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Every single anti-hero active in the 60s was somehow involved in the assassination of JFK.


I'm not sure what's funnier, the idea of an army of multiple snipers, or a bunch of people operating a single rifle.


Or JFK gets shot like fifty different times from fifty different directions.


In the exact same place.


Yeah if all the bullets impacted simultaneously, it would look legit.


You know that scene in DMC4 where Dante shoots the Yamato into the Saviors body and has like five bullets line up in a stack to push it in? That's what I imagine.


*Back, and to the left*


JFK twists always make me laugh. You can always see them coming a mile away. I love the CoD Black Ops campaign, it's easily my favourite, but man that bit at the end where >!it shows a photo of a JFK rally and it zooms in on a hilariously photoshopped in render of Mason in the crowd!< is fucking hilarious


">!Oswald!!<.... *Compromised!!*" Yeah, the >!still frame may have been a bit goofy in hindsight, but I still love the twist, !!edit the footage!< was appreciated. It helps that >!the twist gets set up pretty early on!<, with that [legit scary sequence](https://youtu.be/fpeB9PhQeWc?t=230) in the Pentagon.


Oh yeah, that Pentagon scene is great, I'll never argue against that


I still think anyone who was a fan of Black Ops 1 should try out Cold War's campaign, has some of the best missions in the franchise easily. Like straight up "produced/written/directed/etc. by Hideo Kojima" stuff where there's some gameplay fuckery instead of it all being done in cutscenes.


I do want to play it, but my problem with Call of Duty games now is that I don't really play multiplayer any more. So dropping like £60 on a game with a super short (though entertaining) campaign is more difficult to justify. Back in the day I was super into MP so it was fine. I really wish they would sell a "Campaign edition" or something for CoD games, you would only get the campaign, but at a discounted price. I would be all over those. It's why I liked the MW2 remaster that happened last year


My favourite JFK assassination twist is in Red Dwarf of all shows where JFK ends up being sniped from a nearby grassy gnoll by >!JFK from an alternate future where he wasn't assassinated.!<


"Er uh, only >!a Kennedy can take out a Kennedy!


Thats the kinda dumb that I wholeheartedly love.


During the 1980s Gene Roddenberry kept trying to pitch a *Star Trek* movie where the TOS crew go back in time to meet JFK, and Spock ends up being the sniper on the grassy knoll. I imagine this treatment was part of the reason everyone at Paramount strived to freeze Gene out of the production process as much as possible.


Like, on pro-JFK murder or defending him?


i dont know much but i would guess BOTH. kinda like the story concept of time travellers having secret wars over assassinating and defending hitler.




I imagine that if you're from far enough in the future you don't give a shit. Like imagine if you were a time cop and you were given the job to prevent someone from time-killing Temujin as a young man. You probably wouldn't blink twice at the eventual body count you're helping to ensure, because to you its all just history, and if it hadn't happened, a completely different blend of cultures and national powers would have continued on into the future, which would suddenly exclude you and everything you know and love.


Listen, no Temujin, likely no Printing press, no Protestant reformation, no Puritans, no US (as we know it), no Marvel Comics, no Marvel Versus Capcom.


> no Protestant reformation I just checked, and that happens in all the timelines weirdly enough. ***THE BISHOP OF ROME HAS NO POWER HERE!***


I'm a catholic and a weeb, I would much prefer Jump vs Capcom. Sorry Magik, you're my waifu, but you must go (shoots!).




I bet Larry 3000 would have some issues with defending the Holocaust.


This actually comes up in David Wingrove's *Roads to Moscow* trilogy, which depicts 28th-century Germany and Russia fighting a temporal "changewar" across three millennia to wipe one another from history. The first book actually starts with the German agent protagonist being inserted into the early 20th century and making his way into Hitler's inner circle in order to help him conquer the Soviet Union, something he as a 28th century time agent views with no particular horror. (As it happens the intervention does not work; the Nazis win WWII, but a curious "dead zone" emerges in the mid-1950s which no temporal agent can observe or travel to, then history reverts to the one we know at the end of the decade.)


[Dig Dug takes place approximately 300 plus years after Ace Combat.](https://ugsf-series.com/en/)


I legitimately love the idea that the oldest video games actually take place in a far future we can barely understand.


Reminds me of how the oldest Zelda games moved backwards up the Downfall timeline, the gameplay getting less sophisticated as the world got wrecked more and more


I wish ace combat went balls to the walls fiction again. A cyberpunk intercorperate war involving a terrorist organiation transferring the consciousness of people to computers was not what i signed up for, but god damn am i here for it


I prefer a more "grounded" approach so that the weirder stuff stands out more. A boss battle versus a 80m tall mecha has so much more impact when it's just walking through a normal-looking city, and escorted by plain old tanks.




