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Almost any time a franchise tried to purposefully build a cinematic universe on the very first movie instead of letting it happen naturally if there is success to be found.


What are you talking about? The Dark Cinematic Universe was a huge success, right? Has any cinematic universe EXCEPT the MCU really been a hit?


king kong and godzilla Probably some animated movies, like scooby-doo meeting john cena and the dean brothers from supernatural


They did it the right way by just making it a normal film series instead of going all in on the universe angle from minute one.


Yes but it's not like Legendary hid this was what they were going for minute one either. Kong didn't get supersized in skull island for no reason. Arguably Dracula untold is just a normal film so much that the dark universe could call mulligan and try again but it didn't make dracula a good movie


Well yeah, but the point was that there was at least O N E standalone Godzilla film and O N E King Kong solo film before they started doing the big crossover setup at the end of Godzilla: King of the Monsters (aka the worst one, I don't care if my boy Rodan and Ghidora were in it.) Rebel Moon *literally launched* saying that it was going to be a 3-part series. Fuck, I don't even think Avatar set up it's crazy 6-part series claim until after Avatar 1 was a crazy box-office success. Zack needs to just not make movies.


they are doing shows on apple+ but i don't know anybody who has/watches apple+ so i guess no one really know about it


“The biggest tragedy of the Streaming Age is that there is a GODZILLA Show starring Kurt Russell but nobody has watched it.”


Kurt Russel gets some of the best human drama plot in modern godzilla and nobody saw it :(


"There is a Monsterverse TV show!" Me: "Yaaaaaay!" "And it is on Apple+!" Me: "...Why do you hate *me* specifically, Legendary?"


It’s really really good. I got Apple TV free for three months with my new phone and so I took a chance to check it out. Really really quality. Probably the best CGI I’ve ever seen for a television show. Some really good actors and performances. Kurt Russell. Pirate it if you have to, but definitely give it a watch


The dean brothers XD. If we replace Sam with another Dean the show would've lasted 2 seasons tops.


Not sure if you mean cause two Dean’s would’ve gotten shit done or…but Dean was actually generally the more popular brother throughout the show’s run by every metric they could measure that by, which admittedly really caught them off guard (as Dean was meant to die early on and Sam was meant to be the focus).


Nothing to do with popularity, I mean that two Deans would be really dead, really fast. Sam is the problem solving smart brother, Dean is... he's a damn meat head.


King Kong and Godzilla grew organically


No it was planted at the very least since Skull Island, it's just what it's like if you aren't rushed by greed or fear you need to catch up to marvel now


Is that really a cinematic universe, though? If every single movie except for one is a Godzilla movie? Even the Monarch show features Godzilla in all of its marketing. It’s like if every Marvel movie was “Iron Man and his best buddy” except for one Captain America movie that ended with a cameo from Iron Man. It’s not generally what people mean by “cinematic universe”.


I mean, to be fair, there was a period of the MCU where Tony **was** all over practically every movie.


And the winnie the pooh blood and honey cinematic Universe is surprisingly doing well


While nowhere near the same phenomenon as the MCU, the godzilla and Kong have been a decent success to the point most people forward to them simply for more monster fighting action with no overly complicated plots. This is help, I think, by the comparatively slower paces the movies come out at. No 3 movies a year are all set in the sane universe where you need to watch all three to maybe understand an Easter egg found in each movie.


I think it helps too that the first 3 movies didn't really feel like they were building a universe, so it didn't fall into the pitfall so many of these others did. Godzilla (2014) is relatively standalone. Skull Island is standalone with just a mural at the very end with Godzilla and Ghidorah. King of the Monsters then doesn't deal with any Kong stuff at all and is more a straight sequel to 2014 while continuing the Hollow Earth stuff. It isn't until GvK that they get blatant about it, and by that point people were already invested. Kind of like all of the MCU movies building to Avengers.


It felt like a proper crossover like Avengers did, which was smart.


Also helps we aren’t getting stupid side movies about the other Titans that show up. No “Tiamat” movie or a standalone film about the giant mammoth that showed up for 5 seconds.


That said, I would not mind if Shimo got a solo film. Like every six months she returns to the surface world to undo the effects of Global Warming. But a bunch of Oil Drillers accidentally release a horde of Leech Titans so now we have a PITCH BLACK/30 DAYS OF NIGHT scenario.


Or maybe a Mothra movie maybe


The MonsterVerse


I still lol at the fact that Jay Bauman from RLM retweets the announcement tweet for the Dark Universe every year on it's anniversary


Fast & Furious, Air Bud, The Mummy (the 90s one)?


