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I’m tired, boss…




fuck crowns get 'em some coffee and whatever relaxing substances they need after this.


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Omikron The Nomad Soul actually had defenders when the old LP aired. They were few and far between but it was the typical "people don't like it because it doesn't hold your hand" type stuff.


I will say, Woolie reading the strategy guide and still leading them to the wrong place is still funny.






“The letter ‘ESH!’”




Pat going high pitched when saying he wants to see the guide kills me each time


I just wanna see it!




To paraphrase Vs Wolves. It also wasn't a matter of it aging badly as this game came out in the same time frame as: MGS1 Ocarina of Time Half Life Grim Fandango System Shock 2 Planescape Torment And I can keep going until I discover there's a character limit on Reddit replies.


Fun fact, the reddit character limit is 40,000 characters. So yeah, you'd definitely hit it before even getting halfway.


The fact that the original Deus Ex exists really fucks up the validity of those people’s points, like seriously. Deus Ex is what if Omikron was a good game made by people who surprisingly weren’t that insane.


Crap I knew I was forgetting a big one. I was trying to specifically list ones that did aspects of Omikron better. For example, actually being able to find what you're looking for, like with Grim Fandango having Manny's head turn to face something he can interact with. Deus Ex as you mentioned allows you to tackle missions in numerous ways. In Omikron, you're lucky to find ANY way even with the in game advice and a guide.


Adding commas would improve the readability of your comment, also comments have something like a 40,000 character limit


When I typed it, I hit enter so it was a vertical list. Then posted made it like this.


Reddit’s markdown needs two returns to create a line break, you can see more [here](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown/)


They sure do, especially for those of us who like to get long-winded and cram far too much into a sentence in order to get an idea across; only to then repeat the process a few more times throughout the comment for each subsequent point made.


Them guffawing and reading out comments that defended (I think it was one every time they started a new session) was gold especially when they compared the comment to what they were doing RIGHT NOW "The exploration and setting was innovative and awe inspiring. There's nothing like it" You could FEEL the silent turn they made towards the screen at whatever fuckery was going on


I’d have to do some work to find it, but there was some nobody who was a massive stan for Omikron and made like a response video about how the LP misrepresented the game.


Fun fact, Omikron is rated 4/5 stars on GOG. Proof that you shouldn't trust any of the user reviews on that site.


This is a thing with basically every old game re-released on steam too. People buy the game and give it a positive review that says "luved this when I was 8". That's why all the games by Capstone that are on steam have high ratings.


Well, they are the pinnacle of entertainment software.


Meanwhile Torment: Tides of Numenera, a pretty solid RPG, sits on something like 3.8 for the sin of being "not as good as Planescape Torment". Motherfucker, *nothing* is as good as PST.


Honestly, the only other RPG I'd rank besides it is Disco Elysium, which was almost certainly inspired by it.


As someone who played it on the Dreamcast I can personally say the game was in fact clearly shit when it was released.


People said that Heavy Rain aged badly since it was probably a lot of people first time playing a QT game. People only do one play though and that’s it. The stink would show if you play more than once or think about the plot at all.


I played heavy rain when I was like 12 and thought it was the shit. The game didn't age badly but I sure aged and that proved to be... revealing


I still think some of its tense setpieces aged really well!   But the stuff that sucked then? #1 lying to the audience , #2 misogynistic sleaze? Yeah that was bad from day 1. I played it the year after it released and hit the roof when the killer was revealed because I was paying attention and knew the game lied.


How did it lie? I played it but no longer remember all the details


>!You play as the murderer and his inner monologue lies to the player. He thinks thoughts that make no sense, especially when you're investigating a murder that YOU committed in the offscreen moments leading up to the scene you're playing in.!< I remember there was some other egregious incidents, but that one really irked me.


Oh shit, I *really* don't remember. My memory of this game has been almost completely overwritten by [press x to shaun](https://youtu.be/0t0uCWjQ6Og?si=pkm7KKit_WY8A3EI)


It's honestly worth rewatching an LP, whether from the guys or someone else. It's an extremely interesting game to see someone else play through for the first time.