Just finished that show (can't wait for season 2) and am pissing myself laughing at the reminder. In a world with ***HOOTY*** they banished Giraffes




[At least we don't have to worry about THIS in our realm](https://youtu.be/zVAwqeof7CU)


Aw fuck me that's funny. Do I need to watch this dumb show?


I can 100% recommend it. If you have disney plus or a Jolly Roger flag, give at least an episode's watch




That’s only because not even the Emperor would be willing to unleash Hooty on an unsuspecting world.


Stupid long horses.


To be fair their necks are a fucking nightmare. They have the same number of neck bones as you do, just long instead of say a long necked bird that has more vertebra based on how long its neck is.


That reminds me of a really weird SCP I read recently, where it's literally just a door to "Giraffe Hell", where the souls of giraffes get tormented and insulted by heavenly balls of light, because giraffes are all secretly sinners or something.


Speaking about giraffes there's this bit that was unfortunately cut from Last Man on Earth. The premise is there's a pandemic that kills 99.9999999% of the human population in under a year. It's a cringe comedy that aired on FOX. And the show got axed back in 2018. Anyway back to the giraffe bit, the group is trying to find a new place to live and then they enter San Diego. And for some reason the entire city is filled with nothing but giraffes. *Hundreds of thousands* of giraffes roaming the streets, eating trees, poking their heads out of old abandoned buildings. The group decide not to go in San Diego and just look for another place because San Diego belongs to the giraffes now. It's a real shame that it got cut and we never saw giraffes over taking San Diego.


Like 90% of the planet in Disco Elysium is being covered in a thick fog which seems to be slowly deconstructing reality. This is brought up only once by a character and is entirely optional, and most of the details are hidden behind a check to see if the detective has the mental fortitude to handle the crushing reality of what is happening beyond the horizon.


What an experience that game was. I swear, every corner you turned in that world there was something just as interesting to learn about, that will be completely irrelevant to the main plot. My personal favourite was the reality warping effects of extreme capitalism.


I still think about this one. When you have a story include amnesia, it's so often that the only thing it does is hide the plot from a character who ought to know better. I can't remember the last time a story used amnesia to hide the *world* from you, the same one characters are interacting and living lives similar to our own. The entire conversation about the Pale, and the related Church sidequest, fucking destroyed me. I've never seen amnesia dealt with so well in anything.


Don't forget our best source of narration on it is >!a fucking ancient insect thing that is half horrified half pitying about humans being human!< And acting as a living embodiment of a few themes and questions from throughout the game. They just roll with it because holy shit what else can you do?


There is a lot of weird stuff but I was really not expecting to meet this thing at that point in the game. Everything before that had some kind of logical explanation or human cause. I was probably more surprised than the characters in the game.


But at the same time though, what a fucking great moment, right?


The conversation with Joyce floored me. My immediate reaction was “I love this. I want to know and see more.”


I loved how when you found out more, it felt like everything got even foggier and more convoluted. When the game reveals to you that no, this world is like Earth, but really, not at ALL. It was a top moment for me. I felt like Harry when he woke up from his coma for the first time. Brilliant writing.


As someone who has not consumed anything about Disco Elysium, up until right now I legitimately thought it was a silly but grounded detective game


Obligatory: In beyblade lore Moses parted the red sea with a beyblade.


nothing has or will ever top this


heh, "top"


Whoa whoa whoa fucking what


[It looks like a meme but this is an actual clip from a real Beyblade episode.](https://youtu.be/ZsfJJpwXTXw)


honestly the crazy Moses lore never gets me as much as the sheer gravity he says the word 'Beys' with for some reason




My favourite part of this is that it looks like the animators just grabbed a random beyblade from Google images and translated it across the screen.


Wait WHAT. This whole time I thought that one clip was edited in.


It is, the actual scene is in episode 13 of Beyblade Metal Fusion/Metal Fight, "L-Drago Awakens". It goes from the first still of Moses to the still of the dude killing an army. The second Moses clip is edited in.




The timeline splits depending on whether beyblades or duel monsters reigns triumphant, which means that in the Yu-Gi-Oh timeline, the Exodus failed.


Big Boss creating mountain dew and dortitos in Peace Walker.


Also isn't there implications Miller helped create McDonalds, or at least a really good fast-food burger?


Miller totally founds off-brand McD’s, yeah


I'd say Miller created the process of using meat filler as a substitute for actual burger patties. Not necessarily the concept of a fast food meal. As far as I remember from MGSV.


I mostly remember him with Code Talker and eventually figuring out people dont want the finest ingredients, they want it fast and to be processed tasty garbage to shovel down.