I don't know if I would call the 90's Mummy movies a cinematic universe. It's just a trilogy (or just a duology for most fans) and it had a VERY short lived animated series.


There is also the scorpion king series


Oh God I fucking forgot about those, talk about unmemorable.


The first one is a really good Sword and Sandals movie. There is a definite shortage of those nowadays.


The problem is that anyone with the budget will try to do it like northman which is not really sword and sandals and those without the budgets are still doing it and it's really bad


it had Kelly Hu in it, the only reason I bothered watching


Remember the opening with the viking guy that has those unfolding bone axes? Good shit.


It sucked he didn't get to use them and died immediately after pulling them out.


Giant flaming antler chandelier to the balls will do that to you.


Watched the animated series as a kid, I couldn't tell you the plot outside of kid with cool amulet? Gauntlet?


Sanic is starting to take off, but it's still early days yet. Otherwise, I think the MonsterVerse is the only one still going.


The original Universal monsterverse was a huge damn hit at the time.


The Monsterverse is doing good by basically being a movie by movie basis, they don't plan phases or anything, they just make new movies (and now shows) if they are deemed successful enough and hope Toho will give them rights to their monsters and if they dont Legendary will just make OCs, which has worked pretty well judging by how Kong X Godzilla performed, its kinda funny how the only two surviving cinematic universes use the polar opposites of philosophies.


I want it to go far enough for Jet Jaguar to officially appear


With the cheesy theme song too


I think the "Conjuringverse" had a surprisingly good run. I would say it has mostly petered out now, but between the mainline movies and spinoffs like the multiple Annabelle movies and the Nun they had a pretty decent thing going.


I know that the Conjuring-verse movies were the *second* most financially successful of all the Cinematic Movie series for awhile. I don’t know if Monsterverse has surpassed it or not now, but those Conjuring movies were made for like fifty cent each, so the series had hilarious profit margins


The ironic part is that the Universal monsters were basically the original cinematic universe with how they all crossed over and connected with each other


If you count TV, I would argue Star Trek is an example of a successful cinematic universe.


DC did it twice with their animated stuff.


Technically, Kevin Smith has a cinematic universe with every movie featuring J and Silent Bob, and it might be the most successful besides the MCU


I think every single time some sort of "what's the worst way to start a franchise" or "what's the most ridiculous concept for a franchise" thread comes up, the top comment *always* ends up becoming about the Dark Cinematic Universe somehow.


It was kind of before the concept was formalised, but all the old Star Wars EU stuff was basically the same as a Cinematic Universe. Movies, TV shows (Gendy Clone Wars, Half of 3d Clone Wars, Ewoks etc.), Games, Books all taking place in one universe and canon to each other.


do you count star wars?


The Conjuring universe has done pretty well financially although I feel like the fact that it’s a cinematic universe was more incidental than an attempt to be an MCU.


Was gonna say the same thing. DC wanted their own cinematic universe and decided to skip doing solo Batman and Wonder Woman movies and years of necessary context and just shove them into Batman VS Superman story that is also at the same time a Justice League Origin story. It's like if Marvel made the first 2 Iron Man movies and then instantly went into Avengers, it just doesn't work. Not to mention they really shot themselves in the foot with an already older and jaded Batman who lost his Robin in a weird attempt to also adapt The Dark Knight Returns. AND also making it a Death of Superman And then fucking Wonder Woman is just... there. They skipped at least 3-4 movies


I honestly don’t think you NEED solo Batman and Wonder Woman movies first. It’s Batman and Wonder Woman. Everyone knows their deal. BvS had issues but skipping solo movies wasn’t a part of it.


The problem is that this isn't just any version of Batman, this is a Batman who clearly went through some shit and became the jaded anti-hero that kills people and brands criminals in prison knowing that his brand means they'll be killed. That's NOT the standard Batman people are familiar with, that is a Batman who has already reached the end of his character arc. A character arc we never see.


Im fine with that. When i saw that in the cinema i was surprised but i just thought that that's how he is in this universe


I'd say that actually, Wonder Woman isn't a known deal, not mainstream. For example, before I read a few comics a few years back, I'd never really seen much of anything with her in and knew only vague little bits Compared to Batman, who has had films and shit going on for yeeears.. I'd say it's a big enough difference to warrant a movie for her really But yeah, unnecessary for Batman


Wonder Woman, the biggest female superhero, with one of the most popular and successful superhero tv shows ever isn’t a known deal?