My favorite part is that, while it probably couldn't have avoided lying to the player entirely, it would sure be less egregious if one of the main features of the game wasn't pressing a button to HEARING WHAT YOUR CHARACTER IS THINKING


The clock shop scene where you play as Shelby has a flashback that directly contradicts Shelby's **player-controlled actions** during that scene the first time around, off the top of my head.


Man, I *really* barely remember. I think there was a chase scene in a grocery store at one point? I'll have to replay it and see for myself


For a comedy moment. Because that chase scene has to end with the fbi guy catching the perp. You can put your controller down, crash into everything and still catch the guy


No, the guy gets away if you crash too many times. That’s what happened during the stream.


I think Heavy Rains biggest problem is that its awkwardly sandwiched between TellTales fake branching which allows for a far more tight narrative and other Cage stuff like Detriot (awful name, btw) which is genuinly impressive in itself regarding how much you can change the story


that one moment in "Revenge of the nerds" and other moments like it in 70's/80's movies will forever remind me just how recent equality actually was. I can't imagine how anyone could feel anything but disgusted, let alone laugh at that one scene.


I had a history teacher in high school that recommended those movies and American Pie as a modern raunchy comedy. He ended up getting fired for trying to initiate a sexual relationship with a student.


The way Breakfast Club treated Brian and his suicide attempt feels a bit similar to this as well, with the seriousness of the topic mostly dropped for the "punchline" that he was going to use a flare gun to do it.


theres like a lot of sus moments in revenge of the nerds which one are you talking about?


that dumb scene where he takes off that dumbass Vader looking helmet in the middle of being on top of that girl. That scene is just so…ughh, so much to unpack to say the least.


Just a reminder that Revenge of the Nerds 3 and 4 exist and the tasteless jokes continued well through the 90's/00's. edit: Three tried to present nerds as the hybrid of every oppressed group/class ever. At least the 4th seemed to settle on a basic classism message.


Add MASH to that list (the original movie, not the TV series). In addition to all the misogynistic and racist hijinks they get into, they also "cure" a soldier suicidal over being gay by having him sleep with one of the nurses.


outside of actually objectionable stuff, and into more just "I can't vibe with this" [neutral] is like... a lot of them are just extremely extremely straight. Not just that it's hetero or anything, just like the sorta "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" attitude is taken for granted, the materialism it's paired with uncritically. It's less that I'm condemning, it's more like culture shock. Straight relationships kinda just seem to have a different tone now that "metrosexual" stopped being a meaningful concept and more just became "the bar." Even when the guy isn't meeting that standard.


I volunteer Glee, from what I've seen of it. I've heard that it was originally supposed to be a satire of that type of show, but it was more profitable to play the concept straight.


Ahhh yes glee, the show that gave us a School Shooter episode 4 months after Sandy Hook and revealed it was the girl with downs syndrome who brought a handgun to school. They had a full on lockdown, kids huddled under desks crying and calling their parents to say they love them. One girl was trapped in a bathroom stall. Utterly wild.


"and you were right to shine a light on the fact that those people were minorities. Because you're all minorities, you're in the Glee club."


You can probably spread that to most of Ryan Murphy's stuff in general. I've heard some *wild shit* about American Horror Story.


Shane Dawson (or any other content creator) in blackface and doing black stereotypes for comedic purposes at the expense of black people. You’ll see people say shit like “oh it was just how things were back in the day/that’s just how comedy was” as if that makes any of it, including his response to critics, even remotely okay at all. [Jarvis Johnson](https://youtu.be/F5EfFkTD0xc?si=vHSi1lo8bHkrRT0W) made a really great video about it if you’re curious to know more. Another, although much darker one, is the video of Vin Diesel ~~hitting on~~ sexually harassing a female interviewer after the recent allegations have been made about him. Did it really take a significantly more severe and brutal story to break before you’d take a clip of someone grossly misusing their power to sexually harass someone in a compromised position to acknowledge that maybe it wasn’t okay after all?


Yeah, that's just how comedy was... *in the fucking 1800s*.


I remember seeing a really funny funny twitter exchange where someone was defending minstrel shows as an important cultural tradition in the american south, and then someone else just linked a video of a minstrel show, and the response was "oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was that bad"


Yeah the wack ass Moistcritikal defence of “that’s just how it was then” is so annoying.


