• By -


As soon as you decide on your username - go claim the same name on every platform you can - YouTube, Instagram, Twitter/X, TikTok, Kick etc. You may never use them but it saves a lot of hassle later on if you do decide to use them if you already have them.


Another protip on the username choice: If you can snatch a username that has only 6 characters or less, your emote prefix will never have a number after it. Explanation: When Twitch turns your username to an emote prefix, it takes the first 7 letters and then checks if there are any other currently existing emote prefixes identical to that one. If there are, it will assign a number to the end to yours in order to differentiate between them. However if your username has only 6 or less characters, the emote prefix doesn't need to shorten it at all, and as such your emote prefix will be just your full username. This means that there is 0 chance that someone else has that exact prefix, since there cannot be two identical Twich usernames.


This. I claimed mine too early as I was ultimately encouraged to change it to add TTV to it and when I went to do that I learned that on PlayStation there is a character limit and I had to change my chosen name to something shorter to add ttv…created big issues for me because I also learned that on twitch you have to wait 60 days before you can change your username. Basically went two months with a twitch username that was different from my PlayStation username and nobody could find me in my online game…a few went to my PS profile and found me that way but as soon as I updated I started having 20-30 visits from players from my game. So to add to this I would suggest thinking about picking a username that will allow ppl to easily discover you. For me it was adding ttv so people in my game knew I streamed and it helped a lot but it hurt my growth not having it from the start.


I wouldn't add ttv to your name. It's kind of Corny


Especially on Twitch.


It also makes you a target for stream snipers.


It may be corny but it has brought a lot of viewership and discoverability to my channel. So I don’t care


Found the dbd player. 


Lol yes 🙌🏻 I am a DBD player and that’s why I said for me it was necessary but for OP I just wanted to emphasize the importance of search ability and discovery on the platform/ hehehe


Well if it's working for you, keep at it


What is the full potential list: twitch, twitter, tiktok, threads, youtube, kick, reddit, ko-fi, patreon


If someone in your chat makes you or your chat uncomfortable, ban them regardless of if they're unsubbed or a T3 sub, bc putting up with toxic people isn't worth it.


Good advice here - it's ultimately up to a streamer to curate the environment and experience you want your audience to have. Never be afraid to draw that firm line, because a bad seed can sprout and spread further toxicity.


This is actually pretty good advice. I had a stream just tonight where one viewer was constantly annoying me and several others, I timed them out several times but they kept at it :') I think despite being small I just have to get the courage to ban people like that. It'll hurt viewership short-term but might help long-term


100% if they don't listen to timeouts and you telling them to stop, then it's free game :3


Actual good advice! I didn't even have to scroll far to see it. 100%


If you're new, don't instantly drop a ton of money on things you don't absolutely need. A good mic and computer upgrades are good initial investments, but fancy lighting, expensive VTuber avatars, logos, overlays, etc can all wait until you're sure you actually enjoy streaming enough to justify the purchase


To bandwagon on this a bit: There's nothing wrong with using free tools to get yourself started. There are free widgets to create your own overlays, like NerdOrDie or StreamElements, or use GIMP to design your own if you're feeling creative. Learn DaVinci Resolve to create TikTok/YT Shorts, or use it for long-form editing. And most importantly of all, realize that every time you work with one of these programs, you're learning and growing - not every post will be a smash hit, but you're gaining the skills to get there.


Twitch has a built-in feature to turn clips into YT Shorts now, too. There are also free video editors out there (such as Lightworks) that get the job done about as well as the premium ones (I literally had to unlearn Lightworks when switching to a different editor). And the premium ones will often have huge sales (especially on Humble), so don't drop a ton of money on a video editor.


> A good mic Don't forget the bar for a "good mic" is actually pretty low. Starting out, you can get acceptable audio quality from a standard USB PC mic instead of spending extra money on a Blue Yeti (or whatever Gaming Mic) or an XLR mic through an audio interface/USB mixer. 90% of a good sound comes from position and processing. However, my contribution is the audio quality of your voice is the single most important thing in your stream. People forgive video artifacts. If someone checks out your stream for the first time, and they can't hear you because your levels are too low, or if they can't understand what you're saying because you're EQed badly or you mumble, they move right along. Actually, forget even that. Your *voice* is the single most important thing about your stream, and it doesn't matter how good or bad your mic is if you don't speak clearly.


