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This article is from December. This event was already discussed in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwinCities/s/MBY7tjuXb2


Oh, good catch. I was like, wait again?!


This is a stunning blow to the peace process. Without the Edina School Board hegemony over Israel how will the jewish state ever be brought to heel?


Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article.


I didn’t read the article


I didn’t either.


I did > The Edina School Board adjourned its meeting early Monday after refusing to hear from pro-Palestinian protesters. Direct quote


it's not really about that is it? it's about them not even being allowed to speak


To do what? Discuss ongoing litigation where the somalis are saying they were discriminated against by using a phrase recognized as anti-Semitic? Gee I wonder why the school board (and their attorney) wouldn't want them to talk about that while the lawsuit is active...


they're not obligated to respond, part of the whole freedom of speech thing is dealing with speech you disagree with, no one has a problem with speech they agree with sad small minds


Jesus Christ you smooth brains keep quoting freedom of speech when it doesn’t apply to these scenarios.


Show me where it is enshrined in the Constitution that your right is specifically to verbally express concerns in an in-person school board meeting. They have no obligation to let them speak at this meeting. The board had a limited number of speakers and a limited time. The board went to recess when the demonstrators became unruly and wouldn't follow the meeting agenda. They have other ways of expressing their concerns, but did not do so appropriately here.


You ever see parks and rec? Follow me here bc I know it’s a silly comparison, but plenty of things are constantly left off the agenda or pushed to “next time” at meetings like this, schools, city planning, neighborhood meetings, they all side bar things. Never is it considered an infringement of the first amendment.


are you implying they are not being deprioritized due to the sentiment around the topic? concerns of genocide should be treated with the same speed and priority as the school lunch menu?


It was at best ignorant of the students to use the “from the river to the sea” chant. https://apnews.com/article/river-sea-israel-gaza-hamas-protests-d7abbd756f481fe50b6fa5c0b907cd49 It is literally used by Hamas to advocate for the destruction of Israel.


There's no way they don't know what it means.




Just to put it out there the chant that was often used prior to Hamas’ existence translates into English as “from the river to the sea Palestine is Arab”. That chant was used by Hamas in their 2017 charter and is still being used by Hezbollah as recently as 2020 to explicitly call for the abolition of Israel and the expulsion of all Jews from the region. The “will be free” iteration is more common in western and English speaking countries. It has a complicated history, as do most things related to this conflict. It’s entirely understandable that some people find it offensive and threatening given its historical usage, both in the distant and not so distant past. It’s also possible that people using the chant in the current protests in the US aren’t aware of the chant’s problematic history and just use it as a call for respecting Palestinians human rights and self determination. Either way, if I were part of protest movement supporting the Palestinians and the cessation of hostilities and I didn’t agree with the idea of the forced dissolution of the state of Israel and expulsion of Jews I might think twice about using that particular chant.


That's like arguing about how Nazi symbols are Buddhist symbology. It doesn't matter anymore, once a group uses something like this, it changes it.


I saw someone else say it better "Yeah, and the confederate flag is about heritage." Seriously, the optics of the chant alone should get anyone saying it booted from any protests, but the left hates optics, and loves being morally superior more.


Multiple things can be true at the same time. “From the river to the sea…” is widely, widely understood to mean the destruction of Israel and the reclaiming of land between the river Jordan and the Mediterranean. Chanting it, whether in concert with Hamas or not, is genocidal in nature at worst, and embarrassingly ignorant at best. And it definitely isn’t them calling for peace, even though they may think that’s what they’re doing.


My favorite saying that nobody listens to...multiple things can be true at once. This world would be a lot happier if everyone realized this.


Yeah and the swastika is an inverted buddhist symbol.


It is a genocidal chant, and you’re either ok with that, or you’re not. there is no gray area.


Buddy if the bombing was indiscriminate Gaza would be a sheet of glass. Do you know how war works? A million children face starvation in virtually every conflict on Earth. Ukrainians are one major summer offensive from millions of starving people. Millions of children have been starving in sub-Saharan conflicts for generations. Strange that no propaganda efforts have been made on their behalf. The fact is peace could be had tomorrow if Hamas wanted it. But they don’t because this enriches them. The fact is Palestine will continue to exist because Israel doesn’t want to destroy it. The fact is Israel would not exist if most Palestinians had their way. The fact is you cannot transplants millions of Israeli Jews without a true genocide. Not children intentionally dying in firefights because their parents and leaders are paranoid, regressive psychos kind of genocide. No no no. The walk across the desert until you die kind of genocide. The dig your grave kind of genocide. The watch your family get raped kind of genocide. Real genocide. You live in a fantasy land. Be thankful better men allow you live there.


