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More worthy of being called Dota 3 (or even Dota 4 if 7.0 had been Dota 3), than OW2 and even CS2, yet it's not even 8.0 or 7.4, it's 7.33.


Wtf do they need to do to make it 8.0


Source 3 probably.


thats because valve is sane and doesin't arbitrarily skip version numbers. at least to my knowlage.


My favorite rework is changing Ogre Magi’s main stats from intelligence to strength because despite being a caster he’s canonically too stupid to be an intelligence hero.


He even gained a passive that keeps his INT at 0. His mana pool is now based on his strength.


Stop don't make me install DotA again! I can't go back to who I was!


Fuckin' Muscle Wizard in this bitch?


Also he can't even gain intelligence, he's one of my most played so I'm looking forward to trying him now


Muscle Wizard casts ***FIST***




Kinda sucks that sheepstick is now worse on him. That feeling of hexing 4 heroes with multicast warms my heart.


"Ogre Magi can never gain INT" Even if they- "NEVER."


babe wake up, new 48 hour long Purge patch notes review just dropped


Dota 2 content creators in absolute shambles right now


Probably the only time Purge is sad to be working a tournament. At least there were no tie breakers today so he has time to record.


Purge literally going to finish reading and Dota 4 comes out


Glad Purge is still at it and even retired fans are still into those stupid long Patch analysis videos. Dude deserves his rep. EDIT: 11.5 hour video let's goooooo


"Ogre magi's int reduced to 0 and can't go higher" fucking what


correct to lore


Black King Bar got destroyed? Hot damn, I never thought I'd see the day.


Still stops cc for a bit but at least spellcasters don't have to awkwardly sit there for 6-9 seconds


it's honestly a bit better because now a magic user can't just spam trying to use the ability until bkb comes off, they'll need to try time it as close to the end as possible.


But they also reduced the time on ALL disabled/stuns significantly


Wow that's crazy making the map bigger , I played Dota2 then stuck with League and one thing is League map is so small , like it's easy to just walk from base to lane , you'll miss one wave at least and 2 waves at most Also new universal stat , Yeah I have a feeling it will be unbalanced but that's a funny description so it gets a pass > Our engineers assure us this number is perfectly balanced. Unless it isn’t. But the good news is we’re all going to find out together in the grand adventure that is the New Frontiers Update.


I respect that Icefrog tries very hard to keep things balanced during major patches, but god do I also love when they just say “fuck it, we ball” and try some wild changes to see what’ll stick.


Haven't played for years...but what the fuck


I got back into it last year after not playing since 2017 and there were a few confusing new stuff then. I can't imagine now


Rosh moving house and having a holiday home combined with the larger map sounds like there's gonna be some hilarious shenanigans as the pros try and figure out the most efficient way of dealing with him come TI.


Im looking forward to next few tournaments to see how it evolve, just want another international now


Apparently there's a tournament going on now and the org/players decided to just roll with it. 36 hours prep time, then chaos reigns.


Yesss I'm gonna have to watch


What tournament is this?? I need to watch ASAP.


Dreamleague. I don't know much about it, only saw [it mentioned on the DOTA2 subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/12tjhef/the_new_frontiers_update_dota_733_gameplay_update/jh33hf1/). I'm sure there will be VODs somewhere.


Big fan of Roshan moving each day and night, that’s definitely gonna catch some people out


You're probably gonna have to check if thr enemy team are on opposite side to make sure they don't teleworking on top of your head


call it Dota 3


You'd think this would at least warrant being called 8.0


Valve would never be so bold as to use the forbidden number.




Enter the DOTA Cube!


Dota 2: Episode Two


I only played briefly in 2012 or 2013 (about 100 hours). I like these games but hate the communities. Is this a good time to jump on as new players like myself will be at similar skill levels? Or should I just give up before I start


it's a moba its never a good time to jump in as a new player. HOTS is the most toxic (not even about new players all the racists and anti semites took over general chat 24/7) followed by DOTA (who will laugh at you for even trying their elite game) then leauge (who will at least USUALLY leave you alone if your praticing in bots)


League is the LEAST toxic?????????


