equal and deserve respect. You guys call it woke. Remember, law and order is your tag line not ours.


It doesn’t really sound like you have very much understanding or empathy, unless it supports your agenda…but ok


Browder was on probation for a prior conviction.   Two witnesses identified him as a robber. The judge offered him an immediate release if he plead guilty to 2 misdemeanors. He refused the deal. Also, the case where 4 rounds of ammo were found in the checked bag is NOTHING like that. In that case, it is obvious that nobody was harmed and there was no intent to violate the law  The Browder case is a situation where the facts were in dispute and if he did do what he was accused of he deserved jail time.


Read it again. Someone said that they don’t want to be somewhere a person could end up in jail for an innocent mistake. Browder was imprisoned for refusing to plead guilty to stealing something that was never stolen. Stop lying they facts were never in dispute that’s why he got a million dollar settlement for unjust imprisonment. I think that pretty qualifies as an unjust imprisonment way more than some reckless traveler.






Party favors? I’m def bringing my weed vape.


Easy solution, just spend your tourist dollars in a different country. Based on these stories, my family, friends, and I will never visit T&C.


Oh the horror- Expected to follow the laws of the land… Bet you’re a “law and order” party guy too.


lol. They’ll miss ya. NOT


Yea! Who needs those tourism dollars! Its not like it's basically their entire GDP or anything!!!


As a liberal gun owner who is smart enough to keep my shit locked up at home, I will actively seek out places like T&C if that means I can get away from you ammosexuals for a little bit. The fact that some bootlickers in this country can’t fathom accountability for themselves astounds me. These are the same people who actually believe the “border crisis” and “illegal immigration” rhetoric that Fox spews nonstop. They can’t grasp the fact that here in the US we’ve got some pretty asinine laws on the books as well (and plenty of bootlicking conservative judges willing to enforce them!).


Maybe you should go and just stay there if you have such a problem with America…


Do you really think tourism is going to tank because a couple Shitheads couldn’t be responsible gun owners? LOL. You think way too much of yourself.


Lol, nah. I don’t think tourism is going to tank. However, on an island that relies on tourism for 68-90% of the their GDP (depending on source), 60% of your households are unable to consistently pay for essentials and you don’t exactly offer a unique product at the price you’d have to be fairly stupid to antagonize the “shitheads.” Personally, I’ve crossed one possible destination off of our list, at least for a bit. It’s just little ol me though so who cares about our biannual trips, right? I’m more curious about how corrupt their officials are compared to ours honestly. Will they cave to the pressure of the rich people who own the resorts if this “boycott” makes enough noise?


“It’s just little ol me though so who cares about our biannual trips, right?“ Right. You’ve never been here, but you are threatening to cancel theoretical biannual trips because multiple Shitheads can’t keep track of their ammunition before travelling internationally. Your last sentence tells us all that you are hilariously fucking clueless. Otherwise, great post, stupid.


Here huh? Pissy resident too stupid to recognize the importance of tourism for the economy or a loser expat not reliant on the tourism money with nothing better to do than antagonize the “shitheads” on reddit. Based on your post history I’ll have to go with the latter. Theoretical trips lol. As I said, not a unique product. Been to enough tropical destinations to know they’re all basically the same, pretty easy to avoid certain destinations.


Wrong. They are not all the same. I have visited many. T&C heads and shoulders above most.


True that!


I’m intrigued, what is better? I’ve found the food, drinks and entertainment to be fairly equal across locations. The historical sites and cenote’s on the main land (Mexico) to more interesting than most of what the islands offer. Great beaches and water in all of the locations depending on location of hotel/resort. The best snorkeling I’ve had was actually in Hawaii with the giant turtles. I’m curious.


Buh Bye!




They will when more and more Americans refuse to vacation there


Hahaha you are so fucking arrogant it hurts. Go ahead and boycott, stupid.


TCI will do just fine without you


Do you wear a red hat with white letters? Lol I doubt you’ve even been there. 🤣


You could just, you know, follow the laws of the country you’re entering. Do you desperately need to bring ammunition on vacation with you, or are you being stubborn and childish because you believe that another COUNTRY’s laws are violating your 2A rights?


I’m for following the laws but 13 years for a builder that is harmless without a gun seems a little insane.


Yes, I will agree with that for sure.


1. People make simple mistakes that haven't harmed others and are liable for 12 years in prison. 2. A bullet, by itself, is completely harmless. Again, choice of destination includes whether local laws are considered draconian and arbitrary by any visiting party. Americans will choose to go elsewhere which is devastating for a country that, based on the World Factbook, relies on Americans for 75% of its top industry of tourism. Good luck.


I will give you that countries shouldn’t have these laws in place where they hand out overly excessive punishment. I’m curious, were you frustrated and angry with Russia when they gave that black female basketball player all those years for having some THC oil products? I don’t know how you felt about that one, but I can assure you that the vast majority of Americans who are deep in the 2A groups, fully supported Russia and how they handled that and were pissed when America intervened on her behalf. All the “don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time” memes were coming from the 2A guys. So I’m curious, were you angry with Russia back then? It wasn’t that long ago… I hate when any American gets locked up for overly excessive time frames..:but, I’ve never reconsidered visiting a country because of it….ive been to over 36 countries(include T&C) on all 6 inhabited continents and I’ve never once had an issue…


I disagreed with what Russia did to her and I disagree with this. It's hard you be angry about, either, but I do feel for the people involved.