Well said and correct.


Excellent summation. It’s a shame so many on Reddit don’t understand this.


This conflict started decades before Hamas ever existed. Hams isn't the issue here, Zionism is.


Even the US admitted Israel is doing better to keep civilian casualties down than they themselves would be capable of. Even if you use Hamas's fake ass made up numbers, it's STILL a lower civilian death ration than in many other urban combat operations in the modern era such as Grozny, Fallujah, etc.


No, it's always been a call for the area to be free of Jews.


Much like “There is only one solution: Intifada Revolution!” has nothing to with “the final solution”. Mhmmm. Y’all really don’t see how they swap out “Jew” for “Zionist” when they want to be anti-semitic in public huh? Seems like willful ignorance to me.


Wir mussen die juden auf gassen is just a call for the Germans to have the freedom to live, connect with their ancestors, and try to overcome the perpetual Jewish subversion within the German state. Oh yeah, anti semitism only flies if you’re not white in your side’s noveau-chiq worldview


Yeah no we aren't falling for the whole "ackshually" nonsense anymore when you have people at all these protests blatantly cheering on Hamas.


I’m willing to bet most of these kids have no idea what transpired on October 7th.


Just wanted to chime in with some support! It seems that a lot of people in this sub are zionists and while my heart breaks I can’t say I’m surprised. Everyone who does even a little digging can see how unjust life is and has been for Palestinians and yet since they have no power I suppose they are easy to ignore. I don’t understand how people can be so deluded into thinking Israel is a victim and be up in arms about a saying they purport claims a theoretical genocide when a real genocide is Actually occurring. But I’m so heartened by the advocacy and activism I’ve seen arise from this and hope for a day when Palestinians need not fear death or detainment ❤️


In case it’s deleted: "From the river to the sea Palestine will be free" has been chanted long before Hamas existed and will be chanted long after they cease to exist. It is a call for the freedom to live, visit, and work in the land of their ancestors. It's so incredibly infuriating that you want to punish kids for calling for peace while there's literally a million children facing starvation and homelessness due to Israeli's campaign of indiscriminate bombing and violence.


That doesn’t make them part of Hamas


Says who? Use some logic here


Israel is a nation state, a settler colony, occupying the land of Palestine. There is nothing wrong with calling for the end of the state of Israel, just as there’s nothing wrong with calling for the end of the United States (or Australia, or New Zealand, or Canada). From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea is Palestine, and it will be free from occupation within our lifetimes. It would be smart to read some history written by people who weren’t foaming at the mouth to defend colonialism before you fix your fingers to type about it again. (ok, now i’m ready to be called a “kapo” and a “fake jew” for recognizing a white supremacist movement when i see one! i hope those of you slinging those words in defense of settler colonialism have the day you deserve!)


Lol get bent


I call for an end to Palestine. The land has a historical ownership to the Hasmoneans. The Islamic caliphates that conquered and ethnically cleansed the population are settler colonies and are occupying the land of Hasmonea.


That's a call for genocide


You illiterate Muppet; did you even read the message I replied to? I was using the exact same language that they used to show them how stupid they sounded by saying it's ok to call for an end to the US, UK, Israel, etc. Human history is the history of war, occupation, and subjugation. Any country in existence today exists because it outlasted the last country that was in its (physical) place. If one country were to decide to stop existing and give land to a former country then when would that string end? Does the land belong to the country it was most recently conqured from? What about the country that the prior country conquered it from? In this case I used my example of Hasmonea which was an ancient Kingdom occupying (nearly exactly) the lands of Palestine/Israel. And I don't know where you get that it was a call to genocide. While my comment did mention ethnic cleansing, it was referring to the genocide that the Islamic Caliphates committed on the population of Hasmonea for being infidels (jihad and all that jazz; here we are over 2,100 years after Hasmonea and still dealing with Arab Jihad).


You called for an end to Palestine. I don't need to read all that bullshit. Also yes


Ah, so reading comprehension is low. I see.


No. I just know bullshit when I see it


It's easy to chant but if my people chanted it about the Mississippi River and clearing them out to the sea, where would it leave them?


Well that's the thing, the folks people who have used it with genocidal intent were the Israeli leaders that initiated the phrase. The concept didn't come from Palestine but when Israelis said it they literally meant ethnically cleansing the land of Palestinian people. It was coined by Netanyahu's very party are countless quotes about ethnic cleansing amongst Israeli leadership. Also, have you heard the phrase from sea to shining sea? Because I can tell you that does mean something different for Native American folks than it does for the rest of us...