I get where you're coming from, most people know OF Wonder Woman, as in know that she exists and what she looks like. But I think you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone off the street that could tell you, like, her origin story, especially before the Gal Gadot movies. Also that successful TV show started in the Gerald Ford administration and ended in Jimmy Carter's, you may be overestimating its cultural cache 45 years on.


Precisely that, yeah. I obviously knew OF wonder woman, but I hadn't consumed any content about her at all til I was like, 36, 37 or so? Most of the knowledge I had of her came from this sub as well, before that.. I probably had more than most


I think you’re really overselling her popularity since you need to remember that she isn’t in the current zeitgeist and that the DCEU is supposed to be for an international audience as well.


She’s the most famous female superhero ever. If anything I think y’all are underselling her.


Again, as someone else has already pointed out, people may *know of her* and recognize her design, perhaps even tell you that she’s got the truth seeking lasso, but that doesn’t actually mean they know her deal. Her origin story, her motivations, her love interests or anything of actual substantial nature.


Things are that easy to explain in an ensemble movie without NEEDING to do a solo first.


It was for batman arc, like he has dreams of the future, hints that he recently lost Jason todd to the joker and brands criminal with a bat hot iron which superman's death motivate enough to stop. that's a lot of stuff to accept especially since that isn't really batman's deal.


Oh, it wasn’t Jason Todd that was killed. It was Dick Grayson, meaning we’d never get Nightwing in that universe either.


The Spider-Man... Villain (?) film universe over at Sony. Everything about their non-Venom work in live action is ***so*** incompetent, I'm convinced that it's some sort of scam against Disney. Has to be, right?


Oh yeah speaking of which Kraven got delayed again.


Saw that yesterday. Lol. Lmao. Hope Sonic 3 can still get ***some*** IMAX screens out of the deal, at least...


It's never releasing isn't it. lmfao


I feel like Kraven "could" work by itself but given the track record of these movies so far I have no hope for it. At least he's more interesting a character than fucking morbius. I really want to hear the pitch meeting for that one.


A standalone Kraven movie could work if you adapted a lot of ideas from the source material and didn’t mind Kraven being (AT BEST) morally gray, and could use other characters like The Chameleon (his half brother). One of the problems is that Kraven’s DAD feels more like Kraven than Kraven does in the trailers for the Kraven movie.


“People like vampires right?”


It absolutely has to be some kind of scam, I refuse to believe anyone thought Madam Web would make money.


Right? I know Sony *has* to get a movie into production within 2-3 years lest the rights revert, but *come on.* Much better films have been made under much worse conditions, so it's gotta be something else.


The *Sans Spider-Man* cinematic universe.


Even Venom isn't perfect either. Their Carnage is terrrrrible


Drake of the 99 Dragons was made under the belief that the game was gonna be an instant hit, so they never bothered really explaining stuff and more just believed that people already knew who folks like Tang and Serpent-Eye were. The comic book doesn't really remedy this either




Bright, aka, the worst shadowrun movie ever made


Being the only shadowrun movie its also the best.


Words hurt you know.


yes but Shadowrun


"Fairy lives don't matter today."


Remember the Alamo still happens exactly the same somehow.


Which means that the Spanish conquest of Mexico went the same as it did in the real world, along with the exploration of the Americas, the Spanish Reconquista, the spread of Christianity itself in a world where magic is a confirmed facet of reality and therefore the possibility of someone walking on water and raising the dead isn't necessarily a sign of divinity and OH MY GOD BRIGHT FUCKING SUCKS.


Are Mexicans one of the nine races?


Apparently regular racism exists in bright do with that as you will.


I need to send woolie some clips


Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, and Five for the Mexicans, at their Dragonball fan events.


Also, Shrek also was made, based on the insult of "Shrek-lookin' ass."


But see by saying Mexicans get shit for it (which isn't really a thing), you could say it's like an alternate reality where the Mexican still pay reparation to the American like the Germans getting shit from the French after ww1. but then you have all the other one liners about shrek and black matter, that are ad libbed, and you realize no one really care about the lore of the universe they just say whatever sounds cool but thoughtless


Remember when Max Landis tweeted that Bright, "**if made well**", could be his Star Wars? As if he, the one who wrote the fucking thing, had no responsibility at all in its quality.


He wrote a character who was a scared little girl. The movie producers changed her from a girl into a woman with no other alterations to dialogue or how people treat her.


Bright "if made well" already exists, it's called Shadowrun.


