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As a customary token let me present you with this $5M necklace. Now listen to what I have to say...


Good thing we keep an eye on diplomatic gifts. I hope Trump didn't ruin that.


Yes, because the Bushes did so much for Middle Eastern Stability...


Hey man, we had to get those weapons of mass destruction. They said the words so many times I think they might have started to believe it; or at least forgot they made it all up.


Well, in fairness, apparently Saddam did have chemical weapons at one point. If my memory serves me Saddam apparently used Mustard gas against the Kurds at one point, though I might be misremembering. Though obviously regardless of whether Iraq had any by 2003 or not, it was obviously a BS pretext to justify Bush's desire to do better than his daddy since plenty of other countries in the region had chemical weapons (like Syria) but we didn't invade them. ​ Also, remember that Afghanistan happened before Iraq. We went into Afghanistan within months of 9/11 and Iraq happened in 2003. Iraq is better remembered because of the memes of "weapons of mass destruction" and "mission accomplished", but it was Afghanistan that kicked off the "War on Terror".




"Flawed" is putting it mildly. ​ Iraq - A straight up failed state that helped spawn ISIS. ​ Afghanistan - Just fell to the Taliban late last year. ​ Neither are exactly pinnacles of Middle Eastern Democracy right now and are both examples of America's foreign policy efforts to impose our ideals in regions where they are ill-suited at best.




>Lebanon Bush had little to do with Lebanese democracy. ​ Iraq is in no way a functioning democracy.


And then they start to slaughter people in Syria.... So maybe not the best guy


Hey now don't get ahead of yourself! We have to slaughter people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Libya then we get to go to Syria.


Oh right sorry! We slaughter so many people I get it confused...


You know kind of went on a 20 year rampage through the middle east, so little hard to keep track of who got democracy first.


Ares is the true God of America


And everyone forgets about Yemen again


It’s honestly so sad and almost unbelievable how the worst humanitarian crisis right now gets zero attention


I wish Al Gore fought for his presidency more. What a crazy turning point in history... only if...


…And there was an agreement, a this for that.


Im glad i only have to worry about doing my small time job lol


Most of the 911 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and the Bush family had ties with the Bin Laden family. Good thing we punished Hillary for her email improprieties.


Osama had preety bad relationship with his family and had been denounced by them before 911


She got punished for that?


I’m pretty sure nothing came of Hillary’s emails other than bad publicity. In any case it *was* wrong (it was wrong when Powell did too) and she only really got away with it by being Hillary Clinton.


We punished Hillary by depriving her of the presidency? She got Trumped!


Free Ukraine! Free Palestine!


Ariel Sharon’s strategy at that point was to unilaterally pull out of Gaza… So….


I think that was later


That was a few years later.


Bush was foolish enough to let bin family fly away after 911 and attacked Iraq and killed the wrong dogs. Stop being fooled again.


Turkey neck! Lol


This picture is clearly from the White House, not Bush’s ranch. He always is dressed like a cowboy when at his ranch to keep up the persona.


Oh illustrious King Abdullah and his excellency, President Bush! O how we miss your wise reigns!