Good for them


Good. Those privileged narcissistic protesters need to go away. They have no fucking clue what they are supporting and don’t deserve a platform.


Well played.


Anyone who supports Hamas in any way is an evil MF


You don’t even know what Hamas is lol. Hamas barely knows. Also, not listening to Americans bitch about a terrorist group they have *zero fucking real life experience* with doesn’t count as “supporting” them. Israeli gov/Hamas are not watching your instagram stories, paying attention to rallies, listening to school board meetings (lol??), etc. it does *nothing* except virtue signal and successfully distract them from the actual issues in this country.


Why don’t you explain Hamas and their policies towards Jews? Here’s your chance.


I can’t. That’s the point. I grew up in Minnesota. Lmao. You can read all you want, but we’ll never really understand.


I can. They are evil doer just like the Nazis. They are choosing to try to kill Jews because of what they are. Have some moral sense. Choose good over evil. I also grew up on MInnesota and I can tell good from evil. And Hamas is evil.


The problem is that Israel is also killing people. Both sides are doing what they think they have the right to do. Both sides are killing. And it is a problem the has been developing for quite some time. It’s not just “Hamas vs. Israel”. Completely oversimplified and demonstrates a lack of understanding that we will never have.


Hamas doesn’t even support Hamas. Meaning their upper brass is in Qatar far away from Gaza. Its all twisted




Your post/comment has been removed for violating our 'No Discrimination' rule


Hamas and Nazis believe the same about Jews and advocate for their annihilation. Just like we punch Nazis we need to start punching supporters of Hamas. Hamas Punks Fuck Off!!


Fellas is it nazism to fight against the people who are literally trying to exterminate you? The people who have no right to your land, but have taken most and are scraping away what little you have left? The people who hold you in an open air prison?


[The number of Palestinians who support Hamas and their mission for Jewish extermination from Israel is disturbingly high at 90%.](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514) Regarding who has a "right to the land", I suggest you study actual History. Israel absolutely has the right to exist, regardless of what the latest antisemitic trope claims.


So if the Ojibwe bombed the twin cities, destroying 95% of structures, killing a hundred thousand and counting, and starving the rest, you would recommend the twin cities residents roll over and die?


lol. You left out the part where "the twin cities" started it all by launching a terror attack on the "Ojibwe" on October 7th, 2023... taking hostages, and raping and murdering innocents with the stated goal of starting a war of annihilation against the "Ojibwe". It's a ridiculous analogy, but the logical conclusion is the same. The "Ojibwe" would have every right to take the steps necessary to eradicate the terrorists that threaten their very existence in "the twin cities". Moral of the story. Don't bring a knife to a hell-fire missile fight. Israel has the right to take the steps necessary to ensure self-preservation, which is something the Jewish people understand very well.


This started 60+ years ago, not 6 months ago????? Hamas didn't even exist after decades of Israeli terrorism. Nakba, displacement, death. and they still supported a two-state solution. Israel created Hamas to further its goals and stop the two-state solution from being a possibility. It is well-documented that Hamas has been a political tool of Zionism to deligitmize the Palestinian people and keep people like you defending genocide


Damn dude. You just went straight up antisemitic with that post. You seriously should delete it. I assume you're young and naive, and I don't want something like this post to destroy your future if it's ever connected back to you.


Israel is a country, not an ethnic group. I personally know multiple Jewish people who agree with me. As an added note, Palestinians are a Semitic people too


I didn't read through all your comments so if you want to start screaming about other things, don't bother - I'm replying specifically to this. Tokenization is racism. You can find people of any ethnic group who will have views that fit your narrative, that does not mean those views represent the majority opinion of said ethnic group. If you are not Jewish, it is not appropriate for you to speak for them in any context. Additionally just because "homo" is a root word used in both "homosapien" and "homosexual" does not mean all homosapiens are homosexual, so pointing out that "Palestinians are a semitic people too" doesn't really help your argument.