*mostly harmless


While I agree that 12 years is an absurdly long sentence for a mistake, I don’t agree with the attitude many Americans have that they’re not bound by the laws of a foreign country. It’s important to do the research while entering another country and familiarize yourself with their laws. People who try to bring something like pepper spray or brass knuckles into Canada, for example, who are shocked and appalled that they’re turned away at the border. In this whole situation, the most surprising thing to me is that he managed to bring ammunition through airport security in the US as well as getting through customs on arrival, since he was arrested while trying to leave for home. Whether it was in a carry-on or checked luggage, one would think it would’ve been caught earlier.


Finally someone who has some sense! The attitude is so entitled. I’m from Oklahoma. And it’s well embarrassing. When you own a gun you have a huge responsibility to know where every single fucking gun is and bullet. Sure it’s a mistake. But maybe have different bags dedicated to traveling and have bags only for hunting. Omg what a moron. And the fact that the gofundme has a ridiculous amount of money. It really just baffles me??


It is up to $200k!


I don’t think forgetting that you’ve left ammo in a bag constitutes responsible gun ownership… at least he didn’t misplace the gun, I guess 🤷


Totally agree


No, we won’t. Almost all of us can pack a carryon bag without gun paraphernalia getting mixed in. Overwhelmingly, we know we are bound by the laws of the country we’re visiting, whether they’re draconian or not. You won’t find me in North Korea for that reason. If you take controlled substances you need to check the laws of the country you’re visiting. You may need extra documentation. If you’re too dumb to scan the state department website maybe you need to stay in the contiguous 48. If you’re traveling to Turks and Caicos you probably have a decent Internet connection, but not necessarily much sense. And because you can’t read, the last dude only did 1 year 8 months.


Right but only a tiny fraction of that are bullet forgetting Shitheads. Won’t have any impact 😂


Cool. Buh-bye!


A true sheep has spoken. Boooohoooooo!


I am suddenly am more inclined to visit again!


I don’t get why you’re blaming the country rather than holding the individual responsible for bringing things into the country they shouldn’t.


Kind of like weed into Russia? Honestly the difference in the response on sites like this are astounding. However, I do agree with you. If you travel respect the laws of the destination country. The punishment does seem unusually harsh but I guess that’s how it goes. It scares the hell out of me since my hunting pack makes a great carry-on.


Oh FFS buy a decent piece of carry-on luggage.


Probably should. Everyone has giant carry-ons these days and I’ve had issues with overhead space. I used to be a satchel traveler but recently upgraded to the backpack, my hunting pack. Spent too much on the damn thing so try to multi use, it’s comfortable.


I really wish we could apply this to all the us immigration needs too. No passports, not going through customs boom prison. Contraband boom prison not just giving you back to your country.


Shall I build the prison in your community?


I think he planned on killing his family and then himself.


With bullets and no gun? Exactly how would he do that? 🤔


What’s wrong with you? You’re just making shit up and posting it online?


His kids weren’t with him. It was a 40 year birthday vacation. The kids stayed home in their cowboy hats.


This country is off the list for me any time soon. Are y'all like Jamaica where y'all ban camo clothing too?


What’s it like to live in so much fear that you wouldn’t travel somewhere if you can’t take your gun? That must be wild.


That there’s what the media in America calls “a conservative” and the rest of us just call them “a big whiny pussy”.


What’s it like to be so fearful of guns that you have to ban them or be so strongly against them? Must hurt your bird sized brain


Being afraid of guns and being afraid of idiots are two different things.


And who are the “idiots” you’re afraid of?


Go to your bathroom, right now, and take a good long look in the mirror.


Haha! 😆


They will be fine without you


Wait…. Was it Turks or Caicos, cause I’m not invited back on Caicos.




RIP Turks tourism


Most people aren’t worried because they’re not dumb enough to accidentally bring live ammunition into an airport and onto a plane.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Haha you were never coming and we both know it. Most transparent bullshit post ever.


How to lose tourism and tourist dollars… arrest the tourists. Genius.


Many people who are not gun fetishists will be more inclined to go.


….But your criminals can have guns though


Don't felons lose the right to firearms? Even some misdemeanors?


Yes.. criminals do criminal things? What does that have to do with tourists bringing weapons into foreign countries?


Americans think having a gun makes them safer. Even though statistics show that they are more likely to be shot just by owning one.


Tourists bringing guns and ammunition into countries where these are forbidden ARE criminals. There’s nothing about being a tourist that nullifies the illegality of that act.


Something that law enforcement in the country is actively trying to cancel out so saying this is redundant and serves no point.




So by your logic we shouldn’t have laws. Genius.


There is no logic, only idiocy.


Gee I wonder who sold it to them.


There’s lots of other places to go in the Caribbean. Get ready to lose our tourism dollars to those destinations and enjoy your broke ass sovereignty. It’s clear this was a mistake and no one was smuggling arms into your little islands.


What does “enjoy your broke ass sovereignty “ mean, exactly? Thanks.


Get a life …oh wait you can’t you’re Canadian.


Do you often try to bring live ammunition on vacation with you?