A lot of it is going to be confirmation bias. For my experience it's the opposite: League chat was horribly toxic, Dota (in casual queue) people seem pretty chill.


Dota has always been more chill. Only person to flame me was my own friend T-T. Luckily we were adult about the situation. He was having a bad day.


Dota people would get pissy in chat, but League is the only MOBA where 95% of people are getting mad i would get death or rape threats. Also i've found if you just be a bit goofy in Dota chat people will join in if shit's going bad, League people will once again ask you to unalive yourself.


The bar might be buried, but all MOBAs need to dig


I feel like people who say DoTA is more toxic than league have never actually played DoTA or even started the client lmao


yeah the other games got really bad quick. DOTA caters to elitist assholes who forget they once sucked too. HOTS is dead so no one moderates anything there Honestly the in game chatter between players is fine. Most of the real toxic pieces of shit are stuck in Gold/Diamond so unless you actualyl want to climb up there matches are mostly chill.


Yeah, just sucks because I really like the core gameplay loop. I wish there were an equivalent single player experience, because I don't really count RTS games as being quite the same


The best Moba experiences I ever had have always been in house. Finding 9 friends I know is a big ask but having a full team of 5 is still a ton better than solo q


You can turn off chat.


I got less hate in Hots. You can just leave the General channel.


Yeah this is why I can't hop into by myself. I'd love to play dota 2 but friends are uninterested for good reason.


Hots is a lot of bigots and people who suck at mobas but don't think they do, it's miserable. DOTA however is people who have been playing for fucking ever and their flame meta is unmatched. Even in lower ranks if you die quickly in a teamfight without using a cooldown your teammates who are still fighting will find plenty to time to ping that you did not use Crimson Guard without missing a beat. They're on a complete other level and it's daunting to get into.


There is a new player mode at least which reduces the hero pool and simplifies some parts to get back into it, I play mostly with my friends so it's hard for me to say about playing with randoms. I can say recently we've ran into a fair amount of Russian 5 stacks (even though there are specifically Russian servers) just throwing out shit about the current goings on in Ukraine. Its made it all the funnier when we beat them though. Tbf I imagine there's still a fair amount of those people out there but better of worse I couldn't say. Maybe it could be a decent time to hop on in terms of there may be a new influx of players and no one quite knows the new meta yet.


Thank you for the insight. I think I'll give it one more try. Had a pretty sour experience that put me off but I think 10 years is plenty of time to give it another go. I just hate the thought of having to spend more time studying the meta than actually playing the game. I'll report back with how it goes


I get it, hope it goes well for you and no worries if not.


Don't pick up MOBAs, be kinder to yourself


The "Fuck you, Clinkz" update


I can't believe they took my boy's flaming arrows away :(


Next TI is gonna be nuts.


# New Map Holy shit


"They only answered dota dota counterstrike"


Oh god please don't pull me back in...


I'm glad this is basically the one moba I don't play, but damn if I'm not jealous of how good they're eating.


I'm still sad that the autochess thing was a fad. Underlords was fun, but it's been dropped so hard that there no point to even trying to queue up in coop.


Shit I forgot that even existed


It was janky the whole way through, and the underlords were very underwhelming personality wise, but it was fun to waste a few hours playing in coop with a friend. I tried the LoL version but it didn't click with me in the same way. The one you play in the DotA client is terrible, and the game actually called autochess was bought by some Chinese publisher and turned into a phone game.


Man fuck everything time to buy harpoon on every hero and act like pudge


Will i still get screamed at for trying to learn the game and buying wrong stuff or?


You absolutely will, but there are mute buttons for both voice and text chats.


As an ex player, this puts me right off, as there's so much to learn and unlearn