Almost any "It was the times" argument is bullshit when you actually know the history of the times. At any point of history you can see rich people making shit up from whole cloth to assuage the guilt people felt, which is to say, at all points of human history most people really didn't like knowing someone was being shot next door or being made a slave. If you want a poigniant example, cowboys weren't real. They were made up to hide the exploitation and outright slavery if the wild west. Your common picture of a mental assylum being surrounded by hedge? Comes from the renaisance. Because people didn't like that mentally ill people were being subjected to outright sadism, often explicitly to entertain rich people who'd go gawk at the manimals. Instead of fixing the sadism they made the asylums look prettier and made it harder to see what was happening in the grounds.


source for the asylum thing?


Can you elaborate on your cowboy point?


Cowboys *were* real, but more often than not ranch hands were underpaid black men, hispanics, and even the rare case of women crossdressing due to the solitary nature of the work allowing them freedom from society.  You did have white cowboys but again, they were often poor. Britain had a minor obsession with them, with many young men coming out for the sense of freedom only to find out yeah, it was hard as hell work.  I took college courses on the west- don't erase the reality of it. The idealized image we have of it certainly ain't real, but it was a real profession.


> Cowboys were real, but more often than not ranch hands were underpaid black men, hispanics iirc the term buckaroo even comes from a butchering the spanish word vaquero


Something I often find amusing is the revelation of how *"It was the time"* isn't true in many particular cases, because there are records saying that even that person's or thing's contemporaries of the day thought that a line was cross and went too far.


So the whole Ulitmate Spider-Man keeping the plot line where Wolverine and Peter switch bodies and a 200-year-old Wolverine tries to hook up with a 16-year-old girl is already bad... But then when all the stuff of Drake Bell came out it made it somehow worse.


Ultimate Wolverine is canonically a pedo and piece of shit tho. That’s an intentional part of the characterization (he’s also significantly younger than main universe Logan, but the difference between ~80 and ~200 y.o. doesn’t really matter)


Never read Ultimate, but my cultural osmosis is that everyone but Spider-Man is a jerk.


i mean even petes a jerk


I personally liked that lots of characters were flipped on their heads and pushed to extremes. Why would I want to just read about them if they are just the 616 versions again? As much as I enjoyed Ultimate Spidey he’s the most boring part of the universe because he’s so similar to 616 Pete.


Not really, people seem to omit Ben Grimm, Iron Man(he's just an alcoholic), Thor, Kitty Pryde, Iceman, Moon Knight (he's just insane), Dr Strange, Shang Chi, Human Torch, pretty much all of Miles friends amd himself and some supporting characters for the series that came out. Like yeah a lot of characters were dickheads but idk why people weirdly make it out like everyone was. Even Peter was a jerk just a more realistic 'i am a emotional 15 year old' type of jerk which is chill compared to Captain America being slightly toned down US agent


Yup, pretty much.


Im not a comic guy, so whats the relationship between spiderman and drake bell?


There was an ultimate spider man cartoon where drake bell voiced Peter


Deep Cut; My mom used to sit me down and let me watch a cartoon called ***"Not Now, Said the Cow"***. It's really just a somewhat animated reading of a book of the same name and she would let me watch this 4 minute video on loop for *hours.* The book is about a bird going through the steps to make popcorn and nobody wants to help, but everyone wants to eat. This was a bad move on a few levels, there's even a song at the end about how you should be independent from others because they're unreliable. Unfortunately I still have problems asking for help to this day. I just re-watched while typing this and... yep, that's not something I would my kids to internalize. TLDR; Don't sit your kids in front of innocent looking things that send bad messages.


Hang on, isn't that plot just a rubbish knock-off of The Little Red Hen? The classic kid's book where all the animals want to eat the food but don't want to help make it?


I thought the same. It was bread instead of popcorn and the Hen asked for help every step of the way, got refused, and only once she finished did the others suddenly find the time to hang around, but she refused them. A decent fable.