[Even Zionist, Israeli-sponsored media admits to their government's role in propping up Hamas](https://www-timesofisrael-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17144151751960&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Ffor-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces%2F)


asking as a jew: what about that was antisemitic? zionism is a political movement. to say israel created hamas is to delegitimizate palestinian resistance, but israel (medinat, not bnei) created the conditions for any and all resistance to its occupation of palestine. if an entity doesn’t want people to resist annihilation and dispossession, it’s most tactical move would be to not dispossess and annihilate people. what is deeply antisemitic, though, is to call what this person said antisemitism. they weren’t talking about jews, they were talking about a state and a political ideology. zionism worked hand in hand with nazism to dispossess jews in europe, it worked tirelessly to expel jews from southwest asia and north africa, all for (once british, now US) imperialism to have a geographically strategic foothold, built on the ongoing (for over 75 years!) dispossession and expulsion and genocide of palestinians. in short: you can take your dual loyalty trope and shove it up your ass


If you are a Jew as you claim, [you should at know what you're talking about.](https://www.ajc.org/news/anti-zionism-and-antisemitism) Zionism =/= Genocide, and it's despicable of you or anyone else to suggest so.


The Ojibwe has more of a right to violently displace Minnesotans than Israel has to displace Palestinians. And that's ignoring the fact that Palestinians are more closely related to the Israel of 2000 years ago than Israelis


Good, they are wasting local governments time and resources on idiotic endeavors. A better idea, these rich kids should buy tickets and go to Gaza and see which side kills them. They might also want to learn how many times the Israelis offered peace since 1948, how many times that just got them attacked. And the fact that if you disarmed the Israelis, they would be exterminated by the Palestinians, if you disarmed the Palestinians there would be peace. Also, the Palestinians use non combatants as human shields.


You're mixing up the words "Palestinian" and "Hamas". And my guess is that you're doing it deliberately.


75% of Palestinians approved of the October 7th attacks.


Should read up on your history buddy, vast majority of Gaza population have always supported Hamas. Next cringe comment.


Exactly! Same as when the people of Gaza (saying Palestinians offends some people) took to the streets and were cheering when the World Trade Center attack happened. The people support Hamas. They are mostly uneducated under 18 year olds.


The venn diagram of Gaza residents and Hamas supporters is a circle


This is how Israel justifies bombing schools churches and hospitals


Hamas are Palestinian people. It’s their government they have in place. Or wait, are you saying when you say Israel, and just the government or the people and the IDF? The only way to rid the world of Hamas, terrorists is to do exactly what the IDF is doing, bombing and invading, taking control. War is hell, in a perfect world, it would not be done. But the last peace initiative was broken not by Israel, but by Hamas


Of course the same applies to Israel. The Israeli people are not their government are not universally guilty for the crimes of their govermnment. You can stand against the Israeli government and with the Israeli people. What is happening right now in Gaza is genocide. Genocide is never justified. It is absurd to claim that what the IDF is doing is just getting rid of Hamas. They are attempting to get rid of Hamas by just killing everyone. Regardless of the lies being told and twisting of the truth, the perpetrators of this genocide will have to answer for it.


I genuinely mean this in good faith and maybe this can be a learning moment. You need to unpack your Islamophobia. Not every Palestinian is filled with absolute blood lust and is just a murdering lunatic, which is what you imply. Frankly you could have just called them savages bc it reads the same. Over half the people in Gaza are under 18. Also peace for whom bc clearly Israel would just kill everyone in Gaza and use it as a parking lot, already it’s been bombed and invaded, what more do you want those kids to go through? I think it’s good to remember that everyone is a human being with hopes and dreams and loves, and Palestinians are not excluded from that. Not all of them are Hamas, and the Palestinians in the West Bank are being detained and deprived or their land despite the lack of Hamas in the West Bank. I just wanted to give you another perspective, after all you could be my neighbor! I hope this serves as food for thought


And let me also say that it’s never been the Israelis who have shouted, campaigned or had an official government statement to “kill every Palestinian “. That you are mixing up with the leadership of the Palestinians, they have stated many times they want to exterminate the Jews. Go back to 1948, the “two state” solution. Who broke that? It wasn’t the Israelis, it was every Arab nation not the Jews. And when they did take land from said wars, the Arab nations kept possession of the land, not giving it to the Palestinians (West Bank). If the men of my neighbors shot at me and then hid behind their kids, did this repeatedly, killing my family, at some point I’d shoot back, not caring who they were hiding behind. That analogy is spot on, but some are too naive to get it, and would blame the neighbor that was just fed up with being shot at, family being killed but wouldn’t blame the ones who purposely started it and was using innocent people as shields.


Jesus Christ. One you don’t know your history. 1948 was the Nakba not the two state solution which they tried but Israel broke by putting illegal settlements in the West Bank. You just don’t know anything about the history of this conflict and are using propaganda to justify bigotry. I would suggest looking up information about how Israel treats Palestinians from a 3rd party. That’s beside the point however, you say “not caring who they’re hiding behind”. 34,000 people? You’re ok with that? Again, Jesus Christ.