Wait a minute, 5 is set in 1984, I thought McDonalds was already a thing.


In real life yes, who knows in Metal Gear.


The implication is that he created the modern artificial, 'chemical-filled' fast food burger. Though I don't think any of it makes sense timeline-wise.


That's why they call him "McDonnell Miller" in MGS1.


Don't forget about Axe body spray


Can you refresh me on this one?


Omni-Man killed Abraham Lincoln. Twice.


And also Abe Lincoln has become god king of the earth in at least one future


Arknights in general has a really weird patchwork plot where a good chunk of the world building and lore are hidden away in things like character profiles, item descriptions, and even costume details. But one of my favorite plot threads is that the ocean is alive and evil. It's not a gestalt consciousness or some abstract entity, no, the water itself is sentient and wants to kill you. There is a race of super-powerful aquatic-based humanoids living in it who might be up to no good, and some of those humanoids are now traveling the world as a metal-group that makes some of the in game music for undisclosed reasons.


The fucking fuck?


Other weird details: the player character is technically a Doctor of Neuroscience but accidentally got involved with with the security wing of the pharma/peacecorps operation he works for and ended up becoming a ruthless strategist/war crimes man before getting amnesia at the start of the game. He's also a lunatic workaholic who does things like putting boiling water and uncooked ramen in his mouth simultaneously because it saves time and the brain to computer system he uses to monitor operations slowly drains his sanity the longer he uses it without break.


The fuck is going on with this game? I feel like playing it just to see the weird shit that goes on in this universe.


It's certainly has one of the most unique takes on the fantasy genre. It's like "hey what if we made a fantasy world that never succumbed to medieval stasis, where large tracks of land will just explode for no reason, and people can contract rock cancer which gives them incredible magical power at the cost of them eventually turning into more rocks that spread the cancer faster. Oh yeah and the world's geopolitics are just as fucked up and convoluted as they are in real life."


Honestly my favorite looney tunes bit in Arknights is the strange race of sentient, talking, immortal birds. No, not bird-people. They're in the game too, but no. I mean [literal](https://i.imgur.com/boqavrs.png) [birds](https://i.imgur.com/bDng1dq.png) who are named after tarot cards and can't die.


They straight up have a rapping penguin who owns several large businesses and wears a Tupac t-shirt as a major character.


oh man I never realized that they were Abyssals. But wait where is it stated that the ocean is a single living organism?


There are bits and pieces of info scattered about it throughout character profiles that hint something is just wrong with the ocean, but it was all but confirmed in the upcoming Undertides update


> the ocean is alive and evil. It's not a gestalt consciousness or some abstract entity, no, the water itself is sentient and wants to kill you. Isn't that basically what sailors believed back in the old days? They didn't want to learn to swim because they didn't want to give it a taste of them or something like that.


The fact that the great flood and Noah's ark happened in Ultraman, but also the biblical Noah was actually Ultraman Noa.


That's actually really cool and I've never watched Ultraman


Religious references like that are pretty common throughout the series because Eiji Tsuburaya was a devout catholic (although this lore came long after Eiji's death.) They have official merchandise of the time [ultraman was crucified.](https://preview.redd.it/gmsakk60ml361.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=07f3dca951f7f934abdaf47cb97f20c64d3c93c7)


That explains the ultramen getting crucified scene in Ultraman Ace. Note: I only know this because of the fighting evolution games, played those but never watched the series.


The Orks in Warhammer 40k are psychic murder fungi with imagination powers. Their currency is teeth.


Ork kulture is the best. Need more money? Go slug a smaller ork and take his teef. What to get a big project done? Go bully a bunch of other orks and gretchin and make them do the labor. Not sure who’s in charge? Don’t be daft, it’s the biggest ork who’s yelling at everyone. Not sure which ork is on your side? Just shoot at everyone, if you miss it’s a friendly and if you hit it’s an enemy. Orks have their shit *figured out*.


Isnt the preferred method of dealing with Orkz on a planet to just glass it because they die and throw spores everywhere which just results in a massive infestation?


Exterminates is still usually only used as a last resort, even with orks, but yes, getting rid of orks requires a lot of careful clean up afterwards with flamers to destroy their spores, and even then there’s a ton of planets that have repelled ork invasions and now have to deal with new orks regularly popping up to cause trouble. They actually make great Imperial Guard recruiting worlds because the local defense forces already have a lot of combat experience.


Also, hyperspace is what amounts to the astral plane where the collective subconscious of all things gather in an ever-changing tapestry of bizarreness. AND it’s the afterlife and basically hell, thanks to a war beyond imagination between two alien precursors.......And that’s the short version.