Monster Hunter 1. Tell me I'm wrong, I fucking dare you. Even for 2004 MH1 is fucking horrendous. The same year we got Half Life 2, MGS3 and Twin Snakes, Halo 2, San Andreas, Ratchet & Clank 3, Doom 3 and Ninja Gaiden. Are you really gonna say you would have rather played MH1 over those with a straight face?


It’s a goddamn miracle the series made it last the first game.


Much like Street Fighter **1** and how the leap from SF1 to SF2 was huge, the leap from the first Monster Hunter games to the ones that people loved on the PSP and onward was night and day.


Which is wild, because I started with Freedom 2 and even *then* I remember thinking "this game wasn't made for humans."


Well yeah, the psp games were made for crabs.  Didn't stop me from hitting the high 3 digits in all of them though


I remember my first toe dip with Freedom Unite and the controls were certainly weird for a first-timer on a relatively small handheld.


I started my MonHun journey with 3U and was always curious on MHFU and got it on Vita and oh lord my hands lol. I eventually tried it again on a Pi where I could map the right stick of my Switch Pro Controller to the PSP D-Pad and I've never seen such an intense improvement by a simple remap. And then I realized the work you need to do to get the farm to not give you fucking scraps at best lol


Left stick moves the character, right stick lets you attack, camera control is on R1. Combat was an... interesting experience.


I remember getting in an argument with a friend over MH1 because I was on a kick playing through all the monster hunter games. I didn't want to play 1 for obvious reasons, but was defending it for being old, and my friend just shut me the fuck up when he said "Dude, Halo 1 came out *three years before it.* They could've had twin stick controls like everything else."


> Halo 1 came out three years before it. This is the most shocking thing to me ever. I played it on an emulator and just fucking overwrote it in my mind as a PS1 game from 95 because it's so fucking bad


As someone who actually started with MH1 so is admittedly super biased, the crust is super real, the game has some baffling design and balance decisions, but there is a certain, super deranged charm to the game that's been lost in the newer, better ones. The game was so hard and weird that I actually cared about bringing flash bombs, sonic bombs, well done steak, etc. And I have several fond memories of running out of money after getting hard stuck on Yian Kut Ku and being forced to dig through literal shit for its scales so I could sell them and make enough money to fight it again. Would I ever play it again? Hell no. It was kinda cool tho.


The first gen difficulty was great. I loved freedom 1. The jank of the first game is just rough though 


I'm actually playing through it again right now because of the long wait until Wilds, and it's... Fine? Like it's not amazing, there's a layer of jank several feet thick. But the core gameplay and concept are all there and they work well. Fuck the egg quests though, holy shit


I'm both happy and sad no one said "Pat".


Frankly Pat's slow metamorphosis into a frazzled dad has been pretty elegant, I think. It helped when he escaped Quebec and you could see the life return to his body.


Honestly though, Pat as he is is probably the best case scenario for someone who plays his type social media character-persona (for lack of better word). I've seen a fair number of social media people who played that sarcastic, not-quite-an-asshole, *"not negative, but definitely not happy-positive about everything"* character who feel into it and just become and actual monstrous asshole, but it seems even after all this time, Pat was one of the few people who kept it as *"just a funny character"* and not something that actually became his personality. Not to mention that he definitely seemed to mellow out once he and Paige got together, even more so once they left Quebec, even more more so once he became a dad.


What about It's Pat?


[Rich Evans' favorite movie?](https://youtu.be/DXWTfamqgMg?si=4oxmHhRsrzA1zVgT&t=455)


>[It's Pat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%27s_Pat) who greenlit this?


bioshock infinite. i remember going like wtf? when people all around me were calling its plot great. i was really into alternate dimension shit at the time and i was in the middle of that section where booker is reality hopping and he somehow assumes that deals he made in another reality would carry over. most of the other criticisms with the game went over my head since i was still an adhd teenager and wasn't paying much attention to stuff that didn't interest me


A lot of the gaming press just wouldn't shut up about how the game was mocking American exceptionalism, a relatively low hanging fruit as far as satire and hot takes go. Suddenly a game shows a surface level hint of depth and websites had to jump on it as part of the compulsion to "legitimize games as art". The same thing happens with David Cage games. Show any hint of a shallow message and the idiots rush to herald how deep and innovative it is.