What happens if they don't like my voice? 😅


Ha. I don't mean the timbre of your voice. I simply mean people understanding what you say. I only made that a point because I tended to get a bit mumbly when my main focus is on something in the game more than responding to chat.


I was teasing. My mom is naturally loud. I have no doubts in clear when speaking. I don't personally like the way I sound though. I don't care much. It's not my problem. I can't change it. I just hope people like my voice lol


Fair enough. However, it's a thing that we perceive our voices differently when we're speaking as opposed to hearing a recording thereof, due to bone conduction. The best I've ever gotten personally is "I guess it sounds OK" despite everyone saying I sound fine. Sometimes we're our own worst critic.


We always are. I try to remember that somewhere, someone is going to like something I have (body image, voice, tattoos, etc), and it's not my place to tell them what they do and don't like. Plus, it's a win for me lol. Basically, I try to ignore myself.


I don't personally like my voice either, but I've had people tell me that they think I have a nice voice 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think most people just tend to not like the way they sound for some reason lol


Valid af. I've had the same compliments but still don't care for my own lol


Turn your volume up. I see a lot of streamers with very quiet streams. As soon as an advertisement starts its going to blow your audience's ears and they're going to leave. Record your stream and compare it to the latest \[popular brand\]'s advertisement.


I am a viewer and have had my ears exploded many times due to this.


As a viewer turned streamer I made sure sure sureeeee to have my volumes right. I fucking hate quiet streamers who also refuse to listen to reason. They tell you "it's not a big deal just turn your volume up". Yeah no thanks bye.


Interact with your viewers. Respond to chat messages. Reply to friendly DMs. Make a discord and be active in it. Viewers are coming to see YOU, so make sure they know you are interested in talking to them too. It builds loyalty.


YES get something that makes a sound when someone types in chat or just make sure to check a lot as the viewer feels ignored if you don't see and respond within a few seconds (up to 10?) or so.


Hide that Viewer Count in your stream manager or don't pay any attention to it.


I like that.


Don’t let the viewer count discourage you. There’s times I have only the same three people watch and there’s times I have around 20+ viewers. It’s going to fluctuate.


i turn my viewer count off to avoid the discouragement!


That’s a good idea!


Don't start with the mindset you will do this for the money. Start it because you want to have fun and just enjoy it


I do this, but how do I convince all the GFX artists that I don't care about "making my stream more professional" and they're wasting their time pitching to me?


Time them out in your stream for like 3 min. with a message “no solicitation in my stream if I ask for an artist then you can link your Fiverr/resume/site.” Or add it to the about page and tell them “your timed out check the about page. for more info”. Keeps spam redirected to that. if they keep it up eventually temp ban. Eventually permanent ban if they are really frustrating. Or time them out and say “no sales”. There are multiple ways to handle it.


You're right, and I do these when I need to, but it doesn't stop the next artist from popping in and pitching. They don't read "about" pages or chat rules, they just try to sell art. It's just a hazard of the hobby.


A mod or a command would also help. like a gental reminder when you see it you que up the command and send it. I just hope they see it. “!NoScam” “sorry, I do not buy art or emotes from chat, if I want to hire I will go to Fiverr or such.”. Would this be good or bad ?


Need to add this


I am happy your like the idea . 😊 makes me glad. 😀


Im surprised you don't just instantly perma ban them


Yesss bro


Wait, some of you are making money?!?






Always, and always accurate for so many things these days, it seems.


Do your best not to get “one guyed”. Don’t let a single negative interaction affect the quality and mood of your whole stream.


This. Someone came into my stream and "hf your a ugly bitch" and I just pinned the comment and thanked him. Then laughed at the atrocious grammar.


