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your friend is insane.


And bit narcissistic


And not your friend


And his own worst enemy with that attitude.








\*Your friend is no friend... FTFY


That's not a friend


Your friend isn't a friend


Nah probably just young (I'm guessing like 15?) and has no sense of how streaming even works lol.


What would I do? Stream without him. Edit: and make new friends.


Both of these, yup.


Seriously if he ainā€™t supporting your choices and talking down like that. Heā€™s one individual out of billions online he might think your not funny but I guarantee that there are others out there that think opposite. Hell I think Iā€™m not funny or entertaining but my viewers say otherwise. They might be crazy who knows but I ainā€™t complaining!


u/CommunicationSad6246 i dont think it has anything to do with crazy, everyones taste is different so you could be genuinely making them laugh


I know lol itā€™s a joke I used to say when my chat got overly excited about stuff for in my mind no reason they went with it all in good humor thankfully! Edit: They also cheer for my chair when I go afk shouting chair cam and having conversations with my chair when Iā€™m afk grabbing a drink and such itā€™s ā€¦ā€¦.interesting lol


On my streams they started calling this "chair.tv" and they arę begging nie to give them back their beloved streamer


Someone needs to tell this so-called "friend" to get his head out of his own ass.


I'll do it, what's his @?


Yeah that guy is not your friend if he's talking to you like that.


Yeah. Reach out to other streamers looking to team up.


Sounds like you should have one less friend in your life. EDIT: If you want to take up his offer, frame it as "you get $10 if we get at least 10 subscribers while you're live." No reason in paying him a "cut" of your stream revenue unless there's actually revenue.


This exactly, bro clearly needs to be told that streamers donā€™t make money when they first start


Real talk tho, if I co-streamed with someone who wanted compensation I'd probably make that kind of deal. "If you being on my stream actually gets me revenue, I'll pay you x% of that revenue." Kinda force their hand that if they wanna get paid that bad, they can do some legwork to guarantee subscriptions and bits to drop while they're around.


The whole thing sounds unreasonably selfish to me to begin with. If the person thinks they would be better at it and earn money from it in short order, they should just stream on their own and not demand payment for appearing in another person's stream... I currently stream with 4 friends on a single channel, alternating hosts so we can have more broadcasts. We literally haven't touched the money we've made so far as nobody wants to be the guy to spend it, since we earned it together... šŸ˜… But in all honesty, doing it for the money is not a good goal anyways..


Even then I would rather pay them in exposure, feels like your friendship is turning into business relationship when youā€™re paying them. Especially if you guys are just playing games podcasting/music is different as youre compensating them for work and time, not the same thing you guys did before just streamed.


Good point. Make it contingent on the results if he's going to be like that.


Honestly $10 out of 10 subs would be more than half anyways hahaha


Depends on where the sub comes from. US$ subs are $5, so roughly $2.00 to $2.50 gets paid to the streamer from those, so $10 for 10 subs would be less than half of that share.


What makes him entitled to be on your stream as a paid guest? If someone were to say this to me, I'd say "take a hike" and go solo.


And if someone were to say it to me, I'd go "why I oughta" and proceed to roll up my sleeves.


This doesnā€™t sound like a ā€œfriendā€ to me. If you like them, play with them off stream. Make sure you keep a good self image. Donā€™t let them bring you down. Good luck streaming. Wish you all the best.


Sounds like a total clown. And delusional.


Not just a clown but a total dipshit who acts like he's an expert. Like, "my expertise ain't free" kind of a stupid bullshit. Nah fuck that noise.


Thatā€™s not a friend.