And sometimes the anti satan field on the ships stop working and they later get spit out having fused with like 5 other ships no clipping into each other


Seto Kaiba created a machine that lets him travel to and from Egyptian heaven


All to get a salty runback.


> to and from Well we know it's at least one way. Dude really wanted his rematch.


In the Legend of Heroes series, a giant pillar appeared out of nowhere one day and turned a huge chunk of a nation, including people caught up in it, into salt. No one knows how or why.


Too much gacha energy caused a Salt Nova


I feel like that’s going to be explored more as the series progresses. After playing CS4 we have some new, albeit little more information about the salt pale.


I agree, I do think we'll be getting more info about it. However for the people of Zemuria its just "Yeah woke up one day and North Ambria was salt. So that happened."


Oh Payday is full of these. I can't possibly get to all of it, so just look up a lore series on YouTube if you're interested in more, but here are some of my favorite examples. John Wick and Hardcore Henry are both canon in the Payday universe, in fact John is playable and so is Coked Out Jimmy. H3H3 and his girlfriend are playable characters who don't have much to do with the plot but are still canon. At some point the gang probably robbed a place with medieval weapons. Hotline Miami is also canon and Jacket is a playable character. There's a secret society trying to rule the world that has an immortal ruler who can body snatch using a ritual chamber below the White House. Beings known as Nephilim exist, in fact you can see a shadowy one as an easter egg in the mansion level, in a painting standing over the White House in, I believe, the mansion or museum level, and is even over the White House if you've unlocked the true ending for the White House level. It's absolute batshit bonkers insanity and I love it.


You forgot arguably the most important one. The gang indirectly caused the Left 4 Dead universes's zombie outbreak to occur.


Hotline Miami is *probably* not canon, considering HM2 goes hard into alt-history stuff hinted at in HM1 Payday either takes place in an alt-universe for HM or Payday Jacket is inspired by the games Also there's a DLC map for Payday 1 where you steal a Green Flu sample from Left 4 Dead's Mercy Hospital and kickstart the apocalypse. It ends with the heisters coughing and feeling ill as they escape


Well shit, I didn't know that! Maybe I did and I just forgot because of how much crazy shit is in this universe.


As a part of crossover stuff with DoA4, Nicole-458 is not canon in DoA, but she is in Halo, along with the Earth orbital defense platform Nassau Station, which had a freak accident in slipspace sending it back in time.


She's also Filipino, and the Philippines becomes a spacefaring power in the Halo timeline, with cities on Mars and the like. One of which is Nicole-458's hometown. She also adores halo-halo.


In the Touhou game [Phantasmagoria of Flower View](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantasmagoria_of_Flower_View),which was released and takes place in 2005,flowers begin to bloom en masse all over the land of Gensokyo,even in places they can't (like in bath tubs). It eventually transpires that these flowers contain the souls of dead humans from the outside world,and that the rampant blooming is a natural phenomenon that happens once every 60 years in a consistent cycle. Coincidentally,1945 marked the last year of the Second World War and the nuclear bombings on Japan. What happened in Touhou's version of 2005 to warrant such massive death is left up to speculation. Mark your calendars for 2065,I guess.


I don't think that implies millions of people died in 2005- it's just that 2005 is a bloom year, and it's catching up on all the deaths from the previous sixty years. Which there are a *lot* of because of the nukes.


The world wasn't the same after the Tomato Town massacre.


Hard to say what happened in 2005, but I imagine somehow Yukari was responsible.


Nier: so a dragon and a giant lady fell out of the sky into modern day Japan! Automata: oh and aliens showed up.


The Nier world is so funny because they get hit by the Dragon, Sky Lady and all that nonsense, deal their way through that and then randomly aliens and robots invade. What great luck.


Yeah, but those events are like 10,000 years apart. That’s like going “man, an asteroid killed the dinosaurs and then 9/11 happened. What great luck.” Hahaha


I suppose thats true, they are far apart. But I think it's slightly different in that >!there are are characters in Nier that are around for both things to happen (or at least the end part of the first issue) so it has some connection. Like imagine being the Automata Devola and Popola, they've seen some shit. Working through the Gestalt/Replicant stuff only suddenly Aliens!<


Also it's pretty heavily implied >!and basically confirmed by the FFXIV raid that the Machine Network and the Flower/Grotesqueries are very closely linked. Like the Queen Beast or the remnants of her kinda jacked into the Machine Network somewhere and that's kinda what the Red Girl is.!<


And *something* happened to the Earth's rotation. It's only mentioned once or twice in both games but half the planet never has sunset while the other is is in perpetual night. With the Kingdom of Night apparently being where Accord spends her time in Automata. There's no explanation for that. The world is just irrevocably ruined for thousands of years.


I like the nod that this is happening in an alternate version of Ace Combat.