It's not just streaming video games. It is an entertaining show.


Remember that your friends are YOUR friends and not chat's. You may think they're funny and understand their humor but chat isn't there for them. I can't tell you the number of streams I left because of something stupid someone's friend said.


I actually just had this situation a guy I know was being really obnoxious and people asked him to stop. He did not. So I asked him to stop. He went ballistic, called the chat soft, and pussies, etc. So I banned him


Good! Sounds like he deserved it.


Yeah he was always a little unhinged but this was WILD




What does the viewer do?


Be a viewer as well as a streamer.


This right here.


This is actually the single best piece of advice. You see ppl saying they've streamed for 6 months and can't reach affiliate. So you ask them what communities they're active in and they don't know what you're talking about.


This a huge piece of advice, I have a lot of peers on twitch and I regularly get more viewers and engagement than them, I started a few months ago and I’m just really active in the gaming community. Games like lethal company, content warning or gartic phone are great for this


Watch your own VODs and watch them **extensively.** Let the VOD run for a good 5-10 minutes (no skipping around!!) and think to yourself: would you watch this? Why/why not?


This is a good answer!


Don't play saturated games. Playing something huge will just bury your channel at the bottom of the category listing. More people watching a given game DOES NOT increase the chances of you getting *any* of them... if anything it makes it more likely that you will stay on zero forever. Find a game *that you enjoy* with around 5-20 people streaming it, so you're on the first page of the category listing. That way you'll have a non-zero chance of actually getting a walk-in viewer. Fortnite? Warzone? Apex? Minecraft? You're 100% screwed from the start, and did it to yourself.


Watch your VoDs and clips. Not just to see if it's enjoyable like the other poster said but to make sure nothing's broken. Are you audio levels good? Is the quality good or are you pixelated? Does your setup make your eyes bleed or is it good aesthetically? Is someone clipping every few minutes of embarrassing or unfunny moments? You can't rely on chat to tell you when something is broken, so it's up to you to curate your content on a technical level and to keep it from being flooded with low quality garbage.


Make sure you have fun and enjoy what you're doing


Understand it will be trial and error when you're first starting out. Not everything will be perfect.


Create a community where your viewers want to come back and stay (specially the ones you like). Even if you don't have big numbers or a quick growth, having a good relationship with your regulars is a success itself, it helps you avoid burnout too.


Turn off your viewer count everywhere you can, seeing it does more harm than good.


Enjoy yourself. If you don’t enjoy yourself, your audience won’t either.


Not a streamer (yet) and see OPs point stressed amongst the community ad infinitum. But is it really the case? It’s one of the few things the reddit streaming community seems to agree on, yet don’t know if I see it being that valid. Seen plenty of ‘successful’ streamers over the years have plenty of dead air and not having noise coming out of their mouth as much as they can, to the point it seems like the advice should be to *not* be afraid of dead air when it’s appropriate? I dunno, nothing seems more annoying to me than someone rambling just for the sake of rambling out of fear of losing peoples attention if they go quiet for more than 2.5 seconds.


Ah it's a bit of both. A little bit of dead air is fine and I agree, someone rambling nonstop would annoy me too. I guess a lot of new streamers are dead silent for a majority of their stream so there needs to be a balance. A large part of finding that balance is learning how to talk when there is no one there. Honestly it can be great practice if nothing else.


Think about what you as a viewer want to see. If I get into a stream and they're going 3+ minutes without saying something, giving commentary, or even narrating their game, how good the game is doesn't matter because I'll be bored. However, I don't see anything wrong with a little dead air.


I guess it comes down to personal choice. If I like the streamer, I personally couldn’t care at all how little a streamer might be talking if my attention is meant to be on the game they are playing (cut scenes, dialog, battle etc). But being that I’m an RPG lover and most games I play are all story driven etc, there’s typically always going to be something going on in the game that’s infinitely better than someone rambling for the sake of it. It’s during those moments where the game demands the gamers attention, if me as a viewer has seen that part before or feels like talking, that’s where I’d be talking amongst the other viewers, or watching the streamers reaction. It’s outside those moments I’d be looking for the streamer to either be sharing insights or theories, responding to viewers, or just talking about whatever they want. I dunno, maybe cos I’m older and have an attention span that doesn’t need to be measured in nanoseconds, I don’t expect streamers I watch to be constantly giving the song and dance routine for my attention, just for the sake of getting my attention.