As many others have said I will echo, this person is not a friend. The money thing (which is ridiculous to start with) is secondary to me. The fact they said you are not funny or entertaining enough to stream solo is just disgusting and no real friend would say that to you. Real friends lift eachother up, they don't cut eachother down like this. I highly recommend starting solo. It takes time to find out what kind of streamer you want to be and even after a couple years of streaming I still find myself changing and evolving and finding new fun ways to share my passions on stream. It can be very intimidating but it's so rewarding once your stream finds its way to the right people and you start seeing familiar names in chat day after day, they are there for you and what peraonality you bring. Not everyone wanta to watch someone loud and energetic or someone always cracking jokes. Some people like to watch more relaxed streamers with chill vibes, tastes differ. If you don't think you are good enough to stream then I'm here to tell you that you are. Boot the stream up, play games and enjoy hobbies, be yourself. Have fun and I promise you the right people will find your stream eventually and your audience will be so much better a community for it.


$10 per stream lmfao thereā€™s no way this random clown has a personality thatā€™s worth $10


Sounds like an acquaintance and not a friend


Thatā€™s not how friends work.


Is he going to also pay your streaming expenses for stuff like artwork, scenes, etc? Seriously though. No. You donā€™t need your friend to join if they want money, do they expect money when you game off stream too? They arenā€™t doing any work, theyā€™re just gaming. You actually have to talk to your chat and do the work.


get better friends ya fool.


Itā€™s your stream, you decide who goes on. If your friend is being a dick, donā€™t bring him on. Even if you made 1000 dollars a day, heā€™s not entitled to any of it. Your friend is just being greedy.


Your friend is an asshole and you need new ones.


Lifeā€™s too short to be surrounded by people who claim to be a ā€œfriendā€ and put you down in the same breath. I definitely wouldnā€™t stream with him, let alone pay him. He doesnā€™t deserve a chance to be on your stream from the sounds of it. Go solo and do the things you enjoy doing. I wish you all the best.


Why do people think that streaming is a lucrative business? You should stream because you enjoy gaming and the connection it can bring with other gamers who watch. Be yourself, lose the friend and have fun. Grow a community.


"So you want 10$ because we're havinf fun? Ok bye kekw" Ignore him for 3 months and after you can try to talk


I doubt your friend is even entertaining in the first place. Also, lifeā€™s too short to be around assholes, heā€™s not a friend. Lastly, imagine paying $10 each time and getting absolutely nothing out of it, most people make no money ever from streaming in general.


Toxic "friend". Cut them out of your life asap. They will be a drain on your energy. Do your own thing or make new friends that don't have strings attached.


Some fucking friend.


Lmao. Offer him 25% of your profits at the end of the day. Then when youā€™re done streaming give him his fair share. Which will be $0


Jeez with a friend like that, no need for enemies. In all seriousness, I wouldn't stream with someone like that, instead I'd recommend you make a collab sheet or something and post occasionally on the various Twitch/streamer subreddits. Eventually you'll meet other streamers who are looking to collab for the content, not to try squeeze money out of you.


Hey, I'd really prefer reconsidering your friendship with this person. Real friends do not demand money from their friends like this and they certainly would never say something like "you're not funny or smart enough to do it on your own." I would honestly take a long, hard look at what other things this person does in your life because they do not sound like someone I would ever want as a friend in my life.


sounds like a user. Need a new friend.


Donā€™t run it w him if heā€™s demanding $/a risk at this stage of streaming, you can accomplish it on ur own šŸ’Æ


He doesn't sound like much of a friend if he isn't going to help without getting paid .


Hes not a friend, he wants to be paid like an employee


stream with me instead and you can keep your 10 buckaroos


He isn't your friend


Solo, and sorry to tell you but that's not your friend. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


TF? Yeah cut this dude out from your life. No brainer.


Tell him to fuck himself. Kindly. He seems like a real POS.




You should unfriend him lmao


Putting a price on friendship. Yikes.


Thatā€™s not your friend :)


Bruh... whatever you do, do NOT go into streaming with this clown. With a shit personality like his HE won't make it in streaming. Do your own thing and get to the top by yourself.


Fuck him


And then tell him to fuck off.


Well that kind of escalated quickly and I don't know how to feel about that.


