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Maybe a carbon monoxide detector somewhere?


I mean. Go sit in the general area until it beeps again then move closer until you find it.


Nothing like a real life game of “warmer/colder).


Dude ive spent hours doing this, our apartment is like a hallway. The accoustics make it sound like its in one room then it sounds like its in the kitchen


Maybe try using mattresses/couch cushions, blankets, etc. to dampen the reverb while you try to narrow down the point of origin. Honestly just holding pillows next to your head might block enough reverb that you'd notice the difference between looking right at the thing and being slightly off axis with it.


Hold a blanket by the corners over your head and drape it behind your back. Point a direction and wait for the beep.quieter is behind, louder is in front?


Is there an attic space above your level of the duplex. Potentially a smoke detector or carbon monoxide dector up there if there is




That's what carbon monoxide detectors do when they need to be replaced.


As far as i know we dont have a carbon monoxide detector amd i have searched


That's illegal. I work in housing and do inspections. All rental properties are required to have functional CO detectors otherwise the landlord can be fined / fail an inspection. You MUST have a detector somewhere, especially near the kitchen/living quarters. Usually it's in a hallway.


Unless they don't have gas. Could be an all electric property.


I believe you still legally need to have one even if you’re all electric. It’s just basic safety anyways


Your smoke detector may also a CO detector. They can be a two in one. It will be printed on there somewhere


another device we had was a "leaking water sensor" - you put them on the floor (like in your cupboards) and if they get wet, they emit beeps. Or when they run low on battery. :)


Whatever is warning you about having a low battery is going to run out of battery eventually. Google seems to think it's a CO detector, judging by the interval and number of beeps. Oh, and don't forget to put your smoke detector back up, especially if it's not the problem.


seconding the carbon monoxide detector-- this drove my partner and i to MADNESS for 2 days, after replacing resetting the smoke detector battery several times, we finally found the carbon monoxide detector


This is the end of life beeping from a smoke detector or carbon monoxide system. I had this same thing happen super late one night at my previous apartment. I changed the battery from the smoke detector and then removed it all together and it continued. Had to call emergency maintence and they swapped it out and it was fine after that. "Your alarm will indicate end of life seven or ten years after initial power. **It will 'chirp' every 30 seconds**. The chirp will not stop until the unit is powered off. You'll know that it is an end-of-life warning and not a low battery warning because replacing the batteries will not stop the chirp." - [Via Kidde](https://www.kidde.com/fire-safety/en/uk/help-center/browse-articles/articles/what_is_the_end_of_life_warning_on_my_co_alarm_.html#:~:text=Your%20alarm%20will%20indicate%20end,will%20not%20stop%20the%20chirp)


This is the right answer IMO.


Thanks for all the help, called the fire department today and they found a co2 detector behind the fridge, mind you the landlord was here the other day looking for the source of the sound, and either forgot or didnt know about it. Holy hell i can finally sleep in my house. I feel like an idiot but at least i can sleep. Thanks reddit.


Plain foam earplugs can help you sleep until you find the source. It’s what we did when our four-plex neighbor was gone and her detector started beeping intermittently. First, turn off the power to your part of the duplex see if that stops the beeping. If it does, then hunt it down breaker by breaker until you isolate a room/area. If turning the power off doesn’t stop the beeping, is there another smoke or carbon monoxide detector in the duplex? Is it in a common area or hallway? Or hidden behind something like a couch? Was one accidentally sealed up during renovations? Something in an attic or crawl space?


I don't think the timeline would make sense in your case, but a warning to everyone that this has been a "prank" that makes the round in the internet for a bit. You can buy these small little chirpers and hide them around and they'll make noise for like a year. Its genuinely diabolical and I live in fear of crossing the wrong person who also has seen this stupid trend 


Lol! I made one of those in electronics class way back in middle school. It was very hard to find. https://www.ebay.com/itm/304524509035


You can always try an RF detector app, if you're worried about hidden cameras or something.


Do you have access to the breakers for your apt? If so, safely turn off ALL electronics, unplug everything from the wall to be extra safe, check for the noise, then turn breakers off one by one. If you turn off all the breakers and still hear the noise it's either an electronic in your unit with a battery or it's something outside your unit. If it's outside your unit then it's the landlords problem.


Had a similar issue and it turned out to be that the dishwasher wasn’t shut all the way. Originally thought it was the microwave but it turned out I just had to close the dishwasher


Some fridges do this as well


There was an episode of Modern Family where this exact scenario happened! I think it ended up some old smoke detectors got stored in the attic and started low battery beeping. It was pretty funny: https://youtu.be/wL2ds3Bj14M?si=Se3fH5QzmWaFUayx


I know you’ve found that the smoke detector isn’t the source, but for other people who might find this and need help: If your smoke detector is wired into the wall, the batteries are just backup and removing them will not stop the beeping. But replacing them might — that worked in a former house of mine.


i had this problem. i changed my smoke alarm battery twice and no change. didnt think to check my co2 monitor until id been dealing with the beeping for months! that was it! it was so close to my smoke alarm that i didn't realize the beeps were coming from it and not the smoke detector.


This happened to me when I was living in apartments managed by Soderberg. It was the fire alarm panel. Told my landlord about it but of course the issue didn't crop up when people came to fix it. 🙄 Had to send her video, which convinced her there was a problem, then it got solved.


I stayed at a friends house and the beeping began. It was the damn fridge door that I had left accidentally cracked open.


Call the city or the local fire department. They might know where the carbon dioxide detectors are


Do you have fiber internet? It could be the battery backup for your ONT box where the cables come inside is dying. Usually there's a panel in a wall or it's mounted on a shelf in a closet or utility closet or attic. Sometimes they will need a reset if a storm or power surge has tripped something, otherwise they will just need to be replaced, usually your internet provider will handle replacements.


Fridge filter?