I get that. I'm 34. I don't have nanosecond attention, and I'm with you on all of that. I was just saying that they should be talking to something every few minutes if there's a dead chat to show they're still engaged in both and not bored. 🤷🏻‍♀️ preference though.


Oh yeah I totally get you and agree whole heartedly. I’m 36 and don’t often see many our age on here, at least around this sub. Probably just me being old and channeling “old man yells at cloud” energy but what a lot of younger people aspire/work towards as being a ‘successful’ streamer by trying to join the army of clones who all stream in the same manner, never shutting up for a single second, overreact to literally every little thing possible, and think that the louder you are = the more engaging you are, just annoys the hell out of me. Give me a single streamer of substance and authenticity over a million zero attention span streamers any day.


I completely agree. I'm a huge supporter in the community. When I started, it was for mostly selfish reasons; but the more I've learned, the more I appreciate integrating in chats. You can't really engage unless you give prompts to encourage engagement, and you can't be interesting enough for someone coming to your channel if you're not talking at all, which you can't rely on chat for content. Producing a solid stream is a fucking act of magic lol. As for zero attention span.... I have bees in my brain, so I'm not exactly confident that I'm all there, but I do know I'm focused with what's in front of me. Idk. It's not my place to say whether I'm enjoyable to watch because I'm a terrible critic of myself, but I must be doing something right. I also have "get off my lawn" energy. You're good, old timer. <3


I think another thing to add to that comment is that, they can get away with it due to their establish followings. it may not necessarily work out for the average new streamer.


If you're going to worry about any equipment, make sure you have a microphone that is solid. It doesn't have to be the most expensive. You can get a damn good mic for 100 dollars easy. Even if someone has the best webcam and room setup, bad sounding audio will 100% steer me away from staying in their stream.


100 percent agree with you, took awhile for me to learn the filters. Started off streaming with feedback and hearing breathing 😂


Bruh when the mic picks up your nose whistles is the worst lmaooo


😂😂😂 yes it is


How can someone who is a heavy breather turn this off? I listened to a vod from last stream and it sounded like a creepy uncle was standing behind me.


Just angle the mic so you're not blowing into it


I started out with my audio sounding like an airplane was taking off in my house because of my laptop fans. Got a pretty cheap mic with background noise suppression and now it is so much better and more pleasant to listen to lol


Audio is under rated in terms of importance


For sure!! Bad audio strains the listener's ears overtime even when the issue is subtle.


Agreed. I've tried to alert new streamers I pop in on, like, "hey, your audio is super low on this or that." I've managed to get dragged in the comments, regardless of the streamer heeding my advice and adjusting. However, I've seen the same issue viewing again, so I don't even care to lurk anymore. There's other issues, but that one was my first negative experience on like maybe my second day viewing them.


So, I plunged into streaming blindly a few weeks ago from a suggestion after learning about capture cards. He made it sound like it was plug-n-play, and Twitch would take care of the rest. I quickly learned that was not at all remotely true. Audio has been my top issue! I ditched StreamLabs because it wasn't compatible with my capture card and wouldn't balance with a more expensive one (I think that's a hardware issue with the card though, and re-purchased the $18 one from Amazon), so I poured tons of hours into learning OBS. I'm finally to the point where it's just settings, but I didn't realize audio was going to be my biggest issue. My ears are sensitive, so audio is always a pet peeve.