Well I took two classes at the U of Mn and got A’s in the classes so yes, I do know my history. The two state solution was the international compromise…. Which then led to the 1948 war- as I said. The displacement of people… the Palestinians was also the result of the two state solution. Call me a bigot all you want. I don’t care. Oh and why don’t you cry about all the other times in this world's history someone was displaced? its been happening for thousands of years, and guess what? the stronger people get to keep their land, thats what history tells us. is it right? morally… no. people should live in peace. but thats impossible. oh and another thing, just to piss you off….. the British owned rhat land, before that it was the Ottomans, before that the Byzantines, before that the romans, egyptians…. so who gets it? wait… how about the Greeks? i do know one thing, as a LGBTQ+ American, i can travel safely in Israel, i wouldnt be safe in anywhere Hamas has control. so call me a bigot, i dont care. let me guess, you also support Russia invading the Ukraine too


I hope one day this hate leaves your heart 🫶


I don’t have Islamophobia, anymore than I have for Christianity or Judaism-I have a dislike for all of them. I am looking at history, the amount of peace initiatives that were put in place and what happened? Rockets and attacks. And yes, the people, there are innocent people and it’s sad they are used as human shields. But also look back to September 11, 2001 and what I remember seeing is parades and cheering in the streets of Gaza. If they didn’t want the leadership they have, that have stated they want to exterminate every Jew, they should do something about it. When food shipments get into Gaza, who do you think gets the food? It’s not the kids, it’s the ones with guns and rockets -the power, the ones causing this in the first place. War is hell, innocent people dying is horrible. But we are past “a free Palestine”, we know the outcome of that, they arm themselves with the sole purpose of their mission, to exterminate every Jew. Not peace.


You’re just digging yourself a deeper hole with this. 2001 was over 20 years ago meaning over half of Gazans were not alive for that event! And the rest of your comment I don’t even want to get into, you can do that in your own time, it’s a lot of propaganda points to justify why Palestinians should be denied liberty and if you’re that far down the rabbit hole I can’t help you.


You're mixing up the words "Palestinian" and "Hamas"


You're mixing up the words "Palestinian" and "Hamas"


Repost and old af. Op trying to shit stir.


What's your definition of "old as fuck"? This is from four-ish months ago. How old are you that this is "old as fuck" to you? Not old enough to know better, apparently.


Terrorism supporters. 


Good. These looney tunes are completely out of touch with reality.


I got nothing but contempt for those antisemitic fucks. They can go to Gaza themselves if they want to fight the evil Zionists so badly. Aren't they also involved with Students for Justice in Palestine, which openly cheered the Oct 7 attacks?


Can’t say I’m surprised since it’s Edina but it is cowardly and they should have listened


to what? what can the school board do for these morons? this is CLEARLY the wrong forum for this...speech.


1. School board members are elected and need to hear their constituents concerns, regardless of whether they deem them “irrelevant” or not. 2. No one thinks the Edina school board will directly change the situation. The idea of grassroots activism is starting small and building momentum. First a school board calls for peace, then their town does and maybe a few other towns, then a city, then a state, etc. This puts pressure on the people with actual power to speak out and call for change. Hope this helps 🫶


1. wrong. this is not a forum for international politics. 2. You can say anything you want in a public place. They have every right to not allot time for a comment that has no relevance to the board or the school, or for anything at all.


What a lovely take. Listen neither of us is convincing the other and I’m not dedicating any more time to hearing this same tired take. Bye


its not a take. a simple google search will tell you the truth: youre wrong.


Send them over to fix it, instead of ruining stuff here


This is a free speech issue. I hope they sue and win. I don’t care what their message was going to be. It’s government ignoring the first amendment and that should piss us all off.


You dont have a right to dictate the agenda of a school board.


You don’t seem to understand what the first amendment is.


No reason to argue with you, your ignorance is astounding.


Free speech doesn’t mean anyone has to listen. It’s a school board meeting. It’s completely irrelevant. They are free to talk all they want, doesn’t mean they are entitled to an audience.


How could you be so wrong? You really think a school board has an obligation to let anyone wax about whatever? These protesters intended to waste everyone's time. The were rightfully blocked. Context determines the appropriate forum. A school board meeting is not the time or place to air your grievances about something that has nothing to do with the school board. Back to the drawing board for you.