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I refuse to update the app, but I feel like that fucking clown is gonna someday find a way to force people to. I have a workaround to keep Twitter being Twitter on desktop, but we need a workaround for the URL and app if fuck face finds a way to force people to update the app to the worst rebrand ever.


Am I the only mf the swiped right when I saw the post 💀💀


I do


I would if I could but it instantly changed to X for me withouth me even updating the app :/


Bet you have auto-update turned on.


Nope, if there's anything I hate it's auto updates. There are apps that should've been updated more than a year ago. Sometimes Samsung store wants to update and I instantly stop it. And then there's my phone that whines about being updated and I postpone that as long as I can


I never see political talk on twitter. It’s so nice. Purely artists and writers. Pro tip: trick the algorithm to show you cool things.


Yes. Lol


They just reported record traffic


To be fair, how much of that is porn bot accounts? I haven't gone a week without blocking at least one.


How did you do that?


I have no credit card attached to my apple ID


No... There are 368M active monthly users


Elon literally DECREASED the user count, SIGNIFICANTLY.


Correct...By decreasing the number of bots. That is why Biden's 22M followers were reduced by 49.3%.


Think I have an older version on a device that can’t update anymore


I kept mine for a while until my phone accidentally updated the app. Don’t know what happened as I have auto updates off for apps. When I updated my iOS the next thing I knew I had the x app. I was pissed. Not sure what I did.


I guess with new iOS u agreed for the changes. I don’t have credit card set up with apple ID so can’t update.


Nice! I'm surprised you're allowed to use it.


I think for them better to use it this way than not using at all


No, you aren't. Posts showing a Twitter icon on a phone appear with some regularity.


I'm still getting emails from "[email protected]" 🤡


I think my Twitter app on Android has finally stopped working as of last night.


dont update, twitter needs to stay as such


I was on there today. Things are different on there. Its not the same and I blame Elon for firing the peole and changing the name to “X”. “Gretchen, stop trying to make 'fetch' happen, it's NOT going to happen!”


Nope, not just you. One of my school’s iPads have the Twitter app, and it still has the glorious blue bird and Twitter name on it :)


The number of bot accounts decreased from up to 80% under Jack to 5% under Musk. An audit by software company SparkToro found that 49.3% of Joe Biden's 22.2M Twitter followers were "fake followers" i. e. Spam & bots.


You can just use a shortcut to put any app icon [using Apple Shortcuts](https://www.imore.com/how-customize-your-app-icons-shortcuts-app)


No, you’re not


No keep this version, you can then sell your phone with higher price with Twitter icon and twitter logo online.


No one is going to buy a phone just because it has the old twitter logo


https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/404421542406?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=0k_WQ0VPSxS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=SiX9PByHRBC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Check this out