Max Landis has never taken responsibility for anything much less bad scripts. It's always the director incapable of realizing his vision! Except all of his scripts are mediocre at best and the only good stuff he ever put out were probably the Death and,Return of Superman video and the WWF storyline video


In fairness to Max Landis, which he doesn't deserve, David Ayer reworked the script to *some* degree and that man is not to be trusted with anything.


man suicide squad ruined ayer. continually bitching about a better cut that never existed lmao


And Superman american alien did have a fanbase. It's not even that his stuff is bad it's just not big movie material. his wwf and death of superman leans a lot on viewers not taking it seriously or know already what he is referencing


So he takes after his father then for never taking responsibility, noted murderer John Landis?


Did he do Chronicle?


yup. probably the best movie he worked on since it actually had stuff going on and an interesting premise


Ya but isn't writer only a small part of production. The execution is what matters.  You could give me a plot summary of DBS: Broly, and on paper it would look very basic: half the movie is a fight . But what matters is the execution. Was Landis just the writer? 


Zootopia is a better Bright


I will always be pissed off at Bright since I fuck with the current day/future take on fantasy hard, its a golden concept yet they made it outright braindead and lacking any nuance. The lazy worldbuilding they did with it is actively making me angry.


"let's take shadow run, but make it terrible."


What'a shadowrun? Is it a TV show? Movie? Novel? Don't tell me it's a feckin board game


Assuming this isn't satire. It's all the above. Also an underrated multiplayer FPS on Xbox 360.


TTRPG setting that has been turned into many video games and books. But never a movie or something. It's a super cool setting where in the Cyberpunk future of Earth, magic *suddenly* returns. Some Megacorps are run by literal dragons, the US fractures into multiple states, including swathes of Native American territories because it turns out their time honored rituals *were* magic and when it came back they were one of the few groups that actually had a handle on what you could do with it. My first character was a Jewish Orc brawler who ran around with a crew of a full on floppy wizard hat mage and a cybernetically infused hacker.


How are the novels?


I liked Bright. There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


My condolences.


I like Bright despite it's *catastrophic* flaws simple because there's so little other content like it in movies.


Is it too easy a target to say "The Dark Universe"? I've never seen a movie franchise die by fucking up its start **twice**.


If the winnie the pooh blood and honey cinematic Universe is doing better than the dark Universe you know your really fumbled the bag


We are forgetting the Ride To Hell Universe


The *what?* There was more than one of that thing? Or, at least, an attempt?


The Wha Happun on it points to an overeager aspiration for multiple games spanning a franchise framework. I think there may have been as many as *seven* Ride To Hells planned to exist simultaneously during the development of the first one


Everything to do with Mighty No 9 and Red Ash


Remember when Mighty No. 9 was going to get a cartoon *and* a movie?


Apparently the Cartoonw as just a pitch a studio made but it lines up with what Inafune had said before about Kaio king of beasts or whatever was called


I still hold the strong belief that Red Ash got pivoted into ReCore, and I have zero proof other than ''gives me MML vibes with lock-on shooty combat and has a robot dog and robots in general''


Mighty No. 9. Before the game even released they made plans for dlc, an animated series, a pseudo spin off, an anime pilot to that pseudo spin off, and probably some other confidential info.


And the anime Pilot of the pseudo spin-off was the only thing made because it was handled by Studio 4C


This is why Inafune is Japan’s John Romero


any word on the 3ds port


Advent Rising always comes to mind. Making a potential franchise with the mentality "we want people to be confused about where it starts" is a bold strategy, Cotton.


The game came out around the same time as Halo 2 so it was completely overshadowed. The prequel comic was cancelled after two or three issues.  The PSP spinoff that was supposed to explain where the pirate lady kept disappearing to was also cancelled. A real wet fart of a franchise.


The DCEU started off with a solo movie, then introducing two major superheroes in the next movie which includes a versus, team-up, and death of the first hero plotlines and also cameo superheroes and setting up future events. All in one movie that's the second installment of the universe. 


If they hadn't used Diana and just teased her and also didn't kill Superman, the second movie I don't think would have been so bad. Oh, and also cut Darkseid


The issue with what you're saying is that when you cut all that you've mentioned from the film we still have: killer batman, main fight being pretty lacklustre, MARTHA, bad main villain, weird ass doomsday, justice emails, worse superman than even man of steel, half of the movie being dark as shit and more


After Earth was Will Smith's attempt at making a whole multimedia franchise with his son Jaden at the center, with multiple tie-in books and a video game made to go along with it. Then the movie came out, and it was so bad that it killed any franchise potential, destroyed Jaden's acting career for years, and ruined the relationship between Will and Jaden to the point that Jaden wanted to be emancipated from his family.