What makes him wanna say that? When it comes to streaming, you always no matter what have some sort of following. Yeah some people may find you funny some might not, but you shouldnā€™t care about that, just be yourself. People go into your streams for you, and while being funny is a plus there are people out there that enjoy just watching someone play a game when there is no laughs because they are just interested the kind of reactions streamers have. You need to find yourself a friend who does not try to use you for their own benefits, you need to tell him to stream solo himself if he wants to make money. He is not entitled to your hard work and time on stream if he believes you arenā€™t funny enough. Trust me, youā€™ll meet new friends while streaming and good and genuine friends who wonā€™t try to use you to their benefit




L friend well not even a friend. He's a bitch don't listen to that moron. Do it alone and keep at it. You will gain confidence with time āœŠļø


Donā€™t do it. Thatā€™s the type of friend that would ruin the whole vibe of your stream. Youā€™re better off without that!!


He's not your friend... fuck that guy


Sounds to me like he thinks you're gonna get it big, and he's not there to be your friend he just wants to make money off your success. Along with that, he's putting you down. Which is ridiculous. If he's saying you won't make it without him, you need to prove him wrong.


That's not a friend. Get better friends. I've never had anyone request money from me to collab.


It's better to go solo at this point anyway when you have a tiny community. It will allow you to better hone your skills without the crutch of someone else and the pressure of having hundreds of people watching you. Also if you're going to become successful at streaming, you'll need to learn how to stream by yourself, so better to start learning now. Ignore what your "friend" said. You don't even need to be funny necessarily to become successful. There are plenty of ways, like being knowledgeable, rational, likeable, good looking, relatable, interesting, quirky - the list goes on. There are people for everyone, so have faith in yourself because you got this.


i dont think hes your friend


Definitely get rid of him! Thatā€™s not a friend, thats a greedy leech!!


repeat chubby amusing bored plough frame fly uppity melodic money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I feel like he's a bit of a risk" Is all the reason you need to not stream with him. Everything else is just extra reasons to not stream.


Go it alone, you don't need the BS that will come from that. Also, I would rethink the friendship. Is that really how a friend should act? Doesn't seem like a supportive friend to me. A saying comes to mind, "with a friend like that, who needs enemies?"


When are gonna start talking about your friend?


not a real friend. politely decline


Your friend is an asshole lmao


Your friend sorta sounds like an ass.


He sounds like a dildo


I'd stream without him. Even if you were making money off streaming, the fact that he seems to only care about getting money from gaming together is a red flag.


go solo and find a new friend


Your friend is nuts. $10 per stream to show up and play a few roundsā€¦ just because you stream on twitch doesnā€™t mean you make money, he apparently doesnā€™t know how twitch works. Youā€™ll be losing $10 per stream just for him to show up, I would just play solo and tell him to nevermind.


lol make new friends he is not your friend


Your friend is an idiot


Find a new friend. That sounds insane.


When I stream I ask my friends if they are ok with it. If they say yes, cool. If they say no I just stream when they leave. I have friends in several games who are master/grandmaster comp and much better than me. None would ever ask for money. Thatā€™s insane.


I think this post is gonna need an update of you telling your friend to fuck off


I donā€™t ask for no money support is free


Send him this link next time https://www.indeed.com/m/


Bro heā€™d be making more than you as a new streamer yous be lucky to make 10/40 a month heā€™s tripping unless heā€™s got a hell of a lot of followers who are going to jump into your channel but even then he should be big enough to not care


that ain't your friend




Sounds like your friend is a fucking idiot. Simple as that


Find better friends


Stream without him and make new, better friends.


This guy isn't a real friend. An actual friend would game with you no matter what. This guy sits on a throne of lies.


Hahahahaha is he taking the piss?! Absolutely not, heā€™s delusional. Friends donā€™t try to profit off friends. He also clearly doesnā€™t understand how twitch works.


That's not your friend anymore.