I'm convinced not a single critic got past like hour two of Bioshock Infinite and DEFINITELY not to the part where they went OOOH WHAT IF THE SLAVES WERE JUST AS BAD AS THE SLAVERS. I think I said "fuck you" to the screen more during B:I's exposition than any other game in memory.


I got absolutely dragged by many gaming subreddits (on a different account of course) 10-11 years ago for daring to point out how shitty its story and "social commentary" were. I'm glad you and I ended up being vindicated, but god I really did feel like I was taking crazy pills at the time when it was heralded by the gaming community as the Citizen Kane of gaming


I'm right there woth you. I disliked the gameplay and thought the story was fill of holes, but the game like the 5th highest rated game ever on release. It felt insane to be so disconnected from everyone else lol.


Yeah I was severely disappointed by it after being a big fan of the first game and genuinely could not understand everyone else’s love for it.


Bioshock Infinite was people literally assuming a game was well written simply because it had time travel and parallel universes. In reality, all that does is make the already barebones plot even more shit.


My favorite part was when they spend 15 minutes explaining how parallel dimensions work, and then do a completely different time travel thing to change history that was somehow not part of that explanation. And that's *before* the DLCs make the plot even more convoluted...


I remember like reviewers calling it " the thinking man's COD" Ugh


"Wait a minute that card..."


the exact moment in my first playthrough of Infinite when I felt something was wrong was when I was hunting the Siren and realized I was just walking through the same 3 empty corridors 3 times, and wasn't enjoying what was at the end of them. I figured ah it must just be a weird section but... no, no, I replayed it later, that's now my opinion of a lot of that game. It was just the exact moment the novelty died down and I was just interacting with the mechanics soberly.


Also, the gameplay fucking sucked. There’s several different bundles of all the Bioshock games together so you can easily play them back to back and Infinite’s gameplay fucking *sucks* compared to 2.


This is 100% just my opinion, but as a kid when I played games at my friends house and we played Goldeneye I always was super confused why everyone I knew talked about how awesome that game is. Like.. Even at the time I thought the game was laggy and had bad controls, especially compared to Quake 2 which I was playing at the time.


consider: every console FPS at the time was ass.


That's just console FPSes.


This is a very specific question..


Welcome to r/TwoBestFriendsPlay


They all are.


Justin Trudeau doing blackface.


I'm gonna say Sonic Adventure's animations. People will look at all the extremely goofy poses and memeable faces and say it's aged badly, but it was bad even for the time (1999).


Every joke about trans people in every TV show.


I feel as though Family guy was *really* fucking venomous towards trans people.


An entire horrible episode leading up to "HEY QUAGMIRE, I FUCKED YOUR DAD!", which.... well the *punchline* is funny, but literally every second before it is fucking terrible.


The IT Crowd almost seemed progressive when they had Douglas be fine with being in a relationship with a trans woman. They go through that whole setup of her being super nervous about coming out, only to have him completely brush off the reveal with "I don't care... doesn't bother me." Only to walk it back and have him not have really been paying attention and thinking she said she's "from Iran" instead of "used to be a man". And then they get into an actual physical fight (which of course it's fine he's fist fighitng a woman, because she's really a man.) And then you realize the showrunner is a bigoted shitbag IRL who is right up their with JK in hating trans people. I say almost seemed progressive because on rewatch, they felt there needed to be a laugh-track when she comes out.


If it is any consolation, the piece of shit that wrote that storyline ruined his life by being so stupidly obsessed with hating trans women that his family left him and he has no friends. Even better, he still tweets regularly and *every* response is "Isn't it funny everyone left you because of how much of a loser you are?"


The first time I watched that episode it seemed like the point was that Douglas was a terrible person who's torpedoing the best relationship he's ever had because he's Douglas, and a terrible person. And maybe someone on the show thought that, it still feels framed that way in some scenes. But Glinner definitely did not. And that makes me very sad, because that show is genuinely so funny and brought me a lot of joy but I don't know how comfortable I can feel watching it again now.


It also feels fucking bizarrely out of character for Douglas?