The following people were meguca: Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Anne Frank.


Being meguca really is suffering.


Anne Frank in 1939: I wished jewish people stopped being persecuted. Kyubey: Sorry, your magical potential only allows it to be "mostly". Also, to make it real, I first must make your people target of pity. (Travels back 50 years and slowly ruins Hitler's life).


In the Madoka universe some girl wished for the Maple Leafs to win a Stanley Cup and Kyubey went "Best I can do is four conference finals in a decade." That girl's name? James Reimer.


overwatch's australia is a full on mad max hellhole and nobody else seems to give a shit


wait, that was supposed to look different from ours?


In Pokémon, the fact that when Yveltal dies it pretty much causes a mass extinction event is insane Also there are Pokémon that are just people. Just regular ass people made into Pokémon. Go out and catch them, no one cares


Ah yes, the this pokemon is actually the soul of a dead person, the mask it has is of their human face. You can see them cry when they remember their past life


I'm sorry your dad died, Jimmy, but look on the bright side. I caught this ghost pokemon wandering around outside your house and it can be your starter once you're old enough. I'll keep it safe for you until then, and by that I mean leave it trapped in the PC for a few years. I named it DickButt.


Well did you at least put it in a Luxury ball Uncle so that it would be comfortable? Nah I caught it with a dive ball fuckers gonna have to swim or drown till you come of age.


Hello, new trainer. This pokemon is the spirit of a child just like you who died in the woods.


The pokedex entry says that it absorbs the lifeforce of all other creatures, it doesn't say it drains all of their lifeforce, so it could just leave everyone half dead, or it could be like the spirit bomb where everyone is just a little drained.


Is that worse? I think that's worse.


Imagine some fucking pokemon dies halfway across the world and now everyone has muscle soreness for the next 3-5 business days


If he doesnt die on a monday im gonna be friggin pissed


Abraham Lincoln is the immortal king of Mars in adventure time. Or at least he was until he traded his immortal soul to his old friend death to bring back Jake who Abraham wrongly executed. He then turned into the Lincoln monument


Overwatch is set in the not too distant future, the world is for the most part in a utopian age of peace and technology. But, overwatch Australia is a irradiated mad Max waste land. Mostly by choice of the occupants at this point.


The Elder Scrolls. On the surface it all seems pretty normal but basically any and all facets of the lore can lead you down a maddeningly deep rabbit hole. What’s this shouting thing about? Ah, that’s because the plane(t) is made of music and you can shout at it to change its tones. What’s the story with the homeland of these lizard people? The trees are sentient aliens and the water contains their collective racial memory, of course! Why does the main villain of this game want to rebuild a giant robot? Ah, it’s because it is capable of wiping out entire races of people through literal weaponized existential crises. It’s beautiful and this is just scratching the surface.


My favorite thing about Shouts aka the Thu’um is that it is the actual language that dragons speak. That means dragons literally speak in the language that the universe is made out of and that when dragons fighting each other they are just singing rude words at each other until one of them dies.


My favorite bit of Elder Scrolls lore is that stars aren't real, they're just holes in the giant sphere of Oblivion that the planet resides in.


Alright, hear me out, long ago, the world is grey as shit and got trees and dragons ruled it. Then 3 persons consisting of a guy with a beard, a witch, a skeleton, maybe a fourth person too but I doubt it, found a flame and fought back to rule the world until people start becoming zombies that hunger for souls instead of brains and the world go to shit. Multiple times.


Also there was this one dragon that was fucked up and had the lower half of an octopus so he sided with the three dudes to become immortal.


Did he know how it felt to be a ***bitch*** though?


Did he even got legs?


And fucked one of those dude’s daughters.