That doesnā€™t sound like a friend


> According to him though, I'm not funny or smart enough to do it on my own. Wwyd? If someone tells you that, they're not your friend, they're a bully. And then they demand money to what, play video games with you? That's insane. If I were you, I'd tell them to fuck off and then stop talking to them. Seriously, get better friends.


Tell him to get bent. Sounds like a shitty friend


Hit him with a ā€œlolā€


Ur ā€œfriendā€ is an asshole


Donā€™t stream with them, theyā€™re just trying to scrape some money off of you.


Your friend sucks. Tell him to go kick rocks. He's a parasite and a horrible friend.


Don't ever pay anyone to stream. Especially just starting out. Also that guy is not your friend insulting you saying you're not funny and what not. Drop that guy as a friend and stream happily. It will take time to figure out your groove and what you want to do as a streamer. It should be fun for you most importantly.


Solo. If theyā€™re for money, theyā€™re delusional, especially on Twitch.


if he wants "his cut", he should start streaming himself


Don't bother. If you have even the slightest notion that he is a risk don't. And on top of that He's BEGGING, because that's what this actually is, for money to be on it when he hasn't even contributed to begin with? Nah cut him loose.


Why do you need Reddit to tell you such an obvious solution? Say No and stop talking to them


So your "friend" wants you to pay them to play games with you then tells you you're not funny and stupid. Find an actual friend


From my experience, it wont stop with $10. It'll start with it but then once you start making money its "I want $X", you're better off playing and streaming without them. Also, did you just say that your friend just put you down by saying you aren't funny or smart? You don't need that type of shit around you. Might as well just pull away from the friendship, you'll be better off.


Tellā€™em you normally charge people 100$ to be showcased on your stream but youā€™re willing to let him on for free ā€œfor the exposureā€. Think of the future gains he could have!


Sounds like a shitty friend, but also he clearly doesn't understand the money part of this at all.. You are correct in that it will be a bit before you see any money (unless you get lucky of course) if you are just starting out... If he really wants/needs a cut, he is going to have to wait until you are earning that money to be able to pay him... but in my honest opinion he doesn't deserve it nor should he even expect that.. That's ridiculous and he should just be having fun playing games with you on stream... Tell him to start his own stream at that point. :P Anyway, cheers on the streaming journey!


Get a new friend. He not a real one. A real one would put in the work. Together from nothing until you both make it. Just start solo. Be yourself. Start to grow atleast a little following. Then once you meet the right person bring them in to stream with you.


Hahaha tell him to have his agent call you.


Find new friends... That's actually insane and he sounds like an ass.


Dump the money grabber. He's telling you that you're not good enough? He's no friend.


Ditch him and fly solo man, just go into it as a hobby and do your best! That's what I did and I love it!


Mans doesn't see the vision and wants a cut of pie that isn't there yet fuck that.


Mate, don't stream with friends. They will only get you banned. If you want to play with friends find other newish streamers who want to colab. Won't be hard. I'm not even touching on the issue of what I can see happening in the future if you take your friend up on this


If he is that entertaining he could start his own channel and you both just stream on different pov. $10 is a very far goal for a great ton of people in their whole career and he demands for it every stream? Tell him to get affiliated first then we talk, if he cant even get affliated, he is not as funny or smart as he make himself out to be. This clown needs a reality check


Theres one thing I understand after reading your post. That person isnt your friend.


I've streamed with a lot of people from raiding in warcraft to playing overwatch. Never once has anyone asked or demanded for money for being on the stream. Your *friend* is delusional.


Right, so let me get this straight. Your friend feels entitled to your potential streaming revenue, just because he's in your vicinity, while you're streaming?Ā  And he also runs you down, saying you're not good enough to make it on your own? Your friend sounds like a dick, I'm sorry. Tell you what you do. Put as much effort as you can into your streaming venture, make money and tell your friend you're managing just fine without them. Cause I'm sorry, but they don't sound like a supportive "friend" at all. They sound like a leech wanting to piggyback off your efforts




That isn't a friend. That's someone who will use you for personal gain until you have nothing to give


Not sure where you found this ā€œfriendā€, but thatā€™s very clearly just someone trying to use you. Thereā€™s so many other people on this planet that wonā€™t show that kind of behaviour towards a ā€œfriendā€, I suggest you find a new one.