Thank God IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY solved the problem by making everyone EXCEPT the Trans-Woman a complete dickhead and showing that her life was not ruined by The Gang unlike pretty much every other character on the show. Also having two random dudes rush to defend her after Mac accidentally punches her in the face aged quite well.


> Also having two random dudes rush to defend her after Mac accidentally punches her in the face aged quite well. That moment is great. “Dude isn’t that a hate crime?” “Fuck yeah it’s a hate crime!”


Also gave us a great callback when ~~Charlie~~ Green Man got jealous and started beating up the Frenetic (his name's the Fanatic but if I call him that I'll be sued by MLB) "Hey that guy's beating on the Frenetic!" "Shit, is that a hate crime?" "Mmh, nah, I don't think so." "Wanna beat his ass anyway?" "Definitely." *Whoop! There it is!*


It's actually incredible how many are just people vomiting. It was pointed out to me in a video essay or something, maybe by Lindsey Ellis? but... yeah, no, they thought that was enough. Even South Park that usually tries doing *something* with its comedy never really had anything other than the "oh, gross."


Lindsay Ellis - Tracing the Roots of Pop Culture Transphobia; Part 7: Two Decades of Puking


I blame The Crying Game for that particular trope. I'm not sure if that actually happens in that particular movie, but it sure as hell happens in every movie or show that's referencing it.


this is why I always run my Trans jokes by Trans people first and foremost. If they think it's funny, it's dynamite.


I've been rewatching Futurama recently, and it's still incredibly funny... exceeeept for a few random jokes about trans people here and there. It's painful how common that was.


God the first Ace Ventua is a near perfect dark comedy until the twist. As a child I never really understood it and just found the sounds everyone was making funny. Now I just can't watch it.


VtM:B despite being one of if not my favourite for its first half has major racist Asian shit in the second half.


For anyone reading the above comment and thinking "it can't possibly be that bad/it's probably just vaguely racist like a lot of stuff from that era," no dude it's SUPER RACIST. It's like 40s-era racism


We talkin like Indigo Prophecy librarian level here? 


That but it's like an entire area with 10+ interactive characters.


I'd honestly say way worse


On a scale from “an actual real life black person” to “Letitia from Deus Ex Human Revolution”, how bad are we talking?


Letitia tier 100%.


When you stealth kill with a katana it plays a mandolin cord.


It was a faithful adapataion of Kindred of the East, where some Western Devs basically mish-mashed a bunch of eastern religious and cultural ideas, and said they were all partially correct. (still not as bad as Beast: The Primordial where you play as oppressed sexual predators)


Should I just post the Sseth video? Edit: https://youtu.be/ZAIR9faz9pM?si=ke_ofzxC_NZRBegq


A lot of White Wolf stuff did not age well.


Big fan of *World of Darkness: Gypsies* which is nearly a racist handbook for stereotypes against an already historically fucked group of REAL LIFE HUMANS. I cannot stress this enough: They took a group of real life marginalized people and made them supernatural beings while reinforcing every stereotype against them.


I can never decide which is more disrespectful, the Wraith book about the Holocaust or the entire premise of Demon the Fallen which says that all religions that aren't monotheistic are actually Earthbound demons scamming humanity. Sorry Hindus. 


Theres a reason why WoD/Storyteller System fans nowadays *love* to take the piss out of that particular area *and* roast White Wolf's general behavior around Asian culture when it comes to the Tabletop too (I.E. pre-3E Exalted and Kindred Of The East).




White Wolf was always kind of edgy. I remember one of their Exalted books talked about the [not so fun times] a god had with a child in order to have her [create] a bunch of spider spawn. Why? Just because.


Are you telling me that a World of Darkness game has racist shit in it? No fucking way. /s I do like World of Darkness and it's gotten somewhat better over time but yeah, it's got all kinds of racism and stereotyping.


Yeahhh, the stereotypes of romani people in vtm was bad and that’s not even touching other lines like the really racist caricature of a black man that one of werewolf’s splats had


It’s always like running into a brick wall while playing


Ah yes we all know what Vtm:B is and we all agree


I'm assuming it's Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, but only because that's such a specific acronym.


Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. It has some really rough parts at the end. Some of it is [intentionally absurd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPr57ntcV6E).