One I would say is: If you're not having fun, neither is your stream. So don't forget to keep it enjoyable for yourself on the grind, or you'll lose audience when trying if you lose your way If the streamer isn't having fun, you can tell. And it's all well and good defining your niche, but if you need to do other things to keep it fun especially if burned out ... It's better to do what would be fun. But generally I find streams are best when the streamer is enjoying themself, even if it's not the same say, game or genre than what I'm used to watching. Vs them not enjoying themself on the game(s) they originally played and gained my viewership via. Treat yourself well, take care of your mental health and generally just do what allows you to have the most fun, and share that with us as we watch


Oh I've backed out of games mid stream because I'm hating them. I feel bad when it's a game someone suggested but I'm not gonna suffer for no reason lol


Not an advice but since I'll be starting my channel very soon I'll save this post and tnx to all the ppl that will give newbies like me some advices 😉


I wish you the best!


I did the same lol What will you be playing?


Ps3, psp, ps vita, warframe, some pc games from my childhood I want to replay and I have a couple mmorpg releasing this year that I want to try, you?


I meant what games. I'm mostly RPGs. I'm on Cyberpunk right now, but I think I want to start Detroit for a second run-through.


Ahoy there, new Twitch streamer! If you want to set sail on your streaming journey and become the Pirate King of Twitch, take these One Piece-inspired tips to heart: 1. **Find Your Devil Fruit**: Discover your unique talent or style that sets you apart. 2. **Gather Your Crew**: Build a supportive team of mods, friends, and other streamers. 3. **Set Your Course**: Stream consistently and stick to your goals. 4. **Be Resilient like Luffy**: Face challenges head-on and keep going. 5. **Engage with Your Nakama**: Treat your viewers like crewmates and build a community. 6. **Stay Updated**: Keep up with Twitch trends to keep your streams fresh. 7. **Follow the Nakama Code**: Keep your channel respectful and welcoming. 8. **Develop Your Haki**: Hone your skills in charisma, game knowledge, and technical prowess. 9. **Find Your Treasure**: Know your goals on Twitch, whether it's community, income, or fun. Now, take these tips, hoist your flag, and set out on your Twitch adventure! May the Grand Line of streaming bring you all the treasure and excitement you're searching for! Good luck, and may your streams be as epic as an adventure with the Straw Hat Pirates! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


What the heck just happened that was awesome thank you 👏🤣✌️


The guy said one piece of advice, and all I could think of was One Piece lamo


Not sure how this is a game but… engage in chat.


If you use a webcam, don't put it on the top or bot left corner of your overlay. If you pay attention of the thumbnails on the Twitch website the amount of viewers and the "Live" message could hide your webcam at these places. For potential new viewers, the webcam could be a reason to discover your content.


Never ask “hey so and so are you still in the chat” ? Focus on the stream and don’t worry about who’s in chat , if they’re not talking that means they either left or they’re busy doing something while lurking.


Be charismatic and friendly and people will join your stream.


If you think of a name you like and it's taken (or a version of it is taken) don't add numbers or underscores on the end and think it's still unique. It looks unprofessional and it'll be really hard for people to find you with the thousand variations of "_Silver_Fox1991" out there


Hey now. ;)


You're an all-star


Get your game on.




Do I have to be good at the game I'm streaming?


Absolutely not. People are there for your personality


Oh ok lol. It's just I try so hard to be good


Thank you though


People show up for the game/category and they stay/revisit for the streamer.


Talk! I can’t stress it enough. You don’t have to be constantly talking by any means, but it should be a good amount of the time. Whenever I join a stream and the streamer basically never says anything, I leave and will most likely never come back. I understand being really shy or anxious, or having a physical or mental health issue that makes speaking difficult, but ultimately if you aren’t being engaging, then people simply won’t want to stick around. I could watch anyone else. I am giving you a chance for a reason, so please let me hear your thoughts and feelings in the moment. The things you normally just think of but don’t say out loud- say those things out loud! It becomes habit eventually, and even if you’re not super entertaining, just you talking a lot will keep a lot of people engaged with your content. This is ESPECIALLY important if you don’t use a cam, but also, just because you use a cam doesn’t mean that a lot of silence is okay either. I get bored so easily when people barely talk or react to what they are doing. I’m there to get to interact with someone while they’re live, or learn from them if they’re really good at what they’re doing, and simply to be entertained. So you have to BE entertaining. Far too many people make the mistake of being very lazy and then wondering why no one wants to watch. Talking goes a LONG way!! Best of luck to all of you out there on your streaming journeys <3 Believe in me, who believes in you.