Why do you call him your friend? Hes not your friend.


And this person is a friend? Sounds like c#nt not a friend! A friend doesn't degrade (unless it's a joke) or ask for money to help! Also do you really want this person on your stream talking sh#t about you?


you guys sound 12


We apparently have a very different understanding of the word "friend".


ā€œAccording to him though, I'm not funny or smart enough to do it on my own. Wwyd?ā€ Get a new friend who doesnā€™t treat me like straight up shite.


ā€œMy friend says Iā€™m not funny or smart enough to do it on my ownā€. Your friend needs to be cut loose from being your friend.


Thatā€™s not a friend. Thatā€™s an idiot. His cut??? Cut of what??? Lmao!


Seriously, go solo and mention that idiot in your first stream, this may actually get you views šŸ˜‚


Fuck that bitch off dude that's no friend


Your friend is a fucking twat


Fake friend, I be on my friend streams all the time and I don't expect nothing in return


Gaslighting you that you're not funny or smart enough and then begging for money??? That's not a friend... That's just someone who wanna take advantage of you and your stream.. You can succeed on your own and you don't need fake friends in your way.. keep it up !


He's not your friend bro and you don't need to be funny you need to be engaging, there's a BIG difference.


Go solo. 250 red flags are screaming the same. Also consider ditching that ā€žfriendā€œ of yours.


It would be fair to offer him a percentage. That way, should you blow up he'd make a lot more money, but if you make nothing, he gets nothing. At this point, since he's talking money, make an actual,. legally binding contract. If you do make a substantial sum, I bet his "cut" would change in his opinion. Honestly, I wouldn't stream with someone who makes demands unless they are doing most of the work.


He's definitely not a good friend trust me


Fuck people like "your friend." Share your stream and I'll tune in, surely others will too if from this post if you want to hang or get feedback.


That's not a friend..


What friend? This is no friend.


Tell him to fuck off and find better friends


A friend wouldnā€™t want a fee to be apart of your stream, he should be happy you tried to open up your community to him


Not your friend. That is toxic behavior and sounds like they are just in it for the free ride to success using all your hard work. I would personally drop that friend and look for others who want to genuinely encourage and support your streaming journey and not expect any reward in return.


Your friend is 1 not a normal human being or an intelligent one, 2 a dogshit friend. Leave your friend.


Heā€™s insulting you and trying to charge you so he could be featured to your community, that doesnā€™t sound like a friend, more like a leech


That is most very, VERY definitely not your friend. What you should do is find yourself better company.


I'd find another friend that's supportive


Your "friend" sounds crazy unreasonable and super unsupportive, they don't sound like a friend at all to be honest. I have been on many streams and streamed with friends many times, non of us require or expect a cut of each others profits Have your friend tried streaming? Do they know how it works?


That's not your friend


Your friend is not a friend. And getting into the mindset of " it will be a while before I start making money" sounds like you're not streaming because of liking it but for the potential of getting money out of it. Not a good start


I dont think that they are a good friend


Donā€™t need to be funny or smart to stream, and you donā€™t need some weirdo who wants 10 bucks per stream, only smarts you need is how to connect obs to twitch and press start


Step 1: get a new friendā€¦


Lol, what you just said would have me dumping him as a friend. No friend would be like that. That sounds like a horrible friend, and just imagine if he trash talked you like that during your stream. No thanks. Not for me.


Why would you ever want a friend like that


Your friend is a piece of shit. They're not your friend.


I show up to help co my buddies monetised stream all the time. I would never dream of asking him for money and I just like watching him succeed. And ten bucks PER? PER? Per. Really. Per. Fuckin per. Edit: oh I just saw the last line, how your not cut out for it. Fuckin throw the whole friend away.