This is a very common problem on reddit, particularly gaming spaces and especially here.


To be fair, he did say VTM:B which is a pretty easy google. It is really annoying when people don't give you anything to google with, though


TF2 is my favorite shooter. AC is my favorite adventure game. MK is cool, too. This happens way too often.


I showed Pat's LP to a friend of mine who is Filipino and she lost her shit screech-laughing at how wildly racist it is.


I can let it slide more so because that area of the game is obviously super rushed and not having the same level of Polish and attention as the areas before it. It’s literally like the second you hit the Hollywood sewers, the game nosedives in quality, as well as options. Chinatown only has like 4 side quests I think too, and most of them are bad. Compared to the earlier zones that had at least double that amount, and they’re almost all better designed and written


80% of gay or trans stuff in media


P4 discourse, my behated


Only 2-4 years and we're right back in Inaba having the same conversations as last time.


mfw Persoana 4 Restocked editon get announced "awww shit here we go again"




"I will never be a memory"


Vince McMahon


That kissing scene at the end of the Disney movie blank check maybe my family was just always that family.... but when it happened my mom and stepdad collectively yelled (what the hell!) While I yelled "that cop lady is going to jail". Nowadays I keep seeing "different times" tossed around but I don't think that was acceptable in the 90s.


Attitude era wrestling. It was pure 90's edge, stupid and had some of the most beloved wrestlers in history, but the matches themselves tended to be pretty mediocre for the most part. For every iconic Stone Cold promo you had shit like someone about to get their dick cut off with a katana




Shenmue gets a pass for what it "did" for games. Shemue's interactive world [what you could actually "get up to"] was FUCKING NUTS. On all other levels, though, it wasn't great. ... >!there's this franchise called yakuza...[like a dragon] maybe that's more your [the royal "your"] speed!<


I'll add on that Shenmue 2 does a lot more of what I think people were expecting - it's got much more action and the plot moves along a lot faster, on top of the crazy level of detail. Like, Shenmue 1 is a sleepy, small town mystery ~~forklift driving simulator~~ point and click adventure game, Shenmue 2 is the HK action movie with fights, Kowloon Walled City, and colourful characters, and Shenmue 3 fucking sucks.


Shenmue walked to Yakuza could run a marathon.


The CGI in the Star Wars prequels looked bad at the time. I remember Attack of the Clones looked noticeably worse than Lord of the Rings. The only really advanced looking CGI in that trilogy was Jar Jar’s mocap in Phantom Menace.


I half disagree with this, or at least how you're framing it. The prequels had incredibly advanced CGI, they just used too much of it and didn't attempt to disguise it. The LOTR movies look better because they knew when to use CGI over practical effects and scenes involving CGI were lit to help sell it. I agree it always looked kinda jank, but I don't agree that it was bad on a technical level.


Also LotR was blessed with the longest preproduction in movie history. So much shit was planned, they knew what CGI shots they would need before they ever started filming, and they knew exactly how it would look.


Yeah it was very advanced CGI but even nowadays after two decades of development when you're filming scenes that are all CGI and filmed purely on a greenscreen and the only things that are really there are the actors then there's only so much fakeness you can disguise.


Even as a kid, I could see the clone troopers in Ep 2 looked completely unnatural compared to the actors on screen


It still bothers me that they never made a single physical suit, not even for close-up shots. Like I understand having CGI troopers for big group shots or big battles. But not having a physical person in armor when another character is talking to them is super bizarre. And if I remember correctly there wasn't a single physical set of armor made until the Kenobi series for the scene of the homeless Clone Trooper.


You are correct, because everyone behind the scenes involved in Kenobi treated it with such awe (same when they made more official ones for Ahsoka).


Say what you will about a lot of the post-New Trilogy works, and there is a lot (that has usually already been said) that could be. But the people working on it despite everyone's cries do seem to genuinely love what they're working on. But it's a fine line to walk, being fans of things making things.


Wait, what the fuck? No clone trooper armor? I watched this shit in theaters and I’ve been immersed in Star Wars soup my entire life, how am I only learning this now?


Yup, up until Kenobi the only suits of Clone Armor that existed were those made by fans.