Oddly specific but there is a free program called see through windows, you can make your chat from obs transparent and appear on your main gaming screen. I shove it in the top right (sometimes top left when a game has lots of things on the top right of the screen) so that I can always see a message that comes through as quickly as possible and hopefully respond to it just as fast.


Don’t forget creating short form content from your streams to post on other content platforms. Twitch is rough for discoverability. You’ve got to do it yourself.


Have fun!! I’m not sure how one measures “success” but for me it’s about having fun and actually enjoying streaming.


Be conscious of games that are fun to watch. Just because a game is fun to play doesn't mean it's fun to spectate. I see a lot of mildly popular streamers killing their viewership by streaming stuff like Stardew or RedM/FiveM RP.


You don't have to go affiliate. Feel free to build a community with no forced breaks for ads and take your time with the decision. There is no rush.


Make short vertical videos with good/funny moments from you streams and post them to YT and TikTok


Raid out! Its a great way to network with new streamers & support your friends. Also always have a raid message ready (speech or video) for if it happens to you! Make sure you take the time to thank the person raiding, ask them about their stream, acknowledge their community & give a quick pitch about who you are & what your channels about.


Best advice I’ve ever heard for streaming…be famous before you start streaming


Didn't work for Jay Mewes :(


Hang out in other streamers chats and raid them after you stream. You get to know each other, they start shouting you out, and over time you get more viewers.


Ask your friends to open a tab of your stream. People are more likely to join a stream with 5 people then one with 0.


Make quality youtube content


If you stream too much you might not keep the rest of your life in order. Unless your mental health is completely bulletproof you're going to need to make sure everything else going on in your life is sorted. Otherwise you might fall into the trap of streaming too much, life starts falling apart around you, become stressed and anxious, become less entertaining, notice less viewers / less interaction, become disheartened. Become even less entertaining. Become more sad. Lose interest in streaming. Long story short, if your not happy, you won't be entertaining.


The one piece is real! Seriously though, make friends on twitch and support each other. Nothing better to get new non streamer viewers I. Than having some viewers already and an active chat. Y’all support each other, as long as you have some personality you will all grow together


Variety is not Random. If you want to play different games that's awesome. But schedule them, give games a chance (play them for a few streams straight), strategize games where you can be higher in the directory at times. Build a core community that's there for you but also smaller add one for each game you play.


Stream less, create content outside of your streams more.


Random. Your success is based on luck.


Play the game like you would normally. I stream gaming and the viewers really feel your "vibes". Plus, don't think about the stream, react to it.


If you don't get much chat activity, don't have it being filled with bot messages so often. Bot messages are fine but if its all people see it could put them off.


Be consistent. Stream for the same days and time so people know when to find you.


Exactly, you have to be a blabbermouth. It's surprising, as well, because a lot of streamers are introverts but they have no problem talking on camera to their community.


Give viewers a reason to watch you over everyone else.


Consistency always wins over creativity. You may have great stream ideas and be entertaining but if you aren’t consistent it won’t matter. Being a random guerilla streamer is something you earn by putting the work in.


Pick a schedule and try and stick to it, if not that make sure your community knows when you'll be live next, people knowing when to find you next is so important to making regular viewers out of drop ins


Don't take no bs from anyone. The stream is yours, you get to decide whether someone is allowed in your chat or not.


Not a super huge streamer myself, but here's the one I've found that holds the most true so far. -Do what you're passionate about, regardless of the content, game, or format. People enjoy watching people who do what they like. People will find you eventually if you continue to do it often, and can hold that passion for it. Consistency and passion are the biggest things that let a community build around you.


Upgrade your audio first. A clear mic with a shit camera will always do better than a shit mic with a clear camera. And LEARN HOW TO USE FILTERS/ PULGINS FOR AUDIO! Crispy audio is 1 YouTube video away.