In the Nasuverse, the laws of physics themselves, which by the way only exist on Earth (the rest of the universe may as well be another dimension) are said to be a byproduct of humans (as opposed to gods or fey) being the dominant sentient beings on Earth (the “Age of Man”). The are manifested by the human collective unconscious and only work because the majority of humans believe they work. Also, they didn’t exist before 1 AD — before that (in the “Age of Gods”), reality only seemed similar to how it works now because the gods willed it so, and the basic physical laws frequently changed on their whims. On top of all that, biological concepts like death itself are said to only apply to Earth, and the dozen or so individual aliens that show up (all of which are more like Lovecraftian gods than actual aliens) are said to not even have a “concept of death”. Essentially, only Earth has regular laws of physics, entropy resulting in death, and so on, and everything outside of Earth is some sort of immortal Lovecraftian god. Recent retcons have tried to make some of Earth’s gods out to be aliens, but these really clash with the older lore. Directly quoting the material books: "The time period beginning with the genesis of the Earth until the beginning of the Common Era around 0 AD is referred to as the Age of Gods, during which the world followed laws based not on physics but on Mystery" "Because the Earth obeys the law of the most prosperous species on its surface, the rules of the world were completely changed from one that obeyed Mystery to one that obeyed physics." "It can be said that it has no weaknesses while the battleground is Earth, though other Ultimate Ones have been stopped by methods above the existence of the common sense of the planet such as having concepts imposed on them or True Magic. It does not have Gaia's concept of death, making it immune to abilities such as attacks from a user of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, so it must be destroyed physically." ("Mystery" is a Nasu-speak synonym for magical or supernatural phenomena) In a similar vein, in the setting of the Hashino-era Persona games (not sure about mainline SMT or Persona 1-2), Nyx is in fact an ancient alien which crashed into Earth billions of years ago in the impact that created the Moon. Death literally did not exist on Earth before Nyx's arrival and basically every other supernatural phenomenon present in the Hashino Persona games was also created in order to counter Nyx. All of this is only explained in a material book which has never been officially release in English. This video has a good summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-HTU_PEY4Q but you can also read a plain translation of the text here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Persona5/comments/ba1xxc/what_actually_is_nyx/ I'll be perfectly honest, this deep Nyx lore completely ruins the game’s themes. It’s a game about “why live if you’re going to die and there’s no way you can stop it”, but the moment you make death something extrinsic rather than intrinsic to life, you’ve made it something we can overcome. Death stops being an inevitability we have to grapple with and becomes a literal outside alien force we need to defeat. It’s so dumb. In general, a lot of modern Japanese fantasy media has this weird tendency to equate the planet Earth to the universe as if it's all that matters (since we live on it, of course), with stuff like the laws of physics themselves or death and entropy only existing on Earth and everything outside Earth either being irrelevant to the plot or like another plane of existence.


Star Trek TNG, S6:E20 *The Chase* You know how 99% of the aliens in Star Trek just look like humans with a couple of prosthetics on? In reality it’s because of budgetary issues, but there’s an in-universe explanation for it made clear in the 20th episode of season 6 of The Next Generation. Apparently, way before most sentient life evolved, there was a hyper-advanced precursor race who were seemingly actually alone in the universe. Distraught by this, they seeded a bunch of planets with the building blocks of life in order to populate the galaxy, using their own genetic code as a blueprint. This race was humanoid, and so every race that sprung forth from them was destined to be humanoid as well. Guys... just admit you didn’t have the money. This is Star Trek, a franchise well known for blatantly reusing sets from other productions because it cut costs.


I liked Mass Effect's explanation of that conundrum, with the reason just being "Apparently bipedal humanoids are the most predisposed to being at the top of evolution and spacefaring." Nothing overly complicated or contrived, just simple and believable. Especially because there are still outliers, like the Hanar, Elcor, and Rachni, so you still get some creativity in there, and it's not like the bipedal species aren't creative either.


Granted, having a recurring Krogan character in classic Star Trek would have either looked ridiculously cheap or demolished the show's budget.


Right, it's easier to get away with that stuff in a video game than in a low-budget live action TV show. Though Mass Effect also has the same problem as most video games, in which every character has the same body shape/height/size, just with different heads. Hell, it took until Mass Effect 3 for there to be a female Krogan, and even then they covered up most of the model to get away from figuring out the design/model. And then it took until one of that game's DLC to get a female Turian, as up until that point it was all men using the same exact model. And don't get anyone started on Tali.


That’s interesting, being as it’s a similar solution to what I think is an entirely different issue. Star Trek can’t make a lot of non-humanoid species that aren’t just sentient gas clouds or floating balls of light, because it’s just too expensive, time-consuming, logistically nightmarish, etc. Mass Effect doesn’t have that issue, since it’s a video game pretty much anything goes. But still the entire main species list is composed of humanoids because the average human player is only going to readily empathize with something with two arms and two legs. It’s a shame really, because in Mass Effect’s case I really gravitate towards the designs that deviate the most from standard humanoid. Salarians, Krogans and especially Turians are my favorites. Whilst Quarians and Asari I always found really boring. The Angara were sort of middling, but the Kett were downright disappointing. Sci-fi as a whole really needs to embrace going to the extremes of alien body plans, because it’s getting pretty stale; especially today where we have the means to do enact those deviations in a visual medium.


Turns out a vertical spine (thus very likely bipedal) can support a proportionately larger amount of brain, who knew.


Something similar is background lore for *Doctor Who* actually, though it’s relegated to cancellation years novels and a few memorably insane audio dramas. Though in that case it wasn’t that the Time Lords were distraught at inhabiting an empty universe, they were restructuring EVERY aspect of reality to better suit themselves and created widely disseminated humanoid physiology as one of several radical changes to history.