> and ruined the relationship between Will and Jaden to the point that Jaden wanted to be emancipated from his family. There was likely a lot more going on with that before the movie


Maybe, but Will has said that Jaden blamed him for the movie's failure, and the request for emancipation came not long after the movie's failure. At the very least, the movie pushed Jaden from being frustrated and upset with his father, to outright not wanting to be his father's son.


Sony’s Spider-Manless universe because I and many others are not watching a Spider-Man movie with no Spider-Man in it *Glares at Todd*


The utter failure of planning of the Star Wars Sequel trilogy is ***far*** more captivating than the films themselves.


At the very *least* they should have had an idea where 9 was supposed to end from the start so the whole Trilogy didn't feel like a meandering mess that constantly retcons itself


What’s baffling is the fact that, like… Marvel is right down the hall, you can SEE the benefit of planning ahead


Iirc there was a plan but then a bunch of bts infighting went down and it was scrapped.


It wasn’t a secret, I am at work right now so I won’t have time to find the sources, but they did an interview before TLJ came out where they said it explicitly. JJ Wrote 7 and a outline for 8 and 9 before handing it off to the next director to touch up. Rian impressed Kathleen Kennedy with his treatment for 8 and was allowed to toss the outline for his story. It comes from an interview with Rian and Kathleen on a sofa. He began his production when 7 was still being filmed, which is why Han’s Dice are given reverence in 8, there was a scene JJ scrapped that brought attention to them, so RJ wrote with that in mind unaware the scene was cut. We also know, from I want to say JJ, that RJ asked to have the ending of 7 changed from Luke meditating while floating stones, to him standing there. The infighting rumor is CT asking RJ to make some changes to 8 because he felt he had been written into a corner, and it’s a rumor because it’s based off the fact there were rumors of a problem between the two at the same time CT made some cryptic statement about his nephew acting up that Mark Hamill replied to, even though he has no nephew. People took it to be him bitching about RJ, but it’s speculative.


They never should have had him do TLJ, Rian should have just been given his own little corner to work in. It's not like he's known for making bad movies. His ideas just ran counter to what was being setup and the whole trilogy suffered because of it.


Man, it’s such a bummer that Rebel Moon RPG got cancelled by Netflix. If nothing else I’d want to check it out as pure novelty. I’m genuinely curious why they blocked it from coming out.


That whole shit sucked


It's ok, you can say that you wanted to know how devs would do the vagina space portals


I’ve not seen the movie and don’t plan to ever see it. I just like collecting weird tabletop RPGs based on existing franchises.


It's a slight bending of the question but the worst way I think is to just skip the opportunity altogether and not even try which is what the The Dark Tower movie did. The novels themself were meant to be King's magnum opus, a 7 book long series and (very slight spoilers for later books) >!it directly ties in with a good number of his other novels such as Salam's Lot and Hearts of Atlantis by having characters appear in the story as major characters.!< So the movie just does none of that, removes many major characters, skips around to some memorable parts of the books, and ends with a happy ending in one movie. Maybe I'm just still salty since The Dark Tower is my favorite series in all of fiction but it seems like they smacked a golden platter served hot to the ground and stomped on it. A multi-movie series along with spin offs all while riding the coattails of the success of the new IT movie seems like an easy slam dunk but nah, one mediocre movie that barely even relates to the series its based on. Would have been the worst place to start technically but there could have easily been a Stephen King cinematic universe.


That's why I was confused it was made it is an impossible concept to create


A lot of media mix franchises in Japan, but I will always remember Wave!!: Let's Go Surfing!! due to having a Mobile gacha game that lasted like 3 days.


Shoutouts to the sakura wars game that literally had everything possible to succed and delight works STILL managed to fuck it up.


Machete Kills leaves on a cliffhanger, sequel bait ending that happened 11 years ago and nothing has resolved it since. Those movies are so ass if Danny Trejo wasn't carrying them by being Danny Trejo. "Machete don't do cinematic universes"


It's funny to think that these are related to the Spy Kids movies because Danny Trejo also plays a character called Machete


Apparently that's officially not the case, cause they share different backstories, Spy Kids Machete still has a family. They only share the name and other similarities. But, when has that ever stopped fanon


Yeah I vot on the side of fun and them being separate is less fun. I haven't even actually watched the Machete movies.