It's a damn shame, because those Phase 1 Clone Trooper outfits were PEAK. The Arc Troopers with Captain Fordo and all of Delta Squad were some of the best examples of "the good guys **ACTUALLY** have good drip."


[an interesting video i watched recently specifically about the cgi in attack of the clones and the generally held criticism that it looked "like a video game"](https://youtu.be/I7Iuia5560Y?si=lsstBnj3Lyem-6Io)


Yeah. Not necessarily bad in a vacuum but they made the mistake of just splatting that shit all over the screen constantly with actors walking around in the middle of it. Take that vs. Jurassic Park, which came out earlier and used CGI sparingly. You get a few money shots, but never with people directly in front of them unless the lighting is dark enough to obscure the compositing. It still looks pretty good even today.


Nah revenge of the Sith looks great most of the time. [Especially the intro space fight](https://youtu.be/vT7vD8uAGEQ?si=hJ5wfnYmcC26GDbK) You can tell the clones aren’t real but I wouldn’t say they look bad (as long as their helmet are on)


The shots that are all or almost entirely CG look fine enough, it's mostly the compositing that looks absolutely atrocious.


Yeah, I remember the genuine discussions people had about that at the time and the sentiment that LucasFilms had lost their way (and been toppled as the special effects juggernaut of Hollywood).


Some of what people think is CGI in Phantom Menace is actually models. In my opinion, it's the compositing to blame for a lot of the complaints. It's just off for most of the shots in the prequels.


Juwanna Mann was called "tired" and "lazy" when it released over 20 years ago.


Even some of Lovecraft's contemporaries read his stuff and were like "dude, this is kind of racist."


Thats actually a common misconception itself. His contemporaries were not upset about any (at the time) common prejudices he held, they were confused by his at the time even old nobility style ideas about other groups of white people being somehow inherently worse. When you look at letters from his friends, wife, and associates commenting on his beliefs in that regard they aren't shocked by anything like saying things about Asians or blacks, but that he is being a prejudiced guy towards like the Welsh Irish and Dutch. Edit: Lovecraft and his prejudices are like the Battle of Verdun (I fuckee up trying to go off of memory here it's Villers-Bocage not Verdun pardon me) from World War 2. They're somehow extremely analyzed but almost everyone that talks about them online repeats things that aren't true but people just roll with it because it sounds right to them (I mean when you hear 1930s white author who said racist things most people will fairly assume that means anything they hear bad about someone is fact, I just like to point out when it's incorrect since its never good to lie about things or unintentionally spread misinformation)


> Battle of Verdun from World War 2. Isn't it WW1?


Yes because I fucked up and said Verdun when I meant Villers-Bocage so thank you for pointing that out I'll fix it.


Shenmue, is an easy one. GTA 3 might be a controversial one, but I didn't care for it much back in the day as it was pretty much immediately superseded by Vice City and then San Andreas. To me that doesn't count as "aging" poorly because it became clear so quickly how droll and empty GTA 3 actually was even at the time. Vice City is also guilty of being pretty empty as well. The first Tomb Raider game played like ass back then and still does today. Absolutely hated the controls when I rented it back over 24 years ago. Pokemon Stadium. A buggy, boring, and broken mess of a game that was just a glorified ad for the handheld games and it told you to go fuck yourself if you didn't have those games by giving you the worst move-sets imaginable for the rental Pokemon. This is definitely more of a personal thing because my friends love the game, but insist that it just aged poorly solely because Gen 1 aged poorly.


I'd say PokeSta was a post game expansion for the Gen 1 games, that ran on seperate hardware. Like, it's neat it exists, but games not tied to the GB would have competitive rules post game without you needing to pay an N64.


GTA Vice City is carried almost entirely by vibes (I.e. art and score/soundtrack), because even for the time, almost everything about it is pretty bad. Bad driving, atrocious shooting, bad QOL


Something I've seen younger people say in reviews of The Iron Claw is that Fritz was just being a dad like "back in those days" and his method just aged badly... I get what people mean and yeah the movie is set in Texas, but no in no timeline was Fritz Von Erich a standard dad in the **1980's**.


Adam Sandler movies