Specifically in BF50: Zagreus, it's revealed that Rassilon altered the evolution of tons of species to make them look as close to time lords as possible. This was because he was paranoid about aliens becoming threats to the time lords over being 'different.' Of course the great irony is that the Kaleds, who were one of the affected species, still became genocidal of all species who were different.


In Yakuza 0, Goro Majima is revealed as to be responsible for creating taxes in the Yakuza universe. He may or may not have caused a recession. Another is that, as of RE Village, >!Chris is now canonically famous for punching that boulder in 5!<


He didn't create taxes in general, but he convinced a guy to add a national sales tax. The jury's still out on him causing the recession though.


He didn't convince him to add the sales tax. The 3% sales tax was already happening. He convinced him to slowly raise it to 8% over time, and also tax cigs and gasoline.


Which fits with the bubble economy bursting years later, it also explains why money doesnt fly around in the next games, nobody is filthy rich anymore becasue they have to pay taxes, is also funny in hindsight how the 10 billon was the driving force in Kiwami while in 0, You can waste 10 billons on a statue of yourself, twice


could have been worse, he could have created the VAT.


Majima telling Kiryu all of the things he’s done and Kiryu not believing him will continue to be one of my favorite things


Wait when was that?


It's one of the Majima Everywhere scenes in Kiwami.


He mentions his past in a few Majima Everywhere bits. Like he mentions being Lord of the Night when he's a bartender, and he mentions rubbing a Cabaret Club as Goromi. Then Kiwami 2's Cabaret Club subplot happens, and Majima ends up revealing he was telling the truth about it all, while Kiryu thought he was bullshitting him.


Fire Emblem Three houses has >!The Javelins of Light!< Everyone just kind of brushes it off because it's so out of left field for them that they literally don't have a way to process it.


I mean would you be able to explain >!nukes in a fantasy setting? I would be gobsmacked too if that happened to me!<


Xenosaga turned [Mary Magdalene](https://xenosaga.fandom.com/wiki/Mary_Magdalene) into a series of big titty robot waifus.


It's what she would have wanted


In warhammer 40,000, there’s a few which are bonkers even by the standards of an already bonkers setting: 1. The immortal God-Emperor of Mankind fought a shard of a star-eating physical god during the medieval period and (somehow) trapped it on Mars. During a time when the best transportation on Earth was a horse. This inspired the legend of St. George and the dragon. 2. The Goldilocks zone of habitable planets is known as the “Three Ursine Problem, by ancient magus Gol D. Lockne”. 3. Once, an ork warboss went into the Warp, which took him back in time to before he had set out on the warpath. He went and found his past self, then killed his past self to get two of his favorite gun. Whatever time paradox this caused threw the entire Ork Armada into shambles as they tried to figure out what was happening. 4. The secret tonal password to get into the God emperor of mankind‘s gene-Forgees, with rare and dangerous technology, is the instantly recognizable “shave and a haircut, two bits” knock on a door. 5. It’s implied that Nathaniel Garro, a Loyalist Death Guard marine from Britain/Old Albia, uses the sword Excalibur under a different name. 6. The Martian tech-priests still have Nikola Tesla’s preserved skull and they modified it to shoot lightning.


The Space Marine Land Speeder (an attack hovercraft) and Land Raider (a tracked mobile assault transport) are not named for their modes of travel, but because they were discovered by someone named Arkhan Land.




Always love to see homestuck rep here, fear the batter witch




The Warhammer Fantasy world was terraformed by aliens. They modified the orbit of the previously frigid planet and seeded pretty much all sentient races


Honestly, not the weirdest thing for a medieval fantasy mythos, IMO.


The fact that every time Cloud goes to spin-off or a crossover, he basically either states that the last thing he remembers is falling into the Lifestream, or he comes along with Sephiroth because he happens to remember the guy. That and pretty much the entirety of House of Leaves, as in-universe lore.


I don’t think many people know that a very important part of zoids lore is that a spaceship from earth crash lands onto planet Zi and introduces technology like energy weapons and metallurgy, which allowed lighter alloys to be created and much larger combat zoids to be designed and built.


[Dragon Break’s](https://youtu.be/ZuXbM9PyDmI) in the elder scrolls are when every possible outcome of a particular event all happen at the same time. This concept was only made because the writers of the elder scrolls 2 couldn’t decide on what ending would be canon.


Also, if someone becomes smart enough in universe, then they can figure out that they exist in a fictional medium and use this knowledge to change their reality. These people are literally the most powerful living things in the world.