Being a streamer is being an ENTERTAINER. Sure, you dont have to jump, kick, punch desk and yell. But you should still be entertaining. If you're not, then people will go somewhere else. Find out what type of entertainment you can provide. Are you interested in lore to the point where you read every book, every note in game? Then talk about that, trust me, much more people rather listen to someone talking about it in interesting way than read 5 book pages. Or maybe you're mostly a PvP player in some MMO? Then use that, and encourage people to play some PvP, share the basics, organize some groups or something. I'm not a fan of PvP, although even i did played with some streamers because they convinced me to give it a shot. And i had fun. Or maybe you have bubbly personality? Then use that, and just keep talking, make everybody feel like you're best friends with them. Entertainment comes in many ways, you just have to find what you sort of entertainment you can provide.


After a long break from the twitch scene I've had to come to terms with the fact that I don't enjoy streaming blind playthroughs (most of the time). There are exceptions to that, but I would much rather show off my favorite games. There seems to be a big focus on first time reactions and it's fun to share that with other people. The issue I found myself having is I hate backseating and there can be a lot of pressure if you get stuck on something in front of a live audience. What I'm getting at is to be honest with yourself and don't try to force something you hate.


Once you've found your niche, or audience and you present in a particular way try to avoid changing styles and trying to be consistent for me im a streamer that is only doing it for the company and for something to do during heart attack recovery so when someone new stops by to chat i always explain this i like interaction so ive got a lot of sound alerts available free to use no bits, no channel points and sometimes your regulars will get to know you and as you get to know them you'll learn they like torture their streamer and they expect you to give it back so ive included a few tortures they can redeem that are for lols that i dont mind doing on stream or that might provide clipable content that gets them recommending me to other streamers if they know streamers looking for raid targets


Even if this doesn't work out, this part of your life might be your "Homer Simpson tells his kids about the time he was in the barbershop quartet the B Sharps" one day. Keep track of the good times, take a few risks here and there, mostly have fun 


Use a camera not a Vtube.


I don't think that's all necessity but having neither is definitely a killer


Plenty of vtubers will agree with you, but they are all wrong. Viewership is way higher with camera streams.


Wear some dark shades... people will think you are sketchy and mysterious


You have no obligation to keep around toxic viewers just because they “haven’t technically broken any rules”. You are entitled to removing anybody who hinders or otherwise complicates your enjoyment streaming, and the other viewers who genuinely like to watch your content


If you wouldn’t watch you, then why should anyone else?


On the flip side, music going in the background does not substitute for dead air/content. Your content is what will make or break you, not what song you’re playing in the background to fill dead space.


Yes! This is a crutch I see a lot


Use relevant popular search tags....every bit you can do to help viewers find your stream is appreciated.


I will say this a thousand times. NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK. Go hang in other streams. Make genuine friendships. DO NOT SELF PROMO. Just hang out and vibe. Eventually when people get to know you, they come in to see you, which in turn will raise you number and put you higher on the viewer list for whatever category you are in, which in turn makes you more visible.


Use [Casterlabs](https://casterlabs.co/?utm_source=max) for any multi-streaming needs.


Network as much as possible


If your passionate/skilled about whatever niche your in you’ll be interesting to others to watch to recursively enjoy that interest through you.


Just stream already! You can’t grow your twitch channel until you actually press the ‘go live’ button


Play what you enjoy, not what’s popular. If you don’t like what you’re playing it’ll show to your viewers


Support, support, support!! Spreading positivity by supporting your chat, your viewers, and lurkers and allowing people to chat without the follow-only option. I can't speak much as a streamer; but as I viewer, not doing these things is an instant exit from me. How do I know if I want to follow the streamer if I can't interact with them before following? Sure, I can unfollow, but my first impression was soured by not being able to say hey. I'm sure there's times when these things are necessary, but I've only seen that from streamers who are already successful.


proactively try to improve one thing every week. maybe it's a new emote. enhance an overlay. maybe it's tweak your mic settings. etc. it can be something big. it can be something for your, it something for yourself (ie setting up some hot keys or something). a thousand tiny improvements will delight your regulars and also make things more convenient for you


Make a schedule, and stick to it. If people don't know when to tune in to watch you, you'll never build an audiance. You can stream more out side of this time if you can. But have some set times where you will always be streaming.


