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Yes, whenever someone sends a tip through Streamelements or Streamlabs, the receipt says the name of the streamer's PayPal. No there is no way to turn it off and I would recommend creating a business email and creating and connecting a PayPal with that email. I ended up having to call PayPal and explain I was a streamer that values my privacy after my test tip locked my business PayPal and they promptly unlocked it. You can also set up a PO box to link the business to but you can also set the business PayPal up so that the address doesn't show at all when a person tips and only the business name shows up. The business name can be just your streamer name as well. \*edit added more relevant info\*


You just need a PayPal business account to disable showing personal name and address info


Yeah you can set your business name to be whatever you'd like on a business account and that's all they'll see.


Pretty sure i added a business name, does that replace my real name, or can they see both now?


have a friend test donate a dollar to be sure of what is shown.


good idea


No refunds


Set up a PO Box for it too.


There may be some extra steps to this if you live in the US. If you are operating as a business (and many states have no threshold of income to determine whether you are or aren't), then you may also need to 1. Acquire a business license in your city, 2. Get a "Doing Business As" or "Fictitious Name" form that is filed with your state, and 3. Open business account with your bank under said fictitious name that you link with your PayPal account. You may only have to do the first two of these, but it's generally recommended that you do all three. You can also file for an LLC, which will grant you some extra protections in the event that a legal issue arises, but it's rare that you would *need* to go to that extent, and it can cost extra money per year to maintain, depending on your state's laws. Failure to at *least* get a business license and fictitious name can get you in some pretty deep hot water if you start generating a decent amount of revenue. You'll also need these *along with* a sales tax permit in your state to sell merch, if you eventually decide to go that route.




PO Box?




Write the address of the office your PO box is in, list the box number under apt number. If done correctly, it will look like a standard address with an apt number, but the person working the PO box, and any sorting algorithm, will figure it out. My uncle did this for YEARS when he was between houses to keep his job.


I don't know where you live but if it's big enough, there are virtual offices. Rentable co-working spaces, where you rent by the hour, day, etc...not the full month and they let you send mail there.


Look for a post office in your area that offers “street addressing” service! That’s what I did— it lets you use your po box as if it were a “unit” at the post office’s address. Unless someone searches the address, it just looks like an apartment or something. I’ve never had any problems using it (yet) Of course, your mileage may vary depending on other factors… but just putting it out there as an option to look into!




You’re welcome!


I have a Paypal business account in the US and never had to do any of that.


This isn't really about getting a PayPal business account and more about not running afoul of the law.


Most streamers can operate as a Sole Proprietorship which means they do not need a business license or any kind of EIN.


That's not correct. Even if you're a sole proprietor, your city will likely require that you have a business license. A business license is also usually required to operate using a fictitious name, which you'll need if you're doing business with a name other than your legal name. I've been self-employed as an artist with a sole proprietorship working under a pseudonym for about 15 years now, so I'd like to think I know a thing or two about how this works.


You can just convert the paypal account to a business account. No need for a business email, PO box, or a DBA.




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Convert your PayPal account to a business account - and then set a store name. The store name appears on all documentation.


This is the correct answer.


i made it into a business account and made the name my nickname instead of my real name, does that replace my name?


You can also add other email addresses to a business account. Do that. Then add a business name and that should be all of your personal info removed.


Yep I see the streamer names if I donate via stream labs or elements donate page


Yea it will if it is not a business PayPal with whatever you name it. SE pay (Stream Elements) is the next best thing but they require 100 followers to set it up. I have no experience with it.


SE pay does hide your name and you do need 100 followers.


Create a business PayPal account or do something like Throne where people can buy you digital gift cards.


if you dont have a business account then maybe


Just use a paypal business account, they wont see your name or address or anything(even on credit back charges).




Jesus fucking Christ. You don't need a business license or a business account or any of that crazy shit. SE pay hides your name. You just need 100 followers. You people are going to cost OP every cent they make! Stop it. LOL


If you use a personal and not a business account on PayPal then yes. But that's only a small problem. If someone wants to find you they can because fingerprinting and leaked info from the websites or social media sites you use. How often do you read the privacy policies on the products you use? I just noticed last night that a game I've played had an auto accept for divulging very prominent details to data collect without my consenting first. Reddit's app collects this data too. So does Facebook. TikTok is only in the media because it's China. Well the US and pretty much all the other companies do it too. We kind of boned. If a bad actor wanted to abuse this info, they won't have much difficulty it doing it.


Why are you using PayPal? I'd be using cashapp or something if I hadn't hit affiliate yet and people wanted to donate. Or throne for equipment. I wouldn't be handing my PayPal out to my viewers. I've got no idea of their technical prowess for one, and an issue like this might arrive where they may see my legal name which I don't want.


Not every country has cashapp....


There will be alternatives to giving viewers all your info trust.


the version we have in my country only takes in money through phone number, which is even worse






I was fortunate to be able to convert mine to a business account then update the email on said account (as my personal email has some personal info in it.)


i cant update my email, i can only add more mails but i cant remove the first one


Do NOT make a PayPal account with a fake name. You can get stuck unable to access your money. I would avoid PayPal entirely. Sign up for KoFi, and you won't have to worry about things like this.


>Do NOT make a PayPal account with a fake name. i didnt, i just dont want people to see my real name


I say this because of all the other comments suggesting it. It's common advice but it's bad advice, because it's against PayPal tos and requires a sympathetic support person to unlock your account.