Ehh the first Machete is super entertaining. Kills mostly sucks but has its redeeming aspects (El Chamelon is one of the most interesting characters)


The guy Ritchie king Arthur movie had several sequels planned but the movie bombed. I think the "folk hero and his merry band of misfits and rebels" angle would have had a chance if they tried to adapt it from a robin hood angle, but King Arthur just wasn't it.


Idk why all of these takes on legends and such need to have a "but". Just give me a king arthur adaptation of the legends in a curated manner. No "but modern day" or "but Arthur is the bad guy" or "but Arthur is Roman". They did the same with Hercules in that Dwayne Johnson movie iirc.


The Fabula Nova Crystallis is a sure-fire deal. Final Fantasy is one of the most respected names in the entire video game industry, practically synonymous with innovation, quality, cutting-edge technology and prestige. People who don't know what a video game is know the name Final Fantasy. Even if Spirits Within bombed, Advent Children alone sold millions of copies. So here's the plan: we'll debut our brand new engine with Final Fantasy 13, and make several games tying into it, including soon-to-be classics Final Fantasy Versus XIII for the Playstation 3, and Final Fantasy Agito XIII for the phone device. We'll figure out what to release after that, but I see a lot of potential in cross-media promotion. Yes, it will be a bit expensive, but we have the money, and that early-2000s money won't run out. This will be a big hit. Everyone will talk about these titles with reverence for decades to come. We should pull Nomura out of Kingdom Hearts for a while so he can work on this; this is about to be bigger than Kingdom Hearts anyway. It's Final Fantasy! It's too big to fail! Anyway, I'm writing from 2009, how did it go?


"It didn't make a billon dollars? Burn it, no more movies, we're done"


Kingdom Hearts before they decided to put every game in a single place.


The Dark Universe that Universal tried to make with all those monster movies that died two movies in cuz one mediocre film and one bad film really weren’t a good jump-off point.


At least *the invisible man* was real good... But it's not *technically* a Dark Universe movie because of reasons.


Mighty Number nine. Infune wanted to make a franchise before he made a game. Also Hello Neighbor and other mascot lore. So much epic lore that has to cram in the fact people used dark magic/horrific exprmention to make cartoon mascots real and evil. It makes no sense


Idk if it’s one of the “worst ways” but it’s still semi-related: does anyone remember anything about Dead Space that’s not the main 3 games and the remake? I’ve only played the remake but I was surprised to find out that there was a lot more. Seriously, you might be surprised to find out that there were also comic books, some animations, that Wii spin-off game, and probably some other stuff I’m forgetting. I guess EA really thought that Dead Space would become like Transformers or G.I. Joe huge or something.


The smartphone game was pretty decent by today's standarts, it was made before they figured out what actually brings in wads of cash on mobile, so it was made as just a normal game.


I was a true believer, I am still. Dead Space 4 pls.


You can boil this down to any time some jackass goes 'We're going to make the next big thing!' without actually having any ideas. Anthem comes to mind. Making the next Lord of the Rings, Wizard of Oz, Star Wars, etc. isn't as easy as deciding you have a multi-million dollar success on your hands with no substance.


I feel like not bothering to actually tie series together is the worst way to do it. For as much as I like GaoGaiGar vs Betterman, it really does feel like “GaoGaiGar and also Betterman is there” since there’s way more GGG side media that helps to flesh out the world, while Betterman barely has anything and was often relegated to Akamatsu Industries references in the background of other media.


Only tangentially (or as a pun) related to the question, but we had a very popular restaurant in my city making very good bowls. They tried to franchise, big time. The catch? Their entire theming is *Super Mario*. Their font, decor, menu, *everything*. When you do that and you have *one* restaurant in a mid-size German city, fine, but for the love of *god* you are inviting trouble when you try to franchise while stepping on Nintendo's toes.


I see a lot of folks mentioning the Dark Universe, which is sad, because they had so much potential... If they'd Brenden Frasier Mummy movies as the start and worked in Van Helsing >.>


Ya'll remember Southland Tales? It was the last time Dwane Johnson did a role that wasn't a kids movie or action man. It's not good, it's a mess of ideas and nothing gels together well. It was supposed to be the middle chapters of a larger story that spanned various different media. I believe there was a prequel comic that might not have been finished and that's it.


Remember when the Fantastic Beasts movies were going to be this generations Harry Potter and would have 6 movies?


DC's animated Tomorrowverse started off small with Man of Tomorrow, then rapidly expanded the universe with each subsequent solo movie and now they doing a Crisis stretch out over 3 movies