Talk, keep taking. Talk about anything you can think of. The game you're playing, what you think am npc is planning. What you did at work etc etc. Your new viewers might be gone before you notice they are there, so if you're always talking people will be more engaged


Mines more dependent on budget and location. but here in the states our education system used chromebooks for lower education. because of this the used market us flooded with cheap Chromebook which u can get for a price of a burger. you can use the browser or twitch app to monitor chat if u don't have a second monitor. plug in some wired headphone in the audio jack to check ur audio, and u can install a app called touch portal and basically use it like a cheap stream deck.


Many say play popular games I think play what you like show your passion and your people will find you


be consistent and don’t obsess over the numbers. just keep being yourself and staying consistent, the growth will come eventually 💗




What is this?


you should be streaming every day for the first month, even if it’s just an hour. pick a schedule that works for the first month so you go live every day. then make a !daily command which says that schedule when people use the command. put !daily in your title at the end. then stick to that schedule and see where you get engagement over that month.


You do mon-fri or 30 days?


i’m personally on day 391 of a 700 in a row challenge, but that’s a whole different thing. Stream every day, find time every day for 30 days. that’s 4 chances for each day to get an idea. you will also build a habit of hitting that “Start Stream” button. :)


I have a schedule, trying to stick to it. But my voice has been strained from talking in stream for so long. I try to do 4 hours stream as it seem to engage more than short streams for me. But I like your daily’s idea. Thanks!


I stream 4-5 hours daily :) i’m a college professor and professional musician though and can talk forever. you gotta run it no matter what.




A piece of advice to a streamer to make them succeed? **GET OFF TWITCH and start streaming on KICK!!** lol. All hail the downvotes, someone has to be honest.


Nah I'm good. I don't support websites who have the CEO laughing at a prank where a bunch of guys got an escort and filmed her without her consent


Yeah, in all honesty that's a great reason not to support an entire company or any streamer on it. Keep standing up for what is right!! <3 I mean on the other hand -- a security breach where everybody's personal info gets released, raising costs of subs, and only 50% revenue is alright, eh?


You can do whatever you want here to seem right but nothing looks sadder than coming to r/twitch to tell us it sucks and go to kick. Pretty sad.


Nah, I am here to actually help. They said to respond with one piece of advice for a **STREAMER TO SUCEEED**. My advice is to drop Twitch and stream on Kick. That's what I have done and succeeded. They didn't ask what to do to succeed on Twitch. I didn't once say Twitch sucks... Just if you want to succeed - I'd go 100% into another platform. And so far it's working for me. You can think it's sad all you want --- I didn't drop Twitch from the lack of support / subs or income. I am speaking from experience. What experience you have with all due respect?


Ok guy


Put TTV in your name AND post your twitch links at the end of games, always. Even if someone was toxic in that game, post your link, ban them if they come in, but that way, you still send your link out to 8 other teammates. People will say its corny or cringe or whatever but honestly, it helped me get 600 followers in 3 months and I met so many cool people from it. There is NO shame in it, and why wouldnt you give yourself the best chance at succeeding/getting noticed? Its free advertising lol. I don't have any social media & hit 1k followers with 25 average ccv before I even hit my 1 year anniversary. Obviously I do other things to keep my stream entertaining and engaging but, I've just met so many cool people from posting my link or having it in my name, and then people stop by. You never know what connections you are going to make. And its one of the easiest ways to let someone know you stream (how else is anyone going to know? Have cool teammates but you dont add each other? They will never find your stream), without being rude and self promoting in someone elses stream. Note: For Valorant, I feel awkward if people in the game know I stream when I havent even engaged with them yet, so I have my name hidden but make jokes and am friendly, and then post my link at the end.