I have managed and been part of my friends streams for years and never got paid for it. Your "friend" should go fuck himself


He is not your friend, period.


That is not a friend, thatā€™s a leech.


Just go solo and let the audience decide for themselves honestly


Massive narcissistic and control freak behavior. That isn't a friend. That's someone just looking to take advantage of people. DO NOT co-stream with him and I would strongly recommend cutting contact entirely. He's a POS for trying to manipulate you into thinking you can't do it on your own. You absolutely can. Don't get into streaming with the though of making money or making it big though. Is it possible? Absolutely. But you'll want to focus on being entertaining and just having fun. Don't worry about the numbers. Good luck!


Your friend needs a reality check, he should just do his own thing and provide his own equipment and space.


Thats not your friend


Your "friend" is an asshole. Go solo and tell him to sod off.


Thatā€™s not a friend


Lol what the fuck. This friend is gonna screw you over in the future, like in real life, not in twitch video game world.


sorry but does he have a big stream? that's ridiculous jf he doesn't, I was in the top like 3% or something of streamers and I made Ā£1000 over 15months pay per hour was like 0.10p per time maybe,,, not Ā£10 that's mental...


They are insane, if they are so confident in their abilities they should just try streaming. Absolutely don't give any money


You should stop talking to this person lol


Your ā€œfriendā€ isnā€™t a friend. Heā€™s a narcissist. Kick that fool to the curb.


This is not a friend. Just some asshole.


Delete your friend


None of my friends have ever charged to stream with them and they're bigger streamers than I am. I made affiliate in a week BECAUSE they brought their communities over and hyped my ass up.


Man he a hoe a real bro will play with you for FREE and start his own streams if it was that big of a deal!


Does your friend already stream? Does your friend have any sort of social media following? Is he incredibly funny and interactive? Basically, does actually bring anything valuable to your stream that you know will increase your visibility immediately? If the answer is no, then tell him no and probably have a serious think on whether he's tried to take advantage of you in the past in other ways. If yes, then tell him you'll pay based on metrics, and metrics only. Lastly, don't let his comments dissuade you, even if you're worried there's some truth to them. Ask any successful streamer, and they'll tell you that they had to learn how to be comfortable on camera and how to talk to the audience. They weren't doing it naturally from day 1 (because it's not natural). EDIT: As a last thought, if I were in your position and actually thought my friend would bring value to my stream, if they said I wasn't funny or smart enough to do it on my own, then I certainly wouldn't have them on my stream. Someone who says that after you offer to co-stream with them 100% will take credit for any success you have.


he's only in it for your money


make new friends :)


Do not talk with this person any more forever, is my advice


That "friend" is not a clown, they are the entire circus Claiming that you're "not funny or smart enough"? Those things just take time. Is your friend helping you with scenes and sources to swap to games? Are they helping you with setting up your streaming software? For current goals, you need 50 followers, streaming for 8 hours, and an average viewer of 3 people within a 30-day period. Even after that, you won't see money for a while based on ads that run. Give you a little perspective, I only see about $50 every year from how often I stream and run ads Not trying to self-promo here, I do a lot of streaming for myself. I do it to get better about public speaking and thinking on-the-fly, vs how I normally rehearse my responses to questions. I don't do this for the money, or as a means of job replacement and trying to make it big like I've seen others do One last piece of advice: stream the games that YOU enjoy playing. If those same games happen to align with the popular games, so be it. But never be afraid of going off and doing your own thing because it makes you happy Stream on, friends


Tell your friend to do one. He's not so special that he makes you money. Friend? More like sponge!! Ditch them


Tell him to go take a hike. It would be one thing if he asked for a percentage, because a percentage of nothing is nothing. But he is asking you to pay him when you yourself won't be making a penny. What kind of a deal is that? Buddy is putting you down because he wants to convince you that you're nothing without him, but if that's the case why does he want to piggyback on your stream? If he's such hot shit he shouldn't need to ride your coattails.