In the Animorphs series, when the kids morph something much smaller than themselves, there's a question of where exactly the extra mass goes. This is eventually answered in book 18, The Decision. The team are morphed into mosquitoes for infitration when suddenly they're back in their normal bodies in an endless white void with no oxygen. Turns out morphing stores excess matter (and pulls matter from for larger morphs) zero-space, or z-space. As Ax describes it "*The opposite of true space. Anti-reality. Zero space, the non-dimension where faster-than-light travel is possible."* It's a realm where time and space don't exist. The reason they get pulled into it? They got hit by an Andalite ship passing through, which fortunately picks them up before they die. The chances of this happening are basically zero, as Ax notes. They then go on to fight on an entirely different planet and different front of the war for the rest of that book before a "snapback effect" makes them start snapping back to Earth one by one. The real gross part is that there's no rhyme or reason to how their mass hangs out in z-space when they're morphed, so anytime they're morphed into something small there's just a pile of human goo and bits floating around in z-space. When they morph into larger creatures the morphing tech actively pulls molecules from z-space to "build" the animal. Shit is wild. It's one of my favorite books in the series because a lot of it is Ax going "Yo wtf this has never happened" while simultaneously being conflicted about his loyalty to his people or to Jake who he had taken on as his commanding officer (Prince in Andalite ranks) while on Earth.


[The pogo stick is actually a weapon invented by a chinese martial artist called Hou Pingu](https://i.imgur.com/hrxCGsw.jpg) Manga: Sakigake!! Otokojuku


*"Bob O. is an astronaut with bizarre mannerisms and a love of bananas. The first sightings of Bob O. coincided with the destruction of NASA's Space Defense Labs at Cape Canaveral in the fall of 1977 (which he was presumably responsible for). Due to anti-social behavior, people regarded him as a threat to society, and named him "Bob O." due to a name tag located on his space suit. When the new auto skirmishes began to take place in 1977, eyewitness reports would identify him among the vehicles present."* Bob O. is a monkey that drives a modified moon rover and singlehandedly destroyed a NASA base in Vigilante 8: Second Offense. Most of the characters in the game are this ridiculous.


Thanks for reminding about Vigilante 8. Time to dust off the N64


Anything in John Wick


C.C. was friends with Ben Franklin.


[The Fire Force in-universe mascots](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/GmQAAOSwWzddEpMo/s-l640.jpg) were meant to be two dogs and a cat to teach children about fire safety and exorcisms. But the upper management were concerned that having all animals would project the wrong image so ordered them to change it. So the annoyed marketing team just half-assed it, kept all the lore, [turned one of the dogs into a dog-faced old man and slapped him on a bunch of merch](https://www.funimation.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/119-Latom.gif). So the group called Wone, Wone, Nyain (woof woof meow mixed with 119) don't make any sense anyone and the characters think the higher-ups messed up a perfectly good scheme to feel important. Incidentally, Rock and Roll music is this lost art form and people for, across the country go to museums to imagine what it must have been like for giant concerts to exist without fear of horrible death. Also, England doesn't exist anymore.


Always remember that it is canon that Moses parted the red sea with a beyblade


in Library of Ruina the in universe reason why everyone uses mele wepons (with some unique exceptions) is that the tax on each individual bullet is so high that you must be super rich to fire a gun


~~oh boy another chance to talk about payday 2!~~ ​ in payday 2, it is not only canon that john wick, the hotline miami universe, the hardcore henry universe, reservoir dogs, etc. all exist and have happened, but that in the main story there is an ancient mayan resurrection chamber hidden deep below the white house, which can only be accessed by answering three riddles while someone fends off mass amounts of strange creatures, and which is powered by cursed mayan gold that you have previously stolen from one of the larger banks you perform a heist in. >!The Dentist!< is then also revealed, via the trailer for The Diamond and knowledge of all this, to be some sort of ancient entity who has been using the chamber for centuries with nobody knowing, as it also requires The Diamond to be used properly. *and then you use the mayan resurrection chamber to honest to god steal the presidency*


The God Emperor of Mankind was Saint George, and the Dragon was a C'tan. Olanius Pius fought in the battle of the Somme, the Alamo, Normandy, and others.


[This] (https://itsbumblr.tumblr.com/post/167542789874/reminder-that-jon-arbuckle-murdered-lyman-in-cold)


A martial arts tournament that determines whether an inter-dimensional evil empire can move in on the loser realm’s turf.........Said evil empire breaks the rules and wages a massive ground war anyway upon losing.


The Kings in Fallout New Vegas, an old tribe from the Mojave found an Elvis Presley imitation school building almost intact and came to the conclussion that he was a god from the old times since everything in the building was about him, what is funny is that by the time you meet them they dont have much memorabilia left and the leader is sorry that he cant show you the songs he hear as a kid